
edge light Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Kantenlicht n photo.
das Licht fernhalten
obstruct the light
ein Werkzeug schärfen
edge a tool
gedämpftes Licht
dim light
high light
helles Licht
bright light
leicht, licht, Licht
light cargo
light goods
light industry
Licht zurückwerfen
reflect light
magere Schrift
light face
sich davonmachen
edge off
sich durchdrängen
edge one's way through a crowd
sich fortmachen
edge away
warning light
Vorteil, Kante, Rand
Abblendlicht n
dim light
Abblendlicht n
low beam light
Abendlicht n
sunset light
Abgrund m
Abgründe pl
sich am Rande eines Abgrundes befinden
am Rande des Abgrunds stehen
to be on the edge of a precipice
to stand on the edge of a precipice
Abrisskante f
Abrisskanten pl
tear-off edge
tear-off edges
Abschrägung f
Abschrägungen pl
chamfered edge
chamfered edges
Abströmkante f mach.
Abströmkanten pl
trailing edge
trailing edges
Ampel f, Verkehrsampel f, Lichtsignalanlage f
Ampeln pl, Verkehrsampeln pl, Lichtsignalanlagen pl
rotes Licht (an der Ampel)
bei Rot über die Ampel fahren
traffic light, traffic lights
traffic lights
stop light
to jump a red light coll.
Ampelmast m
Ampelmasten pl
traffic light post
traffic light posts
Anströmkante f techn.
Anströmkanten pl
leading edge
leading edges
Aufhellung f photo.
zur Aufklärung einer Sache beitragen
to throw light on sth. (on the matter)
Auflicht n, einfallendes Licht
incident light
Auflicht-Mikroskop n
reflected light microscope
Außenkante f
Außenkanten pl
outer edge
outer edges
Außenlicht n
outside light
Begrenzungsleuchte f
Begrenzungsleuchten pl
side light
side lights
Beisegel n naut.
Beisegel pl
light sail, additional sail
light sails, additional sails
Belichtungsmesser m
Belichtungsmesser pl
light meter
light meters
Berücksichtigung f
unter Berücksichtigung von
unter Berücksichtigung, anbetracht
unter Berücksichtigung des Allgemeinwohls
ohne Berücksichtigung von
ohne Berücksichtigung
unter Berücksichtigung aller Vorschriften
unter Berücksichtigung aller maßgeblichen Umstände
in consideration of
in due consideration of general public interest
without consideration for
regardless of
subject to all regulations
in the light of all the relevant circumstances
Bier n
Biere pl
helles Bier
dunkles Bier
Bier von Fass, Fassbier n
lager, light beer
brown ale, dark beer
draught beer, draft beer Am.
Blinker m, Blinkleuchte f auto
indicator, direction indicator, indicator light, winker
Blinkeranzeige f
indicator warning light
Blinkfeuer n
intermittent light
Blinkleuchte f
Blinkleuchten pl
flashing light
flashing lights
Blinklicht n auto
indicator light, flashing light
Bogenkante f, Feston n
scallop-edge, scallop
Bordsteinkante f
Bordsteinkanten pl
kerb, edge of the kerb Br., curb Am.
kerbs, edges of the kerb Br., curbs Am.
Bremsanlagenwarnlicht n techn.
brake system warning light
Bremslicht m, Bremsleuchte f auto
Bremslichter pl, Bremsleuchten pl
brake light, brake lamp
brake lights, brake lamps
Bremslicht m, Bremsleuchte f
Bremslichter pl, Bremsleuchten pl
stop light, stop lamp
stop lights
Büttenrandpapier m
deckle edge paper
Dachfenster n
Dachfenster pl
roof window, dormer, dormer window, roof-light, skylight
roof windows, dormers, dormer windows, roof-lights, skylights
Dachkante f
Dauerlichtelement n
continuous light element
Deckenleuchte f
Deckenleuchten pl
ceiling light
ceiling lights
Deckenoberlicht n
roof light
Diebstahlsicherungswarnleuchte f
Diebstahlsicherungswarnleuchten pl
anti-theft warning light
anti-theft warning lights
Durchlicht n
shining-through light
Eckverbindung f
Eckverbindungen pl
edge joint
edge joints
Fase f, Abfasung f, Schrägkante f, abgeschrägte Kante
chamfer, bevelled edge, bevel, bevelling
Feuer n
ein Feuer anzünden
ein Feuer machen
bengalisches Feuer
das Feuer schüren
to light a fire
to start a fire
Bengal light
to poke the fire
Flanke f
Flanken pl
abfallende Flanke
ansteigende Flanke
trailing edge
rising edge
Flankendetektor m
Flankendetektoren pl
edge detector
edge detectors
Flankenerkennung f
edge detection
Flutlicht n, Scheinwerfer m
flood light, floodlight
Führungslicht n photo.
Gasbeleuchtung f
gas light
Gegenlicht n photo.
Gepäck n, Reisegepäck n
mit leichtem Gepäck reisen
baggage, luggage Br.
to travel light
Glasfaserkabel n
light-wave cable
Glühbirne f, Birne f
Glühbirnen pl, Birnen pl
light bulb, bulb
light bulbs
Grundlicht n photo.
Halbdunkel n, Dämmerlicht n
Handschuhfachbeleuchtung f auto
glovebox light
Handschuhfachbeleuchtungsschalter m auto
glovebox light switch
Hauptakteur m
Hauptakteure pl
leading light
leading lights
Hecklicht n, Heckleuchte f
Hecklichter pl, Heckleuchten pl
tail light
tail lights
Hintergrundlicht n photo.
Imbiss m, Imbiß m alt, Brotzeit f Süddt.
snack, light meal
Innenlampe f auto
Innenlampen pl
courtesy light
courtesy lights
Innenleuchte f
Innenleuchten pl
interior lamp, inside light
interior lamps
Kante f, Zacke f, Ecke f
Kanten pl, Zacken pl, Ecken pl
scharfe Kante
sharp edge
Kantenlänge f
edge length
Kantenlicht n photo.
Kantenschoner m
Kantenschoner pl
edge protector
edge protectors
Kantenschutz m
edge protection
Kantenverrundung f comp.
edge fillet
Kerblochkarte f
edge-notched card
Kistchen n
light wooden box, small box
Kontrolllampe f, Kontrollampe f alt
active light
Kunstlicht n
artificial light
Längskante f
Längskanten pl
longitudinal edge
longitudinal edges
Landefeuer n, Landebefeuerung f
runway light
Leichtbaukomponente f
Leichtbaukomponenten pl
light constructional component
light constructional components
Leichtfaserplatte f
light building board
Leichtgüter pl
light goods
Leichtindustrie f
light industry
Leichtmetall n
light metal, light alloy
Leichtschwergewicht n sport
light heavyweight
Leichtwasserreaktor m
light water reactor
Lesestift m
Lesestifte pl
light pen
light pens
Leuchtdichte f
luminance, light density
Leuchtpatrone f mil.
Very light tm
Leuchtstofflicht n
fluorescent light
Leuchttisch m
Licht n
Lichter pl
Licht werfen auf
aktinisches Licht, Blaulicht n
to throw light on
actinic light
Lichtausbeute f
light yield
Lichtausschluss m
exclusion of light
Lichtdruck m phys.
light pressure
Lichtechtheit f
fastness to light
Lichteinfall m
Lichteinfälle pl
incidence of light
incidences of light
Lichteinwirkung f
action of light
Lichtemission f
Lichtemissionen pl
light emission
light emissions
Lichtempfindlichkeit f
sensitivity to light
Lichtermeer n
sea of light
Lichtfilter m
Lichtfilter pl
light filter
light filters
(mit) Lichtgeschwindigkeit f
(at) speed of light
Lichtgestalt f
Lichtgestalten pl
shining light
shining lights
Lichtintensität f
light intensity
Lichtjahr n
light year
Lichtkegel m
cone of light, beam of light, light beam
Lichtleiterstab m
light transmission bar
Lichtmühle f
Lichtquelle f
source of light
Lichtschacht m
Lichtschächte pl
light shaft, air shaft
light shafts, air shafts
Lichtschalter m
Lichtschalter pl
light switch
light switches
Lichtschimmer m
gleam of light
Lichtschranke f
Lichtschranken pl
light barrier
light barriers
Lichtsignal n
Lichtsignale pl
light signal
light signals
Lichtstärke f
luminous intensity, light intensity
Lichtstift m
light pen
Lichtstrahl m
beam of light
Lichtstreuung f
light scattering
Lichttherapie f
light therapy
Lichtverstärker m
light amplifier
Lichtwelle f
Lichtwellen pl
light wave
light waves
Lichtzeiger m, Zeigelampe f
light pointer
Linienlast f
knife-edge load
automatisches Löschen
Löschen mit ultraviolettem Licht
ultraviolet erasing, ultraviolet light erasing
Messer n
Messer pl
mit Messer und Gabel essen
Messer mit Wellenschliff
Messer aus Malaysia und Indonesien
jdm. das Messer an die Kehle setzen
jdm. das Messer an die Kehle setzen übtr.
auf des Messers Schneide stehen stehen übtr.
to eat with a knife and fork
serrated knife
to hold a knife to sb.'s throat
to hold so. at gunpoint fig.
to hang in the balance, to be balanced on a knife-edge
Messerschneide f
Messerschneiden pl
knife edge
knife edges
Nebellampe f, Nebelscheinwerfer m
fog lamp, fog light
Neonröhre f
strip light Br.
Oberkante f
Oberkante Podest
top edge, upper edge
top of the platform
Operette f mus.
Operetten pl
operetta, light opera
operettas, light operas
Panzerabwehrwaffe f mil.
Panzerabwehrwaffen pl
leichte Panzerabwehrwaffe
anti-tank weapon
anti-tank weapons
light anti-tank weapon
Parkleuchte f, Parklicht n auto
Parkleuchten pl, Parklichter pl
parking light
parking lights
Plattformkante f
edge of platform
Positionslicht n
Positionslichter pl
navigation light
navigation lights
Radpanzer m mil.
Radpanzer pl
light wheeled tank
light wheeled tanks
Rahmen m, Rand m
edge, border
Rand m, Saum m
am Rande von
at the edge of
Rand m, Grenze f, Einfassung f
Ränder pl
ohne Rand
am Rande des Untergangs stehen
gefährlich nahe am Rand des Abgrundes
border, edge
to be on the edge of disaster
on the ragged edge

edge light Definition

Bude light
() A light in which high illuminating power is obtained by introducing a jet of oxygen gas or of common air into the center of a flame fed with coal gas or with oil.
Drummond light
() A very intense light, produced by turning two streams of gas, one oxygen and the other hydrogen, or coal gas, in a state of ignition, upon a ball of lime
(v. t.) The thin cutting side of the blade of an instrument
(v. t.) Any sharp terminating border
(v. t.) Sharpness
(v. t.) The border or part adjacent to the line of division
(v. t.) To furnish with an edge as a tool or weapon
(v. t.) To shape or dress the edge of, as with a tool.
(v. t.) To furnish with a fringe or border
(v. t.) To make sharp or keen, figuratively
(v. t.) To move by little and little or cautiously, as by pressing forward edgewise
(v. i.) To move sideways
(v. i.) To sail close to the wind.
(n.) The thin, new growth around the edge of a shell, of an oyster.
(n.) Any thin, as on a board or a razor.
(a.) Alt. of Gilt-edged
(n.) A piece of steel sharpened to an acute edge or angle, and resting on a smooth surface, serving as the axis of motion of a pendulum, scale beam, or other piece required to oscillate with the least possible friction.
(n.) That agent, force, or action in nature by the operation of which upon the organs of sight, objects are rendered visible or luminous.
(n.) That which furnishes, or is a source of, light, as the sun, a star, a candle, a lighthouse, etc.
(n.) The time during which the light of the sun is visible
(n.) The brightness of the eye or eyes.
(n.) The medium through which light is admitted, as a window, or window pane
(n.) Life
(n.) Open view
(n.) The power of perception by vision.
(n.) That which illumines or makes clear to the mind
(n.) Prosperity
(n.) The manner in which the light strikes upon a picture
(n.) Appearance due to the particular facts and circumstances presented to view
(n.) One who is conspicuous or noteworthy
(n.) A firework made by filling a case with a substance which burns brilliantly with a white or colored flame
(superl) Having light
(superl) White or whitish
(n.) To set fire to
(n.) To give light to
(n.) To attend or conduct with a light
(v. i.) To become ignited
(v. i.) To be illuminated
(superl.) Having little, or comparatively little, weight
(superl.) Not burdensome
(superl.) Easy to be endured or performed
(superl.) Easy to be digested
(superl.) Not heavily armed
(superl.) Not encumbered
(superl.) Not heavily burdened
(superl.) Slight
(superl.) Well leavened
(superl.) Not copious or heavy
(superl.) Not strong or violent
(superl.) Not pressing heavily or hard upon

edge light Bedeutung

light adaptation the process of adjusting the eyes to relatively high levels of illumination, the pupil constricts and the cones system is operative
light show a display of colored lights moving in shifting patterns
light reflex
pupillary reflex
reflex contraction of the sphincter muscle of the iris in response to a bright light (or certain drugs) causing the pupil to become smaller
anchor light
riding light
riding lamp
a light in the rigging of a ship that is riding at anchor
arc lamp
arc light
a lamp that produces light when electric current flows across the gap between two electrodes
ballast light ballast an electrical device for starting and regulating fluorescent and discharge lamps
beacon lighthouse
beacon light
a tower with a light that gives warning of shoals to passing ships
wax light
stick of wax with a wick in the middle
deckle edge
rough edge left by a deckle on handmade paper or produced artificially on machine-made paper
edge a sharp side formed by the intersection of two surfaces of an object, he rounded the edges of the box
edge the outside limit of an object or area or surface, a place farthest away from the center of something, the edge of the leaf is wavy, she sat on the edge of the bed, the water's edge
edge tool any cutting tool with a sharp cutting edge (as a chisel or knife or plane or gouge)
fairy light a small colored light used for decoration (especially at Christmas)
fore edge
the part of a book that faces inward when the book is shelved, the part opposite the spine
klieg light carbon arc lamp that emits an intense light used in producing films
knife edge
cutting edge
the sharp cutting side of the blade of a knife
leading edge forward edge of an airfoil
light source
any device serving as a source of illumination, he stopped the car and turned off the lights
light arm a rifle or pistol
light bulb
incandescent lamp
electric light
electric-light bulb
electric lamp consisting of a transparent or translucent glass housing containing a wire filament (usually tungsten) that emits light when heated by electricity
light circuit
lighting circuit
wiring that provides power to electric lights
light-emitting diode
diode such that light emitted at a p-n junction is proportional to the bias current, color depends on the material used
light igniter
a device for lighting or igniting fuel or charges or fires, do you have a light?
light filter
diffusing screen
a transparent filter that reduces the light (or some wavelengths of the light) passing through it
light machine gun a submachine gun not greater than . millimeter
light meter
exposure meter
photographic equipment that measures the intensity of light
light microscope microscope consisting of an optical instrument that magnifies the image of an object
light pen
electronic stylus
(computer science) a pointer that when pointed at a computer display senses whether or not the spot is illuminated
calcium light
a lamp consisting of a flame directed at a cylinder of lime with a lens to concentrate the light, formerly used for stage lighting
navigation light light on an airplane that indicates the plane's position and orientation, red light on the left (port) wing tip and green light on the right (starboard) wing tip
night-light light (as a candle or small bulb) that burns in a bedroom at night (as for children or invalids)
organic light-emitting diode
a self-luminous diode (it glows when an electrical field is applied to the electrodes) that does not require backlighting or diffusers
panel light a light to illuminate an instrument panel
pilot burner
pilot light pilot
small auxiliary gas burner that provides a flame to ignite a larger gas burner
pilot light
pilot lamp
indicator lamp
indicator consisting of a light to indicate whether power is on or a motor is in operation
razor edge an edge that is as sharp as the cutting side of a razor
room light light that provides general illumination for a room
running light
light carried by a boat that indicates the boat's direction, vessels at night carry a red light on the port bow and a green light on the starboard bow
strobe light
scientific instrument that provides a flashing light synchronized with the periodic movement of an object, can make moving object appear stationary
tail lamp
rear light
rear lamp
lamp (usually red) mounted at the rear of a motor vehicle
theater light any of various lights used in a theater
trailing edge the rear edge of an airfoil
vigil light
vigil candle
a candle lighted by a worshiper in a church
inappropriate levity, her mood changed and she was all lightness and joy
sweetness and light a mild reasonableness, when he learned who I was he became all sweetness and light
the visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures, he could paint the lightest light and the darkest dark
sparkle twinkle
merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance, he had a sparkle in his eye, there's a perpetual twinkle in his eyes
primary color for light
primary colour for light
any of three primary colors of light from which all colors can be obtained by additive mixing, the primary colors for light are red, blue, and green
primary subtractive color for light
primary subtractive colour for light
any of the three colors that give the primary colors for light after subtraction from white light, the primary subtractive colors for light are magenta, cyan, and yellow
light brown a brown that is light but unsaturated
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