
effect related Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Immissionsgrenzkonzentration f envir.
effect-related limit concentration
Auswirkung auf die Beschäftigung
effect on employment
Auswirkung der Krise
effect of the crisis
effect on employment
employment effect
bindende Wirkung
binding effect
demonstration effect
die Bank muß dies mitteilen
the bank must give notice to this effect
durch einen Zusatz
by adding words to this effect
eine Hypothek aufnehmen
effect a mortgage
eine Versicherung abschließen
effect an insurance
einen Kompromiss zustande bringen
effect a compromise
income effect
expansion effect
colour effect
Gesetz von Ursache und Wirkung
law of cause and effect
band wagon effect
in Beziehung stehend
kumulative Wirkung
cumulative effect
mit Wirkung vom
with effect from
related costs
secondary effect
net effect
oder Worte ähnlicher Bedeutung
or words of similar effect
Police ausstellen
effect a policy
related to practice
rechtliche Auswirkungen
legal effect
Rechtswirksamkeit eines Dokuments
legel effect of a document
schwache Wirkung
poor effect
substitution effect
Ursache und Wirkung
cause and effect
Verknüpfungseffekt, Verkettungseffekt
linkage effect
Versicherung abschließen
effect a policy
Versicherung abschließen
effect insurance
versteckte Wirkung
hidden effect
carry into effect
advertising effect
wirksam werden
take effect
Wirkung, bewirken
Zahlung leisten
effect a payment
zum Zwecke der Ausführung
for the purposes of giving effect
zweite Versicherung eingehen
effect a second policy
Abschirmeffekt m
shielding effect
Abschreckwirkung f, Kühlwirkung f
chilling effect
Anstoßeffekt m
Aufholeffekt m
catch-up effect
Auswirkung f (auf), Folge f, Ergebnis n
Auswirkungen pl, Folgen pl, Ergebnisse pl
effect (on)
Batik-Effekt m textil.
batik effect
Bedarfsprüfung f
needs-related examination
Beeinträchtigung f
adverse effect
Bernoulli-Effekt m phys.
Bernoulli effect
Beschaffungskriminalität f
drug-related crime
Blendwirkung f
dazzling effect
Bremswirkung m
braking effect
Corioliskraft f, Coriolis-Kraft f phys.
Coriolis force, Coriolis effect
Desinfektionswirkung f
Desinfektionswirkungen pl
disinfectant effect
disinfectant effects
Dominoeffekt m
domino effect
Dominoeffekt m
knock on effect
Dopplereffekt m phys.
Doppler effect
Drogentote m f , Drogentoter
drug-related death
Dünnungseffekt m
diluting effect
Effekt m
Effekte pl
Effektgarn n
effect yarn
Effekthascherei f
straining after effect
Eingruppierungskatalog m für Patienten (DRG)
Healthcare Resource Groups (HRG) Br., Disease Related Groups (DRG)
Einzelkosten pl
product-related costs
Erwartungseffekt m
Erwartungseffekte pl
expectancy effect
expectancy effects
Federwirkung f
spring effect
Fehlereinflussanalyse f
fault effect analysis
Feldeffekttransistor m (FET)
Feldeffekttransistoren pl
field-effect transistor
field-effect transistors
Fernwirkung f
Fernwirkungen pl
long-distance effect
long-distance effects
Folgenerscheinung f
after effect
Frage f, Problem n, Punkt m, Streitpunkt m, Sachverhalt m
kontroverse Frage f
einen Sachverhalt anschneiden
auf eine Frage eingehen
strittige Frage f, der strittige Punkt
die damit zusammenhängenden Fragen
in einer Frage zwischen zwei Lagern schwanken
keine Probleme, kein Thema, nicht der Rede wert
bekannte Probleme
contentious issue
to raise an issue
to address the issue of
the point at issue
the related issues
to straddle an issue Am.
no issues
known issues
Gärwirkung f
fermentational effect
Gegenläufigkeit f
contra effect
Gegenwirkung f
Gegenwirkungen pl
counteraction, counter-effect
counteractions, counter-effects
Gesamtwirkung f
Gesamtwirkungen pl
cumulative effect
cumulative effects
Giftwirkung f
toxic effect
Gründereffekt m biol.
founder effect
Hebelkraft f, Hebelwirkung f
leverage, leverage effect
Inkrafttreten n
coming into effect
Katalysator-Rückwirkung f
catalytic converter feedback effect
Kerbwirkung f
stress concentration, notch effect
Klappmessereffekt m
jack-knifing effect
Kontrastwirkung f
contrasting effect
Kostendämpfungseffekt m
Kostendämpfungseffekte pl
cost dampening effect
cost dampening effects
Kraft f, Gültigkeit f
gültig sein, in Kraft sein
gültig werden, wirksam werden, in Kraft treten
in Kraft treten
to be in effect
to come into effect
to go into effect
eine Kunstpause machen
pause for effect
Langzeitwirkung f
Langzeitwirkungen pl
long-term effect
long-term effects
Lichteffekt m
Lichteffekte pl
lighting effect
lighting effects
Liquiditätseffekt m
availability effect
Makuladegeneration f med.
altersbedingte Makuladegeneration
macular degeneration
age-related macular degeneration
Multiplikatoreffekt m, Multiplikatorwirkung f
disseminator effect
Nachbarwirkung f der Fasern
fibre interference effect
Nachwirkungen pl
ripple effect
Nebenerscheinung f, Nebeneffekt m
Nebenerscheinungen pl
side effect
side effects
Nebenwirkung f, Seiteneffekt m
Nebenwirkungen pl, Seiteneffekte pl
side effect, byeffect
side effects, byeffects
Nettoergebnis n
net result, net effect
Problemprognose f
problem-related forecasting
Qualitätsverbindlichkeiten pl
quality-related liabilities
Radikalkur f
eine Radikalkur machen
drastic cure, drastic measures
to effect a radical cure
Randgängigkeit f chem.
wall effect
Rebound-Effekt m, Rückprall-Effekt m
rebound effect
Rechtskraft m
legal effect
Rote-Augen-Effekt m
red eye effect
Rückwirkung f
retroactive effect
Saugwirkung f
Saugwirkungen pl
suction effect
suction effects
Signalwirkung f
announcement effect
Spätschaden m
long-term damage, late side-effect
Spiegelwirkung f
mirror effect
Sprengwirkung f
explosive effect
Steckverbinder m electr.
Steckverbinder pl
angegossener Steckverbinder
anwendungsspezifischer Steckverbinder
berührungssicherer Steckverbinder
fester Steckverbinder
freier Steckverbinder
gasdichter Steckverbinder
geschirmter Steckverbinder
hoch beanspruchbarer Steckverbinder
komponentenseitiger Steckverbinder
rechteckiger Steckverbinder
schwimmend befestigter Steckverbinder
tauchfester Steckverbinder
umweltbeständiger Steckverbinder
vorgerasteter Steckverbinder
Steckverbinder mit Bajonett-Verschluss
Steckverbinder mit Drehverriegelung
Steckverbinder für Chipkarten
Steckverbinder für direktes Stecken
Steckverbinder für direktes Stecken
Steckverbinder für gedruckte Schaltungen
Steckverbinder für Leiterplattenmontage
Steckverbinder mit Schnellkupplung
Steckverbinder mit Zentralschraube
plug connector, circuit connector, male connector
plug connectors, circuit connectors, male connectors
one-piece connector
application related connector
non-touchable connector
fixed connector
free connector, plug straight
sealed connector
shielded connector
heavy-duty connector
assembled connector
rectangular connector
float mounted connector
submersible connector
environment-resistant connector
pre-assembled connector
bayonet nut connector (BNC, Bajonet Neill Concelman)
twist-on connector
smart card connectors
edge board connector
edge-socket connector
printed circuit types
board-mounted connector
quick disconnect connector
connector with center screw
Steuerung f
sicherheitsgerichtete Steuerung f
analoge Steuerung, Analogsteuerung f
asynchrone Steuerung f
binäre Steuerung f
digitale Steuerung f
konventionelle Steuerung
synchrone Steuerung f
safety-related control
analog control, analogue control
non-clocked control
binary control
digital control
conventional control
clocked control
Tiefenwirkung f
depth effect
Tieftemperatureffekt m
low temperature effect
Trägerspeichereffekt m
hole-storage effect
Treibhauseffekt m
greenhouse effect
Treppeneffekt m, Aliasing n comp.
staircase effect, stairstepping, jaggies, aliasing
Ãœberraschungseffekt m
surprise effect
Ursache f, Grund m, Anlass m, Auslöser m
Ursachen pl, Gründe pl, Anlässe pl, Auslöser pl
Ursache und Wirkung
cause and effect
Ursache-Wirkungskette f
Ursache-Wirkungsketten pl
Verfremdungseffekt m
Verfremdungseffekte pl
alienation effect
alienation effects
Waschbretteffekt m
washboard effect
Werbewirkung f
advertising effect, advertising impact
Wirkung f, Eindruck m (auf)
Wirkungen pl, Eindrücke pl
sich allmählich ausbreitende Wirkung
Wirkung erlangen
abschreckende Wirkung
mit der Folge, dass
effect (on)
ripple effect
to take effect, to become effective
deterrent effect
with the effect that
Witterungseinfluss m
durch Witterungseinflüsse beschädigt
influence of weather, effect of the weather
Zielgröße f
objective criterion, effect variable
sich dahin gehend äußern, dass ...
to make a comment to the effect that
altersbedingt adj
angeheiratet adj
related by marriage
anverwandt adj
related, akin, affined
anwenderbezogen adj
auditiv adj, das Gehör betreffend med.
auditory, hearing-related
berichten, erzählen v
berichtend, erzählend
berichtet, erzählt
berichtet, erzählt
berichtete, erzählte
to relate
beruflich bedingt
bewirken, zu Stande bringen, bewerkstelligen v
bewirkend, zu Stande bringend, bewerkstelligend
bewirkt, zu Stande gebracht, bewerkstelligt
to effect
sich beziehen (auf), in Verbindung bringen, in Beziehung setzen (mit)
sich beziehend, in Verbindung bringend, in Beziehung setzend
sich bezogen, in Verbindung gebracht, in Beziehung gesetzt
es bezieht sich
es bezog sich
to relate (to, with)
it relates
it related
biliär adj, Gallen... med.
biliary, bile-related
bronchopulmonal, Lungen... med.
bronchopulmonary, chest-related
buccal, zur Wange gehörend med.
buccal, cheek-related
chromosomal adj, die Chromosomen betreffend med.
chromosomal, chromosome-related
to that effect
der Mann und dessen Frau
der Treibhauseffekt und dessen Folgen
his, its
the man and his wife
the greenhouse effect and its consequences
durchführen, ausführen v
durchführend, ausführend
durchgeführt, ausgeführt
führt durch, führt aus
führte durch, führte aus
to effect

Deutsche Immissionsgrenzkonzentration {f} [envir.] Synonyme

Englische effect-related limit concentration Synonyme

effect related Definition

(n.) Execution
(n.) Manifestation
(n.) In general: That which is produced by an agent or cause
(n.) Impression left on the mind
(n.) Power to produce results
(n.) Consequence intended
(n.) The purport
(n.) Reality
(n.) Goods
(v. t.) To produce, as a cause or agent
(v. t.) To bring to pass
(imp. & p. p.) of Relate
(p. p. & a.) Allied by kindred
(p. p. & a.) Standing in relation or connection
(p. p. & a.) Narrated
(p. p. & a.) Same as Relative, 4.

effect related Bedeutung

field-effect transistor
a transistor in which most current flows in a channel whose effective resistance can be controlled by a transverse electric field
ground-effect machine
a craft capable of moving over water or land on a cushion of air created by jet engines
an outward appearance, he made a good impression, I wanted to create an impression of success, she retained that bold effect in her reproductions of the original painting
effect force (of a law) having legal validity, the law is still in effect
law of effect (psychology) the principle that behaviors are selected by their consequences, behavior having good consequences tends to be repeated whereas behavior that leads to bad consequences is not repeated
effect an impression (especially one that is artificial or contrived), he just did it for effect
sound effect an effect that imitates a sound called for in the script of a play
special effect an effect used to produce scenes that cannot be achieved by normal techniques (especially on film)
stage effect a special effect created on the stage
the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work
event issue
a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon, the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise, his decision had depressing consequences for business, he acted very wise after the event
bandwagon effect the phenomenon of a popular trend attracting even greater popularity, in periods of high merger activity there is a bandwagon effect with more and more firms seeking to engage in takeover activity, polls are accused of creating a bandwagon effect to benefit their candidate
butterfly effect the phenomenon whereby a small change at one place in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere, e.g., a butterfly flapping its wings in Rio de Janeiro might change the weather in Chicago
coattails effect (politics) the consequence of one popular candidate in an election drawing votes for other members of the same political party, he counted on the coattails effect to win him the election
Coriolis effect (physics) an effect whereby a body moving in a rotating frame of reference experiences the Coriolis force acting perpendicular to the direction of motion and to the axis of rotation, on Earth the Coriolis effect deflects moving bodies to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere
domino effect the consequence of one event setting off a chain of similar events (like a falling domino causing a whole row of upended dominos to fall)
knock-on effect a secondary or incidental effect
placebo effect any effect that seems to be a consequence of administering a placebo, the change is usually beneficial and is assumed result from the person's faith in the treatment or preconceptions about what the experimental drug was supposed to do, pharmacologists were the first to talk about placebo effects but now the idea has been generalized to many situations having nothing to do with drugs
position effect (genetics) the effect on the expression of a gene that is produced by changing its location in a chromosome
side effect
any adverse and unwanted secondary effect, a strategy to contain the fallout from the accounting scandal
ground effect apparent increase in aerodynamic lift experienced by an aircraft flying close to the ground
greenhouse effect
greenhouse warming
warming that results when solar radiation is trapped by the atmosphere, caused by atmospheric gases that allow sunshine to pass through but absorb heat that is radiated back from the warmed surface of the earth
piezoelectric effect
piezo effect
electricity produced by mechanical pressure on certain crystals (notably quartz or Rochelle salt), alternatively, electrostatic stress produces a change in the linear dimensions of the crystal
skin effect the tendency of high-frequency alternating current to distribute near the surface of a conductor
Doppler effect
Doppler shift
change in the apparent frequency of a wave as observer and source move toward or away from each other
Tyndall effect the phenomenon in which light is scattered by very small particles in its path, it makes a beam of light visible, the scattered light is mainly blue
effect a symptom caused by an illness or a drug, the effects of sleep loss, the effect of the anesthetic
side effect a secondary and usually adverse effect of a drug or therapy, severe headaches are one of the side effects of the drug
take effect go into effect or become effective or operative, The new law will take effect next month
set up
produce, The scientists set up a shock wave
effect f act so as to bring into existence, effect a change
in effect(p)
in force(p)
exerting force or influence, the law is effective immediately, a warranty good for two years, the law is already in effect (or in force)
safety-related providing or ensuring safety
related connected by kinship, common origin, or marriage
cognate consanguine
related by blood
related related to being connected either logically or causally or by shared characteristics , painting and the related arts, school-related activities, related to micelle formation is the...ability of detergent actives to congregate at oil-water interfaces
age-related changing (increasing or decreasing) as an individual's age increases
in effect
in actuality or reality or fact, she is effectively his wife, in effect, they had no choice
to that effect with that general meaning, she said something to that effect
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