
electro installation Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Elektroinstallation f techn. electr.
Elektroinstallationsplanung f electr.
electro-installation planning
Aufstellung einer Maschine
installation of a machine
infrastructure installation
Installation, Anlage
Installationskosten, Aufstellkosten
installation costs
Installierung, Montagearbeit
installation work
low tension installation
sprinkler installation
Termin für die Installation, Aufstellungstag
installation date
Anlage f
Anlagen pl
elektrische Anlagen
technische Anlagen
electrical installations
technical installations
Anlagentechnik f
installation engineering
Anlagenteil m
plant section, system section, installation section
Aufputzmontage f
installation on wall
Aufstellfläche f
installation surface
Controller m, Steuerung f techn.
analoge Steuerung
elektrohydraulische Steuerung f
freiprogrammierbare Steuerung
speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung f (SPS)
analog controller
electro-hydraulic controller
programmable controller
programmable logic controller (PLC)
Einbau m, Montage f
installation, fitting
Einbaulage f
mounting position, installation position
Einbautiefe f
installation depth
Einbauverhältnisse pl
installation dimensions
Einbauzeichnung f
installation drawing
Einrichtung f
Elektroakustik f
Elektroinstallation f
electrical installation
Freiluftaufstellung f
outdoor installation
Funkanlage f
Funkanlagen pl
radio installation
radio installations
Gasinstallation f
gas installation
Hinterwandmontage f
rear panel installation
Installation f
Installationen pl
automatisches Installations- und Diagnosesystem
automated installation and diagnostic service
Installationskosten pl
installation costs
Installationsmaterial n
installation material
Installationsqualifizierung f
installation qualification (IQ)
Installationsteile pl
installation parts
Installationsübersicht f
installation summary
Installierung f
Klanginstallation f
Klanginstallationen pl
sound installation
sound installations
Kundendienst m, Kundenservice m econ.
technischer Kundendienst
customer service, service, after-sales service
after installation service
Lagereinbau m
bearing installation
Montagebeginn m
installation start
Montagehinweis m, Montagehinweise pl
installation information
Montageleitung f
installation department
Montageplan m
Montagepläne pl
installation plan
installation plans
Montagevorrichtung f techn.
installation device, installation equipment
Ölfeuerungsanlage f
Ölfeuerungsanlagen pl
oil burning installation
oil burning installations
Regler m
adaptiver Regler
elektrisch-hydraulischer Regler
controller, control
adaptive controller
electro-hydraulic controller
Schocktherapie f
(electro-) shock therapy
Selbsteinbau m
do-it-yourself installation
Starkstromanlage f electr.
Starkstromanlagen pl
electrical power installation
electrical power installations
Telefonanlage f, Fernsprechanlage f
Telefonanlagen pl, Fernsprechanlagen pl
telephone switchboard, telephone installation
telephone switchboards, telephone installations
Wasseranlage f
Wasseranlagen pl
water installation
water installations
Alarmanlageninstallation f mach.
alarm system installation
Alarmanlagensysteme pl mach.
alarm system installation equipment
Auftragsschweissautomaten pl mach.
electro-surfacing automats
technischer Kundendienst
after installation service
radio installation
Alarmanlage f; Alarmeinrichtung f; Alarmsystem n
Alarmanlagen pl; Alarmeinrichtungen pl; Alarmsysteme pl
Autoalarmanlage f auto.
Punktquellen-Alarmsystem n
alarm equipment; alarm device; alarm installation; alarm system
alarm equipments; alarm devices; alarm installations; alarm systems
car alarm device; car alarm system
point source alarm system
Amtseinführung f; Einsetzung f in sein Amt adm.
installation; induction into office
Anlage f
Anlagen pl
elektrische Anlagen
technische Anlagen
wissenschaftliche Forschungsanlagen
electrical installations
technical installations
scientific research installations
Anlagenteil m
Anlagenteile pl
plant section; system section; installation section
plant sections; system sections; installation sections
Aufstellfläche f
Aufstellflächen pl
installation surface
installation surfaces
Bauraum m
installation space
Beleuchtungsanlage f
Beleuchtungsanlagen pl
lighting installation; lighting plant
lighting installations; lighting plants
Controller m; Steuerung f techn.
analoge Steuerung
elektrohydraulische Steuerung f
freiprogrammierbare Steuerung
speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung f SPS
analog controller
electro-hydraulic controller
programmable controller
programmable logic controller PLC
Degorgieranlage f; Enthefungsanlage f cook.
installation for the removal of sediment from sparkling wine
Einbau m; Montage f
installation; fitting
Einbaulage f
mounting position; installation position
Einbaurahmen m
Einbaurahmen pl
mounting frame; installation frame
mounting frames; installation frames
Einbauzeichnung f
Einbauzeichnungen pl
installation drawing
installation drawings
Elektrofirma f; Elektrounternehmen n
Elektrofirmen pl; Elektrounternehmen pl
electrical installation company
electrical installation companies
Elektroinstallation f electr.
electrical installation
Elektroosmose f phys.
Feuchtraumkabel n electr.
Feuchtraumkabel pl
damp-proof installation cable
damp-proof installation cables
Fronteinbau m; Frontanbau m
front installation
Funkenerosion f; Senkerodieren n; funkenerosives Abtragen Senken n techn.
electric discharge machining; electro-discharge machining EDM ; electric spark machining; electrical erosion; electro-erosion
Gleisanlage f transp.
Gleisanlagen pl
track system; track installation
track systems; track installations
Großraum ...
Großraumheizung f
Großraum-Verkehrsflugzeug n
large-capacity ...; high-capacity ...
large-capacity heating installation
high-capacity air carrier
Hausinstallation f
domestic installation
Hinterwandmontage f
rear-panel installation
Inbetriebnahme f; Inbetriebsetzung f (Anlage Kraftwerk Maschine) techn.
Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme
commissioning (plant power station machine)
installation and commissioning
Installationsmaterial n; Installationszubehör n techn.
installation material; installation accessories
Installationsmedium n comp.
Installationsmedien pl
vom Installationsmedium (aus) hochstarten
installation medium
installation media
to boot from the installation medium
Installationsqualifizierung f
installation qualification IQ
Installationstechnik f
installation engineering
Installationsteil n
Installationsteile pl
installation part
installation parts
Kühlmaschine f mach.
Kühlmaschinen pl
refrigerating machine; refrigerating installation; mechanical refrigerator
refrigerating machines; refrigerating installations; mechanical refrigerators
Kundendienst m; Kundenservice m econ.
technischer Kundendienst
customer service; service
after installation service
Kundennachbetreuung f econ.
after-sales service; after installation service
Montagehinweis m; Montagehinweise pl
installation information
Montageverschraubung f techn.
installation fitting
Montagevorrichtung f techn.
installation device; installation equipment
Nassaufstellung f (Pumpe) techn.
wetpit installation; wetwell installation (pump)
Parallelinstallation f comp.
Parallelinstallationen pl
parallel installation
parallel installations
Regler m
Regler pl
adaptiver Regler
elektrisch-hydraulischer Regler
controller; control
controllers; controls
adaptive controller
electro-hydraulic controller
Rohrverlegung f
piping; pipe laying; pipe installation
Routing n; Leitweglenkung f telco. comp.
Einrichtung der Leitweglenkung
routing; line routing
installation of line routing
Scheibentauchkörper m (Abwasseranlage)
biological disc Br. disk Am.; biodisc tm (sewage installation)
Scheibentauchtropfkörper m (Abwasseranlage)
rotating biological disc Br. disk Am. contractor; disc-type Br. disk-type trickling filter (sewage installation)
Telefonanlage f; Fernsprechanlage f telco.
Telefonanlagen pl; Fernsprechanlagen pl
telephone switchboard; telephone installation
telephone switchboards; telephone installations
Torwache f (Eingangskontrolle; Zugangskontrolle; Zutrittskontrolle) mil.
gate guard Br.; installation entry controller Am.
Verkehrseinrichtung f auto
Verkehrseinrichtungen pl
traffic installation
traffic installations
Whirlpooleinbau m; Whirlpoolinstallation f
whirlpool installation
eine Elektroinstallation betätigen; auslösen v electr.
betätigend; auslösend
betätigt; ausgelöst
einen Schalter betätigen
den Alarm auslösen (Sache)
to trip an electric installation
to trip a switch
to trip the alarm (thing)
denkbar (+ adj) adv
Die Anmeldung ist denkbar einfach.
Das Verfahren ist denkbar einfach.
Die Installation geht denkbar schnell.
Die politischen Voraussetzungen sind denkbar günstig.
Er ist für diese Aufgabe denkbar ungeeignet.
Die meisten Materialien sind denkbar einfach zu bekommen.
Er hat den denkbar schlechtesten Eindruck auf ihren Papa gemacht.
not hardly (+ comparative adjective)
Registering could hardly be easier simpler.
The procedure is simplicity itself.
Installation could not be quicker.
The political conditions could not hardly be more favourable.
He could not be less suited to the task.
Most of the materials could hardly be easier to come by.
He made the worst possible impression on her dad.
derselbe; dieselbe; dasselbe pron
genau derselbe
ein und derselbe
ein und dieselbe Person
auf derselben Marktseite
Noch mal dasselbe bitte! ugs.
Es ist überall dasselbe.
Die Demoinstallation ist eigentlich praktisch dasselbe wie eine vollwertige Version mit einigen wenigen Einschränkungen.
the same
the very same
one and the same
one and the same person
on the same side of the market
Same again please!
It's the same wherever you go.
The demo installation is actually virtually the same as a fully-fledged version with a few restrictions.
galvanisch adv techn.
etw. galvanisch verbleien
etw. galvanisch vergolden
etw. galvanisch verkupfern
etw. galvanisch verzinken
etw. galvanisch vernickeln
etw. galvanisch verzinnen
galvantisch behandelt
galvantisch gefällt
galvanisch isoliert
galvanisch verbunden
galvanisch vergoldetes Metall
by electroplating
to lead sth.
to electrogild sth.
to electrocopper sth.
to electrogalvanize sth.
to electroplate sth. with nickel
to electroplate sth. with tin
plated; electroplated
electro-deposited; electrolytic(al)
electrically isolated
electrically connected
gold-plated metal
platzsparend; raumsparend adj
raumsparende Montage
space saving; space-saving
space-saving installation
Balkonanlage f mach.
Balkonanlagen pl
balcony; balcony arrangement; balcony installation
Bandschmieranlage f chem. techn.
Bandschmieranlage f
Bandschmieranlage f
belt lubricating system
belt lubricating device
belt lubricating installation
Brandmeldeanlagenmontage f techn. mach.
fire detection system installation
Computerinstallation f
computer installation
Computermontage f
computer installation
Deckeneinbau m
ceiling installation
Doppelbodenmontage f
raised floor installation
Elektroerosionsanlage f mach.
electro erosion plant
Elektrohubzylinder m mach.
electro lifting cylinder
Elektrohydraulik f electr.
elektrohydraulisch adj techn.
Elektroimpulsschrauber m electr.
electro impact wrench
Elektroindikator m electr.
Elektroinstallationsanlage f mach.
electrical installation plant
Elektroinstallationsarbeiten pl
electrical installation work
Elektroinstallationsindustrie f electr.
electricity installation industry
Elektroinstallationsmaterial n electr.
electrical installation material
Elektroinstallationsmaterialien m electr.
electricity installation materials
Elektroinstallationsplanung f electr.
electro-installation planning
Elektroinstallationsprodukt n techn.
electrical installation product
Elektromechanikbaugruppe f techn. mach.
electro mechanical assembly
Elektroinstallation f techn. electr.
elektropneumatische Ventile f techn.
electro-pneumatic valves
Elektropresse f techn. mach.
electro press
Einbauort m
Einbauort m
Einbauort m
mounting location; installation location
location of installation
place of installation
Aufstellort m
installation location
Einbausituation f
Einbausituation f
installation situation
installation conditions
Einbausatz m; Montagesatz m
Einbausätze m; Montagesätze pl
installation kit
installation kits
Einbaustelle f
installation point; installation location
Absperrschieber m; Ablassschieber m; Schieber m (in Rohrleitungen)
Straßenabsperrschieber m
Keilflachschieber m; Keilschieber m
Kleilrundschieder m; Rundschieber m
sluice valve (in pipelines)
sluice valve for underfloor installation
sluice valve with flat body
sluice valve with round body
Alarmanlage f; Alarmeinrichtung f; Alarmsystem n
Alarmanlagen pl; Alarmeinrichtungen pl; Alarmsysteme pl
Autoalarmanlage f auto
Punktquellen-Alarmsystem n
alarm equipment; alarm device; alarm installation; alarm system
alarm devices; alarm installations; alarm systems
car alarm device; car alarm system
point source alarm system
Amtseinführung f; Einsetzung f in sein Amt adm.
installation; induction into office
Anlage f
Anlagen pl
elektrische Anlagen
kerntechnische Anlagen
technische Anlagen
wissenschaftliche Forschungsanlagen
electrical installations
nuclear installations
technical installations
scientific research installations
Einspeisezähler m (Solaranlage) electr.
Einspeisezähler pl
feed-in meter (solar installation)
feed-in meters
Elektroerodieren n; Elektroerosion f; Funkenerodieren n; Funkenerosion f; funkenerosives Abtragen Senken n; Senkerodieren n techn.
electric discharge machining; electro-discharge machining EDM ; electric spark machining; electrical erosion; electro-erosion
Entaschungsanlage f (Feuerstätte)
Entaschungsanlagen pl
ash removal installation; bottom-ash handling plant (firing place)
ash removal installations; bottom-ash handling plants
Enthefungsanlage f; Degorgieranlage f (Sektherstellung) agr.
Enthefungsanlagen pl; Degorgieranlagen pl
installation for the removal of sediment from sparkling wine
installations for the removal of sediment from sparkling wine
eine Elektroinstallation (ungewollt) auslösen; betätigen v electr.
versehentlich den Lichtschalter betätigen das Licht einschalten
Jemand hat die Alarmanlage den Alarm ausgelöst.
to trip an electric installation
to trip the light switch
Someone tripped the alarm.
Funkenerosionsmaschine f; Erodiermaschine f techn.
Funkenerosionsmaschinen pl; Erodiermaschinen pl
Drahterodiermaschine f
eroding machine; electric discharge machine; electro-discharge machine; EDM machine
eroding machines; electric discharge machines; electro-discharge machines; EDM machines
wire eroding machine; wire EDM machine
Gefäßförderanlage f; Kübelförderanlage f min.
Gefäßförderanlagen pl; Kübelförderanlagen pl
skip hoisting installation system; skip winding installation system; skip extraction installation system
skip hoisting installations systems; skip winding installations systems; skip extraction installations systems
Großraum …
Großraumheizung f
Großraum-Verkehrsflugzeug n
large-capacity …; high-capacity …
large-capacity heating installation
high-capacity air carrier
Heizungsanlage f; Heizanlage f; Heizung f
Heizungsanlagen pl; Heizanlagen pl; Heizungen pl
eine Bodenheizung haben
heating installation; heating unit; heating system
heating installations; heating units; heating systems
to have a floor heating unit
Hydrauliklehre f; Hydraulik f phys.
Aufzughydraulik f
Elektrohydraulik f
Gerinnehydraulik f; Flusshydraulik f
lift hydraulics Br.; elevator hydraulics Am.
open channel hydraulics; river hydraulics

Deutsche Elektroinstallation {f} [techn.] [electr.] Synonyme


Englische electro-installation Synonyme

electro installation Definition

() A prefix or combining form signifying pertaining to electricity, produced by electricity, producing or employing electricity, etc.
(n.) An electrotype.
(a.) Pertaining to electro-ballistics.
(n.) The art or science of measuring the force or velocity of projectiles by means of electricity.
(n.) One versed in electro-biology.
(n.) That branch of biology which treats of the electrical phenomena of living organisms.
(n.) That phase of mesmerism or animal magnetism, the phenomena of which are supposed to be produced by a form of electricity.
(n.) A method of determining the presence or absence of life in an animal organism with a current of electricity, by noting the presence or absence of muscular contraction.
(n.) The occurrence or production of certain capillary effects by the action of an electrical current or charge.
(a.) Pert. to, or caused by, electro-capillarity.
(a.) Of or pertaining to electro-chemistry.
(n.) That branch of science which treats of the relation of electricity to chemical changes.
(n.) An instrument for obtaining an accurate record of the time at which any observed phenomenon occurs, or of its duration. It has an electro-magnetic register connected with a clock. See Chronograph.
(a.) Belonging to the electro-chronograph, or recorded by the aid of it.
(a.) Alt. of Electro-dynamical
(a.) Pertaining to the movements or force of electric or galvanic currents
(n.) The phenomena of electricity in motion.
(n.) The branch of science which treats of the properties of electric currents
(n.) An instrument for measuring the strength of electro-dynamic currents.
(n.) The art or process of engraving by means of electricity.
(n.) A mode of etching upon metals by electrolytic action.
(n.) The art or process of gilding copper, iron, etc., by means of voltaic electricity.
(a.) Gilded by means of voltaic electricity.
(a.) Of or pertaining to electro-kinetics.
(n.) That branch of electrical science which treats of electricity in motion.
(n.) A mass, usually of soft iron, but sometimes of some other magnetic metal, as nickel or cobalt, rendered temporarily magnetic by being placed within a coil of wire through which a current of electricity is passing. The metal is generally in the form of a bar, either straight, or bent into the shape of a horseshoe.
(a.) Of, Pertaining to, or produced by, magnetism which is developed by the passage of an electric current.
(n.) The magnetism developed by a current of electricity
(n.) The act or art precipitating a metal electro-chemical action, by which a coating is deposited, on a prepared surface, as in electroplating and electrotyping
(a.) Alt. of Electro-metrical
(a.) Pertaining to electrometry
(n.) The motion of electricity or its passage from one metal to another in a voltaic circuit
(a.) Producing electro-motion
(a.) Pertaining the reaction (contraction) of the muscles under electricity, or their sensibility to it.
(a.) Having the property of being attracted by an electro-positive body, or a tendency to pass to the positive pole in electrolysis, by the law that opposite electricities attract each other.
(a.) Negative
(n.) A body which passes to the positive pole in electrolysis.
(a.) Pertaining to electrical results produced through physiological agencies, or by change of action in a living organism.
(n.) That branch of physiology which treats of electric phenomena produced through physiological agencies.
(a.) Possessing electrical polarity
(a.) Of such a nature relatively to some other associated body or bodies, as to tend to the negative pole of a voltaic battery, in electrolysis, while the associated body tends to the positive pole
(a.) Hence: Positive
(n.) A body which passes to the negative pole in electrolysis.
(n.) Alt. of Electro-puncturing
(n.) See Electropuncture.
(n.) An operation that consists in inserting needless in the part affected, and connecting them with the poles of a galvanic apparatus.
(n.) Same as Electrotype.
(a.) Pertaining to the electric telegraph, or by means of it.
(n.) The art or science of constructing or using the electric telegraph
(n.) The branch of medical science which treats of the applications agent.

electro installation Bedeutung

the act of installing something (as equipment), the telephone installation took only a few minutes
electro-acoustic transducer a transducer that converts electrical to acoustic energy or vice versa
a building or place that provides a particular service or is used for a particular industry, the assembly plant is an enormous facility
military installation any facility servicing military forces
naval installation
shore station
military installation servicing naval forces
a formal entry into an organization or position or office, his initiation into the club, he was ordered to report for induction into the army, he gave a speech as part of his installation into the hall of fame
installation charge the charge for installing something
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