
electro surfacing Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Auftragsschweissautomaten pl mach.
electro-surfacing automats
Aufpanzerung f (Schweißvorgang) techn.
hard surfacing, hard facing
Auftragsschweiße f, Aufpanzerung f techn.
hard surfacing layer, hard facing layer
mit einem Belag versehen, belegen v
mit einem Belag versehend, belegend
mit einem Belag versehen, belegt
mit einem neuen Belag versehen, neu belegen
to surface
to resurface
Controller m, Steuerung f techn.
analoge Steuerung
elektrohydraulische Steuerung f
freiprogrammierbare Steuerung
speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung f (SPS)
analog controller
electro-hydraulic controller
programmable controller
programmable logic controller (PLC)
Elektroakustik f
Regler m
adaptiver Regler
elektrisch-hydraulischer Regler
controller, control
adaptive controller
electro-hydraulic controller
Schocktherapie f
(electro-) shock therapy
auftauchen, hochkommen, zum Vorschein kommen v
auftauchend, hochkommend, zum Vorschein kommend
aufgetaucht, hochgekommen, zum Vorschein gekommen
es taucht auf, es kommt hoch, es kommt zum Vorschein
es tauchte auf, es kam hoch, es kam zum Vorschein
to surface
it surfaced
it surfaced
Auftragsschweissautomaten pl mach.
electro-surfacing automats
Aufpanzerung f (Schweißvorgang) techn.
hard surfacing; hard facing
Auftragsschweiße f; Auftragsschweißung f techn.
build-up weld; surfacing weld
Auftragsschweißen n; Auftragsschweißung f techn.
Auftragsschweißen mit Stellit
Auftragsschweißen von Verschleißschichten; Hartauftragsschweißen n; Aufpanzern n
build-up welding; resurface welding; resurface by welding; surfacing by welding
stellite surfacing
hard-surfacing; hard-facing
mit einem Belag versehen; belegen v
mit einem Belag versehend; belegend
mit einem Belag versehen; belegt
mit einem neuen Belag versehen; neu belegen
to surface
to resurface
Controller m; Steuerung f techn.
analoge Steuerung
elektrohydraulische Steuerung f
freiprogrammierbare Steuerung
speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung f SPS
analog controller
electro-hydraulic controller
programmable controller
programmable logic controller PLC
Elektroosmose f phys.
Funkenerosion f; Senkerodieren n; funkenerosives Abtragen Senken n techn.
electric discharge machining; electro-discharge machining EDM ; electric spark machining; electrical erosion; electro-erosion
Hartauftragsschweiße f; Hartauftragsschweißung f; Aufpanzerung f techn.
hard-facing layer; hard-surfacing layer
Kiesschüttung f; Kiesdecklage f; Kiesdecke f; Kieslage f; Decklage f (Straßenbau)
gravel surfacing (road building)
Notauftauchen n (eines U-Bootes) mil. naut.
emergency surfacing
Regler m
Regler pl
adaptiver Regler
elektrisch-hydraulischer Regler
controller; control
controllers; controls
adaptive controller
electro-hydraulic controller
auftauchen; hochkommen; zum Vorschein kommen v
auftauchend; hochkommend; zum Vorschein kommend
aufgetaucht; hochgekommen; zum Vorschein gekommen
es taucht auf; es kommt hoch; es kommt zum Vorschein
es tauchte auf; es kam hoch; es kam zum Vorschein
to surface
it surfaced
it surfaced
galvanisch adv techn.
etw. galvanisch verbleien
etw. galvanisch vergolden
etw. galvanisch verkupfern
etw. galvanisch verzinken
etw. galvanisch vernickeln
etw. galvanisch verzinnen
galvantisch behandelt
galvantisch gefällt
galvanisch isoliert
galvanisch verbunden
galvanisch vergoldetes Metall
by electroplating
to lead sth.
to electrogild sth.
to electrocopper sth.
to electrogalvanize sth.
to electroplate sth. with nickel
to electroplate sth. with tin
plated; electroplated
electro-deposited; electrolytic(al)
electrically isolated
electrically connected
gold-plated metal
Elektroerosionsanlage f mach.
electro erosion plant
Elektrohubzylinder m mach.
electro lifting cylinder
Elektrohydraulik f electr.
elektrohydraulisch adj techn.
Elektroimpulsschrauber m electr.
electro impact wrench
Elektroindikator m electr.
Elektroinstallationsplanung f electr.
electro-installation planning
Elektromechanikbaugruppe f techn. mach.
electro mechanical assembly
Elektroinstallation f techn. electr.
elektropneumatische Ventile f techn.
electro-pneumatic valves
Elektropresse f techn. mach.
electro press
Asphaltdecke f; Asphalt m ugs.; Schwarzdecke f; Bitumendecke f; bituminöse Decke f (Straßenbau) constr.
asphalt pavement; blacktop pavement Am.; final blacktop layer Am.; blacktop Am.; bituminous surfacing (road building)
Belag m; Befestigung f; Decke f (von Wegen, Straßen, Plätzen) constr.
Straßenbelag m; Straßenbefestigung f; Straßendecke f
Wegebelag m; Wegebefestigung f; Wegedecke f
surfacing (top layer of tracks, roads, or spaces)
road surfacing; road wearing course
path surfacing
Bodenbelag m; Belag m; Oberflächenschutzschicht f; Deckschicht f (Straßenbau) constr.
wassergebundener Belag; wassergebundene Decke; Deckschicht ohne Bindemittel; Erdstraße f
Tennenbelag m; Tennendecke f
surface course; surface layer; surfacing; pavement layer (road building)
water-bound surface
granular surface course; compacted granular surface; processed aggregate surface; flexible surface; stabilized surface; hoggin surface course Br.; hoggin surface Br.
Drehbank f; Drehmaschine f; Drehautomat m techn.
Drehbänke pl; Drehmaschinen pl; Drehautomaten pl
Frontdrehmaschine f
Futterdrehbank f
Leitspindeldrehbank f mit Räderspindelstock
Leit- und Zugspindeldrehmaschine f
Prismendrehbank f
Tischlerdrehbank f Norddt. Mitteldt. Ös.; Schreinerdrehbank f Westdt. Süddt. Schw.
Universaldrehbank f; Spitzendrehmaschine f; Leitspindeldrehmaschine f
Drehbank mit feststehender Reitstockspitze
Drehbank mit Pedalantrieb
kleine Drehmaschine mit stangenförmigem Bett
lathe; lathe machine
lathes; lathe machines
front-operated lathe
chuck lathe
selective-head lathe; selective-head engine lathe Am.
sliding, surfacing and screw-cutting lathe; s., s. and s.c. lathe
gantry lathe
double-centre lathe Br.; double-center lathe Am.
universal lathe; engine lathe Am.
dead-center lathe
treadle lathe
bar lathe Br.
Elektroerodieren n; Elektroerosion f; Funkenerodieren n; Funkenerosion f; funkenerosives Abtragen Senken n; Senkerodieren n techn.
electric discharge machining; electro-discharge machining EDM ; electric spark machining; electrical erosion; electro-erosion
Funkenerosionsmaschine f; Erodiermaschine f techn.
Funkenerosionsmaschinen pl; Erodiermaschinen pl
Drahterodiermaschine f
eroding machine; electric discharge machine; electro-discharge machine; EDM machine
eroding machines; electric discharge machines; electro-discharge machines; EDM machines
wire eroding machine; wire EDM machine
Herstellen n eines Bodenbelags; Befestigung f (von Wegen, Straßen, Plätzen) constr.
surfacing (stabilizing of pavement by applying a top layer to tracks, roads, or spaces)
Hydrauliklehre f; Hydraulik f phys.
Aufzughydraulik f
Elektrohydraulik f
Gerinnehydraulik f; Flusshydraulik f
lift hydraulics Br.; elevator hydraulics Am.
open channel hydraulics; river hydraulics
Lokomotive f; Lok f ugs. (Bahn)
Lokomotiven pl; Loks pl
Abdrücklokomotive f
Batterielokomotive f; batteriebetriebene Lokomotive f
Bergbahnlokomotive f; Gebirgsbahnlokomotive f
Bremslokomotive f
Dampflokomotive f; Dampflok f
Dampflokomotive mit Ölfeuerung
Dampfspeicherlokomotive f; feuerlose Lokomotive f
Diesellokomotive f; Diesellok f
dieselelektrische Lokomotive; Diesellokomotive mit elektrischer Kraftübertragung
dieselhydraulische Lokomotive; Diesellokomotive mit hydraulischer Kraftübertragung
Diesellokomotive mit hydromechanischer Kraftübertragung
Diesellokomotive mit mechanischer Kraftübertragung
Diesellokomotive mittlerer Leistung
Direktauspuff-Lokomotive f
Direktmotorlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit Wechselstrommotor
Direktmotorlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit unmittelbarem Antrieb mit Wechselstrommotor
Doppel-Lokomotive f
Drehgestell-Lokomotive f
Drehstromlokomotive f
Dreifachlokomotive f
Dreistromlokomotive f
Drillingslokomotive f; Lokomotive mit drei Zylindern
Einphasenwechselstromlokomotive f
Einrahmenlokomotive f
elektrische Lokomotive mit rotierendem Umformer
Elektrodiesellokomotive f
Elektrolokomotive f; elektrische Lokomotive f; E-Lok f
Exzitronlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit Exzitron
ferngesteuerte Lokomotive
Gasturbinenlokomotive f (mit elektrischer Kraftübertragung)
Gelenklokomotive f; Gliederlokomotive f; Lenkachslokomotive f; Lokomotive mit einstellbaren Achsen
Gleichrichterlokomotive f
Güterzuglokomotive f
Kleinlokomotive f; K-Lok f; Traktor m Schw.
Lokomotive mit einfacher Expansion
Lokomotive mit dreifacher Expansion
Lokomotive mit gesteuerten Gleichrichtern
Mehrzwecklokomotive f; Lokomotive für gemischten Bahnverkehr
Reibungslokomotive f; Adhäsionslokomotive f
Tenderlokokomotive f
Turbodiesellokomotive f; Diesellokomotive f mit Turboaufladung
Verbundlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit zweistufiger Expansion
Verschiebelokomotive f; Verschiebelok f ugs.; Rangierlokomotive f; Rangierlok f ugs.
Zwillingslokomotive f; Lokomotive mit zwei Dampfzylindern
kleine Dampflokomotive; kleine Dampflok hist.
Lokomotive mit Innenrahmen
Leerfahrt f einer Lokomotive; Lok-Leerfahrt f; Fahrt als Lokzug Schw.
Ausbau der Treibstangen einer Lokomotive
eine Dampflok anheizen
eine Lokomotive unter Dampf setzen
locomotive; loco coll.; railroad engine Am.; engine Am. (railway)
locomotives; locos; railroad engines; engines
hump locomotive
battery-operated locomotive
mountain locomotive; mountain engine Am.; Alpine locomotive; Alpine engine Am.
brake locomotive
steam locomotive; steam engine Am.; steam traction unit
oil-burning locomotive
fireless steam locomotive; locomotive without firebox
diesel locomotive; diesel engine Am.
diesel-electric locomotive
diesel-hydraulic locomotive
diesel-hydromechanical locomotive
diesel-mechanical locomotive
small shunting locomotive
non-condensing steam locomotive
direct-drive locomotive
direct-drive locomotive; gearless locomotive
double locomotive
bogie locomotive
locomotive with single-phase three-phase converter set
triple locomotive
three-system locomotive
three-cylinder locomotive
single-phase locomotive; alternating current locomotive
locomotive with single underframe
rotary converter locomotive
electro-diesel locomotive
electric locomotive
excitron locomotive
slave locomotive
gas-turbine locomotive (with electric transmission)
articulated locomotive
rectifier locomotive; locomotive with a.c. d.c. motor converter set
goods locomotive Br.; freight locomotive Am.
small-power locomotive; small shunting locomotive; light rail motor tractor
simple-expansion locomotive
triple expansion locomotive
controlled rectifier locomotive
universal locomotive; mixed-traffic locomotive; mixed-traffic engine Am.
adhesion locomotive
tank locomotive
gas-turbine diesel locomotive
compound locomotive
shunting locomotive; shunting engine Am.; shunter; switcher; switch engine Am.; wildcat Am.
dual-cylinder locomotive; two-cylinder locomotive
pug locomotive Br.; pug Br.
inside framed engine
light running of a locomotive; locomotive running light
removal of locomotive rods
to fire a steam locomotive
to put an engine in steam under steam
Rasengittersteinbelag m; Rasensteinbelag m constr.
surfacing of grass-filled paving blocks; pavement of grass pavers Br.; grid pavement Am.; surfacing of lattice concrete blocks Am.
Regler m
Regler pl
adaptiver Regler
elektrisch-hydraulischer Regler
controller; control
controllers; controls
adaptive controller
electro-hydraulic controller
supply voltage controller
Einlagerung f im Silo agr.
Elektrosilage f
preserving in silo; ensilage
Steuereinrichtung f; Steuerteil n; Steuerung f; Controller m techn.
Steuereinrichtungen pl; Steuerteile pl; Steuerungen pl; Controller pl
analoge Steuerung
elektrohydraulische Steuerung f
freiprogrammierbare Steuerung
multiplexierende Steuerung telco.
speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung f SPS
controller module; controller
controller modules; controllers
analog controller
electro-hydraulic controller
programmable controller
multiplexing controller
programmable logic controller PLC
galvanisch adv techn.
etw. galvanisch vergolden
etw. galvanisch verkupfern
etw. galvanisch verzinken
etw. galvanisch vernickeln
etw. galvanisch verzinnen
galvantisch behandelt
galvantisch gefällt
galvanisch isoliert
galvanisch verbunden
galvanisch vergoldetes Metall
by electroplating
to electrogild sth.
to electrocopper sth.
to electrogalvanize sth.
to electroplate sth. with nickel
to electroplate sth. with tin
plated; electroplated
electro-deposited; electrolytic(al)
electrically isolated
electrically connected
gold-plated metal
elektroosmotisch adj techn.
electro-osmotic {adj}

electro surfacing Definition

() A prefix or combining form signifying pertaining to electricity, produced by electricity, producing or employing electricity, etc.
(n.) An electrotype.
(a.) Pertaining to electro-ballistics.
(n.) The art or science of measuring the force or velocity of projectiles by means of electricity.
(n.) One versed in electro-biology.
(n.) That branch of biology which treats of the electrical phenomena of living organisms.
(n.) That phase of mesmerism or animal magnetism, the phenomena of which are supposed to be produced by a form of electricity.
(n.) A method of determining the presence or absence of life in an animal organism with a current of electricity, by noting the presence or absence of muscular contraction.
(n.) The occurrence or production of certain capillary effects by the action of an electrical current or charge.
(a.) Pert. to, or caused by, electro-capillarity.
(a.) Of or pertaining to electro-chemistry.
(n.) That branch of science which treats of the relation of electricity to chemical changes.
(n.) An instrument for obtaining an accurate record of the time at which any observed phenomenon occurs, or of its duration. It has an electro-magnetic register connected with a clock. See Chronograph.
(a.) Belonging to the electro-chronograph, or recorded by the aid of it.
(a.) Alt. of Electro-dynamical
(a.) Pertaining to the movements or force of electric or galvanic currents
(n.) The phenomena of electricity in motion.
(n.) The branch of science which treats of the properties of electric currents
(n.) An instrument for measuring the strength of electro-dynamic currents.
(n.) The art or process of engraving by means of electricity.
(n.) A mode of etching upon metals by electrolytic action.
(n.) The art or process of gilding copper, iron, etc., by means of voltaic electricity.
(a.) Gilded by means of voltaic electricity.
(a.) Of or pertaining to electro-kinetics.
(n.) That branch of electrical science which treats of electricity in motion.
(n.) A mass, usually of soft iron, but sometimes of some other magnetic metal, as nickel or cobalt, rendered temporarily magnetic by being placed within a coil of wire through which a current of electricity is passing. The metal is generally in the form of a bar, either straight, or bent into the shape of a horseshoe.
(a.) Of, Pertaining to, or produced by, magnetism which is developed by the passage of an electric current.
(n.) The magnetism developed by a current of electricity
(n.) The act or art precipitating a metal electro-chemical action, by which a coating is deposited, on a prepared surface, as in electroplating and electrotyping
(a.) Alt. of Electro-metrical
(a.) Pertaining to electrometry
(n.) The motion of electricity or its passage from one metal to another in a voltaic circuit
(a.) Producing electro-motion
(a.) Pertaining the reaction (contraction) of the muscles under electricity, or their sensibility to it.
(a.) Having the property of being attracted by an electro-positive body, or a tendency to pass to the positive pole in electrolysis, by the law that opposite electricities attract each other.
(a.) Negative
(n.) A body which passes to the positive pole in electrolysis.
(a.) Pertaining to electrical results produced through physiological agencies, or by change of action in a living organism.
(n.) That branch of physiology which treats of electric phenomena produced through physiological agencies.
(a.) Possessing electrical polarity
(a.) Of such a nature relatively to some other associated body or bodies, as to tend to the negative pole of a voltaic battery, in electrolysis, while the associated body tends to the positive pole
(a.) Hence: Positive
(n.) A body which passes to the negative pole in electrolysis.
(n.) Alt. of Electro-puncturing
(n.) See Electropuncture.
(n.) An operation that consists in inserting needless in the part affected, and connecting them with the poles of a galvanic apparatus.
(n.) Same as Electrotype.
(a.) Pertaining to the electric telegraph, or by means of it.
(n.) The art or science of constructing or using the electric telegraph
(n.) The branch of medical science which treats of the applications agent.

electro surfacing Bedeutung

surfacing emerging to the surface and becoming apparent
electro-acoustic transducer a transducer that converts electrical to acoustic energy or vice versa
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