
electron Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

electron beam
Elektronenfluss m
electron flow
electron tube
Elektronenradius m phys.
electron radius
Elektronenquelle f techn.
electron source
nuclear electron
electron current
Kernelektron n
nuclear electron
Elektronenstrom m
electron current
Elektronendichte f phys.
electron density
Elektronindustrie f techn.
electron industry
electron ray tube
electron mobility
electron emission
Elektronenbeweglichkeit f
electron mobility
grünes Elektronenstrahlsystem (TV) techn.
green electron gun
Elektronenruhemasse f phys.
electron rest mass
Elektronenbehandlung f techn.
electron treatment
Elektronenstrahlverdampfer m techn.
electron vaporizer
Elektronenmikroskop n techn.
electron microscope
Elektronenmikroskopie f techn. phys.
electron microscopy
electron bombardment
Elektronenstrahlkanone f techn.
electron beam cannon
Elektronenstrahlsystem n techn.
electron beam system
Elektronenstrahltechnik f techn.
electron beam system
Elektron n
Elektronen pl
Elektronenbeugung f
electron diffraction
Elektronenbeschleuniger m techn.
electron accelerator
Elektronenbeschuss m
electron bombardment
Elektronenstrahlschweißen n techn.
electron beam welding
Elektronenverteilung f
electron distribution
Elektronenstrahlmaschine f mach.
electron beam machine
Elektronenbeschleunigung f techn.
electron acceleration
Elektronenhülle f des Atoms phys.
atomic electron shell
electron-emitting area
Elektronenstrahl-Härten n mach.
electron-beam hardening
Elektronenbehandlungsanlage f mach.
electron treatment unit
Austrittsarbeit f (eines Elektrons) phys.
(electron) work function
Aussteuerung f (einer Elektronenröhre) electr.
swing (of an electron tube)
Abtragen n mit Elektronenstrahlen techn.
electron-beam machining EBM
Elektronenkanone f phys.
Elektronenkanonen pl
electron gun
electron guns
ESD-Pistole f
electron-stream drilling gun
Rasterelektronenmikroskop n
scanning electron microscope
Rasterelektronenmikroskopie f
scanning electron microscopy
Abtragen n mit Elektronenstrahlen techn.
electron-beam machining EBM
Elektronenstrahlbohren n mach. techn.
electron beam drilling service
Elektronenvolt n phys.
electron volt; electronvolt eV
Elektronenstrahl m
Elektronenstrahlen pl
electron beam
electron beams
Heizfadenmitte f (Elektronenröhre) electr.
heater middle HM (electron tube)
Elektronenpaarerzeugung f phys.
electron-positron pair production
Heizfadenanschluss m (Elektronenröhre) electr.
filament terminal (electron tube)
Kernelektron n phys.
Kernelektronen pl
nuclear electron
nuclear electrons
Elektronenemission f
Elektronenemissionen pl
electron emission
electron emissions
Elektronenstrahlröhre f
Elektronenstrahlröhren pl
electron ray tube
electron ray tubes
Säure-Base-Theorie f chem.
electron-pair theory of acids and bases
Elektronloch-Paar n; Elektron-Defektelektron-Paar n phys.
Elektronloch-Paare pl; Elektron-Defektelektron-Paare pl
electron-hole pair
electron-hole pairs
Heizfadenspannung f (Elektronenröhre) electr.
heating filament voltage (electron tube)
Elektron-Abspaltung f (von einem negativen Ion) phys.
electron detachment (from a negative ion)
Elektronenbeschuss m
Elektronenbeschüsse pl
electron bombardment
electron bombardments
Ionenfalle f; Einbrennschutz m (in Elektronenstrahlröhren) phys.
Ionenfallen pl
ion trap (in electron ray tubes)
ion traps
Heizfaden-Anheizzeit f (Elektronenröhre) electr.
heating time for the filament (electron tube)
Elektronenemissionsbereich m
Elektronenemissionsbereiche pl
electron-emitting area
electron-emitting areas
Elektronenanreicherung f; Anreicherung f (Halbleiter) electr.
electron enhancement; enhancement (semiconductors)
Elektronenablösung f phys.
assoziative Elektronenablösung
electron detachment
associative electron detachment
Heizfadenmittenabgriff m (Elektronenröhre) electr.
filament centre tap; heater centre tap (electron tube)
Elektron n phys.
Elektronen pl
Haftelektron n
schnelles Elektron
trapped electron
fast electron
Phantastron n (Multivibrator als Zeitgeber) electr.
phantastron (electron tube oscillator as timer circuit)
Glühen n (Erwärmen und Abkühlen) (Metallurgie) techn.
Elektronenstrahl-Glühen n
annealing; anneal (metallurgy)
electron-beam annealing
Mikroanalyse f
Elektronenstrahlmikroanalyse f
electron probe X-ray microanalysis EPXMA
Inertgaskonfiguration f chem. techn.
inert gas electron configuration; inert gas configuration
Mikroanalyse f
Elektronenstrahlmikroanalyse f
electron probe X-ray microanalysis EPXMA
Dunkelfeldbild n (Elektronenmikroskop)
Dunkelfeldbilder pl
dark field image (electron microscope)
dark field images
Rasterelektronenmikroskop n
Rasterelektronenmikroskope pl
scanning electron microscope
scanning electron microscopes
Elektronendichte f; Elektronenkonzentration f phys.
density of electrons; electron density; electron concentration
Elektronenröhre f
Elektronenröhren pl
electron tube, electronic tube
electron tubes, electronic tubes
Elektronenröhre f
Elektronenröhren pl
electron tube; electronic tube
electron tubes; electronic tubes
Legieren n; Legierung f (Vorgang) (Metallurgie) techn.
Elektronenstrahl-Legieren n
Randschichtlegieren n
alloying (metallurgy)
electron-beam alloying
subsurface alloying
Elektronenröhre f electr.
Elektronenröhren pl
Mehrgitterröhre f
electron tube; valve Br.
electron tubes; valves
multigrid tube
SEC-Röhre f electr.
SEC-Röhren pl
intrinsic electron conduction valve
intrinsic electron conduction valves
Mikroskopie f
Fluoreszenz-Mikroskopie f
Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie f TEM
fluorescence microscopy
transmission electron microscopy TEM
Einblick m techn.
lichtoptischer Einblick
elektronenoptischer Einblick
viewing system
light-optical viewing system
electron optical viewing system
Defektelektronenleitung f; Defektleitung f; Löcherleitung f; p-Leitung f (Halbleiter) electr.
defect electron conduction; hole conduction; p-type conduction (semi-conductors)
Schmelzverfahren n; Schmelzen n; Einschmelzen n techn.
Tiegelschmelzverfahren n
Vakuumschmelzverfahren n
crucible electron-beam melting
melting in crucibles
melting in vacuo
Rückstoßelektron n; Compton-Elektron n (Kerntechnik)
Rückstoßelektronen pl; Compton-Elektronen pl
Compton electron; recoil electron (nuclear engineering)
Compton electrons; recoil electrons
Bindung f chem.
chemische Bindung
molekulare Bindung
Elektronenpaarbindung f; Atombindung f; unpolare apolare Bindung f; homöopolare Bindung f; Kovalenzbindung f; kovalente Bindung f
chemical bond
molecular bond
residual bond
electron pair bond; atomic bond; covalent bond
Elektronenmikroskop n techn. phys.
Elektronenmikroskope pl
Elektronenmikroskop mit elektrostatischen Linsen
Elektronenmikroskop mit magnetischen Linsen
electron microscope
electron microscopes
electrostatic electron microscope
magnetic electron microscope
Elektronenspender m; Elektronendonator m chem. phys.
Elektronenspender pl; Elektronendonatoren pl
electron donor; donor-type impurity; donor impurity
electron donors; donor-type impurities; donor impurities
Elektron n phys.
Elektronen pl
Haftelektron n
Hüllenelektron n
schnelles Elektron
trapped electron
extranuclear electron; orbital electron; planetary electron
fast electron
Elektronendefektstelle f; Defektelektron n; Mangelelektron n; Elektronenlücke f; Elektronenloch n; Loch n (im Halbleiter) electr.
Elektronendefektstellen pl; Defektelektronen pl; Mangelelektronen pl; Elektronenlücken pl; Elektronenlöcher pl; Löcher pl
defect electron; electron hole; p-hole; hole (in a semi-conductor)
defect electrons; electron holes; p-holes; holes
Elektronenstrahlschweißen n techn.
Elektronenstrahlschweißen an Atmosphäre
Atmosphären-Elektronenstrahl-Schweißanlage f
electron beam welding EBW
non-vacuum electron beam welding NV-EBW
electron beam system for welding in the atmosphere
Heizfaden m; Heizdraht m (Glühfaden in einer Elektronenröhre) electr.
Heizfäden pl; Heizdrähte pl
heating filament; electrical filament; filament (in an electron tube)
heating filaments; electrical filaments; filaments
Elektronenstrahlschweißen n techn.
Elektronenstrahlschweißen an Atmosphäre
Atmosphären-Elektronenstrahl-Schweißanlage f
electron beam welding EBW
non-vacuum electron beam welding NV-EBW
electron beam system for welding in the atmosphere
Bindung f chem.
chemische Bindung
molekulare Bindung
Restbindung f
Elektronenpaarbindung f; Atombindung f; unpolare apolare Bindung f; homöopolare Bindung f; Kovalenzbindung f; kovalente Bindung f
eine Bindung eingehen
eine Bindung spalten
chemical bond
molecular bond
residual bond
electron-pair bond; atomic bond; covalent bond
to form a bond
to break; to split; to decompose a bond
Streuung f phys. electr.
Beugungsstreuung f; Diffraktionsstreuung f
Bhabha-Streuung f
Bragg'sche Streuung
compoundelastische Streuung
Deuteron-Deuteron-Streuung; d-d-Streuung
Doppelstreuung f
Dunststreuung f (Optik)
dynamische Lichtstreuung f; dynamische Streuung (bei Flüssigkristallanzeigen)
Eigenstreuung f
Einfachstreuung f
elastische Streuung; Rayleigh-Streuung
elastische Streuung von thermischen Neutronen (in Festkörpern)
elastische Kernpotentialstreuung; Delbrück-Streuung
Elektronenstreuung f
Entfernungsstreuung f
falsche Streuung
Funkstreuung f
Härtestreuung f
inelastische Streuung
inkohärente Streuung
isotrope Streuung
klassische Streuung (von unpolarisierten Lichtwellen)
Klein-Nishina-Streuung f
kohärente Streuung
magnetische Streuung von Neutronen
Mott'sche Streuung
Streuung der Röntgenstrahlen
Streuung hochenergetischer Ionen
shadow scattering; diffraction scattering
Bhabha scattering
Bragg scattering
Brillouin scattering; Mandelshtam effect
compound-elastic scattering
Compton scattering
Coulomb scattering; Rutherford scattering
deuteron-deuteron scattering; d-d scattering
double scattering
haze scattering (optics)
dynamic scattering mode DSM ; dynamic scattering (in liquid crystal displays)
single scattering
elastic scattering; Rayleigh scattering
neutron elastic scattering
Delbrück scattering
electron-electron scattering
electron scattering
long-distance scattering
spurious scattering
radio scattering
hardness scattering
inelastic scattering
incoherent scattering
isotropic scattering
classical scattering; Thomson scattering
Klein-Nishina scattering
coherent scattering
neutron magnetic scattering
Mott scattering
X-ray scattering
high-energy ion scattering HEIS

Deutsche Elektron Synonyme

durch  Licht  herausgelöstes  Elektron  ÂFotoelektron  ÂPhotoelektron  
Elektron  ÂElektronenwelle  (fachsprachlich)  ÂWasserstoffion  (Negativ)  (fachsprachlich)  
Elektron  Elektronenwelle (fachsprachlich)  Wasserstoffion (Negativ) (fachsprachlich)  
durch Licht herausgelöstes Elektron  Fotoelektron  Photoelektron  

Englische electron Synonyme

electron  Kern  NMR  alpha particle  antibaryon  antilepton  antimeson  atom  atomic nucleus  atomic particle  baryon  beta particle  cathode particle  electron affinity  electron cloud  electron pair  electron shells  electron spin  electron transfer  electron-positron pair  elementary particle  energy level  excited state  extranuclear electrons  ground state  ion  lepton  lone pair  meson  molecule  monad  negatron  neutron  nuclear force  nuclear magnetic resonance  nuclear particle  nuclear resonance  nucleon  nucleosynthesis  nucleus  octet  orbital electron  photoelectron  photon  proton  quark  recoil electron  secondary electron  shared pair  strangeness  strong interaction  subvalent electrons  surface-bound electron  thermion  triton  valence electron  valence electrons  valence shell  wandering electron  
electron emission  Becquerel ray  Grenz ray  Roentgen ray  X radiation  X ray  actinic ray  alpha radiation  alpha ray  anode ray  beta radiation  beta ray  canal ray  cathode glow  cathode ray  collision emission  cosmic radiation  cosmic ray  cosmic ray bombardment  electron beam  electron ray  field emission  gamma radiation  gamma ray  glow discharge  grid emission  infraroentgen ray  nuclear rays  photoemission  positive ray  radiorays  secondary emission  thermionic emission  thermionic grid emission  
electronics  Newtonian physics  acoustics  aerophysics  applied physics  astrophysics  basic conductor physics  biophysics  chemical physics  cryogenics  crystallography  cytophysics  electron physics  electrophysics  geophysics  line radio  macrophysics  mathematical physics  mechanics  medicophysics  microphysics  natural philosophy  natural science  nuclear physics  optics  philosophy  physic  physical chemistry  physical science  physicochemistry  physicomathematics  physics  psychophysics  radiation physics  radio  radionics  radiophotography  radiotelegraphy  radiotelephony  solar physics  solid-state physics  statics  stereophysics  television  theoretical physics  thermodynamics  wire wave communication  wired radio  wired wireless  wireless  wireless telegraphy  wireless telephony  zoophysics  

electron Definition

(n.) Amber

electron Bedeutung

electron microscopy microscopy with the use of electron microscopes
electron spin resonance
electron paramagnetic resonance
microwave spectroscopy in which there is resonant absorption of radiation by a paramagnet
electron accelerator collider that consists of an accelerator that collides electrons and positrons
electron gun the electrode that is the source of electrons in a cathodeay tube or electron microscope, consists of a cathode that emits a stream of electrons and the electrostatic or electromagnetic apparatus that focuses it
electron microscope a microscope that is similar in purpose to a light microscope but achieves much greater resolving power by using a parallel beam of electrons to illuminate the object instead of a beam of light
electron multiplier a vacuum tube that amplifies a flow of electrons
lens electron lens electronic equipment that uses a magnetic or electric field in order to focus a beam of electrons
tube vacuum tube
thermionic vacuum tube
thermionic tube
electron tube
thermionic valve
electronic device consisting of a system of electrodes arranged in an evacuated glass or metal envelope
electron optics the branch of electronics that deals with beams of electrons and their focusing and deflection by magnetic fields
electron shell a grouping of electrons surrounding the nucleus of an atom, the chemical properties of an atom are determined by the outermost electron shell
orbit electron orbit the path of an electron around the nucleus of an atom
an elementary particle with negative charge
free electron electron that is not attached to an atom or ion or molecule but is free to move under the influence of an electric field
valence electron an electron in the outer shell of an atom which can combine with other atoms to form molecules
beam ray electron beam a group of nearly parallel lines of electromagnetic radiation
beta radiation
beta ray
electron radiation
radiation of beta particles during radioactive decay
electron volt
a unit of energy equal to the work done by an electron accelerated through a potential difference of volt
electron microscopic of or relating to or involving an electron microscope
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The electron is a subatomic particle, symbol e? or ??, with a negative elementary electric charge. Electrons belong to the first generation of the lepton particle family, and are generally thought to be elementary particles because they have no known components or substructure. The electron has a mass that is approximately 11836 that of the proton. Quantum mechanical properties of the electron include an intrinsic angular momentum of a half-integer value, expressed in units of the reduced Planck constant, ?. As it is a fermion, no two electrons can occupy the same quantum state, in accordance with the Pauli exclusion principle. Like all matter, electrons have properties of both particles and waves: they can collide with other particles and can be diffracted like light. The wave properties of electrons are easier to observe with experiments than those of other particles like neutrons and protons because electrons have a lower mass and hence a larger De Broglie wavelength for a given energy.