
emergency Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Notlage, unvorhergesehenes Ereignis
Notfall, Notlage, Notsituation
Katastrophenhilfe, Hilfe im Notfall
emergency aid
Flugrettung f
air emergency
Nothilfe f
emergency aid
emergency exit
emergency call
Notruf m
emergency call
Vollbremsung f
emergency stop
Nottestament n jur.
emergency will
Notaufnahme f; Unfallstation f
emergency ward
emergency steps
Hochwassernotstand m
flood emergency
emergency brake
Einsatzkräfte pl
emergency crews
Notfallausbildung f; Ausbildung f für den Notfall
emergency drill
Notabschaltung f
emergency cutout
Notschalter m, Not-Aus-Schalter m
emergency switch
emergency cutout
emergency switch
Krisenvorräte pl
emergency stocks
Notschalter m; Not-Aus-Schalter m
emergency switch
Notversorgung f
emergency supply
Notverordnung f
emergency decree
Nothilfe f; Soforthilfe f; Katastrophenhilfe f
emergency relief
emergency address
Reserve für den Notfall
emergency reserve
Notentriegelung f
emergency release
Notfalldienst m, Notdienst m
emergency service
Notmaßnahme f
emergency measure
Wundschnellverband m med.
emergency bandage
Noteinsatzfahrzeug n
emergency vehicle
case of emergency
emergency measure
emergency traffic
Einsatzfahrzeug n auto
emergency vehicle
Notlage, Ausnahmezustand
state of emergency
Katastrophenschutz m (Organisation)
emergency services
Notabschaltung f mach. (Kessel)
emergency shutdown
Notbeleuchtung f
emergency lighting
Notüberlauf m, Notentlastungsanlage f
emergency spillway
cases of emergency
state of emergency
state of emergency
Lebensmittelsoforthilfe f pol.
emergency food aid
Notfallmedizin f med.
emergency medicine
Notabschaltung f techn. (Kessel)
emergency shutdown
Notfallbeleuchtung f
emergency lighting
Notlösung f
emergency solution
Notstandsmaßnahmen pl pol.
emergency measures
Notfallkrankenwagen m
emergency ambulance
Notfalltherapie f
emergency treatment
Notoperation f
emergency operation
emergency generator
states of emergency
Notauftauchen n (eines U-Bootes) mil. naut.
emergency surfacing
in case of emergency
Katastrophenschutz m, Katastrophenschutzmaßnahmen pl
emergency procedures
Notration f
emergency provisions
Notfalleinsatzkräfte pl
emergency responders
Störfallzustand m
emergency conditions
Notstandsbestimmungen f pol. jur.
emergency provisions
emergency legislation
Störungsbeseitigung f
emergency maintenance
emergency maintenance
Bildungsnotstand m
educational emergency
Notfalldiagnostik f med.
emergency diagnostics
Notfallwartung f techn.
emergency maintenance
Notendschalter m
emergency limit switch
Notfalleinheit f
emergency service unit
Notstromversorgung f
emergency power supply
emergency power supply
Notstandsverfassung f pol. jur.
emergency constitution
Notstromversorgung f; Notstromquelle f
emergency power supply
im Notfall
in case of an emergency
Ãœberraschung f
Ãœberraschungen pl
Notfallempfängnisverhütung f
emergency contraception
Notschlafstelle f
emergency sleeping space
Netzersatz m
emergency generating unit
Computer-Notdienst m
computer emergency service
Aufzugsnotrufanlagen pl mach.
elevator emergency systems
Sammelplatz m; Sammelpunkt m (auf einem Schiff) naut.
emergency assembly station
Flucht- und Rettungswege pl
escape and emergency routes
Notstellvorrichtung f
emergency regulating device
Blaulichtorganisationen pl; Einsatzorganisationen pl; Einsatzkräfte pl
(public) emergency services
Katastrophenschutzplanung f adm.
disaster emergency planning
Notlaufeigenschaften pl
emergency operating features
Noteinspritzung f (Kessel) mach.
emergency spray attemperation
Notfallakte f med.
medical emergency record file
Schlüsselnotdienst m; Aufsperrdienst m
emergency locksmith's service
Brandfluchthaube f techn.
(emergency escape) smoke hood
Katastrophenmaßnahmen pl
disaster emergency procedures
Noteinspritzung f (Kessel) techn.
emergency spray attemperation
Aufzugnotrufsysteme pl techn.
elevator emergency callsystems
Notstandshilfe f Ös.
emergency unemployment benefit
Katastrophenalarm m
disaster alert, emergency alert
Dringlichkeitsdebatte f pol.
urgent debate; emergency debate
Katastrophenalarm m
disaster alert; emergency alert
Fluchttreppe f, Feuertreppe f
emergency staircase, fire escape
Notaggregat n
Notaggregate pl
emergency unit
emergency units
Notausgang m
Notausgänge pl
emergency exit
emergency exits
Notausgang m; Nottüre f
Notausgänge pl; Nottüren pl
emergency exit
emergency exits
Notfallplan m
Notfallpläne pl
emergency plan
emergency plans
Notruf m
Notrufe pl
emergency call
emergency calls
familiärer Notfall m
family urgency; family emergency
Rettungsleitstelle f; Notrufzentrale f
Emergency Operations Center Am.
Technisches Hilfswerk THW Dt.
German Technical Emergency Service
Blaulicht n (bei Einsatzfahrzeugen)
flashlight (on emergency vehicles)
Technisches Hilfswerk THW Dt.
German Technical Emergency Service
Notfallstation f
emergency department, emergency unit
Notsystem n
Notsysteme pl
emergency system
emergency systems
Nothammer m; Rettungshammer m
Nothämmer pl; Rettungshämmer pl
emergency hammer
emergency hammers
Notfallhandbuch n
Notfallhandbüche pl
emergency manual
emergency manuals
Notrufgerät n
Notrufgeräte pl
emergency device
emergency devices
Notvorrichtung f; Noteinrichtung f
Notvorrichtungen pl; Noteinrichtungen pl
emergency device
emergency devices
Katastrophenbewältigung f
disaster response; emergency response
Ernstfall m
Ernstfälle pl
case of emergency
cases of emergency
Krisensitzung f
Krisensitzungen pl
emergency meeting
emergency meetings
Notunterkunft f
Notunterkünfte pl
emergency shelter
emergency shelters
Noteinsatzfahrzeug n
Noteinsatzfahrzeuge pl
emergency vehicle
emergency vehicles
Notmaßnahme f
Notmaßnahmen pl
emergency measure
emergency measures
Dringlichkeitssitzung f adm.
Dringlichkeitssitzungen pl
emergency meeting
emergency meetings
Ausnahmezustand m
Ausnahmezustände pl
state of emergency
states of emergency
Notauslösung f
Notauslösungen pl
emergency tripping
emergency trippings
Notfallkrankenhaus n; Notfallklinik f; Notfallspital n Ös. Schw. med.
Notfallkrankenhäuser pl; Notfallkliniken pl; Notfallspitale pl
emergency hospital
emergency hospitals
Notpass m adm.
Notpässe pl
emergency passport
emergency passports
Notgemeinschaft f pol. soc.
Notgemeinschaften pl
emergency alliance
emergency alliances
Notaufnahme f (im Krankenhaus) med.
Notaufnahmen pl
emergency admission
emergency admissions
Notaufnahme f (eines Patienten im Krankenhaus) med.
Notaufnahmen pl
emergency admission
emergency admissions
Wiederanlauf m (eines Programms) comp.
Wiederanlauf m nach einem Absturz
restart (of a program)
emergency restart
Schlagtaste Not-Aus f
emergency pushbutton, panic pushbutton, slam
Notabsperrventil n mach.
Notabsperrventile pl
emergency stop valve
emergency stop valves
Notkühleigenschaften pl (Kernreaktor) techn.
emergency cooling features (nuclear reactor)
Schlagtaste "Not-Aus" f
emergency pushbutton; panic pushbutton; slam
Notprogramm n
emergency programme Br.; emergency program
Schlagtaste „Not-Aus“ f
emergency pushbutton; panic pushbutton; slam
Notstop m; Notaus n
Notstop an der Druckmaschine print
emergency stop; E-stop
emergency press stop
Notausstiegsleiter f
Notausstiegsleitern pl
emergency exit ladder
emergency exit ladders
Notaustaste f techn.
Notaustasten pl
emergency push-button
emergency push-buttons
Schnellablassleitung f (Kessel) mach.
Schnellablassleitungen pl
emergency drain (line)
emergency drain lines
Alarmierung f (Blaulichtorganisationen, Militär)
alerting (public emergency services, military)
Notversorgung f med.
urgent and emergency care UEC ; emergency care
Schnellablassleitung f (Kessel) techn.
Schnellablassleitungen pl
emergency drain (line)
emergency drain lines
Bläsernothandbedienung f mach.
sootblower crankhandle for emergency retraction
Notausschalter m, Nothaltschalter m
Notausschalter pl, Nothaltschalter pl
emergency stop switch
emergency stop switches

emergency Definition

(n.) Sudden or unexpected appearance
(n.) An unforeseen occurrence or combination of circumstances which calls for immediate action or remedy

emergency Bedeutung

forced landing
emergency landing
an unscheduled airplane landing that is made under circumstances (engine failure or adverse weather) not under the pilot's control
emergency procedure (medicine) a procedure adopted to meet an emergency (especially a medical emergency)
emergency room
a room in a hospital or clinic staffed and equipped to provide emergency care to persons requiring immediate medical treatment
fire escape
emergency exit
a stairway (often on the outside of a building) that permits exit in the case of fire or other emergency
hand brake
emergency brake
parking brake
a brake operated by hand, usually operates by mechanical linkage
emergency medicine the branch of medicine concerned with the prompt diagnosis and treatment of injuries or trauma or sudden illness
Emergency Alert System
a federal warning system that is activated by FEMA, enables the President to take over the United States airwaves to warn the whole country of major catastrophic events
a sudden unforeseen crisis (usually involving danger) that requires immediate action, he never knew what to do in an emergency
Federal Emergency Management Agency
an independent agency of the United States government that provides a single point of accountability for all federal emergency preparedness and mitigation and response activities
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
an agency of the United Nations responsible for programs to aid education and the health of children and mothers in developing countries
emergency a state in which martial law applies, the governor declared a state of emergency
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An emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, or environment. Most emergencies require urgent intervention to prevent a worsening of the situation, although in some situations, mitigation may not be possible and agencies may only be able to offer palliative care for the aftermath.

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