
epidemic Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

epidemisch; seuchenartig adj
epidemisch, ansteckend
epidemisch, seuchenartig adj
Epidemie, Seuche
epidemiefrei adj med.
Fleckfieber n
epidemic typhus
Fleckfieber n med.
epidemic typhus
epidemic typhus
epidemic plague
epidemic plagues
Epidemiegeschehen n med.
epidemic occurrence
Epidemie f, Seuche f
Epidemien pl, Seuchen pl
Epidemie f; Seuche f
Epidemien pl; Seuchen pl
Gelbfieberepidemie f med.
yellow fever epidemic
centre of an epidemic
centres of an epidemic
Epidemieverlauf m med.
Epidemieverläufe pl
epidemic curve
epidemic curves
Pestepidemie f med.
Pestepidemien pl
plague epidemic
plague epidemics
Seuche f
Seuchen pl
epidemic plague
epidemic plagues
Seuchenbekämpfung f med.
control of epidemics; epidemic control
Grippeepidemie f med.
Grippeepidemien pl
influenza epidemic
influenza epidemics
Seuchengefahr f
Seuchengefahren pl
danger of epidemic
dangers of epidemic
tödliche Seuche f; Pest f poet. med.
fatal epidemic disease; pestilence poet.
Seuchenreserve f
epidemic reserve; epidemic reserve capacity
Seuchenherd m
Seuchenherde pl
centre of an epidemic
centres of an epidemic
Tabardillofieber n med.
tabardillo; Mexican typhus; epidemic typhus fever
Epidemiografie f; Epidemiographie f; epidemiographische Betrachtung f; Dokumentation f einer Epidemie med.
epidemiography; documentation of an epidemic disease
Epidemiebekämpfungsmaßnahmen pl; antiepidemische Maßnahmen pl med. pol.
epidemic control measures; epidemic response measures
Ausbruch m
Ausbrüche pl
Seuchenausbruch m med.
outbreak; outburst
outbreaks; outbursts
epidemic outbreak
Muskelkaterkrankheit f; Bornholmer Krankheit f; Sylvest'sches Syndrom n; Pleurodynie f (Myositis epidemica) med.
devil's grip; Bornholm disease; pleurodynia; epidemic myalgia
Grippewelle f med.
Grippewellen pl
wave of influenza; wave of flu; flu epidemic
waves of influenza; waves of flu
Grippewelle f med.
Grippewellen pl
wave of influenza, wave of flu, flu epidemic
waves of influenza, waves of flu
(sich) etw. in größeren Mengen auf Vorrat Lager legen; einen Vorrat Vorräte ein Vorratslager von etw. anlegen; etw. bevorraten adm.; einen Vorrat von etw. anhäufen pej. v
Die Regierung legte Impfstoffe in größeren Mengen auf Vorrat, um auf eine Grippeepidemie vorbereitet zu sein.
to stockpile sth.
The government stockpiled vaccines to prepare for a flu epidemic.
Röteln f; Rubeola f med.
rubella; roseola; (epidemic) rubeola; German measles; three-day measles; French measles
Seuche f; Epidemie f med.
Seuchen pl; Epidemien pl
beherrschbare Epidemie
Explosivepidemie f
Tardivepidemie f
epidemic disease; epidemic
epidemic diseases; epidemics
controllable epidemic
fulminant epidemic
delayed epidemic
Gelbsucht f; Ikterus m med.
Mittel gegen Gelbsucht
epidemische Gelbsucht
posthepatische Gelbsucht f; Verschlussikterus m
postvakzinale Gelbsucht
icterus; jaundice
epidemic jaundice; infectious hepatitis
posthepatic jaundice
postvaccinal jaundice; serum hepatitis
etw. bekämpfen; etw. eindämmen v
bekämpfend; eindämmend
bekämpft; eingedämmt
bekämpft; dämmt ein
bekämpfte; dämmte ein
eine Epidemie eindämmen
to control sth. (limit sth. undesirable)
to control an epidemic disease; to contain an epidemic
Gelbsucht f; Ikterus m med.
Mittel gegen Gelbsucht
epidemische Gelbsucht
posthepatische Gelbsucht f; Verschlussikterus m
postvakzinale Gelbsucht
Retentionsikterus m
icterus; jaundice
epidemic jaundice; infectious hepatitis
posthepatic jaundice
postvaccinal jaundice; serum hepatitis
retention jaundice
Epidemieherd m med.
Epidemieherde pl
epidemic focus; epidemic centre Br.; epidemic center Am.; seat of the epidemic
epidemic foci; epidemic centres; epidemic centers; seats of the epidemic
Isolierung f; Isolation f (von Personen)
Während ihrer Isolation dürfen die Geschworenen nicht mit Journalisten sprechen.
Die Isolierung sollte die Politiker vor der Epidemie abschirmen.
sequestration (of persons)
During their sequestration, jurors are not allowed to speak to journalists.
The sequestration of the politicians was intended to shield them from the epidemic.
Isolierung f; Isolation f (von Personen)
Während ihrer Isolation dürfen die Geschworenen nicht mit Journalisten sprechen.
Die Isolierung sollte die Politiker vor der Epidemie abschirmen.
sequestration (of persons)
During their sequestration jurors are not allowed to speak to journalists.
The sequestration of the politicians was intended to shield them from the epidemic.
Magen-Darm-Entzündung f; Magen-Darm-Katharr m; Gastroenteritis f med.
akute infektiöse Gastroenteritis
eosinophile Gastroenteritis
epidemische nichtbakterielle Gastroenteritis
virale Gastroenteritis; Virusgastroenteritis f; Magen-Darm-Grippe f
enterogastritis; gastro-enteritis
acute infectious gastroenteritis
eosinophilic gastroenteritis
epidemic nonbacterial gastroenteritis
viral gastro-enteritis; gastro-intestinal influenza
jdn. etw. mitbringen; jdn. etw. herbringen (zum Standort des Sprechers); jdn. etw. hinbringen (an einen Ort, wo der Sprecher nicht ist); jdn. etw. anschleppen ugs. pej. v
mitbringend; herbringend; hinbringend; anschleppend
mitgebracht; hergebracht; hingebracht; angeschleppt
Er brachte sie mehrmals zu uns nach Hause mit.
Die schlechte Wirtschaftslage hat mich seinerzeit hierher geführt.
Sie schleppten die Seuche nach Italien ein.
to bring over () sb. sth.
bringing over
brought over
He brought her over to our place several times.
Unfavourable economic conditions brought me over here back then.
They brought the epidemic over to Italy.

Deutsche epidemisch; seuchenartig {adj} Synonyme

epidemisch  Âseuchenartig  
epidemisch  seuchenartig  

Englische epidemic Synonyme

epidemic  abounding  abundant  affluent  all-sufficing  ambulatory plague  ample  aplenty  average  besetting  black death  black plague  bottomless  bounteous  bountiful  bubonic plague  catching  cellulocutaneous plague  common  communicable  compact  contagious  copious  current  defervescing plague  diffuse  dominant  effuse  endemic  epidemial  epigrammatic  epiphytotic  epizootic  exhaustless  extravagant  exuberant  fat  fertile  flush  full  galore  general  generous  glandular plague  growth  hemorrhagic plague  in plenty  in quantity  inexhaustible  infectious  infective  inoculable  larval plague  lavish  liberal  luxuriant  many  maximal  meaty  much  murrain  normal  numerous  opulent  ordinary  outbreak  overflowing  pandemia  pandemic  pest  pesthole  pestiferous  pestilence  pestilential  plague  plague spot  plenitudinous  plenteous  plentiful  plenty  pneumonic plague  popular  predominant  predominating  premonitory plague  prevailing  prevalent  prodigal  productive  profuse  profusive  rampant  rash  regnant  reigning  replete  rich  rife  riotous  routine  ruling  running  running over  scourge  septicemic plague  siderating plague  sporadic  spread  spreading  standard  stereotyped  superabundant  taking  teeming  tuberculosis  universal  upsurge  usual  wealthy  well-found  well-furnished  well-provided  well-stocked  white plague  wholesale  wide-ranging  widespread  zymotic  

epidemic Definition

(a.) Alt. of Epidemical
(n.) An epidemic disease.
(n.) Anything which takes possession of the minds of people as an epidemic does of their bodies

epidemic Bedeutung

epidemic a widespread outbreak of an infectious disease, many people are infected at the same time
German measles
three-day measles
epidemic roseola
a contagious viral disease that is a milder form of measles lasting three or four days, can be damaging to a fetus during the first trimester
Asiatic cholera
Indian cholera
epidemic cholera
an acute intestinal infection caused by ingestion of contaminated water or food
epidemic disease any infectious disease that develops and spreads rapidly to many people
epidemic parotitis
an acute contagious viral disease characterized by fever and by swelling of the parotid glands
cerebrospinal meningitis
epidemic meningitis
brain fever
cerebrospinal fever
meningitis caused by bacteria and often fatal
epidemic pleurodynia
epidemic myalgia
diaphragmatic pleurisy
Bornholm disease
an acute infectious disease occurring in epidemic form and featuring paroxysms of pain (usually in the chest)
sleeping sickness
sleepy sickness
epidemic encephalitis
lethargic encephalitis
encephalitis lethargica
an encephalitis that was epidemic between and , symptoms include paralysis of the extrinsic eye muscle and extreme muscular weakness
mass hysteria
epidemic hysertia
a condition in which a large group of people exhibit the same state of violent mental agitation
epidemic (especially of medicine) of disease or anything resembling a disease, attacking or affecting many individuals in a community or a population simultaneously, an epidemic outbreak of influenza
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An epidemic is the rapid spread of infectious disease to a large number of people in a given population within a short period of time, usually two weeks or less. For example, in meningococcal infections, an attack rate in excess of 15 cases per 100,000 people for two consecutive weeks is considered an epidemic.