
estate Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Grundbesitz, Landbesitz, Gutsbesitz
Nachlass m, Erbmasse f
Besitztum, Grundbesitz, Gutshof
estate car
estate duty
Grundbesitz, Immobilien
real estate
Grundbesitz, Liegenschaften, Immobilien
real estate
Grundstücks- und Hausbesitz
real estate
estate duty
Wohnrecht und Nutzungsrecht auf Lebenszeit
life estate
real estate
estate agent
Immobilienmakler, Grundstücksmakler
estate agent
jds. Vermögensmasse f
sb.'s estate
landed estate
estate agency
housing estate
separate estate
Nachlassplanung f; Planung f der Nachlassabwicklung
estate planning
real estate fund
Besitztum n, Grundbesitz m, Gutshof m
Besitztümer pl, Grundbesitze pl, Gutshöfe pl
Ständeordnung f hist.
system of estate
Besitztum n; Grundbesitz m; Gutshof m; Gut n
Besitztümer pl; Grundbesitze pl; Gutshöfe pl; Güter pl
industrial estate
real estate agent
Nachlass m; Erbmasse f
Vermächtnisse pl
Immobilienanlage f fin.
real estate asset
owner of an estate
tax on real estate
real estate broker
Siedlung, Wohngebiet
residential estate
Immobilienkrise f
real estate crisis
Immobilienvermögen n
real estate assets
real estate account
Immobilie f, Liegenschaft f
real estate, realty
Immobiliengesellschaft f
real estate company
real estate company
Immobilienhandel m
real estate business
Rittergut n
manor, feudal estate
real estate business
Immobilienbesitz m
real estate property
Rittergut n
manor; feudal estate
Recht n auf den zukünftigen Erwerb von Liegenschaftsrechten; dingliches Anwartschaftsrecht n auf Liegenschaften jur.
estate in expectancy
Immobilienwirtschaft f econ.
real estate industry
credit on real estate
real estate department
sein Vermögen vermachen
make over one's estate
real estate speculation
Eigentum n, Besitz m, Besitztümer pl
persönliches Eigentum
personal estate
Eigentum n; Besitz m; Besitztümer pl
persönliches Eigentum
personal estate
Presse f (Zeitung)
der Einfluss der Presse, die Macht der Presse, die Presse
the fourth estate
Presse f (Zeitung)
der Einfluss der Presse; die Macht der Presse; die Presse
the fourth estate
Umwandlung f (von Grundbesitz) in ein Fideikommiss; Vererbung f (von Grundbesitz) als Fideikommiss jur.
entailment (of an estate)
Wohnsiedlungsentwicklung f
housing estate development
administration of an estate
Betriebsliegenschaft f
a the company's real estate
Immobilienfonds pl
real estate investment trust
Besitzung f
possession; estate; property
Kammergut n; Kameralgut n; Tafelgut n hist.
direct estate of a sovereign
Waldgut n, Waldbesitz m
Waldgüter pl
forest estate
forest estates
Beleihungsobjekt n; Belehnungsobjekt n Ös. Schw. fin.
real estate used as collateral
Waldgut n; Waldbesitz m
Waldgüter pl
forest estate
forest estates
Wohnimmobilienbereich; Wohnimmobiliensektor m
residential real estate sector
Wohnimmobiliensegment n
residential real estate segment
Anwesen n
herrschaftliches Anwesen
estate, land, premises
Anwesen n
herrschaftliches Anwesen
estate; land; premises
Wohnimmobiliengeschäft n (Bereich)
residential real estate business
Domäne f
Domänen pl
domain, estate
domains, estates
Domäne f
Domänen pl
domain; estate
domains; estates
Familiengut n, Erbgut n
Familiengüter pl, Erbgüter pl
entailed estate
entailed estates
Gewerbegebiet n, Gewerbepark m
industrial estate, industrial park
Familiengut n; Erbgut n
Familiengüter pl; Erbgüter pl
entailed estate
entailed estates
Immobilienfinanzierung f fin.
Immobilienfinanzierung f
real estate financing
Großgrundbesitz m
large estate holdings; large estate
Hochhaussiedlung f arch.
Hochhaussiedlungen pl
high-rise estate
high-rise estates
jds. gesamter Besitz m; jds. Besitztümer pl; jds. Güter pl hist.
jds. persönlicher Besitz
sb.'s estate
sb.'s personal estate
Erbschaftssteuer f, Erbschaftsteuer f
estate duty, death duty, death duties
Nachlassschulden pl
debts of the deceased person's estate
Masseverwaltung f (im Konkursverfahren) jur.
administration of the bankrupt's estate
Immobilie f
real estate; real property; realty Am.
Nachlassabwicklung f
settling of the deceased person's estate
Nachlassgläubiger m
creditor of the deceased person's estate
Liegenschaften pl der Bahn (Bahn)
railway estate; railway property (railway)
Grunderwerbsteuerbefreiung f adm.
real property estate transfer tax exemption
Nachlassbesteuerung f
taxation of the estate of a deceased person
Nachlasspflegschaft f
curatorship of the deceased person's estate
Nachlassverbindlichkeiten pl
liabilities of the deceased person's estate
Immobilienanlage f fin.
property investment; real estate investment
Nachlasssteuer f fin.
estate tax; estate-type taxation; estate duty
Plattenbausiedlung f
prefab estate; estate of prefabricated houses
Realgeschäfte pl econ.
real estate credit business; mortgage business
Nachlassverwaltung f
administration of the deceased person's estate
Bundesvermögenverwaltung f
German Federal Office of Real Estate Management
Immobilie f; unbewegliches Sachgut
Immobilien pl
eine Immobilie verwüsten
to estrepe real estate
Nachlassgegenstände pl
assets constituting the deceased person's estate
Liegenschaftsdienst m; Grundverwaltungsdienst m; Grundbuchsekretariat n Schw. (Bahn)
Estate and Rating Surveyor's Department (railway)
Nachlasssicherung f
measures to preserve the deceased person's estate
Immobilienpreise pl
real estate prices; house prices; property prices
Erbschaftssteuer f; Erbschaftsteuer f adm.; Nachlasssteuer f
inheritance tax; estate tax Am.; death tax Am.
Exposé n; Expose n; Exposee n (Beschreibung einer Verkaufsimmobilie)
Exposés pl; Exposees pl
real estate description
real estate descriptions
Immobilienerschließung f
real estate development; real property development
Zurückbehaltungsberechtigter m; Pfandgläubiger m
Grundpfandrechtsinhaber m
lien holder; lienor
holder of a real estate lien
Masseansprüche pl (nach Konkurseröffnung) jur.
preferential claims (against the bankrupt's estate)
Kombiwagen m, Kombi m auto
estate car Br., utility wagon, station wagon Am.
Immobilienkrise f
real property crisis Br.; real estate crisis Am.
Immobilienvermögen n fin.
real property assets Br.; real estate assets Am.
Wohnsiedlung f; Wohnhausanlage f
Wohnsiedlungen pl; Wohnhausanlagen pl
housing estate; residential complex
housing estates
Reihenhaussiedlung f
Reihenhaussiedlungen pl
estate of terraced houses
estates of terraced houses
pflichtteilsberechtigt sein v jur.
to be entitled to a compulsory portion (in the estate)
pflichtteilsberechtigt sein v jur.
to be entitled to a compulsory portion (in the estate)
(finanzielle) Belastung f fin.
Belastung eines Grundstücks; Grundschuld f
Belastung eines Bankkontos
charge on an estate
charge to a bank account
Erzeugerabfüllung f; Eigene Abfüllung f; Originalabfüllung f; Gutsabfüllung f (Weinkennzeichnung) cook.
bottled by the producer; estate bottled (wine labelling)
Immobilienfinanzierung f fin.
real property financing Br.; real estate financing Am.
Erbengemeinschaft f jur.
community of heirs; joint ownership of an estate by coheirs
Landgut n; Gut n hist.
Landgüter pl; Güter pl
Königsgut n
manor; feudal estate
manors; feudal estates
royal manor
Immobilien pl, Liegenschaften pl
real estate, real property, immoveable property, immoveables
Immobilien pl; Liegenschaften pl
real estate; real property; immoveable property; immoveables
Wohnimmobiliendarlehen n fin.
Wohnimmobiliendarlehen pl
residential real estate loan
residential real estate loans
Wohnimmobiliengeschäft n (Transaktion)
Wohnimmobiliengeschäfte pl
residential real estate deal
residential real estate deals
Wohnimmobilienrisiko n
Wohnimmobilienrisikos pl
residential real estate risk
residential real estate risks
Immobilienfinanzierungsbereich m fin.
real property financingfield; real estate financing business
Wohnimmobilienrisiko n
Wohnimmobilienrisiken pl
residential real estate risk
residential real estate risks
Immobilienerschließung f
real property development Br.; real estate development Am.
Latifundium n (von Skaven bewirtschafteter Großgrundbesitz im Römischen Reich) hist.
latifundium (landed estate worked by slaves in the Roman Empire)
Wohnimmobilienwertermittlung f
residential property valuation; residential real estate valuation
Immobilienaktiengesellschaft f econ.
Immobilienaktiengesellschaften pl
real-estate investment trust REIT
real-estate investment trusts
Maklerbüro n
broker's office, brokerage office, real-estate agency, land agency
Maklerbüro n
broker's office; brokerage office; real-estate agency; land agency
Wohnimmobilienportal n (Internet)
residential property portal; residential real estate portal (rare)
Wohnimmobilienseminar n
Wohnimmobilienseminare pl
residential real estate seminar
residential real estate seminars
Wohnimmobiliensuche f
residential property search; residential real estate search (rare)
Erbberechtigte m,f; Erbberechtigter
person entitled to inherit to an estate to succeed to sb.'s estate
Wohnimmobilienportal n (Internet)
residential property portal; residential real estate portal rare
Wohnimmobiliensuche f
residential property search; residential real estate search rare
Wohnimmobiliengesellschaft f; Wohnimmobilienunternehmen n
Wohnimmobiliengesellschaften pl; Wohnimmobilienunternehmen pl
residential real estate company
residential real estate companies
Wohnimmobilieninvestition f; Wohnimmobilieninvestment n fin.
residential property investment; residential real estate investment
rückgefallenes Gut n; rückgefallenes Recht n; heimgefallenes Gut n; Heimfallsgut n jur.
dem Staat anheimgefallene Erbschaft
escheated property; escheated estate; escheat
escheated inheritance
Erbberechtigte m f; Erbberechtigter
person entitled to inherit to an estate to succeed to sb.'s estate
Masseschulden pl (im Konkursverfahren) jur.
preferential preferred debts of the estate (in bankruptcy proceedings)
Betriebsgrundstück n; Betriebsliegenschaft f adm.
a the company's real property Br.; a the company's real estate Am.
Immobilienfonds pl fin.
real property investment trust Br.; real estate investment trust Am.
Latifundium n (von abhängigen Bauern bewirtschafteter Großgrundbesitz in Südamerika) agr.
latifundium (landed estate worked by dependant farmers in South America)
Erbberechtigung f
right of inheritance; right to a deceased's Br. decedent's Am. estate
jdn. beerben v
jdn. beerbend
jdn. beerbt
to inherit sb.'s estate
inheriting sb.'s estate
inherited sb.'s estate
Wohnimmobilienkonzern m
Wohnimmobilienkonzerne pl
residential real estate corporation
residential real estate corporations
Immobilienfirma f
Immobilienfirmen pl
estate agency; real estate firm Am.
estate agencies; real estate firms
Erbberechtigung f
right of inheritance; right to a deceased's Br. decedent's Am. estate
Immobilienmarkt m
Immobilienmärkte pl
property market; real estate market
property markets; real estate markets
Wohnkomplex m
Wohnkomplexe pl
housing estate; residential complex
housing estates; residential complexes

Deutsche Grundbesitz Landbesitz Gutsbesitz Synonyme

Grundbesitz  ÂLandbesitz  ÂLiegenschaft  
Besitztum  ÂGrundbesitz  ÂLatifundium  
Grundbesitz  Landbesitz  Liegenschaft  

Englische estate Synonyme

estate  Everyman  John Doe  Public  absolute interest  acres  assets  bearings  belongings  benefit  blood  body politic  bracket  branch  capital  case  caste  category  chattels  circumstance  citizenry  claim  clan  class  common  common man  commonwealth  community  community at large  condition  contingent interest  demesne  development  division  domain  easement  equitable interest  equity  everybody  everyman  everyone  everywoman  farm  farmstead  fix  folk  folks  footing  form  fortune  general public  gentry  grade  grange  group  grouping  hacienda  head  heading  holding  holdings  home place  homecroft  homestead  house and grounds  house and lot  interest  jam  kin  label  land  level  limitation  location  lot  manor  mansion  men  messuage  modality  mode  nation  nationality  order  part  pass  people  people in general  percentage  persons  pickle  pigeonhole  place  plantation  plight  polity  populace  population  position  possessions  posture  predicament  property  public  race  ranch  rancho  rank  rating  repair  resources  right  right of entry  rubric  section  sept  set  settlement  shape  situation  society  spot  stake  standing  state  station  status  steading  strain  stratum  strict settlement  subdivision  subgroup  suborder  title  toft  trust  use  vested interest  villa  wealth  world  you and me  

estate Definition

(n.) Settled condition or form of existence
(n.) Social standing or rank
(n.) A person of high rank.
(n.) A property which a person possesses
(n.) The state
(n.) The great classes or orders of a community or state (as the clergy, the nobility, and the commonalty of England) or their representatives who administer the government
(n.) The degree, quality, nature, and extent of one's interest in, or ownership of, lands, tenements, etc.
(v. t.) To establish.
(v. t.) Tom settle as a fortune.
(v. t.) To endow with an estate.

estate Bedeutung

real-estate business the business of selling real estate
beach wagon
station wagon
wagon estate car
beach waggon
station waggon
a car that has a long body and rear door with space behind rear seat
Real Estate Investment Trust
an investment trust that owns and manages a pool of commercial properties and mortgages and other real estate assets, shares can be bought and sold in the stock market
estate of the realm
the three estates
a major social class or order of persons regarded collectively as part of the body politic of the country (especially in the United Kingdom) and formerly possessing distinct political rights
first estate
Lords Spiritual
the clergy in France and the heads of the church in Britain
second estate
Lords Temporal
the nobility in France and the peerage in Britain
third estate
the common people
fourth estate the press, including journalists, newspaper writers, photographers
housing estate a residential area where the houses were all planned and built at the same time
real estate broker
real estate agent
estate agent
land agent house agent
a person who is authorized to act as an agent for the sale of land, in England they call a real estate agent a land agent
personal property
personal estate
private property
movable property (as distinguished from real estate)
real property
real estate
property consisting of houses and land
estate land
landed estate
extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use, the family owned a large estate on Long Island
estate everything you own, all of your assets (whether real property or personal property) and liabilities
gross estate the total valuation of the estate's assets at the time of the person's death
net estate the estate remaining after debts and funeral expenses and administrative expenses have been deducted from the gross estate, the estate then left to be distributed (and subject to federal and state inheritance taxes)
life estate
estate for life
(law) an estate whose duration is limited to the life of the person holding it
inheritance tax
estate tax
death tax
death duty
a tax on the estate of the deceased person
real estate loan
mortgage loan
a loan on real estate that is usually secured by a mortgage
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