
ex Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

erbittern v
to exacerbate
jdn. verÀrgern
to exacerbate
(Situation) verschÀrfen, verschlimmern v
verschÀrfend, verschlimmernd
verschÀrft, verschlimmert
to exacerbate
jdn. verÀrgern v
to exacerbate
(Situation) verschÀrfen; verschlimmern v
verschÀrfend; verschlimmernd
verschÀrft; verschlimmert
to exacerbate
etw. verschĂ€rfen; verschlimmern; noch schlimmer machen v (Situation; Problem, GefĂŒhl)
verschÀrfend; verschlimmernd; noch schlimmer machend
verschÀrft; verschlimmert; noch schlimmer gemacht
to exacerbate sth. (situation, problem, feeling)
Analgetikaintoleranz f; Morbus Samter m; Morbus Widal m; Samter-Trias f med.
Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease AERD ; Widal's triad; Samter's triad
Erbitterung f
Exazerbation f, Verschlimmerung einer Krankheit med.
Exazerbation f; Verschlimmerung einer Krankheit med.
SchmerzverstÀrkung f; VerstÀrkung f der Schmerzen med.
exacerbation of pain; worsening of pain
Erbitterung f
Erbitterungen pl
genau, bestimmt, scharf
genaue Anschrift
exact address
genaue Markierungsanweisungen
exact marking instructions
genaue Wert
exact value
genaue Zahl
exact number
genaue Zeit
exact time
Zahlung erzwingen
exact payment
Porto n, ZustellgebĂŒhr f, PostgebĂŒhr f
das genaue Porto
Porto zahlt EmpfÀnger
the exact postage
postage to be paid by addressee
genau, richtig, exakt, pĂŒnktlich adj
am genauesten, am genausten
more exact
most exact
nachfragegenau adj
in line with exact demand
So hat er wörtlich gesagt.
Those were his exact words.
genau, richtig
more exact
most exact
das genaue Porto
the exact postage
die genaue Zeit
the exact time
ein scharfer und genauer Beobachter
an exact observer
genau seine Worte
his exact words
genaue Preis
exact price
genau das was ich brauche
the exact article I require
genau nach unseren Weisungen
in exact accordance with our instructions
Gegensatz m
GegensÀtze pl
Die AusdrĂŒcke "schwarz" und "weiß" sind GegensĂ€tze.
Meine zwei BrĂŒder sind völlig gegensĂ€tzlich.; Meine zwei BrĂŒder könnten gegensĂ€tzlicher nicht sein.
Wir haben ein gegensÀtzliches Temperament.
GegensÀtze ziehen sich an. Sprw.
The terms "black" and "white" are opposites.
My two brothers are polar exact complete opposites.
We are opposites in temperament.
Opposites attract. prov.
Gegenteil n
Gegenteile pl
das genaue Gegenteil (von etw.)
das genaue Gegenteil von etw. sein
aber das Gegenteil ist der Fall
etw. in sein Gegenteil verkehren
'Schnell' ist das Gegenteil von 'langsam'.; Das Gegenteil von 'schnell' ist 'langsam'.
the very exact opposite (of sth.)
to be just exactly the opposite of sth.
but really the opposite is true
to turn sth. into its opposite
'Fast' is the opposite of 'slow'.; The opposite of 'fast' is 'slow'.
Nachbau m +Gen.
lizenzierter Nachbau
Das ist ein genauer Nachbau des Tatschmahal.
replica; reproduction (of sth.)
manufacturing under licence
This is an exact replica of the Taj Mahal.
Porto n; ZustellgebĂŒhr f; PostgebĂŒhr f
das genaue Porto
Porto bezahlt
Porto zahlt EmpfÀnger
the exact postage
Postage paid
postage to be paid by addressee
Treffer m; Übereinstimmung f (bei etw.) (beim Abgleichen)
eine genaue Übereinstimmung beim Geburtsort
völlige FarbĂŒbereinstimmung
Die Datenbankabfrage anhand der Namen ergab eine mögliche Übereinstimmung in beiden FĂ€llen.
Der Abgleich des DNS-Profils mit unserer Datenbank hat keinen Treffer ergeben.
Die FingerabdrĂŒcke wurden in unserer Datenbank gespeichert und werden kĂŒnftig permanent abgeglichen.
match (on sth.) (in comparisons)
an exact match on the place of birth
colour match
Following a database query using the names a possible match was found for both.
We have checked the DNA profile against our database records but no match was found.
The fingerprints have been stored on our database for any possible future match.
(sinngemĂ€ĂŸes) Zitat (von jdm. aus etw.); sinngemĂ€ĂŸe Wiedergabe (von etw.) ling.
ein Zitat aus einem berĂŒhmten Gedicht von Auden
Das ist nur die sinngemĂ€ĂŸe Wiedergabe ihrer Äußerung kein wörtliches Zitat.
paraphrase (of sb. of from sth.)
a paraphrase of a famous Auden poem
This is just a paraphrase of what she said not an exact quote.
jdm. etw. abverlangen; abfordern; abnötigen; abpressen v soc.
abverlangend; abfordernd; abnötigend; abpressend
abverlangt; abgefordert; abgenötigt; abgepresst
jdm. das Versprechen abverlangen dass ...
jdm. Gehorsam abnötigen
eine Zahlung (ungerechtfertigt) eintreiben
an jdm. (fĂŒr etw.) Rache ĂŒben
einen hohen Tribut fordern; jdn. etw. arg in Mitleidenschaft ziehen (Sache)
Stress kann den Menschen arg in Mitleidenschaft ziehen.
Die plastische Chirurgie verlangt ungeheure Geschicklichkeit und Konzentration.
Die TĂ€ter pressten den Opfern 100.000 Dollar ab.
to exact sth. from sb.
to exact a promise from sb. that ...
to exact obedience from sb.
to exact a payment
to exact revenge on sb. (for sth.)
to exact a terrible toll to exact a heavy high price (from sb. sth.) (matter)
Stress can exact a high price from people.
Plastic surgery exacts tremendous skill and concentration.
The blackmailers exacted 100 000 dollars from their victims.
genau; gewissenhaft; akkurat; exakt; prÀzis; prÀzise adj
genauer; prÀziser
am genauesten; am prÀzisesten
ein treffender Ausdruck
Genaues wissen; Genaueres wissen
Ich weiß nicht Genaues Genaueres.
more precise
most precise
a precise term
to know the precise exact details; to know more precise exact details
I don't know anything definite more definite.
genau; richtig; exakt; pĂŒnktlich adj
am genauesten; am genausten
die genaue Uhrzeit
more exact
most exact
the exact time; the right time
haargenau adj
haargenau adv
haargenau adj
exact; precise
exactly; precisely
to a T
etw. (von jdm.) fordern
to exact sth. (from so.) geh.
jds. Ebenbild n geh.
der Mensch als Ebenbild Gottes
jds. (genaues) Ebenbild sein; jdm. wie aus dem Gesicht geschnitten sein
sb.'s spit and image; sb.'s spitten image rare; sb.'s image; sb.'s exact likeness
man as the image the likeness of God; man as God's image likeness
to be the spit and image of sb. (often wrongly: spitting image)
Gegensatz m
GegensÀtze pl
Die AusdrĂŒcke „schwarz“ und „weiß“ sind GegensĂ€tze.
Meine zwei BrĂŒder sind völlig gegensĂ€tzlich.; Meine zwei BrĂŒder könnten gegensĂ€tzlicher nicht sein.
Wir haben ein gegensÀtzliches Temperament.
GegensÀtze ziehen sich an. Sprw.
The terms "black" and "white" are opposites.
My two brothers are polar exact complete opposites.
We are opposites in temperament.
Opposites attract. prov.
Gegenteil n
Gegenteile pl
das genaue Gegenteil (von etw.)
das genaue Gegenteil von etw. sein
aber das Gegenteil ist der Fall
etw. in sein Gegenteil verkehren
„Schnell“ ist das Gegenteil von „langsam“.; Das Gegenteil von „schnell“ ist „langsam“.
the very exact opposite (of sth.)
to be just exactly the opposite of sth.
but really the opposite is true
to turn sth. into its opposite
'Fast' is the opposite of 'slow'.; The opposite of 'fast' is 'slow'.
Nachbau m +Gen.
lizenzierter Nachbau
Das ist ein genauer Nachbau des Tadsch Mahal.
replica; reproduction (of sth.)
manufacturing under licence
This is an exact replica of the Taj Mahal.
Porto n; ZustellgebĂŒhr f; PostgebĂŒhr f
Briefporto n
PaketgebĂŒhr f; Pakettarif m
das genaue Porto
Porto bezahlt
Porto zahlt EmpfÀnger
postage for letters
postage for parcels; parcel rate
the exact postage
Postage paid
postage to be paid by addressee
Treffer m; Übereinstimmung f (bei etw.) (beim Abgleichen)
eine genaue Übereinstimmung beim Geburtsort
völlige FarbĂŒbereinstimmung
Die Datenbankabfrage anhand der Namen ergab eine mögliche Übereinstimmung in beiden FĂ€llen.
Der Abgleich des DNS-Profils mit unserer Datenbank hat keinen Treffer ergeben.
Die FingerabdrĂŒcke wurden in unserer Datenbank gespeichert und werden kĂŒnftig permanent abgeglichen.
match (on sth.) (in comparisons)
an exact match on the place of birth
colour match
Following a database query using the names a possible match was found for both.
We have checked the DNA profile against our database records, but no match was found.
The fingerprints have been stored on our database for any possible future match.
(sinngemĂ€ĂŸes) Zitat (von jdm. aus etw.); sinngemĂ€ĂŸe Wiedergabe (von etw.) ling.
ein Zitat aus einem berĂŒhmten Gedicht von Auden
Das ist nur die sinngemĂ€ĂŸe Wiedergabe ihrer Äußerung, kein wörtliches Zitat.
paraphrase (of sb. of, from sth.)
a paraphrase of a famous Auden poem
This is just a paraphrase of what she said, not an exact quote.
jdm. etw. abverlangen; abfordern; abnötigen; abpressen v soc.
abverlangend; abfordernd; abnötigend; abpressend
abverlangt; abgefordert; abgenötigt; abgepresst
jdm. das Versprechen abverlangen, dass 

jdm. Gehorsam abnötigen
eine Zahlung (ungerechtfertigt) eintreiben
an jdm. (fĂŒr etw.) Rache ĂŒben
einen hohen Tribut fordern; jdn. etw. arg in Mitleidenschaft ziehen (Sache)
Stress kann den Menschen arg in Mitleidenschaft ziehen.
Die plastische Chirurgie verlangt ungeheure Geschicklichkeit und Konzentration.
Die TĂ€ter pressten den Opfern 100.000 Dollar ab.
to exact sth. from sb.
to exact a promise from sb. that 

to exact obedience from sb.
to exact a payment
to exact revenge on sb. (for sth.)
to exact a terrible toll to exact a heavy high price (from sb. sth.) (matter)
Stress can exact a high price from people.
Plastic surgery exacts tremendous skill and concentration.
The blackmailers exacted 100,000 dollars from their victims.
etw. fordern v (von jdm.)
Gehorsam fordern
to exact sth. (from sb.) formal
to exact obedience
etw. spiegeln v (eine genaue Kopie eines Datenbestands auf einem anderen DatentrÀger vorhalten) comp.
to mirror sth. (to retain an exact copy of a data inventory on another data medium)
statistischer Test m statist.
bedingter Test
bestmöglicher optimaler Test
einseitiger asymmetrischer Test
zweiseitiger Test
kombinatorischer Test
konsistenter Test
strengster Test; Test mit minimalem SchÀrfeverlust
symmetrischer Test
randomisierter Test
trennschÀrfster Test, bester Test
unverzerrter unverfÀlschter Test
verzerrter verfÀlschter Test
zerstörende PrĂŒfung
zulÀssiger Test
eingeschrÀnkter Chiquadrat-Test
Folgetest; sequentieller Test
generalisierter Sequentialtest
gleicher Abstandtest
gleichmĂ€ĂŸig bester Abstandstest
gleichmĂ€ĂŸig trennschĂ€rfster Test
Log-Rangtest; Mantel-Haenzel-Test
lokal asymptotisch strengster Test
lokal asymptotisch trennschÀrfster mÀchtigster Test; optimaler asymptotischer Test
lokal trennschÀrfster mÀchtigster Rangordnungstest
Medialtest m; Quadrantentest m
Mediantest m
Monte-Carlo-Test m
Multibinomialtest m
multipler Spannweitentest
NormalitÀtstest m; Test auf Normalverteilung
inverse Normalscores-Test
zufÀlliger Normalscores-Test
Omega-Quadrat-Test m; omegaÂČ-Test; WnÂČ-Test; CramĂ©r-von-Mises-Test
orthogonaler Test; Test auf OrthogonalitÀt
Permutationstest m; Randomisationstest m
Rang-randomisierter Test
randomisierter Signifikanztest
sequentieller Chi-Quadrat-Test
sequentieller TÂČ-Test
simultaner VarianzverhÀltnistest
SphÀrizitÀtstest m; Mauchly-Test m
StabilitĂ€tsprĂŒfung f
T-Quadrat-Test m
Tandemtest m
Test auf gleiche Tails
Test auf leere Zellen
Test mit einheitlichen Scores
Test mit erwarteten Normalscores
Tests von Aufzeichnungen
Trendtest m
trennschÀrfster Rangtest
UNÂČ-Test m
VarianzverhÀltnistest m; F-Test m
Vereinigung-Schnitt-Test m
Verschiebungstest m
Vorzeichentest m
Vorzeichenrangtest m; Wilcoxon-Test fĂŒr gepaarte Stichproben
Vorzeichenwechsel-Test m; Umkehrprobe f bei Indexzahlen
W-Test auf NormalitÀt m
WahrscheinlichkeitsverhÀltnistest m
Zeit-Umkehrprobe f; Umkehrprobe f fĂŒr Indexbasen
zweidimensionaler Zeichentest m
Z-Test m
Ajnescher An-Test
Armitage Chiquadrat-Trendtest
Barnardscher Monte Carlo-Test
Bartlett-Test auf Interaktion 2. Ordnung
Bartlett'scher KollinearitÀtstest
Bartlett-Diananda'scher Test
Barnard'scher Test
Behrens-Fisher-Test; Fisher-Behrens-Test
Boxscher Test
Cochrans Q-Test; McNemar-Test
Dispersionstest von Ansari-Bradley
Fisher-Yates-Test; exak
statistical hypothesis test
ad hoc test
a posteriori test
conditional test
optimum test
one-sided test; one-tailed test; single tail test; asymmetrical test
two-sided test; two-tailed test; double-tailed test
combinatorial test
consistent test
most stringent test
symmetrical test
randomized test
most powerful test
unbiased test
biased test
destructive test
admissible test
corner test
extreme rank sum test
difference sign test
triangle test
duo-trio test
restricted chi-squared test
factor reversal test
sequential test
generalized sequential probability ratio test
equal spacings test
uniformly best distance power test; UBDP test
uniformly most powerful test; UMP test
least significant difference test; LSD test
likelihood ratio test
log-rank test; Mantel-Haenszel test
locally asymptotically most stringent test
locally assymptotically most powerful test; optimal asymptotic test
locally most powerful rank order test
medial test
median test
Monte Carlo test
multi-binomial test
multiple range test
test of normality
inverse normal scores test
random normal scores test
omega square test; WnÂČ test; CramĂ©r-von Mises test
orthogonal test; independent test
permutation test; randomization test
rank-randomization test
randomized significance test
sequential chi-squared test
sequential tÂČ test
simultaneous variance ratio test
test for sphericity; Mauchly test
stability test
t-square test
tandem tests
equal-tails test
empty cell test
uniform scores test
expected normal scores test
records tests
test of trend
most powerful rank test
UNÂČ test
variance ratio test; F-test
union-intersection test
slippage test
sign test
signed rank test; Wilcoxon's matched pairs rank test
reversal test
W test for normality
probability ratio test
base reversal test; time reversal test
bivariate sign test
Abelson-Tukey score test
Ajne's An-test
Armitage's chi-squared test for trend
Aspin-Welch test
Barnard's Monte Carlo test
Bartlett's test
Bartlett's test of second order interaction
Bartlett's collinearity test
Bartlett-Diananda test
CSM test
Beran's test
Behrens-Fisher test; Fisher-Behrens test
bootstrap test
Box's test
Breslow-Day test
Brunk's test
Butler-Smirnov test
Capon test
Cliff-Ord tests
Cochran's test
Cochran's Q-test; McNemar's test
Cox and Stuart's tests
D'Agostino's test
Daniel's test
David-Barton test
Ansari-Bradley dispersion test
Duncan's test; k-ratio t-test
Dunn's test
Dunnett's test
Dwass-Steel test
Fisher-Yates test; Fisher-Irwin test; Fisher exact test exact chi-squared test
Freund-Ansari test
Friedman's test
Gabriel's test
Galton's rank order test
Gart's test
Gehan test
Greenhouse-Geisser test
Gupta's symmetry test
Hartley's test; maximum F-ratio
Hodges' bivariate sign test
Hodges-Ajne's test
wirklich; wahrlich adv
Die genaue Ursache konnte nie wirklich geklÀrt werden.
really and truly
Its exact cause has never been truly identified.
anspruchsvoll adj
sehr anspruchsvoll sein, sehr viel verlangen
to be very exacting
peinlich genau adj
noch genauer, anspruchsvoll
anspruchsvoll adj
sehr anspruchsvoll sein; sehr viel verlangen
to be very exacting
fordernd adj
exacting {adj}

Deutsche erbittern {vi} / erbitternd / erbittert / erbittert / erbitterte Synonyme


Englische to exacerbate Synonyme

ex  aside from  bar  barring  beside  besides  except  except for  excepting  excluding  exclusive of  from  leaving out  let alone  omitting  out  out of  outside of  precluding  save  save and except  saving  than  unless  without  
ex officio  absolute  ascendant  authoritarian  authoritative  authorized  autocratic  clothed with authority  commanding  competent  consequential  considerable  controlling  dominant  duly constituted  eminent  empowered  ex cathedra  governing  great  hegemonic  hegemonistic  imperative  important  influential  leading  mighty  momentous  monocratic  official  potent  powerful  preeminent  prestigious  prominent  puissant  ranking  ruling  senior  substantial  superior  supreme  totalitarian  weighty  
ex post facto  a priori  after  after all  after that  afterwards  back  backward  early  in the aftermath  in the sequel  into the past  later  next  retroactive  retrospective  since  subsequently  then  thereafter  thereon  thereupon  therewith  
exacerbate  accelerate  acerbate  agent provocateur  aggravate  alienate  amplify  annoy  antagonize  augment  beef up  bitter  blow up  build up  chafe  complicate  concentrate  condense  consolidate  damage  deepen  deteriorate  dilapidate  double  embitter  endamage  enhance  enlarge  envenom  estrange  exaggerate  exasperate  feed the fire  fret  gall  grate  grate on  gravel  grit  harm  heat up  heighten  hop up  hot up  hurt  impair  increase  inflame  infuriate  injure  intensify  irritate  jazz up  key up  madden  magnify  make acute  make complex  make worse  provoke  put back  ramify  rasp  redouble  reinforce  set against  set at odds  set on edge  sharpen  soup up  sour  step up  strengthen  triple  weaken  whet  worsen  
exacerbation  accelerando  acceleration  aggravation  agitation  amplification  animation  annoyance  arousal  arousing  augmentation  beefing-up  blowing up  blowup  chafe  concentration  condensation  consolidation  contentiousness  deepening  deliberate aggravation  deterioration  electrification  embittering  embitterment  enhancement  enlargement  exaggeration  exasperation  excitation  excitement  exhilaration  explosion  fomentation  fret  gall  galvanization  heating-up  heightening  incitement  increase  inflammation  information explosion  infuriation  intensification  irritant  irritation  lathering up  magnification  perturbation  pickup  population explosion  provocation  redoubling  reinforcement  sharpening  souring  speedup  steaming up  step-up  stimulation  stimulus  stirring  stirring up  strengthening  tightening  whipping up  working up  worsening  
exact  accurate  appreciative  ask  ask for  assess  attentive  badger  be hurting for  be indicated  blackmail  brook no denial  burden with  call for  careful  challenge  charge  charge for  claim  clamor for  close  compel  conscientious  conscionable  constant  consummate  correct  critical  cry for  cry out for  delicate  demand  demanding  detailed  dictate  differential  direct  discriminate  discriminating  discriminative  distinctive  distinguishing  enforce  enjoin  even  exacting  exigent  express  exquisite  extort  extract  faithful  fasten upon  fastidious  faultless  fine  finical  finicking  finicky  force from  freight with  full  fussy  gouge  have occasion for  heedful  identical  impose  impose on  impose upon  indent  inerrable  inerrant  infallible  inflict on  inflict upon  insist on  insist upon  issue an ultimatum  lay  lay on  leave no option  levy  levy blackmail  literal  make a demand  make dutiable  mathematical  methodical  meticulous  micrometrically precise  microscopic  minute  narrow  necessitate  need  nice  oblige  order  order up  orderly  painstaking  particular  perfect  picayune  pinch  pinpoint  place  place an order  precious  precise  precisian  precisianistic  precisionist  precisionistic  prerequire  pro rata  proper  prorate  pry loose from  punctilious  punctual  puristic  put  put down  put in requisition  put on  put upon  refined  religious  religiously exact  rend  rend from  require  requisition  right  rigid  rigorous  rip  rip from  saddle with  scientific  scientifically exact  screw  scrupulous  scrutinizing  selective  selfsame  sensitive  set  severe  shake  shake down  snatch from  special  specific  square  squeeze  stick for  strict  subject to  subtle  tactful  take doing  take no denial  task  tax  tear from  thorough  tithe  true  undeviating  unerring  very  want  want doing  warn  weight down with  wrench  wrench from  wrest  wring  wring from  yoke with  
exacting  Herculean  Spartan  Spartanic  abstruse  accurate  arduous  arousing  astringent  attentive  austere  authoritarian  brutal  burdensome  censorious  choicy  choosy  clamant  clamorous  close  complex  conscientious  correct  critical  crying  cutthroat  delicate  demanding  detailed  difficile  difficult  discriminating  discriminative  dour  draining  educible  eductive  elicitory  eradicative  evocative  exact  exactive  excessive  exigent  exorbitant  exquisite  extortionary  extortionate  extortive  extractive  extravagant  fancy  fastidious  fine  finical  finicking  finicky  formidable  fussy  gouging  grasping  grievous  grim  grossly overpriced  hairy  hard  hard-earned  hard-fought  harsh  hypercritical  immoderate  imperative  importunate  inflationary  inordinate  insistent  instant  intricate  jawbreaking  knotted  knotty  laborious  loud  mean  meticulous  minute  narrow  nice  no picnic  not easy  operose  oppressive  out of bounds  out of sight  outrageous  overpriced  particular  perfectionistic  persistent  pertinacious  picky  precise  precisianistic  precisionistic  preposterous  pressing  priggish  prohibitive  prudish  punctilious  punctual  puristic  puritanic  refined  religious  rigid  rigorous  rough  rugged  scrupulous  scrutinizing  selective  sensitive  set with thorns  severe  skyrocketing  spiny  spiraling  steep  stern  strenuous  strict  stringent  subtle  taxing  thorny  ticklish  toilsome  tough  tricky  trying  tyrannical  unconscionable  undue  unreasonable  unsparing  unwarranted  uphill  uprooting  urgent  usurious  weighty  wicked  
exaction  admission  admission fee  anchorage  blackmail  bother  brokerage  burdening  call  call for  carfare  cellarage  charge  charges  charging  claim  contribution  cover charge  demand  demand for  dockage  draft  drain  dues  duty  entrance fee  exactment  extortion  extortionate demand  fare  fee  freighting  heavy demand  hire  imposing an onus  imposition  impost  inconsiderateness  inconvenience  indent  infliction  insistent demand  laying on  levy  license fee  loading  loading down  nonnegotiable demand  notice  obtrusiveness  order  pilotage  portage  presumptuousness  rending  requirement  requisition  ripping  rush  rush order  salvage  scot  scot and lot  shot  storage  tasking  tax  taxing  tearing  toll  towage  tribute  trouble  ultimatum  unwarranted demand  warning  weighting  wharfage  wrench  wrenching  wrest  wresting  wring  wringing  
exactly  OK  Roger  absolutely  accurately  all  all in all  all right  alright  alrighty  altogether  amen  as well  as you say  assuredly  at the gun  aye  bang  by all means  certainly  closely  completely  concretely  conscientiously  correctly  da  dead  definitely  directly  distinctly  especially  even  exactingly  explicitly  expressly  exquisitely  faithfully  faultlessly  fine  flush  full  fussily  good  good enough  hear  in all respects  in detail  in every respect  in particular  in toto  indeed  indeedy  ipsissimis verbis  item by item  ja  just  just so  kerplunk  literally  literatim  mais oui  methodically  meticulously  minutely  most assuredly  naturally  naturellement  nicely  of course  okay  on the dot  on the instant  on the minute  on time  oui  particularly  perfectly  plop  plumb  plump  plunk  point-blank  positively  precisely  punctiliously  punctually  quite  rather  really  refinedly  right  righto  rigidly  rigorously  scrupulously  separately  sharp  singly  smack  smack-dab  spang  specially  specifically  square  squarely  stick  straight  strictly  sure  sure thing  surely  systematically  to be specific  to be sure  to the letter  to the minute  totally  truly  undeniably  undeviatingly  unequivocally  unerringly  utterly  verbally  verbatim  verbatim et litteratim  very well  well and good  wholly  why yes  with exactitude  with great nicety  with precision  word by word  word for word  yea  yeah  yep  yes  yes indeed  yes indeedy  yes sir  yes sirree  
exactness  absoluteness  accuracy  attention to detail  attention to fact  care for truth  circumstantiality  conscientiousness  correctness  criticality  criticalness  definiteness  delicacy  detail  exactingness  exactitude  exquisiteness  faithfulness  faultlessness  fidelity  fineness  finicality  finicalness  finickiness  finickingness  flawlessness  fussiness  literalism  literality  literalness  mathematical precision  meticulousness  minuteness  niceness  nicety  particularity  particularness  perfection  preciseness  precisianism  precision  punctiliousness  punctuality  refinement  right  rightness  rigidity  rigidness  rigor  rigorousness  scrupulosity  scrupulousness  severity  strictness  subtlety  textualism  the letter  
exaggerate  accelerate  aggrandize  aggravate  amplify  ballyhoo  be untruthful  beef up  belie  blow up  build up  burlesque  camouflage  caricature  carry too far  color  complicate  concentrate  condense  consolidate  deceive  deepen  disguise  distort  double  draw the longbow  embellish  enhance  equivocate  exacerbate  exceed  exhaust  falsify  fib  fudge  garble  go beyond  go overboard  go to extremes  go too far  heat up  heighten  hop up  hot up  hyperbolize  idealize  intensify  jazz up  key up  know no bounds  lay it on  lie  lie flatly  magnify  make complex  make much of  miscolor  mislead  misquote  misreport  misrepresent  misstate  misteach  overact  overappraise  overassess  overcalculate  overcarry  overcharge  overcount  overdevelop  overdo  overdraw  overdrive  overelaborate  overemphasize  overesteem  overestimate  overexercise  overexert  overexpend  overgo  overindulge  overjump  overlabor  overleap  overmeasure  overpaint  overpass  overplay  overpraise  overprize  overrate  overreach  overreact  overreact to  overreckon  overrun  oversell  overshoot  overshoot the field  overshoot the mark  overspeak  overspend  overstate  overstep  overstrain  overstress  overstride  overstudy  overtask  overtax  overtrain  overuse  overvalue  overwork  pad  parody  pass all bounds  pervert  pile it on  prevaricate  protest too much  puff  ramify  redouble  reinforce  romance  romanticize  sharpen  slant  soup up  speak falsely  step up  story  strengthen  stretch  stretch the truth  superabound  talk big  talk in superlatives  tell a lie  tout  travesty  triple  twist  understate  warp  whet  wrench  
exaggerated  a bit much  abandoned  aggrandized  amplified  ballyhooed  boundless  disproportionate  egregious  enormous  excessive  exorbitant  extravagant  extreme  fabulous  fancy  gigantic  gluttonous  grandiloquent  high  high-flown  hyperbolic  hypertrophied  immoderate  incontinent  inflated  inordinate  intemperate  magnified  monstrous  out of bounds  out of sight  outrageous  overbig  overdeveloped  overdone  overdrawn  overemphasized  overemphatic  overestimated  overgreat  overgrown  overlarge  overmuch  overpraised  overrated  oversold  overstated  overstressed  overvalued  overweening  overwrought  prodigal  profuse  puffed  puffed up  steep  stiff  stretched  superlative  too much  touted  unbridled  unconscionable  undue  unreasonable  unrestrained  
exaggeration  abandon  abstractionism  accelerando  acceleration  affectation  aggrandizement  aggravation  amplification  beefing-up  blague  blowing up  blowup  boundlessness  cock-and-bull story  coloring  command of language  concentration  condensation  confabulation  consolidation  deepening  deformation  distortion  egregiousness  embellishment  enhancement  enlargement  enormousness  equivocation  exacerbation  excess  excessiveness  exorbitance  exorbitancy  explosion  expression of ideas  expressionism  extravagance  extravagancy  extreme  extremes  extremism  extremity  fabulousness  fairy tale  false coloring  false swearing  falsehood  falsification  falsifying  falsity  farfetched story  farrago  fashion  feeling for words  fib  fiction  fish story  flam  flight of fancy  flimflam  form of speech  garbling  ghost story  giantism  gigantism  gluttony  grace of expression  grandiloquence  half-truth  heating-up  heightening  hyperbole  hypertrophy  immoderacy  immoderateness  immoderation  inaccuracy  incontinence  inflation  information explosion  injustice  inordinacy  inordinance  inordinateness  intemperance  intemperateness  intensification  inundation  legal fiction  lie  literary style  litotes  little white lie  magnification  manner  manner of speaking  mannerism  mendacity  miscoloring  misconstruction  misdrawing  mispainting  misquotation  misreport  misrepresentation  misstatement  misteaching  mode  mode of expression  monstrousness  nimiety  nonrealism  outrageousness  overappraisal  overassessment  overcalculation  overdevelopment  overdrawing  overestimate  overestimation  overflowing  overgreatness  overgrowth  overindulgence  overlargeness  overmuch  overmuchness  overpass  overrating  overreaction  overreckoning  overrun  overrunning  overspreading  overstatement  overvaluation  peculiarity  perjury  personal style  perversion  pickup  pious fiction  population explosion  prevarication  radicalism  redoubling  reinforcement  rhetoric  
exalt  acclaim  accord respect to  add to  admire  adore  adulate  advance  aggrandize  amplify  animate  apotheose  apotheosize  appreciate  arouse  augment  awaken  beatify  belaud  bepraise  bless  bless the Lord  blow up  boast of  boost  brag about  broaden  build  build up  canonize  celebrate  cleanse  consecrate  crown  cry up  dedicate  deepen  defer to  deify  devote  dignify  distinguish  doxologize  elate  electrify  elevate  emblazon  encourage  enhance  enlarge  ennoble  enshrine  entertain respect for  enthrone  erect  esteem  eulogize  excite  expand  extend  extol  fatten  favor  fill out  fire  flatter  flush  glamorize  glorify  glorify the Lord  graduate  hallow  heighten  hero-worship  hike  hike up  hold in esteem  hold in reverence  honor  hymn  idolize  immortalize  increase  inflate  inform  inspire  inspirit  intensify  jack up  jump up  kick upstairs  knight  laud  lengthen  lift  lionize  look up to  magnify  make legendary  make much of  maximize  overpraise  panegyrize  parlay  pass  pay tribute  pedestal  pique  porter aux nues  praise  praise God  prefer  prize  promote  puff  puff up  purify  put up  pyramid  quicken  raise  regard  respect  revere  reverence  saint  salute  sanctify  set apart  set up  sharpen  sing praises  spirit up  spur  stimulate  stir up  sublime  thicken  think highly of  think much of  think well of  throne  trumpet  up  upgrade  uplift  upraise  venerate  worship  
exaltation  accolade  adulation  advance  advancement  aggrandizement  altitude  apotheosis  ascent  assumption  beatification  beatitude  bepraisement  bewitchment  bigheartedness  bigness  blessedness  blessing  bliss  blissfulness  boost  canonization  ceiling  cheer  cheerfulness  chivalrousness  chivalry  cloud nine  congratulation  consecration  consequence  conspicuousness  dedication  deification  delectation  delight  devotion  dignification  distinction  ecstasy  ecstatics  elation  elevation  eloge  eminence  enchantment  encomium  ennoblement  enshrinement  enthronement  erection  errantry  escalation  eulogium  eulogy  euphoria  excellence  excessive praise  exhilaration  extolment  exuberance  felicity  flattery  gaiety  generosity  generousness  gladness  glee  glorification  glory  grace  graduation  grandeur  great heart  greatheartedness  greatness  greatness of heart  hallowing  happiness  hauteur  heaven  height  heighth  hero worship  heroism  high mightiness  high spirits  high-mindedness  highness  homage  hommage  honor  idealism  idolatry  idolizing  immortalization  importance  intoxication  joy  joyance  joyfulness  justification  justification by works  knight-errantry  knighting  knightliness  kudos  largeheartedness  laud  laudation  liberality  liberalness  lifting  lionizing  loftiness  magnanimity  magnanimousness  magnification  mark  meed of praise  nobility  noble-mindedness  nobleness  notability  note  openhandedness  outstandingness  overhappiness  overjoyfulness  overpraise  paean  panegyric  paradise  passing  pay raise  perpendicular distance  praise  preferment  princeliness  prominence  promotion  purification  raise  raising  rapture  ravishment  rearing  rise  sainthood  sainting  sanctification  setting apart  seventh heaven  significance  state of grace  stature  sublimity  sunshine  supereminence  sursum corda  tallness  toploftiness  transport  tribute  unalloyed happiness  upbuoying  upcast  upgrading  upheaval  upl  
exalted  Olympian  aerial  aggrandized  airy  altitudinous  analysis  apotheosized  aristocratic  ascending  aspiring  assay  astral  audit  august  awesome  beaming  beatified  big  bighearted  blissful  blithe  blithesome  breakdown  bright  bright and sunny  bursting with happiness  canonized  canvass  carried away  catechization  celebrated  checkup  cheerful  cheery  chivalrous  colossal  deified  diagnosis  dignified  dissection  distinguished  dominating  ducal  ecstatic  elate  elated  elevated  eminent  enchanted  ennobled  enraptured  enravished  enshrined  enthroned  entranced  erect  ethereal  eupeptic  euphoric  exaggerated  examination  excellent  excited  exhilarated  exultant  famed  famous  first  flushed  foremost  freaked out  generous  genial  genteel  gentle  gentlemanlike  gentlemanly  glad  gladsome  glorified  glorious  glowing  godlike  grand  great  great of heart  greathearted  handsome  happy  haughty  heightened  held in awe  heroic  high  high and mighty  high-flown  high-minded  high-pitched  high-ranking  high-reaching  high-set  high-up  highest  highest-ranking  honored  hopeful  idealistic  illustrious  immortal  immortalized  imparadised  in ecstasies  in good spirits  in heaven  in high spirits  in paradise  in raptures  in seventh heaven  inflated  inquiry  inspection  irrepressible  joyful  joyous  jubilant  kinglike  kingly  knightly  ladylike  largehearted  lauded  laughing  leading  liberal  lifted  lofty  magnanimous  magnificent  magnified  majestic  mighty  monumental  mounting  noble  noble-minded  notable  noted  number one  of gentle blood  of good cheer  of rank  on cloud nine  on stilts  openhanded  optimistic  outstanding  outtopping  overblown  overjoyed  overjoyful  overlooking  overtopping  patrician  perlustration  pleasant  possessed  prestigious  pretentious  princelike  princely  prominent  queenlike  queenly  questioning  quite the lady  quizzing  radiant  raised  rampant  rapt  raptured  rapturous  ravished  
exam  audition  blue book  examen  examination  final  final examination  great go  hearing  honors  midsemester  midterm  oral  oral examination  prelim  quiz  take-home examination  test  trial  tripos  viva  written  written examination  
examination  Pap test  Socratic method  airing  analysis  anatomic diagnosis  appraisal  article  asking  assessment  assize  audition  biological diagnosis  biopsy  blue book  bringing into question  buzz session  canvassing  catechetical method  catechism  catechization  catechizing  causerie  challenge  change of venue  checkout  clinical diagnosis  colloquium  conference  consideration  contemplation  court-martial  cross-examination  cytodiagnosis  debate  debating  deliberation  descant  diagnosis  dialectic  dialogue  differential diagnosis  digital examination  discourse  discussion  dispute  disquisition  dissertation  electrocardiography  electroencephalography  electromyography  enquiry  essay  etude  exam  examen  exchange of views  excursus  exploration  exposition  eyeball inspection  feature  final  final examination  first approach  forum  going-over  great go  grilling  hearing  homily  honors  inquest  inquiring  inquiry  inquisition  inspection  interpellation  interrogation  introductory study  investigation  joint discussion  jury trial  laboratory diagnosis  logical analysis  logical discussion  lucubration  mammography  memoir  midsemester  midterm  mistrial  monograph  morceau  note  ocular inspection  open discussion  open forum  oral  oral examination  outline  overhaul  overhauling  overview  pandect  panel discussion  paper  paragraph  perlustration  perusal  physical diagnosis  physical examination  piece  postmortem diagnosis  prelim  preliminary study  probe  probing  prolegomenon  pumping  quality control  querying  questioning  quiz  quizzing  rap  rap session  research  research paper  review  run-through  scan  screed  scrutiny  search  seeking  seminar  serodiagnosis  sketch  smear  special article  study  survey  symposium  take-home examination  term paper  test  testing  the eye  theme  thesis  third degree  town meeting  tract  tractate  treatise  treatment  trial  trial by jury  tripos  urinalysis  uroscopy  ventilation  vett  
examine  air  analyze  appraise  archetype  asleep  assess  autopsy  beau ideal  bone  canvass  case  case history  case in point  catechize  check  check out  check over  check up  check up on  cold  comment upon  con  consider  contemplate  controvert  cross-examine  dead  deal with  debate  deceased  defunct  deliberate  deliberate upon  departed  dig  discourse about  discuss  drill  elucubrate  example  exanimate  exchange views  exemplar  explore  extinct  eye  give an examination  give the eye  give the once-over  go into  go over  grill  grind  handle  hard look  ideal  illustration  inanimate  inquire into  inspect  interrogate  interview  investigate  knock around  late  leer  leer at  lifeless  look at  look into  look over  lucubrate  mirror  model  monitor  observe  ogle  ogle at  overhaul  overlook  paradigm  pass over  pass under review  pattern  peer at  peruse  plunge into  pore  pore over  postmortem  practice  probe  problem  pump  query  question  quiz  rap  read  reason  reason about  reason the point  regard studiously  representative  research  restudy  review  run over  sample  sampling  scan  scrutinize  search  set an examination  shining example  sift  size  size up  sound out  specimen  standard  study  survey  swot  take a long  take stock of  take the measure  take up  talk  talk about  talk of  talk over  test  thresh out  treat  ventilate  vet  view  wade through  weigh  worm out of  
examiner  analyst  analyzer  asker  catechist  cross-interrogator  cross-questioner  detective  examinant  inquirer  inquisitionist  inquisitor  inspector  interlocutor  interpellator  interrogator  interrogatrix  interviewer  investigator  observer  opinion-sampler  poller  pollster  prober  querier  querist  questioner  questionist  quizzer  sampler  scrutineer  secret agent  tester  visitator  visitor  

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