
executive Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Führungskraft, leitender Angestellter
geschäftsführend adj
ausführend adj
exekutiv adj
leitender Angestellter
top executive
Managerspielzeug n
executive toy
Privatjet m für Manager
executive jet
executive desk
Chefschreibtisch m
executive desk
Vollzugsorgan n
executive body
field executive
leitender Angestellter
chief executive
Chefsessel m
executive chair
Exekutivgewalt f
executive power
Personalleiter m
staff executive
Vorstandsetage f
executive suite
executive power
VIP-Salon m
executive lounge
Kundenbetreuer der Werbeagentur
account executive
Kundenkontobetreuer (in Werbeagentur)
account executive
product executive
Sachbearbeiter des gehobenen Dienstes
executive officer
Kontaktmann m
account executive
Kurzfassung f
executive summary
Managerkrankheit f
executive burnout
Kontakter, Kontaktmann
account executive
leitende Stellung
executive position
leitender Angestellter
executive employee
verantwortlicher Direktor
executive director
Führungsaufgabe f
executive function
vollziehende Gewalt, Exekutive
executive authority
Führungskräfte pl
executive personnel
geschäftsführend adj
executive; managing
Durchführungsbeschluss m (Verfügung des am. Präsidenten) pol.
executive order Am.
Vorstand m (Partei)
executive, executive council
Vorstand m (einer Partei) pol.
executive; executive council
Chefschreibtisch m
Chefschreibtische pl
executive desk
executive desks
Führungskräfte pl; leitende Angestellte pl adm.
executive personnel; senior staff
Außenstellenleiter m, Außenstellenleiterin f
Außenstellenleiter pl, Außenstellenleiterinnen pl
field executive
field executives
Vorstandsvorsitzende m f , Vorstandsvorsitzender econ.
Chief Executive Officer, CEO Am.
Außenstellenleiter m; Außenstellenleiterin f
Außenstellenleiter pl; Außenstellenleiterinnen pl
field executive
field executives
Chefsessel m
Chefsessel pl
executive chair
executive chairs
Exekutive f; Exekutivgewalt f; vollziehende Gewalt f pol.
executive authority; executive power
Geschäftsleitung f (Ort) econ.
management; executive office(s) Am.
Bürokauffrau f, Bürokaufmann m
office executive, office administrator
Bürokauffrau f; Bürokaufmann m
office executive; office administrator
Direktansprache f econ.
executive search; head hunting coll.
Exekutivrat m
executive council; executive committee
Kurzfassung f (in einem Geschäftsplan)
Kurzfassungen pl
executive summary
executive summaries
Führungsposition f
Führungspositionen pl
executive position
executive positions
Präsidium n
presidium, executive board, chairmanship
Präsidium n
presidium; executive board; chairmanship
Vorstandsvorsitzende m f , Vorstandsvorsitzender
chairman, chairperson, executive chairman
Ausführungsbestimmungen pl
regulatory statutes, executive regulations
Diplomatenkoffer m
Diplomatenkoffer pl
executive briefcase
executive briefcases
Ausführungsbestimmungen pl
regulatory statutes; executive regulations
kaufmännischer Angestellter m; Handlungsgehilfe jur. m
kaufmännischer Angestellter in leitender Stellung
commercial employee
commercial executive
Chefsekretärin f
Chefsekretärinnen pl
executive secretary
executive secretaries
Geschäftsführer m
Executive Director, Chief Executive Director
Vorstandsebene f econ.
executive board level; management board level
Manager in der Musikbranche
record exec coll.; record industry executive
Manager m in der Musikbranche
record exec coll.; record industry executive
Vorstand m (Verein)
committee, managing committee, executive committee
Vorstandsmitglied n
member of the board, board member, executive director
Küchendirektor m
Küchendirektoren pl
stellvertretender Küchendirektor m
executive chef
executive chefs
executive sous-chef
Direktsuche f
Direktsuche f econ.
direct search
executive search; head hunting coll.
Kugelstoßpendel n; Kugelpendel n; Newton-Pendel n
executive ball clicker; Newton's cradle; Newton's balls
Führungskraft f
Führungskräfte pl, leitende Angestellte
executive, leader
senior staff, executives, senior executives
Kundenbetreuer m; Kontakter m (einer Werbeagentur)
Kundenbetreuer pl; Kontakter pl
account executive (of an advertising agency)
account executives
Hauptgeschäftsführer m econ.
Hauptgeschäftsführer pl
chief manager; chief executive
chief managers; chief executives
Führungserfahrung f; Managementerfahrung f
leadership experience; management experience; executive experience
Chefetage f
Chefetagen pl
management floor; executive floor
management floors; executive floors
die vollziehende Gewalt f; die exekutive Gewalt f; die Exekutive f (eine der drei Staatsgewalten) pol.
the executive power; the executive (one of the three governmental powers)
Schreibtischspielzeug n
Schreibtischspielzeuge pl
desk toy; office toy; executive toy
desk toys; office toys; executive toys
Kurzfassung f adm.
Kurzfassungen pl
executive version; execution version
executive versions; execution versions
Exekutivbehörde f adm. pol.
Exekutivbehörden pl
die oberste Exekutivbehörde
executive authority
executive authorities
the supreme executive authority
Führungsgremium n
Führungsgremien pl
management body; executive committee
management bodies; executive committees
Führungskraft f
Führungskräfte pl; leitende Angestellte; Kader n Schw.
Spitzen der Geschäftsleitung
executive; leader
senior staff; executives; senior executives
top executives
Hersteller m; Herstellerin f; Produzent m; Produzentin f (von etw.) econ.
Hersteller pl; Herstellerinnen pl; Produzenten pl; Produzentinnen pl
ausführender Produzent
producer; manufacturer (of sth.)
producers; manufacturers
executive producer
Produzent m, Produzentin f
Produzenten pl, Produzentinnen pl
ausführender Produzent
producer, manufacturer, maker
producers, manufacturers, makers
executive producer
Vorstand m (eines Vereins) adm.
Wahl des Vorstands
(executive) committee; managing committee (of an association)
election of the committee
Stabsstelle f econ.
Stabsstellen pl
executive support team; executive support unit
executive support teams; executive support units
Vorstandssprecher m
Vorstandssprecher pl
management board spokesman; executive spokesman
management board spokesmen; executive spokesmen
Führungskraft f
Führungskräfte pl; leitende Angestellte; Kader n Schw.
Führungskraft aus der Wirtschaft; Wirtschaftsboss m ugs.; Industrieboss m ugs.
Spitzen der Geschäftsleitung; Spitzenkräfte pl
executive; leader
senior staff; executives; senior executives
business leader
top executives
Führungsteam n
Führungsteams pl
management team; managing team; executive team
management teams; managing teams; executive teams
Organ n adm.
Organe pl
ausführendes Organ; Exekutivorgan n
beratende Organe
gesetzgebendes Organ
Organe des Bundes und der Länder
body; organ
executive body
advisory bodies
legislative body
federal and regional bodies
Geschäftsführer m
Geschäftsführer pl
Executive Director; Chief Executive Director; exec coll.
Executive Directors; Chief Executive Directors
Geschäftsführer m
Geschäftsführer pl
Executive Director; Chief Executive Director; exec coll.
Executive Directors; Chief Executive Directors
Führungsaufgabe f
Führungsaufgaben pl
executive function; management task; leadership role
executive functions; management tasks; leadership roles
ein Mittelding n; ein Kompromiss zwischen etw.
Dieses Automodell ist ein Mittelding zwischen Oberklassewagen und Geländewagen.
Der neue Vorschlag ist ein guter Kompromiss.
a halfway house between sth. Br.
This car model is a halfway house between executive car and SUV.
The new proposal is a good halfway house.
Geschäftsleitung f; Geschäftsführung f; Management n econ.
Dezentralisierung der Geschäftsleitung
strategisches Management
(company) management mangt ; managerial staff; management board; executive officers Am.
decentralization of the management
strategic management
Geschäftsleitung f; Geschäftsführung f; Management n econ.
Dezentralisierung der Geschäftsleitung
strategisches Management
(company) management mangt ; managerial staff; management board; executive officers Am.
decentralization of the management
strategic management
Stellung f Posten m
eine leitende Stellung
einen Posten neu besetzen
Bewerber für einen Posten
Befähigung für einen Posten
beherrschende Stellung
situation, job, post, position
an executive position
to fill a vacancy
candidate for a position
qualification for a position
dominant position
Vorstandsmitglied n; Mitglied n des Vorstands
Vorstandsmitglieder pl; Mitglieder pl des Vorstands
member of the board of directors managers; board member; executive director
members of the board of directors managers; board members; executive directors
Generaldirektor m adm. econ.
Generaldirektoren pl econ.
stellvertretender Generaldirektor
chief executive; general manager; director-general Br.; president Am.
chief executives; general managers; director-generals; presidents
assistant general manager
Führungsebene f; Leitungsebene f
mittlere Führungsebene; die mittleren Führungskräfte; mittleres Management
oberste Leitungsebene; oberste Führungsschicht
auf der mittleren Führungsebene
auf der Führungsebene
management level; managerial level; executive level
middle management
top-level management; top executive level
at middle management level
at the managerial level
Produktionsleiter m; ausführender Produzent m; Fertigungsleiter m (Film, TV; Radio)
Produktionsleiter pl; ausführende Produzenten pl; Fertigungsleiter pl
Produktionsassistent m
production manager; production supervisor; executive producer (film, TV, radio)
production managers; production supervisors; executive producers
assistant production manager
Eingabe Ausgabe-Steuerprogramm n; Ein- Ausgabe-Steuerprogramm n; E A-Steuerprogramm n comp.
Eingabe Ausgabe-Steuerprogramme pl; Ein- Ausgabe-Steuerprogramme pl; E A-Steuerprogramme pl
input output control program; input output executive; I O control program; I O executive
input output control programs; input output executives; I O control programs; I O executives
Hersteller m; Herstellerin f; Produzent m; Produzentin f (von etw.) econ.
Hersteller pl; Herstellerinnen pl; Produzenten pl; Produzentinnen pl
ausführender Produzent
Skihersteller m; Schihersteller m; Skiproduzent m; Schiproduzent m
Softwarehersteller m
Stahlhersteller m; Stahlproduzent m; Stahlerzeuger m
producer; manufacturer (of sth.)
producers; manufacturers
executive producer
ski producer; ski manufacturer
software producer; software manufacturer
steel producer; steel manufacturer; steelmaker
Vorstandsvorsitzende m f; Vorstandsvorsitzender
Vorstandsvorsitzenden pl; Vorstandsvorsitzende
chairman of the board (of directors managers); managing director Br.; president of the board Am.; chief executive officer Am. CEO
chairmen of the board; managing directors; presidents of the board; chief executive officers
Vorstandsvorsitzende m,f; Vorstandsvorsitzender; Vorstandschef m
Vorstandsvorsitzenden pl; Vorstandsvorsitzende; Vorstandschefs pl
Konzernchef m ugs.
chairman of the board (of directors managers); managing director Br.; president of the board Am.; chief executive officer Am. CEO
chairmen of the board; managing directors; presidents of the board; chief executive officers
group CEO
Posten m; Stelle f; Stellung f
Posten pl; Stellen pl; Stellungen pl
eine leitende Stellung; Kaderposition f Schw.
ein guter Posten; eine gute Stelle
gehobene Stellung
einen Posten neu besetzen
in leitender Funktion tätig sein
Bewerber für einen Posten
Befähigung für einen Posten
beherrschende Stellung
Posten der durch Wahl besetzt wird
auf verlorenem Posten stehen
post; position
posts; positions
an executive position
a good post
high position; senior position
to fill a vacancy
to work in an executive position
candidate for a position
qualification for a position
dominant position
elective post
to be the last to hold the fort
Vorstand m (einer Firma) adm. econ.
Vorstände pl
Vorstand einer Aktiengesellschaft
den Vorstand einberufen
den Vorstand abberufen
jdn. in den Vorstand wählen
board of (executive) directors; directorate (of a company)
boards of directors; directorates
managing board; management board; board of management; board of managers
to call a meeting of the board of directors
to dismiss remove the board of managers
to vote sb. on the board of directors
Posten m; Stelle f; Stellung f
Posten pl; Stellen pl; Stellungen pl
eine leitende Stellung; Kaderposition f Schw.
ein guter Posten; eine gute Stelle
gehobene Stellung
im Amt sein; seine Stelle innehaben; seine Position innehaben
einen Posten neu besetzen
seinen Posten als Geschäftsführer räumen
seinen Posten räumen müssen
in leitender Funktion tätig sein
Bewerber für einen Posten
Befähigung für einen Posten
beherrschende Stellung
Posten, der durch Wahl besetzt wird
auf verlorenem Posten stehen
post; position
posts; positions
an executive position
a good post
high position; senior position
to be in post
to fill a vacancy
to vacate your position as managing director
to have to quit your position
to work in an executive position
candidate for a position
qualification for a position
dominant position
elective post
to be the last to hold the fort
Aufsichtsratsmitglied n; Verwaltungsratsmitglied n Schw.; Mitglied n des Aufsichtsrats Verwaltungsrats
Aufsichtsratsmitglieder pl; Verwaltungsratsmitglieder pl; Mitglieder pl des Aufsichtsrats Verwaltungsrats
gerichtlich bestelltes Aufsichtsratsmitglied
Abberufung der Aufsichtsratsmitglieder
Amtszeit der Aufsichtsratsmitglieder
Bestellung der Aufsichtsratsmitglieder
persönliche Anforderungen für Aufsichtsratsmitglieder
Sorgfaltspflicht und Verantwortlichkeit der Aufsichtsratsmitglieder
member of the supervisory board; non-executive director; outside director
members of the supervisory board; non-executive directors; outside directors
member of the supervisory board appointed by the court
dismissal revocation of appointment of directors
term of office of directors
appointment of directors
personal requirements for membership of supervisory board
duty of care and accountability of directors
Sprecher m; Sprecherin f (einer Gruppe Institution)
Sprecher pl; Sprecherinnen pl
haushaltspolitischer Sprecher; Budgetsprecher (einer Partei)
wirtschaftspolitischer Sprecher (einer Partei)
außenpolitischer Sprecher (einer Partei)
Firmensprecherin f
Gruppensprecher m
der Parteisprecher
eine Polizeisprecherin
Regierungssprecher m
Vorstandssprecher m
Justizsprecher m (einer Partei)
Sicherheitssprecher m (einer Partei)
Umweltssprecher m (einer Partei)
spokesman; spokeswoman; spokesperson (used to remain noncommittal on gender) (of a group institution)
spokesmen; spokeswomen; spokespersons
party spokesman on budget (issues)
party spokesman on economic policy
party spokesman on foreign policy affairs; foreign policy spokesman; foreign affairs spokesman party spokesman on foreign policy
company spokeswoman
roup spokesperson; group representative
the party spokesman
a police spokeswoman
government spokesman
management board spokesman; executive spokesman
party spokesman on justice (issues)
party spokesman on public security
party spokesman on environment (issues)

Deutsche Führungskraft leitender Angestellter Synonyme

Entscheider  ÂFührungskraft  ÂLeiter  ÂManager  
Angestellter  ÂArbeitnehmer  ÂArbeitskraft  ÂBeschäftigter  ÂMitarbeiter  
Angestellter  Arbeitnehmer  Arbeitskraft  Beschäftigter  Mitarbeiter  

Englische executive Synonyme

executive  administrating  administration  administrative  administrator  archon  big cheese  board  board of directors  board of regents  board of trustees  boss  bureaucratic  businessman  businesswoman  cabinet  cadre  captain  castellan  chancellor  chatelain  chatelaine  chief executive  chief executive officer  commandant  commander  council  dean  directing  director  directorate  directorship  directory  entrepreneur  exec  executive arm  executive committee  executive director  executive hierarchy  executive officer  executive secretary  foreman  governing  governing board  governing body  government  governmental  governor  gubernatorial  head  infrastructure  intendant  interlocking directorate  kingpin  leader  leadership  magistrate  management  manager  managerial  managing  managing director  master  ministerial  number one  officer  official  officiating  overseer  prefect  president  presiding  prexy  principal  provost  regulatory  ruler  secretary  steering committee  superintendent  supervision  supervisor  supervisory  the administration  the brass  the executive  the people upstairs  top brass  top dog  treasurer  vice-chancellor  vice-president  warden  
executive officer  ADC  CO  OD  acolyte  adjutant  advocate  agent  aid  aide  aide-de-camp  aider  alter ego  alternate  amicus curiae  archon  assistant  attendant  attorney  auxiliary  backup  backup man  best man  brigadier  brigadier general  captain  champion  chancellor  chicken colonel  chief executive  chief executive officer  chief of staff  coadjutant  coadjutor  coadjutress  coadjutrix  colonel  commandant  commander  commander in chief  commanding officer  commissioned officer  company officer  dean  deputy  dummy  exec  executive  executive director  executive secretary  exponent  field marshal  field officer  figurehead  first lieutenant  five-star general  four-star general  general  general officer  generalissimo  help  helper  helpmate  helpmeet  jemadar  junior officer  lieutenant  lieutenant colonel  lieutenant general  locum  locum tenens  magistrate  major  major general  management  managing director  marechal  marshal  officer  official  one-star general  orderly officer  paranymph  paraprofessional  pinch hitter  pleader  prefect  president  prexy  procurator  provost  proxy  representative  risaldar  second  second in command  secondary  secretary  senior officer  servant  shavetail  sideman  sirdar  staff officer  stand-in  subahdar  subaltern  sublieutenant  substitute  supporting actor  supporting instrumentalist  surrogate  the Old Man  the administration  the brass  three-star general  top brass  treasurer  two-star general  understudy  utility man  vicar  vicar general  vice  vice-chancellor  vice-president  vicegerent  warden  

executive Definition

(a.) Designed or fitted for execution, or carrying into effect
(n.) An impersonal title of the chief magistrate or officer who administers the government, whether king, president, or governor

executive Bedeutung

President of the United States
President Chief Executive
the office of the United States head of state, a President is elected every four years
supervisory program
executive program
a program that controls the execution of other programs
supervisory routine
executive routine
a routine that coordinates the operation of subroutines
executive session
closed session
a session (usually of a legislative body) that is closed to the public
executive department a federal department in the executive branch of the government of the United States
executive agency an agency of the executive branch of government
executive persons who administer the law
executive council a council that shares the supreme executive power
executive branch
Executive Office of the President
the branch of the United States government that is responsible for carrying out the laws
account executive
account representative
registered representative
customer's broker
customer's man
someone in charge of a client's account for an advertising agency or brokerage or other service business
administrator executive someone who manages a government agency or department
baron big businessman
business leader
king magnate
mogul power top executive
a very wealthy or powerful businessman, an oil baron
chief executive officer
chief operating officer
the corporate executive responsible for the operations of the firm, reports to a board of directors, may appoint other managers (including a president)
corporate executive
business executive
an executive in a business corporation
executive director
a person responsible for the administration of a business
executive officer the officer second in command
executive secretary a secretary having administrative duties and responsibilities
executive vice president a vice president holding executive power
President of the United States
United States President
President Chief Executive
the person who holds the office of head of state of the United States government, the President likes to jog every morning
executive clemency the power (usually of a president or governor) to pardon or commute the sentence of someone convicted in that jurisdiction
executive having the function of carrying out plans or orders etc., the executive branch
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