
extra professional Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

nebenberuflich, privat, nebenbei adj
professional classes
berufliche Befähigungsnachweise
professional qualifications
berufliche Fertigkeit, Berufsqualifikation
professional skill
berufliche Qualifikation
professional qualification
beruflicher Aufstieg, Berufsaufstieg
professional advancement
beruflicher Werdegang
professional career
berufliches Fortkommen
professional advancement
berufliches Weiterkommen
professional advancement
professional training
professional experience
professional secret
professional liability insurance
Berufsleben, Arbeitsleben, Erwerbsleben
professional life
Berufsorganisation, Berufsverband
professional association
Berufsqualifikation, berufliche Qualifikation
professional qualification
professional soldier
professional life
Berufsverband, Berufsvereinigung
professional organization
professional association
Berufsverlauf, berufliche Entwicklung
professional career
Einkünfte aus freiberuflicher Tätigkeit
professional earnings
Fachmann, Experte, berufsmäßig
in professioneller Funktion
in a professional capacity
Markt akademisch gebildeter Arbeitskräfte
professional labour market
Markt beruflich qualifizierter Kräfte
professional labour market
Nebeneinkommen, zusätzliches Einkommen
extra income
extra gain
nicht berufsmäßig
nur für Facheinkäufer
for professional buyers only
extra discount
Sonderzoll, Sonderabgabe
extra duty
Sonderzulage, Sondervergütung
extra allowance
Stellung im Beruf
professional status
Verletzung des Berufsgeheimnisses
violation of professional secrecy
extra pay
extra charges
pay extra
Arbeitsleben n, Berufsleben n, Erwerbsleben n
im Arbeitsleben stehend
working life, professional life
actively working
Ärztekammer f
professional body of doctors
Aufbettung f
extra bed, extra beds
Berufsausbildung f, Fachausbildung f
professional training
Berufsarmee f mil.
Berufsarmeen pl
professional army
professional armies
Berufsboxer m, Berufsboxerin f, Profiboxer m, Profiboxerin f sport
Berufsboxer pl, Berufsboxerinnen pl, Profiboxer pl, Profiboxerinnen pl
professional boxer, prizefighter
professional boxers, prizefighters
Berufserfahrung f
professional experience
Berufsgenossenschaft f
professional association, trade association
Berufsgruppe f, Fachgruppe f
Berufsgruppen pl, Fachgruppen pl
professional group, occupational group
professional groups, occupational groups
Berufslaufbahn f
occupational history, job history, professional career
Berufssoldat m, Berufssoldatin f mil.
Berufssoldaten pl, Berufssoldatinnen pl
professional soldier, regular soldier, regular
professional soldiers, regular soldiers, regulars
Berufssportler m, Berufssportlerin f
Berufssportler pl, Berufssportlerinnen pl
professional sportsman, professional sportswoman
professional sportsmen, professional sportswomen
Berufstätigkeit f
professional activity, professional life, occupation
Berufsverband m, Berufsvereinigung f, Fachschaft f
Berufsverbände pl, Berufsvereinigungen pl, Fachschaften pl
professional association
professional associations
Berufsverbrecher m, Berufsverbrecherin f
Berufsverbrecher pl, Berufsverbrecherinnen pl
professional criminal, career criminal
professional criminals, career criminals
Bundesliga f sport (Deutschland)
Fußball-Bundesliga f
national league (Germany)
German professional football league, German professional soccer league Am.
Sonderdividende f, Dividendenzuschlag m fin.
Sonderdividenden pl, Dividendenzuschläge pl
extra dividend, surplus dividend
extra dividends, surplus dividends
Extrapolymer n chem.
extra polymer
Fachkompetenz f
professional competence
Fachpräsentation f
Fachpräsentationen pl
special presentation, professional presentation
special presentations, professional presentations
Fachverband m, Berufsvertretung f
Fachverbände pl, Berufsvertretungen pl
trade association, professional association
trade associations, professional associations
Fachwelt f
in der Fachwelt
among experts, in professional circles
Fachzeitschrift f, Fachblatt n
Fachzeitschriften pl, Fachblätter pl
professional journal, professional magazine, periodical
professional journals, professional magazines, periodicals
Honorar n, Lohn m
Honorare pl
Honorar zahlen
gegen angemessenes Honorar
fee, professional fee
to pay a fee
for an appropriate fee
Jägermeister m
professional hunter
Karriere f, Werdegang m
Karrieren pl
Berufskarriere f, beruflicher Werdegang
Karriere als Manager
professional career
managerial career
Komparse m (Film)
Komparsen pl
Kompetenz f, Zuständigkeit f
fachliche Kompetenz
methodische Kompetenz
in die Kompetenz fallen
professional responsibility
methodical responsibility
to be the responsibility of
Kunstfehler m
medizinischer Kunstfehler, Behandlungsfehler
Arzthaftung für Kunstfehler
professional blunder
medical malpractice
liability for medical malpractice
Mehrarbeit f
Mehrarbeit leisten
extra work
to work overtime
Mehraufwand m
extra time, additional cost
Mehrkosten pl
additional costs, extra charge
Nacharbeit f
post-treatment, extra work, rework
Nachhilfeunterricht m, Nachhilfe f ugs.
Nachhilfeunterricht geben
private lessons, extra tuition, private tuition, private tutoring Am.
to give extra lessons
Nachspielzeit f sport
extra time, additional time
Nebeneinnahme f, Nebeneinnahmen pl, Nebeneinkommen n
extra income, additional income
Nebenkosten pl
extra charges, extra expenses, extra costs
die Notbremse ziehen sport
to commit a professional foul
Profi m
Profis pl
professional, pro
professionals, pros
Profifußball m sport
professional football
ins Profilager überwechseln
to turn professional
Reifen m
Reifen pl
platter Reifen
abgefahrener Reifen
abgewerteter Reifen
feinprofilierter Reifen
gewachsener Reifen
nachgeschnittener Reifen
nachschneidbarer Reifen
profilloser Reifen, Reifen ohne Profil
profilloser Reifen
runderneuerter Reifen
schlauchloser Reifen
unvulkanisierter Reifen
verstärkter Reifen
Reifen einer Handelsmarke
Belastung pro Reifen
Reifen mit Notlaufeigenschaften
Reifen mit zu hohem Luftdruck
Reifen für landwirtschaftliche Geräte
tyre, tire Am.
tyres, tires Am.
flat tyre
bald tyre, smooth tyre, worn tyre
downgraded tyre
siped tyre
grown tyre
mud and snow tyre (M+S)
recut tyre, regrooved tyre
regroovable tyre
plain tread tyre, plain tyre, slick tyre
smooth tread tyre (slick)
remoulded tyre, retread tyre
tubeless tyre
green tyre, uncured cover
extra ply tire Am., reinforced tyre
private brand tyre
load per tyre
tyre with running flat properties
overinflated tyre
implement tyre
Sonderausstattung f
special equipment, extra equipment, extras, optional equipment
Sonderurlaub m
special holiday, extra holiday
Spielverlängerung f, Verlängerung f sport
in der Verlängerung
nach Verlängerung
in die Verlängerung gehen
extra time
in extra time
after extra time
to go into extra time
Statist m, Statistin f (Film)
der kleine Unterschied
that extra edge
zur Wahrung des Berufsgeheimnisses verpflichtet sein
to be bound to professional secrecy
auf Wunsch gegen besondere Berechnung
optional at extra cost
Yuppie m, junger, karrierebewusster Mensch
homosexueller Yuppie
yuppie, young urban professional, young upwardly mobile professional
guppy, gay urban professional
Zugabe f, Extra n
Zugaben pl, Extras pl
Extras auf Wunsch
optional extras
Zulage f
extra pay, extra-pay
auxiliary, extra, additional
Zusatzbett n
extra bed
Zuschlagsgebühr f
extra fee
Zuschlagskarte f
Zuschlagskarten pl
extra ticket, supplementary ticket
extra tickets, supplementary tickets
außerehelich adj
außereheliches Verhältnis, außereheliche Beziehung
extramarital, extra-marital
extramarital affair
berufliche Weiterbildung f
postgraduate professional education
extra occupational
berufsmäßig, berufsbezogen adj
etw. fachlich beurteilen
to give a professional opinion on sth.
extra, zusätzlich adj
fachgerecht, fachgemäß, fachmännisch adj
skilled, professional
fachlich adj
fachliches Wissen
fachliche Bezüge
specialist, professional
specialist knowledge
references to professional sources
nebenberuflich, privat, nebenbei adj
professionell adj
profihaft adj
jdm. einen Betrag stunden
to give sb. extra time to pay a sum, to allow sb. to defer a payment
Ãœberschicht f
extra shift
wegen prp, +Genitiv, + Dativ ugs.
wegen des schlechten Wetters, des schlechten Wetters wegen
wegen des Regens
wegen Krankheit geschlossen
nur wegen euch
wegen seiner Schwester
von Berufs wegen
because of, due to, owing to, on account of
because of the bad weather
owing to the rain
closed due to illness
all because of you
on account of his sister
for professional reasons
zuschlagsfrei adj
free of extra charge
Das gibt der Sache erst den richtigen Pfiff.
That gives it that extra something.
Langmaul-Pinzettfisch m, Röhrenmaul-Pinzettfisch m (Forcipiger longirostris) zool.
extra-longnose butterfly
extra charges
extra expenses
extra fee
extra income
extra shift
extra ticket
extra time
extra work
free of extra charge
more professional
most professional
professional hunter
professional journal
extra, besonders, speziell, zusätzlich
extra allowance
extra charge
Sonderausstattung, Sonderausrüstung
extra equipment
extra tour
... wird gesondert berechnet
there will be an extra charge for
die Verlängerung der Frist
the extra time
ein Sonderrabatt von 10 Procent
an extra discount of 10 per cent
Verpackung wird gesondert berechnet
packing extra
zusätzliche Zeit
extra time
zuzüglich Verpackung
packing extra
extra, zusätzlich
etw. aus dem Ärmel schütteln; aus dem Hut zaubern; locker schaffen; durchziehen; abspulen v
Professionelle Fälscher zaubern im Nu einen falschen Pass aus dem Hut.
Sie schafft locker drei Bücher pro Jahr.
Wir wollen das Projekt an einem Wochenende durchziehen.
to knock off sth. (produce complete it quickly and easily)
Professional forgers can knock off a fake passport in no time.
She knocks off three books a year.
We are planning to knock the project off in a weekend.
Arbeitsleben n; Berufsleben n; Erwerbsleben n
im Arbeitsleben stehend
Abgang aus dem Erwerbsleben
working life; professional life
actively working
departure from the labour force
Ärztekammer f
die Berufsordnung der Ärztekammer
Medical Association; Medical Board; General Medical Council Br.
the Medical Association's professional code of conduct
Atom n phys.
Atome pl
Haftatom n
Atome unterschiedlichen Gewichts
vom Gitter losgelöstes Atom
trapped atom
extra-lattice atom
Aufbettung f
extra bed; extra beds
Aufpreis m; Zuschlag m; Aufschlag m; Mehrpreis m
Aufpreise pl; Zuschläge pl; Aufschläge pl
gegen Aufpreis
für etw. einen Zuschlag bezahlen müssen
surcharge; extra
for an additional charge
to be surcharged on for sth.
Auftreten n; Benehmen n soc.
sicheres Auftreten
verbindliches Auftreten
professionelles Auftreten
demeanour Br.; demeanor Am.; presence
confident demeanour presence
courteous demeanour presence
professional demeanour presence
Befähigung f; Eignung f
Befähigungen pl; Eignungen pl
berufsqualifizierender Abschluss
Anerkennung von Berufsqualifikationen
seine Befähigung nachweisen
qualification to enter a profession
recognition of professional qualifications
to establish prove one's qualification
Beilagenportion f; Beilage f; Portion f; Sättigungsbeilage obs. (im Restaurant) cook.
Was wollen Sie als Beilage?
Ich bestellte eine Portion Pommes frites zu meinem Steak.
additional accompaniment; extra accompaniment; side order Am.; side dish Am.; side Am. (in the restaurant)
What do you want on the side? Am.
I ordered a side of fries with my steak.

Deutsche nebenberuflich privat nebenbei {adj} Synonyme

beiläufig  Âen  passant  Ânebenbei  
persönlich  ÂPersonal...  Âprivat  
nicht  Ã¶ffentlich  Âpersönlich  Âprivat  
apropos  Âübrigens  Âim  Ãœbrigen  Ânebenbei  bemerkt  Ânebenher  

Englische extra-professional Synonyme

extra professional Definition

() A Latin preposition, denoting beyond, outside of
(a.) Beyond what is due, usual, expected, or necessary
(n.) Something in addition to what is due, expected, or customary
(a.) Inserted exterior to the eyes
(a.) Not prescribed by official duty.
(a.) Outside of the uterus, or womb.
(a.) Of or pertaining to a profession, or calling
(a.) Engaged in by professionals
(n.) A person who prosecutes anything professionally, or for a livelihood, and not in the character of an amateur

extra professional Bedeutung

point after
point after touchdown
extra point
in American football a point awarded for a successful place kick following a touchdown
professional boxing boxing for money
professional wrestling wrestling for money
professional golf playing golf for money
professional football football played for pay
professional baseball playing baseball for money
professional basketball playing basketball for money
professional tennis playing tennis for money
business life
professional life
a career in industrial or commercial or professional activities
something additional of the same kind, he always carried extras in case of an emergency
extra large a garment size for a very large person
extra an additional edition of a newspaper (usually to report a crisis)
professional association an association of practitioners of a given profession
professional organization
professional organisation
an organization of and for professional people
professional dancer
a performer who dances professionally
golf pro
professional golfer
someone who earns a living by playing or teaching golf
health professional
primary care provider
health care provider
a person who helps in identifying or preventing or treating illness or disability
master professional an authority qualified to teach apprentices
professional person
a person engaged in one of the learned professions
professional pro an athlete who plays for pay
spear carrier
a minor actor in crowd scenes
tennis pro
professional tennis player
someone who earns a living playing or teaching tennis
extra dividend a dividend paid in addition to the regular dividend
professional relation the relation that exists when one person requests and is granted professional help from a qualified source
extra time
playing time beyond regulation, to break a tie
extra innings overtime play until one team is ahead at the end of an inning, e.g. baseball
further or added, called for additional troops, need extra help, an extra pair of shoes
spare supererogatory
more than is needed, desired, or required, trying to lose excess weight, found some extra change lying on the dresser, yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant, skills made redundant by technological advance, sleeping in the spare room, supernumerary ornamentation, it was supererogatory of her to gloat, delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words, extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts, surplus cheese distributed to the needy
professional engaged in a profession or engaging in as a profession or means of livelihood, the professional man or woman possesses distinctive qualifications, began her professional career after the Olympics, professional theater, professional football, a professional cook, professional actors and athletes
professional characteristic of or befitting a profession or one engaged in a profession, professional conduct, professional ethics, a thoroughly professional performance
added to a regular schedule, a special holiday flight, put on special buses for the big game
professional engaged in by members of a profession, professional occupations include medicine and the law and teaching
professional of or relating to a profession, we need professional advice, professional training, professional equipment for his new office
professional of or relating to or suitable as a profession, professional organizations, a professional field such as law
extra unusually or exceptionally, an extra fast car
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