
factor Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Faktor, Einfluss, mitwirkender Umstand
Faktor, Produktionsfaktor
Einflussfaktor m, Einfluss m
Kommissionär m, Kommissionärin f
job factor
job factor
job factor
factor out
Spaltfaktor m electr.
gap factor
load factor
Füllfaktor m
bulk factor
Risikofaktor m
risk factor
Tastverhältnis n electr.
duty factor
bulk factor
form factor
Schrägungsfaktor m des Wicklungsschritts electr.
skew factor
factor input
Abklingfaktor m
decay factor
power factor
scale factor
Faktoreinsatz m
factor input
Faktorkosten pl econ.
factor costs
Bayes-Faktor m statist.
Bayes factor
Ähnlichkeitsfaktor m (bei Modellversuchen)
scale factor
Ballastquote f comp.
noise factor
safety factor
Allgemeinflächenfaktor m
add-on factor
Rhesusfaktor m, Rh-Faktor m
rhesus factor
Schadensfaktor m
damage factor
Vertreter m, Handelsvertreter m, Agent m
agent, factor
Faktormarkt m econ.
factor market
Rhesusfaktor m; Rh-Faktor m
rhesus factor
expense factor
Aliquotierungsfaktor m math.
aliquot factor
Dämpfungsgrad m, Dämpfungsmaß n
damping factor
Lehrsches Dämpfungsmaß
damping factor
Gütekriterium n, Gütefaktor m
quality factor
Dämpfungsgrad m; Dämpfungsmaß n
damping factor
Glamour-Faktor m
glamour factor
Betriebsfaktor m techn.
service factor
factor analysis
Interessenfaktor, Aufmerksamkeitsfaktor
interest factor
Faktor des Wohlbefindens
feelgood factor
Faktorenanalyse f
factor analysis
Aufbaufaktor m
build-up factor
Energiestromdichte f; Poynting'scher Faktor phys.
Poynting factor
Leveragefactor m fin.
leverage factor
Wirtschaftsfaktor m
economic factor
attention factor
das menschliche Moment, der menschliche Faktor
the human factor
factor endowment
Reduktionsfaktor, Minderungsfaktor
reduction factor
factor of safety
factor of growth
Gewichtungsfaktor m
weighting factor
Gleichzeitigkeitsfaktor m
diversity factor
Zeitzuschlagfaktor m
allowance factor
allowance factor
nutritive factor
weighting factor
Faktorintensität f econ.
factor intensity
Kellfaktor m (TV) techn.
Kell factor (TV)
Linearitätsmaß n electr. math. phys.
linearity factor
Schwingungsgehalt m einer Mischspannung electr.
pulsation factor
auslösender Faktor m für einen Wechsel soc.
push-pull factor
factor comparison
efficiency factor
Fortleitungszahl f
carry-over factor
Klirrfaktor m
distortion factor
Resistenzfaktor m
resistance factor
Umrechnungsfaktor m, Konvertierungsfaktor m
conversion factor
Wind-Kälte-Faktor m
wind-chill factor
Wirkungsgrad m
efficiency factor
distortion factor
Umrechnungsfaktor m; Konvertierungsfaktor m
conversion factor
Korrekturfaktor m math. techn.
correction factor
bestimmende Faktor
determining factor
improvement factor
Reflexionsfaktor m
reflectance factor
Seilsicherheit f
rope safety factor
Traglastverfahren n
load-factor method
Größenfaktor m (Reifen)
size factor (tyre)
dielektrischer Verlustfaktor
dissipation factor
Kommutierungskoeffizient m; Kommutierungszahl f electr.
commutation factor
Blindleistungsfaktor m electr.
reactive factor RF
Leistungsgrad m; Gütegrad m; Güteverhältnis n techn.
performance factor
Aufzinsungsfaktor m
accumulation factor
Gleichzeitigkeitsfaktor m
simultaneity factor
in etw. mit einbeziehen
to factor into sth.
accumulation factor
Faktorakkumulation f econ.
factor accumulation
Längenmaßstab m (Modellversuch)
linear scale factor
factor of production
Vergrößerungsfaktor m
magnification factor
induktiver Leistungsfaktor m electr.
lagging power factor
Multiplikationsfaktor m
multiplication factor
Staufaktor m; Staukoeffizient m; Räumte f (Schiff)
stowage factor (ship)
Steilheitsfaktor m (Welle)
wave steepness factor
Fünf-Faktoren-Modell n FFM psych.
Five Factor Model FFM
dielektrischer Verlustfaktor
dielectric loss factor
Sturzfaktor m (Klettern) sport
fall factor (climbing)
Proportionalitätsfaktor m techn.
proportionality factor
Fünf-Faktoren-Modell n FFM psych.
Five Factor Model FFM
Größenfaktor m (Reifen)
size factor (tyre tire)
Tragfähigkeitsfaktor m
bearing capacity factor
Spannungsintensitätsfaktor m
stress intensity factor
barometrische Höhenstufe f geogr. phys.
barometric scale factor
summarische Arbeitsbewertung
factor comparison system
Speicherbelegungsfaktor m comp.
store utilization factor
Störfaktor m, Störgröße f
confounder, noisy factor
store utilization factor
Störfaktor m; Störgröße f
confounder; noisy factor
etw. in etw. mit einbeziehen v
to factor sth. into sth.
Schlüsselfaktor m
Schlüsselfaktoren pl
key factor
key factors
Auslastungsfaktor m
load factor, usage factor
Tarifvertragsklausel f
annual improvement factor
annual improvement factor
Anziehungsfaktor m (für Migration) soc.
treibender Faktor
pull factor
push factor
Lichtschutzfaktor m LSF
sun protection factor SPF
Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor m TNF med.
tumor necrosis factor TNF
Formfaktor m
Formfaktoren pl
form factor
form factors
Stützverhältnis n, Lastverhältnis n
Stützverhältnisse pl, Lastverhältnisse pl
duty factor
duty factors
Ekelfaktor m
Ekelfaktoren pl
yuck factor
yuck factors
Formfaktor m (Verhältnis von Länge zu Breite) techn.
Formfaktoren pl
form factor
form factors
Proportionalitätsbeiwert m
proportional action factor
Risikofaktor m
Risikofaktoren pl
risk factor
risk factors
Stützverhältnis n; Lastverhältnis n
Stützverhältnisse pl; Lastverhältnisse pl
duty factor
duty factors
Zeitfaktor m
Zeitfaktoren pl
time factor
time factors
Realgasfaktor m; Kompressibilitätsfaktor m (Z) chem. phys.
compressibility factor (Z)
Lichtschutzfaktor m
sun protection factor (SPF)
Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor m (TNF) med.
tumor necrosis factor (TNF)
Lichtschutzfaktor m LSF
sun protection factor SPF
Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor m TNF med.
tumor necrosis factor TNF
Azentrischer Faktor m (Formelzeichen: w) phys.
acentric factor (symbol: w)
Einteilungsfaktor m
Einteilungsfaktoren pl
scale factor
scale factors
Leistungsfaktor m
Leistungsfaktoren pl
power factor
power factors
Skalierungsfaktor m
scale factor, scaling factor
Abklingfaktor m
Abklingfaktoren pl
decay factor
decay factors
Beschickungsfaktor m (Papierherstellung)
furnish factor (papermaking)
Primfaktor m math.
Primfaktoren pl
prime factor
prime factors
Skalierungsfaktor m
scale factor; scaling factor
innerhalb eines Organs gelegen; innenliegend adj anat. med.
endogener Magenfaktor
intrinsic factor
Primfaktor m; Primteiler m math.
Primfaktoren pl; Primteiler pl
prime factor
prime factors
Dämpfungsgrad m; Dämpfungsmaß n; Lehr'sches Dämpfungsmaß n phys.
damping ratio; damping factor
Sicherheitsfaktor m
Sicherheitsfaktoren pl
safety factor
safety factors
Sicherheitsfaktor m; Sicherheitsbeiwert m; Sicherheitskoeffizient m; Sicherheitsgrad m
Sicherheitsfaktoren pl; Sicherheitsbeiwerte pl; Sicherheitskoeffizienten pl; Sicherheitsgrade pl
safety factor
safety factors
Belastungsfaktor m
Belastungsfaktoren pl
stress factor
stress factors
Windchill m meteo.
Wind-Kälte-Faktor m
wind chill
wind chill factor

Deutsche Faktor Einfluss mitwirkender Umstand Synonyme

Eigenschaft  ÂFaktor  ÂGegebenheit  ÂRahmenbedingung  ÂRandbedingung  ÂTatsache  ÂUmstand  
Mitarbeiter  ÂMitwirkender  
Umstand  ÂUnannehmlichkeit  ÂUngemach  
Einfluss  ÂMacht  
Faktor  ÂKoeffizient  
Fakt  ÂFaktum  ÂGegebenheit  ÂSachverhalt  ÂTatsache  ÂUmstand  
einfließen  ÂEinfluss  besitzen  
Einfluss  ÂKraft  ÂStärke  
Faktor  ÂKennzeichen  ÂKriterium  ÂMerkmal  
Niacin  ÂNicotinsäure  ÂPP-Faktor  ÂVitamin  B3  
ausüben  (Macht,  Amt)  Âgeltend  machen  (Einfluss)  
Gegebenheit  ÂKonstellation  ÂKontext  ÂLage  ÂLebenslage  ÂSachlage  ÂSachverhalt  ÂSituation  ÂStatus  ÂUmstand  
Bedeutung  ÂEinfluss  ÂGeltung  ÂRang  ÂWert  ÂWichtigkeit  (umgangssprachlich)  
Aspekt  ÂDimension  (fachsprachlich)  ÂFacette  ÂFaktor  (fachsprachlich)  Âlatente  Größe  (fachsprachlich)  ÂRichtung  
Einfluss  Kraft  Stärke  
Einfluss  Macht  
Faktor  Kennzeichen  Kriterium  Merkmal  
Faktor  Koeffizient  
Umstand  Unannehmlichkeit  Ungemach  

Englische factor Synonyme

factor  Altmann theory  DNA  De Vries theory  Federal  Galtonian theory  MC  Mendelianism  Mendelism  RNA  Verworn theory  Weismann theory  Weismannism  Wiesner theory  adjunct  adjutant  agency  agent  aid  allele  allelomorph  amanuensis  antecedent  antecedents  appraise  appurtenance  article  aspect  assess  assignee  assistant  attorney  backer  baggage agent  bailiff  banker  base  basis  birth  business agent  butler  call  case  catalog  categorize  causation  cause  cause and effect  character  chromatid  chromatin  chromosome  circumstance  claim agent  class  classify  clerk  coadjutor  commercial agent  commission agent  component  consideration  consignee  constituent  contents  count  croupier  curator  custodian  customer agent  datum  deputy  detail  determinant  determinative  determiner  diathesis  dupe  element  emcee  endowment  etiology  eugenics  evaluate  facet  fact  feature  fed  federal agent  financier  fixings  freight agent  functionary  gauge  gene  general agent  genesiology  genetic code  genetics  go-between  ground  grounds  group  guardian  helper  hereditability  heredity  heritability  heritage  housekeeper  identify  implement  inborn capacity  incidental  influence  ingredient  inheritability  inheritance  instance  instrument  instrumentality  insurance agent  integrant  intermediary  item  land agent  landreeve  law agent  lender  librarian  literary agent  loan agent  majordomo  makings  master of ceremonies  matrocliny  matter  means  middleman  minor detail  minutia  minutiae  moneylender  news agent  occasion  official  parliamentary agent  part  part and parcel  particular  passenger agent  patrocliny  pharmacogenetics  piece  point  press agent  principle  proctor  procurator  proxy  puppet  purchasing agent  real estate agent  recessive character  regard  replication  representative  respect  sales agent  secretary  seneschal  sift  sort  sort out  special agent  specialty  station agent  steward  stimulus  theatrical  
factory  armory  arsenal  assembly line  assembly plant  atomic energy plant  bindery  boatyard  boilery  bookbindery  brewery  brickyard  cannery  creamery  dairy  defense plant  distillery  dockyard  factory belt  factory district  feeder plant  flour mill  industrial park  industrial zone  main plant  manufactory  manufacturing plant  manufacturing quarter  mill  mint  munitions plant  oil refinery  packing house  plant  pottery  power plant  production line  push-button plant  refinery  sawmill  shipyard  subassembly plant  sugar refinery  tannery  winery  works  yard  yards  

factor Definition

(n.) One who transacts business for another
(n.) A steward or bailiff of an estate.
(n.) One of the elements or quantities which, when multiplied together, from a product.
(n.) One of the elements, circumstances, or influences which contribute to produce a result
(v. t.) To resolve (a quantity) into its factors.

factor Bedeutung

absorption factor
(physics) the property of a body that determines the fraction of the incident radiation or sound flux absorbed or absorbable by the body
sun protection factor
the degree to which a sunscreen protects the skin from the direct rays of the sun
releasing hormone
releasing factor
hypothalamic releasing hormone
hypothalamic releasing factor
any of several hormones produced in the hypothalamus and carried by a vein to the anterior pituitary gland where they stimulate the release of anterior pituitary hormones, each of these hormones causes the anterior pituitary to secrete a specific hormone
(genetics) a segment of DNA that is involved in producing a polypeptide chain, it can include regions preceding and following the coding DNA as well as introns between the exons, it is considered a unit of heredity, genes were formerly called factors
cognitive factor something immaterial (as a circumstance or influence) that contributes to producing a result
determining factor
causal factor
a determining or causal element or factor, education is an important determinant of one's outlook on life
decisive factor
a point or fact or remark that settles something conclusively
factor an independent variable in statistics
an abstract part of something, jealousy was a component of his character, two constituents of a musical composition are melody and harmony, the grammatical elements of a sentence, a key factor in her success, humor: an effective ingredient of a speech
factor analysis any of several methods for reducing correlational data to a smaller number of dimensions or factors, beginning with a correlation matrix a small number of components or factors are extracted that are regarded as the basic variables that account for the interrelations observed in the data
Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire
a selfeport personality inventory developed by Raymond B. Cattell to measure the personality dimensions that emerged from his factor analysis of a wide range of traits
determiner determining factor
an argument that is conclusive
factor anything that contributes causally to a result, a number of factors determined the outcome
agent factor
a businessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commission
coefficient of reflection
reflection factor
the fraction of radiant energy that is reflected from a surface
factor any of the numbers (or symbols) that form a product when multiplied together
conversion factor factor by which a quantity that is expressed in one set of units must be multiplied in order to convert it into another set of units
factor of proportionality
constant of proportionality
the constant value of the ratio of two proportional quantities x and y, usually written y kx, where k is the factor of proportionality
prime factor the prime factors of a quantity are all of the prime quantities that will exactly divide the given quantity
divisor factor one of two or more integers that can be exactly divided into another integer, what are the factors of ?
multiplier factor
the number by which a multiplicand is multiplied
scale factor a number used as a multiplier in scaling
time-scale factor the ratio of the simulation time to the time of the real process
equivalent-binary-digit factor the average number of binary digits needed to express one radix digit in a numeration system that is not binary, on the average a number that can be expressed in N decimal digits takes .N binary digits
common divisor
common factor
common measure
an integer that divides two (or more) other integers evenly
greatest common divisor
greatest common factor
highest common factor
the largest integer that divides without remainder into a set of integers
fudge factor
a quantity that is added or subtracted in order to increase the accuracy of a scientific measure
load factor (aeronautics) the ratio of an external load to the weight of the aircraft (measured in g)
safety factor
factor of safety
the ratio of the breaking stress of a structure to the estimated maximum stress in ordinary use
rheumatoid factor autoantibody that is usually present in the serum of people with rheumatoid arthritis
growth factor a protein that is involved in cell differentiation and growth
nerve growth factor
a protein that is involved in the growth of peripheral nerve cells
tumor necrosis factor
tumour necrosis factor
a proinflammatory cytokine that is produced by white blood cells (monocytes and macrophages), has an antineoplastic effect but causes inflammation (as in rheumatoid arthritis)
spreading factor
an enzyme (trade name Hyazyme) that splits hyaluronic acid and so lowers its viscosity and increases the permeability of connective tissue and the absorption of fluids
coagulation factor
clotting factor
any of the factors in the blood whose actions are essential for blood coagulation
factor I
a protein present in blood plasma, converts to fibrin when blood clots
releasing factor
releasing hormone
a substance produced by the hypothalamus that is capable of accelerating the secretion of a given hormone by the anterior pituitary gland
growth hormoneeleasing factor
a releasing factor that accelerates the secretion of growth hormone by the anterior pituitary body
intrinsic factor a substance produced by the mucosa of the stomach and intestines that is essential for the absorption of vitamin B, lack of intrinsic factor can result in pernicious anemia
rhesus factor
Rh factor
a blood group antigen possessed by Rh-positive people, if an Rh-negative person receives a blood transfusion from an Rh-positive person it can result in hemolysis and anemia
factor II
a protein in blood plasma that is the inactive precursor of thrombin
factor III
an enzyme liberated from blood platelets that converts prothrombin into thrombin as blood starts to clot
calcium ion
factor IV
ion of calcium, a factor in the clotting of blood
prothrombin accelerator
accelerator factor
factor V
a coagulation factor
stable factor
factor VII
a coagulation factor formed in the kidney under the influence of vitamin K
antihemophilic factor
antihaemophilic factor
antihemophilic globulin
antihaemophilic globulin
factor VIII
a coagulation factor (trade name Hemofil) whose absence is associated with hemophilia A
Christmas factor
factor IX
coagulation factor whose absence is associated with hemophilia B
factor X
coagulation factor that is converted to an enzyme that converts prothrombin to thrombin in a reaction that depends on calcium ions and other coagulation factors
plasma thromboplastin antecedent
factor XI
coagulation factor whose deficiency results in a hemorrhagic tendency
Hageman factor
factor XII
coagulation factor whose deficiency results in prolongation of clotting time of venous blood
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Factor, a Latin word meaning "whowhich acts", may refer to:

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