
fern Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Farn m bot.
Javafarn m (Microsorum pteropus)
java fern
Farnhuscher m ornith.
Fern Wren
Kleinohriger Büschelfarn m (Salvinia auriculata)
floating fern
Kleinohriger Büschelfarn m bot. (Salvinia auriculata)
floating fern
Spargelkraut n
asparagus fern
farnartig adj bot.
ferny, fern-loke
Alpenfrauenfarn m; Gebirgsfrauenfarn m (Athyrium distentifolium) bot.
Alpine lady fern
Nestfarn m; Vogelnestfarn m; afrikanischer Nestfarn m (Asplenium nidus) bot.
bird's nest fern
farnartig adj bot.
ferny; fern-loke
Hautfarngewächse pl (Hymenophyllaceae) bot.
filmy fern family
Sumpffarngewächse pl; Lappenfarngewächse pl (Thelypteridaceae) bot.
marsh fern family
Kongo-Wasserfarn m (Bolbitis heudelotii)
African water fern
Kongo-Wasserfarn m bot. (Bolbitis heudelotii)
African water fern
Psilotum flaccidum n bot.
hanging whisk fern
starrer Wurmfarn m (Dryopteris villarii) bot.
rigid buckler fern
Adlerfarngewächse pl; Schüsselfarngewächse pl (Dennstaedtiaceae) bot.
bracken fern family
Frostrose f; Eisrose f
Frostrosen pl; Eisrosen pl
ice fern
ice ferns
Farnmyrte f (Comptonia peregrina) bot.
sweet-fern; sweetfern
Baumfarn m bot.
Baumfarne pl
tree fern
tree ferns
buschiger Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum aethiopicum) bot.
common maidenhair fern
Farnwedel m
Farnwedel pl
fern frond
fern fronds
Männerfarn m; gewöhnlicher gemeiner echter männlicher Wurmfarn m (Dryopteris filix-mas) bot.
male wood fern; male fern
Adlerfarn m (Pteridium aquilinum) bot.
bracken fern; common bracken
Farn m bot.
Farne pl (Polypodiophyta) (botanische Gruppe)
ferns (botanical group)
Hirschzungenfarn m; Hirschzunge f (Asplenium scolopendrium Phyllitis scolopendrium) bot.
hart's-tongue fern; hart's-tongue
Rainfarn m bot.
tansy, golden buttons, scented fern
Rainfarn m bot.
tansy; golden buttons; scented fern
Rippenfarngewächse pl (Blechnaceae) bot.
chain fern family; deer fern family
Wurmfarngewächse pl (Dryopteridaceae) bot.
wood fern family; shield fern family
Hautfarngewächs n bot.
member plant of the filmy fern family
Sumpffarngewächs n; Lappenfarngewächs n bot.
member plant of the marsh fern family
Adlerfarngewächse pl; Schüsselfarngewächse pl (Dennstaedtiaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
bracken fern family (botanical family)
vielteiliger Rautenfarn m; vielteilige Mondraute f (Botrychium multifidum) bot.
leather grape fern; leathery grape fern
Natternzungengewächse pl (Ophioglossaceae) bot.
adder's tongue family; grape fern family
Adlerfarngewächs n; Schüsselfarngewächs n bot.
member plant of the bracken (fern) family
Algenfarngewächse pl (Azollaceae) bot.
water mosquito fern family; azolla family
Nacktfarn m (Psilotum nudum) bot.
whisk fern; bush moss; skeleton fork fern
Rippenfarngewächs n bot.
member plant of the chain deer fern family
Wurmfarngewächs n bot.
member plant of the wood shield fern family
feingliedriger Dornfarn m; gewöhnlicher Dornfarn m (Dryopteris expansa) bot.
spreading wood fern; Northern wood buckle fern
Frauenfarne pl (Athyrium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gemeiner gewöhnlicher Frauenfarn; gemeiner Waldfarn; Waldfrauenfarn (Athyrium filix-femina)
lady ferns (botanical genus)
common lady fern
Nacktfarne pl (Anogramma) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Dünnblättriger Nacktfarn m (Anogramma leptophylla)
anogramma ferns (botanical genus)
Jersey fern
Gabelstreifenfarn m; nordischer Streifenfarn (Asplenium septentrionale) bot.
grass fern; forked spleenwort; Northern spleenwort
Milzfarn m; Schriftfarn m (Asplenium ceterach Ceterach officinarum) bot.
rustyback fern; scale scaly fern; scaly spleenwort
Hufeisenfarn m; Pfauenradfarn m; amerikanischer Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum pedatum) bot.
five-finger fern; American Northern maidenhair fern
Brutfarn m; Mutterfarn m; Henne-und-Huhn-Farn m (Asplenium bulbiferum) bot.
mother fern; mother spleenwort; hen-and-chicken fern
Karthäuserfarn m; gewöhnlicher Dornfarn m (Dryopteris carthusiana) bot.
narrow buckler fern Br.; spinulose wood fern Am.
Lanzenschildfarn m (Polystichum lonchitis) bot.
mountain holly fern; Northern holly fern; holly fern
Koru m (ein sich entrollender Silberfarnwedel oder dessen Form)
koru (unfurling silver fern frond or just its shape)
Gebirgswurmfarn m; Nepalschwarzschuppenfarn m (Dryopteris wallichiana) bot.
alpine wood fern; Himalayan fern; Wallich's wood fern
Perlfarn m (Onoclea sensibilis) bot.
sensitive fern; bead fern; sympathy fern; meadow brake
virginischer Rautenfarn m; virginische Mondraute f (Botrychium virginianum) bot.
Virginia grape fern moonwort; rattlesnake (grape) fern
Rippenfarngewächse pl (Blechnaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
chain fern family; deer fern family (botanical family)
Alpenwimperfarn m (Woodsia alpina) bot.
Alpine cliff fern; flower-cup fern; Northern cliff fern
Ruprechtsfarn m; Storchschnabelfarn m (Gymnocarpium robertianum) bot.
limestone oak fern; scented oak fern; Northern oak fern
breitblättriger Wurmfarn Dornfarn m; breiter Wurmfarn m (Dryopteris dilatata) bot.
broad wood fern; broad buckler fern; mountain wood fern
peruanischer Frauenhaarfarn m; Silberdollar-Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum peruvianum) bot.
Peruvian maidenhair fern; silver-dollar (maidenhair) fern
Feuerlandrippenfarn m; Feuerlandfarn m; alpiner Meerfederrippenfarn m; Seefederrippenfarn m; Seefeder f (Blechnum penna-marina) bot.
Alpine Antarctic dwarf little hard fern; Alpine water fern
Mondrautenfarn m; echte gemeine Mondraute f (Botrychium lunaria) bot.
common moonwort fern; moonwort grape fern; common moonwort
Schwertfarn m (Polystichum munitum) bot.
common sword fern; pineland sword fern; Western sword fern
Riesenwurmfarn m (Dryopteris goldiana) bot.
giant wood fern; Goldie's (wood) fern; Goldie's shield fern
Goldschuppenfarn m; (spreu)schuppiger Wurmfarn m (Dryopteris affinis) bot.
golden shield fern; golden-scaled male fern; scaly male fern
Kammfarn m; Kammwurmfarn m (Dryopteris cristata) bot.
crested wood fern; crested buckler fern; crested shield fern
Sumpffarne pl (Thelypteris) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gewöhnlicher Sumpffarn m; Sumpflappenfarn m; Sumpfnierenfarn m (Thelypteris palustris)
maiden ferns; female ferns
Eastern marsh fern; meadow fern
Saumfarngewächse pl (Pteridaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
maidenhair fern family; brake fern family (botanical family)
gewöhnlicher Bergfarn m; Berglappenfarn m (Oreopteris limbosperma) bot.
sweet mountain fern; mountain buckler fern; lemon-scented fern
Dolchfarn m; (amerikanischer) Weihnachtsfarn m (Polystichum acrostichoides) bot.
dagger fern; evergreen wood fern; Christmas fern; canker brake
Japanischer Glanzschildfarn m; Japanischer Schildfarn m (Polystichum polyblepharum) bot.
Japanese lace fern; (Japanese Korean) tassel fern; bristle fern
Eichenfarne pl (Gymnocarpium) (zoologische Gattung) bot.
gemeiner gewöhnlicher Eichenfarn (Gymnocarpium dryopteris)
oak ferns (zoological genus)
common oak fern; Western oak fern
Rotschleierfarn m; Rotschleier-Wurmfarn m (Dryopteris erythrosora) bot.
autumn fern; copper pink shield fern; Japanese (red) shield fern
Trichterfarn m; europäischer deutscher Straußenfarn m (Matteuccia struthiopteris) bot.
fiddlehead fern; garden fern; hardy fern; shuttlecock fern; ostrich fern
Algenfarngewächse pl (Azollaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
water fern family; mosquito fern family; azolla family (botanical family)
Mangrovenfarne pl (Acrostichum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Goldener Mangrovenfarn m (Acrostichum aureum)
leather swamp ferns; leather ferns (botanical genus)
golden leather fern
Becherfarne pl (Cyathea) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Silberfarn m (Cyathea dealbata)
cyathea tree ferns (botanical genus)
silver tree-fern; silver fern; ponga
Sumpffarne pl (Thelypteris) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gewöhnlicher Sumpffarn m; Sumpflappenfarn m; Sumpfnierenfarn m (Thelypteris palustris)
maiden ferns; female ferns (botanical genus)
Eastern marsh fern; meadow fern
Wurmfarngewächse pl (Dryopteridaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
wood ferns; wood fernfamily; shield ferns; shield fern family (botanical family)
Hautfarne pl (Trichomanes) (botanische Gattung) bot.
prächtiger ansehnlicher Hautfarn m; prächiger europäischer Dünnfarn m (Trichomanes speciosum) bot.
englischer Hautfarn m (Hymenophyllum tunbrigense) bot.
bristle ferns; filmy ferns (botanical genus)
Killarney fern
Tunbridge filmy fern
Mädesüß n (Filipendula) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Echtes Mädesüß (Filipendula ulmaria)
Kleines Mädesüß; Klein-Mädesüß; Knolliges Mädesüß (Filipendula vulgaris)
filipendula (botanical genus)
meadowsweet; mead wort
fern-leaf dropwort; dropwort
Cheilanthes-Farne pl (Cheilanthes) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Haariger Pelzfarn m; Wolliger Lippenfarn m (Cheilanthes lanosa)
cheilanthes ferns (botanical genus)
hairy lip fern; woolly lip fern; lanate lip fern
Buchenfarne pl (Phegopteris) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gewöhnlicher Buchenfarn m (Phegopteris connectilis) bot.
beech ferns (botanical genus)
long beech fern; narrow beech fern; Northern beech fern
duftender wohlriechender Wurmfarn m; duftender Zwergwurmfarn m (Dryopteris fragrans) bot.
fragrant (wood) fern; fragrant cliff fern; fragrant shield fern; fragrant buckler fern Br.
Mondrauten pl (Botrychium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
lanzettliche Mondraute f (Botrychium lanceolatum) bot.
moonworts; grape ferns (botanical genus)
lance-leaved moonwort grape fern; triangle moonwort
ästiger Rautenfarn m; ästige Mondraute f (Botrychium matricariifolium) bot.
daisy-leaved grape fern moonwort; chamomile grape fern moonwort; matricary grape fern moonwort
Rispenfarne pl; Königsfarne pl (Osmunda) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gewöhnlicher Rispenfarn m (Osmunda regalis)
Teufelsfarn m; Kronenfarn m; dunkler Münzrollenfarn m (Osmunda claytoniana)
Zimtfarn m (Osmunda cinnamomea)
royal ferns; osmunds (botanical genus)
royal fern; flowering fern
interrupted fern
cinnamon fern
Natternfarne pl; Natternzungen pl (Ophioglossum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gewöhnliche Natternzunge (Ophioglossum vulgatum) f bot.
adder's tongues (botanical genus)
adder's tongue fern; Southern adder's tongue; English adder's tongue
Natternfarne pl; Natternzungen pl (Ophioglossum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gewöhnliche Natternzunge f (Ophioglossum vulgatum) bot.
adder's tongues (botanical genus)
adder's tongue fern; Southern adder's tongue; English adder's tongue
Wimperfarne pl (Woodsia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
stumpfblättriger Wimperfarn m (Woodsia obtusa)
rostroter Wimperfarn m; südlicher Wimperfarn m (Woodsia ilvensis)
cliff ferns
blunt-lobed cliff fern; common woodsia
rusty cliff fern; fragrant woodsia; oblong woodsia
Rippenfarne pl (Blechnum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gewöhnlicher Rippenfarn (Blechnum spicant)
abendländischer Rippenfarn m; östlicher Rippenfarn m (Blechnum occidentale)
hard ferns (botanical genus)
deer fern; hard fern
hammock fern; New World midsorus fern; sinkhole fern
einfacher Rautenfarn m; einfache Mondraute f (Botrychium simplex) bot.
simple grape fern moonwort; least grape fern moonwort; little grape fern moonwort; dwarf grape fern moonwort
Rollfarne pl (Cryptogramma) (botanische Gattung) bot.
krauser Rollfarn (Cryptogramma crispa)
amerikanischer Rollfarn (Cryptogramma acrostichoides) bot.
parsley ferns; mountain parsleys; rockbrakes
European parsley fern
American parsley fern; American rockbrake
Saumfarne pl (Pteris) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Bandförmiger Saumfarn m; Gebänderter Saumfarn m (Pteris vittata)
Kretischer Saumfarn m (Pteris cretica)
brake ferns (botanical genus)
ladder brake fern; ladder brake; ladder fern
Cretan brake fern; Cretan brake; ribbon fern
Wimperfarne pl (Woodsia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
stumpfblättriger Wimperfarn m (Woodsia obtusa)
rostroter Wimperfarn m; südlicher Wimperfarn m (Woodsia ilvensis)
cliff ferns (botanical genus)
blunt-lobed cliff fern; common woodsia
rusty cliff fern; fragrant woodsia; oblong woodsia
Taschenfarne pl (Dicksonia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Australischer Taschenfarn m; Antarktischer Baumfarn m; Weicher Baumfarn m (Dicksonia antarctica)
Filziger Taschenfarn m; Goldener Baumfarn m (Dicksonia fibrosa)
dicksonia tree-ferns (botanical genus)
Australian tree fern; soft tree fern
fibrous tree fern; golden tree fern; whek?-ponga
Rollfarne pl (Cryptogramma) (botanische Gattung) bot.
krauser Rollfarn (Cryptogramma crispa)
amerikanischer Rollfarn (Cryptogramma acrostichoides) bot.
parsley ferns; mountain parsleys; rockbrakes (botanical genus)
European parsley fern
American parsley fern; American rockbrake
Wasserhornfarne pl (Ceratopteris) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Feinblättriger Wasserhornfarn m; Feinblättriger Hornfarn m; Sumatrafarn m; Wasserstern m (Ceratopteris thalictroides)
Schwimmender Wasserhornfarn m; Schwimmender Hornfarn m (Ceratopteris pteridoides)
ceratopteris ferns (botanical genus)
oriental water-fern; water horn-fern; swamp fern; water sprite
floating antler-fern; floating water-sprite; giant floating-fern
Afrikanische Steineiben pl; Afrogelbhölzer pl (Afrocarpus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gewöhnliches Afrogelbholz n (Afrocarpus falcatus)
Schlankes Afrogelbholz n (Afrocarpus gracilior)
African fern pines; yellowwoods (botanical genus)
common yellowwood; bastard yellowwood; small-leaved yellowwood; outeniqua yellowwood
East African pine; East African yellowwood
Blasenfarne pl (Cystopteris) (botanische Gattung) bot.
alpiner Blasenfarn m; Alpenblasenfarn m (Cystopteris alpina)
schottischer Blasenfarn m; runzelsporiger Blasenfarn m (Cystopteris dickieana) bot.
zerbrechlicher gemeiner Blasenfarn m; Felsenblasenfarn m (Cystopteris fragilis) bot.
Bergblasenfarn m (Cystopteris montana)
Brutknospenblasenfarn m (Cystopteris bulbifera)
bladderferns; fragile ferns (botanical genus)
Alpine bladder fern
Dickie's bladder fern
brittle (bladder) fern; fragile fern
mountain bladder fern
bulblet (bladder) fern; berry (bladder) fern
Schildfarne pl (Polystichum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
dorniger stacheliger Schildfarn m; gelappter Schildfarn m; Glanzschildfarn m (Polystichum aculeatum) bot.
Andersons Schildfarn m (Polystichum andersonii) bot.
Brauns Schildfarn m; zarter Schildfarn m (Polystichum braunii) bot.
weicher Schildfarn m; borstiger Schildfarn m; Grannenschildfarn m (Polystichum setiferum) bot.
shield ferns; sword ferns; holly ferns; Christmas ferns
prickly shield fern; hard shield fern
Anderson's holly shield sword fern; Vancouver holly fern
Braun's holly fern
soft shield fern; hedge fern; Alaska fern
Schildfarne pl (Polystichum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
dorniger stacheliger Schildfarn m; gelappter Schildfarn m; Glanzschildfarn m (Polystichum aculeatum) bot.
Andersons Schildfarn m (Polystichum andersonii) bot.
Brauns Schildfarn m; zarter Schildfarn m (Polystichum braunii) bot.
weicher Schildfarn m; borstiger Schildfarn m; Grannenschildfarn m (Polystichum setiferum) bot.
shield ferns; sword ferns; holly ferns; Christmas ferns (botanical genus)
prickly shield fern; hard shield fern
Anderson's holly shield sword fern; Vancouver holly fern
Braun's holly fern
soft shield fern; hedge fern; Alaska fern
Algenfarne pl (Azolla) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gefiederter Algenfarn m (Azolla mexicana) bot.
großer Algenfarn m; Feenmoos n (Azolla filiculoides) bot.
kleiner Algenfarn m; Moskito-Algenfarn m (Azolla caroliniana) bot.
duckweed ferns; water ferns; mosquito ferns; fairy mosses (botanical genus)
floating-fern; Mexican mosquito water fern; Mexican azolla
water fern; large mosquito fern; Pacific mosquito fern
lesser water fern; fairy moss; Carolina mosquito fern
Streifenfarne pl (Asplenium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
brauner Streifenfarn; Steinfeder (Asplenium trichomanes)
braungrüner Streifenfarn (Asplenium adulterinum)
deutscher Streifenfarn (Asplenium alternifolium)
grüner Streifenfarn; Grünstiel-Streifenfarn (Asplenium viride Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum)
kriechender Streifenfarn (Asplenium rhizophyllum Camptosorus rhizophyllus)
lanzettblättriger Streifenfarn; Billots Streifenfarn (Asplenium billotii)
schwarzer Streifenfarn (Asplenium adiantum-nigrum)
spleenworts (botanical genus)
common dwarf maidenhair spleenwort; English maidenhair
ladder spleenwort
alternate-leaved spleenwort
green spleenwort; bright-green spleenwort
walking fern; walking leaf
lanceolatespleenwort; Billot's spleenwort
black spleenwort
Frauenhaarfarne pl; Frauenhaare pl; Venushaare pl (Adiantum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
(gewöhnlicher) Frauenhaarfarn m; Venushaarfarn m; Frauenhaar n; Venushaar n (Adiantum capillus-veneris) bot.
ausläufertreibender Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum caudatum) bot.
dreieckiger Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum raddianum) bot.
Fächer-Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum tenerum) bot.
immergrüner Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum venustum) bot.
maidenhair ferns; maidenhairs (botanical genus)
(common) maidenhair fern; Venus-hair fern; maidenhair; Venus-hair
tailed trailing maidenhair fern; walking fern maidenhair
delta maidenhair fern; delta maidenhair
fan maidenhair fern; brittle maidenhair fern
evergreen maidenhair fern; Himalayan maidenhair fern
Streifenfarne pl (Asplenium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
brauner Streifenfarn; Steinfeder (Asplenium trichomanes)
braungrüner Streifenfarn (Asplenium adulterinum)
Brutfarn m; Mutterfarn m; Henne-und-Huhn-Farn m (Asplenium bulbiferum)
deutscher Streifenfarn (Asplenium alternifolium)
Ebenholzstreifenfarn m; breitnerviger Streifenfarn (Asplenium platyneuron)
Gabelstreifenfarn m; nordischer Streifenfarn (Asplenium septentrionale)
grüner Streifenfarn; Grünstiel-Streifenfarn (Asplenium viride Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum)
Hirschzungenfarn m; Hirschzunge f (Asplenium scolopendrium Phyllitis scolopendrium)
Jura-Streifenfarn m (Asplenium fontanum Asplenium exiguum)
kriechender Streifenfarn (Asplenium rhizophyllum Camptosorus rhizophyllus)
lanzettblättriger Streifenfarn; Billots Streifenfarn (Asplenium billotii)
Mauerraute f; Mauer-Streifenfarn m (Asplenium ruta-muraria)
Milzfarn m; Schriftfarn m (Asplenium ceterach Ceterach officinarum)
Nestfarn m; Vogelnestfarn m; afrikanischer Nestfarn m (Asplenium nidus)
schwarzer Streifenfarn (Asplenium adiantum-nigrum)
Serpentin-Streifenfarn m (Asplenium cuneifolium)
Spitzer Streifenfarn m; Spitzer Strichfarn m (Asplenium onopteris)
spleenworts (botanical genus)
common dwarf maidenhair spleenwort; English maidenhair
ladder spleenwort
mother fern; mother spleenwort; hen-and-chicken fern
alternate-leaved spleenwort
ebony spleenwort
grass fern; forked spleenwort; Northern spleenwort
green spleenwort; bright-green spleenwort
hart's-tongue fern; hart's-tongue
little spleenwort; smooth (rock) spleenwort
walking fern; walking leaf
lanceolatespleenwort; Billot's spleenwort
wall rue; wall-rue spleenwort; white maidenhair
rustyback fern; scale scaly fern; scaly spleenwort
bird's nest fern
black spleenwort
serpentine spleenwort
acute-leaved spleenwort; Irish spleenwort; Western black spleenwort

fern Definition

Female fern
() a common species of fern with large decompound fronds (Asplenium Filixfaemina), growing in many countries
(adv.) Long ago.
(a.) Ancient
(n.) An order of cryptogamous plants, the Filices, which have their fructification on the back of the fronds or leaves. They are usually found in humid soil, sometimes grow epiphytically on trees, and in tropical climates often attain a gigantic size.
Hare's-foot fern
() A species of fern (Davallia Canariensis) with a soft, gray, hairy rootstock
Sea fern
() Any gorgonian which branches like a fern.
Stag-horn fern
() See under Stag.

fern Bedeutung

fern any of numerous flowerless and seedless vascular plants having true roots from a rhizome and fronds that uncurl upward, reproduce by spores
fern ally pteridophytes of other classes than Filicopsida
fern seed the asexual spore of ferns that resembles dust, once thought to be seeds and to make the possessor invisible
false sago
fern palm
Cycas circinalis
southeastern Indian cycad with palmlike foliage
seed fern
an extinct seed-producing fernlike plant of the order Cycadofilicales (or group Pteridospermae)
sweet fern
Comptonia peregrina
Comptonia asplenifolia
deciduous shrub of eastern North America with sweet scented fernlike leaves and tiny white flowers
golden buttons
scented fern Tanacetum vulgare
common perennial aromatic herb native to Eurasia having buttonlike yellow flower heads and bitter-tasting pinnate leaves sometimes used medicinally
asparagus fern
Asparagus setaceous
Asparagus plumosus
a fernlike plant native to South Africa
miniature fan palm
bamboo palm fern rhapis
Rhapis excelsa
small graceful palm with reedlike stems and leaf bases clothed with loose coarse fibers
hemlock poison hemlock
poison parsley
California fern
Nebraska fern
winter fern
Conium maculatum
large branching biennial herb native to Eurasia and Africa and adventive in North America having large fernlike leaves and white flowers, usually found in damp habitats, all parts extremely poisonous
filmy fern
film fern
any fern of the genus Hymenophyllum growing in tropical humid regions and having translucent leaves
bristle fern
filmy fern
any fern of the genus Trichomanes having large pinnatifid often translucent fronds, most are epiphytic on tree branches and twigs or terrestrial on mossy banks
hare's-foot bristle fern
Trichomanes boschianum
a variety of bristle fern
Killarney fern
Trichomanes speciosum
large stout fern of extreme western Europe
kidney fern
Trichomanes reniforme
large fern of New Zealand having kidney-shaped fronds
flowering fern
any fern of the genus Osmunda: large ferns with creeping rhizomes, naked sporangia are on modified fronds that resemble flower clusters
royal fern
royal osmund
king fern ditch fern
French bracken
Osmunda regalis
large deeply rooted fern of worldwide distribution with upright bipinnate compound tufted fronds
interrupted fern
Osmunda clatonia
North American fern having tall erect pinnate fronds and a few sporogenous pinnae at or near the center of the fertile fronds
cinnamon fern
fiddlehead fiddlehead fern
Osmunda cinnamonea
New World fern having woolly cinnamonolored spore-bearing fronds in early spring later surrounded by green fronds, the early uncurling fronds are edible
crape fern Prince-of-Wales fern
Prince-of-Wales feather
Prince-of-Wales plume
Leptopteris superba
Todea superba
New Zealand with pinnate fronds and a densely woolly stalks, sometimes included in genus Todea
crepe fern king fern Todea barbara fern of rain forests of tropical Australia and New Zealand and South Africa
curly grass
curly grass fern
Schizaea pusilla
rare small fern of northeastern North America having numerous slender spiraling fronds and forming dense tufts
pine fern
Anemia adiantifolia
fern of Florida and West Indies and Central America with rhizome densely clad in grown hairs
climbing fern any of several ferns of the genus Lygodium that climb by twining
creeping fern
Hartford fern
Lygodium palmatum
delicate fern of the eastern United States having a twining stem and palmately-lobed sterile fronds and forked fertile fronds
climbing maidenhair
climbing maidenhair fern
snake fern
Lygodium microphyllum
tropical fern widespread in Old World, naturalized in Jamaica and Florida
scented fern Mohria caffrorum sweetly scented African fern with narrow bipinnate fronds
aquatic fern
water fern
ferns that grow in water
clover fern
any of several water ferns of the genus Marsilea having four leaflets
mosquito fern
floating fern
Carolina pond fern
Azolla caroliniana
small free-floating aquatic fern from the eastern United States to tropical America, naturalized in western and southern Europe
adder's tongue
adder's tongue fern
ferns with fertile spikes shaped like a snake's tongue
ribbon fern Ophioglossum pendulum epiphytic fern with straplike usually twisted fronds of tropical Asia and Polynesia and America
grape fern a fern of the genus Botrychium having a fertile frond bearing small grapelike clusters of spore cases
daisyleaf grape fern
daisy-leaved grape fern
Botrychium matricariifolium
of North America and Eurasia
leathery grape fern
Botrychium multifidum
European fern with leathery and sparsely hairy fronds
rattlesnake fern
Botrychium virginianum
American fern whose clustered sporangia resemble a snake's rattle
flowering fern Helminthostachys zeylanica Australasian fern with clusters of sporangia on stems of fertile fronds
fern family families of ferns and fern allies
fern genus genera of ferns and fern allies
giant scrambling fern
Diplopterygium longissimum
large scrambling fern forming large patches to feet high, Pacific region and China
umbrella fern
fan fern
Sticherus flabellatus
Gleichenia flabellata
large Australasian fern with fanlike repeatedly forked fronds, sometimes placed in genus Gleichenia
floating fern water sprite
Ceratopteris pteridioides
aquatic fern of tropical America often used in aquariums
floating fern Ceratopteris thalictroides pantropical aquatic fern
licorice fern
Polypodium glycyrrhiza
fern having rootstock of a sweetish flavor
grey polypody
gray polypody
resurrection fern
Polypodium polypodioides
fern growing on rocks or tree trunks and having fronds greyish and scurfy below, Americas and South Africa
rock polypody
rock brake American wall fern
Polypodium virgianum
chiefly lithophytic or epiphytic fern of North America and east Asia
common polypody
adder's fern
wall fern
golden maidenhair
golden polypody sweet fern Polypodium vulgare
mat-forming lithophytic or terrestrial fern with creeping rootstocks and large pinnatifid fronds found throughout North America and Europe and Africa and east Asia
bear's-paw fern
Aglaomorpha meyeniana
epiphytic fern with large fronds, Taiwan and Philippines
strap fern fern with long narrow strap-shaped leaves
Florida strap fern
cow-tongue fern
hart's-tongue fern
common epiphytic or sometimes terrestrial fern having pale yellow-green strap-shaped leaves, Florida to West Indies and Mexico and south to Uruguay
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A fern is a member of a group of about 10,560 known extant species of vascular plants that reproduce via spores and have neither seeds nor flowers. They differ from mosses by being vascular . They have branched stems and leaves, like other vascular plants. These are megaphylls, more complex than the simple microphylls of clubmosses. Most ferns have what are called fiddleheads that expand into fronds, which are each delicately divided.

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