
field walking Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Feldbegehung f
Führer m (Handbuch)
Führer pl
Campingführer m
Naturführer m; Bestimmungsbuch n
Radwanderführer m
Reiseführer m
Stadtführer m
Wanderführer m
guidebook; guide
guidebooks; guides
camping guidebook; camping guide
field guide
cycling guidebook; cycling guide
travel guidebook; travel guide
city guidebook
walking guidebook Br.; hiking guidebook Am.
field of application
field of activity
field of duty
field of functions
field service
field work
field worker
field worker
field organization
field work
field auditor
field executive
occupational field
field of experience
Feld, Bereich
Feldarbeit, Außendienst
field work
field selection
field inquiry
field of research
Helfer vor Ort, am Ort
field help
im Außendienst tätig sein
work in the field
field of interests
Interviewer im Außendienst
field interviewer
field investigator
Marktuntersuchung, Untersuchung vor Ort
field survey
minor field of study
primäre Erhebung
field research
Stab der Außendienstmitarbeiter
field staff
Stab der Außenmitarbeiter
field force
Stab der Verkäufer im Außendienst
field sales force
Studienfachwahl, Wahl des Studienfaches
choice of field of study
Studienrichtung, Studienfach
field of study
Studienschwerpunkt, Hauptstudienfach
major field of study
field of action
field of activity
field of business activity
field of responsibility
Abrollbewegung f beim Gehen
flexing action during walking
Abschreibungsfeld n
amortization field
Acker m, Feld n
den Acker bestellen
einen Acker bewirtschaften
to till the soil
to work the land
Ackerbohne f bot.
field bean, broad bean, English bean, European bean, horse bean
Adressfeld n, Adressenfeld n, Anschriftsfeld n
address field
Akkumulierungsfeld n
accumulation field
Ankerquerfeld n electr.
armature quadrative-axis field
Anlagenfeldgröße f
asset field size
Antwortfeld n
Antwortfelder pl
response field
response fields
Anwendungsfeld n
Anwendungsfelder pl
field of application
fields of application
Anwendungsgebiet n, Anwendungsbereich m
Anwendungsgebiete pl, Anwendungsbereiche pl
area of application, field of application, scope of application
areas of application, fields of application, scopes of application
Arbeitsfeld n
Arbeitsfelder pl
field of work
fields of work
Arbeitsgebiet n
field of activity
Artikelstammfeld n
article master field
Aufgabenfeld n
task field
Aufgabenkreis m, Tätigkeitsfeld n, Tätigkeitsbereich m
Aufgabenkreise pl, Arbeitsgebiete pl
field of activity
fields of activity
Außendienst m, Kundendienst m
field service
Außendienstarbeit f
field work, fieldwork
Außendienstarbeiter m, Außendienstarbeiterin f
Außendienstarbeiter pl, Außendienstarbeiterinnen pl
field worker, fieldworker
field workers, fieldworks
Außendiensttechniker m
Außendiensttechniker pl
field engineer
field engineers
Außendienstmitarbeiter m, Außendienstmitarbeiterin f
Außendienstmitarbeiter sein
field representative, outdoor staff
to work in the field
Außenstellenleiter m, Außenstellenleiterin f
Außenstellenleiter pl, Außenstellenleiterinnen pl
field executive
field executives
Baubesichtigung f
field visit
Baumwollfeld n agr.
cotton field
Baustellenanschluss m
site connection, field connection
Baustellenanstrich m
site painting, field painting
Baustellenschweißung f
site welding, field welding
Berufsfeld n
Berufsfelder pl
occupational area, occupational field
occupational areas, occupational fields
Betätigungsfeld n
Betätigungsfelder pl
field of activity, sphere of activity
fields of activity, spheres of activity
Betragsfeld n
amount field
Betriebsprüfung f techn.
field test
Beulfeldbreite f techn.
width of bulging field
Beulfeldgeometrie f
geometry of bulging field
Beulfeldlänge f
length of bulging field
Binärfeld n comp.
Binärfelder pl
binary field
binary fields
Blickfeld n
Blickfelder pl
im Blickfeld sein
field of vision, range of vision
fields of vision
to be in frame, to be in shot
Blockfeld n
boulder field
Bohrfeld n
oil field, gas field
Bolzplatz m sport
Bolzplätze pl
amateur football field, amateur soccer field Am.
amateur football fields, amateur soccer fields
Brachacker m agr.
fallow ground, fallow field
Buhnenfeld n
Buhnenfelder pl
groyne field
groyne fields
Doppelrohrwärmetauscher m mach.
Doppelrohrwärmetauscher pl
field-tube heat exchanger
field-tube heat exchangers
Drehfeld n electr.
rotating field
Dunkelfeld m
dark field
Eingabefeld n
Eingabefelder pl
input field
input fields
Einheitsfeldmütze f mil.
standard field cap
Einsatzfeld pl, Einsatzgebiet n
Einsatzfelder pl, Einsatzgebiete pl
field of application, field
fields of application, fields
Einsatzmöglichkeit f
Einsatzmöglichkeiten pl
field of application
fields of application
Empfangsfeld m
destination field
Erfassungsfeld n
acquisition field
Erlebnisfeld n
field of experience
Erregerwicklung f
field winding
Fachgebiet n
Fachgebiete pl
special field, special field of work
special fields, special fields of work
Fachrichtung f
subject area, field, branch of ...
Feld n
Felder pl
in Felder aufgeteilt
ein weites Feld
a very broad field
Feld n phys.
elektromagnetisches Feld
electromagnetic field
Feldanzug m mil.
field dress
Feldarbeit f
field work, fieldwork
Feldausrüstung f mil.
field equipment
Feldbegehung f
Feldbluse f mil.
Feldblusen pl
field blouse
field blouses
Feldbus m
field bus
Felddienst m
field duty
Feldeffekttransistor m (FET)
Feldeffekttransistoren pl
field-effect transistor
field-effect transistors
Feldfrucht f, Frucht f
Feldfrüchte pl, Früchte pl
field crop, crop
field crops, crops
Feldhandball m sport
field handball
Feldionisation f
field ionisation
Feldkanone f mil.
Feldkanonen pl
field gun
field guns
Feldkapazität f
field capacity
Feldküche f mil.
Feldküchen pl
field kitchen
field kitchens
Feldmarschall m mil.
field marshal
Feldmütze f mil.
Feldmützen pl
field cap
field caps
Feldpostmarke f
Feldpostmarken pl
field postal stamp
field postal stamps
Feldschwächung f
field weakening
Feldstärke f
field strength, strength
Feldstärkemessung f, Feldmessung f techn.
field strength measurement
Feldstärke f
field force
Feldstecher m, Feldglas n
field glasses, binoculars
Feldsteuerung f
field control
Feldstiefel pl mil.
field boots
Feldstrom m
field current
Feldtest m
field test
Feldversuch m
Feldversuche pl
field trial
field trials
Feldwicklung f
field winding
Fernfeld n electr.
Flurstück n
field part
Forschungsgebiet n, Forschungsbereich m
Reise zum Forschungsgebiet
field of research
field trip
Freilandmessung f
field measurement
Fußballplatz m sport
Fußballplätze pl
football ground, football pitch, soccer field Am.
football grounds, football pitches, soccer fields
Gebiet n
Gebiete pl
auf dem Gebiet (von)
verwandtes Gebiet
in the field (of)
allied field
Gehbehinderung f
limp, disability which makes walking difficult
Gehschlitz m (im Rock)
hinterer Gehschlitz
walking slit
back slit
Gehversuch m
Gehversuche pl
attempt at walking
attempts at walking
Gesichtsfeld n
field of vision, field of view, range of vision
Getreidefeld n agr.
Getreidefelder f
grain field
grain fields
Gulaschkanone f
field kitchen, dixie Br.
Hauptstudienfach n
Hauptstudienfächer pl
major field of study
major fields of study
Hilfsfeld n
Hilfsfelder pl
auxiliary field
auxiliary fields
Interessengebiet n
Interessengebiete pl
field of interest
fields of interest
Kettfeld n
link field
Klatschmohn m bot.
corn poppy, field poppy, red poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
Körper m math.
Kohlenrevier n, Revier n
coal-mining district, coal district, coal field
Kommentarfeld n
comment field
Kornfeld n
Kornfelder pl
corn field, cornfield
corn fields, cornfields
Kraftfeld n phys.
Kraftfelder pl
field of force, force field
fields of force, force fields
Landebahnhöhe f über Meeresspiegel aviat.
field elevation
Laufmaschine f
walking machine
Laufroboter m, Schreitroboter m
Laufroboter pl, Schreitroboter pl
walking robot
walking robots
Lesesteinhaufen m agr.
Lesesteinhaufen pl
(field) clearance cairn
clearance cairns
Magnetfeld n
Magnetfelder pl
magnetic field
magnetic fields
Magnetfeldstärkenmessgerät n, Magnetometer n
Magnetfeldstärkenmessgeräte pl, Magnetometer pl
magnetic field meter, magnetometer
magnetic field meters, magnetometers
Marschgepäck n
field kit

Deutsche Feldbegehung {f} Synonyme


Englische field-walking Synonyme

field walking Definition

(n.) Cleared land
(n.) A piece of land of considerable size
(n.) A place where a battle is fought
(n.) An open space
(n.) Any blank space or ground on which figures are drawn or projected.
(n.) The space covered by an optical instrument at one view.
(n.) The whole surface of an escutcheon
(n.) An unresticted or favorable opportunity for action, operation, or achievement
(n.) A collective term for all the competitors in any outdoor contest or trial, or for all except the favorites in the betting.
(n.) That part of the grounds reserved for the players which is outside of the diamond
(v. i.) To take the field.
(v. i.) To stand out in the field, ready to catch, stop, or throw the ball.
(v. t.) To catch, stop, throw, etc. (the ball), as a fielder.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Walk
() a. & n. from Walk, v.

field walking Bedeutung

field goal a score in American football, a score made by kicking the ball between the opponents' goal posts
field goal
a score in basketball made by throwing the ball through the hoop
the act of traveling by foot, walking is a healthy form of exercise
field trip a group excursion (to a museum or the woods or some historic place) for firsthand examination
tightrope walking
walking on a tightrope or slack rope
outdoor sport
field sport
a sport that is played outdoors
track and field participating in athletic sports performed on a running track or on the field associated with it
field game an outdoor game played on a field of specified dimensions
field hockey
a game resembling ice hockey that is played on an open field, two opposing teams use curved sticks try to drive a ball into the opponents' net
power walking a form of cardiopulmonary exercise consisting of rapid walking accompanied by vigorous swinging of the arms
field work an investigation carried out in the field rather than in a laboratory or headquarters
dark ground illumination
dark field illumination
a form of microscopic examination of living material by scattered light, specimens appear luminous against a dark background
left field
the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is expected to field balls in the left third of the outfield (looking from home plate)
center field
the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is expected to field balls in the central third of the outfield
right field
the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is expected to field balls in the right third of the outfield (looking from home plate)
signal caller
field general
(American football) the position of the football player in the backfield who directs the offensive play of his team, quarterback is the most important position on the team
field trial a test of young hunting dogs to determine their skill in pointing and retrieving
field press censorship security review of news (including all information or material intended for dissemination to the public) subject to the jurisdiction of the armed forces
field of operation
line of business
a particular kind of commercial enterprise, they are outstanding in their field
Bosworth Field the battle that ended the Wars of the Roses (), Richard III was killed and Henry Tudor was crowned as Henry VII
Battle of Flodden Field
a battle in , the English defeated the invading Scots and James IV was killed
field sparrow
Spizella pusilla
common North American finch of brushy pasturelands
field spaniel large usually black hunting and retrieving spaniel with a dense flat or slightly wavy coat, cross between cocker and Sussex spaniel
field cricket
Acheta assimilis
common American black cricket, attacks crops and also enters dwellings
walking stick
stick insect
any of various mostly tropical insects having long twiglike bodies
walking leaf
leaf insect
tropical insect having a flattened leaflike body, common in southern Asia and the East Indies
field mouse fieldmouse any nocturnal Old World mouse of the genus Apodemus inhabiting woods and fields and gardens
field mouse
any of various small mouselike rodents of the family Cricetidae (especially of genus Microtus) having a stout short-tailed body and inconspicuous ears and inhabiting fields or meadows
Tennessee walker
Tennessee walking horse
Walking horse
Plantation walking horse
a horse marked by stamina and trained to move at a fast running walk
landing field
flying field
a place where planes take off and land
ball field
baseball field
the baseball playing field
field glasses
opera glasses
an optical instrument designed for simultaneous use by both eyes
center field
the piece of ground in the outfield directly ahead of the catcher, he hit the ball to deep center
field artillery
field gun
movable artillery (other than antiaircraft) used by armies in the field (especially for direct support of front-line troops)
field coil
field winding
the electric coil around a field magnet that produces the magneto motive force to set up the flux in an electric machine
field-effect transistor
a transistor in which most current flows in a channel whose effective resistance can be controlled by a transverse electric field
field-emission microscope electron microscope used to observe the surface structure of a solid
field glass
glass spyglass
a small refracting telescope
field hockey ball ball used in playing field hockey
field hospital a temporary military hospital near the battle lines
field house an athletic facility where athletes prepare for sport
field house sports arena a building for indoor sports
field lens the lens that is farthest from the eye in an optical device with more than one lens
field magnet a magnet that provides a magnetic field in a dynamo or electric motor
field-sequential color television
field-sequential color TV
field-sequential color television system
field-sequential color TV system
an early form of color TV in which successive fields are scanned in three primary colors
field tent a canvas tent for use in the field
football field
the playing field on which football is played
hop garden
hop field
a garden where hops are grown
hut army hut
field hut
temporary military shelter
left field
the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's left, the batter flied out to left
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