
fine Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

fein, schön, ausgezeichnet
Geldstrafe, Geldbuße
Geldbuße f, Bußgeld n
Mahngebühr f
schön, fein, dünn, zart adj
ausgezeichnet, gut; in Ordnung
schön; fein; dünn; zart adj
schöne Künste
fine arts
Feinsand m
fine sand
Feingold n
fine gold
Schmackhaftigkeit f
fine taste
feinkörnig adj photo.
fine taste
Feinkorn n
fine grain
Feinvakuum n
fine vacuum
fine tuning
Feinschliff m; Nachschärfen n; Detailarbeit f; Feinabstimmung f; Feineinstellung f techn.; Einstellen n med.
default fine
Geldstrafe f
Geldstrafen pl
eine Geldstrafe auferlegen
impose a fine
Feinreinigung f
fine cleaning
Feinschneiden n techn.
fine blanking
Eine hübsche Ausrede
a fine excuse
Feinmechanik f
fine mechanics
Eine hübsche Ausrede!
A fine excuse!
Feinpartikel pl
fine particles
erstklassiger Handelswechsel
fine trade bill
Feinsichter m mach.
fine classifier
feinmechanisch adj
fine mechanical
fine mechanical
bei schönem Wetter
in fine weather
Bußgeld n
sofort fälliges Bußgeld
spot fine
Feinstaub m
fine particulate
stattlich adj
fine, impressive
stattlich adj
fine; impressive
feinkristallin adj min.
Feinmotorik f
fine motor skills
Eisenkunstguss m art
fine art castings
Feingewinde n techn.
fine-pitch thread
Feinkornbaustahl m
fine-grained steel
Feinkornstahl m techn.
fine-grained steel
Er ist ein feiner (famoser) Kerl.
He is a fine chap.
Strafzettel m für Falschparken
parking fine notice
Das ist eine schöne Bescherung!
That's a fine mess!
Cuzcowergspecht m ornith.
Fine-barred Piculet
der heutige Tag war schön
today has been fine
Museum der schönen Künste
Museum of Fine Arts
Bußgeld Dt. n; Verwaltungsstrafe f Ös. adm.
administrative fine
Bußgeld n Dt.; Verwaltungsstrafe f Ös. adm.
administrative fine
Feinstaubbelastung f envir.
fine dust pollution
ein regnerischer Tag
a fine day for ducks
künstlerische Fotografie f; Kunstfotografie f; Fotokunst f art photo.
fine-art photography
fein adj
am feinsten
Du bist mir ein feiner Freund
a fine friend you are
mit alter Tradition
with a fine tradition
ein stattliches Mannsbild
a fine figure of a man
Du bist mir ein feiner Freund!
A fine friend you are!
Es wird schön werden.
We'll have a fine day.
Er amüsierte sich gut
he had a fine old time
Ausschrot m (Getreidemühle)
fine bran (flour mill)
Er amüsierte sich gut.
He had a fine old time.
Pünktchenspecht m ornith.
Fine-spotted Woodpecker
Feinmahlapparat m
fine grinding apparatus
Kleingedruckte n; Kleingedrucktes
small print; fine print
Feingewebe n textil.
fine fabric; fine cloth
Feinsieb n
Feinsiebe pl
fine sieve
fine sieves
Geldbuße f; Bußgeld n adm.
Geldbußen pl; Bußgelder pl
sofort fälliges Bußgeld
spot fine
elegant; fein adj (Weingeschmack) cook.
elegant; fine (wine taste)
ein regnerischer Tag
a fine day for ducks fig.
eine Geldstrafe verwirken
to incur a fine (a penalty)
Bußgeldsachen Dt.; Verwaltungsstrafsachen Ös. pl adm.
administrative fine matters
Bußgeldsachen pl Dt.; Verwaltungsstrafsachen pl Ös. adm.
administrative fine matters
Feineinstellung f
fine tuning, fine adjustment
Feinstmahlung f, Feinmahlung f
fine grinding, pulverization
duftig adj
gossamer-fine, soft and fine
eine lange Zeit schoenen Wetters
a long spell of fine weather
Feineinstellung f
fine tuning; fine adjustment
Parkstrafe f; Parkbusse f Schw. auto adm.
parking fine; parking ticket
duftig adj
gossamer-fine; soft and fine
Feinkies m
grit; pea gravel; fine gravel
Kleinbuchstabendruck m; Kleindruck m print
fine print; small print Br.
Feinstsediment n geol.
Feinstsedimente pl
fine sediment
fine sediments
Feinstruktur f
Feinstrukturen pl
fine structure
fine structures
feinkörnig adj
fine-grained, fine, close grained
Feinkohle f min.
fine coal; fine duff Br.; fines
Feinsteuerung f
fine control; fine control system
Feinkörnigkeit f
fine graininess, fineness of grain
Feinkörnigkeit f
fine graininess; fineness of grain
gesalzen (Preis); saftig (Geldstrafe) adj
eine saftige gepfefferte Rechnung
hefty (price; fine)
a hefty bill
Es wurde ein strahlender Tag.
The day turned out to be a fine one.
Mit Speck fängt man Mäuse. Sprw.
Good bait catches fine fish. prov.
Bußgeldbescheid m
official demand for payment of a fine
Schöne Worte kann man nicht essen.; Mit leeren Worten ist niemandem geholfen.
Fine words butter no parsnips. fig.
Kleider machen Leute. Sprw.
Fine feathers make fine birds. prov.
Lies das feine (verdammte) Handbuch!
RTFM : Read the fine (fucking) manual!
feinmotorische Fähigkeiten pl; Feinmotorik f med.
fine motor skills; fine motor function
Mit schönen Worten ist keinem niemandem geholfen.; Von schönen Worten kann man sich nichts kaufen.
Fine words butter no parsnips. prov.
Lies das feine (verdammte) Handbuch!
Read the fine (fucking) manual! RTFM
Nachschälmaschine f (Papierherstellung)
Nachschälmaschinen pl
fine barker (papermaking)
fine barkers
Glasnudel f cook.
Glasnudeln pl
fine Chinese noodle
fine Chinese noodles
Strafzettel m für Falschparken adm.
Strafzettel pl für Falschparken
parking fine notice
parking fine notices
Feinfilter m
Feinfilter pl
fine material filter
fine material filters
Auflösung f
hohe Auflösung
high resolution, fine resolution
Lies das feine (verdammte) Handbuch nochmal!
RTFMA : Read the fine (fucking) manual again!
Lies das feine (verdammte) Handbuch nochmal!
Read the fine (fucking) manual again! RTFMA
Faserstoff m; Ampas m; Trash m
(fine) fiber bagasse; trash (sugar production)
Edelfisch m; Gourmetfisch m zool. cook.
fine fish; noble fish; game fish; gourmet fish
Vogelschrot m; Vogeldunst m; Dunst m (feiner Schrot) mil.
(fine) bird shot; dust shot; mustard seed Am.
Siebereifeinkohle f; Siebdurchfall m; Schrämklein n; Kohleklein n min.
Koksgrus m; Koksklein n
fine small duff; fine small; duff
coking duff
Metalldraht m; Draht m
Metalldrähte pl; Drähte pl
Feinstdraht m
Verbindungsdraht m
extra-fine wire
connecting wire
gut adj
Das passt mir gut.
Das ist schön und gut, aber …
That's fine by me.
That's all fine, but …
Verwischung f (Technik in der Kunstfotografie) art
blurring; smearing (fine-art photography technique)
gut adj
Das passt mir gut.
Das ist schön und gut aber ...
That's fine by me.
That's all fine but ...
Versäumnisgebühr f
overdue fine (based upon a fixed charge per day
Versäumnisgebühr f
overdue fine (based upon a fixed charge per day week)
Feinstaubkonzentration f
PM concentration; fine particulate matter concentration
Feinstmahlung f; Feinmahlung f
fine grinding; pulverization eAm.; pulverisation Br.
Zittern n; Tremor m med.
Iriszittern n; springende Pupillen; Hippus m
feinschlägiges Zittern; feinschlägiger Tremor
grobschlägiges Zittern; grobschlägiger Tremor
tremor of the iris
fine tremor
coarse tremor
Feinstaubfilter m
Feinstaubfilter pl
fine particulate air filter
fine particulate air filters
Feinstrukturkonstante f; Sommerfeldsche Konstante f phys.
fine-structure constant; Sommerfeld fine-structure constant
sich an etw. gütlich tun poet. v
Sie taten sich an den erlesenen Delikatessen gütlich.
to sup on sth. poet
They supped on the fine delicacies.
Rasselgeräusch n; Knisterrasseln n; Krepitation f (der Lunge) med.
feinblasige mittelblasige grobblasige Rasselgeräusche
rales; crackles; crepitations
fine medium coarse crackles
Zuschlagstoff m
Zuschlagstoffe pl
feine Zuschlagstoffe
grobe Zuschlagstoffe
fine aggregates
coarse aggregates
Schlamassel n,m; Palawatsch m Ös.
Da haben wir den das Schlamassel!; Da haben wir den Salat! ugs.
Now we're in a right mess!; Now we're in a fine mess!
sich an etw. gütlich tun poet. v
Sie taten sich an den erlesenen Delikatessen gütlich.
to sup on sth. poet.
They supped on the fine delicacies.
verdonnern ugs.
jdn. dazu verdonnern, etw. zu tun
zu einem Bußgeld verdonnert werden
to sentence
to make sb. do sth.
to be ordered to pay a fine
verdonnern ugs.
jdn. dazu verdonnern etw. zu tun
zu einem Bußgeld verdonnert werden
to sentence
to make sb. do sth.
to be ordered to pay a fine
Feinstaub m envir.
suspended solids; suspended particulate matter SPM (fine dust)
Da haben wir den Salat! ugs.
That's a fine mess (I've got myself into you've got me us into)!
Bußgeldbescheid m Dt.; Verwaltungsstrafbescheid m Ös. adm.
administrative order imposing a fine; penalty charge notice Br.
feinkörnig adj
fine-grained; fine; close-grained; finely granular; fine-granular
Da haben wir den Salat! ugs.
That's a fine mess (I've got myself into you've got me us into)!
Kunstschule f
Kunstschulen pl
Werkkunstschule f
school of arts
schools of arts
academy of fine and applied arts
jdn. verdonnern v ugs.
jdn. dazu verdonnern, etw. zu tun
zu einem Bußgeld verdonnert werden
to sentence sb.
to make sb. do sth.
to be ordered to pay a fine
Feinsäge f mach.
Feinsägen pl
fine saw; back saw; dovetail saw
fine saws; back saws; dovetail saws
Fristüberschreitungsgebühr f; Überschreitungsgebühr f; Verzugsgebühr f (für verspätete Rückgabe)
Fristüberschreitungsgebühren pl; Überschreitungsgebühren pl; Verzugsgebühren pl
late fee; past due fee; late fine
late fees; past due fees; late fines
Verfassung f; Zustand m
in guter Verfassung sein; in gutem Zustand sein
in schlechter Verfassung sein; in schlechtem Zustand sein
to be in good fettle; to be in fine fettle
to be in bad fettle
Ersatzfreiheitsstrafe f jur.
imprisonment in default of payment (of a fine); alternative sentence Am.
Säumniszuschlag m; Säumnisgebühr f (für verspätete Zahlung) fin.
Säumniszuschläge pl; Säumnisgebühren pl
late payment fee; late payment fine
late payment fees; late payment fines
Geldstrafe f
Geldstrafen pl
Geldstrafen pl
eine Geldstrafe zahlen müssen
fine; monetary penalty
fines; monetary penalties
to incur a fine
das Kleingedruckte n adm.
Lies das Kleingedruckte, bevor du unterschreibst.
the fine print; the small print Br.
Read the fine print before you sign.
Metalldraht m; Draht m
Metalldrähte pl; Drähte pl
Feinstdraht m
Silberdraht m
Spinndraht m
Verbindungsdraht m
extra-fine wire
silver wire
braiding wire
connecting wire
mit einer Geldstrafe belegen, Bußgeld verhängen
mit einer Geldstrafe belegend, Bußgeld verhängend
mit einer Geldstrafe belegt, Bußgeld verhängt
wegen etw. mit einer Geldstrafe belegt werden
to fine, to ticket
fining, ticketing
fined, ticketed
to be fined for sth.
Haarrissstruktur f; Rissstruktur f; Netz n von Haarrissen; Craquelé n; Kraklé n; Krakelee n (Gemälde, Keramik) art
pattern of fine cracks; network of fine cracks; craquelure (paintings; ceramics)
Staubkorn n; Staubpartikel n
Staubkörner pl; Staubpartikel pl
Feinstaubpartikel pl
speck of dust; dust particle
specks of dust; dust particles
fine dust particles

Deutsche fein schön ausgezeichnet Synonyme

fein  Âgut  Âpositiv  Âschön  
außergewöhnlich  Âaußerordentlich  Âausgezeichnet  Âbesonders  Âbestens  Âexzeptionell  Âherausragend  Âvortrefflich  Âvorzüglich  
fein  Âhübsch  Ânett  Âniedlich  Âpuppig  Âsüß  
fein  Ânur  mit  Feinsinn  wahrnehmbar  Âsublim  Âunterschwellig  
empfindlich  Âfein  Âfiligran  Âfragil  Âgrazil  Âsachte  Âzart  
ausgeschmückt  Âgeschmückt  Âschön  gemacht  
ästhetisch  Âgeschmackvoll  Âschön  Âstilvoll  
freundlich  (Wetter)  Âheiter  Âschön  Âsonnig  
ästhetisch  Âformvollendet  Âkünstlerisch  Âkunstreich  Âkunstvoll  Âschön  Âstilvoll  
ansehnlich  Âattraktiv  Âein  erfreulicher  Anblick  Âeine  Augenweide  Âentzückend  Âfesch  (österr.)  Âgut  aussehend  Âharmonisch  Âhübsch  Âherrlich  Âhinreißend  Âlieblich  Âliebreizend  Âreizend  Âschön  Âsexy  
bitte  Âbitte  schön  Âbitte  sehr  
besten  Dank  (umgangssprachlich)  Âdanke  (umgangssprachlich)  Âdanke  schön  (umgangssprachlich)  Âdanke  sehr  (umgangssprachlich)  Âherzlichen  Dank  (umgangssprachlich)  Âlieben  Dank  (umgangssprachlich)  Âvergelts  Gott  (umgangssprachlich)  Âvielen  Dank  
fein  hübsch  nett  niedlich  puppig  süß  
fein  nur mit Feinsinn wahrnehmbar  sublim  unterschwellig  

Englische fine Synonyme

fine  Babylonian  Corinthian  OK  Roger  absolutely  abstruse  accomplished  accurate  acrid  acute  admirable  adulterated  advantageous  aesthetic  aesthetically appealing  affable  agreeable  airy  alive and kicking  all right  alright  alrighty  amen  amerce  amercement  amiable  amicable  amusing  appreciative  arabesque  aright  as you say  assessment  assuredly  attentive  attenuate  attenuated  attractive  auspicious  awe-inspiring  awful  aye  balmy  barbaric  baroque  beauteous  beautiful  beneficial  benevolent  bitsy  bitty  blissful  bon  bonny  bonzer  boyish  branny  braw  bright  bright and fair  bright-eyed and bushy-tailed  brilliant  bueno  busy  by all means  capital  capitally  certainly  chalklike  chalky  champion  charge  cheerful  chichi  chipper  choice  civilized  clear  close  cloudless  cogent  comely  commendable  comminute  comminuted  compatible  complaisant  confiscate  congenial  conscientious  constant  consummate  cool  cordial  correct  critical  crushed  cryptic  cultivated  cultured  cut  cute  cutting  da  dainty  damages  dandy  delicat  delicate  deluxe  demanding  desirable  detailed  detrital  detrited  diaphanous  differential  dilute  diluted  direct  discriminate  discriminating  discriminative  disintegrated  distinctive  distinguishing  distrain  distraint  distress  double-edged  downy  dry  dulcet  dusty  edged  efflorescent  elaborate  elegant  en rapport  endowed with beauty  enigmatic  enjoyable  enjoying health  entertaining  escheat  escheatment  esoteric  estimable  estreat  ethereal  eupeptic  even  exact  exacting  exactly  excellent  excellently  exceptional  exigent  expedient  express  exquisite  extravagant  eye-filling  fair  fair and pleasant  faithful  famous  famously  fancy  farinaceous  fastidious  favorable  featheredged  fee  felicific  felicitous  filamentous  filmy  fine-drawn  fine-grained  finely  finespun  finical  finicking  finicky  first-class  first-rate  firsts  fit  fit and fine  flaky  
fine and dandy  OK  ace-high  bad  bang-up  bonzer  boss  bully  but good  cool  corking  crackerjack  dandy  delicious  ducky  fab  gear  great  groovy  heavy  hot  hunky-dory  jam-up  just dandy  keen  marvy  mean  neat  nifty  nobby  okay  out of sight  peachy  peachy-keen  ripping  rum  scrumptious  slap-up  smashing  solid  something else  spiffing  spiffy  stunning  swell  tough  wizard  
fine arts  abstract art  art  art form  artist  arts and crafts  arts of design  calligraphy  cave art  ceramics  decoration  design  designing  engraving  etching  folk art  graphic arts  photography  plastic art  primitive art  sculpture  the arts  
fine drawn  airy  attenuate  attenuated  boyish  dainty  delicate  diaphanous  diluted  downy  ethereal  filmy  fine  fine-grained  finespun  flimsy  fluffy  frail  fuzzy  gauzy  girlish  gossamer  gossamery  gracile  insubstantial  lacy  light  misty  papery  pubescent  rare  rarefied  refined  satin  satiny  silky  slender  slenderish  slight  slight-made  slim  slimmish  slinky  small  smooth  subtle  svelte  sylphlike  tenuous  thin  thin-bodied  thin-set  thin-spun  thinnish  threadlike  vague  velutinous  velvety  wasp-waisted  watered  watered-down  watery  weak  willowy  wiredrawn  wispy  
fine fettle  anality  apple-pie order  discipline  eupepsia  fine shape  fine whack  glowing health  good condition  good constitution  good digestion  good health  good shape  good trim  healthfulness  healthiness  healthy body  healthy constitution  high feather  method  methodicalness  methodology  mint condition  neatness  orderliness  picture of health  robust health  rude health  rugged health  soundness  system  systematicness  tidiness  top shape  trimness  wholesomeness  
fine grained  attenuate  attenuated  dainty  delicate  downy  filmy  fine  fine-drawn  finespun  fluffy  fuzzy  gauzy  gossamer  gossamery  pubescent  refined  satin  satiny  silky  smooth  thin-spun  velutinous  velvety  wiredrawn  
fine kettle of fish  bind  clutch  complication  crunch  embarrassing position  embarrassment  fine how-do-you-do  hell to pay  hobble  hot water  how-do-you-do  imbroglio  jam  mess  mix  morass  parlous straits  pass  pickle  pinch  plight  predicament  pretty pass  pretty pickle  pretty predicament  quagmire  quicksand  scrape  slough  spot  squeeze  stew  sticky wicket  strait  straits  swamp  tight spot  tight squeeze  tightrope  tricky spot  unholy mess  
fine print  boundary condition  catch  clause  condition  donnee  escalator clause  escape clause  escape hatch  given  grounds  joker  kicker  limiting condition  obligation  parameter  prerequisite  provision  provisions  proviso  requisite  saving clause  sine qua non  small print  specification  stipulation  string  terms  ultimatum  whereas  
fine spoken  adulatory  bland  blandishing  blarneying  buttery  cajoling  complimentary  courtierly  courtly  disarming  fair-spoken  fawning  flattering  fulsome  glib  gushing  honey-mouthed  honey-tongued  honeyed  ingratiating  insincere  insinuating  mealymouthed  obsequious  oily  oily-tongued  slimy  slobbery  smarmy  smooth  smooth-spoken  smooth-tongued  smug  soapy  soft-soaping  soft-spoken  suave  suave-spoken  sycophantic  unctuous  wheedling  
fine writing  adornment  beauties  calligraphy  colors  colors of rhetoric  copybook hand  elegant penmanship  elegant variation  embellishment  embroidery  fair hand  figure  figure of speech  fine hand  floridity  floridness  flourish  floweriness  flowers of speech  frill  good fist  good hand  lushness  luxuriance  ornament  ornamentation  purple patches  
finer  a cut above  above  ahead  ascendant  better  capping  chosen  distinguished  eclipsing  eminent  exceeding  excellent  excelling  greater  higher  in ascendancy  in the ascendant  major  marked  of choice  one up on  outstanding  over  rare  rivaling  super  superior  surpassing  topping  transcendent  transcendental  transcending  upper  
finery  Sunday best  apparel  bravery  chiffon  clinquant  clothes  decorations  fancy dress  festoons  folderol  foofaraw  frill  frilliness  frilling  frills  frills and furbelows  frippery  froufrou  full dress  fuss  gaiety  gaudery  gear  gewgaw  gilding  gilt  gingerbread  ornament  ornaments  party dress  paste  pinchbeck  regalia  superfluity  tinsel  trappings  trickery  trimming  trinkets  trumpery  war paint  
finespun  airy  attenuate  attenuated  boyish  dainty  delicate  diaphanous  diluted  downy  ethereal  filmy  fine  fine-drawn  fine-grained  flimsy  fluffy  frail  fuzzy  gauzy  girlish  gossamer  gossamery  gracile  hairline  hairsplitting  insubstantial  lacy  light  misty  nice  papery  pubescent  rare  rarefied  refined  satin  satiny  silky  slender  slenderish  slight  slight-made  slim  slimmish  slinky  small  smooth  subtle  svelte  sylphlike  tenuous  thin  thin-bodied  thin-set  thin-spun  thinnish  threadlike  vague  velutinous  velvety  wasp-waisted  watered  watered-down  watery  weak  willowy  wiredrawn  wispy  
finesse  Italian hand  ability  acquired taste  acuteness  address  adeptness  adroitness  airmanship  angle  appreciation  appreciation of differences  appreciation of excellence  appreciativeness  art  artfulness  artifice  artisanship  artistic judgment  artistry  astuteness  beguile  bluff  bravura  brew  brilliance  cabal  cageyness  callidity  canniness  capability  capacity  choiceness  civilized taste  civilizedness  cleverness  collude  collusion  command  competence  complicity  complot  con  concoct  confederacy  connivance  connive  connoisseurship  conspiracy  conspire  contrivance  contriving  control  cook up  coordination  countermine  counterplot  covin  craft  craftiness  craftsmanship  critical niceness  criticalness  cultivated taste  cultivation  culture  cunning  cunningness  daintiness  dash  deceit  deceive  deception  deep-laid plot  deftness  delicacy  delude  device  dexterity  dexterousness  dextrousness  diplomacy  discretion  discriminating taste  discriminatingness  discrimination  discriminativeness  dodge  efficiency  elan  elegance  engineer  engineering  excellence  expedient  expertise  expertness  exploit  facility  fastidiousness  feel  feeling  finagle  finagling  fine Italian hand  fine palate  fool  foxiness  frame  frame up  frame-up  game  gamesmanship  good taste  grace  gracefulness  gracility  graciosity  graciousness  grip  guile  handiness  hatch  hatch a plot  hatch up  hoodwink  horsemanship  ingeniousness  ingenuity  insidiousness  intrigue  inventiveness  jockey  judiciousness  knack  know-how  lay a plot  little game  machinate  machination  making distinctions  maneuver  maneuvering  manipulate  manipulation  marksmanship  mastership  mastery  niceness  niceness of distinction  nicety  one-upmanship  operate  outwit  palate  panache  play  plot  plotting  polish  practical ability  proficiency  prowess  quality  quickness  readiness  refined discrimination  refined palate  refinement  resource  resourcefulness  r  

fine Definition

(superl.) Finished
(superl.) Aiming at show or effect
(superl.) Nice
(superl.) Not coarse, gross, or heavy
(superl.) Not gross
(superl.) Not coarse
(superl.) Not thick or heavy
(superl.) Thin
(superl.) Made of fine materials
(superl.) Having (such) a proportion of pure metal in its composition
(superl.) (Used ironically.)
(a.) To make fine
(a.) To make finer, or less coarse, as in bulk, texture, etc.
(a.) To change by fine gradations
(n.) End
(n.) A sum of money paid as the settlement of a claim, or by way of terminating a matter in dispute
(n.) A final agreement concerning lands or rents between persons, as the lord and his vassal.
(n.) A sum of money or price paid for obtaining a benefit, favor, or privilege, as for admission to a copyhold, or for obtaining or renewing a lease.
(n.) To impose a pecuniary penalty upon for an offense or breach of law
(v. i.) To pay a fine. See Fine, n., 3 (b).
(v. t.) To finish
(n.) A duty paid to the king by the cognizee in a fine of lands, when the same was fully passed

fine Bedeutung

fine-tooth comb
fine-toothed comb
a method of examining in minute detail, he went over the contract with a fine-tooth comb looking for loopholes
fine art
the products of human creativity, works of art collectively, an art exhibition, a fine collection of art
fine-tooth comb
fine-toothed comb
a comb with teeth set close together
fine arts
beaux arts
the study and creation of visual works of art
small print
fine print
material printed in small type, he needed his glasses in order to read the fine print
Master of Fine Arts
a master's degree in fine arts
Doctor of Fine Arts an honorary degree in fine arts
fine print small print the part of a contract that contains reservations and qualifications that are often printed in small type, don't sign a contract without reading the fine print
fine spray precipitation in very small drops
fine structure the presence of groups of closely spaced spectrum lines observed in the atomic spectrum of certain elements, the fine structure results from slightly different energy levels
leather flower vase-fine
vase vine
Clematis viorna
scandent subshrub of southeastern United States having large red-purple bell-shaped flowers with leathery recurved sepals
bell heather heather bell
fine-leaved heath
Erica cinerea
common low European shrub with purpleed flowers
money extracted as a penalty
library fine fine imposed by a library on books that overdue when returned
make fine adjustments or divide into marked intervals for optimal measuring, calibrate an instrument, graduate a cylinder
adjust finely, fine-tune the engine
polish refine fine-tune down improve or perfect by pruning or polishing, refine one's style of writing
issue a ticket or a fine to as a penalty, I was fined for parking on the wrong side of the street, Move your car or else you will be ticketed!
pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion, a fine-looking woman, a good-looking man, better-looking than her sister, very pretty but not so extraordinarily handsome- Thackeray, our southern women are well-favored- Lillian Hellman
fine characterized by elegance or refinement or accomplishment, fine wine, looking fine in her Easter suit, a fine gentleman, fine china and crystal, a fine violinist, the fine hand of a master
having fine leaves
fine minutely precise especially in differences in meaning, a fine distinction
fine free from impurities, having a high or specified degree of purity, gold carats fine
all right
being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition, an all-right movie, the passengers were shaken up but are all right, is everything all right?, everything's fine, things are okay, dinner and the movies had been fine, another minute I'd have been fine
fine of textures that are smooth to the touch or substances consisting of relatively small particles, wood with a fine grain, fine powdery snow, fine rain, batiste is a cotton fabric with a fine weave, covered with a fine film of dust
dense or compact in structure or texture, as a wood composed of small-diameter cells, close-grained birch, fine-grained rock
consisting of fine particles, powdered cellulose, powdery snow, pulverized sugar is prepared from granulated sugar by grinding
having a smooth, fine-grained structure
fine thin in thickness or diameter, a fine film of oil, fine hairs, read the fine print
having fine teeth set close together, a fine-toothed comb
very well fine
all right
an expression of agreement normally occurring at the beginning of a sentence
fine delicately
in a delicate manner, finely shaped features, her fine drawn body
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