
fine barred Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Cuzcowergspecht m ornith.
Fine-barred Piculet
ausgeschlossen von
barred from
eine Geldstrafe auferlegen
impose a fine
erstklassiger Handelswechsel
fine trade bill
fein, schön, ausgezeichnet
Geldstrafe, Geldbuße
gesperrte Schuld, verjährte Schuld
barred debt
default fine
Auflösung f
hohe Auflösung
high resolution, fine resolution
Balkenspirale f
Balkenspiralen pl
barred spiral
barred spirals
Bußgeld n
sofort fälliges Bußgeld
spot fine
Bußgeldbescheid m
official demand for payment of a fine
in Butter sein übtr.
Alles ist in Butter., Es ist alles in Butter.
to be going smoothly
Everything is OK., Everything is fine., Everything is hunky-dory.
Feineinstellung f
fine tuning, fine adjustment
Feinmechanik f
fine mechanics
Feinkörnigkeit f
fine graininess, fineness of grain
Feinkornbaustahl m
fine-grained steel
Feinkornstahl m techn.
fine-grained steel
Feinmotorik f
fine motor skills
Feinreinigung f
fine cleaning
Feinschneiden n techn.
fine blanking
Feinsichter m mach.
fine classifier
Feinsieb n
Feinsiebe pl
fine sieve
fine sieves
Feinstaub m
fine particulate
Feinstaubfilter m
Feinstaubfilter pl
fine particulate air filter
fine particulate air filters
Feinstmahlung f, Feinmahlung f
fine grinding, pulverization
Feinstruktur f
Feinstrukturen pl
fine structure
fine structures
Feinvakuum n
fine vacuum
Geldbuße f, Bußgeld n
Geldstrafe f
Geldstrafen pl
mit einer Geldstrafe belegen, Bußgeld verhängen
mit einer Geldstrafe belegend, Bußgeld verhängend
mit einer Geldstrafe belegt, Bußgeld verhängt
wegen etw. mit einer Geldstrafe belegt werden
to fine, to ticket
fining, ticketing
fined, ticketed
to be fined for sth.
Gitterfenster n
Gitterfenster pl
barred window, lattice window
barred windows, lattice windows
Glasnudel f cook.
Glasnudeln pl
fine Chinese noodle
fine Chinese noodles
Kunst f
Künste pl
die schönen Künste
die bildende Kunst
die darstellenden Künste (Theater)
die darstellende Künste (Malerei)
abstrakte Kunst
angewandte Kunst, die angewandten Künste
entartete Kunst
die Kunst der Gegenwart
the fine arts
the visual arts
performing arts
pictorial arts
abstract art
applied art, applied arts
degenerate art, degenerated art
contemporary art
Mahngebühr f
Schmackhaftigkeit f
fine taste
Sinn m, Meinung f, Ansicht f
in diesem Sinne
im Sinn haben, im Auge haben übtr.
was mir vor Augen schwebt, ist ... übtr.
ganz in meinem Sinn
meiner Meinung nach, für mein Gefühl
derselben Meinung sein
seine Meinung ändern, sich anders entschließen
in den Sinn kommen
with this in mind
to have in mind, to bear in mind
what I have in mind is ...
that suits me fine
to my mind
to be of the same mind
to change one's mind
to cross one's mind
Strafzettel m für Falschparken
parking fine notice
Versäumnisgebühr f
overdue fine (based upon a fixed charge per day
Zeit f
Zeiten pl
zur rechten Zeit
zur rechten Zeit
in schlechten Zeiten
angegebene Zeit
die meiste Zeit
die meiste Zeit des Jahres
seine meiste Zeit
Zeit brauchen
Zeit finden für, dazu kommen
jdm. Zeit lassen
sich Zeit lassen
Zeit und Ort bestimmen
die Zeit totschlagen, die Zeit vertreiben
die Zeit verbringen
sich die Zeit vertreiben
seine Zeit vertrödeln
die Zeit vertrödeln
eine schöne Zeit haben, viel Spaß haben
in kurzer Zeit
von der Zeit an
harte (schwere, schlimme) Zeiten
mit der Zeit Schritt halten
mit der Zeit gehen
seiner Zeit voraus
etw. zur falschen Zeit tun
eine schöne Zeit haben
Zeit vergeuden
Zeit verwenden auf
Zeit zu gewinnen suchen
eine lange Zeit schönen Wetters
der Zahn der Zeit
zur rechten Zeit
absolute Zeit
höchste Zeit
in due time
in good season
in times of scarceness
indicated time, time indicated
most of the time
most of the year
most of his time
to take time
to get round to
to give sb. time
to take up time
to set time and place
to kill time
to spend the time
to while away the time
to while away one's time
to fritter away time
to have a nice time
in a little while
from that time on
hard times
to keep up with the time
to keep up with the times
ahead of the times
to sing the Magnificat at matins fig.
to have a good time, to have a blast coll.
to waste time
to spend time on
to play for time
a long spell of fine weather
the ravages of time
absolute time
about time
Zuschlagstoff m
Zuschlagstoffe pl
feine Zuschlagstoffe
grobe Zuschlagstoffe
fine aggregates
coarse aggregates
abgesperrt, verriegelt, blockiert adj
duftig adj
gossamer-fine, soft and fine
fein adj
am feinsten
feinkörnig adj
fine-grained, fine, close grained
feinkörnig adj photo.
feinmechanisch adj
fine mechanical
klappen ugs., funktionieren, gelingen
es klappt
es klappte
wenn es gelingt, wenn es klappt
Das hat geklappt.
Jetzt endlich klappte es.
Wenn das mal klappt.
Hat mit dem Flug alles geklappt?
Das funktioniert besonders gut.
to work, to work out, to go smoothly
working, working out, going smoothly
worked, worked out, gone smoothly
it works, it works out, it goes smoothly
it worked, it worked out, it went smoothly
if it works
That works., OK, that's fine.
Finally it works.
If that works out.
Did you get the flight all right?
This works especially well.
klein, gering, unbedeutend adj
kleiner, geringer, unbedeutender
am kleinsten, am geringsten, am unbedeutendsten
so klein wie möglich, möglichst klein, kleinstmöglich
klein aber fein
das kleinste Problem
as small as possible
small but fine, small but nice, small but excellent
the smallest problem
musisch adj
musisches Talent
die musischen Fächer
artistic, for the (fine) arts
artistic talent, talents for the arts
art and music
ein regnerischer Tag
a fine day for ducks fig.
schön, fein, dünn, zart adj
stattlich adj
fine, impressive
ein stattliches Mannsbild
a fine figure of a man
verdonnern ugs.
jdn. dazu verdonnern, etw. zu tun
zu einem Bußgeld verdonnert werden
to sentence
to make sb. do sth.
to be ordered to pay a fine
verjährt sein
to be barred by the statute of limitation
verjährt adj (Verbrechen)
statute-barred (crime)
eine Geldstrafe verwirken
to incur a fine (a penalty)
Das ist eine schöne Bescherung!
That's a fine mess!
Du bist mir ein feiner Freund!
A fine friend you are!
Eine hübsche Ausrede!
A fine excuse!
Er amüsierte sich gut.
He had a fine old time.
Er ist ein feiner (famoser) Kerl.
He is a fine chap.
Es wird schön werden.
We'll have a fine day.
Es wurde ein strahlender Tag.
The day turned out to be a fine one.
Kleider machen Leute. Sprw.
Fine feathers make fine birds. prov.
Mit Speck fängt man Mäuse. Sprw.
Good bait catches fine fish. prov.
Wie geht es Ihnen?, Wie geht es dir?
Gut, und Ihnen?, Gut, und dir?
Danke, mir geht es gut.
How are you?, How are you doing?
I'm well, and you?, I'm fine, and you?
I am well, thanks., I am fine, thanks.
Bindenkreuzschnabel m ornith.
Two-barred Crossbill (Loxia leucoptera)
Sperbergrasmücke f ornith.
Barred Warbler (Sylvia nisoria)
Zweibindiger Kreuzschnabel m ornith.
Two-barred Crossbill
Bindentinamu m ornith.
Barred Tinamou
Prinzenbussard m ornith.
Barred Hawk
Celebeswespenbussard m ornith.
Barred Honey Buzzard
Sperberwaldfalke m ornith.
Barred Forest Falcon
Fidschiralle f ornith.
Barred Wing Rail
Zebraralle f ornith.
Barred Rail
Purpurbindentäubchen n ornith.
Purple-barred Ground Dove
Katharinasittich m ornith.
Barred Parkeet
Kapkauz m ornith.
African Barred Owlet
Schefflerkauz m ornith.
Eastern Barred Owlet
Brasilkauz m ornith.
Rusty Barred Owl
Streifenkauz m ornith.
Streifenkäuze pl
Barred Owl
Barred Owls
Bennettschwalm m ornith.
Barred Owlet-Nightjar
Grünschnabel-Faulvogel m ornith.
Barred Puffbird
Pünktchenspecht m ornith.
Fine-spotted Woodpecker
Grünbindenspecht m ornith.
Green-barred Flicker
Zebrazwergspecht m ornith.
White-barred Piculet
Cuzcowergspecht m ornith.
Fine-barred Piculet
Bindenbaumsteiger m ornith.
Barred Woodcreeper
Bindenameisendrossel f ornith.
Barred Ant-trush
Bindenwollrücken m ornith.
Barred Antshrike
Wellenbekarde f ornith.
Barred Becard
Graunackenpiprites ornith.
Wing-barred Piprites
Bindenschmuckvogel m ornith.
Barred Fruiteater
Bindenraupenfänger m ornith.
Barred Cuckoo Shrike
Graubinden-Zaunkönig m ornith.
Grey-barred Wren
Damarabindensänger m ornith.
Barred Camaroptera
Middendorfflaubsänger m ornith.
Two-barred Greenish Warbler
Goldbinden-Laubsänger m ornith.
Orange-barred Willow Warbler
Sperberhonigfresser m ornith.
Barred Honeyeater
Wechselpfäffchen n ornith.
Wing-barred Seedeater
Ringelastrild m ornith.
Double-barred Finch
Lies das feine (verdammte) Handbuch!
RTFM : Read the fine (fucking) manual!
Lies das feine (verdammte) Handbuch nochmal!
RTFMA : Read the fine (fucking) manual again!
ein regnerischer Tag
a fine day for ducks
Eine hübsche Ausrede
a fine excuse
Du bist mir ein feiner Freund
a fine friend you are
eine lange Zeit schoenen Wetters
a long spell of fine weather
fine mechanical
fine taste
fine tuning
Er amüsierte sich gut
he had a fine old time
bei schönem Wetter
in fine weather
der heutige Tag war schön
today has been fine
schöne Künste
fine arts
Museum der schönen Künste
Museum of Fine Arts
mit alter Tradition
with a fine tradition
ausgezeichnet, gut; in Ordnung
Auflösung f (optisch) comp. techn.
hohe Auflösung
grafische Auflösung; Grafikauflösung f
in mit höherer Auflösung
high resolution; fine resolution
graphic resolution
at a higher resolution
Ausschrot m (Getreidemühle)
fine bran (flour mill)
Bußgeld Dt. n; Verwaltungsstrafe f Ös. adm.
administrative fine
Bußgeldbescheid m Dt.; Verwaltungsstrafbescheid m Ös. adm.
administrative order imposing a fine; penalty charge notice Br.
Bußgeldsachen Dt.; Verwaltungsstrafsachen Ös. pl adm.
administrative fine matters
in Butter sein übtr.
Alles ist in Butter.; Es ist alles in Butter.
to be going smoothly
Everything is OK.; Everything is fine.; Everything is hunky-dory.
Einzelheit f; Detail n
Einzelheiten pl; Details pl
im einzelnen; in allen Einzelheiten adv
in den kleinsten Einzelheiten
alles Nähere
die kleinen Details
in allen Einzelheiten
weitere Einzelheiten
das Vorbringen im einzelnen
Sie hat ein Auge fürs Detail.
Er hat alles bis ins kleinste Detail geplant.
In den Medien wurde die Affäre in allen Einzelheiten aufgerollt.
Ich werde versuchen die Geschichte zu erzählen ohne allzusehr ins Detail zu gehen.
Zerbrich dir nicht den Kopf über Details.
detail; particular
details: particulars
in detail
in the minutest details
all details
the fine points; the fine details
in explicit detail
further details
the details of the pleadings
She has an eye for detail.; She has a fine good keen eye for detail.
He planned everything down to the smallest tiniest last detail.
Media reports went into great detail about the affair.
I will try to tell the story without going into too much detail.
Don't sweat the details. Am.
Eisenkunstguss m art
fine art castings
Ersatzfreiheitsstrafe f jur.
imprisonment in default of payment (of a fine); alternative sentence Am.
Faserstoff m; Ampas m; Trash m
(fine) fiber bagasse; trash (sugar production)
Feineinstellung f
fine tuning; fine adjustment
Feinfilter m
Feinfilter pl
fine material filter
fine material filters
Feingewinde n techn.
fine-pitch thread
Feinmahlapparat m
fine grinding apparatus
Feinkörnigkeit f
fine graininess; fineness of grain
Feinkies m
grit; pea gravel; fine gravel
Feinkohle f min.
fine coal; fine duff Br.; fines
Feinkorn n
fine grain
Feinsäge f mach.
Feinsägen pl
fine saw; back saw; dovetail saw
fine saws; back saws; dovetail saws
Feinsand m
fine sand
Feinschliff m; Nachschärfen n; Detailarbeit f; Feinabstimmung f; Feineinstellung f techn.; Einstellen n med.
Feinstaub m envir.
suspended solids; suspended particulate matter SPM (fine dust)
Feinstaubkonzentration f
PM concentration; fine particulate matter concentration
Feinsteuerung f
fine control; fine control system
Feinstmahlung f; Feinmahlung f
fine grinding; pulverization eAm.; pulverisation Br.
Feinstrukturkonstante f; Sommerfeldsche Konstante f phys.
fine-structure constant; Sommerfeld fine-structure constant

Deutsche Cuzcowergspecht {m} [ornith.] Synonyme

Englische Fine-barred Piculet Synonyme

fine barred Definition

(imp. & p. p.) of Bar
Barred owl
() A large American owl (Syrnium nebulosum)
(a.) Firmly barred or closed.
(superl.) Finished
(superl.) Aiming at show or effect
(superl.) Nice
(superl.) Not coarse, gross, or heavy
(superl.) Not gross
(superl.) Not coarse
(superl.) Not thick or heavy
(superl.) Thin
(superl.) Made of fine materials
(superl.) Having (such) a proportion of pure metal in its composition
(superl.) (Used ironically.)
(a.) To make fine
(a.) To make finer, or less coarse, as in bulk, texture, etc.
(a.) To change by fine gradations
(n.) End
(n.) A sum of money paid as the settlement of a claim, or by way of terminating a matter in dispute
(n.) A final agreement concerning lands or rents between persons, as the lord and his vassal.
(n.) A sum of money or price paid for obtaining a benefit, favor, or privilege, as for admission to a copyhold, or for obtaining or renewing a lease.
(n.) To impose a pecuniary penalty upon for an offense or breach of law
(v. i.) To pay a fine. See Fine, n., 3 (b).
(v. t.) To finish
(n.) A duty paid to the king by the cognizee in a fine of lands, when the same was fully passed

fine barred Bedeutung

fine-tooth comb
fine-toothed comb
a method of examining in minute detail, he went over the contract with a fine-tooth comb looking for loopholes
barred owl
Strix varia
large owl of eastern North America having its breast and abdomen streaked with brown
redfin pickerel
barred pickerel
Esox americanus
small but gamy pickerel of Atlantic coastal states
fine art
the products of human creativity, works of art collectively, an art exhibition, a fine collection of art
fine-tooth comb
fine-toothed comb
a comb with teeth set close together
fine arts
beaux arts
the study and creation of visual works of art
small print
fine print
material printed in small type, he needed his glasses in order to read the fine print
Master of Fine Arts
a master's degree in fine arts
Doctor of Fine Arts an honorary degree in fine arts
fine print small print the part of a contract that contains reservations and qualifications that are often printed in small type, don't sign a contract without reading the fine print
fine spray precipitation in very small drops
fine structure the presence of groups of closely spaced spectrum lines observed in the atomic spectrum of certain elements, the fine structure results from slightly different energy levels
leather flower vase-fine
vase vine
Clematis viorna
scandent subshrub of southeastern United States having large red-purple bell-shaped flowers with leathery recurved sepals
bell heather heather bell
fine-leaved heath
Erica cinerea
common low European shrub with purpleed flowers
money extracted as a penalty
library fine fine imposed by a library on books that overdue when returned
make fine adjustments or divide into marked intervals for optimal measuring, calibrate an instrument, graduate a cylinder
adjust finely, fine-tune the engine
polish refine fine-tune down improve or perfect by pruning or polishing, refine one's style of writing
issue a ticket or a fine to as a penalty, I was fined for parking on the wrong side of the street, Move your car or else you will be ticketed!
pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion, a fine-looking woman, a good-looking man, better-looking than her sister, very pretty but not so extraordinarily handsome- Thackeray, our southern women are well-favored- Lillian Hellman
fine characterized by elegance or refinement or accomplishment, fine wine, looking fine in her Easter suit, a fine gentleman, fine china and crystal, a fine violinist, the fine hand of a master
barred marked with stripes or bands
preventing entry or exit or a course of action, a barricaded street, barred doors, the blockaded harbor
having fine leaves
black-barred having a pattern consisting of black bars
fine minutely precise especially in differences in meaning, a fine distinction
fine free from impurities, having a high or specified degree of purity, gold carats fine
all right
being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition, an all-right movie, the passengers were shaken up but are all right, is everything all right?, everything's fine, things are okay, dinner and the movies had been fine, another minute I'd have been fine
fine of textures that are smooth to the touch or substances consisting of relatively small particles, wood with a fine grain, fine powdery snow, fine rain, batiste is a cotton fabric with a fine weave, covered with a fine film of dust
dense or compact in structure or texture, as a wood composed of small-diameter cells, close-grained birch, fine-grained rock
consisting of fine particles, powdered cellulose, powdery snow, pulverized sugar is prepared from granulated sugar by grinding
having a smooth, fine-grained structure
fine thin in thickness or diameter, a fine film of oil, fine hairs, read the fine print
having fine teeth set close together, a fine-toothed comb
very well fine
all right
an expression of agreement normally occurring at the beginning of a sentence
fine delicately
in a delicate manner, finely shaped features, her fine drawn body
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