
flower Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

flower bed
sun flower
bell flower
flower shop
Zwiebelblume f bot.
bulb flower
Blumenigel m; Kenzan m
flower frog
Blumenduft m
flower scent
Lotusblume f, Lotosblume f bot.
lotus flower
Trockenblume f
dried flower
Bäumchen-Weichkoralle f (Dendronephthya spp.) zool.
flower coral
Lotusblume f; Lotosblume f bot.
lotus flower
Alpenblume f bot.
Alpine flower
Blumenkinder pl, Hippies pl
flower people
Mittagsblume f bot.
midday flower
flower garden
Blumendamast m textil.
flower damask
Blumenkinder pl; Hippies pl
flower people
flower gardens
Blume f, Blüte f
Blumen pl
Porenkoralle f (Goniopora spp.) zool.
flower pot coral
calycinal flower
flower nurseries
Blütenknospenstadium n bot.
flower bud stage
Blumenvase f
vase; flower vase
Blumenseidenpapier n
flower tissue paper
eine sehr gewöhnliche Blume
a very common flower
Blumenbinder m, Blumenbinderin f, Florist m, Floristin f
florist, flower arranger
Bach-Blütentherapie f
Bach flower remedies BFRs
Blüte f
Blüten pl
blossom, flower
Blütenkopf m bot.
Blütenköpfe pl
flower head
flower heads
Blumenausstellung f, Blumenschau f
Blumenausstellungen pl
flower show
flower shows
Blumenmädchen n, Blumenstreumädchen n, Blumen streuendes Mädchen (bei Hochzeit)
Blumenmädchen pl, Blumenstreumädchen pl
flower girl
flower girls
Blumenausstellung f; Blumenschau f
Blumenausstellungen pl
flower show
flower shows
Blumenmädchen n; Blumenstreumädchen n; Blumen streuendes Mädchen (bei Hochzeit)
Blumenmädchen pl; Blumenstreumädchen pl
flower girl
flower girls
Blumenstängel m; Blumenstengel m alt bot.
Blumenstängel pl; Blumenstengel pl
flower stem
flower stems
Spinnenblume f; Spinnenpflanze f (Cleome spinosa hassleriana) bot.
spider flower; spider plant
Blütenform f bot.
Blütenformen pl
flower shape
flower shapes
Blütenbesuch m bot. zool.
Blütenbesuche pl
flower visit
flower visits
Papierblume f
Papierblumen pl
paper flower
paper flowers
Trockenblume f
Trockenblumen pl
dried flower
dried flowers
Einzelblüte f bot.
Einzelblüten pl
single flower
single flowers
Kaktusblüte f
Kaktusblüten pl
cactus flower
cactus flowers
Ziergarten m
Ziergärten pl
flower garden
flower gardens
Abakusblume f arch.
Abakusblumen pl
abacus flower
abacus flowers
Alpenblume f bot.
Alpenblumen pl
alpine flower
alpine flowers
Blumengarten m
Blumengärten pl
flower garden
flower gardens
Blumenkarre f; Pflanzkarre f
Blumenkarren pl; Pflanzkarren pl
flower barrow
flower barrows
Blumenkind n
Blumenkinder pl
flower child
flower children
Frühlingsblume f bot.
Frühlingsblumen pl
spring flower
spring flowers
Gartenblume f
Gartenblumen pl
garden flower
garden flowers
Topfblume f bot.
Topfblumen pl
potted flower
potted flowers
Wiesenblume f bot.
Wiesenblumen pl
meadow flower
meadow flowers
Blütendiagramm n
Blütendiagramme pl
flower diagram
flower diagrams
Aqua petra n (Bachblütenessenz)
rock water (Bach flower essence)
Blumentopf m
Blumentöpfe pl
flowerpot, flower pot
Blumentopf m
Blumentöpfe pl
flowerpot; flower pot
Kelchblüte f bot.
Kelchblüten pl
calycinal flower
clycinal flowers
Blumenbeet n; Beet n
Blumenbeete pl; Beete pl
flower bed; bed
flower beds; beds
Jasminblütenöl n; Jasminöl n
jessamine flower oil; jessamine oil
Scheinblüte f bot.
Scheinblüten pl
composite flower
composite flowers
Porenkoralle f (Goniopora spp.) zool.
Porenkorallen pl
flower pot coral
flower pot corals
Andrözeum n; Androeceum n (mit Staubgefäßen besetzter Blütenbereich) bot.
androeceum (stamen part of a flower)
Pollen m; Blütenstaub m bot.
bestäubungsfähige Pollen
Blütenpollen m
live pollen
flower pollen
Blumengeschäft n, Blumenladen m
Blumengeschäfte pl, Blumenläden pl
florist's, flower shop
flower shops
Gynäzeum n; Gynoeceum n (mit Fruchtblättern besetzter Blütenbereich) bot.
gynoecium (carpel part of the flower)
Blumengabel f (Gartengerät)
Blumengabeln pl
flower fork (garden tool)
flower forks
Wiesenschaumkraut n bot.
lady's smock, cuckooflower, cuckoo flower
Blume f; Blüte f
Blumen pl
Wir bitten von Blumenspenden abzusehen.
No flowers by request.
Wiesenschaumkraut n bot.
lady's smock; cuckooflower; cuckoo flower
Korbblütler m, Komposite f bot.
composite, composite plant, composite flower
Blüte f
Blüten pl
in Blüte stehen; blühen
blossom; flower
to be in flower
Korbblütler m; Komposite f bot.
composite; composite plant; composite flower
Blüte f (Pflanzenteil) bot.
Blüten pl
in Blüte stehen; blühen
blossom; flower
to be in flower
Blumenwanzen pl (Anthocoridae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
flower bugs; pirate bugs (zoological family)
Blumenflor m (Gesamtheit der blühenden Pflanzen in einem Blumenbeet) agr.
floral display (entire bloom in a flower bed)
Blumenschmuck m
flower arrangements, floral decorations, flowers
Blumenschmuck m
flower arrangements; floral decorations; flowers
Eisenblüte f (massiver Aragonit) min.
flower of iron; flos ferri (variety of aragonite)
Glockenblume f bot.
Glockenblumen pl
bell flower, bellflower
bell flowers, bellflowers
Wildblume f
Wildblumen pl
wildflower, wild flower
wildflowers, wild flowers
Wildblume f
Wildblumen pl
wildflower; wild flower
wildflowers; wild flowers
Blumenschale f; Jardinière f
Blumenschalen pl; Jardinièren pl
flower bowl; jardiniére
flower bowls; jardiniéres
Wildpflanze f bot.
Wildpflanzen pl
wild flower; wildflower
wild flowers; wildflowers
Weihnachtsstern m, Adventsstern m, Poinsettia f bot.
poinsettia, Christmas flower (Euphorbia pulcherrima)
Frischblumengesteck n
Frischblumengestecke pl
fresh flower arrangement
fresh flower arrangements
Schönranke f (Eccremocarpus scaber) bot.
glory vine; Chilean glory vine; Chilean glory flower
Weihnachtsstern m; Adventsstern m; Poinsettia f bot.
poinsettia; Christmas flower (Euphorbia pulcherrima)
Blumenbinder m; Blumenbinderin f; Florist m; Floristin f
Blumenbinder pl; Blumenbinderinnen pl; Floristen pl; Floristinnen pl
florist; flower arranger
florists; flower arrangers
Blumenschale f; Jardinière f
Blumenschalen pl; Jardinièren pl
flower bowl; jardiniére
flower bowls; jardiniéres
Anthocoris-Wanzen pl (Anthocoris) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Waldlausjäger m (Anthocoris nemorum)
anthocoris bugs (zoological genus)
common flower bug
Alpenwimperfarn m (Woodsia alpina) bot.
Alpine cliff fern; flower-cup fern; Northern cliff fern
Blume f; Blüte f
Blumen pl
Wildblume f
Wir bitten von Blumenspenden abzusehen.
wild flower
No flowers by request.
Orius-Wanzen pl (Orius) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Piratenkäfer m (Orius insidiosus)
minute pirate bugs (zoological genus)
insidious flower bug
Blumengeschäft n; Blumenladen m
Blumengeschäfte pl; Blumenläden pl
florist's; flower shop; floral shop
flower shops; floral shops
Blumenrabatte f
Blumenrabatten pl
flower border; border of flowers
flower borders; borders of flowers
Ziergarten m
Ziergärten pl
flower garden; ornamental garden
flower gardens; ornamental gardens
Kielkronen pl (Calotropis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Kronenblume f; Madarstrauch m (Calotropis gigantea)
Fettblattbaum m; Oscher m (Calotropis procera)
milkweeds (botanical genus)
crown flower
king's crown; kapok tree
Wüstenrose f; Echte Rose von Jericho f (Anastatica hierochuntica) bot.
dinosaur plant; true rose of Jericho; (St.) Mary's flower; Mary's hand
Strelitziengewächse pl (Strelitziaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
bird-of-paradise flower family; bird-of-paradise family (botanical family)
Gesteck n
Gestecke pl
floral arrangement, flower arrangement
floral arrangements, flower arrangements
Blumengesteck n; Gesteck n
Blumengestecke pl; Gestecke pl
floral arrangement; flower arrangement
floral arrangements; flower arrangements
Orangenblumen pl (Choisya) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Mexikanische Orangenblume f (Choisya ternata)
Mexican oranges (botanical genus)
Mexican orange blossom; Mexican orange flower
blühen v
es blüht
to bloom, to flower
blooming, flowering
bloomed, flowered
it blooms, it flowers
blühen v
es blüht
to bloom; to flower
blooming; flowering
bloomed; flowered
it blooms; it flowers
flattern v zool.
Der Schmetterling flatterte von Blüte zu Blüte.
to flit
The butterfly flitted from flower to flower.
Caesalpinien pl (Caesalpinia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Pfauenstrauch m; Stolz von Barbados (Caesalpinia pulcherrima)
caesalpinia plants (botanical genus)
peacock flower; red bird of paradise; pride of Barbados
Blumenkübel m
Blumenkübel pl
flower tub; flower pot (flower-tub) (flowertub) (flower-pot) (flowerpot)
flower tubs; flower pots
Köcherblümchen pl (Cuphea) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Zigarettenblümchen n; Zigarettenfuchsie f (Cuphea ignea)
cupheas; cigar plants (botanical genus)
cigar plant; cigar flower; Mexican cigar; firecracker plant
Erdreich n; Erde f agr.
Blumenerde f; Pflanzerde f; Pflanzenerde f
Gartenerde f
Komposterde f
verseuchte Erde sanieren
soil (material)
flower soil; potting soil
garden soil
compost soil
to clean up contaminated soil
Blumenkelle f; Gartenkelle f; Gartenschaufel f; Pflanzschaufel f (Gartengerät)
Blumenkellen pl; Gartenkellen pl; Gartenschaufeln pl; Pflanzschaufeln pl
flower trowel; hand trowel; planting trowel (garden tool)
flower trowels; hand trowels; planting trowels
Kornblume f bot.
Kornblumen pl
cornflower; basket flower; bachelor's button; bluebottle
cornflowers; basket flowers; bachelor's buttons; bluebottles
Paradiesvogelblumen pl; Strelitzien pl (Strelitzia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Königsstrelitzie f; Papageienblume f (Strelitzia reginae)
bird-of-paradise flowers; bird-of-paradise plants; crane flowers (botanical genus)
queen's bird-of-paradise; crane flower
Blumenarrangement n; Blumengesteck n; Gesteck n
Blumenarrangements pl; Blumengestecke pl; Gestecke pl
Schnittblumengesteck n
Weihnachtsgesteck n
floral arrangement; flower arrangement
floral arrangements; flower arrangements
cut flower arrangement
Christmas floral arrangement
Knorpelmöhren pl (Ammi) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Bischofskraut n; Zahnstocherkraut n; Zahnstocherammei mm; Ammei m; Khellakraut n; Khella m (Ammi visnaga)
Große Knorpelmöhre (Ammi majus)
ammis (botanical genus)
toothpickweed; bisnaga; khella
greater ammi; bishop's flower; bishop's weed; bullwort; laceflower; lady's lace
Clarkia-Nachtkerzen pl (Clarkia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Sommerazalee f; Atlasblume f; Godetie f (Clarkia amoena)
Sommerfuchsie f; Mandelröschen n (Clarkia unguiculata)
clarkia flowers (botanical genus)
satin flower; atlasflower; farewell-to-spring; godetia
garland flower; mountain garland; elegant clarkia
Rosenkäfer pl; Cetoniinae pl (zoologische Familie) zool.
goldglänzender Rosenkäfer (Cetonia aurata)
Kongo-Rosenkäfer (Pachnoda marginata)
flower chafers; flower beetles; flower scarabs (zoological family)
rose chafer; green rose chafer
sun beetle; spotted sun beetle; Congo beetle
Rosenkäfer pl (Cetoniinae) (zoologische Unterfamilie) zool.
goldglänzender Rosenkäfer (Cetonia aurata)
Kongo-Rosenkäfer (Pachnoda marginata)
flower chafers; flower beetles; flower scarabs (zoological subfamily)
rose chafer; green rose chafer
sun beetle; spotted sun beetle; Congo beetle
Sandglöckchen pl; Sandrapunzeln pl (Jasione) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Berg-Sandglöckchen n; Berg-Sandrapunzel f; Bergnelke f; Sandknöpfchen n; Schaf-Skabiose f (Jasione montana)
ausdauerndes Sandglöckchen n; ausdauernde Sandrapunzel f (Jasione laevis Jasione perennis)
jasione (botanical genus)
sheep's bit; sheep's scabious; blue bonnet button daisy; iron flower
sheep's bit scabious; sheep's bit; shepherd's scabious
Rabatte f (schmales Zierpflanzenbeet) agr.
Rabatten pl
Blumenrabatte f
Staudenrabatte f
Strauchrabatte f
border (narrow bed for ornamental plants)
border of flowers; flower border; mixed border
herbaceous border; perennial border
shrub border
Sandglöckchen pl; Sandrapunzeln pl (Jasione) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Berg-Sandglöckchen n; Berg-Sandrapunzel f; Bergnelke f; Sandknöpfchen n; Schaf-Skabiose f (Jasione montana)
ausdauerndes Sandglöckchen n; ausdauernde Sandrapunzel f (Jasione laevis, Jasione perennis)
jasione (botanical genus)
sheep's bit; sheep's scabious; blue bonnet button daisy; iron flower
sheep's bit scabious; sheep's bit; shepherd's scabious
Honigsträucher pl (Melianthus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Großer Honigstrauch m (Melianthus major)
Kleiner Honigstrauch m (Melianthus comosus Melianthus minor)
honey bush plants; honey bushes; honey flowers (botanical genus)
giant honey flower; tall Cape honey-flower
small honey flower; small Cape honey-flower
Blumenkasten m
Blumenkästen pl
Fensterblumenkasten m
Bewässerungsblumenkasten m
Balkonblumenkasten m; Balkonkasten m
flower box; planter
flower boxes; planters
window flower box; window box; window box planter
self-watering flower box
balcony flower box; balcony box
Hibiskus m; Roseneibisch m (Hibiscus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Roseneibisch m; Sumpfeibisch m (Hibiscus moscheutos)
Stundenblume f; Stundeneibisch m; Stundenröslein n; Gelber Hibiskus m (Hibiscus trionum)
hibiscus; rose mallows (botanical genus)
swamp-rose mallow; rose mallow
flower-of-an-hour; flower-of-the-hour; Venice mallow; bladder hibiscus; bladder ketmia; bladder weed
Blütenstand m; Infloreszenz f geh. bot.
Blütenstände pl
geschlossener Blütenstand
offener Blütenstand
Rumpfblütenstand m; Rumpfinfloreszenz f
Teilblütenstand m; Teilinfloreszenz f
zymöser Blütenstand; Zyme; Zyma; Zymus
flower cluster; inflorescence
flower clusters
determinate inflorescence
indeterminate inflorescence
truncated inflorescence
partial inflorescence
cymose inflorescence; cyme
Pflanzenbeet n; Pflanzbeet n; Gartenbeet n; Beet n agr.
Pflanzenbeete pl; Pflanzbeete pl; Gartenbeete pl; Beete pl
Anzuchtbeet n; Ansaatbeet n; Saatbeet n; Samenbeet n
Blumenbeet n
Gemüsebeet n
Hochbeet n
Moorbeet n; Torfbeet n
Rosenbeet n
Treibbeet n; Warmbeet n; Mistbeet n
planting bed; planted bed; bed
planting beds; planted beds; beds
seed bed
flower bed
vegetable bed
raised planting bed; raised bed; raised planter
peat bed
rose bed
Fuchsschwänze pl; Amarante pl (Amaranthus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
aufsteigender Fuchsschwanz (Amaranthus blitum)
zurückgekrümmter Fuchsschwanz (Amaranthus retroflexus)
Gartenfuchsschwanz; Kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus)
amaranths (botanical genus)
purple amaranth
common amaranth; common tumbleweed; red-root amaranth redrooted pigweed
pendant amaranth; foxtail amaranth; love-lies-bleeding tassel flower velvet flower; quilete
Fuchsschwänze pl; Amarante pl (Amaranthus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
aufsteigender Fuchsschwanz (Amaranthus blitum)
zurückgekrümmter Fuchsschwanz (Amaranthus retroflexus)
Gartenfuchsschwanz; Kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus)
amaranths (botanical genus)
purple amaranth
common amaranth; common tumbleweed; red-root amaranth, redrooted pigweed
pendant amaranth; foxtail amaranth; love-lies-bleeding, tassel flower, velvet flower; quilete
Kapuzinerkressen pl (Tropaeolum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Chilenische Kapuzinerkresse f (Tropaeolum peregrinum)
Große Kapuzinerkresse f (Tropaeolum majus)
Kanarische Kapuzinerkresse f; Kanaren-Kapuzinerkresse f; Kanarische Kresse f; Kanarienkresse f; Kletternde Kapuzinerkresse f; Kanarienwein m (Tropaeolum peregrinum)
Kleine Kapuzinerkresse f (Tropaeolum minus)
tropaeolum nasturtium; nasturtium (botanical genus)
flame nasturtium; flame flower
garden nasturtium; Indian cress; monks cress
canary nasturtium; canarybird flower; canarybird vine; canary-creeper
dwarf nasturtium
Honig m agr. cook.
Backhonig m
Blütenhonig m
Kastanienhonig m
Kleehonig m
Lindenblütenhonig m
Rapshonig m
Wabenhonig m; Scheibenhonig m
Waldhonig m
Honig schleudern
jdm. Honig um den Bart schmieren; jdm. Honig ums Maul schmieren übtr.
baker's honey
blossom honey; flower honey
chestnut honey
clover honey
artificial honey
lime-blossom honey
rapeseed honey
comb honey
honeydew honey
to extract honey
to butter sb. up; to schmooze sb.
Garten m; Hausgarten m agr.
Gärten pl; Hausgärten pl
Blumengarten m
Rosengarten m
Schnittblumengarten m
Staudengarten m
Strauchgarten m; Staudengarten m Süddt. Ös.
Staudensichtungsgarten m
Garten hinter dem Haus
den Garten pflegen
alpiner Garten
Zum Haus gehört ein großer Garten.
garden; yard Am.
gardens; yards
flower garden
rose garden; rosary
cutting garden
perennial garden
shrub garden
perennials test garden
backyard Am.
to take care of the garden
alpine garden
The house has a large garden yard.
Blumenkasten m; Pflanzkasten m; Pflanztrog m
Blumenkästen pl; Pflanzkästen pl; Pflanztröge pl
Bewässerungsblumenkasten m; Bewässerungspflanzkasten m
Balkonblumenkasten m; Balkonkasten m
Fensterblumenkasten m
flower box; planter box; planter
flower boxes; planter boxes; planters
self-watering flower box; self-watering planter box; self-watering planter
balcony flower box; balcony planter box; balcony planter; balcony box
window flower box; window box; window box planter
Gelsemium-Sträucher pl (Gelsemium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Asiatischer Giftjasmin m (Gelsemium elegans)
Gelber Jasmin m; Falscher Jasmin m; Wilder Jasmin m; Giftjasmin m (Gelsemium sempervirens)
Sumpfjasmin m (Gelsemium rankinii)
gelsemium shrubs (botanical genus)
allspice jasmine; allspice jessamine Am.; heartbreak grass
yellow jasmine; false jasmine; wild jasmine; yellow jessamine Am.; false jessamine Am.; wild jessamine Am.; Carolina jessamine Am.; evening trumpet-flower
swamp jasmine; swamp jessamine Am.; Rankin's trumpetflower
jdn. sehr erstaunen; in Erstaunen versetzen; verblüffen v (Sache)
sehr erstaunend; in Erstaunen versetzend; verblüffend
sehr erstaunt; in Erstaunen versetzt; verblüfft
über etw. ganz erstaunt sein; verblüfft sein
Die Schönheit des Blumengartens lässt einen immer wieder staunen versetzt einen immer wieder in Erstaunen.
Was mich am meisten erstaunt, ist, dass er überhaupt keine Angst hat.
Der Zauberer wird euch mit seinen neuesten Tricks verblüffen.
Wir waren verblüfft, die Pagode noch im Originalzustand vorzufinden.
to astonish sb.; to astound sb. (of a thing)
astonishing; astounding
astonished; astounded
to be astonished; to be astounded at by sth.
The flower garden's beauty never fails to astonish.
What astonishes astounds me most is his complete lack of fear.
The magician will astound you with his latest tricks.
We were astonished astounded to find the pagoda still in its original condition.

Deutsche Blume Synonyme

Blume  (fachsprachlich)  ÂHasenschwanz  
Blume  ÂSchaum  auf  gefülltem  Bierglas  ÂSchaumkrone  
Blume (fachsprachlich)  Hasenschwanz  
Blume  Schaum auf gefülltem Bierglas  Schaumkrone  

Englische flower Synonyme

flower  Chinese lantern  Christmas rose  Eglantine  acacia  advance  androecium  anther  arrowhead  asiaticism  aster  attain majority  axiom  azalea  batten  bead  bear fruit  bejewel  beribbon  bespangle  best  bleeding heart  bloom  blossom  blow  bluebell  boom  broom  bud  budding  burgeon  burgeoning  buttercup  cactus  calendula  calyx  camellia  carnation  carpel  center  champion  choice  chosen  chrysanthemum  cineraria  clematis  clethra  cockscomb  columbine  come of age  come out  come to maturity  core  cornel  cornflower  corolla  corolla tube  corona  cosmos  cowslip  cream  crocus  cyclamen  daffodil  dahlia  daisy  dandelion  delphinium  develop  device  diamond  dogwood  duckweed  edelweiss  effloresce  efflorescence  elect  elite  elixir  engrave  epicalyx  essence  essential  euphuism  evolute  evolve  fat  fatten  feather  figurative language  figurativeness  figure  figure of speech  filigree  finest  flag  flax  fledge  fleur-de-lis  floret  floriculture  floridity  floscule  flounce  flourish  floweret  flowery style  focus  forget-me-not  forsythia  foxglove  foxtail  fuchsia  fundamental  gardenia  gardening  garland  gem  gentility  gentry  geranium  germination  gist  gravamen  groundsel  grow  grow fat  grow up  growth  gynoecium  hawthorn  heart  heather  hibiscus  honeysuckle  horehound  horticulture  hortorium  hyacinth  hydrangea  hypostasis  illuminate  image  imagery  impatience  indigo  inner essence  iris  jasmine  jewel  jonquil  kernel  lavender  leave the nest  lilac  lily  lobelia  lotus  lupine  luxuriation  magnolia  mallow  manner of speaking  marigold  marrow  marsh marigold  marshmallow  maturate  mature  mayflower  meat  megasporophyll  mellow  microsporophyll  mignonette  moccasin flower  mock orange  monkshood  motherwort  myrtle  narcissus  nonesuch  nonliterality  nonliteralness  nonpareil  nub  nucleus  nuts and bolts  oleander  open  optimum  orchid  ornament  oxalis  paint  pansy  paragon  peony  perianth  periw  
flower bed  Japanese garden  alpine garden  arboretum  bed  bog garden  border  botanical garden  dry garden  flower garden  garden  garden spot  grape ranch  grapery  herbarium  hortus siccus  jardin  kitchen garden  market garden  ornamental garden  paradise  pinetum  rock garden  roof garden  shrubbery  sunken garden  tea garden  truck garden  vegetable garden  victory garden  vinery  vineyard  
flower child  Bohemian  beatnik  deviant  dissenter  dropout  freak  heretic  hippie  maverick  misfit  nonconformist  nonjuror  original  sectarian  sectary  swinger  ugly duckling  unconformist  yippie  
flower power  BOMFOG  Benthamism  Christian charity  Christian love  agape  altruism  amperage  armipotence  authority  beef  beneficence  benevolence  benevolent disposition  benevolentness  bigheartedness  black power  brotherly love  brute force  caritas  charge  charisma  charitableness  charity  clout  cogence  cogency  compulsion  dint  do-goodism  drive  duress  effect  effectiveness  effectuality  energy  force  force majeure  forcefulness  full blast  full force  generosity  giving  goodwill  grace  greatheartedness  humanitarianism  influence  largeheartedness  love  love of mankind  main force  main strength  mana  might  might and main  mightiness  moxie  muscle power  philanthropism  philanthropy  pizzazz  poop  potence  potency  potentiality  power  power pack  power structure  power struggle  powerfulness  prepotency  productiveness  productivity  puissance  pull  punch  push  sinew  steam  strength  strong arm  superiority  superpower  utilitarianism  validity  vehemence  vigor  vim  virility  virtue  virulence  vitality  wattage  weight  welfarism  well-disposedness  
flowered  adorned  beaded  bedecked  bedizened  befrilled  bejeweled  beribboned  bespangled  blooming  bloomy  blossoming  decked out  decorated  efflorescent  embellished  feathered  festooned  figured  floral  floreate  florescent  floriate  floriated  floricultural  florid  flowering  flowery  garden  garnished  horticultural  hortulan  in bloom  in blossom  in flower  inflorescent  jeweled  multiflorous  ornamented  plumed  radiciflorous  rhizanthous  spangled  spangly  studded  tricked out  trimmed  uniflorous  wreathed  
flowering  accomplishment  advance  advancement  amplification  anthesis  balmy  bloom  blooming  bloomy  blossom  blossoming  blow  blowing  booming  budding  burgeoning  clear  crescent  developed  development  developmental change  efflorescence  efflorescent  elaboration  enlargement  evolution  evolutionary change  evolvement  evolving  expansion  explication  exuberant  fair  fat  floral  floreate  florescence  florescent  floriate  floriated  floricultural  florid  flourishing  flowerage  flowered  flowery  fruiting  full bloom  full-fledged  full-grown  fully developed  furtherance  garden  going strong  gradual change  growing  grown  grown-up  growth  halcyon  horticultural  hortulan  hypertrophied  in bloom  in blossom  in flower  in full swing  in good case  inflorescent  juvenal  juvenescent  juvenile  maturation  mature  multiflorous  natural development  natural growth  nonviolent change  overdeveloped  overgrown  palmy  piping  progress  progression  prospering  radiciflorous  rhizanthous  ripening  rise  rosy  sleek  sprouting  thriving  unfolding  unfoldment  uniflorous  upgrowth  vigorous  young  youngling  youthful  youthlike  youthy  
flowers  Festschrift  album  ana  analects  anthology  beauties  canon  catamenia  catamenial discharge  chrestomathy  clippings  collectanea  collected works  collection  compilation  complete works  courses  cuttings  delectus  excerpta  excerpts  extracts  florilegium  fragments  garden  garland  gleanings  menses  menstrual discharge  menstruation  miscellanea  miscellany  monthlies  omnibus  period  periods  photograph album  quotation book  scrapbook  symposium  that time  the curse  
flowery  Gongoristic  adorned  affected  allusive  ambrosial  arabesque  aromatic  artificial  aureate  balmy  baroque  befrilled  blooming  bloomy  blossoming  bombastic  busy  chichi  colored  declamatory  decorated  diffuse  efflorescent  elaborate  elaborated  elegant  embellished  embroidered  essenced  euphuistic  fancy  festooned  figurative  figured  fine  flamboyant  floral  floreate  florescent  floriate  floriated  floricultural  florid  flowered  flowering  fragrant  frilly  fruity  fussy  garden  grandiloquent  high-flown  high-wrought  horticultural  hortulan  in bloom  in blossom  in flower  incense-breathing  inflated  inflorescent  labored  lush  luxuriant  luxurious  magniloquent  mannered  metaphorical  moresque  multiflorous  musky  odorate  odoriferous  odorous  ornamented  ornate  ostentatious  overblown  overcharged  overelaborate  overelegant  overlabored  overloaded  overworked  overwrought  perfumed  perfumy  picturesque  pompous  pretty-pretty  prolix  purple  radiciflorous  redolent  redundant  referential  rhizanthous  rich  rococo  savory  scented  showy  sonorous  spicy  sweet  sweet-scented  sweet-smelling  swollen  thuriferous  trolatitious  tropological  uniflorous  verbose  wordy  

flower Definition

(n.) An ornament resembling a ball placed in a circular flower, the petals of which form a cup round it, -- usually inserted in a hollow molding.
(n.) In the popular sense, the bloom or blossom of a plant
(n.) That part of a plant destined to produce seed, and hence including one or both of the sexual organs
(n.) The fairest, freshest, and choicest part of anything
(n.) Grain pulverized
(n.) A substance in the form of a powder, especially when condensed from sublimation
(n.) A figure of speech
(n.) Ornamental type used chiefly for borders around pages, cards, etc.
(n.) Menstrual discharges.
(v. i.) To blossom
(v. i.) To come into the finest or fairest condition.
(v. i.) To froth
(v. i.) To come off as flowers by sublimation.
(v. t.) To embellish with flowers
(n.) A genus of perennial herbs (Iris) with swordlike leaves and large three-petaled flowers often of very gay colors, but probably white in the plant first chosen for the royal French emblem.
(n.) A tropical leguminous bush (Poinciana, / Caesalpinia, pulcherrima) with prickly branches, and showy yellow or red flowers
(n.) A species of amaranth (Amarantus melancholicus).
(n.) The common English milkwort (Polygala vulgaris), so called from blossoming in gang week.
Joseph's flower
() A composite herb (Tragopogon pratensis), of the same genus as the salsify.
(n.) See Gillyflower.
(n.) The goat's beard, whose flowers close at midday.

flower Bedeutung

flower gardening
the cultivation of flowering plants
Venus's flower basket a deep-water marine sponge having a cylindrical skeleton of intricate glassy latticework, found in the waters of the East Indies and the eastern coast of Asia
artificial flower a handmade imitation of a blossom
florist shop
flower store
a shop where flowers and ornamental plants are sold
flower arrangement
floral arrangement
a decorative arrangement of flowers
flower bed
bed of flowers
a bed in which flowers are growing
flower chain flowers strung together in a chain
flower garden a garden featuring flowering plants
flower power a counterculture of young people in the US during the s and s
flower people
a youth subculture (mostly from the middle class) originating in San Francisco in the s, advocated universal love and peace and communes and long hair and soft drugs, favored acid rock and progressive rock music
Addis Ababa
New Flower
capital of Ethiopia
the capital of Ethiopia and the country's largest city, located in central Ethiopia
flower girl a young girl who carries flowers in a (wedding) procession
flower girl a woman who sells flowers in the street
flower child
someone who rejects the established culture, advocates extreme liberalism in politics and lifestyle
flower bloom
reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts
flower a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms
wild flower
wild or uncultivated flowering plant
apetalous flower flower having no petals
flower head a shortened compact cluster of flowers so arranged that the whole gives the effect of a single flower as in clover or members of the family Compositae
ray flower
ray floret
small flower with a flat strap-shaped corolla usually occupying the peripheral rings of a composite flower
flower petal
part of the perianth that is usually brightly colored
any of various plants of the genus Ranunculus
helmetflower helmet flower Aconitum napellus
a poisonous herb native to northern Europe having hooded blue-purple flowers, the dried leaves and roots yield aconite
leather flower Clematis versicolor woody vine of the southern United States having purple or blue flowers with leathery recurved sepals
leather flower vase-fine
vase vine
Clematis viorna
scandent subshrub of southeastern United States having large red-purple bell-shaped flowers with leathery recurved sepals
fennel flower
Nigella hispanica
nigella of Spain and southern France
black caraway
nutmeg flower
Roman coriander
Nigella sativa
herb of the Mediterranean region having pungent seeds used like those of caraway
pasque flower
any plant of the genus Pulsatilla, sometimes included in genus Anemone
American pasqueflower
Eastern pasque flower
wild crocus
lion's beard
prairie anemone
blue tulip
American pulsatilla
Pulsatilla patens
Anemone ludoviciana
short hairy perennial with early spring blue-violet or lilac flowers, North America and Siberia
globe flower
any of several plants of the genus Trollius having globose yellow flowers
red sandalwood Barbados pride
peacock flower fence
Adenanthera pavonina
East Indian tree with racemes of yellow-white flowers, cultivated as an ornamental
Nepal trumpet flower
Easter lily vine
Beaumontia grandiflora
evergreen woody twiner with large glossy leaves and showy corymbs of fragrant white trumpet-shaped flowers
crape jasmine
crepe jasmine
crepe gardenia
pinwheel flower
East Indian rosebay
Adam's apple
Nero's crown
coffee rose
Tabernaemontana divaricate
tropical shrub having glossy foliage and fragrant nocturnal flowers with crimped or wavy corollas, northern India to Thailand
any of various tropical American plants cultivated for their showy foliage and flowers
flamingo flower
flamingo plant
Anthurium andraeanum
Anthurium scherzerianum
commonly cultivated anthurium having bright scarlet spathe and spadix
peace lily
spathe flower
any of various plants of the genus Spathiphyllum having a white or green spathe and a spike of fragrant flowers and often cultivated as an ornamental
ragged robin
cuckoo flower
Lychnis flosuculi
Lychins floscuculi
common perennial native to Europe and western Asia having usually pink flowers with ragged petals
velvet flower
tassel flower Amaranthus caudatus
young leaves widely used as leaf vegetables, seeds used as cereal
scarlet musk flower
Nyctaginia capitata
viscid branched perennial of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico having tuberous roots and deep red flowers
paper flower
Bougainvillea glabra
Brazilian vine that tends to flower continuously
flame flower flame-flower flameflower Talinum aurantiacum plant with fleshy roots and erect stems with narrow succulent leaves and one reddish-orange flower in each upper leaf axil, southwestern United States, Indians once cooked the fleshy roots
narrow-leaved flame flower
Talinum augustissimum
similar to Talinum aurantiacum but with narrower leaves and yellow-orange flowers, southwestern United States
spider flower
spider plant
Cleome hassleriana
native to South America but naturalized in warm parts of United States, grown for its long-lasting spider-shaped white to pink-purple flowers
lady's smock
cuckoo flower meadow cress
Cardamine pratensis
a bitter cress of Europe and America
whitlow grass
Draba verna
annual weed of Europe and North America having a rosette of basal leaves and tiny flowers followed by oblong seed capsules
Siberian wall flower
Erysimum allionii
Cheiranthus allionii
showy erect biennial or short-lived perennial cultivated for its terminal racemes of orange-yellow flowers, sometimes placed in genus Cheiranthus
western wall flower
Erysimum asperum
Cheiranthus asperus
Erysimum arkansanum
biennial or short-lived perennial prairie rocket having orange-yellow flowers, western North America to Minnesota and Kansas, sometimes placed in genus Cheiranthus
silver dollar
money plant
satin flower
Lunaria annua
southeastern European plant cultivated for its fragrant purplish flowers and round flat papery silver-white seedpods that are used for indoor decoration
bleeding heart
Dicentra spectabilis
garden plant having deep-pink drooping heart-shaped flowers
compass plant
compass flower
any of several plants having leaves so arranged on the axis as to indicate the cardinal points of the compass
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A flower, sometimes known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in plants that are floral . The biological function of a flower is to effect reproduction, usually by providing a mechanism for the union of sperm with eggs. Flowers may facilitate outcrossing or allow selfing . Some flowers produce diaspores without fertilization . Flowers contain sporangia and are the site where gametophytes develop. Many flowers have evolved to be attractive to animals, so as to cause them to be vectors for the transfer of pollen. After fertilization, the ovary of the flower develops into fruit containing seeds.

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