
flying Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

flying to
Skifliegen n, Skiflug m sport
ski flying
tief fliegend adj
Schönflossige Rüsselbarbe f (Epalzeorhynchus kallopterus) zool.
flying fox
flying out
Fliegerass n
flying ace
Skifliegen n; Skiflug m sport
ski flying
kite flying
Fliegender Fisch zool.
flying fish
Fliegerdress n
flying suit
Lichtpunkt m
flying spot
hochfliegend adj
fliegender Magnetkopf
flying head
flying over
flying spot
flying suit
flying time
Flugstunde f (Zeiteinheit)
flying hour
flying squad
Blindflug m, Blindfliegen n
blind flying
Fluggeschwindigkeit f
flying speed
flying round
flying speed
flying squad
flying suits
flying times
flying visit
Leerflug m
empty flying
Funkenflug m
flying sparks
flying school
flying visits
Flugpollen m
flying pollen
Sichtflug m aviat.
visual flying
Streckennetz n aviat.
flying routes
Flughöhe f aviat.
flying height
Flugangst f
fear of flying
Flugwetter n
flying weather
flying machine
flying schools
flying through
Schwibbogen m
flying buttress
umschmeißen ugs.
to knock flying
flying machines
Fliegen n
flying, aviation
Fliegen n
flying; aviation
Formationsflug m ornith.
formation flying
flugtauglich adj
capable of flying
capable of flying
Langflügel-Dampfschiffente f ornith.
Flying Steamer Duck
Fliegender Fisch (Sternbild) astron.
Volans; Flying Fish
Lichtpunktabtastung f
flying-spot scanning
flying-spot scanning
Sachen umherwerfen
to send things flying
Ferien zum Drachenfliegen
delta-flying holidays
Blindfluggerät n
blind flying equipment
etw. umschmeißen v ugs.
to knock flying () sth.
Kunstflug m
aerobatics, stunt flying
Kunstflug m
aerobatics; stunt flying
Flugstunden pl (die ein Pilot absolviert hat) aviat.
(a pilot's) flying hours
fähig; tüchtig adj (Person)
high-flying (of a person)
Flugboot n
Flugboote pl
flying boat
flying boats
Flugzeit f
Flugzeiten pl
flying time
flying times
Flugverein m aviat.
Flugvereine pl
flying club
flying clubs
Lichtpunkt m
Lichtpunkte pl
flying spot
flying spots
Atlantischer Flugfisch, Meerschwalbe f zool.
Atlantische Flugfische, Meerschwalben pl
Flying fish
Flying fishes
Atlantischer Flugfisch; Meerschwalbe f zool.
Atlantische Flugfische; Meerschwalben pl
Flying fish
Flying fishes
Sturmdeck n (Schiff) naut.
flying deck; hurricane deck
Abbruchverfahren n (Tiefflug) aviat.
abort procedure (low flying)
Stippvisite f
Stippvisiten pl
flying visit
flying visits
Fliegerschule f
Fliegerschulen pl
flying school
flying schools
Flugangst f
fear of flying; flight anxiety
Flugwetter n aviat. meteo.
flying weather; flyable weather
Instrumentenflug m; Blindflug m; Blindfliegen n aviat.
instrument flying; blind flying
flugunfähig adj zool.
flightless; incapable of flying
Flugmaschine f
Flugmaschinen pl
flying machine
flying machines
to fly to
flying to
flown to
Ufo : Unbekanntes Flugobjekt
UFO : unidentified flying object
Untertasse f; Unterteller m
Untertassen pl; Unterteller pl
fliegende Untertasse
flying saucer
ausfliegen v
to fly out
flying out
flown out
Gleithörnchen pl; Flughörnchen pl (Pteromyini Petauristini) (zoologische Tribus) zool.
flying squirrels (zoological tribe)
tief fliegend adj
low-flying (lowflying) (low flying)
jdm. zufliegen v
to fly to sb.
flying to
flown to
to fly back
flying back
flown back
entflattern v
to fly away
flying away
flown away
zurückfliegen v
to fly back
flying back
flown back
Motorflugwesen n; Motorfliegerei f ugs. aviat.
mechanical flight; engine flying Am.
Siamesische Rüsselbarbe f, Algenfresser m (Crossocheilus siamensis) zool.
siamese algae eater, Siamese Flying Fox
Siamesische Rüsselbarbe f; Algenfresser m (Crossocheilus siamensis) zool.
siamese algae eater; Siamese Flying Fox
Marienseide f veraltet (umherfliegende Spinnfäden)
gossamer (cobweb threads flying around)
flugfähig adj (Gerät, Vogel)
capable of flying (of a device or bird)
Grundausbildung f school.
fliegerische Grundausbildung aviat.
basic training
primary flying training
Kalong-Flughund m; Kalong m zool.
large greater flying fox; kalang; kalong
Grundausbildung f school
fliegerische Grundausbildung aviat.
basic training
primary flying training
die Stellung halten
to hold the fort, to keep the flag flying
die Stellung halten
to hold the fort; to keep the flag flying
die Stellung halten v
to hold the fort; to keep the flag flying
Flugverbot n
ein Flugverbot erlassen
flying ban
to ban from flying, to ground
Nurflügel-Flugzeug n aviat.
Nurflügel-Flugzeuge pl
flying wing aircraft
flying wing aircraft
'Der fliegende Holländer' (von Wagner Werktitel) mus.
'The Flying Dutchman' (by Wagner work title)
Riesengleiter m; Pelzflatterer m; Gleitflieger m; Flattermaki m zool.
Riesengleiter pl; Pelzflatterer pl; Gleitflieger pl; Flattermakis pl
colugo; flying lemur
colugos; flying lemurs
Flughund m zool.
Flughunde pl
fruitbat, flying fox
fruitbats, flying foxes
'Der fliegende Holländer' (von Wagner Werktitel) mus.
'The Flying Dutchman' (by Wagner work title)
'Das fliegende Klassenzimmer' (von Kästner Werktitel) lit.
'The Flying Classroom' (by Kästner work title)
Dem fliehenden Feind baue goldene Brücken. Sprw.
For a flying enemy make a golden bridge. prov.
Schmuckbaumnattern pl; Fliegende Schlangen pl ugs. (Chrysopelea) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
gliding snakes; flying snakes (zoological genus)
flugtüchtig; flugtauglich adj (Person)
fit for flying; fit for air travel (of a person)
'Das fliegende Klassenzimmer' (von Kästner Werktitel) lit.
'The Flying Classroom' (by Kästner work title)
Riesengleiter pl; Gleitflieger pl; Pelzflatterer pl; Flattermaki pl (Dermoptera) (zoologische Ordnung) zool.
colugos; cobegos; flying lemurs (zoological order)
Flughähne pl (Dactylopteridae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
flying gurnards; helmet gurnards (zoological family)
Ãœberfallkommando n
Ãœberfallkommandos pl
riot squad, flying squad
riot squads, flying squads
Ãœberfallkommando n
Ãœberfallkommandos pl
riot squad; flying squad
riot squads; flying squads
wegfliegen; davonfliegen; fortfliegen v (Tier); abstreichen (Wild) Jägersprache zool.
wegfliegend; davonfliegend; fortfliegend; abstreichend
weggeflogen; davongeflogen; fortgeflogen; abgestrichen
to fly away (of an animal)
flying away
flown away
Quelljungfern pl (Cordulegastridae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
spiketails; flying adders; biddies (zoological family)
Sitzpirouette f (Eiskunstlauffigur) sport
Sitzpirouetten pl
eingesprungene Sitzpirouette
sit spin (skating figure)
sit spins
flying sit spin
Flugtüchtigkeit f; Flugtauglichkeit f (einer Person) aviat. med.
fitness for flying; fitness for air travel (of a person)
Kettenkarussell n
swing ride; chair swing ride; flying swing; Chair-O-Planes
jdm. entfliegen v (Hausvogel)
to fly away from sb. (pet bird)
flying away
flown away
Magnetkopf m
Magnetköpfe pl
fliegender Magnetkopf
magnetic head
magnetic heads
floating head, flying head
Magnetkopf m
Magnetköpfe pl
fliegender Magnetkopf
magnetic head
magnetic heads
floating head; flying head
Flugobjekt n
Flugobjekte pl
Unbekanntes Flugobjekt Ufo
flying object
flying objects
unidentified flying object UFO
Flugobjekt n
Flugobjekte pl
Unbekanntes Flugobjekt Ufo
flying object
flying objects
unidentified flying object UFO
aufschiefern v
to fly up in shivers
flying up in shivers
flown up in shivers
to fly round
flying round
flown round
flies round
flew round
umfliegen v
to fly round
flying round
flown round
flies round
flew round
jdm. sagen, er kann soll einen Abgang machen sich brausen gehen Ös. v ugs.
to tell sb. to take a running jump Br. a flying leap Am. coll.
jdm. sagen er kann soll einen Abgang machen sich brausen gehen Ös. ugs.
to tell sb. to take a running jump Br. a flying leap Am. coll.
to fly away
flying away
flown away
flies away
flew away
flown away
durchfliegen v
to fly through
flying through
flown through
flies through
flew through
herumfliegen; umherfliegen; durch die Luft fliegen v
herumfliegend; umherfliegend; durch die Luft fliegend
herumgeflogen; umgehergeflogen; durch die Luft geflogen
herumfliegende Blätter
to fly around (in the air)
flying around
flown around
leaves flying around
Wechselreiterei f fin.
Wechselreiterei betreiben
drawing and redrawing of bills; jobbing in bills; kite flying; kiting
to fly a kite
Stützbalken m; Strebe f constr. min.
Stützbalken pl; Streben pl
waagrechter Stützbalken (zwischen zwei Gebäuden)
shore; stay; strut; brace
shores; stays; struts; braces
flying shore; flier; flyer
Flughund m zool.
Flughunde pl
indischer Riesenflughund (Pteropus giganteus)
megabat; fruit bat; flying fox
megabats; fruit bats; flying foxes
Indian flying-fox
Flugverbot n (für Personen)
ein Flugverbot für Piloten die Medikamente nehmen
ban on flying; flying ban (for persons)
a ban on flying for pilots taking medications
Flugverbot n (für Personen)
ein Flugverbot für Piloten, die Medikamente nehmen
ban on flying; flying ban (for persons)
a ban on flying for pilots taking medications
Ärgernis n; Stein m des Anstoßes
Tieffliegende Flugzeuge sind ein ständiges Ärgernis für die Anrainer.
irritant fig.
Low flying aircraft are a constant irritant to neighbouring residents.
Flugsand m
wind-borne sand; drifting sand; flying sand; drift sand; windblown sand; aeolian sand; quicksand
Strebebogen m; Bogenstrebe f arch.
Strebebögen pl; Bogenstreben pl
straining arch; arc boutant; flying buttress
straining arches; arc boutants; flying buttresses
Start m
Starts pl
fliegender Start
stehender Start
start, starting
starts, startings
running start, flying start, rolling start
standing start
to fly a glider, to glide, to sailplane, to soar
flying a glider, gliding, sailplaning, soaring
Start m
Starts pl
fliegender Start
stehender Start
start; starting
starts; startings
running start; flying start; rolling start
standing start
segelfliegen v
to fly a glider; to glide; to sailplane; to soar
flying a glider; gliding; sailplaning; soaring
Start m
Starts pl
fliegender Start sport
stehender Start sport
start; starting
starts; startings
running start; flying start; rolling start
standing start
Kurzbesuch m; Stippvisite f
Kurzbesuche pl; Stippvisiten pl
einen Kurzbesuch eine Stippvisite machen
fleeting visit; flying visit Br.
fleeting visits; flying visits
to pay make a fleeting visit
Notbrücke f; Interimsbrücke f
Notbrücken pl; Interimsbrücken pl
emergency bridge; flying bridge; temporary bridge
emergency bridges; flying bridges; temporary bridges
Flughunde pl (Megachiroptera) (zoologische Familie) zool.
indischer Riesenflughund (Pteropus giganteus)
megabats; Old World fruit bats; fruit bats; flying foxes (zoological family) (megabat)
Indian flying-fox
Lehrstunde f; Stunde f; Lektion f (veraltend) school.
Lehrstunden pl; Stunden pl; Lektionen pl
Flugstunde f
Gesangstunde f
Klavierstunde f
Musikstunde f
eine Lehrstunde in Präzision und Kreativität fig.
flying lesson
singing lesson
piano lesson
music lesson
a lesson in precision and creativity
rückfedern; zurückspringen; zurückschnellen; zurückschnappen; schnappen v techn.
rückfedernd; zurückspringend; zurückschnellend; zurückschnappend; schnappend
rückgefedert; zurückgesprungen; zurückgeschnellt; zurückgeschnappt; geschnappt
to spring back; to snap back; to fly back
springing back; snapping back; flying back
sprung back; snapped back; flied back
rückfedern; zurückspringen; zurückschnellen; zurückschnappen; schnappen v techn.
rückfedernd; zurückspringend; zurückschnellend; zurückschnappend; schnappend
rückgefedert; zurückgesprungen; zurückgeschnellt; zurückgeschnappt; geschnappt
to spring back; to snap back; to fly back
springing back; snapping back; flying back
sprung back; snapped back; flown back

Deutsche fliegen/fliegend Synonyme

(mit  dem  Flugzeug)  fliegen  Âjetten  
fliegen  Âgleiten  Âsegeln  
fallen  Âfliegen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âhinfallen  Âhinschlagen  Âplumpsen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âpurzeln  (umgangssprachlich)  Âstürzen  
auf  die  Schnauze  fallen  (derb)  Âauf  die  Schnauze  fliegen  (derb)  Âscheitern  Âversagen  
(mit dem Flugzeug) fliegen  jetten  
fliegen  gleiten  segeln  

Englische flying Synonyme

flying  aeronautics  agile  air service  airborne  airline  ascending  astronautics  aviation  axial  back  back-flowing  backward  ballooning  blind flying  breakneck  brittle  capricious  changeable  cloud-seeding  commercial aviation  contact flying  corruptible  cruising  cursory  dashing  deciduous  descending  disappearing  dissolving  double-quick  down-trending  downward  drifting  dying  eagle-winged  ephemeral  evanescent  evaporating  expeditious  express  fading  fast  festinate  feverish  fickle  fleet  fleeting  flight  flitting  flowing  fluent  fluttering  fly-by-night  fragile  frail  fugacious  fugitive  furious  galloping  general aviation  gliding  going  gyrational  gyratory  hair-trigger  hasty  headlong  hovering  hurried  hustling  immediate  impermanent  impetuous  impulsive  inconstant  instant  insubstantial  jet-propelled  last-minute  light of heel  light-footed  lively  melting  mercurial  momentary  mortal  mounting  mutable  nimble  nimble-footed  nondurable  nonpermanent  on the spot  passing  perishable  pilotage  plunging  precipitate  progressive  prompt  quick  quick as lightning  quick as thought  rapid  reckless  reflowing  refluent  regressive  retrogressive  rising  rocket-propelled  rotary  rotational  rotatory  running  rushing  sailing  sailplaning  short-lived  sideward  sinking  slap-bang  slapdash  snap  snappy  soaring  spanking  speedy  streaming  superficial  swift  temporal  temporary  transient  transitive  transitory  undurable  unenduring  unstable  up-trending  upward  urgent  vanishing  volant  volatile  volitant  winged  winging  
Flying Dutchman  AB  Ahasuerus  Ancient Mariner  Argonaut  Brocken specter  Dylan  Goliard  Neptune  OD  Odysseus  Oisin  Ossian  Poseidon  Ulysses  Varuna  White Lady  Wild Hunt  able seaman  able-bodied seaman  bird of passage  bluejacket  buccaneer  deep-sea man  drifter  fair-weather sailor  fisherman  floater  gad  gadabout  go-about  hearty  itinerant  jack  jack afloat  jack-tar  jacky  limey  lobsterman  mariner  matelot  mover  navigator  peregrinator  peregrine  peripatetic  pirate  privateer  rambler  roamer  rolling stone  rover  runabout  sailor  salt  sea dog  sea rover  seafarer  seafaring man  seaman  shipman  straggler  stroller  strolling player  tar  troubadour  viking  visitant  wanderer  wandering minstrel  wandering scholar  water dog  whaler  windjammer  windsailor  
flying start  A  advantage  alpha  beginning  blast-off  bulge  coign of vantage  commencement  creation  cutting edge  dawn  drop  edge  establishment  foundation  fresh start  head start  inside track  institution  jump  jump-off  kick-off  leading edge  new departure  odds  oncoming  onset  opening  origin  origination  outbreak  outset  running start  send-off  setting in motion  setting-up  something extra  something in reserve  square one  start  start-off  starting point  take-off  upper hand  vantage  vantage ground  vantage point  whip hand  

flying Definition

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Fly
(v. i.) Moving in the air with, or as with, wings
Flying fish
() A fish which is able to leap from the water, and fly a considerable distance by means of its large and long pectoral fins. These fishes belong to several species of the genus Exocoetus, and are found in the warmer parts of all the oceans.
Flying squirrel
() One of a group of squirrels, of the genera Pteromus and Sciuropterus, having parachute-like folds of skin extending from the fore to the hind legs, which enable them to make very long leaps.

flying Bedeutung

flying colors
flying colours
complete success, they passed inspection with flying colors
an instance of traveling by air, flying was still an exciting adventure for him
acrobatics aerobatics
stunt flying
the performance of stunts while in flight in an aircraft
blind flying
blind landing
using only instruments for flying an aircraft because you cannot see through clouds or mists etc.
flying mare a wrestling maneuver
instrument flying navigation of an airplane solely by instruments
flying visit a visit that last for only a very short time, he wanted to hear all about my flying visit to his old stamping grounds
carinate bird
flying bird
birds having keeled breastbones for attachment of flight muscles
flying gecko
fringed gecko
Ptychozoon homalocephalum
a gecko that has membranous expansions along the sides of its body and limbs and tail that enable it to glide short distances
dragon flying dragon
flying lizard
any of several small tropical Asian lizards capable of gliding by spreading winglike membranes on each side of the body
flying reptile
an extinct reptile of the Jurassic and Cretaceous having a bird-like beak and membranous wings supported by the very long fourth digit of each forelimb
flying phalanger
flying opossum
flying squirrel
nocturnal phalangers that move with gliding leaps using parachute-like folds of skin along the sides of the body
flying mouse tiny flying phalanger
flying fox large bat with a head that resembles the head of a fox
American flying squirrel New World flying squirrels
southern flying squirrel
Glaucomys volans
small large-eyed nocturnal flying squirrel of eastern United States
northern flying squirrel
Glaucomys sabrinus
large flying squirrel, chiefly of Canada
Asiatic flying squirrel nocturnal rodent of Asia having furry folds of skin between forelegs and hind legs enabling it to move by gliding leaps
flying marmot
flying cat Petaurista petaurista
East Indian flying squirrel
flying lemur
flying cat colugo
arboreal nocturnal mammal of southeast Asia and the Philippines resembling a lemur and having a fold of skin on each side from neck to tail that is used for long gliding leaps
flying fish tropical marine fishes having enlarged winglike fins used for brief gliding flight
monoplane flying fish
two-wing flying fish
having only pectoral fins enlarged
biplane flying fish
four-wing flying fish
having both pectoral and pelvic fins enlarged
flying gurnard
flying robin
tropical fish with huge fanlike pectoral fins for underwater gliding, unrelated to searobins
landing field
flying field
a place where planes take off and land
buzz bomb
robot bomb
flying bomb
a small jet-propelled winged missile that carries a bomb
flying boat a large seaplane that floats with its fuselage in the water rather than on pontoons
flying bridge
fly bridge
monkey bridge
the highest navigational bridge on a ship, a small (often open) deck above the pilot house
flying buttress
a buttress that stands apart from the main structure and connected to it by an arch
flying carpet (Asian folktale) an imaginary carpet that will fly people anywhere they wish to go
flying jib the outermost of two or more jibs
ramjet engine
flying drainpipe
a simple type of jet engine, must be launched at high speed
unidentified flying object
flying saucer
an (apparently) flying object whose nature is unknown, especially those considered to have extraterrestrial origins
Flying Dutchman a phantom ship that is said to appear in storms near the Cape of Good Hope
Distinguished Flying Cross a United States Air Force decoration for heroism while participating in an aerial flight
flying start
running start
a quick and auspicious beginning
flying start running start a racing start in which the contestants are already in full motion when they pass the starting line
flying squad a mobile group of trained people (police or executives or officials) able to move quickly in the case of emergencies
flying school a school for teaching students to fly airplanes
Flying Dutchman the captain of a phantom ship (the Flying Dutchman) who was condemned to sail against the wind until Judgment Day
breeze through
pass with flying colors
sweep through
sail through
succeed at easily, She sailed through her exams, You will pass with flying colors, She nailed her astrophysics course
hurried and brief, paid a flying visit, took a flying glance at the book, a quick inspection, a fast visit
free-flying able to fly through the air (as a bird), three chicks were raised to the free-flying stage
moving swiftly, fast-flying planes, played the difficult passage with flying fingers
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Flying may refer to: