
food grade Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

in Lebensmittelqualität
lebensmitteltauglich adj; in Lebensmittelqualität
lebensmitteltaugliches PET-Material
food-grade PET material
baby food
service grade
frozen food
Grad an Genauigkeit
grade of accuracy
Grad an Qualität
grade of quality
Grundschule (US)
grade school
commercial grade
hochgradig, hochwertig
hochwertig, hohe Qualität
high grade
im einfachen Dienst
in the lower grade of the civil service
im gehobenen Dienst
in the upper grade of the civil service
im höheren Dienst
in the higher grade of the civil service
im mittleren Dienst
in the middle grade of the civil service
food retailing
storage of food
food parcel
leckere Speisen
nice food
Lohngruppe, Schulnote, Dienstgrad
mit Nahrung versorgen
provide with food
Nahrung verweigern
refuse food
niedrige Qualität
low grade
Qualität der Dienstleistung
grade of service
fast food establishment
grade of school
sich ergänzende Lebensmittel
complementary food
Sorte, Grad, Neigung
Speise, Nahrung
Stoff zum Nachdenken
food for thought
grade rate
labour grade
frozen food
verfälschte Lebensmittel
adulterated food
Verfälschung von Nahrungsmitteln
debasement of food
Verwandter ersten Grades
first-grade relative
Verwandter zweiten Grades
second-grade relative
von niedriger Qualität
low grade
wir stufen die Ware nach Güteklassen
we grade goods
Abschlusszeugnis n, Abschlußzeugnis n alt
Abschlusszeugnisse pl, Abschlußzeugnisse pl
leaving certificate, final grade certificate
leaving certificates, final grade certificates
Anspruchsklasse f
Anstieg m (Straße)
gradient, grade Am.
Aromastoff m
Aromastoff, der zur Verwendung in Nahrungsmitteln als sicher anerkannt ist
flavouring agent
GRAS flavouring agent (generally recognised as safe in food)
Arzneimittel-Nahrungs-Wechselwirkung f pharm. med.
drug-food interaction
Babynahrung f
baby food
Besoldungsgruppe f
Besoldungsgruppen pl
salary grade
salary grades
Besoldungsgruppe f mil.
Besoldungsgruppen pl
pay grade Am.
pay grades
Bewirtung f
catering, feeding, service, provision of food and drink
Brennstoffsorte f mach.
fuel grade
Denkanstoß m
jdm. einen Denkanstoß geben
cause for thought, food for thought
to set sb. thinking
mittlerer Dienst
clerical grade
Dienstalter n
age in grade
Edelstahl m, rostfreier Stahl
high-grade steel, stainless steel
Edelstahlband n
high-grade steel strip
Essen n
Essen und Trinken
Essen zum Mitnehmen
food and drink
takeaway food
Esskultur f
food culture, dining culture
Examensnote f
Examensnoten pl
final grade
final grades
Fastfood n cook.
fast food
Festigkeitsklasse f
strength class, grade
Filterklasse f
filter grade
Flockenfutter n, Trockenfutter n
flake food
Fressen n
food, grub
Frostfutter n
frozen food
Futter n (für Tiere)
food (for animals)
Futter n, Viehfutter n, Tierfutter n agr.
fodder, animal food
Futterkasten m
Futterkästen pl
food cupboard
food cupboards
Futterneid m
jealousy about food
Gehaltsstufe f, Gehaltsklasse f
salary level, salary grade
Genfood n, genetisch veränderte Nahrung
genetically modified food
Genussmittel n
semiluxury food, drink and tobacco
Genussmittelindustrie f
luxury food industry
Gesamtnote f, Endnote f
Gesamtnoten pl, Endnoten pl
overall mark, final grade, cumulative grade, overall score
overall marks, final grades, cumulative grades, overall scores
Grad m, Stufe f, Qualität f, Rang m, Klasse f
Grundschule f
Grundschulen pl
primary school, elementary (grade) school Am.
primary schools, elementary (grade) schools
Gütestufe f techn.
Gütestufen pl
Härtegrad m
Härtegrade pl
hardness grade, degree of hardness
hardness grades, degrees of hardness
Haustiernahrung f, Heimtiernahrung f
domestic animal food
Hundefutter n
dog food
Katzenfutter n
cat food
Kindernahrung f
infant food
Konserve f
preserve, preservered food, tin Br., can Am.
Konserven pl
tinned food, canned food
Kost f
reichhaltige Kost
richness of the food
Kost f
victuals food
Küchenmaschine f
food processor
Kühlfach n
Kühlfächer pl
frozen food copartment
frozen food copartments
Lebendfutter n
live food
Lebensmittel n, Nahrung f, Nahrungsmittel n
Lebensmittel pl
leicht verderbliche Lebensmittel
funktionelles Lebensmittel, Functional Food
neuartige Lebensmittel, Novel Food
food, foodstuff
foods, foodstuffs
organic food
perishable food
functional food
novel food
Lebensmittelabteilung f
food department
Lebensmittelchemie f
food chemistry
Lebensmittelchemiker m, Lebensmittelchemikerin f
food analyst
Lebensmitteleinzelhandel m
food retailing
Lebensmittelgeschäft n, Lebensmittelladen m
Lebensmittelgeschäfte pl, Lebensmittelläden pl
grocery, grocer's, grocer's shop, food shop
groceries, food shops
Lebensmittelgesetz n
Lebensmittelgesetze pl
food law
food laws
Lebensmittelhilfe f
food aid
Lebensmittelindustrie f
food industry
Lebensmittelkennzeichnung f
food labelling
Lebensmittelmarke f
Lebensmittelmarken pl
food stamp
food stamps
Lebensmittelmarkt m
food product market
Lebensmittelproduktion f
food production
in Lebensmittelqualität
Lebensmittelrationierung f
food rationing
Lebensmitteltechnologie f
food technology
Lebensmittelvergiftung f med.
food poisoning
Lebensmittelverpackung f
food package
Lebensmittelverteilung f
food distribution, food allocation
Lebensmittelverteilungsstelle f
Lebensmittelverteilungsstellen pl
food distribution office, food allocation authority
food distribution offices, food allocation authorities
Mensaessen n
refectory food, canteen food
Nährwert m
food value
feste Nahrung f
solid food, solids
Nahrungsaufnahme f
ingestion of food
Nahrungsergänzung f, Nahrungsergänzungsmittel n
Nahrungsergänzungen pl, Nahrungsergänzungsmittel pl
diätetische Nahrungsergänzungsstoffe
dietary supplement, nutritional supplement, food supplement
dietary supplements, nutritional supplements, food supplements
dietary food supplements
Nahrungskette f
Nahrungsketten pl
food chain
food chains
Nahrungskettenschadstoff m
Nahrungskettenschadstoffe pl
food chain pollutant
food chain pollutants
Nahrungspflanze f
Nahrungspflanzen pl
food plant
food plants
Nahrungssuche f
optimale Nahrungssuche biol.
search for food, foraging, forage
optimal foraging
Nahrungsmittelbestandteile pl
food ingredients
Nichtlebensmittel n
Nichtlebensmittel pl
Nootropikum n
Nootropika pl
nootropic, brain food
Notendurchschnitt m
grade point average
Notenpunkt m
erwogene Durchschnittsnote
grade point (ECTS)
grade point average
Papiersorte f, Papierqualität f
paper grade
Präzisionsgrad m
grade of precision, grade of accuracy
Rangstufe f
Rangstufen pl
grade, rank, order
grades, ranks, orders
Reformhaus n
Reformhäuser pl
health food shop
health food shops
Reinstwasser n
pharmaceutical-grade water, ultrapure water
Rohkost f cook.
uncooked vegetarian food, raw fruit and vegetables
Schrankenwärter m, Schrankenwärterin f
level-crossing attendant Br., grade-crossing attendant Am., crossing keeper
Schwere f (von Wein, Essen)
richness (of wine, food)
Schwingstärkestufe f
vibration severity grade
Sonderklasse f
special class, top grade
Sorte f, Güteklasse f
Sorten pl, Güteklassen pl
bessere Sorten
high grades
Speise f
Speisen und Getränke
food and drink, meals and drinks
Speisefisch m
Speisefische pl
food fish
food fishes
Speiseschrank m
Speiseschränke pl
food cupboard
food cupboards
Studentenfutter n
student food, nuts and raisins, trail mix, gorp
Tiernahrung f
pet food
Trennkost f cook.
food combining
Unterstufe f
lower grade
Verderb m (von Lebensmitteln)
spoilage (of food)
Vogelfutter n
bird seed, birdseed, bird food
Zensur f, Schulnote f, Note f
Zensuren pl, Schulnoten pl, Noten pl
hervorragend (Zensur 1+)
sehr gut (Zensur 1)
gut (Zensur 2)
befriedigend (Zensur 3)
genügend (Zensur 4)
mangelhaft (Zensur 5)
ungenügend (Zensur 6)
mark, grade Am.
marks, grades
very good
fail, inadequate
fail, inadequate
bodengleich adj
on grade
einstufen, einteilen, abstufen, klassifizieren
einstufend, einteilend, abstufend, klassifizierend
eingestuft, eingeteilt, abgestuft, klassifiziert
to grade
gleichrangig adj
of the same grade, equally important
im Essen herumstochern
to pick at one's food
(Essen) hinunterschlingen, hinunterstürzen, schlingen, verschlingen v
hinunterschlingend, hinunterstürzend, schlingend, verschlingend
hinuntergeschlungen, hinuntergestürzt, geschlungen, verschlungen
schlingt hinunter, stürzt hinunter, schlingt, verschlingt
schlang hinunter, stürzte hinunter, schlang, verschlang
to bolt down (one's food), to wolf (one's food)
bolting down, wolfing
bolted down, wolfed
bolts down, wolfes
bolted down, wolfed
high-grade, high, to a high degree
hochwertig adj
am hochwertigsten
more high-grade
most high-grade

Deutsche in Lebensmittelqualität Synonyme

Englische food-grade Synonyme

food grade Definition

(n.) What is fed upon
(n.) Anything that instructs the intellect, excites the feelings, or molds habits of character
(v. t.) To supply with food.
(n.) A step or degree in any series, rank, quality, order
(n.) The rate of ascent or descent
(n.) A graded ascending, descending, or level portion of a road
(n.) The result of crossing a native stock with some better breed. If the crossbreed have more than three fourths of the better blood, it is called high grade.
(v. t.) To arrange in order, steps, or degrees, according to size, quality, rank, etc.
(v. t.) To reduce to a level, or to an evenly progressive ascent, as the line of a canal or road.
(v. t.) To cross with some better breed
(n.) A harsh scraping or cutting

food grade Bedeutung

any substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue
grade a variety of cattle produced by crossbreeding with a superior breed
food fish any fish used for food by human beings
food shop
a shop selling ready-to-eat food products
food elevator
a small elevator used to convey food (or other goods) from one floor of a building to another
food additive
artificial additive
an additive to food intended to improve its flavor or appearance or shelf-life
food court an area (as in a shopping mall) where fast food is sold (usually around a common eating area)
food processor a kitchen appliance with interchangeable blades, used for shredding or blending or chopping or slicing food
food hamper a hamper for packing and transporting food
grade separation a crossing that uses an underpass or overpass
grocery store
food market
a marketplace where groceries are sold, the grocery store included a meat market
level crossing
grade crossing
intersection of a railway and a road on the same level, barriers close road when trains pass
food turner
cooking utensil having a flat flexible part and a long handle, used for turning or serving food
grade the gradient of a slope or road or other surface, the road had a steep grade
a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality, a moderate grade of intelligence, a high level of care is required, it is all a matter of degree
grade ground level the height of the ground on which something stands, the base of the tower was below grade
mark grade
a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance), she made good marks in algebra, grade A milk, what was your score on your homework?
grade point a numerical value assigned to a letter grade received in a course taken at a college or university multiplied by the number of credit hours awarded for the course
food for thought
intellectual nourishment
anything that provides mental stimulus for thinking
a degree of ablaut
grade point average
a measure of a student's academic achievement at a college or university, calculated by dividing the total number of grade points received by the total number attempted
grade insignia
V-shaped sleeve badge indicating military rank and service, they earned their stripes in Kuwait
solid food
any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment, food and drink
comfort food food that is simply prepared and gives a sense of wellbeing, typically food with a high sugar or carbohydrate content that is associated with childhood or with home cooking
fast food inexpensive food (hamburgers or chicken or milkshakes) prepared and served quickly
finger food food to be eaten with the fingers
soft diet
spoon food
a diet that does not require chewing, advised for those with intestinal disorders
food product
a substance that can be used or prepared for use as food
food coloring
food colouring
food color
food colour
a digestible substance used to give color to food, food color made from vegetable dyes
food cache food in a secure or hidden storage place
fresh food
fresh foods
food that is not preserved by canning or dehydration or freezing or smoking
frozen food
frozen foods
food preserved by freezing
canned food
canned foods
canned goods
tinned goods
food preserved by canning
dehydrated food
dehydrated foods
food preserved by dehydration
convenience food any packaged dish or food that can be prepared quickly and easily as by thawing or heating
delicatessen food
ready-to-eat food products
takeout food
prepared food that is intended to be eaten off of the premises, in England they call takeout food `takeaway'
devil's food
devil's food cake
very dark chocolate cake
angel cake
angel food cake
a light sponge cake made without egg yolks
health food any natural or prepared food popularly believed to promote good health
junk food food that tastes good but is high in calories having little nutritional value
breakfast food any food (especially cereal) usually served for breakfast
raw vegetable
rabbit food
an uncooked vegetable
snack food food for light meals or for eating between meals
food grain
foodstuff prepared from the starchy grains of cereal grasses
cud rechewed food food of a ruminant regurgitated to be chewed again
bird feed
bird food
food given to birds, usually mixed seeds
pet food
food prepared for animal pets
dog food food prepared for dogs
cat food food prepared for cats
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