
free thinking Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

freidenkerisch adj phil.
freidenkerisch adj
free-thinking, latitudinarian
Anhänger und Verfechter des Freihandels
free of capture and seizure clause
free from breakage
frei an Bord
free on board
frei an Bord (INCOTERM)
free on board
frei Frachtführer
free carrier
frei Frachtführer (benannter Ort)
free carrier
frei Haus
free to the door
frei Längsseite Seeschiff
free alongside ship
frei längsseits Schiff (INCOTERM)
free alongside ship
frei verladen Ihr Fahrzeug
free on truck
frei verladen unsere Station
free on rail
frei von
free from
frei von Beschädigung außer im Strandungsfall
free of particular average
frei von Leckage
free from leakage
frei von Mängeln
free from defects
frei Waggon
free on truck
frei Waggon, franko Waggon
free on rail
frei, befreien
freie Marktwirtschaft
free enterprise
freie Marktwirtschaft
free-market economy
freie Marktwirtschaft, freies Unternehmertum
free-enterprise system
freie Unterkunft
free accommodation
freie Wahl
free choice
freie Wahl des Arztes
free choice of medical practitioner
freier Handel, Freihandel
free trade
freier Markt
free market
free copy
Freigepäck bei Flugreisen
free allowance
Freihafen, zollfreier Hafen
free port
free trade area
free-trade area
free ticket
Freizügigkeit der Arbeitskräfte
free movement of labour
free of charge
cost free
free of cost
free deal
Gratisanzeige, unberechnete Anzeige
free advertisement
free sample
free hand
thinking in terms of cost
kostenlose Anzeige
free insertion
kostenlose Lebensversicherung
free life insurance
kostenlose Probe
free trial
Lieferung frei Haus
free delivery
free of premium
Preis auf dem freien Markt
price on the free market
free of debt
free of tax
störungsfreier Betriebsablauf
failure-free operation
unter Ausschluss von Havarie
free from average
verfügbare Guthaben
free assets
free gift
free of interest
zinsloses Darlehen
interest-free loan
duty free
zollfreie Ware
free goods
zollfreier Bereich, Freihandels
zollfreier Laden
duty-free shop
Auflager n techn.
eingespanntes Auflager
freies Auflager
frei drehbares Auflager
restraint abutment
free support
hinged support
Automatenstahl m
free cutting steel
Beistellungen pl (durch den Auftraggeber
free-issue parts
Berufsfreiheit f
free choice of job, freedom to choose and carry out one's career, freedom to choose an occupation
Betriebsablauf m
Betriebsabläufe pl
normaler Betriebsablauf
störungsfreier Betriebsablauf
operating procedure, operation
operating procedures, operations
normal course of operations
failure-free operation
Butterfahrt f ugs.
sea trip to buy duty-free goods
Denkanstoß m
jdm. einen Denkanstoß geben
cause for thought, food for thought
to set sb. thinking
Denken n
abstraktes Denken
logisches Denken
thought, thinking
abstract thinking
logical thinking
Denkprozess m
Denkprozesse pl
thinking process
thinking processes
Denkweise f
way of thinking, thought
Dienstleistungsfreiheit f, freier Dienstleistungsverkehr
free movement of services, freedom to provide services, liberalization of services
Durchgang m, Korridor m, Gang m
freier Durchgang
schmaler Durchgang
free passage
Eintrittsgeld n
Eintrittsgelder pl
Eintritt frei
entrance fee
entrance fees
entrance free
Fall m, Sturz m, Absturz m
Fälle pl, Stürze pl, Abstürze pl
freier Fall
in freiem Fall
free fall
in free fall
Fallschirmspringen n
Fallschirmspringen mit freiem Fall
skydiving, parachuting
free-fall parachuting
FCKW-frei adj
CFC free
Freibier n
free beer
Freibillett n
free ticket
Freidenker m, Freidenkerin f
Freidenker pl, Freidenkerinnen pl
free thinker
free thinkers
Freiexemplar n
Freiexemplare pl
free copy, complimentary copy
free copies, complimentary copies
Freiflug m
Freiflüge pl
free flight
free flights
Freiformflächen pl
free formed surfaces
Freigepäck n
free luggage
Freihandel m
free trade
Freihandelszone f
Freihandelszonen pl
Europäische Freihandelszone f
free-trade area
free-trade areas
the European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
Freikarte f
Freikarten pl
complimentary ticket, free ticket
complimentary tickets, free tickets
Freikörperbild n
free body diagram
Freilandei n
free-range egg
Freilauf m
free rolling
Freilauf m
free wheel, freewheel
Freimaß n
free size
Freiraum m
free zone
Freisprecheinrichtung f
hands-free equipment
Freisprechmikrofon n
hands-free microphone
Freistaat m pol.
Freistaaten pl
free state
free states
Freistoß m sport
Freistöße pl
direkter Freistoß
indirekter Freistoß
schnell ausgeführter Freistoß
einen Freistoß schießen, einen Freistoß treten, einen Freistoß ausführen
free kick
free kicks
direct free kick
indirect free kick
quickly-taken free kick
to take a free kick
Freistunde f
Freistunden pl
free period
free periods
Freitext m
free text
Freizeit f
free time, spare time, leisure time
Freizone f
Freizonen pl
free zone
free zones
Freizügigkeit f pol.
Freizügigkeit, freier Dienstleistungs- und Kapitalverkehr
Freizügigkeit der Arbeitnehmer
Freizügigkeit der Studenten
freedom of movement, free movement of persons
Free movement of persons, services and capital
free movement of workers
free movement of students
Fremdstoff m
frei von Fremdstoffen
foreign matter, foreign substance
free from extraneous matter
Gasflammkohle f
free burning coal, high-volatile coal
Gewerkschaftsfreiheit f
free unionization
Gratisexemplar n
Gratisexemplare pl
free copy
free copies
Kapitalverkehr m
freier Kapitalverkehr
turnover of capital, capital movement, movement of capital
free flow of capital, free movement of capital
Kastenmöbel n
free standing cabinets
Kostendenken n
thinking in terms of cost
Kürlauf m, Kür f (Eiskunstlauf) sport
free skating, free skate
Lagerspiel n, Spiel n techn.
bearing play, free play, play, bearing gap
Lenkungsspiel n
freies Lenkungsspiel
steering play
free play
Liebe f
freie Liebe
die große Liebe
jugendliche Liebe
Liebe auf den ersten Blick
Ist es Liebe oder nur ein Spiel?
free love
love with a capital L
adolescent love
love at first sight, love at first glance
Is it love or just a game?
Marktwirtschaft f
freie Marktwirtschaft f
soziale Marktwirtschaft f
market economy
free market economy
social market economy
Massenschlägerei f
Mauer f sport (beim Freistoß)
defensive wall (during a free kick)
Messtechnik f, Messverfahren n
berührungslose Messtechnik
measuring technique
non-contact measuring technique, contact-free measuring technique
Papier n
Papiere pl
holzfreies Papier
alkalifestes Papier
braunes Papier
marmoriertes Papier
woodfree paper, paper free from lignin
alkali-resistant paper
manila paper
Personenverkehr m
freier Personenverkehr
passenger traffic, passenger transport, movement of persons
free movement of persons
Platzhalter m comp.
free variable parameter
Querdenken n, unkonventionelles Denken
lateral thinking
Reifenhalbmesser m (unbelastet)
free radius
Schubladendenken n
pigeonhole thinking
Schwingung f, Vibration f
Schwingungen pl, Vibrationen pl
erzwungene Schwingung f
freie Schwingung f
gedämpfte Schwingung f
harmonische Schwingung f
vibrations, vibes
forced vibration
free vibration
damped vibration
harmonic vibration
Sorge f, Kummer m
ohne Sorgen, sorgenfrei adj
free from cares
Spannungsarmglühen n techn.
stress relief heat treatment, stress free annealing
Spielbein n sport
free leg, striking leg
Stanzen n
abfallloses Stanzen
pressing, stamping
scrap-free blanking
Steckverbinder m electr.
Steckverbinder pl
angegossener Steckverbinder
anwendungsspezifischer Steckverbinder
berührungssicherer Steckverbinder
fester Steckverbinder
freier Steckverbinder
gasdichter Steckverbinder
geschirmter Steckverbinder
hoch beanspruchbarer Steckverbinder
komponentenseitiger Steckverbinder
rechteckiger Steckverbinder
schwimmend befestigter Steckverbinder
tauchfester Steckverbinder
umweltbeständiger Steckverbinder
vorgerasteter Steckverbinder
Steckverbinder mit Bajonett-Verschluss
Steckverbinder mit Drehverriegelung
Steckverbinder für Chipkarten
Steckverbinder für direktes Stecken
Steckverbinder für direktes Stecken
Steckverbinder für gedruckte Schaltungen
Steckverbinder für Leiterplattenmontage
Steckverbinder mit Schnellkupplung
Steckverbinder mit Zentralschraube
plug connector, circuit connector, male connector
plug connectors, circuit connectors, male connectors
one-piece connector
application related connector
non-touchable connector
fixed connector
free connector, plug straight
sealed connector
shielded connector
heavy-duty connector
assembled connector
rectangular connector
float mounted connector
submersible connector
environment-resistant connector
pre-assembled connector
bayonet nut connector (BNC, Bajonet Neill Concelman)
twist-on connector
smart card connectors
edge board connector
edge-socket connector
printed circuit types
board-mounted connector
quick disconnect connector
connector with center screw
Steuerfreibetrag m
tax-free allowance, tax allowance
Steuerung f
freiprogrammierte Steuerung
control system, controls, control equipment
free programmed control system
aus freien Stücken
of one's own free will
Training n
aus dem Training
freies Training
out of training
free practice
Trittbrettfahrer m
free rider Am., fare dodger
Ãœberlegung f, Nachdenken n, Betrachtung f
nach reiflicher Ãœberlegung, nach reiflichem Nachdenken
eine Ãœberlegung wert
after careful consideration
worth thinking about
Ãœberlegung f
reifliche Ãœberlegung
ohne Ãœberlegung
deep thinking
without thinking
Unterstützung f, Stütze f, Rückhalt m
zur Unterstützung, zugunsten
kostenlose Unterstützung
spezielle Unterstützung, angemessene Unterstützung
angemessene Unterstützung
zur Unterstützung
in support of
free support
specific support
appropriate support
in support of
Verfügungsfreiheit f
free disposition
Verkabelung f
freie Verkabelung
free harnessing
Versicherungsmarkt m
freier Versicherungsmarkt
insurance market
free insurance market
Warenverkehr m
freier Warenverkehr
grenzüberschreitender Warenverkehr
goods traffic, movement of goods
free movement of goods
cross-border trade
Werbemuster n
advertising sample, free sample
Willensfreiheit f
Willensfreiheiten pl
free will
free wills

Deutsche freidenkerisch {adj} [phil.] Synonyme

Doctor  philosophiae  ÂDoktor  der  Philosophie  ÂDr.  phil.  

Englische free-thinking Synonyme

free thinking Definition

(a.) Free from the power of love.
(superl.) Exempt from subjection to the will of others
(superl.) Not under an arbitrary or despotic government
(superl.) Liberated, by arriving at a certain age, from the control of parents, guardian, or master.
(superl.) Not confined or imprisoned
(superl.) Not subjected to the laws of physical necessity
(superl.) Clear of offense or crime
(superl.) Unconstrained by timidity or distrust
(superl.) Unrestrained
(superl.) Not close or parsimonious
(superl.) Exempt
(superl.) Characteristic of one acting without restraint
(superl.) Ready
(superl.) Invested with a particular freedom or franchise
(superl.) Thrown open, or made accessible, to all
(superl.) Not gained by importunity or purchase
(superl.) Not arbitrary or despotic
(superl.) Certain or honorable
(superl.) Privileged or individual
(superl.) Not united or combined with anything else
(adv.) Freely
(adv.) Without charge
(a.) To make free
(a.) To remove, as something that confines or bars
(a.) To frank.
(v. t.) To make free.
(a.) Done by the hand, without support, or the guidance of instruments
(a.) Open-handed
(a.) Open
(n.) One who gratifies his appetites without stint
(n.) Unrestrained indulgence of the appetites.
(n.) The doctrine or practice of consorting with the opposite sex, at pleasure, without marriage.
(n.) One who believes in or practices free-love.
(n.) An imperfect female calf, twinborn with a male.
(a.) Yielding free gold or silver
(a.) Not perplexed
(a.) Pertaining to, or advocating, the non-extension of slavery
(a.) Accustomed to speak without reserve.
(a.) Swimming in the open sea
(a.) Speaking without reserve.
Free will
() A will free from improper coercion or restraint.
Free will
() The power asserted of moral beings of willing or choosing without the restraints of physical or absolute necessity.
(a.) Free from payment of scot
(a.) Not to be injured by shot
(a.) Free from charge or expense
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Think
(a.) Having the faculty of thought
(n.) The act of thinking

free thinking Bedeutung

foul shot
free throw
penalty free throw
charity toss
charity throw
charity shot
an unhindered basketball shot from the foul line, given to penalize the other team for committing a foul
free kick (soccer) a place kick that is allowed for a foul or infringement by the other team
extramarital sex
free love
sexual intercourse between individuals who are not married to one another
free time
spare time
time that is free from duties or responsibilities
free trade international trade free of government interference
North American Free Trade Agreement
an agreement for free trade between the United States and Canada and Mexico, became effective in for ten years
a noisy fight in a crowd
pardon free pardon
the formal act of liberating someone
free-tailed bat
freetailed bat
small swift insectivorous bat with leathery ears and a long tail, common in warm regions
free house a public house that is not controlled by a brewery and so is free to sell different brands of beer and ale
free throw lane a lane on a basketball court extending from the end line to feet in front of the backboard, players may not enter this lane during a free throw
weight free weight
exercising weight
sports equipment used in calisthenic exercises and weightlifting, it is not attached to anything and is raised and lowered by use of the hands and arms
grace grace of God
free grace
(Christian theology) the free and unmerited favor or beneficence of God, God's grace is manifested in the salvation of sinners, there but for the grace of God go I
free living a lifestyle given to easy indulgence of the appetites
free fall
a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity, a drop of points on the Dow Jones index, there was a drop in pressure in the pulmonary artery, a dip in prices, when that became known the price of their stock went into free fall
free will
the power of making free choices unconstrained by external agencies
free phagocyte a phagocyte that circulates in the blood
free nerve ending microscopic sensory nerve endings in the skin that are not connected to any specific sensory receptor
creative thinking
the ability to create
thought process
the process of using your mind to consider something carefully, thinking always made him frown, she paused for thought
free association a thought process in which ideas (words or images) suggest other ideas in a sequence
logical thinking
abstract thought
thinking that is coherent and logical
analytic thinking
the abstract separation of a whole into its constituent parts in order to study the parts and their relations
synthetic thinking
the combination of ideas into a complex whole
convergent thinking thinking that brings together information focussed on solving a problem (especially solving problems that have a single correct solution)
divergent thinking
out-of-the-box thinking
thinking that moves away in diverging directions so as to involve a variety of aspects and which sometimes lead to novel ideas and solutions, associated with creativity
lateral thinking a heuristic for solving problems, you try to look at the problem from many angles instead of tackling it head-on
wishful thinking the illusion that what you wish for is actually true
nonparametric statistic
distribution free statistic
a statistic computed without knowledge of the form or the parameters of the distribution from which observations are drawn
free thought
the form of theological rationalism that believes in God on the basis of reason without reference to revelation
free press a press not restricted or controlled by government censorship regarding politics or ideology
rural free delivery
free government delivery of mail in outlying country areas
free morpheme
free form
a morpheme that can occur alone
free verse
vers libre
unrhymed verse without a consistent metrical pattern
free list a list of commodities that are not subject to tariffs
parenthesis-free notation a notation for forming mathematical expressions that does not use parentheses to delimit components
free fall the ideal falling motion of something subject only to a gravitational field
gluten-free diet diet prescribed to treat celiac disease, eliminates such foods as wheat and rye and oats and beans and cabbage and turnips and cucumbers that are rich in gluten
low-sodium diet
low-salt diet
salt-free diet
a diet that limits the intake of salt (sodium chloride), often used in treating hypertension or edema or certain other disorders
free people
people who are free, the home of the free and the brave
Free French
Fighting French
a French movement during World War II that was organized in London by Charles de Gaulle to fight for the liberation of France from German control and for the restoration of the republic
Free World antiommunist countries collectively
Free Soil Party a former political party in the United States, formed in to oppose the extension of slavery into the territories, merged with the Liberty Party in
market economy
free enterprise
private enterprise
laissez-faire economy
an economy that relies chiefly on market forces to allocate goods and resources and to determine prices
free port a port open on equal terms to all commercial vessels
free port
free zone
an area adjoining a port where goods that are intended for reshipment can be received and stored without payment of duties
Free State Orange Free State a province in central South Africa that was colonized by the Boers, named Free State in
free state any state prohibiting slavery prior to the American Civil War
Old Line State
Free State MD
a Mid-Atlantic state, one of the original colonies
free electron electron that is not attached to an atom or ion or molecule but is free to move under the influence of an electric field
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