
fruit processing Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Obstverwertung f agr.
data processing
durch automatische Datenverarbeitung
by automatic data processing
durch automatische Datenverarbeitung
by methods of automated data processing
durch elektronische Datenverarbeitung
by methods of electronic data processing
elektronische Datenverarbeitung
electronic data processing
processing time
Frucht tragen
yield fruit
Frucht, Ertrag, Ergebnis, Resultat
mit der Durchführung befaßt, Anreiz
involved in processing
Verarbeitung der Information
information processing
Verarbeitung von Aufgabensätzen (EDV)
batch processing
Abarbeitungszeit f
processing time
Abarbeitungszyklus m
processing cycle
Abfertigung f (Zoll)
clearing, processing
Ablauflogik f
processing logic
Abwasseraufbereitungsanlage f
Abwasseraufbereitungsanlagen pl
liquid waste processing system
liquid waste processing systems
Abwicklung f (eines Vorganges)
Abwicklungszentrum n
order processing center
Adressdatenverarbeitung f
address data processing
Alphaverarbeitung f, Buchstabenverarbeitung f
alpha processing
Analogdatenverarbeitung f
analogue data processing
Analogsignalverarbeitung f
analog signal processing
Annona f bot.
soursop fruit, annona, sugar apple
Antragsbearbeitung f
processing of the applications
Anwendungsverarbeitung f
application processing
Arbeitsmaschine f
Arbeitsmaschinen pl
processing machine, work machine
processing machines, work machines
Arithmetik-Prozessor m, Co-Prozessor m
arithmetic processing unit
Asynchronbetrieb m techn.
asynchronous processing, asynchronous working
Aufbereitungskapazität f, Aufbereitungsleistung f
treatment capacity, processing capacity
Auftragsabwicklung f
processing of orders, order procedure, order processing, order transaction
Auftragsbearbeitung f
purchase order processing
Bearbeitungsgebühr f, Bearbeitungsentgelt n
Bearbeitungsgebühren pl, Bearbeitungsentgelte pl
arrangement fee, processing fee
arrangement fees, processing fees
Bearbeitungsvermerk m
Bearbeitungsvermerke pl
processing comment
processing comments
Beerenobst n
soft fruit
Bildverarbeitung f
elektronische Bildverarbeitung (EBV)
image processing
digital image processing (DIP)
Datenverarbeiten n
data processing
Datenverarbeitung f
Datenverarbeitungen pl
automatisierte Datenverarbeitung f
dezentralisierte Datenverarbeitung f
graphische Datenverarbeitung f
kommerzielle Datenverarbeitung f
data processing, data handling
data processings
automatic data processing
decentralized data processing
computer graphics
business data processing
Dialogdatenverarbeitung f
interactive data processing
Dialogverarbeitung f
transaction processing
Dörrobst n
dried fruit
Drops m, n
saure Drops
fruit drop
acid drops
Druckstelle f (an Obst)
Druckstellen bekommen
bruise (on fruit)
to bruise
Echtzeitverarbeitung f
real-time processing
Ei n
Eier pl
faules Ei
gekochtes Ei
egg, hen fruit Am. coll.
rotten egg
boiled egg
Erdölverarbeitung f
processing of crude oil
Fakturierung f
invoicing, invoice processing
Filmverarbeitung f
film processing
Fleisch verarbeitend
Fleischverarbeitung f
meat processing
Frucht f
Früchte pl
Früchte tragen
die Früchte der Erde
to bear fruit
the fruits of the earth
Fruchteinwaage f
net weight of fruit
Fruchteis n
fruit ice cream
Fruchtfleisch n
(fruit) flesh
Fruchtsaft m
fruit juice
Früchtebrot n, Kletzenbrot n cook.
fruit loaf, christmas fruit bread, fruit cake
Früchtekorb m
Früchtekörbe pl
fruit basket
fruit baskets
Grafikdatenverarbeitung f, Graphikdatenverarbeitung f
graphic data processing
Grütze f cook.
rote Grütze
red fruit pudding
Hintergrundverarbeitung f comp.
background processing
Industrie f, Gewerbe n
Industrien pl
fleischverarbeitende Industrie
meat processing industry
Informationsverarbeitung f
information processing
Jobbearbeitung f, Auftragsbearbeitung f
job processing
Kernobst n bot.
pomaceous fruit, pomes, pipfruit
Kiwifrucht f bot. cook.
kiwi fruit, Chinese gooseberry
Kommentarverarbeitung f
comment processing
Kompott m cook.
stewed fruit, compote
Kompottschale f
Kompottschalen pl
compote, fruit bowl
compotes, fruit bowls
Kontoführung f, Kontenbearbeitung f
account processing
Kunststoffverarbeitung f
polymer processing
Kunststoffverarbeitungsmaschine f
polymer processing machine
Maracuja f, Passionsfrucht f bot. cook.
passion fruit
Maracujasaft m
passion fruit nectar
Massenabfertigung f
mass processing
Messdatenverarbeitung f
measurement data processing
digitales Messdatenverarbeitungssystem techn.
digital measurement data processing system
Mineralaufbereitung f
mineral processing
Most m, Süßmost m
fruit juice
Most m (vergoren), Fruchtwein m
fruit wine
Obst n
Ich mag Obst.
I like fruit.
Obstanbau m, Obstbau m agr.
Obstbaum m
Obstbäume pl
fruit tree
fruit trees
Obsternte f agr.
Obsternten pl
crop of fruit
crops of fruit
Obstler m, Obstbrand m
fruit brandy
Obstsaft m
fruit juice
Obstsalat m, Fruchtsalat m cook.
fruit salad
Obsttag m
day for eating only fruit
Obstzucht f
fruit farm
Ölfrucht f bot. agr.
Ölfrüchte pl
oleaginous fruit
oleaginous fruits
Prozessdatenverarbeitung f
real-time data processing
Rechenzentrum n
Rechenzentren pl
data processing center
data processing centers
Rohkost f cook.
uncooked vegetarian food, raw fruit and vegetables
Sachbearbeitung f
Sammelfrucht f bot.
Sammelfrüchte pl
aggregate fruit
aggregate fruits
Schale f (Obst, Gemüse)
skin (fruit, vegetable)
Scheinfrucht f bot.
Scheinfrüchte pl
Schließfrucht f bot.
einsamige trockene Schließfrucht
indehiscent fruit
Signalaufbereitung f
signal processing
Signalverarbeitung f
analoge und digitale Signalverarbeitung f
signal processing
analogue and digital signal processing
Spalierobst n
espalier fruit
Sprachverarbeitung f
speech processing
Sprechverarbeitung f
voice processing
Springfrucht f bot.
Springfrüchte pl
dehiscent fruit
dehiscent fruits
Stapelbetrieb m comp.
batch processing
Stapelfernverarbeitung f comp.
remote batch processing
Stapelverarbeitung f, Batchbetrieb m comp.
batch processing
Stein m, Kern m (Steinfrucht)
pit (stone fruit)
Steinfrucht f bot.
Steinfrüchte pl
drupe, drupaceous fruit
Steinfrucht f
stone fruit
Steinobst n
stone fruit
Stollen m, Stolle f, Weihnachtsstollen m, Christstollen m cook.
fruit loaf, fruit cake, stollen Am. (eaten at Christmas)
Südfrucht f
Südfrüchte pl
tropical fruit
tropical fruits
Synchronbetrieb m
synchronous processing
Tafelobst n cook.
dessert fruit
Tandembetrieb m
tandem processing
Textbearbeitung f
word processing, text editing
Textverarbeitung f
text processing
Textverarbeitung f
word processing
Textverarbeitungsprogramm n
text processing program
Verarbeitung f, Weiterverarbeitung f, Bearbeitung f
rechnerunabhängige Verarbeitung
off-line processing
Verarbeitungsteil m
processing section
Verarbeitungsstabilität f
processing stability
Verarbeitungstemperatur f
processing temperature
Verarbeitungstiefe f
processing depth
Vorrangverarbeitung f
priority processing
Wafer m electr.
Bearbeitung von Wafern
Ausrüstung zur Bearbeitung von Wafern
wafer processing
wafer processing equipment
Weiterbehandlung f
further processing
Zentraleinheit f
central processing unit
Zitrusfrucht f
Zitrusfrüchte pl
citrus fruit
citrus fruit
Zwergobst n bot.
dwarf fruit, miniature fruit
Zwergobstbaum n bot.
dwarf fruit tree, miniature fruit tree
(Vorgang) abwickeln v
wickelt ab
wickelte ab
to process
bearbeiten, abarbeiten v
bearbeitend, abarbeitend
bearbeitet, abgearbeitet
bearbeitet, arbeitet ab
bearbeitete, arbeitete ab
to process
entkernen (Steinobst)
to stone (stone fruit)
holzverarbeitend adj
holzverarbeitende Industrie
timber processing
timber processing industry
kandieren v cook.
kandierte Früchte
to candy, to glaze
candied fruit
verarbeiten, weiter verarbeiten, entwickeln v
verarbeitend, weiter verarbeitend, entwickelnd
verarbeitet, weiter verarbeitet, entwickelt
verarbeitet, verarbeitet weiter, entwickelt
verarbeitete, verarbeitete weiter, entwickelte
to process
verarbeitungsstabil adj
processing stable
An der Frucht erkennt man den Baum.
The tree is known by its fruit.
Verbotene Früchte schmecken am besten., Verbotene Speise schmeckt am besten. Sprw.
Forbidden fruit taste the sweetest. prov.
Fruchtfliege f zool.
Fruchtfliegen pl
fruit fly
fruit flies
Halmaherafruchttaube f ornith.
Moluccan Rufous-be. Fruit Pigeon
Hufeisen-Fruchttaube f ornith.
Grey-necked Fruit Pigeon
Bronzerücken-Fruchttaube f ornith.
Mountain Rufous-be. Fruit Pigeon
Finschfruchttaube f ornith.
Finsch's Rufous-be. Fruit Pigeon
Schwarzhals-Fruchttaube f ornith.
Black-collared Fruit Pigeon
Rotbauch-Fruchttaube f ornith.
Rufous-bellied Fruit Pigeon
Amethysttaube f ornith.
Greater Brown Fruit Dove
Ohrstreiftaube f ornith.
Lesser Brown Fruit Dove
Negrosfruchttaube f ornith.
Ripley's Fruit Dove
Goldstirn-Fruchttaube f ornith.
Orange-fronted Fruit Dove

Deutsche Obstverwertung {f} [agr.] Synonyme

Englische fruit-processing Synonyme

fruit processing Definition

(n.) A plant of Sierra Leone which yields a wholesome, creamy juice.
(v. t.) Whatever is produced for the nourishment or enjoyment of man or animals by the processes of vegetable growth, as corn, grass, cotton, flax, etc.
(v. t.) The pulpy, edible seed vessels of certain plants, especially those grown on branches above ground, as apples, oranges, grapes, melons, berries, etc. See 3.
(v. t.) The ripened ovary of a flowering plant, with its contents and whatever parts are consolidated with it.
(v. t.) The spore cases or conceptacles of flowerless plants, as of ferns, mosses, algae, etc., with the spores contained in them.
(v. t.) The produce of animals
(v. t.) That which is produced
(v. i.) To bear fruit.
(a.) Having the odor, taste, or appearance of fruit
Grape fruit
() The shaddock.

fruit processing Bedeutung

fruit bat
large Old World bat of warm and tropical regions that feeds on fruit
harpy harpy bat
tube-nosed bat
tube-nosed fruit bat
any of various fruit bats of the genus Nyctimene distinguished by nostrils drawn out into diverging tubes
fruit fly
pomace fly
any of numerous small insects whose larvae feed on fruits
Mediterranean fruit fly
Ceratitis capitata
small black-and-white fly that damages citrus and other fruits by implanting eggs that hatch inside the fruit
central processing unit
central processor
(computer science) the part of a computer (a microprocessor chip) that does most of the data processing, the CPU and the memory form the central part of a computer to which the peripherals are attached
computing machine
computing device
data processor
electronic computer
information processing system
a machine for performing calculations automatically
computer system
computing system
automatic data processing system
ADP system
a system of one or more computers and associated software with common storage
fruit machine a coin-operated gambling machine that produces random combinations of symbols (usually pictures of different fruits) on rotating dials, certain combinations win money for the player
an amount of a product
forbidden fruit originally an apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden, it is now used to refer to anything that is tempting but dangerous (as sexuality)
information science
information processing
the sciences concerned with gathering, manipulating, storing, retrieving, and classifying recorded information
natural language processing
human language technology
the branch of information science that deals with natural language information
natural language processor
natural language processing application
an application program that deals with natural language text
word processor
word processing system
an application that provides the user with tools needed to write and edit and format text and to send it to a printer
fruit of the poisonous tree a rule that once primary evidence is determined to have been illegally obtained any secondary evidence following from it may also not be used
list-processing language
a flexible procedure-oriented programing language that manipulates symbols in the form of lists
fruit the consequence of some effort or action, he lived long enough to see the fruit of his policies
fruit cocktail a mixture of sliced or diced fruits
candied fruit
crystallized fruit
fruit cooked in sugar syrup and encrusted with a sugar crystals
fruit compote
dessert of stewed or baked fruit
fruit custard a custard containing fruit
fruit bar cookies containing chopped fruits either mixed in the dough or spread between layers of dough then baked and cut in bars
edible fruit edible reproductive body of a seed plant especially one having sweet flesh
star fruit
deeply ridged yellow-brown tropical fruit, used raw as a vegetable or in salad or when fully ripe as a dessert
citrus fruit
citrous fruit
any of numerous fruits of the genus Citrus having thick rind and juicy pulp, grown in warm regions
ugli fruit
large sweet juicy hybrid between tangerine and grapefruit having a thick wrinkled skin
dried fruit fruit preserved by drying
passion fruit egg-shaped tropical fruit of certain passionflower vines, used for sherbets and confectionery and drinks
genipap fruit
a succulent orange-sized tropical fruit with a thick rind
kiwi fruit
Chinese gooseberry
fuzzy brown egg-shaped fruit with slightly tart green flesh
fruit salad salad composed of fruits
fruit juice
fruit crush
drink produced by squeezing or crushing fruit
fruit drink
a sweetened beverage of diluted fruit juice
fruit punch a punch made of fruit juices mixed with water or soda water (with or without alcohol)
fruit grower someone who grows fruit commercially
key fruit
a winged often one-seed indehiscent fruit as of the ash or elm or maple
banana passion fruit
Passiflora mollissima
cultivated for fruit
fruit tree tree bearing edible fruit
genipap fruit
marmalade box
Genipa Americana
tree of the West Indies and northern South America bearing succulent edible orange-sized fruit
tangelo tree
ugli fruit
Citrus tangelo
hybrid between grapefruit and mandarin orange, cultivated especially in Florida
fruit the ripened reproductive body of a seed plant
aggregate fruit
multiple fruit
fruit consisting of many individual small fruits or drupes derived from separate ovaries within a common receptacle: e.g. blackberry, raspberry, pineapple
simple fruit
an indehiscent fruit derived from a single ovary having one or many seeds within a fleshy wall or pericarp: e.g. grape, tomato, cranberry
stone fruit
fleshy indehiscent fruit with a single seed: e.g. almond, peach, plum, cherry, elderberry, olive, jujube
false fruit
a fleshy fruit (apple or pear or related fruits) having seed chambers and an outer fleshy part
accessory fruit
fruit containing much fleshy tissue besides that of the ripened ovary, as apple or strawberry
administrative data processing
business data processing
data processing in accounting or business management
automatic data processing
data processing by a computer
background processing
the execution of low priority programs while higher priority programs are not using the processing system
batch processing the serial execution of computer programs
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In botany, a fruit is the seed-bearing structure in flowering plants formed from the ovary after flowering.