
fuel guzzler Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Spritfresser m ugs. auto
Spritfresser pl
fuel-guzzler; petrol-guzzler Br.; gas-guzzler Am. coll.
fuel-guzzlers; petrol-guzzlers; gas-guzzlers
Brennstoff, Treibstoff
Asche f
Oxidasche f
eingebrachte Asche
oxidized ash
ash in fuel
Auslegungsbrennstoff m mach.
design-based fuel
Benzinprobe f
fuel control
Benzinpumpe f techn.
fuel pump, petrol pump
Benzinschlauch m
fuel feed pipe
Benzinuhr f, Tankuhr f
fuel consumption gauge, fuel gauge, petrol gauge
Benzinverbrauch m
fuel consumption
Benzinverschwender m
gas guzzler
Brennelement n
Brennelemente pl
fuel assembly
fuel assemblies
Brennerrücklauf m (Rohr im Brenner) mach.
burner fuel return barrel
Brennerrücklaufleitung f mach.
Brennerrücklaufleitungen pl
burner fuel return line
burner fuel return lines
Brennerrücklaufmenge f mach.
burner fuel return flow
Brennervorlauf m (Rohr im Brenner) mach.
burner fuel supply barrel
Brennervorlaufleitung f mach.
Brennervorlaufleitungen pl
burner fuel supply line
burner fuel supply lines
Brennervorlaufmenge f mach.
burner fuel supply flow
Brenngas f mach.
fuel gas, gaseous fuel, combustible gas
Brennschneiden n techn.
autogenes Brennschneiden
gas cutting, flame cutting
oxy-fuel cutting
Brennstab m
fuel rod
Brennstoff m, Brennmaterial n, Treibstoff m, Kraftstoff m
Brennstoffe pl, Brennmaterialien pl, Treibstoffe pl, Kraftstoffe pl
fossiler Brennstoff, konventioneller Brennstoff
fester Brennstoff
gasförmiger Brennstoff
schwieriger Brennstoff
mit Brennstoff versorgen
ohne Treibstoff
mit zwei verschiedenen Brennstoffen
Brennstoff aus Müll
fossil fuel
solid fuel
gaseous fuel
problem fuel
to fuel
refuse-derived fuel
Brennstoff-Luftverhältnis-Regelung f mach.
fuel-air ration control
Brennstoffanalyse f mach.
Brennstoffanalysen pl
fuel analysis
fuel analyses
Brennstoffasche f mach.
fuel ash
Brennstoffaufbereitung f mach.
fuel preperation, fuel treatment
Brennstoffaufgabe f mach.
fuel feed
Brennstoffballastgehalt m mach.
fuel inerts content
Brennstoffbedarf m
fuel requirement
Brennstoffbelastung f
fuel loading
Brennstoffeigenschaft f mach.
Brennstoffeigenschaften pl
fuel property
fuel properties
Brennstoffentmischung f mach.
fuel size segregation
Brennstofffilter m
Brennstofffilter pl
fuel filter
fuel filters
Brennstoffknappheit f
fuel shortage
Brennstoffverriegelung f mach.
fuel feed interlock
Brennstoffvorschub m mach.
fuel feeding
Brennstoffwärme f mach.
eingebrachte Brennstoffwärme
spezifischer Brennstoffwärmeverbrauch
fuel heat
fuel heat input
fuel heat rate
Brennstoffwähler m mach.
Brennstoffwähler pl
fuel selector
fuel selectors
Brennstoffzelle f
Brennstoffzellen pl
alkalische Brennstoffzelle
phosphorsaure Brennstoffzelle
fuel cell
fuel cells
alkaline fuel cell (AFC)
direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC)
solid polymer fuel cell (SPFC)
solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC)
phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC)
proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC)
molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC)
Brennstoffpumpe f mach.
Brennstoffpumpen pl
fuel feed pump
fuel feed pumps
Brennstoffschicht f mach.
fuel bed
Brennstoffschichthöhe f mach.
fuel bed depth
Brennstoffschichthöhenregler m mach.
fuel bed depth regulator, coal gate
Brennstoffsorte f mach.
fuel grade
Brennstoffteilchen n mach.
Brennstoffteilchen pl
fuel particle
fuel particles
Brennstoffverbrauch m mach.
fuel consumption
Brennstoffverhalten n mach.
fuel behaviour Br., fuel behavior Am., fuel performance
Brennstoffzerstäubung f mach.
fuel atomization
Brennstoffzuführung f
fuel feed, fuel supply
Bunker m, Treibstofftank m
Bunker pl, Treibstofftanks pl
bunker, fuel oil bunker
bunkers, fuel oil bunkers
Dieselkraftstoff m
diesel fuel
Einspritzleitung f auto
fuel injector rail
Einspritzmotor m techn.
Einspritzmotoren pl
fuel-injected engine, engine with fuel injection
fuel-injected engines, engines with fuel injection
Einspritzpumpe f techn.
Einspritzpumpen pl
injection pump, fuel injection pump
injection pumps, fuel injection pumps
Einspritzung f auto
injection, fuel injection
Feuerungstechnik f
fuel technology
Feuerungsverlust m techn.
unburned fuel loss
Feuerzeugbenzin n
lighter fuel
Flugbenzin n aviat.
jet fuel
Flugzeugbenzin n, Flugbenzin n aviat.
aviation fuel
Hausbrand m
domestic fuel
Heizgas n
heating gas, fuel gas
Heizöl n
fuel oil, heating oil
Heizöl-Pump- und Vorwärmstation f mach.
Heizöl-Pump- und Vorwärmstationen pl
fuel oil pump and heater set
fuel oil pump and heater sets
Heizölbrenner m mach.
Heizölbrenner pl
fuel oil burner
fuel oil burners
Heizölstation f mach.
Heizölstationen pl
fuel oil supply station
fuel oil supply stations
Heizölzerstäuber m mach.
Heizölzerstäuber pl
fuel oil atomizer
fuel oil atomizers
Hochgeschwindigkeitsflammspritzen n
high velocity oxygen fuel spraying (HVOF)
Kernbrennstoff m
nuclear fuel
Kerosin n, Düsentreibstoff m
jet propellant (JP fuel)
Kraftstoffeinspritzdüse f
fuel injection pump
Kraftstoffeinspritzung f auto
fuel injection
Kraftstofffilter m, Kraftstoffilter m alt auto
fuel filter
Kraftstoffmangel m
Kraftstoffmangel haben
fuel shortage
to be low on fuel
Kraftstoffpumpe f auto
elektrische Kraftstoffpumpe
fuel pump
electric fuel pump
Kraftstoffschnellablass m aviat.
fuel dumping
Kraftstofftank m
Kraftstofftanks pl
selbstdichtender Kraftstofftank
fuel tank, petrol tank
fuel tanks, petrol tanks
self-sealing fuel tank
Kraftstoffverbrauch m
fuel consumption
Kraftstoffvorwärmumg m
fuel preheating
Leerlaufsystem n techn.
Leerlaufsysteme pl
idle fuel system
idle fuel systems
Luft-Kraftstoff-Verhältnis n, Gemischzusammensetzung f
air-fuel ratio
Mehrstoffbrenner m techn.
Mehrstoffbrenner pl
multi-fuel burner
multi-fuel burners
Öl n
ohne Öl
Öl ablassen
Öl ins Feuer gießen übtr.
to discharge oil, to discharge oily mixture
to add fuel to the fire
Öltank n
fuel tank, oil tank
Raketentreibstoff m
rocket fuel
Tankdeckel m, Tankverschluss m
fuel tank cap, filler cap, gas cap
Treibgas n
fuel gas
Treibstofflager n
Treibstofflager pl
fuel depot, petrol dump
fuel depots, petrol dumps
Treibstofftank m (im Flugzeug) aviat.
Treibstofftanks pl
abwerfbarer Zusatztank (eines Flugzeugs)
fuel cell
fuel cells
droppable external fuel tank
Vielstoffmotor m techn.
Vielstoffmotoren pl
multi-fuel engine
multi-fuel engines
Zweistoffdüse f techn.
Zweistoffdüsen pl
binary fuel nozzle
binary fuel nozzles
anheizen, anfachen, schüren
to fuel
tanken v v
to fuel (up)
Ammoniaktanklager n techn.
ammonia fuel depot
diesel fuel
Brennmaterial, Brennstoff, Treibstoff
fuel consumption gauge
fuel feed
fuel gas
fuel injection pump
fuel oil
fuel pump
fuel requirement
gas guzzler
to fuel
Abklingbecken n (Kernreaktor)
Abklingbecken pl
fuel cooling pond; fuel cooling pool; water storage pool (nuclear reactor)
fuel cooling ponds; fuel cooling pools; water storage pools
Abstandsgestell n; Sicherheitsbehälter m (Kerntechnik)
spent fuel rack; birdcage (nuclear engineering)
Asche f
Oxidasche f
eingebrachte Asche
resurgente Asche
vulkanische Asche
Asche zu Asche
in Asche legen
Asche auf über mein Haupt!
in Sack und Asche gehen (Buße tun) übtr.
oxidized ash
ash in fuel
accessory ash
volcanic ash
ashes to ashes
to reduce to ashes
Mea culpa!
to put on wear sackcloth and ashes fig.
Benzindirekteinspritzung f auto
fuel stratified injection FSI
Benzinhahn m auto
Benzinhähne pl
fuel petcock
fuel petcocks
Benzinverschwender m; Spritschleuder f ugs.
Benzinverschwender pl; Spritschleudern pl
gas guzzler
gas guzzlers
Betankungsfahrzeug n; Betankungswagen m; Tankfahrzeug n (am Flughafen) aviat.
Betankungsfahrzeuge pl; Betankungswagen pl; Tankfahrzeuge pl
bowser Br.; fuel truck Am. (at the airport)
bowsers; fuel trucks
Biomassebrennstoff m
biomass fuel
Brennelement n (Kerntechnik) techn.
Brennelemente pl
abgebrannte Brennelemente
schadhaftes Brennelement
Brennelemente enthülsen enthüllen
fuel element; fuel assembly (nuclear engineering)
fuel elements; fuel assemblies
spent fuel (element)
failed element; burst slug
to decan declad fuel elements
Brennelementesteuer f
fuel rod tax
Brenngas f mach.
fuel gas; gaseous fuel; combustible gas
Brennschneiden n techn.
autogenes Brennschneiden
gas cutting; flame cutting
oxy-fuel cutting
Brennstab m; Kernbrennstab m (für Kernkraftwerke) techn.
Brennstäbe pl; Kernbrennstäbe pl
Aufwärtsbewegung der Brennstäbe
(reactor) fuel rod; nuclear fuel rod (for nuclear power plants)
fuel rods; nuclear fuel rods
fly-off of the fuel rods
Brennstoff m; Brennmaterial n; Treibstoff m; Kraftstoff m; Sprit m ugs.
Brennstoffe pl; Brennmaterialien pl; Treibstoffe pl; Kraftstoffe pl
fossiler Brennstoff; konventioneller Brennstoff; Fossilbrennstoff m
fester Brennstoff
gasförmiger Brennstoff
schwieriger Brennstoff
mit Brennstoff versorgen
ohne Treibstoff
mit zwei verschiedenen Brennstoffen
Brennstoff aus Müll
fossil fuel
solid fuel; combustible
gaseous fuel
problem fuel
to fuel
refuse-derived fuel
Brennstoffaufbereitung f mach.
fuel preperation; fuel treatment
Brennstoffzelle f chem. electr.
Brennstoffzellen pl
alkalische Brennstoffzelle
phosphorsaure Brennstoffzelle
fuel cell
fuel cells
alkaline fuel cell AFC
direct methanol fuel cell DMFC
solid polymer fuel cell SPFC
solid oxide fuel cell SOFC
carbon fuel cell
phosphoric acid fuel cell PAFC
proton exchange membrane fuel cell PEMFC
molten carbonate fuel cell MCFC
Brennstoffpellet n (aus Abfällen) envir.
Brennstoffpellets pl
fuel pellet (from waste)
fuel pellets
Brennstoffschichthöhenregler m mach.
fuel bed depth regulator; coal gate
Brennstoffverhalten n mach.
fuel behaviour Br.; fuel behavior Am.; fuel performance
Brennstoffzerstäubung f mach.
fuel atomization eAm.; atomisation Br.
Brennstoffzuführung f
fuel feed; fuel supply
Bunker m; Treibstofftank m
Bunker pl; Treibstofftanks pl
bunker; fuel oil bunker
bunkers; fuel oil bunkers
Dieselkraftstoff m; Diesel m; Sprit m ugs.
diesel fuel; diesel
Düsentreibstoff m aviat.
jet propellant; JP fuel
Einsparung f; Ersparnis f (bei etw.)
Einsparungen pl; Ersparnise pl
eine Einsparung Ersparnis von 50.000 EUR
Der neue Motor wird zu Einsparungen beim Treibstoff führen.
saving (in sth.)
a saving of EUR 50 000
The new engine will lead to savings in fuel.
Einspritzmengen-Regelung f auto
control of the fuel quantity injected
Einspritzmotor m techn.
Einspritzmotoren pl
fuel-injected engine; engine with fuel injection
fuel-injected engines; engines with fuel injection
Einspritzpumpe f techn.
Einspritzpumpen pl
injection pump; fuel injection pump
injection pumps; fuel injection pumps
Einspritzpumpenrad n
Einspritzpumpenräder pl
fuel injection pump pulley
fuel injection pump pulleys
Einspritzung f auto
sequentielle Einspritzung
simultane Einspritzung
zentrale Einspritzung
injection; fuel injection
sequential injection
simultaneous injection
central injection
Einspritzzeitpunkt m techn.
fuel injection timing
Ersatzbrennstoff m
substitute fuel
Feststoff m; fester Stoff m; fester Bestandteil m
Feststoffe pl; feste Stoffe; feste Bestandteile
Festtreibstoff m; Feststoff m (Raumfahrt)
Feststoffe in Flüssigkeiten
schwer löslicher Feststoff (Öl)
die wasserlöslichen festen Bestandteile des Kaffees
solid; solid matter
sold propellant; solid fuel (astronautics)
suspended solids
propping agent
the water-soluble solids of coffee
Flugtreibstoff m; Kerosin n aviat.
aviation fuel
Haushaltsheizöl n
domestic fuel oil
Heizgas n
heating gas; fuel gas
Heizmaterial n
fuel; heating fuel; heating material
Heizöl n
fuel oil; heating oil; combustion fuel
Hochgeschwindigkeitsflammspritzen n
high velocity oxygen fuel spraying HVOF
Kerosinzuschlag m aviat. adm.
(aviation) fuel surcharge
Kloben m; unbearbeiteter Holzklotz (als Brennstoff)
log (for fuel)
Klopffestigkeitswert m (Treibstoff) auto
Klopffestigkeitswerte pl
anti-knock value (fuel)
anti-knock values
Kohlebrenner m mach.
Kohlebrenner pl
pulverized-fuel burner; PF burner; coal burner
pulverized-fuel burners; PF burners; coal burners
Kraftstoffeinspritzdüse f
Kraftstoffeinspritzdüsen pl
fuel injection pump
fuel injection pumps

fuel guzzler Definition

(n.) Any matter used to produce heat by burning
(n.) Anything that serves to feed or increase passion or excitement.
(v. t.) To feed with fuel.
(v. t.) To store or furnish with fuel or firing.
(n.) An immoderate drinker.

fuel guzzler Bedeutung

fuel-air explosive
a device consisting of a container of fuel and two explosive charges, the first charge bursts open the fuel container at a predetermined height and spreads the fuel in a cloud that mixes with atmospheric oxygen, the second charge detonates the cloud which creates an enormous blast wave and incinerates whatever is below
fuel cell cell that produces electricity by oxidation of fuel (hydrogen and oxygen or zinc and air), often used in electric cars
fuel filter a filter in the fuel line that screens out dirt and rust particles from the fuel
fuel gauge
fuel indicator
an indicator of the amount of fuel remaining in a vehicle
fuel injection
fuel injection system
mechanical system to inject atomized fuel directly into the cylinders of an internalombustion engine, avoids the need for a carburetor
fuel line
gas line petrol line
a pipe that carries gasoline from a tank to a gasoline engine, the car wouldn't start because dirt clogged the gas line
fuel system equipment in a motor vehicle or aircraft that delivers fuel to the engine
gas guzzler a car with relatively low fuel efficiency
fuel pod
a detachable container of fuel on an airplane
thermobaric bomb
fuel-air bomb
vacuum bomb
volume-detonation bomb
aerosol bomb
a bomb that uses a fuel-air explosive, a thermobaric bomb can create overpressures equal to an atomic bomb
a drinker who swallows large amounts greedily
guzzler someone who drinks heavily (especially alcoholic beverages), he's a beer guzzler every night
fuel level the amount of fuel remaining
fuel consumption rate
gasoline mileage
gas mileage
the ratio of the number of miles traveled to the number of gallons of gasoline burned
diesel oil
diesel fuel
a heavy mineral oil used as fuel in diesel engines
fossil fuel fuel consisting of the remains of organisms preserved in rocks in the earth's crust with high carbon and hydrogen content
fuel oil
heating oil
a petroleum product used for fuel
nuclear fuel fuel (such as uranium) that can be used in nuclear reactors as a source of electricity
rocket fuel
rocket propellant
rocket propellent
an explosive charge that propels a rocket
fuel a substance that can be consumed to produce energy, more fuel is needed during the winter months, they developed alternative fuels for aircraft
fuel stimulate, fuel the debate on creationism
fuel take in fuel, as of a ship, The tanker fueled in Bahrain
fuel provide with a combustible substance that provides energy, fuel aircraft, ships, and cars
fuel fire provide with fuel, Oil fires the furnace
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A fuel is any material that can be made to react with other substances so that it releases chemical or nuclear energy as heat or to be used for work. The concept was originally applied solely to those materials capable of releasing chemical energy but has since also been applied to other sources of heat energy such as nuclear energy .

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