
full breasted Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

vollbrüstig adj
vollbrüstig adj anat.
full-breasted; mammose; mastous
alle Gefahren
the full risk
alle Kosten
the full cost
ausführliche Beschreibung
full description
ausführlicher Bericht
full account
ausreichende Versorgung
full supply
der Käufer trägt alle Gefahren
the buyer bears the full cost
der Käufer trägt alle Risiken
the buyer bears the full risk
der volle Name
name in full
detaillieren, volle Angaben machen
give full particulars
die vollständige Bezeichnung
the full description
einer Person Vollmacht geben
give a person full powers
eingehende Beschreibung
full particulars
full particulars
ganz bezahlen
pay in full
ganz, völlig
ganze Länge
full length
ganze Seite
full page
ganztägig arbeiten
work full-time
Ganztagsbeschäftigung, Ganztagsarbeit
full-time employment
Ganztagsbeschäftigung, Ganztagsarbeit
full-time job
Ganztagsbeschäftigung, Ganztagsarbeit
full-time work
full-time school
full amount
hauptberuflicher Vertreter
full-time agent
mit vollem Namen unterzeichnen
sign in full
muss ein voller Satz sein
must be a full set
nach Erhalt der vollen Zahlung
when full payment has been received
Näheres, Einzelheiten
full particulars
Politik der Vollbeschäftigung
policy of full employment
full stop
sämtliche Kosten
full costs
umfassende Darstellung der Tatsachen
full statement of the facts
voll einbezahlt
paid in full
voll eingezahltes Kapital
capital paid in full
full employment
full employment policy
volle Deckung, voller Versicherungsschutz
full cover
volle Deckung, voller Versicherungsschutz
full coverage
volle Geschwindigkeit
full speed
volle Haftung
full liability
voller Wert
full value
full-time farmer
endorsement in full
full endorsement
full age
of full age
full member
vollständig berichten
report in full
vollständige Einzelheiten folgen
full details to follow
vollständiger Name
full name
vollständiger Satz von Dokumenten
full set of documents
full time
full-time employee
full-time employment
full-time operation
full-time job
Vollzeitunterricht, Ganztagsunterricht
full-time education
zum vollen Wert
at full value
Zwang zur Abnahme des ganzen Sortiments
full-line forcing
Abstammungsurkunde f
Abstammungsurkunden pl
certificate of descent, full form birth certificate
certificates of descent, full form birth certificates
Aktive m f , Aktiver (in einer Organisation)
full member (of an organization)
Ansicht f
Ansicht im Grundriss
Ansicht im Schnitt
Ansicht im Seitenriss
Ansicht in natürlicher Größe
Ansicht von einem Ende aus
Ansicht im Aufriss
top view
sectional view
side view
full-size view
end-on view
Ausgleich m
vollständiger Ausgleich
Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich
full settlement
Bank for International Settlements
Ausmaß n, Größe f, Länge f, Ausdehnung f, Umfang m
das ganze Ausmaß von etw. übersehen können, etw. in vollem Umfang übersehen können
in welchem Ausmaß?, in welchem Umfang?
to be able to see the full extent of sth.
to which extent?
Bezahlung f, Vergütung f, Bezahlen n
Bezahlung der gesamten Summe
payment in full
Blankovollmacht f
full discretionary power
Blüte f
in Blüte, blühend
in voller Blüte
in full bloom
Dateipfad m comp.
Dateipfade pl
vollständiger Dateipfad
file path
file paths
full file path
Durchhärtezeit f
full-hardening time
Elan m, Schwung m
voller Schwung und Elan
vim coll.
full of vim and vigor
Energie f, Tatkraft f
vor Energie sprühen
to be brim-full of energy
Fernlicht n auto
upper beam headlights, full beam, high beam
Fullhouse n (Kartenspiel)
full house (card game)
im Gange
in vollem Gange
im Gange sein
noch zu erledigende Arbeit
in progress
in full progress
to be running, to be working, to be under way, to be in progress
work still in progress
in vollem Gang(e) sein
to be in full swing
Ganzaufnahme f
full length portrait
Ganztagsarbeit f
full-time work
Ganztagsbeschäftigung f
full-time job
Ganztagsstelle f
full-time job
Gebrauch m, Benutzung f, Anwendung f, Verwendung f
Benutzungen pl, Anwendungen pl
Gebrauch eines Werkes
Gebrauch machen von, anwenden
ausgiebigen Gebrauch machen von
bestimmungsgemäße Verwendung
nur für den Gebrauch in ... bestimmt
in Benutzung sein, benutzt werden
nicht in Gebrauch sein, nicht in Betrieb sein
use of the works
to make use of, to put to use
to make full use of
intended use
intended only for use in ...
to be in use
to be out of use
Generalvollmacht f
full power of attorney
Hauptsachtitel m
full title, main title
auf Hochtouren, auf vollen Touren übtr.
at full blast, in full blast
Höchstgeschwindigkeit f
mit Höchstgeschwindigkeit
maximum speed, top speed
at full speed, at top speed
Idee f, Begriff m, Meinung f, Anregung f, Plan m
Ideen pl
eine geniale Idee
fixe Idee f
neue Idee
von neuen Ideen übersprudeln
jdn. um Ideen bitten
fixe Ideen haben
a brilliant idea
idee fixe
novel idea
to be brim-full of new ideas
to pick sb.'s brains
to have a bee in one's bonnet fig.
Jahresziel n
full year target
mit Karacho, volle Pulle
at full pelt
Komplettladung f
full truck load (FTL)
Langkiel n
full keel
Leben n
Leben pl
sein Leben einsetzen, unter Einsatz seines Leben tun
ums Leben kommen
am Leben hängen
aus dem Leben gegriffen
das ganze Leben
behütetes Leben
künstliches Leben
Leben nach dem Tod
am Leben
to risk one's life (to do ...)
to lose one's life
to cling to life, to love life
taken from real life
the full life
sheltered life
above ground
below ground
in Lebensgröße
full length
Nase f anat.
Nasen pl
Mir läuft die Nase., Meine Nase läuft.
Mir blutet die Nase.
die Nase voll haben übtr.
die Nase voll haben von etw. übtr.
die Nase voll haben von allem übtr.
eine Nase drehen, eine lange Nase machen
jdn. an der Nase herumführen übtr.
jdn. an der Nase herumführen übtr.
I've got a runny nose
My nose is bleeding., I've got a nosebleed.
to be fed up with
to have a belly full of sth.
to be fed up with the whole shebang
to thumb one's nose, to cock a snook
to draw a red herring across the track fig.
to muck around with sb.
Neugier f, Neugierde f
aus reiner Neugier
vor Neugierde platzen
vor Neugierde platzen
seine Neugier befriedigen
Neugier wecken
out of sheer curiosity
to burst with curiosity, to be bursting with curiosity
to be brim-full of curiosity
to satisfy one's curiosity
to create curiosity
Originalgröße f
in Originalgröße
original size
full-size, as is
Pathos n
eine Rede voller Pathos
emotionalism, pathos, emotiveness
a speech full of emotions
Punkt m (Satzzeichen)
Punkte pl
period Am., full stop Br.
periods, full stops
einen Punkt setzen
to put a full stop
eine ganze Schar Kinder
a quiver full of children
Schuldgefühl n
Schuldgefühle pl
(starke) Schuldgefühle haben
sense of guilt
guilt feelings
to feel (full of) guilt
Segel n
Segel pl
mit aufgezogenen Segeln
mit gesetzten Segeln
mit vollen Segeln
Segel setzen
Segel dichtholen
under sail
with all sails set
in full sail
to make sail
to harden a sail
Segel n
unter Segel
mit vollen Segeln
under canvas
under full canvas
Spielzeit f sport
Spielzeiten pl
reguläre Spielzeit f
nach Ablauf der regulären Spielzeit
playing time, playtime
full time, normal time
at full time
Stolz m
sein ganzer Stolz
verletzter Stolz
voller Stolz sein
his pride and joy
wounded pride
to be full of pride
Systemauslastung f
full system capacity
Verantwortlichkeit f, Verantwortung f
Verantwortlichkeiten pl
die volle Verantwortung für etw. übernehmen
zur Verantwortung ziehen
jdm. die Verantwortung für etw. übertragen
to take full responsibility for sth.
to call to account
to put the responsibility for sth. on sb.
Vollausschüttung f des Gewinns econ.
full profit distribution
Vollaussteuerung f
full modulation
Vollbart m
full beard
Vollbeschäftigung f
full employment
Vollbesitz m
full possession
Vollbildmodus m comp.
full screen mode
Volldampf m
full steam
Volldampf voraus
full steam ahead
Vollduplex n
asymmetrisch Vollduplex
asymmetric full duplex
Vollfederung f
full suspension
Vollfettkäse m, vollfetter Käse
full-fat cheese
Vollgas n
Vollgas fahren
full throttle
to drive flat out
Vollgefühl n
full consciousness
Vollgenuss m
full enjoyment
Vollkompositspeicher m
full composite storage
Vollkostenrechnung f fin.
absorption costing, full-cost accounting
Vollkraft f
full vigour
Vollkreis m
Vollkreise pl
full circle
full circles
Volllast f, Vollast f alt
full load
Vollmacht f
allgemeine Vollmacht
full power, legal power, legal authority
general authorisation
Vollmachtgeber m, Vollmachtgeberin f
Vollmachtgeber pl, Vollmachtgeberinnen pl
principal, donor of full power
principals, donors of full power
Vollmantelgeschoss n mil.
full metal jacket
Vollmilch f cook.
unskimmed milk, full-cream milk
Vollmitglied n
Vollmitglieder pl
full member
full members
Vollmond m
full moon
Vollpension f (VP)
full board, board and lodging
Volltext m
full text
Volltextdatenbank f
full text data base system
Volltextsuche f
full-text search
Vollversion f
full version
Vollzeit f
full time
Vorüben n in voller Gefechtsausrüstung mil.
full dress rehearsal
Vorurteil n, Voreingenommenheit f, Befangenheit f
Vorurteile pl
Vorurteile pl gegen Andersfarbige
mit einem Vorurteil beeinflussen
ein Vorurteil gegen etw. haben, gegen etw. voreingenommen sein
Vorurteile haben, Vorurteile hegen
seine Voreingenommenheit gegen ...
voller Vorurteile gegen
Abbau von Vorurteilen
prejudice, biased opinion
colour prejudice
to prejudice
to have a prejudice against sth.
to be prejudiced
his prejudice against ...
full of prejudice against
reduction of prejudices
unter Wahrung meiner Rechte
under (with) full reserve to my rights
Wort n
Worte pl, Wörter pl
freundliche Worte
tröstende Worte
eins von mehreren Wörtern
ein offenes Wort mit jdm. reden
sich zu Wort melden
das Wort führen (in einer Diskussion)
das Wort weiter geben an
das Wort weiter geben an
das letzte Wort haben
in einfachen Worten
unanständiges Wort
jdm. ins Wort fallen
sein Wort brechen
sein Wort halten
mit einem Wort
mit anderen Worten, anders ausgedrückt, anders gesagt
mit eindringlichen Worten
im wahrsten Sinn des Wortes
in der vollen Bedeutung des Wortes
im herkömmlichen Sinne des Wortes
große Worte machen
zusammengesetztes Wort
mit einem Wort
bland words
words of consolation
one of many words
to have a frank talk with sb.
to catch the speaker's eye
to be the main speaker (in a discussion)
to hand over to sb.
to pass sb. over to, to give the floor to
to have the final say
in simple terms
dirty word
to interrupt sb.
to break one's word
to keep one's word
in a word
in other words
in vivid words, with insistence, insistently
in the full sense of the word
in every sense of the word
in the usual sense of the word
to use grand words
compound word, compound
in sum
die volle Zahl, die volle Stärke
a full complement
Zahnprothese f, künstliches Gebiss med.
Zahnprothesen pl, künstliche Gebisse
partielle Prothese
Totalprothese f
Oberkieferprothese f
Unterkieferprothese f
denture, artificial teeth
partial denture
full set
top set
bottom set
Zappelphilipp m, zappelndes Kind ugs.
ein Zappelphilipp sein
fidget, fidgeter, fidgety child (fussy Philip)
to be full of piss and vinegar coll.
Zweireiher m
double-breasted suit
abendfüllend adj (Film)
ahnungsvoll adj
full of foreboding
anfüllen v
mit etw. angefüllt sein
to fill up, to fill
filling up, filling
filled up, filled
to be full of sth., to be filled (up) with sth.

Deutsche vollbrüstig {adj} Synonyme

Englische full-breasted Synonyme

full breasted Definition

(imp. & p. p.) of Breast
(a.) Having a breast
(a.) Having a narrow, projecting chest, caused by forward curvature of the vertebral column.
(a.) Quite full
(a.) Full to the brim
(a.) Folding or lapping over on the breast, with a row of buttons and buttonholes on each side
(Compar.) Filled up, having within its limits all that it can contain
(Compar.) Abundantly furnished or provided
(Compar.) Not wanting in any essential quality
(Compar.) Sated
(Compar.) Having the mind filled with ideas
(Compar.) Having the attention, thoughts, etc., absorbed in any matter, and the feelings more or less excited by it, as, to be full of some project.
(Compar.) Filled with emotions.
(Compar.) Impregnated
(n.) Complete measure
(adv.) Quite
(v. i.) To become full or wholly illuminated
(n.) To thicken by moistening, heating, and pressing, as cloth
(v. i.) To become fulled or thickened
(a.) Having a full supply of blood.
(a.) Of pure blood
(a.) Like a perfect blossom.
(a.) Fully expanded, as a blossom
(a.) Fully distended with wind, as a sail.
(a.) Full and large at the bottom, as wigs worn by certain civil officers in Great Britain.
(a.) Of great capacity below the water line.
(adv.) With direct and violentop position
(adv.) With full speed.
(a.) Full in form or shape
(a.) Having reached the limits of growth
(a.) Full of courage or confidence.
(a.) Very fiery.
(a.) Completely furnished wiith men, as a ship.
(a.) Having the orb or disk complete or fully illuminated
(a.) Having all its sails set,
(a.) Having large and strong or complete wings.
(a.) Beady for flight
(a.) Having a breast like a pigeon, -- the sternum being so prominent as to constitute a deformity
(a.) Lapping over the breast only far enough to permit of buttoning, and having buttons on one edge only
(a.) Having a sweet, musical voice, as the nightingale. Cf. Breast, n., 6.

full breasted Bedeutung

full gainer
a dive in which the diver throws the feet forward to complete a full backward somersault and enters the water feet first and facing away from the diving board
full nelson a wrestling hold in which the holder puts both arms under the opponent's arms and exerts pressure on the back of the neck (illegal in amateur wrestling)
yellow-breasted bunting
Emberiza aureola
common in Russia and Siberia
yellow-breasted chat
Icteria virens
American warbler noted for imitating songs of other birds
red-breasted nuthatch
Sitta canadensis
bluish-grey nuthatch with reddish breast, of northern coniferous forests
white-breasted nuthatch
Sitta carolinensis
bluish-grey nuthatch with black head and white breast, of eastern North America
red-breasted sapsucker
Sphyrapicus varius ruber
western North American sapsucker
red-breasted merganser
Mergus serrator
widely distributed merganser of America and Europe
red-breasted snipe
Limnodromus scolopaceus
a dowitcher with a red breast
double-breasted jacket a jacket having fronts that overlap enough for two separate rows of buttons
double-breasted suit a suit with a double-breasted jacket
dress suit
full dress
tail coat
tails white tie white tie and tails
formalwear consisting of full evening dress for men
full-dress uniform the naval or military uniform that is specified by regulations to be worn on ceremonial occasions
full metal jacket a lead bullet that is covered with a jacket of a harder metal (usually copper)
full skirt a long skirt gathered at the waist
full-wave rectifier rectifier that converts the negative half wave of an alternating current into a positive half wave
single-breasted jacket a jacket having fronts that overlap only enough for a single row of buttons
single-breasted suit a suit having a single-breasted jacket
full blood descent from parents both of one pure breed
full page something that covers an entire page, the ad took up a full page
full faith and credit a guarantee to pay interest and principal on debt, usually issued by the United States Treasury
full stop
stop full point
a punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations, in England they call a period a stop
full house a poker hand with of a kind and a pair
full complement
number needed to make up a whole force, a full complement of workers
commercial bank
full service bank
a financial institution that accepts demand deposits and makes loans and provides other services for the public
black body
full radiator
a hypothetical object capable of absorbing all the electromagnetic radiation falling on it, a black body maintained at a constant temperature is a full radiator at that temperature because the radiation reaching and leaving it must be in equilibrium
full admiral
the supreme commander of a fleet, ranks above a vice admiral and below a fleet admiral
first cousin
full cousin
the child of your aunt or uncle
full professor a professor of the highest rank
full general
a general officer of the highest rank
Japanese maple full moon maple
Acer japonicum
leaves deeply incised and bright red in autumn, Japan
a whole shebang
whole kit and caboodle
kit and caboodle
whole kit and boodle
kit and boodle
whole kit
whole caboodle
whole works
full treatment
everything available, usually preceded by `the', we saw the whole shebang, a hotdog with the works, we took on the whole caboodle, for $ you get the full treatment
full employment the economic condition when everyone who wishes to work at the going wage rate for their type of labor is employed
full moon
full phase of the moon
the time when the Moon is fully illuminated, the moon is at the full
term full term the end of gestation or point at which birth is imminent, a healthy baby born at full term
wax full increase in phase, the moon is waxing
full make (a garment) fuller by pleating or gathering
fill fill up
make full
make full, also in a metaphorical sense, fill a container, fill the child with pride
be full be sated, have enough to eat, I'm full--don't give me any more beans, please
full beat for the purpose of cleaning and thickening, full the cloth
go all out
give one's best
do one's best
give full measure
perform a task as well as possible, The cast gives full measure every night
complete, the full-length play
having the normally expected amount, gives full measure, gives good measure, a good mile from here
having ample fabric, the current taste for wide trousers, a full skirt
full of life
full of spirit, a dynamic full of life woman, a vital and charismatic leader, this whole lively world
looking forward
having the breasts uncovered or featuring such nudity, topless waitresses, a topless cabaret
entire full total constituting the full quantity or extent, complete, an entire town devastated by an earthquake, gave full attention, a total failure
full-length representing or accommodating the entire length, a full-length portrait
full-page occupying an entire page in a book or paper, a full-page ad
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