
gas Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Ghazzah, Gasa (Stadt in PalÀstina)
Ghazzah, Gasa (city in Palestine)
Ghazzah; Gasa (Stadt in PalÀstina) geogr.
Ghazzah; Gasa (city in Palestine)
Gaszelle f
SchwÀtzer m, SchwÀtzerin f, Schwafler m, Schwaflerin f
Vielredner m; SchwÀtzer m; Schwafler m; Schwadroneur m; Schwatzbase f; Labertasche f; Quasselfritze m; Quasselstrippe f; Quasseltante f pej.
Vielredner pl; SchwÀtzer pl; Schwafler pl; Schwadroneure pl; Schwatzbasen pl; Labertaschen pl; Quasselfritzen pl; Quasselstrippen pl; Quasseltanten pl
windbag; gasbag Am.; blowhard Am.; bloviator Am.
windbags; gasbags; blowhards; bloviators
Armagnac (Weinbrand aus der Gascogne Frankreich)
Armagnac (brandy from Gascony France)
Armagnac (Weinbrand aus der Gascogne, Frankreich)
Armagnac (brandy from Gascony, France)
Pulverbeschichtung f, Pulverbeschichten n
gasdynamisches Pulverbeschichten
powder coating
gasdynamic spray coating
Pulverbeschichtung f; Pulverbeschichten n
gasdynamisches Pulverbeschichten
powder coating
gasdynamic spray coating
faseln v
to gas coll.
tanken auto; auftanken aviat. naut. v
tankend; auftankend
getankt; aufgetankt
Hast Du getankt?
Ich muss noch tanken.
Wir mĂŒssen unbedingt tanken.
Wir sollten in der nÀchsten Stadt tanken.
Der Bus hielt an um zu tanken.
Wir machten in Agram eine Zwischenlandung um aufzutanken.
Wo kann man hier tanken?
Dort kann man billig tanken.
to get fuel petrol gas diesel; to put fuel in; to fuel up; to gas up Am.; to refuel (lorry plane ship); to take on fuel aviat. naut.
getting fuel petrol gas diesel; putting fuel in; fueling up; gasing up; refueling; taking on fuel
got fuel petrol gas diesel; put fuel in; fueled up; gased up; refueled; taked on fuel
Have you put petrol gas diesel in? Have you filled Br. tanked Am. up?
I still have to get some petrol gas diesel.
We really need fuel petrol gas diesel.
We'd better fuel up at the next town.
The bus stopped for fuel petrol gas diesel.
We stopped over in Zagreb to take on fuel.
Where can we get petrol gas diesel (a)round here?
You can get cheap petrol gas diesel there.
tanken auto; auftanken aviat. naut. v
tankend; auftankend
getankt; aufgetankt
Hast Du getankt?
Ich muss noch tanken.
Wir mĂŒssen unbedingt tanken.
Wir sollten in der nÀchsten Stadt tanken.
Der Bus hielt an, um zu tanken.
Wir machten in Agram eine Zwischenlandung, um aufzutanken.
Wo kann man hier tanken?
Dort kann man billig tanken.
to get fuel petrol gas diesel; to put fuel in; to fuel up; to gas up Am.; to refuel (lorry, plane, ship); to take on fuel aviat. naut.
getting fuel petrol gas diesel; putting fuel in; fueling up; gasing up; refueling; taking on fuel
got fuel petrol gas diesel; put fuel in; fueled up; gased up; refueled; taked on fuel
Have you put petrol gas diesel in? Have you filled Br. tanked Am. up?
I still have to get some petrol gas diesel.
We really need fuel petrol gas diesel.
We'd better fuel up at the next town.
The bus stopped for fuel petrol gas diesel.
We stopped over in Zagreb to take on fuel.
Where can we get petrol gas diesel (a)round here?
You can get cheap petrol gas diesel there.
Brenngas f mach.
fuel gas, gaseous fuel, combustible gas
Brennstoff m, Brennmaterial n, Treibstoff m, Kraftstoff m
Brennstoffe pl, Brennmaterialien pl, Treibstoffe pl, Kraftstoffe pl
fossiler Brennstoff, konventioneller Brennstoff
fester Brennstoff
gasförmiger Brennstoff
schwieriger Brennstoff
mit Brennstoff versorgen
ohne Treibstoff
mit zwei verschiedenen Brennstoffen
Brennstoff aus MĂŒll
fossil fuel
solid fuel
gaseous fuel
problem fuel
to fuel
refuse-derived fuel
Druckwasserstoff m chem.
compressed gaseous hydrogen
Gaszustand m
gaseous state
Wasserstoff m chem.
flĂŒssiger Wasserstoff
gasförmiger Wasserstoff
liquid hydrogen
gaseous hydrogen
gasförmig, gasartig adj
Abfall m; MĂŒll m envir.
AbfÀlle pl
chemischer Abfall
fester Abfall
flĂŒssiger Abfall
gasförmiger Abfall
gefÀhrlicher Abfall
gemischter Abfall
gewerblicher Abfall
giftiger Abfall; toxischer Abfall
hochaktiver Abfall (Kerntechnik)
industrieller Abfall
kommunaler Abfall
landwirtschaftlicher Abfall
mineralischer Abfall
organischer Abfall
pflanzlicher Abfall; vegetabilischer Abfall
stÀdtischer Abfall
tierischer Abfall
ungefÀhrlicher Abfall
AbfÀlle und Schrott
vom Menschen erzeugter Abfall
chemical waste
solid waste
liquid waste
gaseous waste
hazardous waste
mixed waste
commercial waste
toxic waste
high active waste HAW
industrial waste
municipal waste
agricultural waste
mineral waste
organic waste
vegetable waste
urban waste; town waste
animal waste
non-hazardous waste
waste and scrap
human waste
Aggregatzustand m
AggregatzustÀnde pl
fester Aggregatzustand
Aggregatzustand: flĂŒssig
im gasförmigen Aggregatzustand
state; aggregate state; state of matter; phase of matter
states; aggregate states; states of matter; phases of matter
solid condition; solid state of aggregation; solid state
condition of aggregation: liquid
in the gaseous state
Brenngas f mach.
fuel gas; gaseous fuel; combustible gas
Brennstoff m; Brennmaterial n; Treibstoff m; Kraftstoff m; Sprit m ugs.
Brennstoffe pl; Brennmaterialien pl; Treibstoffe pl; Kraftstoffe pl
fossiler Brennstoff; konventioneller Brennstoff; Fossilbrennstoff m
fester Brennstoff
gasförmiger Brennstoff
schwieriger Brennstoff
mit Brennstoff versorgen
ohne Treibstoff
mit zwei verschiedenen Brennstoffen
Brennstoff aus MĂŒll
fossil fuel
solid fuel; combustible
gaseous fuel
problem fuel
to fuel
refuse-derived fuel
Gasbetonblock m constr.
Gasbetonblöcke pl
gaseous concrete block
gaseous concrete blocks
gasförmig; gasartig adj
nicht gasförmig adj
gaseous; gasiform
Wasserstoff m H chem.
flĂŒssiger Wasserstoff LH2
gasförmiger Wasserstoff
kohlenstoffhaltiger Wasserstoff
liquid hydrogen
gaseous hydrogen
carbonated hydrogen
Sauerstoff m O chem.
atmosphÀrischer Sauerstoff; Sauerstoff der Luft
flĂŒssiger Sauerstoff
gelöster Sauerstoff
molekularer Sauerstoff
verfĂŒgbarer Sauerstoff
Sauerstoff in gasförmigem Zustand
atmospheric oxygen
liquid oxygen; LOX
dissolved oxygen DO ; water oxygen
molecular oxygen
available oxygen
gaseous oxygen; gox
Schlagwettergrube f min.
Schlagwettergruben pl
gassy mine; gaseous mine; fiery mine; safety-lamp mine; foul pit
gassy mines; gaseous mines; fiery mines; safety-lamp mines; foul pits
Abfall m; MĂŒll m envir.
AbfÀlle pl
chemischer Abfall
fester Abfall
flĂŒssiger Abfall
gasförmiger Abfall
Gebrauchsabfall m; GebrauchsabfÀlle pl
gefÀhrlicher Abfall
gemischter Abfall
gewerblicher Abfall
giftiger Abfall; toxischer Abfall
hochaktiver Abfall (Kerntechnik)
industrieller Abfall
kommunaler Abfall
landwirtschaftlicher Abfall
metallischer Abfall
mineralischer Abfall
organischer Abfall
PlastikmĂŒll n
pflanzlicher Abfall; vegetabilischer Abfall
ProduktionsabfÀlle pl; Fertigungsabfall m
stÀdtischer Abfall
tierischer Abfall
ungefÀhrlicher Abfall
Abfall aus maschineller Produktion
AbfÀlle und Schrott
vom Menschen erzeugter Abfall
chemical waste
solid waste
liquid waste
gaseous waste
postconsumer waste
hazardous waste
mixed waste
commercial waste
toxic waste
high active waste HAW (nuclear engineering)
industrial waste
municipal waste
agricultural waste
metal waste
mineral waste
organic waste
plastic waste
vegetable waste
production waste; manufacturing waste; preconsumer waste
urban waste; town waste
animal waste
non-hazardous waste
machinery waste
waste and scrap
human waste
Aggregatzustand m phys.
AggregatzustÀnde pl
fester Aggregatzustand
Aggregatzustand: flĂŒssig
im gasförmigen Aggregatzustand
state of matter; state of aggregation; aggregate state; state (in compounds)
states of matter; states of aggregation; aggregate states; states
solid condition; solid state of aggregation; solid state
state of aggregation: liquid
in the gaseous state
Brennstoff m; Brennmaterial n (fĂŒr Heizungen, Kraftwerke)
Brennstoffe pl
Abfallbrennstoff m
Biomassebrennstoff m; biogener Brennstoff m; Biobrennstoff m; Brennstoff aus Biomasse; Brennstoff aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen
FlĂŒssigbrennstoff m
fossiler Brennstoff; konventioneller Brennstoff; Fossilbrennstoff m
fester Brennstoff; Festbrennstoff m
gasförmiger Brennstoff; Brenngas n
rĂŒckgefĂŒhrter Brennstoff (Kerntechnik)
schwieriger Brennstoff
ohne Treibstoff
mit zwei verschiedenen Brennstoffen
Brennstoff aus MĂŒll
fuel (for heatings, power stations)
hog fuel; waste fuel
biomass fuel; biological fuel; bio-based fuel; biofuel; agrofuel
liquid fuel
fossil fuel
solid fuel; combustible
gaseous fuel
thermal recycle fuel (nuclear engineering)
problem fuel
refuse-derived fuel
Nebel m astron.
Nebelwolken pl
außergalaktischer Nebel
bipolarer Nebel
diffuser Nebel
Dunkelnebel; Dunkelwolke
Emissionsgasnebel; Emissionsnebel
galaktischer Nebel
Hantelnebel; Dumbbellnebel (im Sternbild Fuchs)
Krebsnebel; Crabnebel (im Sternbild Taurus)
leuchtender Gasnebel
Mondsichelnebel; Sichelnebel (im Sternbild Schwan)
Pferdekopfnebel (im Sternbild Orion)
planetarischer Nebel
Pulsarwindnebel m
Reflexionsnebel m
Ringnebel (im Sternbild Leier)
Seifenblasen-Nebel (im Sternbild Schwan)
Trifidnebel (im Sternbild SchĂŒtze)
nebulae; nebulas
extragalactic nebula
bipolar nebula
diffuse nebula; irregular nebula
dark nebula; absorption nebula
emission nebula
field nebula
galactic nebula
gaseous nebula
Dumbbell Nebula
Crab Nebula
glowing nebula
Crescent Nebula
Horsehead Nebula
planetary nebula
pulsar wind nebula
reflection nebula
annular nebula
Ring Nebula
Soap Bubble Nebula
spiral nebula
Trifid Nebula
gasförmig adj (Aggregatzustand) phys.
nicht gasförmig adj
gaseous; gasiform; aeriform obs. (aggregate state)
Sauerstoff m O chem.
atmosphÀrischer Sauerstoff; Sauerstoff der Luft
flĂŒssiger Sauerstoff
gelöster Sauerstoff
molekularer Sauerstoff
verfĂŒgbarer Sauerstoff
Sauerstoff in gasförmigem Zustand
atmospheric oxygen
liquid oxygen; LOX
dissolved oxygen DO ; water oxygen
molecular oxygen
available oxygen
gaseous oxygen; gox
Wasserstoff m H chem.
flĂŒssiger Wasserstoff LH2
gasförmiger Wasserstoff
kohlenstoffhaltiger Wasserstoff
liquid hydrogen
gaseous hydrogen
carbonated hydrogen
Gasgemisch n chem.
Gasgemische pl
gas mixture; gaseous mixture
gas mixtures; gaseous mixtures
Abgas n
Abgase pl
schÀdliche Abgase
exhaust gas, waste gas
exhaust gases, waste gases
noxious fumes
Abgasanalyse f
flue analysis, analysis of exhaust gases, exhaust gas analysis
Abgasnachbehandlung f
after-treatment of exhaust gases
Gas n
Gase pl
auf Gas kochen
Gas geben ugs.
gas, fluid
to cook by gas
to step on the gas
Gasmischung f
mixture of gases
Giftgas n
Giftgase pl
poison gas, toxic gas
poison gases, toxic gases
Kampfgas n
Kampfgase pl
war gas
war gases
Medien pl, Prozessmedien pl
process media, process liquids and gases, process utilities
Treibhausgase pl
greenhouse gases, global warming gases
war gases
Abgas n; Rauchgas n
Abgase pl; Rauchgase pl
flue gas
flue gases
Abgasanalyse f
flue analysis; analysis of exhaust gases; exhaust gas analysis
(natĂŒrliche) Beschaffenheit f
die Beschaffenheit von Gasen
the nature of gases
DurchlĂ€ssigkeit f; PermeabilitĂ€t f (fĂŒr Gase FlĂŒssigkeiten) constr. geol. phys. ĂŒbtr.
DurchlĂ€ssigkeit fĂŒr Gas
abolute PermabilitÀt des leeren Raums; magnetische Feldkonstante; Induktionskonstante f phys.
PermeabilitÀt des Vakuums
permeability; permeableness (to gases fluids)
permeability to gas
permeability of free space; magnetic constant
permeability of vacuum
Edelgas n chem.
Edelgase pl
noble gas; rare gas
noble gases; rare gases
Gas n phys.
Gase pl
trockenes Gas; abgestreiftes Gas
auf Gas kochen
stripped gas
to cook by gas
Giftgas n
Giftgase pl
Giftgas einsetzen
poison gas; toxic gas
poison gases; toxic gases
to use poison gas
Immission f envir.
immission; effect of gases noise smells etc. on the environment
Kampfgas n mil.
Kampfgase pl
war gas
war gases
Medien pl; Prozessmedien pl
process media; process liquids and gases; process utilities
Prozessgas n techn.
Prozessgase pl
process gas
process gases
Rauchgasentstickungsanlage f
Rauchgasentstickungsanlagen pl
flue-gas denitrification system; denitrification plant for flue gases
flue-gas denitrification systems; denitrification plants for flue gases
Schadgas n
Schadgase pl
corrosive gas
corrosive gases
Schwelgas n
Schwelgasen pl
low temperature carbonization gas eAm.; low temperature carbonisation gas Br.
low temperature carbonization gases; low temperature carbonisation gases
Spurengas n
Spurengase pl
trace gas
trace gases
TrÀgergas n; Schleppgas n chem.
TrÀgergase pl; Schleppgase pl
carrier gas
carrier gases
Treibhausgas n
Treibhausgase pl
greenhouse gas; global warming gas
greenhouse gases; global warming gases
jdn. etw. belasten; beschweren (mit etw.) v
belastend; beschwerend
belastet; beschwert
belastet mit
belastet mit Schulden
die Umwelt (mit Treibhausgasen etc.) belasten
to burden sb. sth. (with by sth.)
burdened with
burdened with debts
to burden the environment (with greenhouse gases etc.)
Gase karburieren v (mit Kohlenstoff sÀttigen) chem.
Gase karburierend
Gase karburiert
to carburet; to carburate gases
carbureting; carburating gases
carbureted; carburated gases
kinetische Gastheorie f phys.
kinetic theory of gases
Reagiert heftig mit Wasser unter Bildung giftiger und hochentzĂŒndlicher Gase. (Gefahrenhinweis)
Reacts violently with water liberating toxic extremely flammable gases. (hazard note)
Reagiert mit Wasser unter Bildung hochgiftiger Gase. (Gefahrenhinweis)
Contact with water liberates highly poisonous gases. (hazard note)

Deutsche Ghazzah Gasa (Stadt in PalÀstina) Synonyme

PalĂ€stina  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂPalĂ€stinensische  Autonomiegebiete  
Gemarkung  ÂGemeinde  ÂOrt  ÂStadt  
Dorf  Âkleine  Stadt  ÂWeiler  
Essen  ÂStadt  an  der  Ruhr  (umgangssprachlich)  
Chemnitz  ÂKarl-Marx-Stadt  (veraltet)  
Goldene  Stadt  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂHauptstadt  von  Tschechien  ÂPrag  ÂPraha  
Einzugsgebiet  ÂOutback  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂSpeckgĂŒrtel  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂUmland  (einer  Stadt)  
Goldene Stadt (umgangssprachlich)  Hauptstadt von Tschechien  Prag  
PalĂ€stina (umgangssprachlich)  PalĂ€stinensische Autonomiegebiete  

Englische Ghazzah Gasa Synonyme

gas  acetylene  advance against  advance upon  aerodynamics  air  alcohol  ammonia  argon  asphyxiating gas  atmosphere  avgas  babble  babblement  baloney  bavardage  bear down upon  belch  benzine  best seller  bibble-babble  big hit  big talk  bilge  blab  blabber  blah  blah-blah  blather  blether  blethers  bop  bosh  brilliant success  briquette  bull  bullshit  bunk  bunker  bunkum  burnable  burp  butane  cackle  caquet  caqueterie  carbon  carbon dioxide  carbon monoxide  cater  charcoal  chat  chatter  chitter-chatter  chlorine  clack  clatter  coal  coal gas  coal oil  coke  combustible  counterattack  crap  crude  crude oil  dither  dope  drive  drivel  drool  electricity  eructation  ethane  ethanol  ether  ethyl  ethyl gas  ethylene  fad  fancy talk  fart  feed  fill up  fine talk  fireball  firing  fish story  flammable  flammable material  flank  flapdoodle  flatulence  flatulency  flatuosity  flatus  fluid  fluorine  forage  formaldehyde  fossil oil  fuel  fuel additive  fuel dope  gab  gabble  gas carbon  gas up  gasoline  gasser  gibber  gibble-gabble  go on  gossip  great success  guff  gup  gush  halogen gas  haver  helium  heptane  hexane  hiccup  high-octane gas  high-test  highfalutin  highfaluting  hit  hogwash  hokum  hooey  hot air  hydrogen  idle talk  illuminant  illuminating gas  inert gas  infiltrate  inflammable  inflammable material  isooctane  jabber  jaw  jazz  jet fuel  kerosene  killing  krypton  launch an attack  lead-free gas  lewisite  light source  low-lead gas  luminant  malarkey  march against  march upon  marsh gas  mere talk  meteoric success  methane  methanol  momentary success  moonshine  motor oil  mount an attack  mustard gas  natter  natural gas  neon  nitrogen  nonsense talk  octane  oil  open an offensive  oxygen  ozone  palaver  paraffin  patter  peat  pentane  petrol  petroleum  piffle  pneumatics  poison gas  poppycock  pour forth  prate  prating  prattle  premium gas  prittle-prattle  propane  propellant  prov  
gas chamber  Belsen  abattoir  aceldama  ax  beheading  block  burning  butchery  capital punishment  concentration camp  cross  crucifixion  death chair  death chamber  decapitation  decollation  defenestration  drop  electric chair  electrocution  execution  field of blood  fusillade  gallows  gallows-tree  garrote  gassing  gibbet  guillotine  halter  hanging  hemlock  hemp  hempen collar  hot seat  judicial murder  lapidation  lethal chamber  maiden  necktie party  noose  poisoning  rope  scaffold  shambles  shooting  slaughterhouse  stake  stockyard  stoning  strangling  strangulation  the ax  the block  the chair  the gallows  the gas chamber  the guillotine  the hot seat  the rope  tree  
gasbag  Captain Bobadil  Gascon  Graf Zeppelin  Texan  aerostat  agreeable rattle  airship  babbler  ballonet  balloon  big mouth  big talker  blab  blabberer  blatherer  blimp  blower  blowhard  blusterer  boaster  brag  braggadocio  braggart  chatterbox  chatterer  dirigible  dirigible balloon  fanfaron  gabber  gabbler  gasconader  gibble-gabbler  great talker  hector  hot-air artist  idle chatterer  jabberer  jay  lighter-than-air craft  magpie  miles gloriosus  moulin a paroles  patterer  prater  prattler  rattle  rigid airship  rodomontade  semirigid airship  ship  windbag  windjammer  windy  word-slinger  zeppelin  
gasconade  blow  bluff  bluster  bluster and bluff  boast  bounce  brag  bully  cock-a-doodle-doo  crow  draw the longbow  flourish  hector  intimidate  mouth  out-herod Herod  prate  puff  rage  rant  rave  rodomontade  roister  rollick  slang  speak for Buncombe  splutter  sputter  storm  swagger  swashbuckle  vapor  vaunt  
gaseous  adulterated  aerial  aerodynamic  aerostatic  aery  air-built  airy  attenuate  attenuated  chimerical  cloud-built  cut  dilute  diluted  dreamlike  ethereal  fanciful  fatuitous  fatuous  fine  flimsy  fuming  fumy  gasified  gasiform  gaslike  gassy  gossamery  illusory  imaginary  insubstantial  mephitic  miasmal  miasmatic  miasmic  oxyacetylene  oxygenous  ozonic  phantomlike  pneumatic  rare  rarefied  reeking  reeky  shadowy  slight  smoking  smoky  spirituous  steaming  steamy  subtile  subtle  tenuous  thin  thinned  thinned-out  uncompact  uncompressed  unreal  unsubstantial  vaporing  vaporish  vaporlike  vaporous  vapory  watered  watered-down  windy  
gash  Vandyke  abrade  abrasion  abysm  abyss  amputate  arroyo  ax  bark  bezel  birthmark  bisect  blaze  blaze a trail  blemish  bloody  blotch  bones  box canyon  brand  breach  break  burn  butcher  canal  canalize  canyon  carve  caste mark  cavity  chafe  chaff  chalk  chalk up  chamfer  channel  chap  chase  chasm  check  check off  checkmark  chimney  chink  chip  chisel  chop  cicatrix  cicatrize  claw  cleave  cleft  cleuch  clough  col  concussion  corrugate  corrugation  coulee  couloir  crack  crackle  cranny  craze  crena  crenellate  crenulate  crevasse  crevice  crimp  culm  cut  cut apart  cut away  cut in two  cut off  cwm  dado  dapple  dash  deadwood  defile  define  delimit  dell  demarcate  depression  dichotomize  dike  discolor  discoloration  dishwater  dissever  ditch  donga  dot  draff  draw  dregs  dust  earmark  engrave  engraving  excavation  excise  fault  filings  fissure  flash burn  flaw  fleck  flick  flume  flute  fluting  fracture  fray  frazzle  freckle  fret  furrow  gall  gap  gape  garbage  goffer  gorge  gouge  graving  groove  gulch  gulf  gully  hack  halve  hatch  hew  hogwash  hole  hurt  husks  impress  imprint  incise  incision  indent  indentation  injure  injury  jag  jigsaw  jog  joggle  joint  jot  kerf  kloof  knurl  lacerate  laceration  lance  leak  leavings  lees  lentigo  lesion  line  machicolate  macula  maim  make a mark  make mincemeat of  mark  mark off  mark out  marking  maul  microgroove  mill  moat  mole  mortal wound  mottle  mutilate  mutilation  nevus  nick  nip  nock  notch  nullah  offal  offscourings  open  opening  orts  pare  parings  pass  passage  patch  pencil  pepper  picot  pierce  pink  pleat  plow  point  polka dot  potsherds  prick  print  prune  punch  punctuate  puncture  rabbet  rags  raspings  ravine  refuse  rend  rent  riddle  rifle  rifling  rift  rime  rip  rive  ruck  run  rupture  rut  savage  saw  scald  scallop  scar  scarification  scarify  scissor  scissure  scorch  scor  
gasify  aerate  aerify  atomize  carbonate  chlorinate  distill  emit  etherify  etherize  evaporate  exhale  fluidize  fractionate  fume  fumigate  give off  hydrogenate  oxygenate  perfume  reek  send out  smoke  spray  steam  sublimate  sublime  vaporize  volatilize  
gasket  air hole  armhole  blowhole  bullet-hole  bunghole  cringle  deadeye  eye  eyelet  gland  grommet  guide  keyhole  knothole  loop  loophole  manhole  mousehole  packing  padding  peephole  pigeonhole  pinhole  placket  placket hole  porthole  punch-hole  spiracle  stopping  stuffing  tampon  tap  vent  venthole  wadding  
gaslike  aerial  aerodynamic  aerostatic  aery  airy  ethereal  fuming  fumy  gaseous  gasified  gasiform  gassy  mephitic  miasmal  miasmatic  miasmic  oxyacetylene  oxygenous  ozonic  pneumatic  reeking  reeky  smoking  smoky  steaming  steamy  vaporing  vaporish  vaporlike  vaporous  vapory  
gaslit  ablaze  aglow  alight  bathed with light  bespangled  brightened  candlelit  enlightened  firelit  illuminated  in a blaze  irradiate  irradiated  lamplit  lanternlit  lighted  lightened  lit  lit up  luminous  moonlit  spangled  star-spangled  star-studded  starlit  studded  sunlit  tinseled  
gasoline  alcohol  avgas  benzine  briquette  burnable  butane  carbon  charcoal  coal  coal oil  coke  combustible  crude  crude oil  dope  electricity  ethane  ethanol  ethyl  ethyl gas  fireball  firing  flammable  flammable material  fossil oil  fuel  fuel additive  fuel dope  gas  gas carbon  heptane  hexane  high-octane gas  high-test  illuminant  illuminating gas  inflammable  inflammable material  isooctane  jet fuel  kerosene  lead-free gas  light source  low-lead gas  luminant  methane  methanol  motor oil  natural gas  octane  oil  paraffin  peat  pentane  petrol  petroleum  premium gas  propane  propellant  regular  rock oil  rocket fuel  turf  
gasp  Aqua-Lung  artificial respiration  aspiration  asthmatic wheeze  bake  bark  bawl  be in heat  bellow  blare  blat  blaze  bloom  blow  blubber  boil  boom  bray  break down  breath  breath of air  breathe  breathe hard  breathe in  breathe out  breathing  broil  broken wind  burn  burn out  buzz  cackle  chant  chirp  choke  collapse  combust  coo  cook  cough  crack up  crow  drawl  droop  drop  exclaim  exhalation  exhale  exhaust  expel  expiration  expire  exsufflation  faint  fatigue  flag  flame  flame up  flare  flare up  flicker  flush  flute  fry  get tired  give out  glow  grow weary  growl  grunt  gulp  hack  heave  hiccup  hiss  huff  incandesce  inhalation  inhalator  inhale  inspiration  inspire  insufflation  iron lung  jade  keen  lilt  mouth-to-mouth resuscitation  mumble  murmur  mutter  oxygen mask  oxygen tent  pant  parch  peter out  pipe  play out  poop out  puff  puff and blow  radiate heat  respiration  respire  roar  roast  rumble  run down  run out  scald  scorch  scream  screech  scuba  seethe  shimmer with heat  shriek  sibilate  sigh  simmer  sing  sink  smolder  smother  snap  snarl  sneeze  sniff  sniffle  snore  snoring  snort  snuff  snuffle  sob  spark  squall  squawk  squeal  steam  sternutation  stertor  stew  stifle  succumb  suffocate  suspiration  sweat  swelter  thunder  tire  toast  trumpet  twang  wail  warble  weary  wheeze  whine  whisper  wilt  wind  yap  yawp  yell  yelp  
gasser  Grand Guignol  Passion play  Tom show  antimasque  audience success  ballet  best seller  big hit  bomb  brilliant success  broadcast drama  burlesque show  charade  cliff hanger  closet drama  comedy drama  critical success  daytime serial  dialogue  documentary drama  drama  dramalogue  dramatic play  dramatic series  duodrama  duologue  epic theater  experimental theater  extravaganza  fad  failure  flop  gas  giveaway  great success  happening  hit  hit show  improvisational drama  killing  legitimate drama  masque  melodrama  meteoric success  minstrel show  miracle  miracle play  momentary success  monodrama  monologue  morality  morality play  music drama  musical revue  mystery  mystery play  opera  pageant  panel show  pantomime  pastoral  pastoral drama  piece  play  playlet  problem play  psychodrama  quiz show  radio drama  resounding triumph  review  revue  riot  roaring success  sensation  sensational play  serial  show  sitcom  situation comedy  sketch  skit  smash  smash hit  soap  soap opera  sociodrama  spectacle  stage play  stage show  straight drama  success  suspense drama  tableau  tableau vivant  talk show  teleplay  television drama  television play  theater of cruelty  total theater  triumph  variety show  vaudeville  vaudeville show  vehicle  word-of-mouth success  work  wow  
gassy  aerial  aerodynamic  aerostatic  aery  airy  all jaw  big  bloated  blown up  bombastic  candid  chatty  communicative  conversational  dilated  distended  dropsical  edematous  effusive  enchymatous  ethereal  expansive  extravagant  fat  flatulent  flip  fluent  formal  frank  fuming  fumy  fustian  gabby  garrulous  gaseous  gasified  gasiform  gaslike  glib  gossipy  grandiloquent  gregarious  gushy  high-flown  high-swelling  highfalutin  highfaluting  incrassate  inflated  long-winded  loquacious  mephitic  miasmal  miasmatic  miasmic  mouthy  multiloquent  multiloquious  newsy  overtalkative  oxyacetylene  oxygenous  ozonic  plethoric  pneumatic  pompous  pontifical  pretentious  prolix  puffed up  puffy  pursy  reeking  reeky  self-important  smoking  smoky  smooth  sociable  solemn  steaming  steamy  stilted  stuffy  swelled  swollen  talkative  talky  tall  tumescent  tumid  turgescent  turgid  vaporing  vaporish  vaporlike  vaporous  vapory  ventose  verbose  voluble  windy  
gastric  abdominal  anal  appendical  big-bellied  cardiac  cecal  celiac  colic  colonic  coronary  duodenal  enteric  ileac  intestinal  jejunal  mesogastric  pyloric  rectal  splanchnic  stomachal  stomachic  ventral  ventricular  visceral  
gastric juice  absorption  assimilation  autacoid  bile  chalone  digestion  digestive secretion  digestive system  endocrine  gall  gastrointestinal tract  hormone  ingestion  intestinal juice  liver  mucus  pancreas  pancreatic digestion  pancreatic juice  predigestion  prostatic fluid  rheum  saliva  salivary digestion  salivary glands  salivary secretion  secondary digestion  semen  sperm  tears  thyroxin  
gastritis  abdominal hernia  adenoiditis  adrenitis  appendicitis  arteritis  arthritis deformans  arthritis fungosa  arthritis pauperum  atrophic arthritis  atrophic inflammation  blennorrhagic arthritis  brain fever  bronchitis  bunion  bursitis  capillaritis  carditis  catarrh  catarrhal inflammation  cerebellitis  cerebral meningitis  cerebritis  cerebrospinal meningitis  chronic infectious arthritis  chronic inflammation  cirrhotic inflammation  climactic arthritis  clitoritis  colitis  collagen disease  conjunctivitis  cystitis  degenerative arthritis  diffuse inflammation  diverticulitis  diverticulosis  duodenal ulcer  duodenitis  encephalitis  endocarditis  enteritis  equine encephalomyelitis  esophagal ulcer  esophagitis  exudative inflammation  fibroid inflammation  focal inflammation  gingivitis  glossitis  gonococcal arthritis  gonorrheal arthritis  gonorrheal rheumatism  gout  gouty arthritis  hemophilic arthritis  hepatitis  hiatal hernia  hyperplastic inflammation  hypertrophic arthritis  hypertrophic inflammation  infectional arthritis  infectious hepatitis  inflammation  irritable bowel syndrome  laryngitis  lumbago  lumbar rheumatism  mastoiditis  megacolon  meningitis  menopausal arthritis  metastatic inflammation  metritis  milk leg  mucous colitis  mumps meningitis  myelitis  necrotic inflammation  nephritis  neuritis  obliterative inflammation  ophthalitis  ophthalmia  orchitis  osseous rheumatism  osteitis  osteoarthritis  osteomyelitis  otitis  ovaritis  paradental pyorrhea  penitis  peptic ulcer  pericarditis  periodontitis  peritonitis  pharyngitis  phlebitis  podagra  polyp  proliferative arthritis  prostatitis  pyonephritis  pyorrhea  pyorrhea alveolaris  reactive inflammation  rheumatism  rheumatiz  rheumatoid arthritis  rhinitis  sclerosing inflammation  seroplastic inflammation  serous inflammation  serum hepatitis  simple inflammation  sinusitis  spastic colon  specific inflammation  stomach ulcer  subacute rheumatism  suppurative ar  
gastronome  Brillat-Savarin  Lucullus  aesthete  board-and-roomer  boarder  bon vivant  cannibal  carnivore  connoisseur  connoisseur of food  consumer  dilettante  diner  diner-out  eater  eater-out  epicure  feeder  flesh-eater  fruitarian  gastronomer  gastronomist  glutton  gourmand  gourmet  grain-eater  graminivore  granivore  herbivore  high liver  hungry mouth  lactovegetarian  luncher  man-eater  meat-eater  mouth  omnivore  omophagist  pantophagist  phytophage  picnicker  plant-eater  predacean  trencherman  vegetarian  

gas Definition

gas Bedeutung

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Gas is one of the four fundamental states of matter . A pure gas may be made up of individual atoms , elemental molecules made from one type of atom , or compound molecules made from a variety of atoms . A gas mixture would contain a variety of pure gases much like the air. What distinguishes a gas from liquids and solids is the vast separation of the individual gas particles. This separation usually makes a colorless gas invisible to the human observer. The interaction of gas particles in the presence of electric and gravitational fields are considered negligible as indicated by the constant velocity vectors in the image. One type of commonly known gas is steam.