
gas pressure Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Druck m, Dringlichkeit f
Druck m; Dringlichkeit f
Druck, Dringlichkeit
Niederdruck m
low pressure
Tiefdruck m meteo.
low pressure
Steuerdruck m fin.
tax pressure
Gasdruck m techn.
gas pressure
Tastendruck m comp. techn.
key pressure
air pressure
Einstelldruck m; Solldruck m
set pressure
low pressure
Druckkammer f
pressure box
low pressure
high pressure
wage pressure
Reifendruck m
tyre pressure
Hochdruck m
high pressure
Winddruck m meteo.
wind pressure
Gruppendruck m, Erwartungsdruck (von Gleichaltrigen)
peer pressure
Gegendruck m
back pressure
Winddruck m
wind pressure
Förderdruck m
pump pressure
Förderdruck m, Druckhöhe f, Gegendruck m
pressure head
Fließdruck m
flow pressure
Kantenpressung f
edge pressure
Flächendruck m
unit pressure
Gesteinsdruck m
rock pressure
Druckbogen m min.
pressure arch
Druckabfall m
pressure drop
Druckeinheit f
pressure unit
Wurzeldruck m bot.
root pressure
Drucktest m
pressure test
Porendruck m
pore pressure
Honsteinanpressdruck m; Andruckkraft f der Honleisten techn.
hone pressure
Gruppendruck m; Erwartungsdruck (von Gleichaltrigen) soc.
peer pressure
Druck m von Kollegen
peer pressure
Förderdruck m; Druckhöhe f; Gegendruck m
pressure head
Druckbelastung f, Druckprüfung f, Druckversuch m
pressure test
Druckbelastung f
pressure load
Druckerhöhung f
pressure rise
Druckgefälle n
pressure drop
Druck von Kollegen
peer pressure
Lichtdruck m phys.
light pressure
pressure group
organisierter Interessenverband
pressure group
Luftdruck m in der Flugzeugkabine aviat.
cabin pressure
Wasserdampfdruck m, Dampfdruck m
steam pressure
Abflussdruck m
drain pressure
Stoßfront f phys.
pressure front
Wasserdruck m
water pressure
Druckpegel m phys.
pressure level
Flüssigkeitsdruck m
fluid pressure
druckfest adj
Eintrittsdruck m
inlet pressure
Eingangsdruck m
inlet pressure
Druckverhältnis n auto techn.
pressure ratio
Bemessungsdruck m
rated pressure
Wasserdampfdruck m; Dampfdruck m
steam pressure
Druckkontrolle f
pressure check
Druckprüfer m
pressure gauge
Druckstufe f
pressure stage
Pulsdruck m; Pulsdruckamplitude f med.
pulse pressure
Platzdruck m
burst pressure
blood pressure
Bremsdruck m auto
brake pressure
unter Druck
under pressure
exess pressure
pressure plate
pressure to buy
Kesseldruck m
boiler pressure
Systemdruck m
system pressure
Druckgeber m electr. techn.
pressure sensor
Druckentlastung f
pressure relief
Auslegungsdruck m techn.
design pressure
Ansaugdruck m phys. techn.
intake pressure
Ausgangsdruck m phys. techn.
outlet pressure
Drucksystem n
pressure system
Scheiteldruck m
vertex pressure
Sauerstoffdruck m
oxygen pressure
Gebirgsspannung f
ground pressure
boiler pressure
Druckbegrenzung f
pressure limits
pressure cooker
Druck ausüben auf
put pressure on
Druckplenum n
pressure plenum
pressure cooker
Lagerdruck m techn.
bearing pressure
Kontaktdruck m
contact pressure
Termindruck m
pressure of time
Vorspanndruck m
preload pressure
Fülldruck m
filling pressure
Flächenpressung f
surface pressure
Entspanner m
pressure reducer
Druckanzeige f
pressure reading
Druckverlauf m (zeitlich)
pressure history
Nenndruck m
nominal pressure
Druckregler m
pressure balance
contact pressure
counter pressure
Druckregelung f techn.
pressure control
Druckkontakt m
pressure contact
Druckkaskade f
pressure cascade
pressure balance
unter hohem Druck
at high pressure
Anfangsdruck m
initial pressure
Arbeitsdruck m
working pressure
Flächendruck m
contact pressure
Druckausgleich m
pressure balance
Ansaugdruck m techn.
suction pressure
Kontaktpressung f techn.
contact pressure
Flächendruck f
contact pressure
Nominaldruck m
nominal pressure
Seitendruck m
lateral pressure
Teildruck m; Partialdruck m
partial pressure
Ausblaskammer f techn.
pressure chamber
Berührungsdruck m
contact pressure
Betriebsdruck m
working pressure
Normdruck m
standard pressure
Öffnungsdruck m
cracking pressure
Innendruck m, Binnendruck m
internal pressure
Abblasedruck m techn.
blow-off pressure
Vordruck m phys.
upstream pressure
Tiefdruck m meteo.
low pressure l.p.
Abschaltdruck m
shutdown pressure
Absolutdruck m
absolute pressure
Ansprechdruck m
response pressure
Außendruck m phys.
external pressure
Grenzdruck m
limiting pressure
Enddruck m
ultimate pressure
Außendruck m
external pressure
Unterdruck m (im Fahrzeugbau)
negative pressure
pressure charging
Druckzunahme f
pressure increase
Schwelldruck m
swelling pressure
Verpressdruck m
grouting pressure
Niederdruckreifen m
low pressure tyre
Innendruck m; Binnendruck m
internal pressure
acoustic pressure
low pressure area
Druckaufbau m techn.
pressure built-up
high pressure area
Explosionsdruck m techn.
explosion pressure
Druckreduzierung f
pressure reduction
Luftdruckkontrolle f
air pressure check
Strahlungsdruck m
radiation pressure
Druckspeicher m techn.
pressure reservoir
Druck ausueben auf
to put pressure on

gas pressure Definition

(a.) Having or involving a pressure greatly exceeding that of the atmosphere
(a.) Fig.: Urgent
(a.) Having, employing, or exerting, a low degree of pressure.
(n.) The act of pressing, or the condition of being pressed
(n.) A contrasting force or impulse of any kind
(n.) Affliction
(n.) Urgency
(n.) Impression
(n.) The action of a force against some obstacle or opposing force

gas pressure Bedeutung

the act of pressing, the exertion of pressure, he gave the button a press, he used pressure to stop the bleeding, at the pressing of a button
lubricating system
force-feed lubricating system
force feed
pressure-feed lubricating system
pressure feed
mechanical system of lubricating internal combustion engines in which a pump forces oil into the engine bearings
pressure cabin cabin consisting of the pressurized section of an aircraft or spacecraft
pressure cooker autoclave for cooking at temperatures above the boiling point of water
pressure dome a dome-shaped building that is pressurized
pressure gauge
pressure gage
gauge for measuring and indicating fluid pressure
pressure suit protective garment consisting of an inflatable suit for space or high altitude flying
acoustic power
sound pressure level
the physical intensity of sound
acoustic radiation pressure (acoustics) the pressure exerted on a surface normal to the direction of propagation of a sound wave
pressure a force that compels, the public brought pressure to bear on the government
pressure point an area on the skin that is highly sensitive to pressure, you must know the pressure points in order to administer shiatsu
pressure point where problems or difficulties are likely to occur, a key pressure point in the controversy was the building permit
pressure sensation
the somatic sensation that results from applying force to an area of skin, the sensitivity of his skin to pressure and temperature was normal
pressure group
third house
a group of people who try actively to influence legislation
pressure point any of several points on the body where the pulse can be felt and where pressure on an underlying artery will control bleeding from that artery at a more distal point
atmospheric pressure
air pressure
the pressure exerted by the atmosphere
blood pressure the pressure of the circulating blood against the walls of the blood vessels, results from the systole of the left ventricle of the heart, sometimes measured for a quick evaluation of a person's health, adult blood pressure is considered normal at
where the first number is the systolic pressure and the second is the diastolic pressure
systolic pressure the blood pressure (as measured by a sphygmomanometer) during the contraction of the left ventricle of the heart
diastolic pressure the blood pressure (as measured by a sphygmomanometer) after the contraction of the heart while the chambers of the heart refill with blood
arterial pressure the pressure of the circulating blood on the arteries, arterial pressure is the product of cardiac output and vascular resistance
venous pressure the pressure exerted on the walls of the veins by the circulating blood
gas pressure the pressure exerted by a gas
pressure level
force per unit area
the force applied to a unit area of surface, measured in pascals (SI unit) or in dynes (cgs unit), the compressed gas exerts an increased pressure
barometric pressure atmospheric pressure as indicated by a barometer
compartment pressure the air pressure maintained in an air-tight compartment (as in an aircraft)
sea-level pressure the atmospheric pressure reduced by a formula to the pressure at sea level
intraocular pressure
pressure exerted by the fluids inside the eyeball, regulated by resistance to the outward flow of aqueous humor, glaucoma can result from increased intraocular pressure
oil pressure pressure that keeps oil on the moving parts of an internalombustion engine
osmotic pressure (physical chemistry) the pressure exerted by a solution necessary to prevent osmosis into that solution when it is separated from the pure solvent by a semipermeable membrane
radiation pressure
corpuscularadiation pressure
the minute pressure exerted on a surface normal to the direction of propagation of a wave
sound pressure
instantaneous sound pressure
the difference between the instantaneous pressure at a point in a sound field and the average pressure at that point
vapor pressure
vapour pressure
the pressure exerted by a vapor, often understood to mean saturated vapor pressure (the vapor pressure of a vapor in contact with its liquid form)
pressure unit a unit measuring force per unit area
standard atmosphere
standard pressure
a unit of pressure: the pressure that will support a column of mercurymm high at sea level and
degrees centigrade
high blood pressure
a common disorder in which blood pressure remains abnormally high (a reading of
mm Hg or greater)
pressure sore
decubitus ulcer
a chronic ulcer of the skin caused by prolonged pressure on it (as in bedridden patients)
the state of demanding notice or attention, the insistence of their hunger, the press of business matters
pressure an oppressive condition of physical or mental or social or economic distress
pressure-cook cook in a pressure cooker
wash before painting to remove old paint and mildew, pressure-wash the house
squeeze pressure
to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means :She forced him to take a job in the city, He squeezed her for information
turn up the heat
turn up the pressure
apply great or increased pressure, The Democrats turned up the heat on their candidate to concede the election
exert pressure on someone through threats
aggressively and persistently persuasive, a hard-hitting advertising campaign, a high-pressure salesman
low-pressure not forceful, a low-pressure salesman, a low-pressure campaign
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