
glue fixing method Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Dünnbettverfahren n
Dünnbettverfahren n (Fliesenlegen) constr.
thin-bed fixing technique; glue-fixing method (tiling)
Abnahmemethode, Prüfmethode
method of inspection
rate fixing
Anwendung einer Methode
application of a method
Arbeitsbestverfahren, Standardverfahren
standard method
working method
Arbeitsverfahren, Arbeitsmethode
working method
method of compensation
Berechnungsmethode, Berechnungsverfahren
method of calculation
die Art der Verfügbarstellung des Erlöses
the method of disposal of the funds
eine Methode anwenden
apply a method
Einführung einer neuen Methode
introduction of a new method
flyback timing method
snap-back timing method
recall method
continuous reading method
induktive Methode
inductive method
Leim, leimen
Methode der kleinsten Quadrate
least-squares method
Methode, Verfahren, Weg
Monte Carlo Method
observation ratio method
ratio delay method
snap-reading method
price fixing
Preisabsprache, Vereinbarung über Festpreise
price-fixing agreement
price fixing
fixing of prices
Preisfestsetzung, Preisbindung
price fixing
method of production
ranking method
seasonal adjustment method
fixing of damages
pick-up method
sichere Methode, zuverlässiges Verfahren
sure method
Veralterung von Methoden
method obsolescence
sales method
method of allocation
marketing method
Abfrageverfahren n
Abfrageverfahren pl
polling method
polling methods
Abrechnungsart f
Abrechnungsarten pl
accounting approach, charging method
accounting approaches, charging methods
Abschreibung f, Wertverminderung f fin.
Abschreibung aus finanzpolitischen Gründen
degressive Abschreibung
lineare Abschreibung
progressive Abschreibung
vorgezogene Abschreibung
zusätzliche Abschreibung
appropriation depreciation method
degressive depreciation
straight-line depreciation
progressive depreciation
anticipated depreciation
additional depreciation
Abschreibungsmethode f
amortization method
Abstraktionsverfahren n
method of abstraction
Abtastverfahren n
scanning method
Alleskleber m
all-purpose glue, all-purpose adhesive
Analysemethode f
analysis method
Anbaumethode f agr.
Anbaumethoden pl
farming method, cultivation method
farming methods, cultivation methods
Annuitätsmethode f
annuity method
Arbeitsmethode f
Arbeitsmethoden pl
work method
work methods
Aufkippbauweise f
tilt-up method
Aufspannplatte f
fixing plate, clamping plate, mounting plate
Aufspannflansch m
fixing flange
Ausgleichsverfahren n
Ausgleichsverfahren pl
method of compensation
methods of compensation
Baulinie f
fixing building limiting line, building line
Bauverfahren n
construction method
Bauweise f
architecture, structure, construction, construction method, construction style
Bedienungsart f
Bedienungsarten pl
method of control
methods of control
Befestigungsart f
Befestigungsarten pl
mounting method
mounting methods
Befestigungsmaterial n
mounting material, fixing material
Befestigungsschiene f
Befestigungsschienen pl
fastening bar, fixing rail
fastening bars, fixing rails
Befestigungsteil n
fixing part
Behandlungsmethode f, Behandlungsweise f med.
Behandlungsmethoden pl, Behandlungsweisen pl
method of treatment
methods of treatment
Berechnungsverfahren n
computing method
Bewertung f zu Durchschnittspreisen
average cost method
Bildungsweise f
method of formation, mode of formation
Bisektionsverfahren n math.
bisection method
Buchungsverfahren n
method of accounting
Desinfektionsmethode f
Desinfektionsmethoden pl
sanitization method
sanitization methods
Dünnbettverfahren n
Editierverfahren n
editing method
Einbindetiefe f
fixing-in depth
Einschlagverfahren n
Einschlagverfahren pl
selektives Einschlagverfahren
cutting method, cutting system
cutting methods, cutting systems
selection cutting system
Einspannstelle f
fixing point
Eliminationsverfahren n math.
elimination method
Erntemethode f agr.
Erntemethoden pl
selektive Erntemethode
harvesting method
harvesting methods
selection harvesting
Erziehungsmaßregel f
Erziehungsmaßregeln pl
corrective method
corrective methods
Erziehungsmethode f
Erziehungsmethoden pl
educational method
educational methods
Fertigungsmethode f
assembly method
Feststellvorrichtung f
fixing device, locking device
Finite-Differenz-Methode f (FDM) math.
finite difference method
Finite-Elemente-Methode math.
finite element method
Fischleim m
fish glue
Fixierbad n
Fixierbäder pl
fixing bath
fixing baths
Fixiersalz n
fixing salt
Gauß-Jordan-Verfahren n math.
Gauss-Jordan method
Gauß-Seidel-Verfahren n math.
Gauss-Seidel method
Gewaltmethode f
Gewaltmethoden pl
strongarm method
strongarm methods
Konjugierte-Gradienten-Verfahren n math.
method of conjugate gradients
Heilmethode f
Heilmethoden pl
curative treatment, method of treatment
curative treatments, methods of treatment
Heißklebepistole f, Klebepistole f
Heißklebepistolen pl, Klebepistolen pl
hot-glue gun, glue gun
hot-glue guns, glue guns
Herstellungsart f
method of producing, method of manufacturing
Herstellungsverfahren n
production process, manufacturing method
Holzhammermethode f
Holzhammermethoden pl
sledgehammer method
sledgehammer methods
Immersionsverfahren n
immersion test method
Integralverfahren n
integral test method
Iterationsverfahren n math., iteratives Verfahren
iteration method, iterative method
Kaltleim m
cold glue
Kapitaldeckungsverfahren n
funding method, funding principle
Kapitalkonsolidierung f
actual value method
Klebestift m
Klebestifte pl
glue stick
glue sticks
Klebestreifen n
Klebestreifen pl
adhesive strip, glue strip
adhesive strips, glue strips
Knotenpunktverfahren n
method of joints
Kohleaufdampfverfahren n techn.
carbon replica method
Kontenführung f
accounting method
Lehrmethode f
Lehrmethoden pl
teaching method
teaching methods
Leim m
Leime pl
Leitungsbefestigung f
cable fixing
Lösungsansatz m
Lösungsansätze pl
method of resolution
methods of resolution
Mengennotierung f
bulk fixing
Messmethode f
measuring method, method of measurement
Messverfahren n
Messverfahren pl
measurement method
measurement methods
Methode f, Verfahren n, Art und Weise f
Methoden pl, Verfahren pl, Handlungsweise f
sachgerechte Methoden pl
sound practices
Methode der Ermittlung des jährlichen Abschreibungsaufwandes econ.
appraisal depreciation method
Newton-Verfahren n math.
Newton's method
Nullmethoden-Prüfstand m
zero method test rig
Ortsbestimmung f
position fixing, localization
Preisabsprache f, Kollusion f econ.
price-fixing agreement, collusion
Preisbindung f
vertikale Preisbindung
price maintenance, price fixing
resale price maintenance (RPM)
Preisfestsetzung f
price fixing
Prüfverfahren n
Prüfverfahren pl
test method
test methods
Methode f der kleinsten Quadrate math.
least squares method
Reinigungsmethode f
Reinigungsmethoden pl
mechanische Reinigungsmethoden
cleaning method
cleaning methods
mechanical cleaning methods
Rentabilitäts-Vergleichsrechnung f fin.
average return method
Rittersches Schnittverfahren
method of sections
Romberg-Verfahren n math.
Romberg method
Schnüffelverfahren n
outboard test, sniffer test method
Sekantenverfahren n math.
secant method
Simplexverfahren n math.
simplex method
Steckbuchsenbefestigung f
bush fixing
Suchmethode f, Suchverfahren n
Suchmethoden pl, Suchverfahren pl
search method
search methods
Tapetenkleber m
wallpaperer, wallpaper glue
Testverfahren n, Testmethode f
Testverfahren pl, Testmethoden pl
method of testing
methods of testing
Tischlerleim m
solid glue
Torfgewinnungsverfahren n
Torfgewinnungsverfahren pl
peat winning method
peat winning methods
Traglastverfahren n
load-factor method
Unterrichtsmethode f
Unterrichtsmethoden pl
teaching method
teaching methods
Verankerung f, Veranken n
fixing, anchoring
Verfahren n math.
nichtparametrisches Verfahren
parametrisches Verfahren
method, procedure
non-parametric method
parametric procedure
Verfahrensfehler m math.
method error
Verfahrensweise f
bewährte Verfahrensweise
procedure, method, approach, practice
good practice
Versetzarbeiten pl
fixing work, fixing
Versuchs-und-Irrtums-Methode f
trial-and-error method
Verzögerungsverfahren n
deceleration method
Von-unten-nach-oben-Methode f
bottom-up method
Vorausfestsetzung f
advance fixing
Zerlegungsverfahren n math.
decomposition method
Zugriffsart f, Zugriffsverfahren n
access method
Zuordnungsmethode f
allocation method
anbringen, aufhängen v
anbringend, aufhängend
angebracht, aufgehängt
to fix
anleimen v
to glue on
glueing on
glued on

Deutsche Dünnbettverfahren {n} Synonyme

Englische glue-fixing-method Synonyme

glue fixing method Definition

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Fix
(n.) The act or process of making fixed.
(n.) That which is fixed
(n.) Arrangements
(n.) A hard brittle brownish gelatin, obtained by boiling to a jelly the skins, hoofs, etc., of animals. When gently heated with water, it becomes viscid and tenaceous, and is used as a cement for uniting substances. The name is also given to other adhesive or viscous substances.
(n.) To join with glue or a viscous substance
(n.) An orderly procedure or process
(n.) Orderly arrangement, elucidation, development, or classification
(n.) Classification

glue fixing method Bedeutung

the act of putting something in working order again
Gram's method
Gram method
Gram's procedure
Gram's stain
Gram stain
a staining technique used to classify bacteria, bacteria are stained with gentian violet and then treated with Gram's solution, after being decolorized with alcohol and treated with safranine and washed in water, those that retain the gentian violet are Gram-positive and those that do not retain it are Gram-negative
(histology) the preservation and hardening of a tissue sample to retain as nearly as possible the same relations they had in the living body
method acting
an acting technique introduced by Stanislavsky in which the actor recalls emotions or reactions from his or her own life and uses them to identify with the character being portrayed
fixing altering
the sterilization of an animal, they took him to the vet for neutering
coitus interruptus
withdrawal method
withdrawal pulling out
a method of birth control in which coitus is initiated but the penis is deliberately withdrawn before ejaculation
contraceptive method
birth control by the use of devices (diaphragm or intrauterine device or condom) or drugs or surgery
basal body temperature method of family planning
basal body temperature method
natural family planning in which the fertile period of the woman's menstrual cycle is inferred by noting the rise in basal body temperature that typically occurs with ovulation
ovulation method of family planning
ovulation method
natural family planning in which the fertile period is inferred from changes in the character and quantity of cervical mucus, ovulation is marked by an increase in mucus that becomes sticky and then clearer and slippery
rhythm method of birth control
rhythm method
calendar method of birth control
calendar method
natural family planning in which ovulation is assumed to occur days before the onset of a period (the fertile period would be assumed to extend from daythrough day of her cycle)
relaxation relaxation method a method of solving simultaneous equations by guessing a solution and then reducing the errors that result by successive approximations until all the errors are less than some specified amount
whole-word method teaching reading by training beginners to associate printed words with spoken words
price-fixing control (by agreement among producers or by government) of the price of a commodity in interstate commerce
restraint that attaches to something or holds something in place
method a way of doing something, especially a systematic way, implies an orderly logical arrangement (usually in steps)
scientific method a method of investigation involving observation and theory to test scientific hypotheses
experimental method the use of controlled observations and measurements to test hypotheses
teaching method
the principles and methods of instruction
Socratic method
maieutic method
a method of teaching by question and answer, used by Socrates to elicit truths from his students
method of choice the best method to achieve a desired result
eclectic method
making decisions on the basis of what seems best instead of following some single doctrine or style
differential calculus
method of fluxions
the part of calculus that deals with the variation of a function with respect to changes in the independent variable (or variables) by means of the concepts of derivative and differential
statistical method
statistical procedure
a method of analyzing or representing statistical data, a procedure for calculating a statistic
least squares
method of least squares
a method of fitting a curve to data points so as to minimize the sum of the squares of the distances of the points from the curve
straight-line method
straight-line method of depreciation
(accounting) a method of calculating depreciation by taking an equal amount of the asset's cost as an expense for each year of the asset's useful life
accounting accounting system
method of accounting
a bookkeeper's chronological list of related debits and credits of a business, forms part of a ledger of accounts
Bradley method of childbirth
Bradley method
a method that prepares a mother for natural childbirth by providing education and exercises and nutrition and techniques of breathing and relaxation (with the assistance of the father)
Lamaze method of childbirth
Lamaze method
a method that prepares a mother for natural childbirth, the pregnant woman (in classes and at home) practices (usually with the help of a coach) and learns about the physiology of childbirth and techniques of relaxation, concentration, and breathing
Leboyer method of childbirth
Leboyer method
a method of childbirth that tries to minimize the trauma for the newborn, delivery occurs in a quiet dimly lit room and the infant's head is not pulled and immediate bonding between mother and child is encouraged
powder photography
powder method
powder technique
a process for identifying minerals or crystals, a small rod is coated with a powdered form of the substance and subjected to suitably modified Xays, the pattern of diffracted rings is used for identification
Read method of childbirth
Read method
a method of natural childbirth that assumes it is a normal process and that the pain is largely psychological, involves education and breathing exercises to foster relaxation and other exercises
gum mucilage
cement consisting of a sticky substance that is used as an adhesive
animal glue a protein gelatin obtained by boiling e.g. skins and hoofs of cattle and horses
casein glue made from casein, used for e.g. plywood and cabinetwork
Crazy Glue a commercial brand of epoxy glue
fish glue gelatinous substance obtained by boiling skins fins and bones of fish
marine glue glue that is not water soluble
fixing agent
a chemical compound that sets or fixes something (as a dye or a photographic image)
epoxy resin
epoxy glue
a thermosetting resin, used chiefly in strong adhesives and coatings and laminates
glue be fixed as if by glue, His eyes were glued on her
join or attach with or as if with glue, paste the sign on the wall, cut and paste the sentence in the text
nitrogen-fixing contributing to the process of nitrogen fixation
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