
gold smith Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Anteil an einem Goldbergwerk
share in a gold mine
den Goldstandard verlassen
abandon the gold standard
gediegenes Gold
pure gold
gediegenes Gold
solid gold
Gold in Barren
gold bullion
flow of gold
gold outflow
outflow of gold
gold premium
premium on gold
gold supply
gold export
gold bar
gold ingot
gold holdings
gold stock
gold cover
gold coverage
gold import
gold clause
gold rate
rate of gold
gold mark
Goldminen, Goldbergwerke
gold mines
gold coin
gold coins
gold option
gold parity
gold price
price of gold
gold reserves
holdings of gold
gold standard
gold piece
surplus gold
gold value
gold inflow
Münzpreis des Goldes
mint price of gold
Augapfel m anat.
Augäpfel pl
mein Augapfel, mein Juwel
Auge in Auge (mit)
sich Auge in Auge gegenüberstehen
etw. wie seinen Augapfel hüten
apple of my eye
eyeball to eyeball (with)
to be eyeball to eyeball
to guard sth. like gold, to cherish sth. like life itself
Brille f, Augengläser pl Ös.
rahmenlose Brille
Brille mit goldenem Gestell
Brille mit Drahtgestell
durch eine rosa Brille sehen übtr.
glasses, eyeglasses
rimless glasses, rimless mounting
gold-rimmed glasses
wire-rimmed glasses
to see things through rose-colored glasses
Doublémetall n, Dublee n (Metall mit Gold-Überzug)
rolled gold
Doublé-Armband n
rolled gold bracelet
Esse f (Schmiede) techn.
(smith's) hearth
Gold n
Gold waschen
Gold auf Nickel
to pan for gold
gold over nickel base
Goldader f
vein of gold
Goldbarren m
gold bar, bar of gold, gold bullion
Goldgräber m
Goldhut m hist.
gold cone
Goldkurs m
Goldkurse pl
gold rate, rate of gold
gold rates, rates of gold
Goldmark f
gold mark
Goldmedaille f
Goldmedaillen pl
gold medal
gold medals
Goldmünze f
Goldmünzen pl
gold coin
gold coins
Goldoberfläche f
gold plating
Goldplattierung f
gold plating
Goldrausch m
gold fever, gold rush
Goldrauschstadt m
gold rush town
Goldreserve f, Goldbestand m
Goldreserven pl, Goldbestände pl
gold reserve
gold reserves
Goldstandard m
gold standard
Goldstaub m
gold dust
Goldsucher m, Goldsucherin f
Goldsucher pl, Goldsucherinnen pl
gold seeker, gold prospector
gold seekers, gold prospectors
Goldvorkommen n
gold deposit
Goldwährung f
gold standard
Katzengold n min.
fool's gold
Otto Normalverbraucher ugs., Durchschnittsbürger m, Jedermann m
Joe Public, Jow Q. Public, John Doe, John Smith, Joe Sixpack coll.
Poliergold n
burnish gold
Rauschgold n, Flittergold n, Schaumgold n
tinsel, gold foil
Schmied m
Tresse f
goldene Tresse
(strip of) braid, stripe
gold braid
Vergolden n, Vergoldung f
plating (with gold)
Walzgold n
rolled gold
Weißgold n
white gold
goldgelötet, goldkontaktiert adj
(Gold, Silber) treiben, ziselieren v
to chase (gold, silver)
vergoldet adj
Es ist nicht alles Gold, was glänzt. Sprw.
All that glitters is not gold. prov.
Handwerk hat goldenen Boden.
A trade in hand finds gold in every land.
Neon-Demoiselle f (Pomacentrus coelistis) zool.
blue & gold damsel
Gold n chem.
Goldschnabeltaube f ornith.
Gold-billed Ground Dove
Dornbusch-Nachtschwalbe f ornith.
Donaldson Smith's Nightjar
Goldwangen-Bartvogel m ornith.
Gold-whiskered Barbet
Feuerrückenspecht m ornith.
Common Gold-backed Woodpecker
Himalaya-Feuerrückenspecht m ornith.
Himalayan Gold-backed Woodpecker
Tijucakotinga ornith.
Black & Gold Cotinga
Goldkopf-Cistensänger m ornith.
Gold-capped Cisticola
Bangstangare f ornith.
Blue & Gold Tanager
Goldringtangare f ornith.
Gold-ringed Tanager
Blauschultertangare f ornith.
Black & Gold Tanager
Smithspornammer f ornith.
Smith's Longspur
Palmertangare f ornith.
Grey & Gold Tanager
Goldbrusttangare f ornith.
Green & Gold Tanager
Feenwaldsänger m ornith.
Grey & Gold Warbler
Mohrengimpel m ornith.
Gold-headed Finch
Dornbuschmahali ornith.
Donaldson-Smith's Sparrow Weaver
Goldnackenweber m ornith.
Gold-naped Weaver
Kronenatzel ornith.
Gold-crested Mynah
Tischlein deck dich, Goldesel und Knüppel aus dem Sack
The Wishing-Table, The Gold-Ass, and The Cudgel in the Sack
goldgeloetet, goldkontaktiert
Gold, gold, golden
gold medal
gold medals
gold rush
gold standard
rolled gold
Schmied, Schmieds
das Paket an Mr. Smith übergeben
to hand the parcel over to Mr. Smith
dem Tat von Mr. Smith folgend
following the advice of Mr. Smith
export of gold
import of gold
Mr. Smith Prokura erteilen
to give procuration to Mr. Smith
nur an Mr. Smith
to Mr. Smith only
rechtzeitig für Mr. Smith
in time to see Mr. Smith
unser Mr. S. wird Sie besuchen
our Mr. Smith will call on you
wie von Mr. Smith vorgeschlagen
as recommended by Mr. Smith
wo kann ich Mr. Smith erreichen
where can I contact Mr. Smith
Altgold n
scrap gold
Arbitrage f (Ausnutzen des Kursunterschieds zwischen Börsenplätzen) fin.
einfache zusammengesetze Arbitrage
Arbitragegeschäft n
Devisenarbitrage f; Wechselkursarbitrage f
Dreiecksarbitrage f
Effektenarbitrage f; Wertpapierarbitrage f
Fusionsarbitrage f
Goldarbitrage f
kursgesicherte Zinsarbitrage
Raumarbitrage f
Zinsenarbitrage f
arbitrage (exploiting the price difference between different stock markets)
simple compound arbitrage
arbitrage dealings
currency arbitrage; arbitrage in exchange; arbitration of exchange
triangular arbitrage three-point arbitrage
arbitrage in securities; stock arbitrage Am.
merger arbitrage
gold arbitrage; arbitrage in bullion
covered arbitrage
arbitrage in space
interest-rate arbitrage
Augapfel m anat.
Augäpfel pl
Auge in Auge (mit)
sich Auge in Auge gegenüberstehen
etw. wie seinen Augapfel hüten
Phil war immer der Liebling seines Vaters.
eyeball to eyeball (with)
to be eyeball to eyeball
to guard sth. like gold; to cherish sth. like life itself
Phil was always the apple of his father's eye.
Berggold n geol.
native gold
Blattgold n; Schlaggold n
beatgold; beat gold
Blick m (von Gold Silber Blei)
lightning (of gold silver lead)
Brille f; Augengläser pl Ös.
randlose rahmenlose Brille; Randlosbrille f
Goldrandbrille f; Brille f mit goldener Fassung
Hornbrille f
Korrekturbrille f
Lesebrille f
Brille mit Metallfassung
optische Brille
durch eine rosa Brille sehen übtr.
Sie hat eine neue randlose Lesebrille.
glasses; eyeglasses; spectacles (formal); specs coll.
rimless glasses
gold-rimmed glasses
horn-rimmed glasses
correction glasses
(a pair of) reading glasses
wire-rimmed glasses
optical glasses
to see things through rose-colored glasses
She's got new rimless reading glasses.
Bruchgold n
broken gold
Doublémetall n; Dublee n (Metall mit Gold-Überzug)
rolled gold
Doublé-Armband n
rolled gold bracelet
Flussgold n; Seifengold n geol.
river gold; placer gold; alluvial gold; driftal gold
Goldader f
Goldadern pl
vein of gold
veins of gold
Goldbarren m
Goldbarren pl
gold ingot; gold bar; ingot bar of gold
gold ingots; gold bars; ingots bars of gold
Goldgräber m; Goldgräberin f
Goldgräber pl; Goldgräberinnen pl
Frau die des Geldes wegen heiratet Kontakt sucht
gold digger; golddigger
gold-diggers; golddiggers
Goldglimmer m; Katzengold n min.
golden mica; fool's gold
Goldkordel f
Goldkordeln pl
gold cord; gold string
gold cords; gold strings
Goldkorn n
Goldkörner pl
gold nugget
gold nuggets
Goldkurs m
Goldkurse pl
gold rate; rate of gold
gold rates; rates of gold
Goldlegierung f
Goldlegierungen pl
gold alloy
gold alloys
Goldmarkt m econ.
gespaltener Goldmarkt
gold market
two-tier gold market
Goldoberfläche f
gold surface
Goldauflage f; Goldplattierung f; Auflage f aus Gold
gold plating
Goldrand m
Goldränder pl
Goldrand an Tassen
gold edge
gold edges
gold rim; gilt rim
Goldrausch m
gold fever; gold rush
Goldreserve f; Goldbestand m
Goldreserven pl; Goldbestände pl
gold reserve
gold reserves
Goldstandard m fin.
den Goldstandard verlassen
gold standard
to abandon the gold standard
Goldsucher m; Goldsucherin f; Goldschürfer m; Goldschürferin f
Goldsucher pl; Goldsucherinnen pl; Goldschürfer pl; Goldschürferinnen pl
gold seeker; gold prospector
gold seekers; gold prospectors
Goldwaage f
(bei jdm.) jedes Wort auf die Goldwaage legen müssen (um nicht kritisiert zu werden) übtr.
nicht jedes Wort auf die Goldwaage legen übtr.
gold balance; a pair of gold scales; gold scales; gold scale Am.; assay balance; physical balance
to have to watch every word you say (to sb.); to have to watch your every word (around sb.) (to avoid being criticized)
not to weigh up every word fig.
Goldware f econ.
gold articles

Deutsche Goldschmied Synonyme


Englische gold-smith Synonyme

gold smith Definition

(n.) Alt. of Goolde
(v. t.) A metallic element, constituting the most precious metal used as a common commercial medium of exchange. It has a characteristic yellow color, is one of the heaviest substances known (specific gravity 19.32), is soft, and very malleable and ductile. It is quite unalterable by heat, moisture, and most corrosive agents, and therefore well suited for its use in coin and jewelry. Symbol Au (Aurum). Atomic weight 196.7.
(v. t.) Money
(v. t.) A yellow color, like that of the metal
(v. t.) Figuratively, something precious or pure
(a.) Gilded.
(n.) The art or process of reducing gold to extremely thin leaves, by beating with a hammer.
(a.) Encompassed with gold.
(n.) The yellow-hammer.
Mannheim gold
() A kind of brass made in imitation of gold. It contains eighty per cent of copper and twenty of zinc.
(n.) One who forges with the hammer
(n.) One who makes or effects anything.
(n.) To beat into shape

gold smith Bedeutung

gold rush a large migration of people to a newly discovered gold field
black and gold garden spider
Argiope aurantia
a widely distributed North American garden spider
gold-tail moth
Euproctis chrysorrhoea
white furry-bodied European moth with a yellow tail tuft
Acapulco gold
Mexican green
a particularly potent variety of marijuana
gold braid
trimming used to decorate clothes or curtains
gold foil foil made of gold
gold leaf a very thin form of gold foil
gold medal a trophy made of gold (or having the appearance of gold) that is usually awarded for winning first place in a competition
gold mine
a mine where gold ore is found
goldmine gold mine a good source of something that is desired
gold plate a thin plating of gold on something
gold plate tableware that is plated with gold
a deep yellow color, an amber light illuminated the room, he admired the gold of her hair
old gold a dark yellow
gold something likened to the metal in brightness or preciousness or superiority etc., the child was as good as gold, she has a heart of gold
gold standard a paragon of excellence, academic education is the gold standard against which other educational activity is pejoratively judged
boom bonanza
gold rush
manna from heaven
a sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money), the demand for testing has created a boom for those unregulated laboratories where boxes of specimen jars are processed like an assembly line
gold fever greed and the contagious excitement of a gold rush
Granny Smith apple with a green skin and hard tart flesh
gold coast a rich neighborhood noted for expensive homes and luxurious living, usually along a coastal area, Chicago's gold coast is along Lake Michigan
Republic of Ghana
Gold Coast
a republic in West Africa on the Gulf of Guinea, Ghana was colonized as the Gold Coast by the British
Fort Smith a town in western Arkansas on the Arkansas River at the Oklahoma border
Wayland the Smith
(European mythology) a supernatural smith and king of the elves, identified with Norse Volund
an artisan who beats gold into gold leaf
gold digger a woman who associates with or marries a rich man in order to get valuables from him through gifts or a divorce settlement
gold miner
gold digger
gold panner
a miner who digs or pans for gold in a gold field
an artisan who makes jewelry and other objects out of gold
someone who works metal (especially by hammering it when it is hot and malleable)
smith someone who works at something specified
Carson McCullers
Carson Smith McCullers
United States novelist (-)
Mary Pickford
Gladys Smith
United States film actress (born in Canada) who starred in silent films (-)
Robinson Ray Robinson
Sugar Ray Robinson
Walker Smith
United States prizefighter who won the world middleweight championship five times and the world welterweight championship once (-)
Smith Adam Smith Scottish economist who advocated private enterprise and free trade (-)
Smith John Smith
Captain John Smith
English explorer who helped found the colony at Jamestown, Virginia, was said to have been saved by Pocahontas (-)
Smith Joseph Smith religious leader who founded the Mormon Church in(-)
Smith Bessie Smith United States blues singer (-)
Smith Julia Evelina Smith United States suffragist who refused to pay taxes until she could vote (-)
Smith Kate Smith
Kathryn Elizabeth Smith
United States singer noted for her rendition of patriotic songs (-)
Smith David Smith
David Roland Smith
United States sculptor (-)
Smith Ian Smith
Ian Douglas Smith
Rhodesian statesman who declared independence of Zimbabwe from Great Britain (born in )
Stevens Smitty Stevens
S. Smith Stevens
Stanley Smith Stevens
United States psychologist and psychophysicist who proposed Stevens' power law to replace Fechner's law (-)
gold of pleasure
Camelina sativa
annual European false flax having small white flowers, cultivated since Neolithic times as a source of fiber and for its oilich seeds, widely naturalized in North America
alpine gold
alpine hulsea
Hulsea algida
low tufted plant having hairy stems each topped by a flower head with short narrow yellow rays, northwestern United States
golden glow
double gold
hortensia Rudbeckia laciniata hortensia
very tall branching herb with showy much-doubled yellow flower heads
guinea gold vine
guinea flower
any of several Australasian evergreen vines widely cultivated in warm regions for their large bright yellow single flowers
gold fern
Pityrogramma chrysophylla
fern of West Indies and South America having fronds with bright golden-yellow undersides
special drawing rights
paper gold
reserve assets in the International Monetary Fund, designed to supplement reserves of gold and convertible currencies used to maintain stability in the foreign exchange market
gold great wealth, Whilst that for which all virtue now is sold, and almost every vice--almighty gold--Ben Jonson
gold coins made of gold
gold standard a monetary standard under which the basic unit of currency is defined by a stated quantity of gold
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Gold is a chemical element with the symbol Au and the atomic number 79. In its purest form, it is a bright, slightly reddish yellow, dense, soft, malleable and ductile metal. Chemically, gold is a transition metal and a group 11 element. It is one of the least reactive chemical elements, and is solid under standard conditions. The metal therefore occurs often in free elemental form, as nuggets or grains, in rocks, in veins and in alluvial deposits. It occurs in a solid solution series with the native element silver and also naturally alloyed with copper and palladium. Less commonly, it occurs in minerals as gold compounds, often with tellurium .

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