
gr Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Haarschopf m, Schopf m
jdn. beim Schopf packen
shock of hair, mop of hair
to grab sb. by the hair
Handlauf m
grab rails
Klaue f, Greifer m techn.
Kranbahn f, Kranlaufbahn f
herrausnehmbare Kranbahn
crane runway, crab girder
removable grab girder
Schaufenstereinbruch m
Schaufenstereinbrüche pl
smash-and-grab raid
smash-and-grab raids
Zweischalengreifer m techn.
double shell type grab
aufbereiten v
to grab
to manage to grab
grabschen, grapschen (nach)
grabschend, grapschend
gegrabscht, gegrapscht
grabscht, grapscht
grabschte, grapschte
to grab (at), to snatch (at)
grabbing, snatching
grabbed, snatched
greifen, packen, fassen, schnappen v
greifend, packend, fassend, schnappend
gegriffen, gepackt, gefasst, geschnappt
greift, packt, fasst, schnappt
griff, packte, fasste, schnappte
to grab
kapern v
to capture, to seize, to grab
capturing, seizing, grabbing
captured, seized, grabbed
captures, seizes, grabs
captured, seized, grabbed
Ich kann mich dafür nicht begeistern.
It just doesn't appeal to me (grab me).
Anfassvermögen n; Anhaftvermögen n (eines Klebstoffs)
grab; quick stick; tackifying quality
Blitzeinbruch m (in ein Geschäftslokal)
smash-and grab raid (on a shop)
Grab-Zugversuch m; Greifprobe f textil.
grab method of tensile test; grab method
Greifbagger m; Greiferbagger m (Baumaschine)
Greifbagger pl; Greiferbagger pl
grab dredger; grab excavator (construction machine)
grab dredgers; grab excavators
Greiferbetrieb m (Bagger)
grab operation; grab service (excavator)
Greifereinrichtung (für Bagger) f
grab equipment (for excavators)
Greiferinhalt m; Greiferfassungsvermögen n (Baumaschinen)
grab capacity (construction machines)
Greiferwinde f
Greiferwinden pl
Eintrommelwinde f
Zweitrommelwinde f; Zweitommelwindwerk n (Winde mit getrennter Hub- und Entleertrommel)
grab winch
grab winches
single-drum grab winch
double-drum grab winch (winch with separate hoisting and discharging drums)
Greifhaken m
Greifhaken pl
grab hook
grab hooks
Greifkübel m; Greifer m (Bagger) techn.
Greifkübel pl; Greifer pl
clam; clamshell; bucket; grab; clamshell bucket; grab bucket (dredger)
clams; clamshells; buckets; grabs; clamshell buckets; grab buckets
Greifprobenbeständigkeit f; Greiftestbeständigkeit f textil.
grab test strength
Haarschopf m; Schopf m
jdn. beim Schopf packen
shock of hair; mop of hair
to grab sb. by the hair
Haltegriff m (im oder am Fahrzeug) auto
Haltegriffe pl
assist handle; grab handle
assist handles; grab handles
Haltestange f (im Bad etc.)
grab rail (in the bathroom etc.)
Katzfahrwerk n; Krankatze f; Laufkatze f; Katze f (an einem Kran) techn.
Katzfahrwerke pl; Krankatzen pl; Laufkatzen pl; Katzen pl
Greiferlaufkatze f
Zweischienenkatze f
travelling trolley; crane trolley; travelling crab; crane crab; traveller; crab (on a crane)
travelling trolleys; crane trolleys; travelling crabs; crane crabs; travellers; crabs
grab trolley
crab running on two rails
Klaue f; Greifer m techn.
Klauen pl; Greifer pl
Selbstgreifer m (Kran)
grab (crane)
Kragen m; Schlafittchen n; Kanthaken m Norddt.; Krawattl n Bayr. Ös. (Haut Kleidung am Genick) übtr.
jdn. am Schlafittchen Kanthaken Krawattl packen halten
Der Hund trug den Welpen an der Nackenfalte ins Haus.
scruff of the neck
to grab hold sb. by the scruff of the their neck
The dog carried the puppy by the scruff of the neck into the house.
Kranbahn f; Kranlaufbahn f
herausnehmbare Kranbahn
crane runway; crab girder
removable grab girder
Stammzange f (Forstwesen)
Stammzangen pl
log grab (forestry)
log grabs
etw. ergattern v
to manage to grab sth.
managing to grab
managed to grab
grabschen; grapschen (nach)
grabschend; grapschend
gegrabscht; gegrapscht
grabscht; grapscht
grabschte; grapschte
to grab (at); to snatch (at)
grabbing; snatching
grabbed; snatched
jdn. etw. greifen; packen; fassen v (an etw.)
greifend; packend; fassend
gegriffen; gepackt; gefasst
greift; packt; fasst
griff; packte; fasste
to grab sb. sth. (by sth.)
kapern v
to capture; to seize; to grab
capturing; seizing; grabbing
captured; seized; grabbed
captures; seizes; grabs
captured; seized; grabbed
jdn. packen; jdn. fesseln; jdn. für sich einnehmen v (Sache) übtr.
packend; fesselnd; für sich einnehmend
gepackt; gefesselt; für sich eingenommen
ein Lebenslauf der Aufmerksamkeit erregt
Wie findest du das?
to grab sb. (thing)
a CV that grabs attention
How does that grab you?
Es sagt mir einfach nicht zu reizt mich nicht.
It just doesn't appeal to me grab me.
Bordsteingreifer m mach. techn.
curbstone grab Am.; kerbstone grab Br.
Landraub m
land grab
Sammelsorium n ugs.
grab-bag; grab bag coll.
Baggerschaufel f; Schaufel f; Baggerlöffel m; Löffel m; Baggerkübel m; Baggereimer m constr.
Baggerschaufeln pl; Schaufeln pl; Baggerlöffel pl; Löffel pl; Baggerkübel pl; Baggereimer pl
Greifkübel m; Greifer m
bucket; scoop; shovel Am. (of an excavator or dredger); digger bucket; excavator bucket; dredger bucket; dredging bucket; dipper shovel Am.
buckets; scoops; shovels; digger buckets; excavator buckets; dredger buckets; dredging buckets; dipper shovels
clamshell bucket; grab bucket
Baggerschiff n; Baggerboot n; Schwimmbagger m; Nassbagger m; Bagger m constr.
Baggerschiffe pl; Baggerboote pl; Schwimmbagger pl; Nassbagger pl; Bagger pl
Greifbagger m; Greiferbagger m
Löffelschwimmbagger m; Schwimmlöffelbagger m
Schwenkbagger m
freifahrender Schwimmbagger
stationärer Schwimmbagger m
grab dredger; grabble dredger
dipper dredge; dipper dredger; dipper shovel
slewing dredger Br.; sluing dredger Am.
floating dredger
stationary dredger
Blitzeinbruch m (in ein Geschäftslokal)
smash-and-grab raid (at a commercial unit)
Einbruchsdiebstahl m; Einbruchdiebstahl m jur. ED ; Einbruch m ugs.; Bruch m ugs. (in)
Einbruchsdiebstähle pl; Einbruchdiebstähle pl; Einbrüche pl; Brüche pl
Dämmerungseinbruch m
Schaufenstereinbruch m Dt. Schw.; Auslageneinbruch m Ös.
einen Einbruch verüben; einen Bruch machen slang
Bei einem Einbruchsdiebstahl in das Gemeindeamt wurden Gegenstände im Wert von 1.000 EUR gestohlen.
burglary (in)
twilight burglary
smash-and-grab burglary
to do a break-in
Items worth EUR 1,000 were stolen in a burglary at the municipal office.
Greifbetrieb m (einer Baumaschine) constr.
grab operation; grab service (of a construction machine)
Greifereinrichtung f (für Bagger)
grab equipment (for excavators)
Greiferwinde f
Greiferwinden pl
Eintrommelwinde f
Zweitrommelwinde f; Zweitrommelwindwerk n (Winde mit getrennter Hub- und Entleertrommel)
grab winch
grab winches
single-drum grab winch
double-drum grab winch (winch with separate hoisting and discharging drums)
Haltestange f (in einem öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel)
Haltestangen pl
grab pole; pole (on a public transport)
grab poles; poles
Haltestange f (im Bad usw.)
grab rail (in the bathroom etc.)
Katzfahrwerk n; Krankatze f; Laufkatze f; Katze f (an einem Kran) techn.
Katzfahrwerke pl; Krankatzen pl; Laufkatzen pl; Katzen pl
Führerstandslaufkatze f; Führerstandskatze f
Greiferlaufkatze f
Zweischienenkatze f
travelling trolley; crane trolley; travelling crab; crane crab; traveller; crab (on a crane)
travelling trolleys; crane trolleys; travelling crabs; crane crabs; travellers; crabs
man trolley; driver trolley; driver-seat crab
grab trolley
crab running on two rails
Klaue f; Greifer m techn.
Klauen pl; Greifer pl
Kranlaufbahn f; Laufbahn f; Kranbahn f
demontierbare Kranbahn
craneway; crane track; crane rails; crab girder; crane runway Am.; runway Am. (travelling path of a crane)
removable grab girder
Selbstgreifer m (Kran) constr.
Bordsteingreifer m (Straßenbau)
grab (crane)
kerbstone grab Br.; curbstone grab Am. (road building)
Trockenbagger m; Bagger m constr.
Trockenbagger pl; Bagger pl
Greifbagger m; Greiferbagger m
Heckbagger m; Baggerlader m
Hochlöffelbagger m; Löffelhochbagger m (mit schiebendem Löffel)
Tieflöffelbagger m; Löffeltiefbagger m (mit ziehendem Löffel)
digger; excavator
diggers; excavators
grab excavator
backhoe loader; loader backhoe; backhoe; tractor loader backhoe TLB Am.
face shovel digger; face shovel excavator
backhoe digger; backhoe excavator; backhoe; backacter; backdigger; pullshovel; pullscoop (road building); dragshovel; clipper shovel; trench hoe; ditcher
Zweischalengreifer m techn.
double shell type grab; clamshell grab
an prp; +Dat. (Ortsangabe)
am offenen Kamin
die Häuser am Fluss
am Fenster stehen
jdn. am Arm nehmen
jdn. an den Haaren packen
den Hammer am Griff nehmen
Mein Schreibtisch steht am Fenster.
at; by (at the side beside sb. sth.)
at by the fireplace
the houses by the river
to stand at by the window
to take sb. by the arm
to seize sb. by the hair
to grab the hammer by the handle
My desk is by the window.
grabschen; grapschen v (nach)
grabschend; grapschend
gegrabscht; gegrapscht
grabscht; grapscht
grabschte; grapschte
to grab (at); to snatch (at)
grabbing; snatching
grabbed; snatched
jdn. etw. greifen; packen; fassen v (an etw.)
greifend; packend; fassend
gegriffen; gepackt; gefasst
greift; packt; fasst
griff; packte; fasste
jdm. etw. entreißen
to grab sb. sth. (by sth.)
to grab sth. (away) from sb.
jdn. packen; jdn. fesseln; jdn. für sich einnehmen v (Sache) übtr.
packend; fesselnd; für sich einnehmend
gepackt; gefesselt; für sich eingenommen
ein Lebenslauf, der Aufmerksamkeit erregt
Wie findest du das?
to grab sb. (thing)
a CV that grabs attention
How does that grab you?
sich etw. schnappen v
sich schnappend
sich geschnappt
to grab sth.
Es sagt mir einfach nicht zu reizt mich nicht.
It just doesn't appeal to me grab me.
zuschlagen v ugs. (eine günstige Gelegenheit nutzen)
to grab a chance
fasste, zugefasst
Domainbesetzer m, Domaingrabber m comp.
cybersquatter, domain grabber slang
Domainbesetzer m; Domaingrabber m comp.
cybersquatter; domain grabber slang

Deutsche Haarschopf {m} Schopf {m} / jdn. beim Schopf packen Synonyme

Haarschopf  ÂSchopf  
eine  Gelegenheit  beim  Schopf  packen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âeine  Gelegenheit  nutzen  
aufrufen  (beim  Arzt)  Âhereinrufen  
ad  hoc  Âauf  Anhieb  Âauf  einen  Schlag  Âgleich  beim  ersten  Mal  
einpacken  Âpacken  
ballen  Âpacken  Âumklammern  Âzusammenpressen  
komprimieren  Âkomprimiert  archivieren  Âpacken  (umgangssprachlich)  Âzippen  (umgangssprachlich)  
überladen  Âvoll  packen  Âvoll  stellen  Âvoll  stopfen  
(jemandes)  habhaft  werden  Âam  Schlaffitchen  zu  fassen  kriegen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âaufgreifen  Âergreifen  Âertappen  Âerwischen  Âfangen  Âfassen  Âfestnehmen  Âgreifen  Âpacken  (umgangssprachlich)  Âschnappen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âverhaften  
auf  die  Reihe  bekommen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âauf  die  Reihe  kriegen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âbewältigen  Âbewerkstelligen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âgebacken  kriegen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âgeregelt  bekommen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âgeregelt  kriegen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âmeistern  Âpacken  (umgangssprachlich)  Âschaffen  Âschaukeln  (umgangssprachlich)  
Haarschopf  Schopf  
eine Gelegenheit beim Schopf packen (umgangssprachlich)  eine Gelegenheit nutzen  

Englische shock of hair mop of hair Synonyme

grab  abduct  abduction  absorb  absorb the attention  annex  apprehend  apprehension  appropriate  arrest  arrest the thoughts  arrestation  arrogate  burglary  caper  capture  carry off  catch  catch the thoughts  catching  charm  clutch  collar  collaring  commandeer  coup  desire  dragnet  enchant  engage  engage the attention  engage the mind  engage the thoughts  engross  engross the mind  engross the thoughts  enthrall  exercise  expropriate  fascinate  fasten upon  filch  forcible seizure  get at  get hold of  glom on to  grab at  grabbing  grapple  grasp  grip  heist  hit  hold  hold spellbound  hold the interest  hypnotize  immerse  impress  involve  involve the interest  job  jump at  kidnap  kidnapping  lay hands on  lay hold of  lift  make an impression  mesmerize  monopolize  nab  nabbing  nail  obsess  occupy  occupy the attention  pick up  picking up  pinch  power grab  prehension  preoccupy  put under arrest  rip-off  robbery  run in  running in  seize  seizure  seizure of power  shanghai  sink in  snag  snatch  snatch at  snatching  spellbind  steal  strike  take  take in  take into custody  take over  take possession  take prisoner  take up  taking in  taking into custody  theft  throttle  usurp  
grabble  beat about  bring in  crop  crop herbs  cut  dig  feel  feel around  feel for  fumble  gather  gather in  glean  grope  grope for  harvest  hay  mow  nut  pick  pluck  poke around  pry around  reap  reap and carry  scrabble  
grabby  a hog for  acquiring  acquisitive  all-devouring  all-engulfing  avaricious  avid  bloodsucking  bottomless  coveting  covetous  desirous  devouring  esurient  extortionate  gluttonous  gobbling  grasping  greedy  hoggish  insatiable  insatiate  itchy  limitless  lupine  mercenary  miserly  money-hungry  money-mad  omnivorous  overgreedy  parasitic  piggish  predacious  predatory  prehensile  quenchless  rapacious  raptorial  ravening  ravenous  sharkish  slakeless  sordid  swinish  unappeasable  unappeased  unquenchable  unsated  unsatisfied  unslakeable  unslaked  venal  voracious  vulturine  vulturous  wolfish  
grace  Angelus  Atticism  Ave  Ave Maria  BOMFOG  Benthamism  Christian charity  Christian love  Hail Mary  Kyrie Eleison  Paternoster  ability  absolution  acciaccatura  acknowledgment  acquired taste  act of grace  act of kindness  address  adeptness  adorn  adroitness  advantageousness  agape  agreeableness  aid prayer  airmanship  altruism  amenities  amnesty  appeal  appealingness  appoggiatura  appreciation of excellence  appropriateness  arabesque  array  artfulness  artisanship  artistry  attractiveness  auspiciousness  beadroll  beads  beatification  beatitude  beauteousness  beautifulness  beautify  beauty  beauty unadorned  become one  becomingness  bedeck  bedizen  benediction  benefaction  beneficence  beneficialness  benefit  benevolence  benevolent disposition  benevolentness  benignity  beseechment  bestow honor upon  bewitchment  bidding prayer  bigheartedness  blazon  blessedness  blessing  bloom  boon  bravura  breeding  breviary  brilliance  brotherly love  cadence  cadenza  canonization  capability  capacity  captivation  caritas  censor  ceremonies  chaplet  charitableness  charity  charm  chasteness  chastity  choiceness  civilities  civilized taste  civilizedness  clarity  class  classicalism  classicism  clearness  clemency  cleverness  cogency  cognizance  collect  color  coloratura  comeliness  command  commiseration  communion  compassion  compassionateness  competence  condolence  confer distinction on  conscience  conscientiousness  consecration  considerateness  consideration  contemplation  control  coordination  correctness  courtesy  craft  craftsmanship  credit  crediting  cultivated taste  cultivation  culture  cunning  daintiness  dandify  decency  deck  deck out  decorate  decorum  dedication  deftness  delicacy  delightfulness  desert  devotion  devotions  dexterity  dextrousness  dignify  dignities  dignity  diplomacy  directness  discernment  discrimination  distinction  distinguish  division  dizen  do-goodism  doll up  dres  
graceful  Attic  Ciceronian  Daedalian  accommodating  adept  adroit  aesthetic  aesthetically appealing  affable  agile  agreeable  apt  artistic  attentive  attractive  authoritative  beauteous  beautiful  bravura  brilliant  chaste  civil  civilized  classic  clean  clear  clever  complaisant  considerate  coordinated  courteous  courtly  crack  crackerjack  cultivated  cultured  cunning  cute  daedal  dainty  deferential  deft  delicate  dexterous  dextrous  diplomatic  direct  discriminating  easy  elegant  endowed with beauty  excellent  expert  exquisite  eye-filling  facile  fair  fancy  fastidious  featly  fine  finished  fleet  flowerlike  flowing  fluent  fluid  good  goodish  gracile  gracious  handsome  handy  heavy  ingenious  light  light-footed  limpid  lissome  lithe  lovely  lucid  magisterial  mannerly  masterful  masterly  natural  neat  neat-fingered  neat-handed  nice  nimble  nimble-footed  no mean  obliging  peart  pellucid  perspicuous  plain  pleasing  polished  polite  politic  pretty  professional  proficient  pulchritudinous  pure  quick  quite some  ready  refined  resourceful  respectful  restrained  round  simple  skillful  slick  smooth  solicitous  some  sophisticated  sprightly  spry  statesmanlike  straightforward  stylish  suave  subtle  supple  sure-footed  tactful  tasteful  terse  the compleat  the complete  thoughtful  trim  tripping  unaffected  unlabored  urbane  virtuoso  well-done  well-mannered  workmanlike  
gracefully  accommodatingly  aesthetically  artistically  attentively  becomingly  chivalrously  civilly  complacently  complaisantly  courteously  courtly  decently  decorously  deferentially  elegantly  gallantly  genteelly  graciously  in good taste  knightly  mannerly  obligingly  politely  properly  quietly  respectfully  seemly  simply  tastefully  unobtrusively  urbanely  with taste  
graceless  Doric  all thumbs  awkward  barbarian  barbaric  barbarous  blunderheaded  blundering  boorish  bumbling  bungling  butterfingered  cacophonous  careless  clownish  clumsy  clumsy-fisted  coarse  crude  cumbersome  damned  doggerel  dysphemistic  fingers all thumbs  fumbling  gauche  gawkish  gawky  godless  gross  ham-fisted  ham-handed  harsh  heavy-handed  hulking  hulky  ill-chosen  improper  impure  in bad taste  inconcinnate  inconcinnous  incorrect  incorrigible  indecorous  inelegant  inept  infelicitous  irreclaimable  irredeemable  irreformable  left-hand  left-handed  lost  loutish  low  lubberly  lumbering  lumpish  maladroit  oafish  outlandish  past praying for  ponderous  reprobate  rude  shriftless  sloppy  stiff  tasteless  unconverted  uncourtly  uncouth  undignified  uneuphonious  unfelicitous  unfortunate  ungainly  ungraced  ungraceful  unhandy  unhappy  unpolished  unredeemable  unredeemed  unrefined  unregenerate  unseemly  unwieldy  vulgar  wild  
gracile  Attic  Ciceronian  aesthetic  aesthetically appealing  airy  attenuate  attenuated  attractive  beauteous  beautiful  boyish  chaste  civilized  classic  clear  cultivated  cultured  dainty  delicate  diaphanous  diluted  direct  discriminating  easy  elegant  endowed with beauty  ethereal  exquisite  eye-filling  fastidious  fine  fine-drawn  finespun  finished  flimsy  flowerlike  frail  gauzy  girlish  gossamer  graceful  gracious  handsome  heavy  insubstantial  lacy  light  limpid  lovely  lucid  misty  natural  neat  nice  papery  pellucid  perspicuous  plain  polished  pretty  pulchritudinous  pure  rare  rarefied  refined  restrained  round  simple  slender  slenderish  slight  slight-made  slim  slimmish  slinky  small  sophisticated  straightforward  subtle  svelte  sylphlike  tasteful  tenuous  terse  thin  thin-bodied  thin-set  thin-spun  thinnish  threadlike  trim  unaffected  unlabored  vague  wasp-waisted  watered  watered-down  watery  weak  willowy  wiredrawn  wispy  
gracious  Bohemian  Christian  Christlike  Christly  accommodating  affable  affectionate  agreeable  amiable  amicable  approachable  attentive  beneficent  benevolent  benign  benignant  bighearted  blissful  bonhomous  bounteous  bountiful  brotherly  casual  cheerful  chivalrous  civil  civilized  clubby  compassionate  compatible  complaisant  compliant  congenial  considerate  cordial  courteous  courtly  cultivated  cultured  dainty  decent  deferential  degage  delicate  desirable  discriminating  easygoing  elegant  en rapport  enjoyable  fair  fair and pleasant  familiar  fastidious  felicific  felicitous  fine  folksy  forthcoming  fraternal  free  free and easy  freehanded  freehearted  friendly  gallant  generous  genial  giving  good  good-natured  goodly  graceful  gracile  grateful  gratifying  greathearted  handsome  harmonious  haymish  heart-warming  hearty  homely  homey  honeyed  hospitable  human  humane  indulgent  informal  irregular  kind  kindhearted  kindly  kindly-disposed  large  largehearted  lavish  liberal  likable  loose  loving  magnanimous  mannered  mellifluous  mellow  munificent  natural  neighborly  nice  obliging  offhand  offhanded  oh  open  openhanded  openhearted  outgoing  overindulgent  overpermissive  permissive  plain  pleasant  pleasing  pleasurable  pleasure-giving  pleasureful  polished  polite  princely  profuse  receptive  refined  relaxed  respectful  rewarding  satisfying  simple  sociable  softhearted  solicitous  sophisticated  starchy  stately  stintless  subtle  sweet  sympathetic  sympathizing  tactful  tender  tenderhearted  thoughtful  unaffected  unassuming  unceremonious  unconstrained  unconventional  ungrudging  unofficial  unselfish  unsparing  unstinted  unstinting  unstudied  urbane  warm  warm-hearted  warmhearted  welcome  welcoming  well-mannered  
gracious living  Easy Street  affluence  bed of roses  clover  comfort  ease  easy circumstances  felicity  fleshpots  gracious life  happiness  lap of luxury  life of ease  loaves and fishes  luxury  prosperity  prosperousness  security  success  the affluent life  the good life  thriving condition  upward mobility  velvet  weal  wealth  welfare  well-being  
graciously  accommodatingly  affably  agreeably  amiably  amicably  attentively  bigheartedly  blissfully  bonhomously  bounteously  bountifully  cheerfully  chivalrously  civilly  complacently  complaisantly  cordially  courteously  courtly  deferentially  enjoyably  fair  freehandedly  freeheartedly  freely  gallantly  generously  genially  good-humoredly  good-naturedly  gracefully  gratifyingly  greatheartedly  handsomely  hospitably  in good part  kindly  knightly  largeheartedly  lavishly  liberally  mannerly  obligingly  openhandedly  openheartedly  pleasantly  pleasingly  pleasurably  politely  profusely  respectfully  satisfyingly  sweetly  ungrudgingly  unselfishly  unsparingly  unstintingly  urbanely  with both hands  with open hands  without stint  
gradation  Indian file  ablaut  acoustic phonetics  array  articulation  articulatory phonetics  assortment  bank  betacism  buzz  categorization  catena  catenation  chain  chain reaction  chaining  change  concatenation  connection  consecution  continuity  continuum  course  culling  cycle  degree  descent  difference  distinction  divergence  drone  endless belt  endless round  file  filiation  gamut  grading  graduation  grouping  hierarchy  hum  line  lineage  modification  monotone  morphophonemics  mutation  nexus  nuance  orthoepy  pendulum  periodicity  phonetics  phonology  place  placement  plenum  powder train  progression  queue  range  rank  ranking  recurrence  reticulation  rhotacism  rotation  round  routine  row  run  scale  screening  selection  sequence  serial order  series  shade  shading  sifting  single file  sorting  sorting out  sound shift  spectrum  string  subordination  succession  swath  taxonomy  thread  tier  train  triage  umlaut  variation  windrow  
grade  acclivity  adjust  align  alphabetize  amount  analyze  arrange  array  ascend  ascent  assort  bank  bevel  bezel  blood  bolt  bracket  branch  break down  bulk  caliber  calibrate  calibrated  cant  careen  caste  catalog  categorize  category  chute  clan  class  classify  climb  codify  collate  compass  condition  cool off  correct  cut  cut it  dab  decline  declivity  decrease  degree  deploy  descend  descent  differentiate  digest  dip  dispose  divide  division  downgrade  drag  dress  drop  dub  easy slope  echelon  enlarge  equalize  estate  evaluate  even  extent  fall  fall away  fall off  fell  file  flatten  fleam  flush  form  gauge  gentle slope  glacis  go downhill  go uphill  gradate  gradation  gradational  gradient  gradual  graduate  graduated  grease  group  grouping  hack it  hanging gardens  harmonize  harrow  head  heading  height  helicline  hierarchic  hierarchize  hill  hillside  inclination  incline  inclined plane  increase  index  interval  keel  kin  label  launching ramp  lay  lay down  lay flat  lay level  lay low  lay out  league  lean  leaning  leap  level  line up  list  lubricate  make it  make the grade  mark  marshal  match  measure  measure up  methodize  mow  normalize  notch  nuance  oil  order  organize  pacify  pas  pass  peg  period  pigeonhole  pitch  place  plane  planish  plaster  plateau  point  position  predicament  progressive  proportion  qualify  quiet  race  rake  ramp  range  rank  rase  rate  rating  ratio  raze  reach  regular  regularize  regulate  remove  retreat  riddle  rise  roll  roll flat  round  routinize  rubric  rung  scalar  scale  scarp  scope  score  screen  section  separate  sept  set  set up  shade  shade off  shadow  shave  shelve  shelving beach  side  sidle  sieve  sift  situation  size  slant  slope  smooth  smooth down  smooth out  smoothen  sort  sort out  space  stage  stair  standard  standardize  standing  state  station  status  steamroll  steamroller  steep slope  step  s  
graded  aligned  arranged  arrayed  assorted  cataloged  categorized  classified  composed  constituted  disposed  filed  fixed  grouped  harmonized  hierarchic  indexed  marshaled  methodized  normalized  on file  ordered  orderly  organized  pigeonholed  placed  pyramidal  ranged  ranked  rated  regularized  regulated  routinized  sorted  standardized  stratified  synchronized  systematized  tabular  
gradient  bank  bevel  bezel  chute  easy slope  fleam  gentle slope  glacis  grade  hanging gardens  helicline  hillside  inclination  incline  inclined plane  launching ramp  lean  leaning  pitch  ramp  rise  rising  scarp  shelving beach  side  slant  slope  steep slope  stiff climb  talus  tilt  uprise  uprising  vertical height  
grading  analysis  arrangement  cataloging  categorization  classification  codification  division  filing  gradation  graduation  grouping  indexing  pigeonholing  placement  ranging  ranking  rating  shading  sorting  stratification  subdivision  tabulation  taxonomy  typology  
gradual  ambling  cautious  circumspect  claudicant  crawling  creeping  creeping like snail  deliberate  dilatory  easy  even  faltering  flagging  foot-dragging  gentle  halting  hobbled  hobbling  idle  inchmeal  indolent  lagging  languid  languorous  lazy  leisurely  limping  lumbering  moderate  piecemeal  poking  poky  regular  relaxed  reluctant  sauntering  shuffling  slack  slothful  slow  slow as death  slow as molasses  slow as slow  slow-crawling  slow-foot  slow-going  slow-legged  slow-moving  slow-paced  slow-poky  slow-running  slow-sailing  slow-stepped  sluggish  snail-paced  snaillike  staggering  steady  step-by-step  strolling  tentative  toddling  tortoiselike  tottering  trudging  turtlelike  unhurried  waddling  
graduate  Admirable Crichton  academic  adept  adjust  advance  aggrandize  alumna  alumnae  alumni  alumnus  ameliorate  amend  appraise  appreciate  artisan  artist  assay  assess  attache  authority  autodidactic  bachelor  be blooded  be successful  bookish  bulk  calculate  calibrate  calibrated  caliper  catch on  check a parameter  click  college graduate  college man  college-bred  collegiate  come along  come off  come on  compute  connaisseur  connect  connoisseur  consultant  cordon bleu  crack shot  craftsman  cross-disciplinary  dead shot  decrease  degrees  develop  dial  differentiate  diplomat  diplomatist  divide  doctoral candidate  educated class  educated man  elder statesman  elevate  enlarge  ennoble  estimate  evaluate  exalt  experienced hand  expert  expert consultant  farewell  fathom  gain  gain ground  gauge  get ahead  get along  go  go ahead  go forward  go great guns  go off  go over  go over big  go to town  grad  gradate  gradational  grade  gradual  graduate student  graduate-professional  graduated  group  grow better  handy man  hierarchic  improve  increase  interdisciplinary  journeyman  kick upstairs  knight  learned  look up  make a hit  make headway  make progress  make strides  mark  marksman  match  measure  meet with success  meliorate  mend  mensurate  meritocracy  mete  meter  no slouch  pace  pass  pedagogical  perk up  pick up  plumb  politician  postgraduate  prefer  prevail  prize  pro  probe  professional  professor  proficient  progress  progressive  promote  proportion  prosper  qualify  quantify  quantize  raise  range  rank  rate  regular  savant  scalar  scale  scholarly  scholastic  schoolboyish  schoolgirlish  schoolish  shade off  shape up  shark  sharp  show improvement  size  size up  skyrocket  sophomoric  sort  sound  span  statesman  step  studentlike  studious  succeed  survey  take  take a reading  take off  technical adviser  technician  triangulate  undergraduate  up  upgrade  valuate  value  weigh  
graduate school  academe  academia  alma mater  college  college of engineering  community college  degree-granting institution  four-year college  institute of technology  ivied halls  journalism school  junior college  law school  medical school  multiversity  normal  normal school  postgraduate school  school of communications  school of education  two-year college  university  university college  varsity  
graduation  advance  advancement  aggrandizement  baccalaureate service  boost  celebration  ceremonial  ceremony  commencement  convocation  elevation  empty formality  ennoblement  exaltation  exercise  exercises  formal  formality  function  gradation  grading  graduation exercises  inaugural  inauguration  initiation  knighting  liturgy  mummery  observance  office  passing  pay raise  performance  preferment  promotion  raise  religious ceremony  rise  rite  rite de passage  rite of passage  ritual  service  shading  solemnity  solemnization  upgrading  upping  

gr Definition

gr Bedeutung

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