
grass plot Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Grasplatz m (mit Gras bewachsener Platz)
Grasplätze pl
grass-plot, lawn, green (large area of grass)
grass-plots, lawns, greens
Grasplatz m (mit Gras bewachsener Platz)
Grasplätze pl
grass-plot; lawn; green (large area of grass)
grass-plots; lawns; greens
verschwören, Verschwörung, Anschlag, Plan
Basis f pol.
the grass roots
Basisdemokratie f pol.
grass-roots democracy, grassroots democracy
Baugrundstück n
site, building plot
Baumwollgras n
cotton grass
Beet n, Gemüsebeet n
Beete pl, Gemüsebeete pl
plot, patch
plots, patches
Beobachtungsfläche f
Beobachtungsflächen pl
observation plot
observation plots
Büffelgras n bot.
buffalo grass
Entwurf m
Flugkontrollraum m (auf einem Flugzeugträger) mil.
air plot Am.
Gemüsebeet n
Gemüsebeete pl
vegetable patch, vegetable plot
vegetable patches, vegetable plots
Gras n bot.
Gräser pl
Gras n (Marihuana) slang
weed, grass, gage, sess slang
Grashalm m
Grashalme pl
blade of grass
blades of grass
Grasplatz m (mit Gras bewachsener Platz)
Grasplätze pl
grass-plot, lawn, green (large area of grass)
grass-plots, lawns, greens
Grundstück n
plot of land
Handlungsschema n, Handlung f
Kleingärtner m
allotment holder Br., garden plot holder
Konspiration f, Verschwörung f
conspiracy, plot
Mahd f, Gemähte n
mown grass
Ortskurve f math.
location curve, Nyquist plot
Parzelle f, Landparzelle f, ein Stück Land
Parzellen pl, Landparzellen pl
plot, lot, parcel of land
plots, lots, parcels of land
Quecke f bot.
twitch grass
Rahmenhandlung f
framework plot, subplot (framing the main plot)
Rasen m
Rasenfläche f
Rasenflächen pl
lawn, patch of grass, grass field
lawns, patches of grass, grass fields
Schrebergarten m
Schrebergärten pl
allotment garden Br., garden plot
Spielwiese f
Spielwiesen pl
grass play area
grass play areas
Strohwitwe f
Strohwitwen pl
grass widow
grass widows
Strohwitwer m
Strohwitwer pl
grass widower
grass widowers
Terrain n (Grundstück)
plot of land
Wollgras n bot.
cotton grass
Zitronengras m bot.
lemongrass, lemon grass
Zittergras n
quaking grass
eine Verschwörung anzetteln, Ränke schmieden (gegen)
to hatch, to instigate
to plot (against)
aufzeichnen, zeichnen, grafisch darstellen v
aufzeichnend, zeichnend, grafisch darstellend
aufgezeichnet, gezeichnet, grafisch dargestellt
to plot
grasgrün adj
to scheme, to plot and scheme
scheming, plotting and scheming
schemed, plotted and schemed
kartieren, einzeichnen v
kartierend, einzeichnend
kartiert, eingezeichnet
to plot
kiffen ugs.
to smoke pot, to smoke grass, to smoke hash
mähen v
Rasen mähen
to cut {cut, cut}
to cut grass
auf etw. sinnen, etw. planen
to plan, to plot sth.
Betreten des Rasens verboten!
Keep off the grass!
Rasen betreten verboten!
Keep off the grass!
Kapgraseule f ornith.
Grass Owl
Nacktzügelsänger m ornith.
Bristled Grass Warbler
Katzengrassänger m ornith.
Large Grass Warbler
Neukaledonien-Buschsänger m ornith.
New Caledonian Grass Warbler
Weißflügel-Schilfsteiger m ornith.
Fly River Grass Warbler
Bartgrassänger m ornith.
Moustached Grass Warbler
Brauengrasschlüpfer m ornith.
Grey Grass Wren
Carpentariagrasschlüpfer m ornith.
Red-winged Grass Wren
Eyregrasschlüpfer m ornith.
Eyrean Grass Wren
Schwarzkehl-Grasschlüpfer m ornith.
Black Grass Wren
Zimtgrasschlüpfer m ornith.
Dusky Grass Wren
Streifengrasschlüpfer m ornith.
Striped Grass Wren
Dickschnabel-Grasschlüpfer m ornith.
Thick-billed Grass Wren
Weißkehl-Grasschlüpfer m ornith.
White-throated Grass Wren
Papageitangare f ornith.
Grass-green Tanager
Duidaammer f ornith.
Mt Diuida Grass Finch
Keilschwanzammer f ornith.
Wedge-tailed Grass Finch
Ypirangaammer f ornith.
Lesser Grass Finch
blade of grass
blades of grass
grass widower
Betreten des Rasens verboten
keep off the grass!
Rasen betreten verboten
keep off the grass
Handlung, Entwurf, aufzeichnen, graf.darstellen
plot of land
plot routine
Blatt vom Gras
blade of grass
Rasen nicht betreten
keep off the grass
Anwohnergrundstück n; Anliegergrundstück n; Anrainergrundstück n; Anwändergrundstück n Schw. adm.
Anwohnergrundstücke pl; Anliegergrundstücke pl; Anrainergrundstücke pl; Anwändergrundstücke pl
neighbo(u)ring adjoining (plot piece of) land; neighbo(u)ring adjoining (real) property
neighbo(u)ring adjoining plots pieces of land; neighbo(u)ring adjoining properties
Badeallergie f; Badedermatitis f med.
bullöse Badedermatitis f
swimmer's itch; swamp itch; cercarial dermatitis; schistosome dermatitis
grass dermatitis; dermatitis pratensis
die Basis f; das Fußvolk n (einer Organisation) adm.
an der Basis; beim Fußvolk; in der Fläche
the rank and file; the grass roots (of an organisation)
on the ground; in the ranks; at grass roots (level); in the field
Basisdemokratie f pol.
grass-roots democracy; grassroots democracy
Baugrundstück n
Baugrundstücke pl
site; building plot
sites; building plots
Bezug m (Zusammenhang); Verhältnis n; Relation f (zu etw.)
in Bezug auf etw.; im Verhältnis zu etw.
Das Einkommen von Frauen ist im Verhältnis zu dem der Männer immer noch niedrig
das Verhältnis die Relation zwischen Preisen und Löhnen
Die Handlung hat mit der Realität wenig zu tun.
relation (to sth.)
in relation to sth.
Women's earnings are still low in relation to men's.
the relation relationship between prices and wages
The plot bears little relation to the reality.
Bloßstellung f; Enttarnung f (von jdm.); Enthüllung f; Aufdeckung f (von etw.)
Aufdeckung einer Verschwörung
Enthüllung seiner kriminellen Vergangenheit
Sie drohten mich öffentlich bloßzustellen.
exposure (of sb. sth.)
exposure of a plot
exposure of his criminal past
They threatened me with public exposure.
Bode-Diagramm n; Bodediagramm n electr.
frequency-response characteristics; Bode plot
Borstgras n; Bürstling n; Hirschhaar n (Nardus stricta) bot.
moor matgrass; matgrass; nard grass
Cannabiskraut n; Marihuana n; Gras n slang
cannabis herb; marijuana; marihuana; weed slang; grass slang; pot slang; sess slang (420 ("four-twenty") )
Chinagras n agr. pharm.
Ramie; China Grass
Citronellöl n; Lemongrasöl n
lemon grass oil
Dissgras n; Diss m (Ampelodesmos mauritanicus) bot.
dis grass; Mauritania grass; rope grass; stramma
Espartogras n; Spartgras n; Pfriemengras n (Lygeum spartum) bot.
esparto grass; esparto; albardine
Europäische Wassernattern pl; Schwimmnattern pl (Natrix) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
water snakes; grass snakes (zoological genus)
Fermi-Diagramm n (Kerntechnik)
Fermi plot; Kurie plot (nuclear engineering)
Froschbissgewächse pl (Hydrocharitaceae) (botanische Familie)
tape-grass family; tape-grasses (botanical family)
Fuchsschwanzgräser pl (Alopecurus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
foxtail grass; foxtails (botanical genus)
Gabelstreifenfarn m; nordischer Streifenfarn (Asplenium septentrionale) bot.
grass fern; forked spleenwort; Northern spleenwort
Gemüsebeet n
Gemüsebeete pl
vegetable patch; vegetable plot
vegetable patches; vegetable plots
Goldgras n (Lamarckia aurea) bot.
goldentop grass; golden dog's tail
Goldruten pl (Solidago) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gewöhnliche Goldrute gemeine Goldrute (Solidago virgaurea)
raue Goldrute (Solidago rugosa)
Riesengoldrute; hohe späte Goldrute; stolzer Heinrich (Solidago gigantea)
grasblättrige Goldrute (Solidago graminifolia)
kanadische Goldrute (Solidago canadensis)
goldenrods (botanical genus)
European goldenrod; woundwort
rough-stemmed goldenrod; wrinkle-leaf goldenrod
giant goldenrod; tall smooth late goldenrod
grass-leaved goldenrod; flat-top goldentop
Canada golden-rod Canada goldenrod
Gräserpollen pl bot. med.
grass pollen
Grafikmodus m comp.
graphic display mode; graphics mode; plot mode
Grafiksoftware f; Graphiksoftware f (selten); Grafikprogramm n comp.
graphics software; graphics program; plot program
Gramagräser pl (Bouteloua) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Büffelgras n (Bouteloua Buchloe dactyloides)
Moskitogras n (Bouteloua gracilis)
grama grasses; gramas (botanical genus)
buffalo grass
blue grama grass
Gras n bot.
Gräser pl
Grasbüschel n
Grasbüschel pl
tuft of grass
tufts of grass
Grasdach n
Grasdächer pl
grass roof
grass roofs
Grasfangkorb m; Fangkorb m; Grasfänger m (am Rasenmäher)
Grasfangkörbe pl; Fangkörbe pl; Grasfänger pl
grass catcher; grass box (of lawnmower)
grass catchers; grass boxes
Grasmähmaschine f; Grasschneidemaschine f agr.
Grasmähmaschinen pl; Grasschneidemaschinen pl
grass mowing machine; grass mower
grass mowing machines; grass mowers
Grasminiermotten pl (Elachistidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
grass-miner moths (zoological family)
Grasnarbe f; Grasdecke f; Rasendecke f: Grasteppich m bot. agr.
greensward; sward; turf; sod; mat of grass; grass cover
Grasplatz m (mit Gras bewachsener Platz)
Grasplätze pl
grass-plot; lawn; green (large area of grass)
grass-plots; lawns; greens
Grastapete f
grass wallpaper
Graszetter m agr.
grass tedder
Grünstreifen m; Grasstreifen m; Rasenstreifen m
Grünstreifen pl; Grasstreifen pl; Rasenstreifen pl
grass verge
grass verges
Grundrissplan m; Grundrissskizze m; Grundriss m; Riss m; Draufsicht f
Grundrisspläne pl; Grundrissskizzen pl; Grundrisse pl; Risse pl; Draufsichten pl
ground plan; horizontal projection; top view; plot Am.
ground plans; horizontal projections; top views; plots
Grundstück n; Liegenschaft f; Stück Land n
Grundstücke pl; Liegenschaften pl
gewerblich genutztes Grundstück
plot of land; land
plots of land
land used for industrial purposes
Handlung f einer Geschichte
story line; storyline; plot line
Handlungslücke f
plot hole
Handlungsschema n; Handlung f
Handlungsschemen pl; Handlungen pl
Gewöhnliches Hartgras n (Sclerochloa dura) bot.
common hardgrass; tufted hardgrass; fairground grass.
Hesperiinae-Dickkopffalter pl (Hesperiinae) (zoologische Unterfamilie) zool.
grass skippers; banded skippers (zoological subfamily)
Kalmus m (Acorus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Indischer Kalmus; Arnzei-Kalmus (Acorus calamus)
sweet flags (botanical genus)
common sweet flag; calamus (root); beewort; gladdon; flag root; pine root; bitter pepper root; sea sedge; sweet root grass myrtle rush sedge; myrtle root flag grass sedge
Kleingärtner m
allotment holder Br.; garden plot holder
Kräuterbeet n bot. agr.
Kräuterbeete pl
herbal plot
herbal plots
Lampenputzergräser pl; Federborstengräser pl (Pennisetum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
australisches Lampenputzergras n; Federborstengras n (Pennisetum alopecuroides) bot.
fountain grasses; pennisetums (botanical genus)
dwarf swamp foxtail fountain grass; Chinese pennisetum
Löffelkräuter pl (Cochlearia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
echtes Löffelkraut n; Löffelblättchen n; Löffelkresse f; Bitterkresse f; Skorbutkraut n (Cochlearia officinalis)
scurvy grass; scurvygrass; spoonwort (botanical genus)
common scurvygrass
Mäher m (von Gras)
Mäher pl
mower (of grass)
Mahd f; Gemähte n; Grasschnitt m agr.
mown grass; grass cuttings; grasscut
Milchsterne pl; Vogelmilch f (Ornithogalum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Dolden-Milchstern m; Doldiger Milchstern m; Stern m von Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum)
Orangefarbener Milchstern m (Ornithogalum dubium)
stars of Bethlehem (botanical genus)
common star of Bethlehem; grass lily; nap-at-noon eleven-o'clock lady
sun star; orange star of Bethlehem
Minzen pl (Mentha) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Polei-Minze f; Polei f; Flohkraut n (Mentha pulegium)
mints (botanical genus)
pennyroyal squaw mint pudding grass; mosquito plant
Ortskurve f math.
location curve; Nyquist plot
Papier n
Papiere pl
alkalifestes Papier
braunes Papier
holzfreies Papier
holzhaltiges Papier
kariertes Papier
marmoriertes Papier
rasengebleichtes Papier
Papier satinieren; glätten
etw. zu Papier bringen; schriftlich niederlegen; verschriftlichen geh.; zu Blatte tragen poet. hist. v
Papier zerfasern; mahlen
Papier glattstreichen
Papier in den Falten brechen
alkali-resistant paper
manila paper
woodfree paper; paper free from lignin
wood-pulp paper
squared paper
grass-bleached paper
to glaze paper
to set put sth. down on paper; to put sth. (down) in writing; to commit sth. to paper
to unravel paper
to job paper
to rub paper out in the folds
Parzelle f; Landparzelle f; ein Stück Land
Parzellen pl; Landparzellen pl
plot; lot; parcel of land
plots; lots; parcels of land
Pflanzgarten m; Pflanzschule f agr.
Pflanzgärten pl; Pflanzschulen pl
Saatgutzelle für Kartoffeln
seed plot
seed plots
seed potato plot
Pyrenäen-Steinschmückel m; Steinschmückel m (Petrocallis pyrenaica) bot.
Pyrenean whitlow-grass
Quecken pl; Haargersten pl (Elymus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gemeine Quecke; Gewöhnliche Quecke; Kriechquecke (Elymus repens)
wildrye; wheatgrasses (botanische Gattung)
couch grass; quick grass; quitch grass; twitch grass; witchgrass; quackgrass; scutch grass
Rahmenhandlung f
Rahmenhandlungen pl
framework plot; subplot (framing the main plot)
framework plots; subplots
Raigras n bot.
raygrass; rye grass
Rasen m; Rasenplatz m; Wasen m Oberdt.
gepflegter Rasen
englischer Rasen
den Rasen mähen
Rasen säen
Das Betreten des Rasens ist verboten!; Betreten des Rasens verboten!
well-kept lawn
English lawn; manicured lawn
to mow the lawn
to sow lawn seed
Keep off the grass!
Rasenfläche f
Rasenflächen pl
lawn; patch of grass; grass field
lawns; patches of grass; grass fields
Rasengitterstein m constr.
Rasengittersteine pl
grass paver; Turf Cell tm
grass pavers
Ringelnatter f zool.
Ringelnattern pl
grass snake; ringed snake; water snake (Natrix natrix)
grass snakes; ringed snakes; water snakes
Rohrratten pl; Grasnager pl (Thryonomyidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
große Rohrratte (Thryonomys swinderianus)
kleine Rohrratte (Thryonomys gregorianus)
cane rats; grass cutters (zoological genus)
greater cane rat
lesser cane rat
Samtgras n; Hasenschwanzgras n; Hasenschwänzchen n (Lagurus ovatus) bot.
hare's tail grass; bunnytail
Scheidenblütgras n; Scheidengras n (Coleanthus subtilis) bot.
moss grass; mossgrass
Schrebergarten m; Heimgarten m; Kleingarten m
Schrebergärten pl; Heimgärten pl; Kleingärten pl
allotment garden; allotgarden Br.; garden plot
Schwanenblume f; Wasserviole f; Blumenbinse f (Butomus umbellatus) bot.
flowering rush; grass rush
Schwarzwurzeln pl (Scorzonera) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gartenschwarzwurzel f; echte spanische Schwarzwurzel f; Winterspargel m (Scorzonera hispanica) bot. cook.
österreichische Schwarzwurzel f (Scorzonera austriaca)
black salsify; Spanish salsify; black oyster plant; serpent root; viper's herb; viper's grass
Austrian viper's grass
Sorghumhirsen pl (Sorghum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Mohrenhirse f; Durrakorn n; Besenkorn n; Guineakorn n; Jowar; Milo (Sorghum bicolor)
Sudangras n (Sorghum bicolor subsp. drummondii)
Wilde Mohrenhirse (Sorghum halepense)
sorghums (botanical genus)
cultivated sorghum; durra; jowari; milo
Sudan grass
Johnson grass
Steppe f geogr.
Steppen pl
steppe; grass-covered plain; temperate grassland; pampa (Argentina); scrub (Australia); veld(t) (South Africa); Ilanos (Orinoco)
steppes; grass-covered plains
Störuntergrund m (Ultraschall) phys.
grass (ultrasound)
Sumpf-Brachsenkraut n; See-Brachsenkraut n (Isoetes lacustris) bot.
common quillwort; lake deep-water quillwort; large-spored quillwort; Merlin's grass

Deutsche Grasplatz {m} (mit Gras bewachsener Platz) / Grasplätze {pl} Synonyme

Gras  ÂGrün  ÂGrünfläche  ÂRasen  ÂWeide  ÂWiese  
Innenraum  ÂPlatz  im  Innern  
Platz  ÂSitz  ÂSitzgelegenheit  ÂSitzplatz  
Platz  ÂSpielfeld  ÂSportplatz  ÂSportstätte  
(sich)  bewegen  ÂPlatz  (Lage)  wechseln  
Areal  ÂBereich  ÂBezirk  ÂFläche  ÂGegend  ÂOrt  ÂPlatz  ÂRaum  ÂRegion  
Freiraum  ÂLuft  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂPlatz  ÂPuffer  ÂRaum  zum  Atmen  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂSpielraum  
abnippeln  (umgangssprachlich)  Âdas  Zeitliche  segnen  Âdavongehen  Âden  Löffel  abgeben  Âentschlafen  Âins  Gras  beißen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âsterben  Âumkommen  Âverenden  Âverscheiden  Âversterben  Âvon  uns  gehen  Âzu  Ende  gehen  
Gras  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂGrünes  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂKraut  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂMarihuana  ÂMary  Jane  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂWeed  (umgangssprachlich)  
Cannabis  ÂGanja  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂGras  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂPot  (umgangssprachlich)  
aus  dem  Weg  gehen  Âausweichen  ÂPlatz  machen  Âweggehen  Âzur  Seite  gehen  Âzur  Seite  springen  
Gras (umgangssprachlich)  Grünes (umgangssprachlich)  Kraut (umgangssprachlich)  Marihuana  Mary Jane (umgangssprachlich)  Weed (umgangssprachlich)  
Gras  Grün  Grünfläche  Rasen  Weide  Wiese  
Platz  Sitz  Sitzplatz  
Platz  Sitzgelegenheit  Sitzplatz  
Platz  Spielfeld  Sportplatz  Sportstätte  
Mardi Gras  Advent  Allhallowmas  Allhallows  Allhallowtide  Annunciation  Annunciation Day  Ascension Day  Ash Wednesday  Candlemas  

Englische grass-plot lawn green Synonyme

grass plot Definition

Alfa grass
(n.) A plant (Macrochloa tenacissima) of North Africa
Arrow grass
(n.) An herbaceous grasslike plant (Triglochin palustre, and other species) with pods opening so as to suggest barbed arrowheads.
Bent grass
() Same as Bent, a kind of grass.
Bermuda grass
() A kind of grass (Cynodon Dactylon) esteemed for pasture in the Southern United States. It is a native of Southern Europe, but is now wide-spread in warm countries
Blue-eyed grass
() a grasslike plant (Sisyrinchium anceps), with small flowers of a delicate blue color.
Blue grass
() A species of grass (Poa compressa) with bluish green stems, valuable in thin gravelly soils
Brome grass
() A genus (Bromus) of grasses, one species of which is the chess or cheat.
Bunch grass
() A grass growing in bunches and affording pasture. In California, Atropis tenuifolia, Festuca scabrella, and several kinds of Stipa are favorite bunch grasses. In Utah, Eriocoma cuspidata is a good bunch grass.
Couch grass
() See Quitch grass.
Dog's-tail grass
(n.) A hardy species of British grass (Cynosurus cristatus) which abounds in grass lands, and is well suited for making straw plait
Doob grass
() A perennial, creeping grass (Cynodon dactylon), highly prized, in Hindostan, as food for cattle, and acclimated in the United States.
Doub grass
() Doob grass.
Gama grass
() A species of grass (Tripsacum dactyloides) tall, stout, and exceedingly productive
Grama grass
() The name of several kinds of pasture grasses found in the Western United States, esp. the Bouteloua oligostachya.
(n.) Popularly: Herbage
(n.) An endogenous plant having simple leaves, a stem generally jointed and tubular, the husks or glumes in pairs, and the seed single.
(n.) The season of fresh grass
(n.) Metaphorically used for what is transitory.
(v. t.) To cover with grass or with turf.
(v. t.) To expose, as flax, on the grass for bleaching, etc.
(v. t.) To bring to the grass or ground
(v. i.) To produce grass.
(a.) Green with grass.
(a.) Of the color of grass
(a.) Overgrown with grass
Grass tree
() An Australian plant of the genus Xanthorrhoea, having a thick trunk crowned with a dense tuft of pendulous, grasslike leaves, from the center of which arises a long stem, bearing at its summit a dense flower spike looking somewhat like a large cat-tail. These plants are often called "blackboys" from the large trunks denuded and blackened by fire. They yield two kinds of fragrant resin, called Botany-bay gum, and Gum Acaroides.
Grass tree
() A similar Australian plant (Kingia australis).
Guatemala grass
() See Teosinte.
Hair grass
() A grass with very slender leaves or branches
Hard grass
() A name given to several different grasses, especially to the Roltbollia incurvata, and to the species of Aegilops, from one of which it is contended that wheat has been derived.
Hariali grass
() The East Indian name of the Cynodon Dactylon
Johnson grass
() A tall perennial grass (Sorghum Halepense), valuable in the Southern and Western States for pasture and hay. The rootstocks are large and juicy and are eagerly sought by swine. Called also Cuba grass, Means grass, Evergreen millet, and Arabian millet.
Lyme grass
() A coarse perennial grass of several species of Elymus, esp. E. Canadensis, and the European E. arenarius.
Melic grass
() A genus of grasses (Melica) of little agricultural importance.
Para grass
() A valuable pasture grass (Panicum barbinode) introduced into the Southern United States from Brazil.
(n.) A small extent of ground
(n.) A plantation laid out.
(n.) A plan or draught of a field, farm, estate, etc., drawn to a scale.
(v. t.) To make a plot, map, pr plan, of
(n.) Any scheme, stratagem, secret design, or plan, of a complicated nature, adapted to the accomplishment of some purpose, usually a treacherous and mischievous one
(n.) A share in such a plot or scheme
(n.) Contrivance
(n.) A plan
(n.) In fiction, the story of a play, novel, romance, or poem, comprising a complication of incidents which are gradually unfolded, sometimes by unexpected means.
(v. i.) To form a scheme of mischief against another, especially against a government or those who administer it
(v. i.) To contrive a plan or stratagem
(v. t.) To plan
(a.) Secure against harm by plots.
Quack grass
() See Quitch grass.
Quitch grass
() A perennial grass (Agropyrum repens) having long running rootstalks, by which it spreads rapidly and pertinaciously, and so becomes a troublesome weed. Also called couch grass, quick grass, quick grass, twitch grass. See Illustration in Appendix.

grass plot Bedeutung

Bacillus subtilis
Bacillus globigii
grass bacillus
hay bacillus
a species of bacillus found in soil and decomposing organic matter, some strains produce antibiotics
vesper sparrow
grass finch Pooecetes gramineus
common North American finch noted for its evening song
grassfinch grass finch usually brightlyolored Australian weaverbirds, often kept as cage birds
grass frog
Rana temporaria
a common semiterrestrial European frog
green snake grass snake either of two North American chiefly insectivorous snakes that are green in color
garter snake
grass snake
any of numerous nonvenomous longitudinally-striped viviparous North American and Central American snakes
grass snake
ring snake ringed snake
Natrix natrix
harmless European snake with a bright yellow collar, common in England
viperine grass snake
Natrix maura
a small harmless grass snake
grass parakeet
lovebird shell parakeet
Melopsittacus undulatus
small Australian parakeet usually light green with black and yellow markings in the wild but bred in many colors
grass skirt a skirt made of long blades of grass
pot grass
green goddess
gage sess
smoke skunk
Mary Jane
street names for marijuana
plot element a component or element of the plot of a story
secret plan
a secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal), they concocted a plot to discredit the governor, I saw through his little game from the start
Gunpowder Plot a conspiracy inin England to blow up James I and the Houses of Parliament to avenge the persecution of Catholics in England, led by Guy Fawkes
plot the story that is told in a novel or play or movie etc., the characters were well drawn but the plot was banal
plot line
the plot of a book or play or film
plot a chart or map showing the movements or progress of an object
bulky food like grass or hay for browsing or grazing horses or cattle
grass roots the common people at a local level (as distinguished from the centers of political activity)
plot of land
plot of ground
a small area of ground covered by specific vegetation, a bean plot, a cabbage patch, a briar patch
grass widow
a divorced woman or a woman who is separated from her husband
grass widower
divorced man
a man who is divorced from (or separated from) his wife
snake in the grass
a deceitful or treacherous person
a police informer who implicates many people
Gunter Grass
Gunter Wilhelm Grass
German writer of novels and poetry and plays (born )
cottage pink
grass pink Dianthus plumarius
European pink cultivated for its very fragrant pink or rosy flowers
alligator weed
alligator grass
Alternanthera philoxeroides
prolific South American aquatic weed having grasslike leaves and short spikes of white flowers, clogs waterways with dense floating masses
winter cress
St. Barbara's herb
scurvy grass
any plant of the genus Barbarea: yellow-flowered Eurasian cresses, widely cultivated for winter salad
scurvy grass common scurvy grass
Cochlearia officinalis
a widely distributed Arctic cress reputed to have value in treatment or prevention of scurvy, a concentrated source of vitamin C
whitlow grass
Draba verna
annual weed of Europe and North America having a rosette of basal leaves and tiny flowers followed by oblong seed capsules
common garden cress
garden pepper cress
pepper grass
pepperwort Lepidium sativum
annual herb used as salad green and garnish
field pennycress
French weed
penny grass
mithridate mustard
Thlaspi arvense
foetid Eurasian weed having round flat pods, naturalized throughout North America
grass-leaved golden aster a variety of golden aster
black salsify
viper's grass
Scorzonera hispanica
perennial south European herb having narrow entire leaves and solitary yellow flower heads and long black edible roots shaped like carrots
grass pink Calopogon pulchellum
Calopogon tuberosum
an orchid
family Gramineae
family Graminaceae
family Poaceae
grass family
the grasses: chiefly herbaceous but some woody plants including cereals, bamboo, reeds, sugar cane
grass narrow-leaved green herbage: grown as lawns, used as pasture for grazing animals, cut and dried as hay
beach grass tough grasses with strong roots that can grow on exposed sandy shores
bunch grass
any of various grasses of many genera that grow in tufts or clumps rather than forming a sod or mat, chiefly of western United States
any of various grasses that are short and can tolerate drought conditions, common on the dry upland plains just east of the Rocky Mountains
sword grass any of various grasses or sedges having sword-shaped leaves with sharp edges
any of various grasses that are tall and that flourish with abundant moisture
lemon grass
a tropical grass native to India and Sri Lanka
goat grass
Aegilops triuncalis
European grass naturalized as a weed in North America, sharp-pointed seeds cause injury when eaten by livestock
a grass of the genus Agropyron
crested wheatgrass
crested wheat grass
fairway crested wheat grass
Agropyron cristatum
Eurasian grass grown in United States great plains area for forage and erosion control
dog grass couch grass
quack grass
quick grass
witch grass witchgrass Agropyron repens
European grass spreading rapidly by creeping rhizomes, naturalized in North America as a weed
bent grass
grass for pastures and lawns especially bowling and putting greens
velvet bent
velvet bent grass
brown bent
Rhode Island bent
dog bent
Agrostis canina
common grass with slender stems and narrow leaves
cloud grass
Agrostis nebulosa
Spanish grass with light feathery panicles grown for dried bouquets
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