
growth Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Auswuchs m med.
Heranwachsen n
Tumor m, Gewächs n, Geschwulst f med.
Wachstum n, Entwicklung f, Zuwachs m, Zunahme f
Züchtung f, Erzeugung f
Wachstum, Entwicklung
Tumor m; Gewächs n; Geschwulst f med.
Züchtung f; Erzeugung f
Neuaustrieb m bot.
new growth
growth rate
Wachstumsstillstand, Nullwachstum
zero growth
Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit f bot.
growth rate
Wachstumsstillstand m, Nullwachstum n
null growth
Wildwuchs m, Wucherung f
rank growth
Zellwachstum n biol.
cell growth
rank growth
Wildwuchs m; Wucherung f
rank growth
Wurzelwachstum n bot.
root growth
Haarwachstum n
hair growth
schnelles Wachstum
quick growth
Grobkornbildung f (Kristallographie) techn.
grain growth
Korallengestrüpp n
coral growth
Wachstumsindex m
growth index
Wachstumswert m
growth stock
Wachstumsschwierigkeiten pl
growth pains
Kornwachstum n
grain growth
annual growth
growth policy
Wachstumsziel, angestrebtes Wachstum
growth target
Höhenzuwachs m
height growth
Wachstum n (Reifen)
growth (tyre)
Wachstumsrhythmus m biol.
growth rhythm
Wachstumsgewebe n; Bildungsgewebe n bot.
growth tissue
Wachstumspolitik f pol.
growth policy
optimales Wachstum
optimal growth
rate of growth
Ertragswachstum n
revenue growth
Kapitalzuwachs m fin.
capital growth
Kümmerwuchs m bot.
stunted growth
Verkümmerung f
stunted growth
rate of growth
stunted growth
Ertragswachstum n econ.
revenue growth
Ausdehnung des Handels, Zunahme des Handels
growth of trade
ausgewogenes Wachstum
balanced growth
negative growth
growth prospect
growth industry
economic growth
Wachstumsbranche f
growth industry
rates of growth
Wachstumsdepression f bot.
growth stunting
vorhergesagtes, geplantes Wachstum
projected growth
factor of growth
period of growth
growth potential
Epitaxiewachstum n, Aufwachsen einer Halbleiterschicht electr.
epitaxial growth
Wachstumspotenzial n, Wachstumspotential n alt
growth potential
wachstumshemmend, wachstumsverzögernd adj
growth retarding
Dehnungstoleranz f
growth allowance
Epitalwachstum, Aufwachsen einer Halbleiterschicht
epitaxial growth
Bakterienwachstum n biol.
bacterial growth
Epitaxiewachstum n; Aufwachsen einer Halbleiterschicht electr.
epitaxial growth
Mikrobenwachstum n biol.
microbial growth
population growth
Struktur des Wachstums
pattern of growth
pattern of growth
Populationswachtstum n biol.
population growth
Streckungswachstum n
elongation growth
beschleunigtes Wachstum
accelerated growth
climate for growth
das Wuchern
the rampant growth
saftig, grün, üppig adj
üppiger Wuchs
lush growth
wachstumsfördernd, wachstumsanregend, wachstumsstimulierend adj
growth stimulating
beschleunigtes Wirtschaftswachstum
accelerated growth
saftig; grün; üppig adj
üppiger Wuchs
lush growth
Wachstumschancen pl econ.
chances for growth
Wildwuchs m (Vorgang) bot.
spontaneous growth
productivity growth
economics of growth
economics of growth
Bevölkerungswachstum, Bevölkerungszunahme
growth of population
technologisches Wachstum
growth of technology
ueberdurchschnittliches Wachstum
above average growth
growth in consumption
Beschleunigung des Wachstums
acceleration of growth
Wachstum n, Wuchs m
jährliches Wachstum
annual growth
auslaendischer Wein
wine of foreign growth
rate of economic growth
üppiges Wachstum; Überwuchern n; Überwucherung f bot.
overgrowth; rank growth
Zwergwuchs m
dwarfism, stunted growth
Wachstumsstillstand m; Nullwachstum n econ.
null growth; zero growth
Krebsgeschwür n übtr.
cancer; cancerous growth
nachhaltiges wirtschaftliches Wachstum
sustained economic growth
growth of saving deposits
Algenwachstum n, Algenwuchs m
algae growth, algal growth
Algenwachstum n; Algenwuchs m
algae growth; algal growth
Nulllohnrunde f; Nullrunde f für Löhne
zero growth wage agreement
Wachstumsbereich m
Wachstumsbereiche pl
growth area
growth areas
Wachstumskern m econ.
Wachstumskerne pl
growth core
growth cores
Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit f biol.
growth rate; rate of growth
Verdienstspanne f
margin growth, profit margin
Verdienstspanne f
margin growth; profit margin
krebsartig adj med.
krebsartige Wucherung f
cancerous growth
Haaransätze pl (nachgewachsener Teil der Haare)
hair roots (new growth hair)
Rissausbreitung f; Rissvergrößerung f; Risswachstum n techn.
crack increase; crack growth
Wachstumstrend m econ.
Wachstumstrendsisn pl
growth trend
growth trends
krebsartig adj med.
krebsartige Wucherung f; Krebsgeschwür f ugs.
cancerous growth
Somatotropin n, Wachstumshormon n med.
somatotrophin, growth hormone
Somatotropin n; Wachstumshormon n med.
somatotrophin; growth hormone
Umsatzwachstum n econ.
sales growth; growth in sales
bösartige Geschwulst f; bösartiger Tumor m; maligne Wucherung f med.
malignancy (cancerous growth)
allometrisch adj
allometrisches Wachstum biol.
allometric growth
Wachstumsziel n econ.
Wachstumsziele pl
growth target
growth targets
Wachstumsstillstand m biol.
arrested growth; loss of growth
Pseudotumor m, Scheingeschwulst f med.
pseudotumour, tumour-like growth
Wachstumsperiode f, Vegetationsperiode f bot.
growing season, period of growth
Pseudotumor m; Scheingeschwulst f med.
pseudotumour; tumour-like growth
Wachstumsvorgang m biol.
Wachstumsvorgänge pl
growth process
growth processes
etw. mit einer Lanzette eröffnen; aufstechen v med.
ein Geschwür eröffnen
to lance sth.
to lance a growth
Vermögenszuwachs m; Kapitalzuwachs m fin.
capital growth; growth of capital
Wachstumsprozess m
process of growth; growth process
Wachstumsförderer m biol.
Wachstumsförderer pl
growth promoter
growth promoters
Wachstumsstörung f
Wachstumsstörungen pl
growth disorder
growth disorders
Altholz n; altes Astmaterial n agr.
hardwood (mature growth on shrubs)
Wachstumsprognose f econ.
Wachstumsprognosen pl
growth forecast
growth forecasts
Zellwachstumshemmung f; Zytostase f pharm.
cell growth inhibition; cytostasis
zellwachstumshemmend; zytostatisch adj pharm.
cell growth inhibiting; cytostatic
Wachstumsbranche f; Wachstumsindustrie f econ.
Wachstumsbranchen pl; Wachstumsindustrien pl
growth industry
growth industries
Wachstumsfaktor m
Wachstumsfaktoren pl
factor of growth
factors of growth
Wald m, Forst m, Waldung f
Wälder pl, Forste pl, Waldungen pl
altbestehender Wald
old-growth forest
Wirtschaftswachstum n
beschleunigtes Wirtschaftswachstum
economic growth
accelerated growth
Wachstumsmotor m übtr. econ.
Wachstumsmotoren pl
engine of growth
engines of growth
Wachstumspotenzial n; Wachstumspotential n alt
Wachstumspotenziale pl; Wachstumspotentiale pl
growth potential
growth potentials
Weiterreißtest m textil.
Weiterreißtests pl
tear growth test
tear growth tests
wachstumsfördernd; wachstumsanregend; wachstumsstimulierend adj biol.
growth-promoting; growth-stimulating
Wachstumspotenzial n; Wachstumspotential n alt econ.
Wachstumspotenziale pl; Wachstumspotentiale pl
growth potential
growth potentials
Bevölkerungswachstum n, Bevölkerungszunahme f
growth of population, population growth
Bevölkerungswachstum n; Bevölkerungszunahme f
growth of population; population growth
Bartwuchs m
starker Bartwuchs
growth of beard
strong growth of beard
Wachstumshemmung f; Wachstumsminderung f; Wachstumsverzögerung f biol.
growth inhibition; retardation in growth
wachstumsorientiert adj econ.
growth-oriented; growth-orientated Br.
Absenkung f (Kesseldehnung) mach.
downward expansion, downward thermal growth
Absenkung f (Kesseldehnung) mach.
downward expansion; downward thermal growth
Wachstumsfaktor m (Eiweiß, das das Zellwachstum anregt) biochem.
epidermaler Wachstumsfaktor
growth factor
epidermal growth factor EGF
Diauxie f (zweiphasiges Wachstum von Mikroorganismen) biol.
diauxie (two-phase growth of microorganisms)
Wachstumsretardierung f med.
fetale Wachstumsretardierung
growth retardation
fetal growth retardation
Nährmedium n; Nährboden m biol.
nutrient medium; culture medium; growth medium
Kesselwärmedehnung f mach.
boiler thermal expansion; boiler thermal growth

Deutsche Wachstum Synonyme

Wachstum  ÂWertzuwachs  ÂWuchs  ÂZunahme  
Anstieg  ÂErhöhung  ÂSteigerung  ÂWachstum  ÂZunahme  ÂZuwachs  
Wachstum  Wertzuwachs  Wuchs  Zunahme  

Englische growth Synonyme

growth  about-face  abscess  access  accession  accomplishment  accretion  accrual  accruement  accumulation  addition  advance  advancement  aggrandizement  ague  alchemy  amplification  anemia  ankylosis  anoxia  apnea  appreciation  ascent  asphyxiation  assimilation  assumption  asthma  ataxia  atrophy  augmentation  backache  ballooning  becoming  benign tumor  bleeding  blennorhea  bloating  blossoming  boom  boost  bottoming out  broadening  budding  buildup  burgeoning  business cycle  business fluctuations  bust  cachexia  cachexy  callosity  callus  cancer  carcinoma  change  change-over  chill  chills  clump  colic  constipation  conversion  convulsion  cooling off  corn  coughing  crescendo  crisis  crop  cultivation  cyanosis  cyst  depression  development  developmental change  diarrhea  dizziness  downturn  dropsy  dysentery  dyspepsia  dyspnea  economic cycle  economic expansion  economic growth  edema  elaboration  elevation  emaciation  enlargement  evolution  evolutionary change  evolvement  evolving  excrescence  expanding economy  expansion  explication  extension  fainting  fatigue  fever  fibrillation  flip-flop  flood  flowering  flux  fungosity  fungus  furtherance  gain  gemmation  germination  gradual change  greatening  gush  hassock  hemorrhage  high blood pressure  high growth rate  hike  hydrops  hypertension  hypotension  icterus  improvement  increase  increment  indigestion  inflammation  inflation  insomnia  intumescence  itching  jaundice  jump  labored breathing  lapse  leap  low  low blood pressure  lumbago  lump  luxuriation  malignant growth  marasmus  market expansion  maturation  metastatic tumor  mole  morbid growth  mounting  multiplication  nasal discharge  natural development  natural growth  naturalization  nausea  necrosis  neoplasm  nevus  nonmalignant tumor  nonviolent change  nurturing  outgrowth  overgrowth  pain  paralysis  passage  peak  peaking  plantation  planting  procreation  productiveness  progress  progre  

growth Definition

(n.) The process of growing
(n.) That which has grown or is growing

growth Bedeutung

somatotropic hormone
somatotrophic hormone
human growth hormone
growth hormone
a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland, promotes growth in humans
emergence outgrowth
the gradual beginning or coming forth, figurines presage the emergence of sculpture in Greece
rapid climb
rapid growth
a rapid rise
growth industry an industry that is growing rapidly
growth vegetation that has grown, a growth of trees, the only growth was some salt grass
growth something grown or growing, a growth of hair
annual ring
growth ring
an annual formation of wood in plants as they grow
old growth
virgin forest
forest or woodland having a mature or overly mature ecosystem more or less uninfluenced by human activity
second growth a second growth of trees covering an area where the original stand was destroyed by fire or cutting
growth stock stock of a corporation that has had faster than average gains in earnings and is expected to continue to
economic growth steady growth in the productive capacity of the economy (and so a growth of national income)
development ontogeny
(biology) the process of an individual organism growing organically, a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level, he proposed an indicator of osseous development in children
growth a progression from simpler to more complex forms, the growth of culture
a process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important, the increase in unemployment, the growth of population
population growth increase in the number of people who inhabit a territory or state
type I diabetes
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
juvenile-onset diabetes
juvenile diabetes
growth-onset diabetes
ketosis-prone diabetes
ketoacidosis-prone diabetes
autoimmune diabetes
severe diabetes mellitus with an early onset, characterized by polyuria and excessive thirst and increased appetite and weight loss and episodic ketoacidosis, diet and insulin injections are required to control the disease
growth (pathology) an abnormal proliferation of tissue (as in a tumor)
growth factor a protein that is involved in cell differentiation and growth
nerve growth factor
a protein that is involved in the growth of peripheral nerve cells
plant hormone
growth regulator
(botany) a plant product that acts like a hormone
growth hormoneeleasing factor
a releasing factor that accelerates the secretion of growth hormone by the anterior pituitary body
growth rate
rate of growth
the rate of increase in size per unit time
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Growth refers to a positive change in size, andor maturation, often over a period of time. Growth can occur as a stage of maturation or a process toward fullness or fulfillment. It can also perpetuate endlessly, for example, as detailed by some theories of the ultimate fate of the universe.

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