
habit building Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

aus Gewohnheit
by habit
spending habit
exhibition building
building worker
building credit
building loan
building permit
Baugewerbe, Baubranche
building industry
building boom
building costs
building site
building association
building society
building society mortgage
building materials
building activity
building contractor
building contract
building trade
Bauwirtschaft, Bauindustrie
building industry
bewohntes Gebäude
occupied building
office building
ein Gebäude ausbessern
repair a building
ein Gebäude errichten
put up a building
ein Gebäude renovieren
renovate a building
eine Gewohnheit annehmen
acquire a habit
eine Gewohnheit herausbilden
form a habit
eine Gewohnheit übernehmen
assume a habit
erbpachtrechtliche Ãœberlassung
building lease
Erwerbung einer Routine
habit formation
habit of eating
factory building
Gebäude besetzen
seize a building
Gebäude restaurieren
restore a building
building insurance
gewerblich genutztes Gebäude
industrial building
main building
Kaufgewohnheit der Verbraucher
consumer buying habit
Macht der Gewohnheit
force of habit
general purpose building
Räumung eines Gebäudes
vacation of a building
unbewohntes Gebäude
unoccupied building
administrative building
Wert eines Gebäudes
value of a building
apartment building
residential building
building society
habit of paying
paying habit
functional building
Abfertigungshalle f
Abfertigungshallen pl
terminal building, check-in area
terminal buildings, check-in areas
Altbau m
old building
Altbaumodernisierung f constr.
modernisation of an old building
Altbausanierung f constr.
refurbishment of an old building
Anbau m
building extension
Angewohnheit f, Gewohnheit f, Gepflogenheit f
Angewohnheiten pl, Gewohnheiten pl, Gepflogenheiten pl
aus Gewohnheit
die Angewohnheit haben zu, die Gewohnheit haben zu
mit einer Gewohnheit brechen, sich etw. abgewöhnen
zur Gewohnheit werden
by habit
to be in the habit of
to break a habit
to grow into a habit, to become a habit
Ankerloch n
Ankerlöcher pl
Ankerlöcher sind auf der Baustelle zu bohren.
anchor hole
anchor holes
Anchor holes must be drilled at the building site.
Armeegebäude n
army building
Art und Maß der baulichen Nutzung
type and degree of building and land use
Aufbau m, Aufbauen n
Aufbauphase f
Aufbauphasen pl
building phase
building phases
Bau m, Errichtung f
im Bau
construction, building
under construction
Bauabmessung f
building dimension
Bauamt n
building authorities
Bauantrag m, Baugesuch n
Bauanträge pl, Baugesuche pl
building application, planning application
building applications, planning applications
Bauart f
offene Bauart
construction type, building technique
open type
Bauaufsichtsbehörde f
building control authority, building supervisory board
Bauauftrag m
Bauaufträge pl
öffentlicher Bauauftrag
building contract, construction contract
building contracts, construction contracts
public-sector construction contract
Bauausführung f
building construction, execution of construction work
Baubeginn m
start of construction works, start of building
Baubetreuung f
building support
Baudarlehen n, Baukredit m fin.
Baudarlehen pl, Baukredite pl
building credit, building loan
building credits, building loans
Baudenkmal n
building of historic importance, historical monument
Baudezernat n, Baudepartement n Schw.
Baudezernate pl, Baudepartements pl
building department
building departments
Baudienststelle f
Baudienststellen pl
building agency
building agencies
Bauelement n
prefabricated building unit
Baufach n
building trade
Baufeuchte f constr.
building moisture
Baufirma f, Bauunternehmung f
Baufirmen pl, Bauunternehmungen pl
building enterprise, construction firm, construction company
building enterprises
Baufläche f
building area, building land
Baugebot n
Durchführung eines Baugebots
building order
implementation of a building order
Baugelände n, Baugebiet n
building site
Baugenehmigung f
construction approval, building permit
Baugenehmigung f
Versagung f einer Baugenehmigung
building permission, planning permission
refusal of a building permission
Baugenehmigungsbehörde f
building permit authority
Baugenossenschaft f
building cooperative
Baugewerbe n
building trade
Baugrube f
Baugruben pl
building pit, foundation pit, excavation
building pits, foundation pits, excavations
Baugrubensprengung f
building pit blasting
Baugrubenverfüllung f
refilling of a building pit
Baugrubenverkleidung f
building pit lining
Baugrundstück n
site, building plot
Baugüte f
building materials quality
Baugüteüberwachung f
building materials quality control
Bauherr m
Bauherren pl
building owner, client, master of the works
building owners
Bauindustrie f, Bauwirtschaft f
building industry, construction industry
Bauinspektor m, Bauinspektorin f, Baugutachter m, Baugutachterin f
Bauinspektoren pl, Bauinspektorinnen pl, Baugutachter pl, Baugutachterinnen pl
building surveyor
building surveyors
Baukasten f
Baukästen pl
building set, building block
building sets
Baukalk m
building lime
Bauklimatik f
building climate control
Baukörper m
Baukran m
Baukräne pl
building crane
building cranes
Bauland n
building land
Baulinie f
fixing building limiting line, building line
Baumaßnahme f
building project
Baumaßnahme f
building measure, constructional measure
Baumaterial n
Baumaterialien pl
building material, construction material
building materials, construction materials
Baunebenkosten pl
additional building costs
Bauordnung f, Baubestimmungen pl
technische Baubestimmungen 
building regulations
technical building regulations 
Bauordnungsrecht n
Federal State Building Order
Bauphysik f
building physics, construction physics
Bauplan m
Baupläne pl
construction plan, building plan
construction plans, building plans
Bauplanung f, Bauzeichung f constr.
building design
Bauplatte f
Bauplatten pl
building slab
building slabs
Bauplatz m
building lot, building ground, building site
Bauprodukt m
Bauprodukte pl
building product
building products
Bauproduktengesetz m
Building Products Act
Bauproduktenrichtlinie f
Building Products Guideline
Bauprogramm n
building schedule
Bauprüfung f
inspection of building
Baurecht n jur.
building laws
Bauregelliste f
Building Rules List
Bauschlosser m, Bauschlosserin f
Bauschlosser pl, Bauschlosserinnen pl
building fitter
building fitters
Bauschutt m, Baurestmasse f constr.
rubble, building rubble, construction waste
Bausparkasse f fin.
Bausparkassen pl
building society
building societies
Bausparvertrag m fin.
Bausparverträge pl
building loan contract, building loan agreement
building loan contracts, building loan agreements
Baustein m
building block
Baustelle f constr.
Baustellen pl
auf der Baustelle anpassen
auf der Baustelle kürzen
building site, construction site
building sites, construction sites
to adapt at the building site
to shorten at the building site
Baustellenbaracke f
building site hut
Baustellenbesichtigung f
building site visit
Baustelleneinrichtung f
building site facilities
Baustellenzaun m
Baustellenzäune pl
building site fence, site fence
building site fences, site fences
Baustoff m
Baustoffe pl
building material, construction material
building materials, construction materials
Baustoffklasse f
building material class
Bausubstanz f
basic structure of a building
Bautafel f
construction sign building-blackboard
Bausumme f
building sum
Bauträger m
Bauträger pl
property developer, real estate developer, building promoter
property developers, real estate developers, building promoters
Bauunternehmer m, Baufirma f
Bauunternehmer pl, Baufirmen pl
building contractor
building contractors
Bauvertrag m
Bauverträge pl
building contract
building contracts
Bauvoranfrage f
Bauvoranfragen pl
outline building application
outline building applications
Bauvorbescheid m
Bauvorbescheide pl
outline building permit
outline building permits
Bauvorhaben n
Bauvorhaben pl
genehmigungsbedürftiges Bauvorhaben
building project
building projects
building development requiring building permission
Bauvorlageberechtigung f
authorization to present building documents
Bauvorschrift m, baurechtliche Vorschrift f
building regulation, provision under buildung law
Bauvorschriften pl constr.
building regulations
Bauweise f
type of building coverage

Deutsche gewohnheitsformend Synonyme

Englische habit-building Synonyme

habit building Definition

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Build
(n.) The act of constructing, erecting, or establishing.
(n.) The art of constructing edifices, or the practice of civil architecture.
(n.) That which is built
(n.) The usual condition or state of a person or thing, either natural or acquired, regarded as something had, possessed, and firmly retained
(n.) The general appearance and manner of life of a living organism.
(n.) Fixed or established custom
(n.) Outward appearance
(n.) To inhabit.
(n.) To dress
(n.) To accustom

habit building Bedeutung

habit use (psychology) an automatic pattern of behavior in reaction to a specific situation, may be inherited or acquired through frequent repetition, owls have nocturnal habits, she had a habit twirling the ends of her hair, long use had hardened him to it
anaerobic exercise
muscle building
exercise that builds muscles through tension
the act of constructing something, during the construction we had to take a detour, his hobby was the building of boats
ship building
the construction of ships
substance abuse
drug abuse
excessive use of drugs
construction building the commercial activity involved in repairing old structures or constructing new ones, their main business is home construction, workers in the building trades
jerry-building construction of inferior buildings for a quick profit
morale building
morale booster
anything that serves to increase morale, the sight of flowers every morning was my morale builder
apartment building
apartment house
a building that is divided into apartments
bank building
a building in which the business of banking transacted, the bank is on the corner of Nassau and Witherspoon
a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place, there was a three-story building on the corner, it was an imposing edifice
building block a block of material used in construction work
building complex
a whole structure (as a building) made up of interconnected or related structures
building supply store
building supply house
a store where builders can purchase materials for building houses and related structures
Capitol Building
the government building in Washington where the United States Senate and the House of Representatives meet
church building
a place for public (especially Christian) worship, the church was empty
diplomatic building government building in which diplomats live or work
Empire State Building a skyscraper built in New York City in ,feet tall
farm building a building on a farm
government building a building that houses a branch of government
habit a distinctive attire worn by a member of a religious order
habit riding habit attire that is typically worn by a horseback rider (especially a woman's attire)
medical building
health facility
healthcare facility
building where medicine is practiced
monastic habit a long loose habit worn by monks in a monastery
nun's habit a long loose habit worn by nuns in a convent
office building
office block
a building containing offices where work is done
Roman building a building constructed by the ancient Romans
telecom hotel
telco building
a building that houses telecommunications equipment, the telecom hotels are prime targets for bombing
an established custom, it was their habit to dine at every evening
building permit a document authorizing the holder to construct a building of a particular kind on a particular lot
building code set of standards established and enforced by local government for the structural safety of buildings
building the occupants of a building, the entire building complained about the noise
plant department
building department
the division of a business responsible for building and maintaining the physical plant
building society British equivalent of United States savings and loan association
vacant lot
building site
a lot on which there are no permanent buildings
building block
a single undivided natural thing occurring in the composition of something else, units of nucleic acids
habit the general form or mode of growth (especially of a plant or crystal), a shrub of spreading habit
building material material used for constructing buildings
habit put a habit on
causing or characterized by addiction, addictive drugs, addictive behavior
soil-building (of crops) planted to improve the quality of the soil
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A habit is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously .