
half time Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

half time
Halbzeit f sport
half-time, half
Halbzeit f sport
half-time; half
Halbzeitpfiff m sport
half-time whistle
Halbtagsbeschäftigung, Teilzeitbeschäftigung
half-time employment
Halbzeitpause f sport
Halbzeitpausen pl
half-time break
half-time breaks
Halbzeitstand m sport
Halbzeitstände pl
half-time score
half-time scores
Halbwertzeit f; Halbwertszeit f phys.
half life; half-life period; half-time
halbtags adv
halbtags arbeiten
half-time, part-time
to work part-time
Halbzeit f sport
zur Halbzeit führen
half-time; halftime
to lead at half-time
Leitungsübergabezeit f (beim Halbduplexbetrieb) telco.
turnaround time; handover time (in half-duplex operation)
Leitungsübergabezeit f; Wartezeit f bei der Richtungsumkehr (im Halbduplexbetrieb) telco.
turnaround time; handover time (in half-duplex operation)
halbtags adv
halbtags arbeiten
half-time; part-time; on a part-time basis
to work part-time
lange adv
lange nicht gut genug
lange vor dem Krieg
for a long time
not good enough by half
long before the war
genau; exakt adv (+ Zeitangabe)
genau um Mitternacht
exakt zur Halbzeit zum Ende der Spielzeit sport
on the stroke of (+ expression of time)
at the stroke of midnight
on the stroke of half-time full-time
Nyquist-Frequenz f; Nyquist-Grenze f (halbe Abtastfrequenz eines zeitdiskreten Signalverarbeitungssystems) telco.
folding frequency; Nyquist frequency; Nyquist limit (half of the sampling rate of a discrete-time signal processing system)
Halbzeitpause f sport
Halbzeitpausen pl
in der Halbzeitpause
half-time break; halftime break; half-time; halftime
half-time breaks; halftime breaks; half-times; halftimes
during half-time
Wahrheit f
Wahrheiten pl
die nackte Wahrheit
die reine Wahrheit
die ganze Wahrheit
der Wahrheit halber
die Wahrheit sagen
eine Spur von Wahrheit
hinter die Wahrheit kommen
anerkannte Wahrheit
empirische Wahrheit
Das ist nur die halbe Wahrheit.
Es dauert einige Zeit bis man die Wahrheit begreift.
truths; truthes
the naked truth
the honest truth
the whole truth
to tell the truth
say the truth
a vein of truth
to get the truth
established truth
actual truth
This is only half the truth.
It takes some time for the truth to sink in.
Spielstand m; Punktestand m; Punktzahl f; Stand m eines Wettkampfes sport
Spielstände pl; Punktestände pl; Punktzahlen pl
Punkte zählen
Punkte geben; werten
Es steht zwei zu eins (für jdn).
Zur Halbzeit steht es zwei zu eins für …
beim Stand von null zu null
Wie steht das Spiel?; Wie steht es?
score; scoring
scores; scorings
to keep score; to keep the score
to give a score
The score is two to one (in favour of sb.).
The half-time score is two one in favour of …; The score at half-time is two one in favour of …
with the score at nil all
What's the score?
Spielstand m; Punktestand m; Punktzahl f; Stand m eines Wettkampfes sport
Spielstände pl; Punktestände pl; Punktzahlen pl
Punkte zählen
Punkte geben; werten
Es steht zwei zu eins (für jdn).
Zur Halbzeit steht es zwei zu eins für ...
beim Stand von null zu null
Und wie steht's? (Spiel Wettkampf)
score; scoring
scores; scorings
to keep score; to keep the score
to give a score
The score is two to one (in favour of sb.).
The half-time score is two one in favour of ...; The score at half-time is two one in favour of ...
with the score at nil all
And what's the score?
(zeitlich) überziehen (um) v
Der letzte Sprecher überzog um eine halbe Stunde.
to go over exceed the time limit (by); to overrun (the time allowed) (by); to go longer than allowed
going over exceeding the time limit; overrunning; going longer than allowed
gone over exceeded the time limit; overrun; gone longer than allowed
The final speaker overran by half an hour.
Wahrheit f
Wahrheiten pl
die nackte Wahrheit
die reine Wahrheit
die ganze Wahrheit
der Wahrheit halber
einige bittere Wahrheiten über einen selbst
die Wahrheit sagen
eine Spur von Wahrheit
hinter die Wahrheit kommen
anerkannte Wahrheit
empirische Wahrheit
Das ist nur die halbe Wahrheit.
Es dauert einige Zeit, bis man die Wahrheit begreift.
Da ist überhaupt nichts Wahres dran.
truths; truthes
the naked truth
the honest truth
the whole truth
to tell the truth
some home truths
say the truth
a vein of truth
to get the truth
established truth
actual truth
This is only half the truth.
It takes some time for the truth to sink in.
There's not a jot of truth in it.
Taktart m; Takt m (als Spielrhythmus) mus.
Taktarten pl; Takte pl
Dreivierteltakt; 3 4-Takt
Viervierteltakt; 4 4-Takt
im Halbetakt
im Vierteltakt
im Achteltakt
zusammengesetzte Taktarten
zusammengesetzter Zweiertakt
zusammengesetzter Dreiertakt
zusammengesetzter Vierertakt
Lieder im Walzertakt
genau im Takt spielen
im Takt zur Musik klatschen
im Takt marschieren
den Takt schlagen
den Takt halten
nicht im Takt sein
aus dem Takt kommen
jdn. aus dem Takt bringen
den Takt angeben
Der Viervierteltakt hat umfasst vier Schläge, davon eins und drei betont.
Bei zusammengesetzten Taktarten ist die Zählzeit immer ein punktierter Notenwert.
(musical) time; metre Br.; meter Am.
times; metres; meters
tree-four time; 3 4 time; three-four metre meter; 3 4 metre meter
four-four time; 4 4 time; four-four metre meter; 4 4 metre meter
duple metre meter
triple metre meter
quadruple metre meter
in minim time Br.; in minim metre Br.; in half-note time Am.; in half-note meter Am.
in crotchet time Br.; in crotchet metre Br.; in quarter time Am.; in quarter meter Am.
in quaver time Br.; in quaver metre Br.; in eighth-note time Am.; in eighth-note meter Am.
compound metres meters
compound duple metre meter
compound triple metre meter
compound quadruple metre meter
tunes in waltz time
to play in strict metre meter
to clap in time to the music
to march in time
to beat time
to keep time
to be out of time beat; to be off time; to be off beat
to get out of time; to get out of beat; to lose the beat
to put sb. out of time beat; to put sb. off time beat
to indicate the time; to indicate the beat
The four-four time has four beats, the first and third of which are strong.
In compound time, the beat unit is always a dotted note value.

half time Definition

Benting time
() The season when pigeons are said to feed on bents, before peas are ripe.
(a.) Consisting of a moiety, or half
(a.) Consisting of some indefinite portion resembling a half
(adv.) In an equal part or degree
(a.) Part
(a.) One of two equal parts into which anything may be divided, or considered as divided
(v. t.) To halve. [Obs.] See Halve.
(n.) A mixture of two malt liquors, esp. porter and ale, in about equal parts.
Half blood
() The relation between persons born of the same father or of the same mother, but not of both
Half blood
(n.) A person so related to another.
Half blood
(n.) A person whose father and mother are of different races
(a.) Proceeding from a male and female of different breeds or races
(a.) Degenerate
(n.) A boot with a short top covering only the ankle. See Cocker, and Congress boot, under Congress.
(n.) Having only the back and corners in leather, as a book.
(a.) Half-blooded.
(a.) Imperfectly acquainted with the rules of good-breeding
(a.) Half-blooded.
(n.) A person who is blooded
(n.) A brother by one parent, but not by both.
(n.) One born of a European parent on the one side, and of a Hindoo or Mohammedan on the other. Also adjective
(a.) Half-filled.
(a.) Half-demented
(n.) A shell of the genus Crepidula
(n.) See Half deck, under Deck.
(a.) Partially decked.
(a.) Showing only part of the face
(n.) A salmon in its fifth year of growth.
(a.) Imperfectly hatched
(a.) Imperfectly or partly heard to the end.
(a.) Wanting in heart or spirit
(a.) Lacking zeal or courage
(a.) Done or happening at intervals of half an hour.
(a.) Imperfectly learned.
(a.) Of half the whole or ordinary length, as a picture.
(n.) A point some distance below the top of a mast or staff
(n.) The moon at the quarters, when half its disk appears illuminated.
(n.) The shape of a half-moon
(n.) An outwork composed of two faces, forming a salient angle whose gorge resembles a half-moon
(n.) A marine, sparoid, food fish of California (Caesiosoma Californiense). The body is ovate, blackish above, blue or gray below. Called also medialuna.
(n.) A short pike, sometimes carried by officers of infantry, sometimes used in boarding ships
(n.) One half of a shutter made in two parts for closing a porthole.
(n.) A straight line considered as drawn from a center to an indefinite distance in one direction, the complete ray being the whole line drawn to an indefinite distance in both directions.
(a.) Informed by insufficient reading
Half seas over
() Half drunk.
(a.) Seeing imperfectly
(n.) A sister by one parent only.
(a.) Half-bred
(n.) Half the length of a sword
(a.) Constructed of a timber frame, having the spaces filled in with masonry

half time Bedeutung

time the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past
pursuit sideline
spare-time activity
an auxiliary activity
half gainer a dive in which the diver throws the feet forward and up to complete a half backward somersault and enters the water facing the diving board
half volley a tennis return made by hitting the ball immediately after it bounces
time and motion study
time-and-motion study
time-motion study
motion study
time study
work study
an analysis of a specific job in an effort to find the most efficient method in terms of time and effort
waste of time the devotion of time to a useless activity, the waste of time could prove fatal
half nelson a wrestling hold in which the holder puts an arm under the opponent's arm and exerts pressure on the back of the neck
time exposure exposure of a film for a relatively long time (more than half a second)
harvest time
the season for gathering crops
haying time
the season for cutting and drying and storing grass as fodder
break time out
a pause from doing something (as work), we took a -minute break, he took time out to recuperate
free time
spare time
time that is free from duties or responsibilities
jacksnipe half snipe
Limnocryptes minima
a small short-billed Old World snipe
combat boot
desert boot
half boot
top boot
a boot reaching halfway up to the knee
character printer
character-at-a-time printer
serial printer
a printer that prints a single character at a time
domino half mask
eye mask
a mask covering the upper part of the face but with holes for the eyes
Dutch door
half door
an exterior door divided in two horizontally, either half can be closed or open independently
half binding book binding in which the spine and part of the sides are bound in one material and the rest in another
half cross stitch a single cross stitch at a diagonal
half hatchet a hatchet with a broad blade on one end and a hammer head of the other
half hitch a knot used to fasten a rope temporarily to an object, usually tied double
half-length a portrait showing the body from only the waist up
half sole shoe sole extending from the shank to the toe
half track a track that goes around only rear wheels
half track a motor vehicle propelled by half tracks, frequently used by the military
line printer
line-at-a-time printer
printer that serves as an output device on a computer, prints a whole line of characters at a time
page printer
page-at-a-time printer
a printer that prints one page at a time
undergarment worn under a skirt
time-ball a ball that slides down a staff to show a fixed time, especially at an observatory
time bomb
infernal machine
a bomb that has a detonating mechanism that can be set to go off at a particular time
time capsule container for preserving historical records to be discovered at some future time
time clock clock used to record the hours that people work
time-delay measuring instrument
time-delay measuring system
chronoscope for measuring the time difference between two events
time exposure a photograph produced with a relatively long exposure time
time-fuse a fuse made to burn for a given time (especially to explode a bomb)
time machine a science fiction machine that is supposed to transport people or objects into the past or the future
time-switch a switch set to operate at a desired time
time of origin
the oldness of wines
rhythm as given by division into parts of equal duration
half-intensity half the maximum intensity
light time distance measured in terms of the speed of light (or radio waves), the light time from Jupiter to the sun is approximately minutes
the crescent-shaped area at the base of the human fingernail
space-time continuum
the four-dimensional coordinate system ( dimensions of space and of time) in which physical events are located
time series a series of values of a variable at successive times
split-half correlation
chance-half correlation
a correlation coefficient calculated between scores on two halves of a test, taken as an indication of the reliability of the test
half page something that covers (the top or bottom) half of a page
half title
bastard title
a first page of some books displaying only the title of the book
pulse-time modulation modulation of the time between successive pulses
time sheet a record of the hours worked by employees
half-truth a partially true statement intended to deceive or mislead
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