
ham Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Hamam m; Türkisches Bad
Turkish bath; hamam
Zaubernussgewächse pl; Hamamelisgewächse pl (Hamamelidaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
hamamelidaceous plants; witch-hazel family (botanical family)
zaubernussartig; zaubernussähnlich adj bot.
hazel-like; hamamelidaceous
Handwurzelknochen m anat.
Handwurzelknochen pl
Kahnbein n
Mondbein n
Dreiecksbein n
Erbsenbein n
Großes Vieleckbein n
Kleines Vieleckbein n
Kopfbein n
Hakenbein n
carpal bone
carpal bones
scaphoid bone
lunate bone
triquetral bone; triquetrum bone; pyramidal bone
pisiform bone
trapezium bone; greater multangular bone
trapezoid bone; lesser multangular bone
capitate bone
hamate bone; unciform bone
über prp, +Akkusativ
über Berlin nach Hamburg
via Berlin to Hamburg
Hamburg (Stadt in Deutschland)
Hamburg (city in Germany)
zeitig genug zur Ankunft in H. am
early enough to arrive in Hamburg on
über prp; +Akk.
über Berlin nach Hamburg
über Satellit; via Satellit
Der Flug geht über München.
via Berlin to Hamburg
via satellite
The flight goes via Munich.
Hamburg (Stadt in Deutschland) geogr.
Hamburg (city in Germany)
Gartenpetersilie f; Petersilie f; Petersil m Bayr. Ös.; Peterling m BW; Peterle m Süddt.; Peterli m Schw. (Petroselinum crispum) bot.
Wurzelpetersilie f; Knollenpetersilie f; Petersilienwurzel f; Peterwurzen Ös.; (Petroselinum crispum subsp. tuberosum)
garden parsley; parsley
Hamburg root parsley; root parsley
Hacksteak m cook.
Hamburg steak
Hamburger m cook.
hamburger, burger
hamburger meat
Hamburger m; Burger m ugs.; Bratling m cook.
Hamburger pl; Burger pl ugs.; Bratlinge pl
hamburger; burger
hamburgers burgers
Hamburger m; Burger m ugs.; Bratling m im Weichbrötchen cook.
kleiner Hamburger
hamburger; burger
burger slider
der Rattenfänger von Hameln
the Pied Piper of Hamelin
Hamilton's Regel biol.
Hamilton's rule
Hamilton (Hauptstadt von Bermuda)
Hamilton (capital of Bermuda)
Hamiton-Weg m math.
Hamiltonian path; Hamilton cycle
Hamilton (Hauptstadt von Bermuda) geogr.
Hamilton (capital of Bermuda)
Differentialgleichung f math.
Differentialgleichungen pl
Airy'sche Differentialgleichung
Bessel'sche Differenzialgleichung
biharmonische Differentialgleichung
Cauchy-Riemann'sche Differentialgleichungen
Clairaut'sche Differentialgleichung
elliptischer Typus der partiellen Differentialgleichung; elliptische Differentialgleichung
Hamilton'sche partielle Differentialgleichung; Hamilton-Jacobi'sche Differentialgleichung
hypergeometrische Differentialgleichung; Gauß'sche Differentialgleichung
hyperbolischer Typus der partiellen Differentialgleichung; hyperbolische Differentialgleichung
lineare Differentialgleichung mit konstanten Koeffizienten
nichtlineare Differentialgleichung erster Ordnung; Bernoulli'sche Differentialgleichung; Bernoulli'sche Gleichung
partielle Differentialgleichung zweiter Ordnung; Laplace'sche Differentialgleichung; Laplace-Gleichung; Potentialgleichung
stochastische Differentialgleichung
differential equation
differential equations
Airy's differential equation
Bessel's differential equation; Bessel equation
biharmonic equation; bipotential equation
Cauchy-Riemann differential equations; Cauchy-Riemann equations
Clairaut's differential equation
elliptic partial differential equation; elliptic differential equation
Hamilton's partial differential equation; Hamilton-Jacobi equation
hypergeometric differential equation; hypergeometric equation; Gauss' differential equation; Gaussian differential equation
hyperbolic partial differential equation; hyperbolic differential equation
linear differential equation with constant coefficients
Bernoulli's differential equation; Bernoulli differential equation; Bernoulli's equation
Laplace's differential equation; Laplace linear equation; Laplace's equation; potential equation
stochastic differential equation SDE
Energieoperator m; Hamilton-Operator m phys.
energy operator; Hamilton(ian) operator
Hamilton'sche Regel f (Theorie der Verwandtenselektion in der Evolutionsbiologie) biol.
Hamilton's rule (theory of kin selection in evolutionary biology)
Hamilton-Weg m math.
Hamiltonian path; Hamilton cycle
Wirkungsintegral n; Hamilton'sche Wirkungsfunktion f phys.
action integral; principal function of Hamilton
zurückfallen; zurückbleiben v (Wettrennen, Wanderung) sport
zurückfallend; zurückbleibend
zurückgefallen; zurückgeblieben
Hamilton fiel mit dem sechsten Platz im Titelrennen weiter hinter Vettel zurück.
Wir mussten öfter stehenbleiben, damit die langsameren Wanderer nicht zu weit zurückblieben.
to fall behind (race, tour)
falling behind
fallen behind
Hamilton fell further behind Vettel in the title race as he finished sixth.
We had to stop several times so that the slower hikers wouldn't fall too far behind.
Hamiltonoperator m phys.
Hamiltonian (operator)
Hamite m; Hamitin m soc. hist.
Hamiten pl
Energieoperator m; Hamiton-Operator m phys.
energy operator; Hamiton(ian) operator
Dörfchen n, kleines Dorf, Weiler m
Hamlet, Prinz von Dänemark
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Doerfchen, Weiler
Dörfchen n; kleines Dorf; Weiler m
Pflichtlektüre f school stud.
'Hamlet' ist Pflichtlektüre in dieser Lehrveranstaltung.
required reading
'Hamlet' is required reading in this course.
wohl aber; sehr wohl aber (Relativierung einer vorangegangenen Negation)
Ich habe ihn nie als Hamlet gesehen wohl aber als Othello.
Bei uns gibt es so etwas nicht sehr wohl aber in Amerika.
however but ... do + verb
I never saw his Hamlet. However I did see his Othello.
We don't have anything like that here but they do in America.
'Hamlet Prinz von Dänemark' (von Shakespeare Werktitel) lit.
'Hamlet Prince of Denmark' (by Shakespeare work title)
Interpretation f; Fassung f; Version f (einer Rolle eines Musikstücks) art mus.
eine szenische Aufführung Fassung einer Oper
eine Jazzinterpretation Jazzversion von Mozarts Klaviersonate in C
seine Interpretation von Hamlets berühmtem Monolog
das Bravourstück in einer Version für zwei Klaviere spielen
Sie wird ihre größten Hits in einer neuen Livefassung singen.
rendition; rendering (of a role a piece of music)
a concert rendition of an opera
a jazz rendition of Mozart's piano sonata in C
his rendition of Hamlet's famous soliloquy
to perform a piano duo rendition of the bravura piece
She will perform a new live rendition of her greatest hits.
Pflichtlektüre f school stud.
„Hamlet“ ist Pflichtlektüre in dieser Lehrveranstaltung.
required reading
'Hamlet' is required reading in this course.
wohl aber; sehr wohl aber (Relativierung einer vorangegangenen Negation)
Ich habe ihn nie als Hamlet gesehen, wohl aber als Othello.
Bei uns gibt es so etwas nicht, sehr wohl aber in Amerika.
however but … do + verb
I never saw his Hamlet. However, I did see his Othello.
We don't have anything like that here, but they do in America.
'Hamlet, Prinz von Dänemark' (von Shakespeare Werktitel) lit.
'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' (by Shakespeare work title)
Hammada f (Felswüste innerhalb der Sahara)
Steinwüste f geogr.
stone desert; stony desert; stony waste; rock(y) desert; hammada (Sahara)
versteigert werden
fall under the hammer
Abbruchhammer m
Abbruchhämmer pl
demolition hammer
demolition hammers
Anschlaghammer m
striking hammer, jack hammer
Bohrhammer m
hammer-drill, Hilti tm
Dieselramme f
Dieselrammen pl
diesel hammer
diesel hammers
Druckluftramme f
Druckluftrammen pl
air hammer
air hammers
Erzhammer m
Erzhämmer pl
ore hammer
ore hammers
Hammer m
Hämmer pl
Hammerbrecher m, Backenbrecher m
hammer crusher
Hammerkopfschraube f techn.
Hammerkopfschrauben pl
hammer-head bolt
hammer-head bolts
Hammerschlag m
Hammerschläge pl
... haben sich ausgewirkt wie ein Hammerschlag.
hammer blow
hammer blows
... have dealt a hammer blow.
Hammerwerfen n sport
hammer throw
Kugelhammer m
Kugelhämmer pl
ball peen hammer, ball pein hammer
ball peen hammers, ball pein hammers
Lastwechsel m
gear hammer
Presslufthammer m
Presslufthämmer pl
pneumatic hammer
pneumatic hammers
Schellhammer m
set hammer
Schlackenhammer m
chipping hammer
Schlosserhammer m
Schlosserhämmer pl
engineer's hammer, fitter's hammer
engineer's hammers, fitter's hammers
Setzhammer m
planishing hammer
Tischlerhammer m
claw hammer
Vorschlaghammer m
Vorschlaghämmer pl
sledgehammer, sledge hammer
Ziegelhammer n
tile hammer

Deutsche Hamam {m}; Türkisches Bad Synonyme

Englische Turkish bath; hamam Synonyme

ham  ARRL  acting  actor-proof  all-star  amateur radio operator  ankle  bacon  ballet  balletic  bayonet legs  be theatrical  bowlegs  buffoonery  business  butt  calf  characterization  chitterlings  cinematic  cinematographic  cnemis  cochon de lait  control engineer  country town  cracklings  crossroads  declaim  dramatic  dramatical  dramaturgic  drumstick  emote  emotionalize  fat back  film  filmic  flitch  foreleg  gag  gamb  gambrel  gammon  gigot  grimace  grimacer  gush  ham actor  ham it up  ham steak  hamlet  hammy  hammy acting  haslet  headcheese  hind leg  histrionic  hock  hoke  hokum  impersonation  jamb  jambon  jambonneau  knee  lard  leg  legitimate  limb  make a scene  melodramatic  milked  mimesis  mimicking  mimicry  miming  mixer  monitor  monodramatic  movie  mug  mummery  operatic  out-herod Herod  overact  overacted  overacting  overdramatize  overplayed  pantomiming  patter  performance  performing  personation  picnic ham  pieds de cochon  pig  playacting  playing  podite  popliteal space  pork  porkpie  portrayal  projection  radio electrician  radio engineer  radio operator  radio technician  radioman  radiotelegrapher  radiotrician  rant  representation  roar  salt pork  scenic  scissor-legs  sentimentalize  shank  shin  side of bacon  slapstick  slobber over  slop over  small ham  sowbelly  spectacular  spout  stage business  stage directions  stage presence  stagelike  stageworthy  stagy  starstruck  stellar  stems  stumps  stunt  suckling pig  taking a role  tarsus  theaterlike  theatrical  theatricalize  thespian  thorp  throw away  thrown away  trotters  underact  underacted  underplayed  vaudevillian  village  wick  
hamburger  BLT  Dagwood sandwich  London broil  Salisbury steak  Sloppy Joe  Swiss cheese sandwich  T-bone steak  bacon-lettuce-tomato sandwich  beef  beef extract  beef tea  beefsteak  bifteck  bouillon  bully  bully beef  canape  charqui  cheeseburger  chipped beef  chopped steak  club steak  corned beef sandwich  cubed steak  double-decker sandwich  dried beef  egg salad sandwich  fillet steak  flank steak  grilled cheese sandwich  grinder  ground beef  ground chuck  ground round  ham sandwich  hamburg  hamburg steak  hoagy  hot dog  jerky  pastrami  pastrami sandwich  poor boy  porterhouse steak  rib steak  roast beef  round steak  rump steak  salt beef  sandwich  shell steak  sirloin steak  steak  submarine sandwich  suet  tenderloin steak  tuna salad sandwich  tunaburger  
hamlet  Kreis  archbishopric  archdiocese  arrondissement  bailiwick  bishopric  borough  canton  city  commune  congressional district  constablewick  country town  county  crossroads  departement  diocese  district  duchy  electoral district  electorate  government  ham  hundred  magistracy  metropolis  metropolitan area  oblast  okrug  parish  precinct  principality  province  region  riding  sheriffalty  sheriffwick  shire  shrievalty  soke  stake  state  territory  thorp  town  township  village  wapentake  ward  wick  
hammer  Eustachian tube  air hammer  anvil  assault  attack  auditory apparatus  auditory canal  auditory meatus  auditory nerve  auditory ossicles  auditory tube  auricle  ball peen hammer  bang  barbarize  basilar membrane  baste  batter  beat  beetle  belabor  bony labyrinth  brutalize  buffet  burn  butcher  carry on  cauliflower ear  chipping hammer  claw hammer  cochlea  conch  concha  destroy  dig  din  ding  drive  drop hammer  drub  drudge  drum  drumhead  ear  ear lobe  eardrum  elaborate  electric hammer  endolymph  external ear  fag  fashion  flail  flap  form  go on  grave  grind  grub  hammer away  incus  inner ear  jackhammer  knock  lambaste  larrup  lay waste  lobe  lobule  loot  lug  mallet  malleus  mastoid process  maul  middle ear  moil  mug  organ of Corti  outer ear  oval window  paste  patter  peg  peg away  pelt  perilymph  pile hammer  pillage  pinna  plod  plug  plug along  plug away  pommel  pound  pound away  pulverize  pummel  rage  raising hammer  ramp  rampage  rant  rap  rape  rave  riot  riveting hammer  roar  round window  rubber mallet  ruin  sack  savage  secondary eardrum  semicircular canals  shape  shell  slaughter  sledge  sledgehammer  slog  sow chaos  spank  stamp  stapes  steam hammer  stirrup  stone hammer  storm  stutter  tack hammer  tear  tear around  terrorize  thrash  thresh  thump  toil  travail  triphammer  tympanic cavity  tympanic membrane  tympanum  vandalize  vestibule  violate  wade through  wallop  whip  work away  wreck  
hammer and sickle  armory  badge  badge of office  badges  baton  blazonry  brassard  button  cap and gown  chain  chain of office  class ring  cockade  collar  cross  decoration  dress  eagle  emblems  ensigns  fasces  figurehead  fleur-de-lis  heraldry  insignia  lapel pin  livery  mace  mantle  markings  medal  mortarboard  old school tie  pin  regalia  ring  rose  school ring  shamrock  sigillography  skull and crossbones  sphragistics  staff  swastika  tartan  thistle  tie  uniform  verge  wand  
hammer and tongs  arduously  bec et ongles  committedly  decidedly  decisively  determinedly  devotedly  earnestly  effortfully  firmly  fixedly  hard  heart and soul  in all seriousness  in earnest  in good earnest  industriously  inflexibly  laboriously  like a bulldog  like a leech  manfully  obstinately  operosely  perseveringly  persistently  purposefully  relentlessly  resolutely  resolvedly  seriously  sincerely  singlemindedly  staunchly  steadfastly  steadily  strenuously  tenaciously  the hard way  toilsomely  tooth and nail  unswervingly  unyieldingly  wholeheartedly  with a will  with constancy  with effort  with total dedication  
hammer away at  always trot out  apply the mind  belabor  dig  drudge  dwell on  dwell upon  fag  grind  grub  hammer  hammer at  hammer away  harp on  insist upon  keep doggedly at  labor  moil  peg  peg away  plod  plug  plug along  plug at  plug away  pound away  puzzle  puzzle over  slog  slog away  stew over  think hard  thresh over  toil  travail  wade through  work away  
hammy  actor-proof  all-star  ballet  balletic  cinematic  cinematographic  dramatic  dramatical  dramaturgic  emotionalistic  emotive  film  filmic  ham  histrionic  hysteric  legitimate  melodramatic  milked  monodramatic  movie  nonrational  operatic  overacted  overemotional  overplayed  scenic  sensational  sensationalistic  spectacular  stagelike  stageworthy  stagy  starstruck  stellar  theaterlike  theatrical  thespian  thrown away  underacted  underplayed  unreasoning  vaudevillian  
hamper  Oregon boat  anchor  bag  balk  bar  barrel  barricade  basket  bear hard upon  bilbo  bind  block  bond  bonds  bottle  box  box up  bridle  burden  burthen  camisole  can  capsule  cargo  carton  case  cask  chain  chains  charge  check  clog  collar  cramp  crate  creel  crimp  cripple  cross  cuffs  cumber  cumbrance  curb  curtail  deadweight  delay  difficulty  diminish  disadvantage  discomfit  embarrass  embarrassment  encase  enchain  encumber  encumbrance  encyst  enmesh  ensnarl  entangle  entoil  entrammel  entrap  entwine  fasten  fetter  foil  freight  frustrate  gag  gyve  gyves  halter  hamstring  handcuff  handcuffs  handicap  hinder  hobble  hobbles  hog-tie  hold up  hopple  hopples  hurdle  impede  impediment  impedimenta  imposition  inconvenience  inhibit  interfere with  involve  irons  jar  lade  lame  lash  leading strings  leash  lessen  lime  limit  load  lumber  make fast  manacle  moor  muzzle  net  obstruct  obstruction  onus  oppress  overburden  overload  overtax  overweight  pack  package  pannier  parcel  peg down  penalty  picket  pillory  pin down  pinion  pot  press down  press hard upon  prevent  punnet  put in irons  reduce  reins  rest hard upon  restrain  restraint  restraints  restrict  retard  rope  rub  sack  saddle  saddle with  secure  shackle  slow  snag  snarl  stocks  straightjacket  strait-waistcoat  straitjacket  stranglehold  strap  stumbling block  tangle  tank  tax  tether  thwart  tie  tie down  tie up  tight-fisted  tin  toil  trammel  trammels  trouble  weigh down  weigh heavy on  weigh on  weigh upon  weight  white elephant  yoke  
hampered  bound  burdened  charged  cumbered  encumbered  fettered  fraught  freighted  handcuffed  in bonds  in chains  in irons  ironbound  laden  loaded  manacled  oppressed  overburdened  overcharged  overfraught  overfreighted  overladen  overloaded  overtaxed  overweighted  saddled  shackled  strapped  taxed  tethered  tied  tied down  tied up  trammeled  weighted  weighted down  
hampering  arrest  arrestation  arrestment  blockage  blocking  burdensome  check  clogging  closing up  closure  constriction  cramp  cumbersome  cumbrous  delay  detainment  detention  encumbering  fixation  foot-dragging  hindering  hindrance  holdback  holdup  impediment  impedimental  impeding  impeditive  inhibition  interference  interruption  let  negativism  nuisance value  obstruction  obstructionism  occlusion  onerous  opposition  oppressive  repression  resistance  restraint  restriction  retardation  retardment  setback  squeeze  stranglehold  stricture  suppression  
hamstring  bugger  burden  castrate  cramp  cripple  cumber  de-energize  debilitate  deflate  disable  disarm  disenable  drain  emasculate  embarrass  enchain  encumber  enfeeble  enmesh  ensnarl  entangle  entoil  entrammel  entrap  entwine  fetter  gag  hamper  handcuff  handicap  hobble  hog-tie  hors de combat  impede  inactivate  incapacitate  involve  kibosh  knock out  lame  lime  lumber  maim  manacle  muzzle  net  paralyze  press down  prostrate  put  queer  queer the works  sabotage  saddle with  shackle  silence  snarl  spike  strangle  tangle  throttle  toil  trammel  truss up  unfit  weaken  weigh down  wing  wreck  

ham Definition

ham Bedeutung

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Ham is pork that has been preserved through salting, smoking, or wet curing. It was traditionally made only from the hind leg of swine, and referred to that specific cut of pork. Ham is made around the world, including a number of highly coveted regional specialties, such as Westphalian ham and Jamón serrano. Technically a processed meat, "ham" may refer to a product which has been through mechanical re-forming.

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