
hole storage Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Trägerspeichereffekt m
hole-storage effect
hole-storage effect
Abholfach, Verteilfach
storage of finished goods
storage space
storage inspection
storage planning
storage room
Lagerung von Waren
storage of goods
cost of storage
storage costs
storage of food
Loch, Lochung
punched hole
storage in material
storage of raw material
storage capacity
Abfallendlagerung f
ultimate waste storage
Abflussloch n
Abflusslöcher pl
drain hole
drain holes
Ablage f
storage place, storage room
Ablagefach n
Ablagefächer pl
Abluftöffnung f
Abluftöffnungen pl
vent hole
vent holes
Adressspeicher m comp.
address storage
Akkumulator m, Akku m
alkalischer Akkumulator
accumulator, battery, power pack, rechargeable battery
alkaline storage battery
Ankerloch n
Ankerlöcher pl
Ankerlöcher sind auf der Baustelle zu bohren.
anchor hole
anchor holes
Anchor holes must be drilled at the building site.
Antriebsloch n der Diskette comp.
Antriebslöcher pl der Diskette
drive hole
drive holes
Arbeitsspeicher m
main storage
Arbeitsspeicher m
working memory, working storage
Arbeitsspeicherkapazität f
working storage capacity
Aschelagerung f
ash storage
Assoziativrelation f
associative storage
Aufbewahrung f
Aufbewahrungskiste f, Aufbewahrungskasten m, Aufbewahrungsbox f
storage box
etw. auf die lange Bank schieben übtr.
to put sth. into cold storage, to put sth. off
Baumwurf m
tree hole, tree windthrow
Befestigungsloch n
Befestigungslöcher pl
mounting hole
mounting holes
Befestigungsloch n, Montagebohrung f
Befestigungslöcher pl, Montagebohrungen pl
mounting hole
mounting holes
Blasenspeicher m comp.
bubble storage
Bohrloch n
Bohrlöcher pl
drill hole, borehole, (drilled) well, bore
drill holes, boreholes, wells, bores
Bohrlochwand f
perimeter of bore hole
Bohrung f
Bohrungen pl
bore, drill, hole
bores, drills, holes
Bohrungsmitte f
hole centre
Bolzenloch n techn.
Bolzenlöcher pl
zylindrisches Bolzenloch
bolt hole, stud hole, pin hole
bolt holes, stud holes, pin holes
plain stud hole
Bolzenlochausführung f techn.
type of stud hole
Bolzenlochdurchmesser m techn.
stud hole diameter
Chemikalienlager n
chemical storage
Datenarchiv n
storage archive
Deckungslücke f, Deckungsloch n im Haushalt
Deckungslücken pl, Deckungslöcher pl im Haushalt
hole in the budget
holes in the budget
Defektelektron n, Loch (Halbl.) n
Defektelektronen pl, Löcher pl
Direktzugriffsspeicher m, adressierbarer Speicher comp.
addressable storage, addressed memory
Direktzugriffsspeicher m
direct access storage
Druckgasspeicher m
compressed gas storage
Durchgangsloch n
Durchgangslöcher pl
clearance hole, through hole
clearance holes, through holes
Durchkontaktierung f
plated through-hole
Einloch-Montage f
single-hole mounting
Einschussloch n, Einschuss m
Einschusslöcher pl, Einschüsse pl
bullet hole
bullet holes
Eisenschwammspeicher m
iron sponge storage
Energiespeicherung f
Energiespeicherung in der Schwachlastzeit
energy storage
off-peak energy storage
Ergänzungsspeicher m, Schattenspeicher m
shadow storage
Ersatzteillager n
Ersatzteillager pl
spare part storage
spare part storages
Fahrradaufbewahrung f
bicycle storage
Fertiggutbunker m mach.
Fertiggutbunker pl
final product bunker, final product storage bunker
final product bunkers, final product storage bunkers
Festplattenspeicher m comp.
fixed-disk storage Br., fixed-disc storage Am.
Flüssiggasspeicher m
liquid gas storage
Flüssigwasserstoffspeicher m
liquid hydrogen storage
Führungsloch n
Führungslöcher pl
feed hole
feed holes
Führungsloch n
Führungslöcher pl
sprocket hole
sprocket holes
Gewindebohrung f
Gewindebohrungen pl
tapped hole
tapped holes
Gewindeloch n techn.
Gewindelöcher pl
Gewindelöcher zuschweißen
mit Gewindeloch
threadhole, threaded hole, tapped hole
threadholes, threaded holes, tapped holes
to close holes airtight
with threadhole
Granattrichter m
shell crater, shell hole
Graphitnanofaser-Speicher m
graphite nanofiber storage
Graphitspeicher m
graphite storage
Handloch n
Handlöcher pl
hand hole
hand holes
Hauptspeicher m
central memory, general storage, primary storage
Hilfsbohrung f
Hilfsbohrungen pl
auxiliary hole
auxiliary holes
Hochregallager n
high-rack facilities, high-bay storage
Höhle f, Bau m
Hölle f
die Hölle auf Erden
jdm. die Hölle heiß machen
auf Teufel komm raus übtr.
a living hell, hell-hole
to give sb. hell
come hell or high water
Indexführungsloch n
Indexführungslöcher pl
index hole
index holes
Indexmarkierung f (Loch in der Diskette)
index hole
Jahresrücklage f
carry-over storage
Kabelwagenbahnhof m
cable trolley storage area
Kaltlagerung f
cold storage
Kondensatorspeicher m
Kondensatorspeicher pl
capacitor storage
capacitor storages
Kryoadsorptionsspeicher m
cryoadsorption storage
Kühlhauslager n
Kühlhauslager pl
cold storage
cold storages
Kühlraum m
Kühlräume pl
cold store, cold-storage room
cold stores, cold-storage rooms
Kühlzelle m
Kühlzellen pl
cold storage cell
cold storage cells
Lagerbehälter m
Lagerbehälter pl
storage bin
storage bins
Lagerort m
Lagerorte pl
storage location, inventory location
storage locations, inventory locations
Lagerplan m
Lagerpläne pl
storage plan
storage plans
Lagerplanung f
storage planning
Lagertechnik f
storage technology
Lagertemperatur f
storage temperature
Lagertemperaturbereich m
storage temperature range
Lagerung f
Lagerungen pl
Langloch n techn.
Langlöcher pl
elongated hole, oblong hole, slotted hole, slot
elongated holes, oblong holes, slotted holes, slots
Loch n
Löcher pl
ein Loch reißen in
ein Loch bekommen
Schwarzes Loch astron.
mit Löchern
to tear a hole in
to be holed
black hole
with holes
ein Loch machen
to hole
Löcher bekommen, löchrig werden
to hole
Lochabstand m
hole spacing
Lochbild n
hole pattern
Lochcode m (Wärmetauscher)
hole pattern (heat exchanger)
Lochdurchmesser m, Bohrungsdurchmesser m
hole diameter, diameter of the hole
Lochschablone f
hole template
Lochschweißung f techn.
plug welding, hole welding
Lochstelle f
hole site
Lochstelle f, Lochung f
punch hole
Lochversatz n
hole mismatch
Löcherstrom m (Halbl.)
hole current
Luftloch n
Luftlöcher pl
air hole, air pocket
air holes, air pockets
Lüftungsloch n
Lüftungslöcher pl
ventilation hole
ventilation holes
Magazinbibliothek f
storage library
Markierung f
Massenspeicher m
bulk storage, mass storage
Metallhydridspeicher m
metal hydride storage
Neigungsloch n
Neigungslöcher pl
inclination hole
inclination holes
Netzwerkspeicher m comp.
network storage
Ozonloch n
Ozonlöcher pl
ozone hole
ozone holes
Permanentspeicher m
Permanentspeicher pl
non-volatile storage
non-volatile storages
Pfostenloch n
Pfostenlöcher pl
Postfach n, Sortierfach n
Postfächer pl, Sortierfächer pl
pigeon hole
pigeon holes
Pumpspeicherkraftwerk n, Pumpspeicherwerk n electr.
Pumpspeicherkraftwerke pl, Pumpspeicherwerke pl
pumped-storage power plant, pumped-storage plant
pumped-storage power plants, pumped-storage plants
Regalbedienfahrzeug n (RFZ), Regalbediengerät n, Regalförderzeug n
(racking) storage and retrieval vehicle
Regalbediengerät n
Regalbediengeräte pl
storage and retrieval machine (SRM)
storage and retrieval machines
Reifelager n (für Käse)
ripening storage
Rückhaltespeicherung f
detention storage
Rumpelkammer f
Rumpelkammern pl
Sackloch n techn.
Sacklöcher pl
blind hole, pocket hole
blind holes, pocket holes
Schlagloch n
Schlaglöcher pl
pothole Br., road hole
potholes, road holes
Schlupfloch n
Schlupflöcher pl
Schlupfloch n, Scharte f
Schlupflöcher pl, Scharten pl
loop hole, loophole
loop holes, loopholes
Sekundärspeicher m
secondary storage
Silospeicher m electr.
storage circuit
Speicher m comp.
aktiver Speicher
löschbarer Speicher
seitenorientierter Speicher
virtueller Speicher, virtueller Arbeitsspeicher
memory, storage, store
active storage
erasable storage
paging area memory (PAM)
virtual memory
Speicheradresse f comp.
Speicheradressen pl
absolute Speicheradresse f
memory address, storage address
memory addresses, storage addresses
absolute storage address
Speicherbelegung f
storage occupancy
Speicherbildschirm m comp.
storage tube
Speicherdichte f
storage density
Speicherelement n
storage location
Speichergerät n
storage device
Speicherhierarchie f
storage hierarchy
Speicherkapazität f
storage capacity
Speicherkontrolle f
storage control
Speicherkraftwerk n
storage power plant, storage power station
Speichermedium n
storage media
Speichernetzwerk n comp.
storage area network (SAN)
Speicherorganisation f
storage organization
Speicherraum m
storage space
Speicherschutz m
storage protection
Speicherstelle f
storage position

Deutsche Trägerspeichereffekt {m} Synonyme

Englische hole-storage effect Synonyme

hole storage Definition

Air hole
() A hole to admit or discharge air
Air hole
() A fault in a casting, produced by a bubble of air
Black hole
() A dungeon or dark cell in a prison
(n.) One of two small holes astern, above the gunroom ports, through which hawsers may be passed.
(n.) A small hole in a boiler for the insertion of the hand in cleaning, etc.
(a.) Whole.
(n.) A hollow place or cavity
(n.) An excavation in the ground, made by an animal to live in, or a natural cavity inhabited by an animal
(n.) To cut, dig, or bore a hole or holes in
(n.) To drive into a hole, as an animal, or a billiard ball.
(v. i.) To go or get into a hole.
Peeping hole
() See Peephole.
(n.) A pit
(n.) A hole for looking through
(n.) The act of depositing in a store or warehouse for safe keeping
(n.) Space for the safe keeping of goods.
(n.) The price changed for keeping goods in a store.
(n.) The opening in the furnaces through which fuel is introduced.

hole storage Bedeutung

allocation storage allocation (computer science) the assignment of particular areas of a magnetic disk to particular data or instructions
storage warehousing
depositing in a warehouse, they decided to reposition their furniture in a recommended repository in Brooklyn, my car is in storage, publishers reduced print runs to cut down the cost of warehousing
storage the act of storing something
storage the commercial enterprise of storing goods and materials
cold storage refrigerated storage for preservation
acoustic storage a storage device consisting of acoustic delay lines
air hole a hole that allows the passage of air
auxiliary storage
external storage
secondary storage
a data storage device that is not the main memory of a computer
Black Hole of Calcutta a dungeon ( feet square) in a fort in Calcutta where as many as English prisoners were held overnight by Siraj-ud-daula, the next morning only were still alive
drill hole
a hole or passage made by a drill, usually made for exploratory purposes
buffer buffer storage
buffer store
(computer science) a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data that is waiting to be sent to a device, used to compensate for differences in the rate of flow of data between components of a computer system
button hole
a hole through which buttons are pushed
cabinet locker
storage locker
a storage compartment for clothes and valuables, usually it has a lock
cargo area
cargo deck
cargo hold
hold storage area
the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
ear hole a hole (as in a helmet) for sound to reach the ears
finger hole a hole for inserting a finger
finger hole one of a series of holes in a woodwind instrument, pitch changes when a finger covers it
fox hole
a small dugout with a pit for individual shelter against enemy fire
funk hole dugout as a place of safe retreat (when in a funk)
glory hole
a small locker at the stern of a boat or between decks of a ship
grid storage-battery grid a perforated or corrugated metal plate used in a storage battery as a conductor and support for the active material
hole an opening deliberately made in or through something
hole golf hole one playing period (from tee to green) on a golf course, he played holes
hole card (poker) a playing card dealt face down and not revealed until the showdown
lubber's hole hole in a platform on a mast through which a sailor can climb without going out on the shrouds
computer memory
storage computer storage
store memory board
an electronic memory device, a memory and the CPU form the central part of a computer to which peripherals are attached
memory device
storage device
a device that preserves information for retrieval
mouth hole a hole (as in a ski mask) for the mouth
nail hole a hole left after a nail is removed
non-volatile storage
nonvolatile storage
computer storage that is not lost when the power is turned off
post hole
a hole dug in the ground to hold a fence post
posthole digger
post-hole digger
a shovel used to sink postholes
push-down storage
push-down store
a storage device that handles data so that the next item to be retrieved is the item most recently stored (LIFO)
read-only memory
read-only storage
fixed storage
(computer science) memory whose contents can be accessed and read but cannot be changed
real storage the main memory in a virtual memory system
shot hole drill hole for a charge of an explosive
smoke hole a vent (as in a roof) for smoke to escape
sound hole a hole in a soundboard (as of a violin) designed to resonate with the tones
storage battery
a voltaic battery that stores electric charge
storage cell
secondary cell
a cell that can be recharged
storage ring container consisting of a set of magnets set in a doughnut-shaped ring around which charged particles from an accelerator can be kept circulating until they are used
storage space the area in any structure that provides space for storage
depot entrepot storage
a depository for goods, storehouses were built close to the docks
storage room
a room in which things are stored
storage tank
a large (usually metallic) vessel for holding gases or liquids
a hole for the escape of gas or air
virtual memory
virtual storage
(computer science) memory created by using the hard disk to simulate additional random-access memory, the addressable storage space available to the user of a computer system in which virtual addresses are mapped into real addresses
volatile storage computer storage that is erased when the power is turned off
storage warehouse
a storehouse for goods and merchandise
informal terms for the mouth
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A hole is an opening.