
hunting Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Verfolgung f
jagdlich adj
auf die Jagd gehen
go hunting
job hunting
Arbeitsplatzsuche f
job hunting
fox hunting
Entenjagd f
duck hunting
Sprungdeckelgehäuse n (einer Uhr)
hunting case
Zimmersuche f
room hunting
Schleppjagd f
Ausgleichsglied n in der Getriebekette auto
hunting link
house hunting
Good hunting!
Wohnungssuche f
house hunting
hunting knife
hunting lodge
auf die Jagd gehen
to go hunting
Haussuche f; Suche f nach einem Haus (zwecks Kaufs Miete)
house hunting
Jägersprache f
hunting terms
Jagdfieber n
hunting fever
Jagdzeit f
hunting season
hunting ground
hunting knives
hunting season
Jagdsteuer f fin.
tax on hunting
Jagdzeug n
hunting outfit
Schnäppchenjagd f
bargain hunting
hunting licence
Schnäppchenjagd f; Jagd f nach Sonderangeboten
bargain hunting
hunting accident
hunting holidays
auf Schatzsuche gehen
treasure hunting
Jagdinstinkt m zool.
hunting instinct
auf Arbeitssuche
hunting for a job
Jagdausübung f
hunting; shooting
Jagdgeräte pl
hunting equipment
Jagdbehörde f adm.
hunting authority
Jagdbedingungen pl
hunting conditions
jagdgerecht; weidgerecht; waidgerecht Jägersprache; weidmännisch; waidmännisch Jägersprache adv
expertly (hunting)
Afrikanischer Wildhund m zool.
African hunting dog
Jagdleidenschaft f
passion for hunting
Jagdvorschriften pl
hunting regulations
Jagdhorn n, Waldhorn n
Jagdhörner pl, Waldhörner pl
hunting horn
Schwenkbewegung f (Rotorflügel)
hunting (rotor blades)
Anpirschen n; Anschleichen n
stalking; still-hunting
Falle f; Schlinge f; Dohne f (Jagd)
Fallen pl; Schlingen pl; Dohnen pl
snare (hunting)
Hirschfänger m
double-edged hunting knife
Treiber m (Jagd)
Treiber pl
beater (hunting)
pendelnde Löffelwalzmaschine Löffelwalze f; pendelndes Löffelwalzwerk n techn.
hunting spoon rolling mill
durchsuchen; forschen; suchen v
durchsuchend; forschend; suchend
durchsucht; geforscht; gesucht
to hunt
hunting liability insurance
Jagdhaftpflichtversicherung f
hunting liability insurance
Jagdhorn n; Signalhorn n
Jagdhörner pl; Signalhörner pl
hunting horn
hunting horns
Jagdlied n mus.
Jagdlieder pl
hunting song
hunting songs
Jagdruf m
Jagdrufe pl
hunting call
hunting calls
Löwenjagd f
Löwenjagden pl
lion hunting
lion huntings
Jagdstückgravur f (auf einer Schusswaffe) mil.
hunting engraving (on a gun)
Jagdgesellschaft f
hunting party, shooting party
Jagdhunde pl astron. (Sternbild)
Canes Venatici (hunting dogs)
Jagdhaus n
Jagdhäuser pl
hunting lodge
hunting lodges
Jagdmesser n
Jagdmesser pl
hunting knife
hunting knives
Abschussquote f (Jagd)
Abschussquoten pl
hunting quota
hunting quotas
Jagdflinte f; Jagdgewehr n
Jagdflinten pl; Jagdgewehre pl
hunting rifle
hunting rifles
Jagdmesser n; Weidmesser n
Jagdmesser pl; Weidmesser pl
hunting knife
hunting knives
Jagdstück n; Jagdszene f art
Jagdstücke pl; Jagdszenen pl
hunting scene
hunting scenes
'Weidmannsheil!' 'Weidmannsdank!'; Waidmannsheil!' 'Waidmannsdank!' Jägersprache
Good hunting!' 'Good hunting!'
Stellensuche f
auf Stellensuche sein
job hunting
to be job hunting
Sinuslauf m; Schlingern n (Bahn)
hunting; side motion (railways)
Schussfestigkeit f (Jagdhund)
gunfire stability (hunting dog)
Jagdwaffe f
Jagdwaffen pl
hunting weapon
hunting weapons
jagdkundig adj (Person)
skilled in hunting (of a person)
Jagdtrophäe f
Jagdtrophäen pl
hunting trophy
hunting trophies
jagdrechtlich adj jur.
in of hunting law; in of game law
ein Tier in einen Baum jagen; einen Baum hinaufjagen v (Jagd)
to tree an animal Am. (hunting)
Jagdausflug m
Jagdausflug m
hunting trip
hunting expedition
Jagdkleidung f textil.
hunting clothes; shooting clothes
Jagdrecht n (Rechtsbereich) jur.
hunting law; game law (legal area)
Jagdgesetz n jur.
Hunting Act; Game Act Br. hist.
Jagdunfallversicherung f
insurance against hunting accidents
ein Tier mit einer Schlinge fangen v (Jagd)
mit Schlingen gefangen
to wire an animal (hunting)
Jagdbezirk m; Jagdrevier n adm.
Jagdbezirke pl; Jagdreviere pl
hunting district
hunting districts
Jagdrecht n (Sachgebiet) jur.
hunting law; game law (subject area)
Jagdunfall m
Jagdunfälle pl
hunting accident
hunting accidents
Jagdbezirk m Dt.; Jagdrevier n Bayr. Ös. adm.
Jagdbezirke pl; Jagdreviere pl
hunting district
hunting districts
Jagdgründe pl
in die ewigen Jagdgründe eingehen

to go to the happy hunting-grounds
Erbschleicherei f
legacy hunting; inheritance snatching
Jagdausrüstung f
hunting equipment; shooting equipment
Jagdausstatter m
Jagdausstatter pl
hunting outfitter
hunting outfitters
aufspüren; aufstöbern v
aufspürend; aufstöbernd
aufgespürt; aufgestöbert
to hunt out
hunting out
hunted out
Direktansprache f econ.
executive search; head hunting coll.
Jagd f, Jagen n, Jagd...
auf die Jagd gehen
to go hunting, to go shooting
Abschussliste f (Jagd)
Abschusslisten pl
shooting list (hunting)
shooting lists
'Jagdquartett' (von Mozart Werktitel) mus.
'Hunting Quartet' (by Mozart work title)
'Jagdquartett' (von Mozart Werktitel) mus.
'Hunting Quartet' (by Mozart work title)
Jagdgebühr f fin.
Jagdgebühren pl
hunting licence fee
hunting licence fees
(Wild) aufjagen; aufstöbern; aus dem Bau treiben v (Jagd)
aufjagend; aufstöbernd; aus dem Bau treibend
aufgejagt; aufgestöbert; aus dem Bau getrieben
to bolt (game) (hunting)
nicht gejagt
to hunt
Hetzpeitsche f (Pferdedressur)
Hetzpeitschen pl
hunting crop (horse training)
hunting crops
Jagdbeschränkungen pl
hunting restrictions; restrictions on hunting
Jagdhütte f; Jagdhaus n
Jagdhütten pl; Jagdhäuser pl
hunting lodge; lodge
hunting lodges; lodges
Jagdrecht n jur.
hunting right; shooting right; sporting right
Tanzeffekt m; senkrechte Lageschwankung f (TV) techn.
jumping; bouncing Am.; vertical hunting (TV)
Jägersprache f; Jagdjargon m ling.
hunting parlance; hunting jargon; hunting terms
Jagdbedingungen pl
widrige Jagdbedingungen
hunting conditions
adverse hunting conditions
Jagdwetzgravur f (auf einer Schusswaffe) mil.
relief engraving with hunting scenes (on a gun)
Fuchsjagd f
Fuchsjagden pl
militanter Gegner der Fuchsjagd
fox hunting
fox huntings
hunt saboteur Br.
Hetze f; Hatz f; Hetzjagd f
chevy; chivy; coursing; hunt (hunting with dogs)
Bauhund m; Erdhund m (Jagdhund)
Bauhunde pl; Erdhunde pl
working terrier (hunting dog)
working terriers
Totverbeller m (Jagdhund)
Totverbeller pl
dead game bayer (hunting dog)
dead game bayers
Totverweiser m (Jagdhund)
Totverweiser pl
dead game guide (hunting dog)
dead game guides
Jagdtier n; jagendes Tier n; Jäger m zool.
Jagdtiere pl; jagende Tiere pl; Jäger pl
hunting animal; hunter
hunting animals; hunters
Das Buch umfasst (behandelt) die Gebiete Jagd und Fischfang.
The book embraces the fields of hunting and fishing.
Federwild n; Jagdvogel m
Jagdvögel pl
Federwild flügeln (Jägersprache) v
game bird
game birds
to wing fowl (hunting term)
Jagdschaden m
Jagdschäden pl
damage caused by hunting
damages caused by hunting
Gepard m zool.
Geparde pl
cheetah, hunting-leopard
cheetahs, hunting-leopards
Gepard m zool.
Geparde pl
cheetah; hunting-leopard
cheetahs; hunting-leopards
Jagdzeit f; Jagdsaison f
hunting season; shooting season; open season for game
Direktsuche f
Direktsuche f econ.
direct search
executive search; head hunting coll.
Wildtöter m (Jagdgerät)
Wildtöter pl
game dispatcher (hunting equipment)
game dispatchers
Jagdwesen n; Jagen n; Jagd f
auf die Jagd gehen
Hohe Jagd hist.
to go hunting; to go shooting
noble hunting
Jagdgebiet n (eines Raubtiers) zool.
Jagdgebiete pl
hunting territory (of a predator)
hunting territories
Jagdglück n
Jagdglück haben; bei der Jagd erfolgreich sein
good hunting
to have good hunting; to make a good bag
Osterei n
Ostereier pl
Ostereier suchen
Easter egg
Easter eggs
to be hunting for Easter eggs
Schatzsuche f
auf Schatzsuche gehen
treasure hunt; treasure hunting
to go on a treasure hunt
Peitsche f
Peitschen pl
Bogenpeitsche f
Jagdpeitsche f; Hetzpeitsche f
drop lash whip
hunting whip; hunting crop
Jagdausflug m
Jagdausflüge pl
hunting trip; shooting trip
hunting trips; shooting trips
Jagdgravur f (auf einer Schusswaffe) mil.
game scene(s) engraving; hunting scene(s) engraving (on a gun)
Jagdschloss n; Jagdschlösschen n arch.
Jagdschlösser pl; Jagdschlösschen pl
hunting castle; hunting lodge
hunting castles; hunting lodges
Jagdordnung f
regulations for huntsmen; hunting regulations; game regulations
Jagdtrophäe f
Jagdtrophäen pl
hunting trophy; hunting prize
hunting trophies; hunting prizes
Jagdgesellschaft f
Jagdgesellschaften pl
hunting party; shooting party
hunting parties; shooting parties
Jagdgesellschaft f; Jagdpartie f
Jagdgesellschaften pl; Jagdpartien pl
hunting party; shooting party
hunting parties; shooting parties
Wurfholz n; Jagdbummerang m
hunting boomerang; kylie Austr.; kiley Austr.; koilee Austr.
Jagdglück n
Jagdglück haben
good hunting
to have good hunting; to have good luck when hunting
Jagdrevier n
Jagdreviere pl
hunting ground, hunting district
hunting grounds, hunting districts
Trüffelsuchhund m; Trüffelhund m
Trüffelsuchhunde pl; Trüffelhunde pl
truffle-hunting dog; truffle dog
truffle-hunting dogs; truffle dogs
Jagdpacht f
lease of a hunting ground; game tenancy; tenancy of a shoot hunt Am.
Hochwild n hist.
beasts of venery; beasts of the chase (game reserved for noble hunting)
Arbeitssuche f; Jobsuche f
Ich bin auf Jobsuche.
job search; job hunting; job hunt; job seeking
I'm looking for a job.
Jagdsitzstock m; Jagdstock m
Jagdsitzstöcke pl; Jagdstöcke pl
hunting sit stick; shooting stick
hunting sit sticks; shooting sticks
Tajo!; Tago!; Juch Hirsch! obs. (beim Hirschen); Harro!; Wahr zu! (beim Hasen); Wallo! (bei Schwarzwild); Tiro!; Wahr zu! (bei Federwild) interj Jägersprache (Jagdruf bei Sichtung des gejagten Wildes)
Tally-ho! hunters' parlance (hunting cry on sighting the hunted game)
(in der Art einer bestimmten sozialen Gruppe) gekleidet adjustiert Ös. sein v textil.
für die Taubenjagd gekleidet adjustiert Ös. sein
to be garbed (in a particular wear)
to be garbed in dove-hunting attire
Jagdbüchse f; Jagdgewehr n mil.
Jagdbüchsen pl; Jagdgewehre pl
halbhahnlose Jagdbüchse
hunting rifle
hunting rifles
hunting rifle with partly enclosed hammer
ein Haus suchen (zwecks Kaufs Miete) v
Meine Schwester sucht derzeit ein Haus.
Wie geht's (Dir Euch) mit der Haussuche?
to house-hunt
My sister is house-hunting.
How's the house-hunting going?
ein Haus suchen v (zwecks Kaufs Miete)
Meine Schwester sucht derzeit ein Haus.
Wie geht's (Dir Euch) mit der Haussuche?
to house-hunt
My sister is house-hunting.
How's the house-hunting going?
zur Strecke bringen
zur Strecke bringend
zur Strecke gebracht
to run down; to hunt down
running down; hunting down
run down; hunted down
zur Strecke bringen v
zur Strecke bringend
zur Strecke gebracht
to run down; to hunt down
running down; hunting down
run down; hunted down
Wildtierattrappe f; Attrappe f (Jagd, Schießsport); Lockattrappe f (Jagd)
Vogelattrappe f; Lockvogel m
wildlife decoy; hunting decoy; decoy (hunting; shooting sport)
wildfowl decoy

hunting Definition

(a.) Pertaining to or engaged in the hunting of foxes
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Hunt
(n.) The pursuit of game or of wild animals.

hunting Bedeutung

campaign hunting expedition
an overland journey by hunters (especially in Africa)
hunt hunting the pursuit and killing or capture of wild animals regarded as a sport
deer hunting
deer hunt
hunting deer
ducking duck hunting hunting ducks
fox hunting
mounted hunters follow hounds in pursuit of a fox
the work of finding and killing or capturing animals for food or pelts
hunt hunting
the activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone
wolf spider
hunting spider
ground spider that hunts its prey instead of using a web
hunting dog a dog used in hunting game
African hunting dog
hyena dog
Cape hunting dog
Lycaon pictus
a powerful doglike mammal of southern and eastern Africa that hunts in large packs, now rare in settled area
hunting watch
a watch with a hinged metal lid to protect the crystal
hunting knife a large sharp knife with a handle shaped to fit the grip
lodge hunting lodge a small (rustic) house used as a temporary shelter
riding crop
hunting crop
a short whip with a thong at the end and a handle for opening gates
hunting license
hunting licence
hunting permit
game license
a license authorizing the bearer to kill a certain type of animal during a specified period of time
hunting and gathering tribe
hunting and gathering society
group that supports itself by hunting and fishing and by gathering wild fruits and vegetables, usually nomadic
hunting ground an area in which game is hunted
hunting guide guide to people hunting in unfamiliar territory
hunting ground a place where opportunities abound
hunting season the season during which it is legal to kill a particular species
target-hunting guided automatically toward the target
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Hunting is the practice of killing or trapping any animal, or pursuing or tracking it with the intent of doing so. Hunting wildlife or feral animals is most commonly done by humans for food, recreation, to remove predators which are dangerous to humans or domestic animals, or for trade. In the 2010s, lawful hunting is distinguished from poaching, which is the illegal killing, trapping or capture of the hunted species. The species that are hunted are referred to as game or prey and are usually mammals and birds.