
inter country Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

zwischenstaatlich, international
Abgabeland, Entsendeland
sending country
agrarian country
country of recruitment
recruitment country
receiving country
exporting country
country of emigration
emigration country
bedeutet das Land von welchem
means the country from which
country of destination
inter-factory comparative study
das angrenzende Land
the adjoining country
das Bestimmungsland
the country of destination
das im Vertrag vereinbarte Land
the country named in the contract
das Zahlungsland
the country of payment
direkte Geschäfte
inter-office dealings
durch ein drittes Land
through another country
country of immigration
immigration country
developing country
country of exportation
Gastland, Aufnahmeland
host country
country of birth
home country
Heimatland, Vaterland
home country
country of production
im Einfuhrland
in the country of importation
im Land der Akzeptierung
in the country of acceptance
im Land der Zahlung
in the country of payment
im Lieferland
in the country of delivery
im Ursprungsland
in the country of origin
im Verladeland
in the country of shipment
im Versandland
in the country of dispatch
im Versandland erhoben
levied in the country of dispatch
country of importation
in der Währung des Landes
in currency of the country
purchasing country
custom of the country
low-wage country
country bank
seinem Lande dienen
serve one's country
sektorale Mobilität
inter-industry mobility
Stadt- und Landesplanung
town and country planning
unterentwickeltes Land
underdeveloped country
country of origin
country of dispatch
Versendung von Waren in ein anderes Land
sending goods to another country
zwischenbetriebliche Zusammenarbeit
inter-firm cooperation
zwischenbetrieblicher Vergleich
inter-firm comparison
zwischenstaatlich, international
Agrarland n
Agrarländer pl
agrarian country
agrarian countries
Alpenland n
Alpenländer pl
alpine country
alpine countries
Andenstaat m
Andenstaaten pl
Andean country
Andean countries
Atomabstand m
inter-atomic distance
Ausreise f
bei der Ausreise
auf der Ausreise
departure, outbound passage, outward voyage, voyage out
on leaving the country
outward bound
nach Bauernart
Bauernlümmel m, Bauerntölpel m, Bauerntrampel m
Bauernlümmel pl, Bauerntölpel pl, Bauerntrampel pl
bumpkin, country bumpkin
bumpkins, country bumpkins
Bauernmarkt m
Bauernmärkte pl
farmer's market, country market
farmer's markets, country markets
Bauernmöbel n
country furniture
Bauernregel f
Bauernregeln pl
country saying, folk saying
country sayings, folk sayings
Bauerntopf m cook.
Bauerntöpfe pl
country casserole
country casseroles
Bauernweisheit f
country lore
Beitrittskandidat (zur EU) m
Beitrittskandidaten pl
pre-accession country (for the EU), candidate country
pre-accession countries, candidate countries
Beitrittsland n
Beitrittsländer pl
acceding country
acceding countries
Bergland n
mountainous country
Bestimmungsland n
Bestimmungsländer pl
country of destination
countries of destination
Country-Klub m
Country-Klubs pl
country club
country clubs
Country-Musik f mus.
country music
Drittland n pol.
Drittländer pl
third country
third countries
Drittstaat m
Drittstaaten pl
third country
third countries
Entwicklungsland n
Entwicklungsländer pl
die Entwicklungsländer pl
developing nation, developing country
developing countries
the developing world
Feld n, offenes Gelände
auf freiem Feld
open country
in the open country
Fernleihe f
inter-library loan
Fernleihverkehr m
inter-library lending
Flachland n
flat country
Gastland n
Gastländer pl
host country
host countries
Geburtsland n
Geburtsländer pl
native country
native countries
Gefilde n poet.
fields, open country, tract of land
Geländefahrzeug n
Geländefahrzeuge pl
cross-country vehicle, off-the-road vehicle
cross-country vehicles, off-the-road vehicles
Geländefahrt f
Geländefahrten pl
cross country drive
cross country drives
Geländefahrzeug n, Geländewagen m
Geländefahrzeuge pl
cross country vehicle
cross country vehicles
Geländegängigkeit f mil.
cross-country capability
Geländelauf m sport
Geländeläufe pl
cross country run
cross country runs
Geländeprofil n
Geländeprofile pl
cross-country tread
cross-country treads
Geländereifen m
Geländereifen pl
cross-country tyre, off-the-road tyre
cross-country tyres, off-the-road tyres
Gendarm m
country constable
ein Geschenk, das nicht geschätzt wird
a north country compliment
im Grünen
in the country
Heimat f, Heimatland n
Heimatländer pl
home country
home countries
Herkunftsland n, Ursprungsland n
Herkunftsländer pl, Ursprungsländer pl
country of origin, state of origin
countries of origin, states of origin
Herstellungsland n
Herstellungsländer pl
country of manufacture
countries of manufacture
Industrieland n
Industrieländer pl
industrialized country, developed country, industrialized economy
industrialized countries, developed countries
Industriestaat m, Industrieland n
Industriestaaten pl, Industrieländer pl
industrial country
industrial countries
Junker m, Landjunker m
(country) squire
Kandidatenstaat m pol.
Kandidatenstaaten pl
candidate country
candidate countries
Länderkennung f
country abbreviation
Land n, Gegend f
Länder pl
auf dem Land
in the country
Landei n ugs.
country bumpkin
ins Landesinnere reisen
to go up country
Landessprache f
Landessprachen pl
language of the country, national language
languages of the country, national languages
Landesverräter m, Landesverräterin f
Landesverräter pl, Landesverräterinnen pl
traitor of his country, treasonist
traitor of his countrys, treasonists
Landesvorwahl f (Telefon)
country code (phone)
Landgasthof m
Landgasthöfe pl
country inn
country inns
Landhaus n, Landsitz m
Landhäuser pl, Landsitze pl
russisches Landhaus, Datscha f
großes französisches Landhaus, Chateau n
Schweizer Landhaus
country home, country house
country homes, country houses
Landjäger m obs.
country policeman, gendarme, country constable
Landluft f
country air
Landleben n
country life
Landplage f
plague (on the country), pest
Landschaftsplanung f
town and country planning
Landstraße f
country road, main road
aktiver Leihverkehr
inter-library loan
Loipe f, Skiloipe f
Loipen pl, Skiloipen pl
cross-country skiing trail
cross-country skiing trails
(unverheiratetes) Mädchen n, Mädel n, Dirndl n Süddt.
Mädchen vom Land
lass, lassie
country lass
Mutterland n
Mutterländer pl
mother country
mother countries
Nachbarland n, Nachbarstaat m
Nachbarländer pl, Nachbarstaaten pl
neighbouring country, neighbouring state, bordering country
neighbouring countries, neighbouring states, bordering countries
Nationalgefühl n
national feeling for one's country
Nestbeschmutzer m, Nestbeschmutzerin f
runner-down of one's own family
country coll., denigrator of one's ...
Niedriglohnland n, Billiglohnland n
Niedriglohnländer pl, Billiglohnländer pl
low-income country
low-income countries
Ostblockland n hist.
Ostblockländer pl
country of the Eastern bloc
countries of the Eastern bloc
Raumordnung f
town and country planning
Schwellenland n pol.
Schwellenländer pl
newly industrializing country (NIC)
newly industrializing countries
Skilanglauf m, Langlauf m, Langlaufen n sport
cross-country skiing, cross-country ski run, langlauf
Sprechanlage f
Sprechanlagen pl
inter phone, intercommunication system
inter phones, intercommunication systems
Staat m
Staaten pl
country, nation
countries, states
Vaterland n
Vaterländer pl
fatherland, native country
fatherlands, native countries
Vaterland n
native country
Wahlheimat f
adopted country, adopted home
Wechselbeziehung f, Verflechtung f, Zusammenhang m (von, zwischen)
in Wechselbeziehung stehend
interrelation, inter-relation (between)
Wildnis f, Hinterland n, Urwald m
boondocks, back country
abteilungsübergreifend adj
assoziiert adj
assoziiertes Gebiet
assoziiertes Land
assoziiertes Mitglied, außerordentliches Mitglied (einer Gesellschaft)
associated territory
associated country
associate member (of a society)
(aus dem Land) ausreisen
to leave (the country) {left, left}
beerdigen, begraben v
beerdigend, begrabend
beerdigt, begraben
beerdigt, begräbt
beerdigte, begrub
to inter, to entomb, to inhume
interring, entombing, inhuming
interred, entombed, inhumed
inters, entombs, inhumes
interred, entombed, inhumed
im Land herumziehen
to dash around the country
jahrgangsübergreifend adj
länderspezifisch adj
landestypisch adj
typical for this country, customary (in a country)
querfeldein adv
querfeldein gehen, querfeldein laufen, querfeldein fahren, abkürzen
across country, cross-country
to cut across country
reisen v
sie reist
sie reiste
sie ist
war gereist
mit dem Flugzeug reisen
viel gereist sein
durch ganz Deutschland reisen
in den USA umherreisen
auf Reisen sein
Bist du schon mal ins Ausland gereist?
to travel
traveling, travelling
traveled, travelled
she travels
she travelled
she has
had travelled
to travel by air
to have travelled a lot
to travel all over Germany, to travel throughout Germany
to travel around the US
to be traveling
Have you ever travelled outside your home country?
rustikal adj
country-style, rustic, rustic-style
von jdm. stammen
von jdm. stammend
von jdm. gestammt
aus einem Land stammen
to originate from sb.
originating from sb.
originated from sb.
to originate from a country
unter prp, wo? +Dativ, wohin? +Akkusativ
unter einem Baum liegen
sich unter einen Baum legen
unter Druck stehen
unter Druck setzen
unter null sinken
unter anderem
einer unter vielen
unter uns gesagt
den Eindruck haben, dass ...
under, below, underneath, among, amongst
to lie under a tree
to lay oneself under a tree
to be under pressure
to put under pressure
to drop below zero
among other things, inter alia
one of many, one among many
between you and me, between ourselves
to be under the impression that ...
unterstellen v
ein Gebiet der Verwaltung eines Landes unterstellen
to mandate
to mandate a territory to a country
zwischen ...
zwischen Fabrikationsbetrieben
zwischen Städten
zwischen den Zeilen schreibend, zwischenzeilig
zwischen Büroabteilungen
zwischen Spuren
zwischen Systemen
Straße-Gelände-Reifen m
town and country tyre
Der Prophet gilt nichts in seinem Vaterland. Sprw.
A prophet has no honour in his own country. prov.
Ein Prophet gilt nichts im eigenen Land.
A prophet has no honor in his own country.

inter country Definition

(adv.) A tract of land
(adv.) Rural regions, as opposed to a city or town.
(adv.) The inhabitants or people of a state or a region
(adv.) A jury, as representing the citizens of a country.
(adv.) The inhabitants of the district from which a jury is drawn.
(adv.) The rock through which a vein runs.
(a.) Pertaining to the regions remote from a city
(a.) Destitute of refinement
(a.) Pertaining, or peculiar, to one's own country.
(n.) Same as Prison base.
(n.) See Contradance.
Country seat
() A dwelling in the country, used as a place of retirement from the city.
() A prefix signifying among, between, amid
(v. t.) To deposit and cover in the earth

inter country Bedeutung

country dancing
contra danse
a type of folk dance in which couples are arranged in sets or face one another in a line
inter-service support action by one military service to provide logistic (or administrative) support to another military service
country house a house (usually large and impressive) on an estate in the country
country store
general store
trading post
a retail store serving a sparsely populated region, usually stocked with a wide variety of merchandise
inter-group communication
a channel for communication between groups, he provided a liaison with the guerrillas
country music
country and western
C and W
a simple style of folk music heard mostly in the southern United States, usually played on stringed instruments
cross country a long race run over open country
country people
people raised in or living in a rural environment, rustics
country people countryfolk people living in the same country, compatriots
nation land country the people who live in a nation or country, a statement that sums up the nation's mood, the news was announced to the nation, the whole country worshipped him
commonwealth country any of the countries in the British Commonwealth
developing country a country that is poor and whose citizens are mostly agricultural workers but that wants to become more advanced socially and economically
foreign country any state of which one is not a citizen, working in a foreign country takes a bit of getting used to
res publica
body politic
a politically organized body of people under a single government, the state has elected a new president, African nations, students who had come to the nation's capitol, the country's largest manufacturer, an industrialized land
country club a suburban club for recreation and socializing
Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence
Inter-Services Intelligence
the Pakistan intelligence agency, a powerful and almost autonomous political and military force, has procured nuclear technology and delivery capabilities, has had strong ties with the Taliban and other militant Islamic groups
area country a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography), it was a mountainous area, Bible country
high country an area lying above the piedmont but below the timberline
back country
a remote and undeveloped area
mother country
country of origin
native land
the country where you were born
buffer state
buffer country
a small neutral state between two rival powers
the territory occupied by a nation, he returned to the land of his birth, he visited several European countries
old country the country of origin of an immigrant
country rural area an area outside of cities and towns, his poetry celebrated the slower pace of life in the country
European country
European nation
any one of the countries occupying the European continent
Scandinavian country
Scandinavian nation
any one of the countries occupying Scandinavia
Balkan country
Balkan nation
Balkan state
any one of the countries on the Balkan Peninsula
African country
African nation
any one of the countries occupying the African continent
Asian country
Asian nation
any one of the nations occupying the Asian continent
South American country
South American nation
any one of the countries occupying the South American continent
North American country
North American nation
any country on the North American continent
Central American country
Central American nation
any one of the countries occupying Central America, these countries (except for Belize and Costa Rica) are characterized by low per capita income and unstable governments
West Country the southwestern part of England (including Cornwall and Devon and Somerset)
Bluegrass Country
Bluegrass Region
an area in central Kentucky noted for it bluegrass and thoroughbred horses
country doctor a doctor who practices in the country (rather than in a city) usually remote from a modern hospital, do country doctors still make house calls?
country borage
Coleus aromaticus
Coleus amboinicus
Plectranthus amboinicus
an aromatic fleshy herb of India and Ceylon to South Africa, sometimes placed in genus Plectranthus
living trust
inter vivos trust
a trust created and operating during the grantor's lifetime
contra danse
perform a contradance
lay to rest
place in a grave or tomb, Stalin was buried behind the Kremlin wall on Red Square, The pharaohs were entombed in the pyramids, My grandfather was laid to rest last Sunday
country-bred rough and uncouth, a country boy
country-style typical of the country, country-style sausage, country music
inter alia among other things, the committee recommended, inter alia, that he be promoted
cross-country across the countryside, the river runs cross-country, the road runs cross-country
cross-country not following tracks or roads, they liked to race cross-country
across the nation
across the country
extending throughout an entire nation, nationally advertised, it was broadcast nationwide
up-country to or in the interior of a country or region, they live upcountry
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