
internal Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

innerbetrieblich, intern adj
intern adj
innerbetrieblich, intern
innerbetriebliche Tätigkeit
internal work
betriebseigene Revision
internal audit
internal taxes
internal teeth
Innenspannfutter n; Innenfutter n techn.
internal chuck
Innenausführung f
internal finish
Innenmassiv n
internal massif
innere Energie f phys.
internal energy
internal auditor
innere Angelegenheiten
internal affairs
Internes Element
internal element
Innenschweißen n
internal welding
Speichersortierung f
internal sorting
internal sorting
Innenrevision f; Innenprüfung f
internal control
Innendruck m, Binnendruck m
internal pressure
Innenrüttler m
internal vibrator
Innendruck m; Binnendruck m
internal pressure
internal migration
Binnenwanderung f
internal migration
Binnenwanderung f soc.
internal migration
Innenfinanzierung f fin.
internal financing
Werkverkehr m
internal transport
Innenvielzahnprofil n techn.
internal serration
Innensternangriff m (Schraube)
internal torx drive
innerer Widerstand
internal resistance
innerer Widerstand m; Innenwiderstand m electr.
internal resistance
innenliegend; innen gelegen adj anat.
internal; intrinsic
Innenzahnkranz m techn.
internal geared ring
betriebinterner Arbeitsmarkt
internal labour market
betrieblicher Arbeitsmarkt
internal labour market
domestic: internal: home
domestic: internal: home
betriebsintern adj
internal, internal company
internal combustion engine
betriebsintern adj
internal; internal company
internal combustion engines
Gewindebohren n; Gewindeschneiden n in Bohrungen; Schneiden n von Innengewinden; Innengewindeschneiden n techn.
tapping; internal threading
interner Zinsfuß m fin.
internal rate of return IRR
Bundessteuerbehörde f der USA
Internal Revenue Service, IRS
Steueraufkommen n
tax revenue, internal revenue
Innenmischer m mach.
internal mixer; Banbury mixer
Steueraufkommen n
tax revenue; internal revenue
Innengewinde n
female thread, internal thread
Innenhochdruckumformen n
internal high pressure forming
Innentür f; Innentüre f constr.
Innentüren pl
internal door
internal doors
internes Arbeitselement
internal element of an activity
Hauspost f
internal mail; interoffice mail
Binnenmarkt m
domestic market, internal market
Eigenspannung f
internal stress, residual stress
Blechhaut f mach.
innere Blechhaut
stell skin
internal stell skin
Innenverzahnung f
internal teeth, internal toothing
Innenrevision f
internal audit; internal auditing
Innenverzahnung f
internal teeth; internal toothing
Innendruckprobe f; Abdrücktest m (bei Kesseln und Rohren) techn.
internal pressure test; burst test
Innenverhältnis n adm.
im Innenverhältnis
internal relationship
Schwenkstandard m (Optik)
internal swing-in standard (optics)
Ablauforganisation f
internal coordination and scheduling
Innenrüttler m
Innenrüttler pl
internal vibrator
internal vibrators
Innenschalung f constr.
Innenschalungen pl
internal formwork
internal formworks
Innenwiderstand m
Thevenin resistance, internal resistance
innerbetrieblich; intern adj
aus innerbetrieblichen Gründen
for reason of internal policy
Rüttler m; Rüttelapparat m; Rüttelvorrichtung f constr.
Rüttler pl; Rüttelapparate pl; Rüttelvorrichtungen pl
Innenrüttler m
internal vibrator
Lastwiderstand m; Quellenwiderstand m; Innenwiderstand m electr.
load source intrinsic internal resistance
Luftmangel m (Verbrennungsmotor) techn.
rich mixture (internal combustion engine)
Innengewinde n techn.
female thread; internal thread; core thread
Sickerröhrenbildung f; innere Erosion f (in einem Damm Deich) envir.
piping; internal erosion (in a dam or dike)
Masseleimung f (Papierherstellung)
beater sizing; internal sizing (papermaking)
Eigenmittelaufbringung f econ.
internal generation of funds; raising equity
Haustelefon n
internal telephone, interoffice communication
Haustelefon n
internal telephone; interoffice communication
Schamvene f anat.
innere äußere Schamvene f
pudendal vein
internal external pudendal vein
unverspannt; ohne Spannungen adj techn.
free from of strain; free from of internal stresses
Kesseltrommeleinbauten pl mach.
boiler drum internal fittings; boiler drum internals
Auskehlung f; Aushöhlung f; Einschnitt m
Auskehlungen pl; Aushöhlungen pl; Einschnitte pl
channel; internal groove
channels; internal grooves
Das Material wird nur für interne Ermittlungszwecke verwendet.
The material will be used for internal purposes only.
Binnengrenze f pol.
Binnengrenzen pl
internal border
internal borders
internal EU border
Verbrennungsmaschine f
Verbrennungsmaschinen pl
internal combustion engine
internal combustion engines
Innensenator m pol.
internal affairs minister; minister for internal affairs
Ladungswechsel m (Verbrennungsmotor) auto
charge changing; gas exchange (internal-combustion engine)
Vertriebsinnendienst m econ.
internal sales; internal sales team; internal sales service
Eigenspannung f
internal stress; residual stress; initial stress; body stress
Innereien pl (innere Organe von geschlachteten Tieren) cook.
offal; organ meats Am. (internal organs of butchered animals)
Verrechnungspreis m econ.
Verrechnungspreise pl
internal price; tansfer price
internal prices; tansfer prices
Zellatmung f; innere Atmung f; aerobe Atmung f biol.
cellular respiration; internal respiration; aerobic respiration
Abgabenordnung f
Abgabenordnung der USA
tax code, fiscal code, General Fiscal Law
Internal Revenue Code
Abgabenordnung f
Abgabenordnung der USA
tax code; fiscal code; General Fiscal Law
Internal Revenue Code
Rückschlag m phys.
Flammenrückschlag m
Rückschlagzündung f; Zurückknallen n; Patschen n (Verbrennungsmotor)
flame blowback
blowback (internal-combustion engine)
Bahnhofswagen m (Bahn)
Bahnhofswagen pl
wagon for internal yard use (railway)
wagons for internal yard use
Inlandflug m, Inlandsflug m
Inlandflüge pl, Inlandsflüge pl
domestic flight, internal flight
domestic flights, internal flights
Einnehmen n; Einnahme f (von Medikamenten) pharm.
zum Einnehmen; zur Einnahme
nicht zum Einnehmen
use; taking (of medicines)
for internal use
for external use only
Blutung f; Einblutung f med.
haemorrhage Br.; hemorrhage Am.; internal hemorrhage haemorrhage
innerdeutsch adj
innerdeutsche Angelegenheiten
domestic German; within Germany
internal domestic affairs of Germany
Steckschuss m med.
bullet lodged in the one's body; retained missile; internal gunshot wound
Verbrennung f
Verbrennungen pl
vollständige Verbrennung
innere Verbrennung
complete combustion
internal combustion IC
Innenausschuss m pol.
home affairs committee Br.; committee on internal domestic Br. affairs
Innenausschuss m pol.
home affairs committee Br.; committee on internal domestic Br. affairs
Zahnscheibe f techn.
Zahnscheiben pl
innengezahnte außengezahnte Zahnscheibe
tooth lock washer
tooth lock washers
internal extrernal tooth lock washer
Gehörgangsvene f anat.
Gehörgangsvenen pl
(internal) auditory vein; labyrinthine vein
auditory veins; labyrinthine veins
Nenndurchmesser m; Nennweite f (Innendurchmesser)
Rohrnennweite f
nominal diameter DN (internal diameter)
nominal pipe size; nominal tubing size
homogenes Binnenmuster n (Ultraschallbefund) med.
homogeneous internal echo pattern; homeogenous echogenicity (ultrasound summary)
Inlandsflug m; Inlandflug m aviat.
Inlandsflüge pl; Inlandflüge pl
internal flight Br.; domestic flight Am.
internal flights; domestic flights
Blechverkleidung f mach.
innere Blechverkleidung
sheet metal cladding; sheet covering; sheet metal housing
internal (metal) shroud
Hauspostumschlag m; Hausposttasche f; Hauspostkuvert m Ös.; Käsekuvert m ugs.
Hauspostumschläge pl; Hausposttaschen pl; Hauspostkuverts pl; Käsekuverts pl
internal envelope; interoffice envelope
internal envelopes; interoffice envelopes
Reibung f; Friktion f
Reibungen pl
Winkel der inneren Reibung
Winkel der wahren inneren Reibung
angle of internal friction
angle of true internal friction
Verbrennung f
Verbrennungen pl
vollständige Verbrennung
innere Verbrennung
Mitverbrennung f
complete combustion
internal combustion IC
Hausbrieffach n; Hausbriefkasten m
Hausbrieffächer pl; Hausbriefkästen pl
internal letter box; indoor letter box Br.
internal letter boxes; indoor letter boxes
betriebsinterne interne Mitteilung f; Hausmitteilung f (von jdm. an jdn.) adm.
betriebsinterne Mitteilungen pl; Hausmitteilungen pl
internal memorandum; internal memo (from sb. to sb.)
internal memoranda; internal memos
Zusammenhalt m, Geschlossenheit f
wirtschaftlicher Zusammenhalt
wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Zusammenhalt
innere Geschlossenheit
cohesion, coherence
economic cohesion
economic and social cohesion
internal cohesion
Zusammenhalt m; Geschlossenheit f
wirtschaftlicher Zusammenhalt
wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Zusammenhalt
innere Geschlossenheit
cohesion; coherence
economic cohesion
economic and social cohesion
internal cohesion
Internist m, Internistin f, Facharzt m für innere Medizin med.
Internisten pl, Internistinnen pl, Fachärzte pl für innere Medizin
internist, specialist for internal medicine
internists, specialists for internal medicine
Internist m; Internistin f; Facharzt m für innere Medizin med.
Internisten pl; Internistinnen pl; Fachärzte pl für innere Medizin
internist; specialist for internal medicine
internists; specialists for internal medicine
schwarzer Kasten m; Blackbox f (System Gerät Programm, dessen Verhalten bekannt, dessen innerer Aufbau aber unbekannt ist) comp. phys. phil.
black box (system device program whose behaviour is known, whose internal structure is, however, unknown)
höhengleiches schienengleiches Bahnübergangssystem n (Bahn)
internes externes Bahnübergangssystem
level crossing system Br.; grade crossing system Am. (railway)
external internal level crossing system
Finanzamt n fin.
Finanzämter pl
inland revenue office Br.; internal revenue office Am.
inland revenue offices; internal revenue offices
Öffnungsweite f; freie Öffnung f; Apertur f (bei einem optischen Instrument)
äußere innere Apertur
maximale Öffnung
nutzbare Offnungsweite
aperture (opening of an optical instrument)
external internal aperture
maximum aperture
useful aperture
Nichteingreifen n; Nichteinmischung f (in etw.)
Nichteinmischung in innere Angelegenheiten
Nichtbehinderung auf Schifffahrtswegen
non-interference (in with sth.)
non-interference in internal affairs
non-interference with shipping routes
Öffnungsweite f; freie Öffnung f; Apertur f (bei einem optischen Instrument)
äußere innere Apertur
maximale Öffnung
nutzbare Offnungsweite
aperture; (opening of an optical instrument)
external internal aperture
maximum aperture
useful aperture
Wirtschaftsprüfer m; Betriebsprüfer m; Buchprüfer m; Rechnungsprüfer m econ. adm.
Wirtschaftsprüfer pl; Betriebsprüfer pl; Buchprüfer pl; Rechnungsprüfer pl
interner externer Betriebsprüfer
Jahresabschlussprüfer m
internal external auditor
auditor of annual accounts; auditor of annual statements Am.
Drosselvene f; Jugularvene f (Vena jugularis) anat.
Drosselvenen pl; Jugularvenen pl
äußere Drosselvene (Vena jugularis externa)
innere Drosselvene (Vena jugularis interna)
vordere Drosselvene (Vena jugularis anterior)
jugular vein
jugular veins
external jugular vein EJV
internal jugular vein IJV
anterior jugular vein AJV
Differenzierung f, Unterscheidung f
Differenzierungen pl, Unterscheidungen pl
äußere Differenzierung
innere Differenzierung
external differentiation
internal differentiation, interior differentiation
Differenzierung f; Unterscheidung f
Differenzierungen pl; Unterscheidungen pl
äußere Differenzierung
innere Differenzierung
external differentiation
internal differentiation; interior differentiation
Hämorrhoiden pl; Hämorriden pl med.
innere äußere Hämorrhoiden
prolabierte Hämorrhoiden
haemorrhoids Br.; hemorrhoids Am.; piles
internal external haemorrhoids piles
prolapsed haemorrhoids piles
Steinkern m geol.
Steinkerne pl
stony cast; rock kernel; internal cast; internal mould
stony casts; rock kernels; internal casts; internal moulds
innenpolitisch; innerpolitisch adj
innenpolitisch gesehen
domestic political; internal; home …
as far as domestic policy is concerned; as far as home affairs are concerned
Backenschiene f; Anschlagschiene f; Zwischenschiene f; Stockschiene f Schw. (einer Weichenanlage) (Bahn)
Backenschienen pl; Anschlagschienen pl; Zwischenschienen pl; Stockschienen pl
innere Verspannung der Backenschienen; innere Backenschienenverspannung
stock rail; closure rail (of a turnout) (railway)
stock rails; closure rails
internal bracing of the stock rails
innenpolitisch, innerpolitisch adj
innenpolitisch gesehen
domestic political, internal, home ...
as far as domestic policy is concerned, as far as home affairs are concerned
innenpolitisch; innerpolitisch adj
innenpolitisch gesehen
domestic political; internal; home ...
as far as domestic policy is concerned; as far as home affairs are concerned
Inlandsmarkt m; heimischer Markt m; Binnenmarkt m econ.
Europäischer Binnenmarkt
home market; domestic market; internal market
European single market ESM ; single European market; domestic EU market
Binnenmarkt m; Inlandsmarkt m; heimischer Markt m econ.
Europäischer Binnenmarkt
domestic market; internal market; home market
European single market ESM ; single European market; domestic EU market
Hämorrhoidenring m med.
Hämorrhoidenringe pl
innerer äußerer Hämorrhoidenring
haemorrhoidal ring; haemorrhoidal zone
haemorrhoidal rings; haemorrhoidal zones
internal external haemorrhoidal ring
Fußknöchel m; Knöchel m (des oberen Sprunggelenks); Hämmerchen n; Malleolus m anat.
Außenknöchel m (Malleolus lateralis)
Innenknöchel m (Malleolus medialis)
external malleolus; outer malleolus; lateral malleolus
internal malleolus; inner malleolus; medial malleolus
Ohrarterie f anat.
vordere hintere Ohrarterie
innere Ohrarterie
tiefe Ohrarterie
auricular artery; auditory artery
anterior posterior auricular artery
internal auditory artery
deep auricular artery
Klemmleiste f, Klemmenleiste f, Verteiler m
Klemmleisten pl, Klemmenleisten pl, Verteiler pl
interne Klemmleiste
terminal strip, terminal block, connecting block
terminal strips, terminal blocks, connecting blocks
internal terminal block
Klemmleiste f; Klemmenleiste f; Verteiler m
Klemmleisten pl; Klemmenleisten pl; Verteiler pl
interne Klemmleiste
terminal strip; terminal block; connecting block
terminal strips; terminal blocks; connecting blocks
internal terminal block
interne Unternehmenskommunikation f; firmeninterne Kommuniktaion f
Aufwärtskommunikation f
Abwärtskommunikation f
Kommunikationskaskade f; nach Hierarchieebenen differenzierte Kommunikation
Veränderungskommunikation f
internal corporate communication
bottom-up communication
top-down communication
communication cascade
change communication
Vorwahl f; Kandidatenkür f; Ausmarchung f Schw. pol
eine parteiinterne Vorwahl gewinnen
preselection vote; preselection ballot; preselection
to win a party preselection vote ballot; to win an internal party preselection
öffentliche Angelegenheiten pl; Angelegenheiten pl; Fragen pl pol.
innere Angelegenheiten
internationale Angelegenheiten; zwischenstaatliche Angelegenheiten pol.
Abteilung für Abrüstungsfragen
das Weltgeschehen
public affairs; affairs
internal affairs; home affairs Br.
international affairs
disarmament affairs division
world affairs
Vorwahl f; Kandidatenkür f; Ausmarchung f Schw. pol.
eine parteiinterne Vorwahl gewinnen
preselection vote; preselection ballot; preselection
to win a party preselection vote ballot; to win an internal party preselection
Harnröhrenöffnung f (Ostium) anat.
äußere Harnröhrenöffnung (Ostium urethrae externum)
innere Harnröhrenöffnung (Ostium urethrae internum)
urethal orifice
external urethal orifice; external orifice of the urethra
internal urethal orifice; internal orifice of the urethra
Zwischenwand f; Trennwand f; nichttragende Innenwand f arch. constr.
Zwischenwände pl; Trennwände pl; nichttragende Innenwände pl
Falt-Zwischenwand f
selbsttragende Zwischenwand
partition wall; internal partition; partition
partition walls; internal partitions; partitions
concertina partition
trussed partition
Schriftart f; Schrift f print
Schriftarten pl; Schriften pl
Schriftgarnitur f; Schriftfamilie f
Breitschrift f
ladbarer Zeichensatz m; ladbare Schriftart f; residente Schriftart f comp.
typeface; type; font; fount Br.
typefaces; types; fonts; founts
family of type
wide font
soft font; downloadable font; internal font
Leistengrube f anat.
äußere innere Leistengrube
äußere Leistengrube des Bauchfells
innere Leistengrube des Bauchfells
inguinal groove; inguinal fossa; inguinal fovea
external internal inguinal fossa
lateral inguinal fossa fovea
medial inguinal fossa fovea
Steuerbehörde f adm. fin.
britische Steuer- und Zollbehörde adm.
tax fiscal authority; Inland Revenue Br.; Internal Revenue Am.; Internal Revenue Service IRS Am.
Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs HMRC

Deutsche innerbetrieblich Synonyme

Haus...  Âinnerbetrieblich  Âintern  

Englische internal Synonyme

internal  bosom  center  central  cerebral  conceptive  conceptual  core  deep  deep-seated  deepest recesses  endopsychic  esoteric  gut  heart  heart of hearts  home  immanent  implanted  implicit  inalienable  indoor  indwelling  infixed  ingrained  inherent  inland  inmost  inner  inner landscape  inner life  inner man  inner nature  inner recess  inner self  innermost  inside  intellectual  intelligent  interior  interior man  intern  intestine  intimate  intrados  intrinsic  inward  inwrought  irreducible  mental  municipal  national  native  noetic  noological  penetralia  phrenic  private  psychic  psychologic  rational  reasoning  recesses  resident  secret  secret place  secret places  soul  spiritual  subjective  thinking  unalienable  unchallengeable  unquestionable  visceral  vital center  vitals  
internal medicine  Medicaid  Medicare  aerospace medicine  biomedicine  clinical medicine  comparative medicine  constitutional medicine  dosimetric medicine  enterology  experimental medicine  leechcraft  leechdom  legal medicine  materia medica  medical jurisprudence  medicine  military medicine  naval medicine  neo-Hippocratic medicine  physic  physical medicine  preclinical medicine  preventive medicine  psychosomatic medicine  public health medicine  socialized medicine  space medicine  splanchnology  state medicine  therapy  tropical medicine  veterinary medicine  
internally  by birth  by nature  centrally  congenitally  deeply  genetically  immanently  inly  innately  interiorly  intimately  intrinsically  inwardly  naturally  originally  primally  primitively  profoundly  under the surface  

internal Definition

(a.) Inward
(a.) Derived from, or dependent on, the thing itself
(a.) Pertaining to its own affairs or interests
(a.) Pertaining to the inner being or the heart
(a.) Intrinsic
(a.) Lying toward the mesial plane

internal Bedeutung

internal control an accounting procedure or system designed to promote efficiency or assure the implementation of a policy or safeguard assets or avoid fraud and error etc.
internal respiration
cellular respiration
the metabolic processes whereby certain organisms obtain energy from organic molecules, processes that take place in the cells and tissues during which energy is released and carbon dioxide is produced and absorbed by the blood to be transported to the lungs
internal drive a drive mounted inside of a computer
internal organ
a main organ that is situated inside the body
inner ear
internal ear
a complex system of interconnecting cavities, concerned with hearing and equilibrium
internal carotid artery the branch of the carotid artery that supplies blood to the brain and eyes and internal parts of the head
internal iliac artery
hypogastric artery
the inner branch of the common iliac artery on either side of the body, divides into several branches that supply blood to the pelvic and gluteal areas
labyrinthine artery
artery of the labyrinth
internal auditory artery
an artery that is a branch of the basilar artery that supplies the labyrinth
internal maxillary artery the maxillary artery that supplies deep structure of the face and some of the meninges
testicular artery
internal spermatic artery
arteria testicularis
a branch of the aorta supplying the testicles
internal cerebral vein
vena cerebrum internus
two paired veins passing caudally near the midline and uniting to form the great cerebral vein
hypogastric vein
internal iliac vein
a vein that unites with the external iliac vein to form the common iliac vein
internal jugular vein a continuation of the sigmoid sinus of the dura mater, joins the subclavian vein to form the brachiocephalic vein
labyrinthine vein
internal auditory vein
veins that drain the inner ear
internal secretion
the secretion of an endocrine gland that is transmitted by the blood to the tissue on which it has a specific effect
female internal reproductive organ the reproductive organs of a woman
male internal reproductive organ the reproductive organs of a man
mental representation
internal representation
a presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or image
internal medicine
general medicine
the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and (nonsurgical) treatment of diseases of the internal organs (especially in adults)
internal rhyme a rhyme between words in the same line
Internal Revenue Service
the bureau of the Treasury Department responsible for tax collections
internal auditor an auditor who is an employee of the company whose records are audited and who provides information to the management and board of directors
tax collector
collector of internal revenue
internal revenue agent
someone who collects taxes for the government
internal revenue government revenue from domestic sources (excluding customs)
internal combustion the combustion of fuel inside a cylinder (as in an internalombustion engine)
interior angle
internal angle
the angle inside two adjacent sides of a polygon
internal happening or arising or located within some limits or especially surface, internal organs, internal mechanism of a toy, internal party maneuvering
located inward, Beethoven's manuscript looks like a bloody record of a tremendous inner battle- Leonard Bernstein, she thinks she has no soul, no interior life, but the truth is that she has no access to it- David Denby, an internal sense of rightousness- A.R.Gurney,Jr.
inside the country, the British Home Office has broader responsibilities than the United States Department of the Interior, the nation's internal politics
occurring within an institution or community, intragroup squabbling within the corporation
innermost or essential, the inner logic of Cubism, the internal contradictions of the theory, the intimate structure of matter
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Internal may refer to: