
lady in waiting Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Hofdame f; Ehrendame f; Palastdame f
Hofdamen pl; Ehrendamen pl; Palastdamen pl
lady-in-waiting; waiting maid; court lady
ladies-in-waiting; waiting maids; court ladies
customer waiting time
Wartefrist, Karenzzeit, Karenztage
waiting period
waiting list
waiting line
time of waiting
waiting time
waiting room
Arztwartezimmer n
Arztwartezimmer pl
doctor's waiting room
doctor's waiting rooms
Bedienen n, Servieren n
Dame f
Damen pl
Damen-Rahmen m (Fahrrad)
lady's frame
Damenbesuch m
lady visitor
Feinsliebchen n poet.
lady-love, sweetheart
Fräulein n
young lady
Frauenmantel m bot.
lady's mantle
Freundin f
Freundinnen pl
seine Freundin
his young lady
Geliebte f
Gutsherrin f
Gutsherrinnen pl
lady of the manor
ladies of the manor
Halteverbot n (Verkehrsschild)
no waiting
Hausherr m
Hausherren pl
Dame des Hauses
man of the house, host
men of the house, hosts
lady of the house, woman of the house
Hofdame f
Hofdamen pl
court lady
court ladies
die Mutter Maria relig.
the Virgin Mary, Our Blessed Lady
Karenzzeit f, Karenz f
Karenzzeiten pl
waiting period, period of restriction
waiting periods
Küchenfee f ugs.
lady cook (literally: kitchen fairy)
Löffelbiskuit m cook.
lady fingers
ein leichtes Mädchen
a lady of easy virtue
Okra f, essbarer Eibisch, Ladyfinger m bot.
okra, lady's-finger
Olle m, f ugs.
meine Olle
mein Oller
meine Ollen
old man, old lady
my old lady
my old man
my old folks
Putzfrau f, Reinemachfrau f
Putzfrauen pl, Reinemachfrauen pl
cleaning lady, cleaner
cleaning ladies, cleaners
Raumpflegerin f
cleaning lady
Warte f, Ausblick m, Lauer f
auf der Lauer sitzen, auf der Lauer sein, auf der Lauer liegen
to sit on watch, to sit in ambush, to sit in waiting, to sit on lookout
Wartegeld n
Wartegelder pl
waiting pay
waiting pays
Warteliste f
Wartelisten pl
auf der Warteliste stehen
waiting list
waiting lists
to be on the waiting list
Warten n
Warteschlange f
waiting line
Warteschleife f, Warterunde f aviat.
Warteschleifen drehen
waiting pattern, holding pattern, stack
to circle, to be in the stack
Warteposition f
Wartepositionen pl
waiting position
waiting positions
Warteraum m, Wartezimmer n, Wartesaal m, Wartehalle f
Warteräume pl, Wartezimmer pl, Wartesäle pl, Wartehallen pl
waiting room
waiting rooms
Warterei f
Wartezeit f
lange Wartezeit
waiting time, waiting period, wait
long wait
Wartezustand m
waiting state
Wiesenschaumkraut n bot.
lady's smock, cuckooflower, cuckoo flower
jdn. abpassen, jdn. abwarten
abpassend, abwartend
abgepasst, abgewartet
to wait for sb.
waiting for
waited for
to wait on
waiting on
waited on
eisern adj
eiserne Lady f
Iron Lady
warten v (auf, bis)
sie wartet
sie wartete
sie hat
hatte gewartet
gespannt warten
jdn. warten lassen
to wait (for, until)
she waits
she waited
she has
had waited
to wait in suspense
to keep sb. waiting
to wait patiently
waiting patiently
waited patiently
Auf Peter wartet ein Freund.
Peter has a friend waiting to see him.
Das war ein gefundenes Fressen für ihn.
That was just what he is waiting for.
Ich warte auf Ihre Erklärung.
I'm waiting to hear your explanation.
Diamantfasan m ornith.
Lady Amherst's Pheasant
Rossturako m ornith.
Lady Ross's Turaco
auf waiting
court lady
seine Freundin
his young lady
warten lassen
keep waiting
lady bird
lady visitor
jemanden warten lassen
to keep a person waiting
warten lassen
to keep waiting
wartend auf
waiting lists
waiting on
waiting patiently
waiting pay
waiting pays
waiting period
waiting periods
waiting rooms
waiting state
young lady
jemanden warten lassen
keep somebody waiting
waiting room
jemanden warten lassen
to keep sb. waiting
Alpenfrauenfarn m; Gebirgsfrauenfarn m (Athyrium distentifolium) bot.
Alpine lady fern
jds. Alte f; jds. Olle Norddt. slang (Mutter; Ehefrau) soc.
meine Alte Olle
sb.'s old woman; sb.'s old lady slang
my old lady
Anklopfen n telco.
call waiting
Anklopfschutz m telco.
call-waiting protection; call-waiting block
Anzeige f
Anzeigen pl
visuelle Anzeige
Anzeige für wartende Nachrichten telco.
visual indicator
message waiting indicator MWI
Bedienen n; Servieren n
Bisameibisch m (Abelmoschus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gemüse-Eibisch m; Okra m (Abelmoschus esculentus)
abelmoschus mallows (botanical genus)
lady's finger; okra; bamia; bhindi; gumbo
jdn. wie ein Blitz treffen v (als Frau Mann plötzlich faszinieren) soc.
Gleich bei unserer ersten Begegnung hat es mich wie einen Blitz getroffen hat es mich erwischt.
She completely swept him off his feet.
Meine Schwester hat sich Hals über Kopf in einen älteren Mann verliebt.
Sie wartet auf einen Helden der ihr Herz im Sturm erobert.
to sweep sb. off their feet
The first time I met him her I was swept off my feet.
Er war von ihr völlig überwältigt.
My sister has been swept off her feet by an older man.
She's waiting for some hero to come and sweep her off her feet.
Botschaft f; persönliche Mitteilung f; persönliche Nachricht f
Botschaften pl; persönliche Mitteilungen pl; persönliche Nachrichte pl
eine Nachricht Botschaft ausrichten
eine Nachricht hinterlassen
wartende Nachricht
eine falsche Botschaft vermitteln
message; embassage (old use)
messages; embassages
to deliver a message
to leave a message
message waiting
to send a wrong message
jds. Ehehälfte f; jds. Angetraute f humor; jds. bessere Hälfte f humor.; die gnädige Frau humor. (Ehefrau) soc.
sb.'s better half; sb.'s little lady; sb.'s indoors; sb.'s significant other SO ; the missus (wife)
Elastizität f von Angebot Nachfrage (Reaktionsausmaß bei Veränderungen eines anderen Parameters) econ.
Elastizität von eins
Einkommenselastizität f der Nachfrage
indirekte Preiselastizität; Kreuzpreiselastizität der Nachfrage
Koeffizient m der Nachfrageelastizität
die Lohnelastizität des Arbeitskräfteangebots
die Preiselastizität der Stromnachfrage
die Wartezeitelastizität der Taxinachfrage
elasticity of supply demand (responsiveness to a change in another parameter)
unit(ary) elasticity
income elasticity of demand
cross-price elasticity of demand
coefficient of elasticity of demand
the wage elasticity of labour supply
the price elasticity of electricity demand
the waiting time elasticity of taxi demand
Fachkapsel-Frauenschuhe pl (Phragmipedium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
lady's slipper orchids; lady's slippers (botanical genus)
Feinsliebchen n poet.
lady-love; sweetheart
Fingerhüte pl (Digitalis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gelber Fingerhut m (Digitalis lutea)
roter Fingerhut m; Fingerkraut m; Fuchskraut m; Schwulstkraut m; Unserer-lieben-Frauen-Handschuh m; Waldglöckchen m; Waldschelle f (Digitalis purpurea)
foxgloves (botanical genus)
yellow foxglove
common foxglove; purple foxglove; Lady's glove
Frauenfarne pl (Athyrium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gemeiner gewöhnlicher Frauenfarn; gemeiner Waldfarn; Waldfrauenfarn (Athyrium filix-femina)
lady ferns (botanical genus)
common lady fern
Freigabe f; grünes Licht (für etw.) adm.
Sie hatte keine Sicherheitsfreigabe.
Ich warte noch auf das OK von der Zentrale.
Er wird ins Rennen gehen wenn er von seinem Arzt grünes Licht bekommt.
clearance (for sth.)
She did not have a security clearance.
I'm waiting for clearance from headquarters.
He'll race if he gets medical clearance from his doctor.
Freundin f (ständige Partnerin) soc.
Freundinnen pl
seine Freundin
his young lady
Gutsherrin f hist.
Gutsherrinnen pl
lady of the manor
ladies of the manor
Hammersträucher pl (Cestrum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Nachtjasmin m (Cestrum nocturnum Cestrum suberosum Jacq.)
cestrums; jessamines (botanical genus)
night-blooming cestrum jessamine jasmine lady of the night; queen of the night
Hausherr m
Hausherren pl
Dame des Hauses
man of the house; host
men of the house; hosts
lady of the house; woman of the house
Herzblut n (Hingabe) übtr.
Die Frau singt wirklich mit Herzblut.
Sie wissen dass ich mein Herzblut für die Mannschaft gebe. übtr.
Ich danke allen die so viel Herzblut in die Kampagne gesteckt haben.
sein Herzblut für jdn. etw. hergeben übtr.

The lady truly sings with her heart and soul.
They know I will give my all for the team.
Let me thank all those who have poured so much dedication into campaigning.
to sacrifice everything for sb. sth.
Hofdame f; Ehrendame f; Palastdame f
Hofdamen pl; Ehrendamen pl; Palastdamen pl
lady-in-waiting; waiting maid; court lady
ladies-in-waiting; waiting maids; court ladies
Jungfrau Maria f relig.
die heilige Jungfrau Maria; die Gebenedeite relig.
die Mutter Maria relig.
Our Lady
the Blessed Virgin Mary
the Virgin Mary; Our Blessed Lady
Kammerjungfer f hist.
Kammerjungfern pl
young lady's maid
young lady's maids
Kongregation f; Ordensgemeinschaft f relig.
die Kongregation der Missionsschwestern unserer lieben Frau
the Congregation of Our Lady of the Missions
Küchenfee f ugs. humor. (Köchin)
lady cook
Kurschatten m
lady friend at from the spa
Liebfrauenmünster n zu Straßburg
Cathedral of our Lady of Strasbourg
strahlender Märchenheld m
Sie wartet auf ihren strahlenden Märchenhelden.
knight in shining armour; knight on a white charger
She is waiting for her knight in shining armour.
Marienkapelle f
Marienkapellen pl
Lady chapel
Lady chapels
Milchsterne pl; Vogelmilch f (Ornithogalum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Dolden-Milchstern m; Doldiger Milchstern m; Stern m von Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum)
Orangefarbener Milchstern m (Ornithogalum dubium)
stars of Bethlehem (botanical genus)
common star of Bethlehem; grass lily; nap-at-noon eleven-o'clock lady
sun star; orange star of Bethlehem
Pantoffelblumen pl (Calceolaria) (botanische Gattung) bot.
slipper flowers; slipperworts; pocketbook flowers; Lady's purses (botanical genus) (slipperwort)
Putzfrau f; Putzhilfe f; Reinemachfrau f Mitteldt. Norddt.; Aufwartefrau f; Aufwartung f Nordostdt.; Zugehfrau f Bayr. Westös.; Zugeherin f Süddt. Westös.; Bedienerin f Ös.; Aufräumerin f Ös.; Putzerin f Ös.; Spettfrau f Schw.; Spetterin f Schw.
Putzfrauen pl; Putzhilfen pl; Reinemachfrauen pl; Aufwartefrauen pl; Aufwartungen pl; Zugehfrauen pl; Zugeherinnen pl; Bedienerinnen pl; Aufräumerinnen pl; Putzerinnen pl; Spettfrauen pl; Spetterinnen pl
Putze f ugs.
cleaning lady; cleaner; charlady Br.; charwoman Br. (dated)
cleaning ladies; cleaners
char Br. coll.; cleaner
Qual f; Qualen pl; Quälerei f; Pein f
Qualen erleiden
Qualen verursachen; Schmerzen verursachen
Die Reise war für die alte Dame eine Qual.
Kannst du dir meine inneren Qualen vorstellen?
Er lag die ganze Nacht wach und litt tausend Qualen.
Sie leben in Angst und Pein.
anguish; torment
to be in anguish
to cause anguish
The journey was a torment for the old lady.
Can you imagine my inner torment?
He lay awake all night in torment.
They live in anguish torment.
Schlossherrin m
Schlossherrinen pl
lady of the castle
ladies of the castle(s)
Sollbruchstelle f (Entscheidungssituation) übtr.
Das ist eine Sollbruchstelle. (Die Probleme sind vorprogrammiert) übtr.
(predetermined) breaking point
This is a problem waiting to happen.
Verkündigung f
Verkündigungen pl
Mariä Verkündigung relig.
Fest Mariä Maria ugs. Verkündigung relig.
Annunciation to (the Blessed Virgin) Mary
Annunciation Day; Lady Day
Warte f; Ausblick m; Lauer f
auf der Lauer sitzen; auf der Lauer sein; auf der Lauer liegen
to sit on watch; to sit in ambush; to sit in waiting; to sit on lookout
Warteliste f; Warteschlange f
Wartelisten pl; Warteschlangen pl
auf der Warteliste stehen
waiting list; wait list
waiting lists; wait lists
to be on the waiting list
Warteschleife f; Warterunde f aviat.
Warteschleifen drehen
anfliegende Flugzeuge in Warteschleifen einweisen
waiting pattern; holding pattern; stack
to circle; to be in the stack
to stack incoming planes
Warteschleife f telco.
Warteschleife mit Musik
jdn. auf die Warteschleife legen geben
immer in der Warteschleife landen
jdn. in der Warteschleife halten
in der Warteschleife sein
waiting loop; wait loop
internal music on hold
to place put sb. on hold
to get trapped caught in locked stuck in a voice mail maze
to keep sb. on hold
to be on hold
Warteraum m; Wartezimmer n; Wartesaal m; Wartehalle f
Warteräume pl; Wartezimmer pl; Wartesäle pl; Wartehallen pl
waiting room; waiting area
waiting rooms; waiting areas
Wartezeit f; Karenzzeit f; Karenzfrist f; Sperrfrist f econ.
time of waiting; waiting period; period of restriction
Wartezeit f
lange Wartezeit
waiting time; waiting period; wait
long wait
jds. Wesen n; Wesensart f; Gemütsart f; Naturell n
unser innerstes Wesen
um zu sehen aus welchem Holz er geschnitzt ist
Was bist du nur für ein Mensch? pej.
Ich mag Witz und Wesensart dieser Lady.
mettle sb. is made of (old use)
the mettle we are made of
to see what mettle he is made of
What mettle are you made of?
I like the Lady's wit and mettle.
Wiesenschaumkraut n bot.
lady's smock; cuckooflower; cuckoo flower
Zofe f; Kammerzofe f (von jdm.) hist.
Zofen pl; Kammerzofen pl
lady's maid (to sb.)
lady's maids
jdn. abpassen; jdn. abwarten v
abpassend; abwartend
abgepasst; abgewartet
Das bleibt abzuwarten.
to wait for sb.
waiting for
waited for
That remains to be seen.; Only time will tell.
abwarten v
Wart' mal ab!
to wait; to wait and see
waiting; waiting and seeing
waited; waited and seen
Just (you) wait and see!
ängstlich; besorgt; bange; bang; unruhig adj
um jdn. besorgt sein; um jdn. Angst haben
eine Zeit voller Sorge
eine Woche bangen Wartens
Wir haben uns alle solche Sorgen um dich gemacht.
to be anxious about sb.
an anxious time
one anxious week of waiting
We were all so anxious about you.
anstehen (auf Erledigung warten) (Sache) v
zur Diskussion anstehen
anstehende Arbeit
So eine Reform steht dringend an.
to be waiting (matter)
to be waiting for discussion
work (still) waiting to be done
Such a reform is a top priority.
antichambrieren v geh. hist.
to wait in the anteroom
waiting in the anteroom
waited in the anteroom
aufwarten v
to wait on
waiting on
waited on
dauern; andauern; fortdauern; anhalten; bleiben; währen v
dauernd; andauernd; fortdauernd; anhaltend; bleibend; während
gedauert; angedauert; fortgedauert; angehalten; geblieben; gewährt
dauert; währt
dauerte; währte
ewig dauern; ewig anhalten; ewig währen
Was lange währt wird endlich gut. Sprw.
to last
to last forever
A happy outcome is worth waiting for.
jeweils adv (zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt)
Die Putzfrau kommt jeweils am Mittwoch.
jeweils drei Kandidaten
every (prepositive); at a time (postpositive)
The cleaning lady comes on Wednesdays every Wednesday.
three candidates at a time
kellnern; als Kellner Kellnerin arbeiten v
kellnernd; als Kellner Kellnerin arbeitend
gekellnert; als Kellner Kellnerin gearbeitet
to wait tables
waiting tables
waited tables
ungehörig; unschicklich geh. adj (für jdn.) soc.
ein Benehmen wie es sich für eine Dame nicht gehört
Es steht einer Universität schlecht an öffentlich zu streiten.
unbecoming (to for sb.)
a behaviour unbecoming (to) a lady
It is unbecoming for a university to quarrel in public.
etw. verdauen übtr.; etw. verarbeiten psych. v
Sie hielt inne und wartete bis er die Nachricht verdaut hatte.
to digest sth. fig.
She paused waiting for him to digest the news.
warten v (auf; bis)
er sie wartet
ich er sie wartete
er sie hat hatte gewartet
gespannt warten
auf etw. mit angehaltenem Atem mit Spannung warten
jdn. warten lassen
Ich kann nicht länger warten.
Auf Peter wartet ein Freund.
Warte bis ich komme!
Da kannst du lange warten! übtr.
to wait (for; until)
he she waits
I he she waited
he she has had waited
to wait in suspense
to wait for sth. with baited breath
to keep sb. waiting
Wait up! coll.
I can't wait any longer.
Peter has a friend waiting to see him.
Wait until I come.
You can whistle for it! Br. coll.
worauf pron (Frage)
Worauf wartest du?
on what?; upon what?
What are you waiting for?
zornig sein; verärgert sein v
Er war verärgert weil er warten musste.
Sie war wegen dieses dummen Fehlers verärgert mit sich selbst.
Er wird zornig werden wenn er erfährt dass du seine Anweisungen nicht befolgt hast.
to be angry
He was angry at being kept waiting.
She was angry with herself for having made such a foolish mistake.
He will be angry to learn that you have disobeyed his orders.
Boudoir (Frauengemach Ankleideraum)
boudoir (a lady's private room or dressing room)
Bedienpersonal n cook.
waiting staff; wait staff
Noch ist nicht aller Tage Abend.
Noch ist nicht aller Tage Abend.
It is not over till the fat lady sings.
It ain't over till the fat lady sings.
Frauenkirche f
Dresdner Frauenkirche
Church of Our Lady
Dresden Frauenkirche
'Die weiße Dame' (von Boieldieu Werktitel) mus.
'The White Lady' (by Boieldieu work title)
'Lady Windermeres Fächer' (von Wilde Werktitel) lit.
'Lady Windermere's Fan' (by Wilde work title)
'Bildnis einer Dame' (von James Werktitel) lit.
'Portrait of a Lady' (by James work title)
'Gruppenbild mit Dame' (von Böll Werktitel) lit.
'Group Portrait with Lady' (by Böll work title)
'Die Dame ist nicht fürs Feuer' (von Fry Werktitel) lit.
'The Lady's not for Burning' (by Fry work title)
'Das Fräulein vom See' (von Scott Werktitel) lit.
'The Lady of the Lake' (by Scott work title)

Deutsche Hofdame {f}; Ehrendame {f}; Palastdame {f} / Hofdamen {pl}; Ehrendamen {pl}; Palastdamen {pl} Synonyme

Englische lady-in-waiting; waiting maid; court lady Synonyme

lady in waiting Definition

(n.) A woman who looks after the domestic affairs of a family
(n.) A woman having proprietary rights or authority
(n.) A woman to whom the particular homage of a knight was paid
(n.) A woman of social distinction or position. In England, a title prefixed to the name of any woman whose husband is not of lower rank than a baron, or whose father was a nobleman not lower than an earl. The wife of a baronet or knight has the title of Lady by courtesy, but not by right.
(n.) A woman of refined or gentle manners
(n.) A wife
(n.) The triturating apparatus in the stomach of a lobster
(a.) Belonging or becoming to a lady
() The day of the annunciation of the Virgin Mary, March 25. See Annunciation.
(n.) A gallant who captivates the hearts of women.
(n.) The art or practice of captivating the hearts of women.
Lady's bedstraw
() The common bedstraw (Galium verum)
Lady's bower
() A climbing plant with fragrant blossoms (Clematis vitalba).
Lady's comb
() An umbelliferous plant (Scandix Pecten-Veneris), its clusters of long slender fruits remotely resembling a comb.
Lady's cushion
() An herb growing in dense tufts
Lady's finger
() The kidney vetch.
Lady's finger
() A variety of small cake of about the dimensions of a finger.
Lady's finger
() A long, slender variety of the potato.
Lady's finger
() One of the branchiae of the lobster.
Lady's garters
() Ribbon grass.
Lady's hair
() A plant of the genus Briza (B. media)
Lady's laces
() A slender climbing plant
Lady's looking-glass
() See Venus's looking-glass, under Venus.
Lady's mantle
() A genus of rosaceous herbs (Alchemilla), esp. the European A. vulgaris, which has leaves with rounded and finely serrated lobes.
Lady's seal
() The European Solomon's seal (Polygonatum verticillatum).
Lady's seal
() The black bryony (Tamus communis).
Lady's slipper
() Any orchidaceous plant of the genus Cypripedium, the labellum of which resembles a slipper. Less commonly, in the United States, the garden balsam (Impatiens Balsamina).
Lady's smock
() A plant of the genus Cardamine (C. pratensis)
Lady's thimble
() The harebell.
Lady's thumb
() An annual weed (Polygonum Persicaria), having a lanceolate leaf with a dark spot in the middle.
Lady's traces
() Alt. of Ladies' tresses
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Wait
() a. & n. from Wait, v.

lady in waiting Bedeutung

the act of waiting (remaining inactive in one place while expecting something), the wait was an ordeal for him
English lady crab
Portunus puber
crab of the English coasts
American lady crab
lady crab
calico crab
Ovalipes ocellatus
brightly spotted crab of sandy beaches of the Atlantic coast of the United States
lady beetle
ladybird beetle
small round brightolored and spotted beetle that usually feeds on aphids and other insect pests
lady chapel a small chapel in a church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary
waiting room
waiting area
a room (as in a hotel or airport) with seating where people can wait
waiting game a strategy of delay
call waiting a way of letting you know that someone else is calling when you are using your telephone
waiting list a roster of those waiting to obtain something
pink lady a cocktail made of gin and brandy with lemon juice and grenadine shaken with an egg white and ice
Carmelite order
Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
a Roman Catholic mendicant order founded in the th century
waiting line
a line of people or vehicles waiting for something
bag lady a homeless woman who carries all her possessions with her in shopping bags
cleaning woman
cleaning lady
a human female employed to do housework, the char will clean the carpet, I have a woman who comes in four hours a day while I write
dame madam
lady gentlewoman
a woman of refinement, a chauffeur opened the door of the limousine for the grand lady
first lady the wife of a chief executive
first lady the leading woman in an art or profession
young lady
young woman
a young woman, a young lady of
girl lady friend
a girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved, his girlfriend kicked him out
lady of the house
woman of the house
a wife who manages a household while her husband earns the family income
a woman of the peerage in Britain
lady a polite name for any woman, a nice lady at the library helped me
lady-in-waiting a lady appointed to attend to a queen or princess
lady's maid a maid who is a lady's personal attendant
leading lady actress who plays the leading female role
lollipop lady
lollipop woman
a woman hired to help children cross a road safely near a school
old lady your own wife, meet my old lady
c prostitute
cyprian fancy woman working girl sporting lady
lady of pleasure
woman of the street
a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money
ladies' man
lady killer
a man who takes advantage of women
Diana Princess Diana
Princess of Wales
Lady Diana Frances Spencer
English aristocrat who was the first wife of Prince Charles, her death in an automobile accident in Paris produced intense national mourning (-)
Lady Godiva
according to legend she rode naked through Coventry in order to persuade her husband not to tax the townspeople so heavily, the only person to look at her as she rode by was a man named Tom and Peeping Tom has become a synonym for voyeur (circ-)
Grey Lady Jane Grey Queen of England for nine days in , she was quickly replaced by Mary Tudor and beheaded for treason (-)
Hamilton Lady Emma Hamilton
Amy Lyon
English beauty who was the mistress of Admiral Nelson (-)
Beatrice Lillie
Lady Peel
British actress (born in Canada) (-)
Florence Nightingale
Lady with the Lamp
English nurse remembered for her work during the Crimean War (-)
Thatcher Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Hilda Thatcher
Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven
Iron Lady
British stateswoman, first woman to serve as Prime Minister (born in )
lady's smock
cuckoo flower meadow cress
Cardamine pratensis
a bitter cress of Europe and America
ladies' tobacco
lady's tobacco
Antennaria plantaginifolia
North American perennial propagated by means of runners
milk thistle lady's thistle
Our Lady's mild thistle
holy thistle
blessed thistle Silybum marianum
tall Old World biennial thistle with large clasping white-blotched leaves and purple flower heads, naturalized in California and South America
lady's slipper
ladies' slipper
slipper orchid
any of several chiefly American wildflowers having an inflated pouchlike lip, difficult or impossible to cultivate in the garden
common lady's-slipper
showy lady's-slipper
showy lady slipper
Cypripedium reginae
Cypripedium album
pale pink wild orchid of northeastern America having an inflated pouchlike lip
ram's-head lady's slipper
Cypripedium arietinum
orchid of northern North America having a brownish-green flower and red-and-white lip suggestive of a ram's head
yellow lady's slipper
yellow lady-slipper
Cypripedium calceolus
Cypripedium parviflorum
maroon to purple-brown orchid with yellow lip, Europe, North America and Japan
large yellow lady's slipper
Cypripedium calceolus pubescens
plant of eastern and central North America having slightly fragrant purple-marked greenish-yellow flowers
California lady's slipper
Cypripedium californicum
often having many yellow-green orchids with white pouches growing along streams and seeps of southwestern Oregon and northern California
clustered lady's slipper
Cypripedium fasciculatum
clusters of several short stems each having broad leaves and - drooping brownish to greenish flowers with pouches mottled with purple, British Columbia to central California and northern Colorado
mountain lady's slipper
Cypripedium montanum
leafy plant having a few stems in a clump with white and dull purple flower in each upper leaf axil, Alaska to northern California and Wyoming
dancing lady orchid
butterfly plant butterfly orchid
any orchid of the genus Oncidium: characterized by slender branching sprays of small yellow and brown flowers, often grown as houseplants
ladies' tresses
lady's tresses
an orchid of the genus Spiranthes having slender often twisted spikes of white flowers
reed canary grass
gardener's garters
lady's laces
ribbon grass
Phalaris arundinacea
perennial grass of marshy meadows and ditches having broad leaves, Europe and North America
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The word lady is a civil term of respect for a woman, specifically the female equivalent to gentleman or lord, and in many contexts a term for any adult woman. Once confined to usage when specifically addressing women of high social class, race, community and status; over the last 300 years, the term may now be used to refer to any respectable adult woman.