
lag lead Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

führen, Führung
Ableitung f electr. phys.
Blei n chem.
Einleitung f, Einführung f
lead in
Einleitung f; Einführung f
lead in
to lead
lead in
Zuführungsdraht m
lead in
Bleierz m
lead ore
Bleimennige f
red lead
Bleierz m min.
lead ore
lead time
Bleiverarbeitung f; Bleiarbeit f techn.
lead work
Bleifritte f
lead frit
Einführungszeit f
lead time
Durchlaufzeit f; Produktionszeit f; Bearbeitungszeit f
lead time
Produktionszeit f, Lieferzeit f
lead time
lead over
Vorlaufphase f
lead time
Vorlaufzeit f
lead time
lead back
lead away
Aufmacher m, Hauptartikel m
lead story
Bleiglas n
lead glass
Bleiglasur f
lead glaze
Bleiazid n min.
lead azide
Bleiweiß n
white lead
Aufmacher m; Hauptartikel m
lead story
Lot n
plumb; lead
Bleikerze f biochem.
lead candle
Schienendurchführung f electr.
bar lead-in
Lot n
plump; lead
Lot n
plump, lead
lead (irr.)
Bleiverglasung f; Verbleiung f constr.
lead glazing
Bleikathode f
lead cathode
Vorhaltenetzwerk n
lead network
Kundenkontakt m
Kundenkontakte pl
neutral lead
lead the way
lead in wire
Anschlussdraht m
lead, pigtail
Bleichromat n chem.
lead chromate
Mauerdurchführung f; Hauseinführung f constr.
house lead-in
Minuskabel n
negative lead
Bleivergiftung f med.
lead poisoning
Spitzenkandidat m; Spitzenkandidatin f
lead candidate
vorhalten v mil.
to take a lead
Vorhalt m mil.
lead; guidance
Mennigekitt m
red lead putty
Fahlunmetall n
tin-lead alloy
main beam lead
Zuleitungswiderstand m electr.
lead resistance
Tetraethylblei n chem.
tetraethyl lead
Bleitetraethyl n chem.
tetraethyl lead
Bleitetraethyl n biochem.
tetraethyl lead
Vorhalterechnung f mil.
lead prediction
to lead the way
die Fuehrung uebernehmen
get in the lead
Einführschräge f
lead-in chamfer
Bleilässigkeit f
lead solubility
Plombe f, Verplombung f
lead seal, seal
Kontakteinführung f electr.
contact lead-in
Bleitetramethyl n chem.
tetramethyl lead
Tetramethylblei n chem.
tetramethyl lead
in Fuehrung gehen
to gain the lead
zu etwas führen
lead on to (sth)
Bleitetramethyl n biochem.
tetramethyl lead
Mennige f (Rostschutzfarbe)
red lead; minium
Mennige f (Rostschutzfarbe)
red lead, minium
(eine Route) vorsteigen v v sport
to lead (a climb)
Bleistiftmine f
pencil lead, lead
lo lead (led,led)
Projektbearbeitungszeit f
project lead time
Bleibatterie f
lead-acid battery
Bleibatterie f
lead acid battery
Bleistiftmine f
pencil lead; lead
jdn. irrführen, jdn. vom rechten Weg abbringen
to lead sb. astray
Vorwarnzeit f
forecast lead time
Bleikerzenverfahren n envir.
lead candle method
jdn. fehlleiten v
to lead sb. astray
Ganghöhe f; Steigungshöhe f; Steigung f (eines Gewindes)
lead (of a thread)
mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen
to lead by example
Blockblei n; Muldenblei n
lead pig; lead lump
in Versuchung führen
lead into temptation
aus Blei
lead …; made of lead
Führungsluftfahrzeug n mil. aviat.
führendes Luftfahrzeug
lead aircraft
Einführungs…; Einleitungs…; Einstiegs…
lead-in; introductory
bleiern, bleischwer adj
leaden, heavy as lead
Durchlaufzeit f
lead time, cycle time
Durchführungsklemme f
lead-through terminal
Vorstieg m (Klettern) sport
lead climb (climbing)
Leine f (zum Führen eines Tieres)
Leinen pl
leash, lead
Bleimennige-Grundanstrich m
red lead priming coat
jdn. zu etw. veranlassen
to lead sb. to do sth.
Durchlaufzeit f; Produktionszeit f; Bearbeitungszeit f
Durchlaufzeiten pl; Produktionszeiten pl; Bearbeitungszeiten pl
lead time
lead times
aus Blei
lead ...; made of lead
aus Blei
lead ..., made of lead
Alle Wege führen nach Rom. übtr.
All roads lead to Rome.
Es ist eine totsichere Sache.
It's a lead-pipe cinch.
Blei-Borglasur f
lead borosilicate glaze
Fertigungsdurchlaufzeit f
manufacturing lead time
in Versuchung fuehren
to lead into temptation
Anglesit m min. chem.
anglesite; lead vitriol
Riemenarbeit f (Hundeabrichtung) pej.
lead work (dog training)
Scheelbleierz n min.
stolzite; lead tungstate
Schwierigkeitsklettern n; Onsight-Wettkampf m ugs. (Klettern) sport
lead climbing (climbing)
Riemenarbeit f (Hundetraining) pej.
lead work (dog training)
das fuehrt zu nichts
that will lead to nothing
verbleien v
to lead
Leitartikler m; Leitartiklerin f; Schreiber m von Leitartikeln
Leitartikler pl; Leitartiklerinnen pl; Schreiber pl von Leitartikeln
lead writer
lead writers
Das führt zu nichts.
That will lead to nothing.
Ader f electr.
abgeschirmte Ader
core, lead
screened core
Leitartikler m; Leitartiklerin m; Schreiber m von Leitartikeln
Leitartikler pl; Leitartiklerinen pl; Schreiber pl von Leitartikeln
lead writer
lead writers
Bleijacke f med.
Bleijacken pl
lead jacket
lead jackets
Bleikerze f envir. hist.
Bleikerzen pl
lead candle
lead candles
voreilen v electr.
in Phase voreilen
to lead
to lead in phase
Führungstreffer m (für eine Mannschaft) sport
goal giving team X the lead
Bleizucker m, Bleiacetat n
lead acetate, sugar of lead
Bleizucker m; Bleiacetat n
lead acetate; sugar of lead
Grünbleierz n min.
green lead ore; pyromorphite
Mimosenbäume pl (Leucaena) (botanische Gattung) bot.
lead trees (botanical genus)
Zuleitungsdraht m
Zuleitungsdrähte pl
lead-in wire
lead-in wires
kann zu weiteren Geschäften führen
may lead to further business
bleihaltig; bleihältig Ös.; bleiführend adj
lead-containing; plumbiferous
wird zu weiteren Geschäften führen
will lead to further business
jdm. vorgaukeln, dass … v
to lead sb. to believe that …
jdn. nach seiner Pfeife tanzen lassen v übtr.
to lead sb. by the nose fig.
jdm. etw. vorgaukeln
to lead sb. to believe in sth.
Verlängerungsschnur f
extension lead, extension flex
jdn. nach seiner Pfeife tanzen lassen übtr.
to lead sb. by the nose fig.
Ãœberleitungsrille f (Schallplatte)
lead-over groove (disk record)
Bleiverkleidung f
Bleiverkleidungen pl
lead covering
lead coverings
jdm. vorgaukeln dass ...
to lead sb. to believe that ...
Gewindesteigung f
thread pitch, lead, screw pitch
Gewindesteigung f
thread pitch; lead; screw pitch
Eisblänke f; offenes Wasser im Treibeis
lead; channel between ice floes
Das führt zu nichts.
That will come lead to nothing.
jdn. (in etw.) hereinführen
to lead bring sb. (in into sth.)
spartanisch adj
spartanisch leben; ein spartanisches Leben führen
to lead a Spartan life
spartanisch adj
spartanisch leben, ein spartanisches Leben führen
to lead a Spartan life
hinaufführen v
to lead up
leading up
led up
Hundeleben n
ein Hundeleben führen
dog's life
to lead a dog's life
(eine Route) vorsteigen v v sport
to lead (a climb)
Blick m (von Gold, Silber, Blei)
lightning (of gold, silver, lead)
Blick m (von Gold Silber Blei)
lightning (of gold silver lead)
dies wird zu weiteren Geschäften führen
this will lead to further business

Deutsche führen Führung Synonyme

anführen  Âführen  Âin  Führung  liegen  Âleiten  Âlenken  Âvorangehen  
Führung  ÂSpitze  ÂVorhut  
Anführung  ÂFührung  ÂLeitung  ÂVerwaltung  
Corporate  Governance  ÂSystem  zur  Kontrolle  und  Führung  eines  Unternehmens  ÂUnternehmensverfassung  
administrieren  Âführen  Âverwalten  
Monolog  führen  Ânachdenken  Âphilosophieren  
dirigieren  Âführen  Âleiten  Âlotsen  Âregieren  
abstammen  Âentspringen  Âergeben  Âführen  zu  Âherkommen  Âstammen  
führen  zu  Âhervorbringen  Âins  Leben  rufen  Âschaffen  Âverursachen  
führen  Âkontrollieren  Âlenken  Âmanövrieren  Âregieren  Âsteuern  
beenden  Âerledigen  Âfertig  stellen  Âfertigstellen  Âterminieren  Âvollenden  Âzu  Ende  führen  
auslösen  Âbereiten  Âbewirken  Âherbeiführen  Âhervorrufen  Âin  Gang  setzen  Âinduzieren  Âinitiieren  Âlostreten  Âverursachen  Âzu  etwas  führen  
am  Gängelband  führen  Âam  Gängelband  halten  Âbevormunden  Âgängeln  
(sich  etwas)  zu  Gemüte  führen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âbegutachten  Âdurchlesen  Âlesen  Âreinziehen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âschmökern  (umgangssprachlich)  Âstudieren  Âverschlingen  Âwälzen  (umgangssprachlich)  
(sich etwas) zu Gemüte führen (umgangssprachlich)  begutachten  durchlesen  lesen  reinziehen (umgangssprachlich)  schmökern (umgangssprachlich)  studieren  verschlingen  wälzen (umgangssprachlich)  
Führung  Spitze  Vorhut  
Monolog führen  nachdenken  philosophieren  
am Gängelband führen  am Gängelband halten  bevormunden  gängeln  
führen zu  hervorbringen  ins Leben rufen  schaffen  verursachen  
führen  kontrollieren  lenken  regieren  steuern  

Englische lead Synonyme

lag lead Definition

Black lead
() Plumbago
(n.) One of the elements, a heavy, pliable, inelastic metal, having a bright, bluish color, but easily tarnished. It is both malleable and ductile, though with little tenacity, and is used for tubes, sheets, bullets, etc. Its specific gravity is 11.37. It is easily fusible, forms alloys with other metals, and is an ingredient of solder and type metal. Atomic weight, 206.4. Symbol Pb (L. Plumbum). It is chiefly obtained from the mineral galena, lead sulphide.
(n.) An article made of lead or an alloy of lead
(n.) A plummet or mass of lead, used in sounding at sea.
(n.) A thin strip of type metal, used to separate lines of type in printing.
(n.) Sheets or plates of lead used as a covering for roofs
(n.) A small cylinder of black lead or plumbago, used in pencils.
(v. t.) To cover, fill, or affect with lead
(v. t.) To place leads between the lines of
(v. t.) To guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection
(v. t.) To guide or conduct in a certain course, or to a certain place or end, by making the way known
(v. t.) To conduct or direct with authority
(v. t.) To go or to be in advance of
(v. t.) To draw or direct by influence, whether good or bad
(v. t.) To guide or conduct one's self in, through, or along (a certain course)
(v. t.) To begin a game, round, or trick, with
(v. i.) To guide or conduct, as by accompanying, going before, showing, influencing, directing with authority, etc.
(v. t.) To tend or reach in a certain direction, or to a certain place
(n.) The act of leading or conducting
(n.) precedence
(n.) The act or right of playing first in a game or round
(n.) An open way in an ice field.
(n.) A lode.
(n.) The course of a rope from end to end.
(n.) The width of port opening which is uncovered by the valve, for the admission or release of steam, at the instant when the piston is at end of its stroke.
(n.) the distance of haul, as from a cutting to an embankment.
(n.) The action of a tooth, as a tooth of a wheel, in impelling another tooth or a pallet.

lag lead Bedeutung

lead the playing of a card to start a trick in bridge, the lead was in the dummy
lead a position of leadership (especially in the phrase `take the lead'), he takes the lead in any group, we were just waiting for someone to take the lead, they didn't follow our lead
clip lead a short piece of wire with alligator clips on both ends
jumper cable
jumper lead
lead booster cable
a jumper that consists of a short piece of wire, it was a tangle of jumper cables and clip leads
pencil lead
mixture of graphite with clay in different degrees of hardness, the marking substance in a pencil
lead leading thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type in printing
lead-acid battery
lead-acid accumulator
a battery with lead electrodes with dilute sulphuric acid as the electrolyte, each cell generates about volts
lead-in wire connecting an antenna to a receiver or a transmitter to a transmission line
lead line
sounding line
(nautical) plumb line for determining depth
lead pencil pencil that has graphite as the marking substance
restraint consisting of a rope (or light chain) used to restrain an animal
sounding lead a metal bob at the end of a sounding line
spark advance
the timing of ignition relative to the position of the piston in an internalombustion engine
lead an advantage held by a competitor in a race, he took the lead at the last turn
evidence pointing to a possible solution, the police are following a promising lead, the trail led straight to the perpetrator
lead lead-in
the introductory section of a story, it was an amusing lead-in to a very serious matter
lead story
a news story of major importance
lead steer
confidential information
an indication of potential opportunity, he got a tip on the stock market, a good lead for a job
lead sheet a sheet containing the words and melody for a song (and some indication of harmony) written in simple form
lead bank
agent bank
a bank named by a lending syndicate of several banks to protect their interests
lead (baseball) the position taken by a base runner preparing to advance to the next base, he took a long lead off first
principal lead
an actor who plays a principal role
lead tree
white popinac
Leucaena glauca
Leucaena leucocephala
low scrubby tree of tropical and subtropical North America having white flowers tinged with yellow resembling mimosa and long flattened pods
lead plant
Amorpha canescens
shrub of sandy woodlands and stream banks of western United States having hoary pinnate flowers and dullolored racemose flowers, thought to indicate the presence of lead ore
lead (sports) the score by which a team or individual is winning
lead the angle between the direction a gun is aimed and the position of a moving target (correcting for the flight time of the missile)
lead poisoning
toxic condition produced by the absorption of excessive lead into the system
lead colic
painter's colic
symptom of chronic lead poisoning and associated with obstinate constipation
lead arsenate a poisonous white solid (Pb[AsO]) used as an insecticide
tetraethyl lead
lead tetraethyl
a clear oily poisonous liquid added to gasoline to prevent knocking
atomic number
a soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element, bluish white when freshly cut but tarnishes readily to dull grey, the children were playing with lead soldiers
white lead ore
a mineral consisting of lead carbonate that is an important source of lead
green lead ore
a mineral consisting of lead chloride and phosphate, a minor source of lead
red-lead putty a cement resembling putty, made by mixing white and red lead in boiled linseed oil, used as luting on pipe fittings
black lead
used as a lubricant and as a moderator in nuclear reactors
lead chromate a poisonous chromate of lead used as a pigment in paint
lead glass glass containing lead oxide, has a high refractive index
hard lead unrefined lead that is hard because of the impurities it contains
hard lead
antimonial lead
a lead alloy that contains about % antimony
lead ore ore containing lead
pig lead lead that is cast in pigs
lead acetate
sugar of lead
a poisonous white solid (Pb[CHCO]) used in dyeing cotton and in making enamels and varnishes
red lead
a reddish oxide of lead (PbO) used as a pigment in paints and in glass and ceramics
white lead
lead carbonate
a poisonous white pigment that contains lead
lead time the time interval between the initiation and the completion of a production process, the lead times for many publications can vary tremendously, planning is an area where lead time can be reduced
begin lead off
start commence
set in motion, cause to start, The U.S. started a war in the Middle East, The Iraqis began hostilities, begin a new chapter in your life
lead up
set in motion, start an event or prepare the way for, Hitler's attack on Poland led up to World War II
lead cause to undertake a certain action, Her greed led her to forge the checks
lead on entice or induce especially when unwise or mistaken
preside over, John moderated the discussion
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