
language dependent Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

sprachabhÀngig adj
Patentanspruch m (Patentrecht) jur.
PatentansprĂŒche pl
abhÀngiger Patentanspruch; Unteranspruch m
ausgeschiedener Patentanspruch
geÀnderter Patentanspruch
gebĂŒhrenpflichtiger Patentanspruch
Hauptanspruch m
die (technische) Lehre des Patentanspruchs
mehrere Gattungen umfassender Patentanspruch
unechter Unteranspruch; Nebenanspruch
weitgefasster Patentanspruch
Patentanspruch, der durch den Stand der Technik neuheitsschÀdlich getroffen ist
AnspruchsÀnderung f
Beschreibung des Patentanspruchs
EinschrÀnkung eines Patentanspruchs
Oberbegriff eines Patentanspruchs
Umfang des Patentsanspruchs
einen Patentanspruch unter seinen Wortlaut einschrÀnken
den Patentanspruch kurz begrĂŒnden; die GrĂŒnde fĂŒr den Patentanspruch kurz darlegen
einen Patentanspruch weiterverfolgen
auf einen Patentanspruch verzichten
claim of a the patent; patent claim (patent law)
claims of a the patent; patent claims
dependent patent claim; subclaim
divisional patent claim
amended patent claim
patent claim incurring fees
main claim
the (technical) teaching of the patent claim
generic patent claim
independent patent claim
broad patent claim
patent claim which is met by the prior art (element)
amendment of claim
description of the patent claim
narrowing of a patent claim
characterizing clause; characterizing portion; introductory clause Am.; preamble of a patent claim
scope extent amount of a patent claim
to narrow a patent claim to less than its literal language less than its wording
to give a summary statement of the grounds on which the claim is based
to prosecute a patent claim
to abandon a patent claim
abhÀngige BeschÀftigung
dependent employment
abhÀngige Erwerbspersonen
dependent labour force
abhÀngige Erwerbspersonen
dependent working population
abhÀngige Variable
dependent variable
official language
beleidigende Sprache
offensive language
Computersprache, Programmiersprache
computer language
EinkĂŒnfte aus nichtselbstĂ€ndiger Arbeit
income from dependent work
gemĂ€ĂŸigte Sprache
moderate language
commercial language
national language
machine language
native language
working language
language of instruction
universal language
world language
Abfragesprache f
query language, retrieval language
AbhÀngige m f , AbhÀngiger
AbhÀngigen pl, AbhÀngige
dependant, dependent
Alternativsprache f
alternative language
Amtssprache f
official language
Anglistik f
English Studies, English language and literature
Anspruch m, Anrecht n, Recht n
AnsprĂŒche pl
verjÀhrter Anspruch
abhÀngiger Anspruch
unabhÀngiger Anspruch
Anspruch geltend machen, Forderung geltend machen
Anspruch anerkennen
AnsprĂŒche anmelden
Anspruch aufgeben
Anspruch erheben auf
outlawed claim
dependent claim
independent claim
to assert a claim
to admit a claim
to stake out a claim
to abandon a claim
to lay claim to, to claim to
Assemblersprache f comp.
assembler language, assembly language
Auftragssteuersprache f, Kommandosprache f
job control language
Ausgangssprache f
source language
Beleidigungen pl, Beschimpfungen pl, Schimpfworte pl
abusive language
Beschimpfungen pl
offensive language
Datenbankabfragesprache f comp.
query language
Datenbearbeitungssprache f comp.
Datenbearbeitungssprachen pl
data manipulation language
data manipulation languages
Datenbeschreibungssprache f comp.
Datenbeschreibungssprachen pl
data description language
data description languages
Ereignis n math.
disjunkte Ereignisse
komplementÀres Ereignis
abhÀngige Ereignisse
disjoint events
complementary event
dependent events
Fachsprache f
shop language
Fachsprache f
special language
Fehler m
Fehler pl
einen Fehler machen
Fehler ĂŒber Fehler machen
auf einen Fehler hinweisen
einen Fehler korrigieren
mit Fehlern gespickt
absoluter Fehler
additiver Fehler
aktiver Fehler
behebbarer Fehler
gefÀhrlicher Fehler
nicht zu behebender Fehler
absoluter Fehler math.
passiver Fehler
relativer Fehler math.
sprachlicher Fehler
systematischer Fehler
ungefÀhrlicher Fehler
vorĂŒbergehender Fehler
zufÀlliger Fehler
mistake, error, fault
mistakes, errors, faults
to make a mistake
to make mistake after mistake
to point out a mistake
to fix (up) an error
peppered with mistakes
absolute error
accumulated error
active fault
correctable error
dangerous fault
unrecoverable error
absolute error
passive fault
relative error
language mistake
systematic error
harmless fault
transient error
random error
Fremdsprache f
Fremdsprachen pl
foreign language
foreign languages
Fremdsprachenkorrespondent m
foreign language correspondent
GebÀrdensprache f
sign language, mimicry
GebÀrdensprache f, Taubstummensprache f
deaf-and-dumb language
Handelssprache f
commercial language
Hochsprache f
standard language
Isogloss m ling.
isogloss (line on linguistic maps to distinguish language or dialect borders)
Kinderfreibetrag m
allowance for dependent children
Klartext m
plain language
Klartext m
im Klartext, auf gut deutsch ugs.
in plain language
Körpersprache f
body language
Kommandosprache f
command language
KraftausdrĂŒcke pl
a strong language
Kultursprache f
language of the civilized world
Landessprache f
Landessprachen pl
language of the country, national language
languages of the country, national languages
Maschinensprache f comp.
computer code, computer language
Maschinensprache f
machine language
Metasprache f
meta language, metalanguage
Muttersprache f
mother tongue, native language, native tongue, first language
Patent n
Patente pl
abhÀngiges Patent
angemeldetes Patent
erloschenes Patent
unabhÀngiges Patent
Anwendung eines Patentes
Gegenstand des Patentes
ein Patent anmelden
ein Patent erteilen
ein Patent auf etw. erhalten
ein Patent abtreten
ein Patent verletzen
Patent angemeldet
dependent patent
patent applied for
expired patent
independent patent
implementation of a patent
patent subject matter
to file a patent application
to grant a patent
to take out a patent on sth.
to assign a patent
to infringe a patent
patent pending, patent applied for
Philologe m
teacher (scholar) of language and literature, philologist Am.
Philologie f
study of language and literature, philology Am.
Programmiersprache f
program language
Programmiersprache f comp.
Programmiersprachen pl
höhere Programmiersprache
algorithmische Programmiersprache
maschinenorientierte Programmiersprache
problemorientierte Programmiersprache
symbolische Programmiersprache
programming language
programming languages
high-level language, advanced language
algorithmic language
computer-oriented language
problem-oriented programming language
symbolic language
Schriftsprache f
literary language
Schriftsprache f
written language
Skriptsprache f comp.
Skriptsprachen pl
scripting language, script language, scripting programming language
scripting languages, script languages, scripting programming languages
Sprachbarriere f, Sprachenschranke f
Sprachbarrieren pl, Sprachenschranken pl
language barrier, barrier of language
language barriers, barriers of language
Sprachdatenverarbeitung f comp.
language engineering
Sprache f
Sprachen pl
Sprachdienst m
Sprachdienste pl
language service
language services
Sprachfehler m
Sprachfehler pl
speech impediment, speech impairment, language impairment, speech defect
speech impediments
SprachgefĂŒhl n
feeling for language
Sprachkenntnisse pl
linguistic knowledge, language knowledge
Sprachkenntnisse pl, Sprachbeherrschung f
command of language
Sprachkurs m
language course
Sprachlabor n
Sprachlabore pl
language laboratory
language laboratories
Sprachreise f
language study travel, tour to learn a language
Sprachschule f
Sprachschulen pl
language school
language schools
SprachĂŒbersetzung f
language translation
Sprachunterricht m
instruction in a language
fließendes Sprechen (in einer Fremdsprache)
fluency (in a foreign language)
Systemsprache f
Systemsprachen pl
system language
system languages
Übersetzungsprogramm n
language processor
Umgangssprache f
colloquial language
Variable f
Variablen pl
abhÀngige Variable
dependent variable
VulgÀrsprache f, Gossensprache f
gutter language
Weltsprache f
Weltsprachen pl
world language, universal language
world languages
Wirts-Programmsprache f comp.
host language
Zeichensprache f
Zeichensprachen pl
Zeichensprache benutzen
sign language
sign languages
to sign
Zeitungssprache f
newspaper language
Zielsprache f
object language, target language
abhÀngig (von), unfrei adj
dependent (on)
angewiesen sein auf
to be dependent on, to depend on
anwenderabhÀngig adj
authentisch adj
authentische Sprache
authentischer Text
authentische Interpretation
authentic language
authentic text
authentic interpretation
benutzerabhÀngig, anwenderabhÀngig adj
computerabhÀngig adj
computer dependent
datenabhÀngig adj math.
dichteabhÀngig adj
englischsprachig adj
englischsprachige Literatur f
English literature
flektiert adj gramm.
flektierende Sprache
inflectional language
gegenseitig, gemeinsam adv
sich gegenseitig bedingen
to be mutually dependent
gerÀteabhÀngig adj
gerÀteabhÀngig adj
kĂŒnstlich adj
am kĂŒnstlichsten
kĂŒnstliche Sprache
kĂŒnstliche Stimme
kĂŒnstliche Variable
more artificial
most artificial
artificial language
artificial voice
artificial variable
linear abhÀngig math.
linearly dependent
maschinenabhÀngig adj
netzabhÀngig adj
ortsabhÀngig adj
location-dependent, position-dependent
programmabhÀngig adj
romanisch adj (Sprache)
Romanic (language)
sprachabhÀngig adj
temperaturabhÀngig adj
temperature dependent
unselbststÀndig, unselbstÀndig alt adj
unselbststÀndiger, unselbstÀndiger alt
am unselbststÀndigsten, am unselbstÀndigsten alt
more dependent
most dependent
verbindliche Sprachregelung
authentic language
witterungsabhÀngig, wetterabhÀngig adj
depending on weather conditions, dependent on the weather
zeitabhÀngig adj
zweisprachig adj
two-language, in two languages
Die Sprache ist das Medium des Denkens.
Language is the vehicle of thought.
Er drĂŒckt sich sehr vulgĂ€r aus.
He uses a very vulgar language.
Ich verbitte mir solche AusdrĂŒcke!
Language, Sir!
Tagalog m geogr.
Tagalog, member (language) of the native people of the Philippines
HTML : Hypertext Markup Language
Auftragssteuersprache f
JCL : job control language
Spr. : Sprache f
lang. : language
a strong language
hoehere Programmiersprache
advanced language
algorithmische Programmiersprache
algorithmic language
alternative language
application dependent
kuenstliche Sprache
artificial language
assembler language
assembly language
colloquial language
command language
maschinenorientierte Programmiersprache
computer-oriented language
computer dependent
computer language
maschinenorientierte Programmiersprache
computer oriented language
data description language
data manipulation language
abhaengig von, unfrei
abhÀngig von
dependent on
abhaengig von
dependent on
foreign language
hoehere Programmiersprache
high-level language
host language
instruction in a language
JCL, Auftragssteuersprache, Kommandosprache
job control language

Deutsche sprachabhÀngig {adj} Synonyme

Englische language-dependent Synonyme

language dependent Definition

(a.) Hanging down
(a.) Relying on, or subject to, something else for support
(n.) One who depends
(n.) That which depends
(n.) Any means of conveying or communicating ideas
(n.) The expression of ideas by writing, or any other instrumentality.
(n.) The forms of speech, or the methods of expressing ideas, peculiar to a particular nation.
(n.) The characteristic mode of arranging words, peculiar to an individual speaker or writer
(n.) The inarticulate sounds by which animals inferior to man express their feelings or their wants.
(n.) The suggestion, by objects, actions, or conditions, of ideas associated therewith
(n.) The vocabulary and phraseology belonging to an art or department of knowledge
(n.) A race, as distinguished by its speech.
(v. t.) To communicate by language
Sea language
() The peculiar language or phraseology of seamen
(a.) Dependent on one's self

language dependent Bedeutung

language lesson a period of instruction learning a language
language teaching teaching people to speak and understand a foreign language
blood-oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging
functional magnetic resonance imaging that relies on intrinsic changes in hemoglobin oxygenation
language area
language zone
a large cortical area (in the left hemisphere in most people) containing all the centers associated with language
the mental faculty or power of vocal communication, language sets homo sapiens apart from all other animals
language barrier barrier to communication resulting from speaking different languages
language learning learning to use a language
linguistic process
the cognitive processes involved in producing and understanding linguistic communication, he didn't have the language to express his feelings
dependent variable (statistics) a variable in a logical or mathematical expression whose value depends on the independent variable, if f(x)y, y is the dependent variable
language requirement a requirement that a student know certain languages
natural language processing
human language technology
the branch of information science that deals with natural language information
linguistic communication
a systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds or conventional symbols, he taught foreign languages, the language introduced is standard throughout the text, the speed with which a program can be executed depends on the language in which it is written
dead language a language that is no longer learned as a native language
source language a language that is to be translated into another language
object language target language the language into which a text written in another language is to be translated
language unit
linguistic unit
one of the natural units into which linguistic messages can be analyzed
a system of words used to name things in a particular discipline, legal terminology, biological nomenclature, the language of sociology
subordinate clause
dependent clause
a clause in a complex sentence that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence and that functions within the sentence as a noun or adjective or adverb
written communication
written language
black and white
communication by means of written symbols (either printed or handwritten)
machine code
machine language
a set of instructions coded so that the computer can use it directly without further translation
authoring language software that can be used to develop interactive computer programs without the technically demanding task of computer programming
natural language processor
natural language processing application
an application program that deals with natural language text
markup language a set of symbols and rules for their use when doing a markup of a document
standard generalized markup language
(computer science) a standardized language for the descriptive markup of documents, a set of rules for using whatever markup vocabulary is adopted
hypertext markup language
hypertext mark-up language
a set of tags and rules (conforming to SGML) for using them in developing hypertext documents
sign language
language expressed by visible hand gestures
American sign language
the sign language used in the United States
body language communication via the movements or attitudes of the body
artificial language a language that is deliberately created for a specific purpose
programming language
programing language
(computer science) a language designed for programming computers
algebraic language an algorithmic language having statements that resemble algebraic expressions
algorithmic language an artificial language designed to express algorithms
application-oriented language
problem-oriented language
a language whose statements resemble terminology of the user
assembly language a low-level programing language, close approximation to machine language
command language
query language
search language
a source language consisting of procedural operators that invoke functions to be executed
computer language
computer-oriented language
machine language machine-oriented language
a programming language designed for use on a specific class of computers
high-level language a problem-oriented language requiring little knowledge of the computer on which it will be run
jobontrol language a problem-oriented language used to describe job requirements to an operating system
multidimensional language a programming language whose expressions are assembled in more than one dimension
object language target language a computer language into which something written in another computer language is to be translated
object-oriented programming language
object-oriented programing language
(computer science) a programming language that enables the programmer to associate a set of procedures with each type of data structure, C is an object-oriented programming language that is an extension of C
one-dimensional language a programming language whose expressions are represented by strings of characters
stratified language a language that cannot be used as its own metalanguage
syntax language a language used to describe the syntax of another language
unstratified language a programming language that (like natural language) can be used as its own metalanguage
list-processing language
a flexible procedure-oriented programing language that manipulates symbols in the form of lists
native language the language that a person has spoken from earliest childhood
indigenous language a language that originated in a specified place and was not brought to that place from elsewhere
natural language
a human written or spoken language used by a community, opposed to e.g. a computer language
mother tongue
maternal language
first language
one's native language, the language learned by children and passed from one generation to the next
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