
life boat Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

aus dem Erwerbsleben ausscheiden
withdraw from working life
Ausscheiden aus dem Erwerbsleben
withdrawal from working life
behagliches Leben
easy life
Berufsleben, Arbeitsleben, Erwerbsleben
professional life
Berufsleben, Arbeitsleben, Erwerbsleben
working life
professional life
Boot, Schiff, Dampfer
Eintritt ins Erwerbsleben
entrance into working life
Eintritt ins Erwerbsleben
entry into working life
erhöhte Lebenserwartung
increased expectation of life
Ernennung auf Lebenszeit
appointment for life
gedeckt durch Lebensversicherung
backed by life assurance
genügsames Leben
frugal life
ordinary life insurance
group life insurance
ins Leben zurückrufen
recall to life
jemanden ins Leben zurückrufen
restore sb to life
industrial life insurance
kostenlose Lebensversicherung
free life insurance
Laufzeit eines Mietvertrags
life of a lease
Laufzeit eines Vertrages, Vertragsdauer
life of a contract
length of life
Lebensdauer einer Maschine
natural life of a machine
Lebensdauer eines Artikels
life cycle of a product
Lebensdauer eines Artikels
life span of a product
expectancy of life
expectation of life
life expectancy
zest for life
danger to life
lebenslänglich Begünstigter
life beneficiary
lebenslängliche Rente, Leibrente
life annuity
scheme of life
quality of life
life assurance
life insurance
Lebensversicherung abschließen
take out a life policy
Lebensversicherung auf Erleben und Todesfall
mixed life assurance
life office
life assurance company
life insurance company
life office
life insurance policy
Lebensversicherungsverein auf Gegenseitigkeit
mutual life office
life insurance contract
life time
life annuity
life annuitant
öffentliches Leben
public life
private life
Rente auf Lebenszeit
whole life annuity
Reserve für Leibrenten
life annuity fund
sich aus dem aktiven Leben zurückziehen
retire from active life
sich aus dem öffentlichen Leben zurückziehen
retire from public life
sich versichern lassen
have one's life assured
life table
whole life insurance
unmoralische Lebensführung
immoral life
submarine boat
Verbleibzeit im Regal
shelf life
Versicherung auf verbundene Leben
joint life assurance
Vertrag auf Lebenszeit
life contract
life of an agreement
wahrscheinliche Lebensdauer
probable duration of life
Wohnrecht und Nutzungsrecht auf Lebenszeit
life estate
Zugang zum Erwerbsleben
access to working life
Abenteuerleben n, Abenteurerleben n
adventurous life
Abtreibungsgegner m, Abtreibungsgegnerin f
anti-abortionist, pro-life activist
Aktivitätsordnung f
active life table
Alltag m, Alltagstrott m
everyday life, daily routine
Alltagsleben n
everyday life, daily life, mundane existence
Altersstufe f
age, stage in life
Anschlag m
Anschläge pl
ein Anschlag auf jdn.
an attempt on sb.'s life
Arbeitsleben n, Berufsleben n, Erwerbsleben n
im Arbeitsleben stehend
working life, professional life
actively working
Armut f, Not f
Leben in Armut
life of privation
Attentat auf jdn.
ein Attentat auf jdn. verüben
attempt on sb.'s life
to make an attempt on sb.'s life
sexuelle Aufklärung f
sex education, facts of life
jdm. neuen Aufschwung geben
to give sb. a new lease of life
Augapfel m anat.
Augäpfel pl
mein Augapfel, mein Juwel
Auge in Auge (mit)
sich Auge in Auge gegenüberstehen
etw. wie seinen Augapfel hüten
apple of my eye
eyeball to eyeball (with)
to be eyeball to eyeball
to guard sth. like gold, to cherish sth. like life itself
Ausflugsboot n
Ausflugsboote pl
excursion boat, pleasure boat
excursion boats, pleasure boats
Berufsalltag m
everyday working life
Berufstätigkeit f
professional activity, professional life, occupation
Betriebsdauer f, Lebensdauer f
service life
Biota f, Flora und Fauna einer Region
biota, all the plant and animal life of a particular region
in der Blüte der Jahre
in the prime of life
Boot n, Kahn m
Boote pl, Kähne pl
im gleichen Boot sitzen übtr.
kleines Boot, Nussschale f
ein Boot aussetzen
to be in the same boat fig.
to lower a boat
Bootsbau m
boat building industry
Bootsfahrt f
boat trip
Bootsgrab n
boat grave
Bootshaken m
Bootshaken pl
boat hook
boat hooks
Bootshaus n
Bootshäuser pl
boat house, boathouse
boat houses, boathouses
Brauchbarkeitsdauer f
life utility
Dauer f
shelf life
Eheleben n
Eigenleben n
ein Eigenleben haben, ein Eigenleben führen
one's own life, life of one's own
to live one's own life
Einsiedlerleben n
solitary life
Erfülltheit f (des Lebens)
richness (of life)
Ernennung f, Berufung f
Ernennung f auf Lebenszeit
appointment for life
Erschöpfungskennzahl f mach.
life-consumption characteristic
Fährboot n, Fähre f
Fährboote pl, Fähren pl
ferry boat, ferryboat
ferry boats, ferryboats
Fährschiff n
Fischerboot n
Fischerboote pl
fishing boat
fishing boats
Fluch m
der Fluch seines Lebens
Fluch und Segen
the bane of his life
boon and bane
Flugboot n
Flugboote pl
flying boat
flying boats
Flussboot n
keel boat
Gefahr f
Gefahren pl
in Gefahr sein
außer Gefahr
voller Gefahren, gefahrvoll
Gefahr für Leib und Leben
in Gefahr kommen
in Gefahr geraten
in großer Gefahr schweben
ungeachtet der Gefahr
die Gefahr meiden
Gefahr wittern, Lunte riechen übtr.
to be in danger
out of danger
fraught with danger
danger for life and limb
to get into danger
to run into danger
to be in great danger
regardless of the danger
to avoid danger
smell danger
Gefahr f
Gefahren pl
Er schwebt in Lebensgefahr.
His life is in jeopardy.
Gelegenheit f
Gelegenheiten pl
bei erster Gelegenheit
die Gelegenheit ergreifen
eine Gelegenheit ergreifen
eine Gelegenheit ergreifen, eine Gelegenheit beim Schopfe packen
eine Gelegenheit beim Schopf ergreifen
eine Gelegenheit verpassen
at the first opportunity
to jump at the chance
to take an opportunity, to seize an opportunity
to snatch at an opportunity, to grasp at an opportunity
to seize an opportunity with both hands
to miss an opportunity, to miss the boat fig.
Gemeinschaftsleben n
communal life, community life
Geschlechtsleben n
sex life
aus allen Gesellschaftsschichten
from all walks of life
H-Milch f
UHT milk, long-life milk
Halbwertzeit f, Halbwertszeit f phys.
half life, half-life period
Heil n, Erlösung f relig.
sein Heil in etw. suchen
sein Heil in der Flucht suchen
to seek one's salvation in sth.
to flee for one's life
Erste Hilfe f med.
erweiterte Erste Hilfe
first aid
advanced life support (ALS)
Höhepunkt m
die Höhen und Tiefen
die Höhen und Tiefen des Lebens
the ups and downs
the ups and downs of life
Hundeleben n
ein Hundeleben führen
dog's life
to lead a dog's life
Innenleben n
inner life, emotional life
Jahr n
Jahre pl
vor Jahren
Jahr für Jahr
alle Jahre
das kommende Jahr
praktisches Jahr
erfolgreiches Jahr
über die Jahre hin
in den besten Jahren sein
nicht mehr in den besten Jahren sein
mit zwanzig Jahren
besonders schlechtes Jahr
jahraus, jahrein
years ago
year after year, year-on-year
every year
the year to come
practical year
banner year
as years go by
be in the prime of life
to be overthe hill fig.
at twenty, at the age of twenty
annus horribilis
year in, year out
Jolle f naut.
jolly boat, centreboarder
Junggesellenleben n
bachelor's life
Kahn m
Kähne pl
rowing boat
rowing boats
Kanalboot n
Kanalboote pl
narrow boat, narrowboat
narrow boats, narrowboats
Klosterleben n
monastic life
Krüppel m
Krüppel pl
lebenslang ein Krüppel sein
to be crippled for life
Lager n techn.
Lager pl
gedichtetes Lager, Innenlager n
dauergeschmiertes Lager
Auflager - beweglich
Auflager - fest
sealed bearing
lifetime-lubricated bearing, sealed-for-life bearing
expansion bearing
fixed bearing
Lagerfähigkeit f, Lagerbeständigkeit f (von Lebensmitteln)
shelf life
Landleben n
country life
Lasterleben n
dissolute life
Leben n
Leben pl
sein Leben einsetzen, unter Einsatz seines Leben tun
ums Leben kommen
am Leben hängen
aus dem Leben gegriffen
das ganze Leben
behütetes Leben
künstliches Leben
Leben nach dem Tod
am Leben
to risk one's life (to do ...)
to lose one's life
to cling to life, to love life
taken from real life
the full life
sheltered life
above ground
below ground
Lebendgestein n
vorgehältertes Lebendgestein (Aquarium)
life rock
cured life rock
Lebensabend m
evening of life
Lebensabend m
Lebensabende pl
seinen Lebensabend verbringen
evenings of life
to spend one's retirement, to spend one's remaining years
Lebensabschnitt m
stage of life, period of one's life
Lebensanschauung f
Lebensanschauungen pl
approach to life
approaches to life
Lebensauffassung f
Lebensauffassungen pl
view of life
views of life
Lebensaufgabe f
sich etw. zur Lebensaufgabe machen
life task
to devote one's life to sth.
Lebensbedürfnisse pl
necessaries of life
Lebensbejahung f
positive attitude for life, affirmation of life, acceptance of life
Lebensbereich m
Lebensbereiche pl
area of life
areas of life
Lebensdauer f
life cycle, life span
Lebensdauer f, Nutzungsdauer f
working life, operating life
Lebensdauer f, Standzeit f
mittlere Lebensdauer f
eine höhere Lebensdauer
average life
a longer life
Lebenserfahrung f
Lebenserfahrungen pl
experience of life
experiences of life
Lebenserwartung f
mittlere Lebenserwartung f
life expectancy
average life expectancy
Lebensform f
form of life
Lebensfremdheit f
remoteness from everyday life
Lebensfreude f
zest for life, joie de vivre
Lebensgefahr f
Lebensgefahren pl
in Lebensgefahr sein, in Lebensgefahr schweben
unter Lebensgefahr
danger of life
dangers of life
to be in deadly peril, to be in peril of death, to be in critical condition
at the risk of one's life

Deutsche Rettungsboot Synonyme

Englische life-boat Synonyme

life boat Definition

(n.) A small open vessel, or water craft, usually moved by cars or paddles, but often by a sail.
(n.) Hence, any vessel
(n.) A vehicle, utensil, or dish, somewhat resembling a boat in shape
(v. t.) To transport in a boat
(v. t.) To place in a boat
(v. i.) To go or row in a boat.
Boat bug
() An aquatic hemipterous insect of the genus Notonecta
(a.) See Cymbiform.
Boat shell
() A marine gastropod of the genus Crepidula. The species are numerous. It is so named from its form and interior deck.
Boat shell
() A marine univalve shell of the genus Cymba.
(n.) A large grackle or blackbird (Quiscalus major), found in the Southern United States.
(n.) A vessel whose deck consists almost wholly of movable hatches
(n.) A boat of medium size belonging to a ship.
(n.) The state of being which begins with generation, birth, or germination, and ends with death
(n.) Of human beings: The union of the soul and body
(n.) The potential principle, or force, by which the organs of animals and plants are started and continued in the performance of their several and cooperative functions
(n.) Figuratively: The potential or animating principle, also, the period of duration, of anything that is conceived of as resembling a natural organism in structure or functions
(n.) A certain way or manner of living with respect to conditions, circumstances, character, conduct, occupation, etc.
(n.) Animation
(n.) That which imparts or excites spirit or vigor
(n.) The living or actual form, person, thing, or state
(n.) A person
(n.) The system of animal nature
(n.) An essential constituent of life, esp. the blood.
(n.) A history of the acts and events of a life
(n.) Enjoyment in the right use of the powers
(n.) Something dear to one as one's existence
(a.) Giving life or spirit
(n.) An apparatus, made in very various forms, and of various materials, for saving one from drowning by buoying up the body while in the water.
(a.) That saves life, or is suited to save life, esp. from drowning
(a.) Of full size
(a.) Weary of living.
(n.) Light-ship.
Masoola boat
() A kind of boat used on the coast of Madras, India. The planks are sewed together with strands of coir which cross over a wadding of the same material, so that the shock on taking the beach through surf is much reduced.
Massoola boat
() See Masoola boat.
Masula boat
() Same as Masoola boat.
(n.) Life for one's self
Una boat
() The English name for a catboat

life boat Bedeutung

life living things collectively, the oceans are teeming with life
plant life
(botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion
career life history the general progression of your working or professional life, the general had had a distinguished career, he had a long career in the law
way of life
a course of conduct, the path of virtue, we went our separate ways, our paths in life led us apart, genius usually follows a revolutionary path
night life
the activity of people seeking nighttime diversion (as at the theater, a nightclub, etc.), a futile search for intelligent nightlife, in the summer the nightlife shifts to the dance clubs
boat racing the sport of racing boats
sporting life active interest in gambling on sports events
nightlife night life the entertainment available to people seeking nighttime diversion
walk of life
careers in general, it happens in all walks of life
business life
professional life
a career in industrial or commercial or professional activities
high life
excessive spending
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
cardiac resuscitation
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
kiss of life
an emergency procedure consisting of external cardiac massage and artificial respiration, the first treatment for a person who has collapsed and has no pulse and has stopped breathing, attempts to restore circulation of the blood and prevent death or brain damage due to lack of oxygen
sexual love
making love
love life
sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people, his lovemaking disgusted her, he hadn't had any love in months, he has a very complicated love life
facts of life
the sexual activity of conceiving and bearing offspring
life class an art class using a live human model
boat-billed heron
broadbill Cochlearius cochlearius
tropical American heron related to night herons
water boatman
boat bug
carnivorous aquatic bug having paddle-like hind legs
banana boat a ship designed to transport bananas
boat a small vessel for travel on water
boat deck the upper deck on which lifeboats are stored
boat hook pole-handled hook used to pull or push boats
boat train a train taking passengers to or from a port
boat whistle a whistle on a boat that is sounded as a warning
cabin cruiser
cruiser pleasure boat
pleasure craft
a large motorboat that has a cabin and plumbing and other conveniences necessary for living on board
canal boat
narrow boat
a long boat that carries freight and is narrow enough to be used in canals
cattle boat
a cargo ship for the transport of livestock
fishing boat
fishing smack
fishing vessel
a vessel for fishing, often has a well to keep the catch alive
flying boat a large seaplane that floats with its fuselage in the water rather than on pontoons
gravy boat
gravy holder
a dish (often boat-shaped) for serving gravy or sauce
guard boat a boat that is on guard duty (as in a harbor) around a fleet of warships
Jaws of Life hydraulic tool inserted into a wrecked vehicle and used to pry the wreckage apart in order to provide access to people trapped inside
jolly boat
a yawl used by a ship's sailors for general work
life buoy
life belt
life ring
a life preserver in the form of a ring of buoyant material
life jacket
life vest
cork jacket
life preserver consisting of a sleeveless jacket of buoyant or inflatable design
life mask a cast taken from the face of a living person
life office life assurance office
life preserver
flotation device
rescue equipment consisting of a buoyant belt or jacket to keep a person from drowning
life raft
Carling float
a raft to use if a ship must be abandoned in an emergency
life-support system
life support
medical equipment that assists or replaces important bodily functions and so enables a patient to live who otherwise might not survive, the patient is on life support
life-support system life support equipment that makes life possible in otherwise deadly environmental conditions, the astronauts relied on their life-support systems
mackinaw Mackinaw boat a flat-bottomed boat used on upper Great Lakes
mail boat
packet packet boat
a boat for carrying mail
boat paddle
a short light oar used without an oarlock to propel a canoe or small boat
patrol boat
patrol ship
a vessel assigned to patrol an area
picket boat a boat serving as a picket
pilot boat a boat to carry pilots to and from large ships
police boat a boat used by harbor police
PT boat
mosquito boat
mosquito craft
motor torpedo boat
a small fast unarmored and lightly armed torpedo boat, P(atrol) T(orpedo) boat
racing boat a boat propelled by oarsmen and designed for racing
river boat a boat used on rivers or to ply a river
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