
lily Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Seerosenblatt n bot.
lily pad
water lily
Langblättrige Barclaya f (Barclaya longifolia)
orchid lily
Langblättrige Barclaya f bot. (Barclaya longifolia)
orchid lily
Lilie f bot.
Lilien pl
Poor Knights-Lilie f (Xeronema callistemon) bot.
Poor Knights lily
Maiglöckchen n bot.
lily of the valley
Maiglöckchen n; Maieriesli n Schw. (Convallaria majalis) bot.
lily of the valley
lilienartig; lilienähnlich adj bot.
lily-like; liliaceous
Tigerlotus m (Nymphaea lotus)
tiger lotus, water lily
Tigerlotus m bot. (Nymphaea lotus)
tiger lotus; water lily
feige adj
lily-livered {adj} obs.
Seerose f bot.
Seerosen pl
water lily
water lilies
seerosenartig; seerosenähnlich adj bot.
water lily-like; nymphaeaceous
Seerose f bot.
Seerosen pl
water lily; waterlily
water lilies
Tagliliengewächse pl (Hemerocallidoideae) (botanische Unterfamilie) bot.
day-lily subfamily (botanical subfamily)
maiglöckchenartig; maiglöckchenähnlich adj bot.
lily-of-the-valley-like; convallariaceous
strahlend weiß; blütenweiß; schneeweiß adj
bright-white; lily-white; snow-white {adj}
Liliengewächse pl (Liliaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
liliaceous plants; lily family (botanical family)
Kobrapflanze f; Kobralilie f (Darlingtonia californica) bot.
California pitcher plant; cobra plant; cobra lily
Seerosengewächse pl (Nymphaeaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
nymphaeaceous plants; water-lily family (botanical family)
Schwertblumen pl; Gladiolen pl (Gladiolus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
sword lily; gladioli; gladioluses (botanical genus) (gladiolus)
San-Pedro-Kakteen pl (Echinopsis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
sea-urchin cacti; Easter lily cacti; hedgehog cacti (botanical genus)
Narzissen pl (Narcissus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gelbe Narzisse f; Trompeten-Narzisse f; Osterglocke f; Osterglöckchen n (Narcissus pseudonarcissus)
daffodils; jonquils; narcissus (botanical genus)
wild daffodil; Lent lily
Knotenblumen pl (Leucojum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Frühlingsknotenblume f; Märzenbecher m; Märzbecher m; Großes Schneeglöckchen (Leucojum vernum)
Sommerknotenblume f (Leucojum aestivum)
snowflakes (botanical genus)
spring snowflake
summer snowflake; Loddon lily
Chinesische Laternenlilie f; Chinalaterne f; Goldglöckchen n; Weihnachtsglöckchen n (Sandersonia aurantiaca) bot.
Chinese lantern lily; Chinese lantern bulb; golden lily of the valley; Christmas bells
Echte Lilien pl (Lilium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Weiße Lilie f; Madonnenlilie f; Weiße Gilge f ugs. (Lilium candidum)
Feuerlilie f; Rote Gilge f ugs. (Lilium bulbiferum)
true lilies (botanical genus) (lily)
Madonna lily
fire lily; tiger lily; orange lily
Wasserähren pl (Aponogeton) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Zweiährige Wasserähre f; Afrikanische Wasserähre f (Aponogeton distachyos)
water hawthorns (botanical genus)
Cape hawthorn; winter hawthorn; Cape pondweed; Cape pond-lily
Gloriosa-Zeitlosen (Gloriosa) (botanische Gattung) pl bot.
Ruhmeskrone f (Gloriosa superba)
gloriosa lilies; glory lilies (botanical genus)
flame lily; fire lily; climbing lily; creeping lily
Kaempferia-Ingwer m (Kaempferia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gewürzlilie f (Kaempferia galanga)
kaempferia ginger (botanical genus)
aromatic ginger; sand ginger; cutcherry; kencur; resurrection lily
Amorphophallus-Pflanzen pl (Amorphophallus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Titanenwurz f; Titanwurz f (Amorphophallus titanum)
Teufelszunge f; Tränenbaum m; Stinkende Titanenwurz f (Amorphophallus konjac rivieri)
amorphophallus plants (botanical genus)
titan arum
umbrella arum; devil's tongue; snake palm; voodoo lily
des Guten zu viel tun
to gild {gilded, gilt, gilded, gilt}
gilded, gilt
gilded, gilt
to gild the lily fig.
Seerosen pl (Nymphaea) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Weiße Ägyptische Lotusblume f; Tigerlotus m (Nymphaea lotus)
water-lilies; waterlilies (botanical genus) (water lily)
Egyptian white water-lily; white lotus; tiger lotus
vergolden v
des Guten zu viel tun
to gild {gilded, gilt; gilded, gilt}; to gold-plate; to paint gold
gilded; gilt
gilded; gilt
to gild the lily fig.
vergolden v
des Guten zu viel tun
to gild {gilded gilt; gilded gilt}; to gold-plate; to paint gold
gilded; gilt
gilded; gilt
to gild the lily fig.
Milchsterne pl; Vogelmilch f (Ornithogalum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Dolden-Milchstern m; Doldiger Milchstern m; Stern m von Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum)
Orangefarbener Milchstern m (Ornithogalum dubium)
stars of Bethlehem (botanical genus)
common star of Bethlehem; grass lily; nap-at-noon eleven-o'clock lady
sun star; orange star of Bethlehem
Milchsterne pl; Vogelmilch f (Ornithogalum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Dolden-Milchstern m; Doldiger Milchstern m; Stern m von Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum)
Orangefarbener Milchstern m (Ornithogalum dubium)
stars of Bethlehem (botanical genus)
common star of Bethlehem; grass lily; nap-at-noon, eleven-o'clock lady
sun star; orange star of Bethlehem
Teichrosen pl (Nuphar) bot.
Gelbe Teichrose f; Gelbe Teichmummel f; Teichmummel f; Teichkandel f (Nuphar lutea)
Kleine Teichrose f; Zwergteichrose f bot. (Nuphar pumila)
Amerikanische Teichrose f (Nuphar advena)
pond lilies; water-lilies Br.; spatterdocks Am.
yellow water-lily; brandy-bottle
small yellow pond-lily; least water-lily; dwarf water-lily
yellow pond lily; cow lily; spatterdock Am.
feige; feig; memmenhaft geh.; hasenfüßig veraltet adj
feige sein
Diese Tour ist nichts für Feiglinge für schwache Nerven.
Dieser Film ist nichts für schwache Nerven für zarte Gemüter.
cowardly; faint-hearted; chicken-hearted; chicken-livered; chicken; pigeon-hearted; yellow; craven formal; pusillanimous formal; gutless coll.; lily-livered dated; yellow-bellied coll. dated
to be a chicken; to be yellow; to have no guts
This tour is not for the faint-hearted.
This film is not for the faint-hearted.

lily Definition

Day lily
() A genus of plants (Hemerocallis) closely resembling true lilies, but having tuberous rootstocks instead of bulbs. The common species have long narrow leaves and either yellow or tawny-orange flowers.
Day lily
() A genus of plants (Funkia) differing from the last in having ovate veiny leaves, and large white or blue flowers.
Guernsey lily
() A South African plant (Nerine Sarniensis) with handsome lilylike flowers, naturalized on the island of Guernsey.
Jacobaean lily
() A bulbous plant (Amaryllis, / Sprekelia, formosissima) from Mexico. It bears a single, large, deep, red, lilylike flower.
(n.) A plant and flower of the genus Lilium, endogenous bulbous plants, having a regular perianth of six colored pieces, six stamens, and a superior three-celled ovary.
(n.) A name given to handsome flowering plants of several genera, having some resemblance in color or form to a true lily, as Pancratium, Crinum, Amaryllis, Nerine, etc.
(n.) That end of a compass needle which should point to the north
(a.) Having white, delicate hands.
(a.) White-livered
Mariposa lily
() One of a genus (Calochortus) of tuliplike bulbous herbs with large, and often gaycolored, blossoms. Called also butterfly lily. Most of them are natives of California.
Sea lily
() A crinoid.
Water lily
() A blossom or plant of any species of the genus Nymphaea, distinguished for its large floating leaves and beautiful flowers. See Nymphaea.

lily Bedeutung

sea lily crinoid with delicate radiating arms and a stalked body attached to a hard surface
Lily Pons
Alice-Josephine Pons
United States coloratura soprano (born in France) (-)
family Nymphaeaceae
water-lily family
dicot aquatic plants
water lily an aquatic plant of the family Nymphaeaceae
water nymph fragrant water lily
pond lily
Nymphaea odorata
a water lily having large leaves and showy fragrant flowers that float on the water, of temperate and tropical regions
European white lily
Nymphaea alba
a water lily with white flowers
lotus white lotus
Egyptian water lily
white lily Nymphaea lotus
white Egyptian lotus: water lily of Egypt to southeastern Africa, held sacred by the Egyptians
cow lily
yellow pond lily
Nuphar advena
common water lily of eastern and central North America, having broad leaves and globe-shaped yellow flowers, in sluggish fresh or slightly brackish water
yellow water lily
Nuphar lutea
a water lily with yellow flowers
mountain lily Mount Cook lily
Ranunculus lyalii
showy white-flowered perennial of New Zealand
impala lily
mock azalia
desert rose
kudu lily
Adenium obesum
Adenium multiflorum
South African shrub having a swollen succulent stem and bearing showy pink and white flowers after the leaves fall, popular as an ornamental in tropics
Nepal trumpet flower
Easter lily vine
Beaumontia grandiflora
evergreen woody twiner with large glossy leaves and showy corymbs of fragrant white trumpet-shaped flowers
peace lily
spathe flower
any of various plants of the genus Spathiphyllum having a white or green spathe and a spike of fragrant flowers and often cultivated as an ornamental
calla lily
calla arum lily
Zantedeschia aethiopica
South African plant widely cultivated for its showy pure white spathe and yellow spadix
toad lily
Montia chamissoi
a floating or creeping Indian lettuce having terminal racemes of pale rose flowers, wet areas at high elevations of western North America
andromeda Japanese andromeda
lily-of-the-valley tree
Pieris japonica
broad-leaved evergreen Asiatic shrub with glossy leaves and drooping clusters of white flowers
wild lily of the valley shinleaf Pyrola elliptica North American evergreen with small pinkish bell-shaped flowers and oblong leaves used formerly for shinplasters
wild lily of the valley Pyrola rotundifolia evergreen with rounded leaves and very fragrant creamy-white flowers, widely distributed in northern parts of Old and New Worlds
kangaroo paw
kangaroo's paw
kangaroo-foot plant
Australian sword lily
Anigozanthus manglesii
sedgelike spring-flowering herb having clustered flowers covered with woolly hairs, Australia
canna lily
Canna generalis
plants grown for their large bright yellow to red flowers
sword lily
plants with sword-shaped leaves and erect stalks bearing brightolored flowers composed of three petals and three drooping sepals
leopard lily
Belamcanda chinensis
garden plant whose capsule discloses when ripe a mass of seeds resembling a blackberry
sword lily
any of numerous plants of the genus Gladiolus native chiefly to tropical and South Africa having sword-shaped leaves and one-sided spikes of brightly colored funnel-shaped flowers, widely cultivated
corn lily any of several South African plants of the genus Ixia having grasslike leaves and clusters of showy variously colored lily-like flowers, widely cultivated
belladonna lily
naked lady Amaryllis belladonna
amaryllis of South Africa often cultivated for its fragrant white or rose flowers
blood lily any of various deciduous or evergreen herbs of the genus Haemanthus, South Africa and Namibia
Jacobean lily
Aztec lily
Strekelia formosissima
Mexican bulbous herb cultivated for its handsome bright red solitary flower
family Liliaceae
lily family
includes species sometimes divided among the following families: Alliaceae, Aloeaceae, Alstroemeriaceae, Aphyllanthaceae, Asparagaceae, Asphodelaceae, Colchicaceae, Convallariaceae, Hemerocallidaceae, Hostaceae, Hyacinthaceae, Melanthiaceae, Ruscaceae, Smilacaceae, Tecophilaeacea, Xanthorrhoeaceae
lily any liliaceous plant of the genus Lilium having showy pendulous flowers
mountain lily Lilium auratum Japanese lily with golden rays
Canada lily
wild yellow lily
meadow lily
wild meadow lily
Lilium canadense
common lily of the eastern United States having nodding yellow or reddish flowers spotted with brown
Madonna lily
white lily Annunciation lily
Lent lily
Lilium candidum
lily of eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans with broad funnel-shaped white flowers
tiger lily leopard lily pine lily
Lilium catesbaei
lily of southeastern United States having cup-shaped flowers with deep yellow to scarlet recurved petals
Columbia tiger lily
Oregon lily
Lilium columbianum
lily of western North America with showy orangeed purple-spotted flowers
tiger lily devil lily
Lilium lancifolium
east Asian perennial having large reddish-orange black-spotted flowers with reflexed petals
Easter lily
Bermuda lily
white trumpet lily
Lilium longiflorum
tall lily have large white trumpet-shaped flowers that bloom in the spring
coast lily
Lilium maritinum
orange-flowered lily of Pacific coast of United States
Michigan lily
Lilium michiganense
lily of central North America having recurved orangeed flowers with deep crimson spots
leopard lily panther lily
Lilium pardalinum
lily of western United States having orangeed to crimson maroon-spotted flowers
wood lily Lilium philadelphicum lily of eastern North America having orange to orangeed purple-spotted flowers
Turk'sap Turk's cap-lily
Lilium superbum
lily of the eastern United States with orange to red maroon-spotted flowers
lily of the Nile
any of various plants of the genus Agapanthus having umbels of showy blue to purple flowers
African lily
African tulip
blue African lily
Agapanthus africanus
African plant with bright green evergreen leaves and umbels of many usually deep violet-blue flowers
Peruvian lily
lily of the Incas
Alstroemeria pelegrina
an Andean herb having umbels of showy pinkish-purple lily-like flowers
Anthericum liliago
southern European plant commonly cultivated for its spikes of small starry greenish-white flowers
amber lily
Anthericum torreyi
plant having basal grasslike leaves and a narrow open cluster of starlike yellowish-orange flowers atop a leafless stalk, southwestern United States, only species of Anthericum growing in North America
mariposa tulip
mariposa lily
any of several plants of the genus Calochortus having tulip-shaped flowers with sepals and petals, southwestern United States and Mexico
globe lily
fairy lantern
any of several plants of the genus Calochortus having egg-shaped flowers
white globe lily
white fairy lantern
Calochortus albus
globe lily having open branched clusters of egg-shaped white flowers, southern California
yellow globe lily
golden fairy lantern
Calochortus amabilis
globe lily having open branched clusters of clear yellow egg-shaped flowers, northern California
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