
lit Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Litanei f
Bittlitanei f relig.
rogation litany
ein langer Katalog von etw.; eine lange Aufzählung von etw.
a litany of sth. fig.
Litanei f; Wechselgebet n relig.
Bittlitanei f
Allerheiligenlitanei f (Litania Sanctorum)
rogation litany
Litany of the Saints
Litanei f (langatmige Aufzählung)
eine Litanei von Beschwerden
litany (tedious recital)
a litany of complaints
Litschi f bot.
lychee, litchi, lichi, litchee
Litschi f bot.
Litschis pl
lychee; litchi; lichi; litchee
lychees; litchis; lichis; litchees
Litschipflaume f; Litschi f (Frucht) cook.
Litschipflaumen pl; Litschis pl
lychee; litchee; litchi; lichi (fruit)
lychees; litchees; litchis; lichis
Litschibaum m; Litchibaum m; Chinesische Haselnuss f (Litchi chinensis) bot.
Litschibäume pl; Litchibäume pl; Chinesische Haselnüsse pl
lychee tree; litchi tree
lychee trees; litchi trees
Doktor m Dr. ; Doktorin f
Doktoren pl; Doktorinnen pl
seinen Doktor machen
Doktor der Rechtswissenschaft(en); Doktor der Rechte; Doktor des Rechts Dr. jur. Dr. iur.
Doktor der Medizin Dr. med.
Doktor der Philosophie Dr. phil.
Doktor der Naturwissenschaften Dr. rer. nat. Dr phil. nat. Dt. rare
Doktor der Theologie Dr. theol.
Doktor der Zahnmedizin
Doktor beider Rechte Dr. iur. utr. JVD (Zivilrecht und Kirchenrecht)
Forschungsdoktor der Geisteswissenschaften
Forschungsdoktor des Zivilrechts
doctor Dr ; doc coll.
doctors; docs
to take one's doctor's degree; to take one's doctorate
Doctor of Laws LLD LLD ; Doctor of Jurisprudence JD Am.; legum doctor
Doctor of Medicine; medicinae doctor MD
Doctor of Philosophy DPhil; PhD; Ph.D; DPh
Doctor of Science DSc ScD ; PhD in the sciences
Doctor of Divinity DD
Doctor of Dental Surgery DDS
juris utriusque doctor JUD (civil and canon law)
Doctor of Letters DLit DLitt LitD Litt.D
Doctor of Civil Law DCL ; juris civilis doctor JCD Br. Am. Can.
Leichtbier n
Lite, lite beer
kalorienreduziert adj
Bier n; Gerstensaft m humor. cook.
Biere pl
helles Bier
dunkles Bier
obergäriges untergäriges Bier
leicht stark gehopftes Bier
Grutbier n; Gruitbier n hist.
Grünbier n
Hirsebier n
Leichtbier n
Starkbier n
Vollbier n
Wurzelbier n
Bier vom Fass; Fassbier n; Schankbier n
alkoholfreies Bier
alkoholarmes Bier
beer; amber nectar Br. Austr. humor.
lager; light beer
brown ale; dark beer
top-fermented bottom-fermented beer
lightly heavily hopped beer
grut ale; gruit ale
green beer
sorghum beer
lite beer
high-gravity beer; heavy Scot.
medium-gravity beer
root beer
beer on draught; draught beer; draft beer Am.
non-alcoholic beer; NA beer
near beer
Elite f
Eliten pl
elite; élite Br.
Bier n; Hopfenbräu n ugs.; Gerstensaft m humor. cook.
Biere pl
helles Bier
dunkles Bier
obergäriges untergäriges Bier
leicht stark gehopftes Bier
Fruchtbier n
Grutbier n; Gruitbier n hist.
Grünbier n
Handwerksbier n
Hirsebier n
Leichtbier n
Starkbier n
Süßbier n
Vollbier n
Wurzelbier n
Bier vom Fass; Fassbier n; Schankbier n
alkoholfreies Bier
alkoholarmes Bier
beer; amber nectar Br. Austr. humor.; brew Am.
lager; light beer
brown ale; dark beer
top-fermented bottom-fermented beer
lightly heavily hopped beer
fruity beer
grut ale; gruit ale
green beer
craft beer
sorghum beer
lite beer
high-gravity beer; heavy Sc.
sweet beer
medium-gravity beer
root beer
beer on draught; draught beer; draft beer Am.
non-alcoholic beer; NA beer
near beer
anhängig Dt. Ös.; hängig Schw.; pendent Schw. adj (bei einer Behörde) adm. jur.
gerichtsanhängig sein
Gesetzesentwürfe, die im Parlament anhängig sind im Parlament liegen ugs.
eine gleichzeitig anhängige Patentanmeldung
anhängiger Rechtsstreit (lis pendens)
solange ein Gerichtsverfahren anhängig ist
einen Streitfall bei Gericht anhängig machen
pending (with an authority)
to be pending before a court; to be pending in court
draft bills pending in Parliament
a co-pending patent application
pending lawsuit; pending litigation
while court proceedings are pending; while litigation is pending; pendente lite
to refer a dispute to the court(s)
Nachlassverwalter m, Nachlassverwalterin f jur.
Nachlassverwalter anstelle eines Testamentsvollstreckers
Nachlassverwalter zur Einziehung von Auslandsvermögen
Nachlassverwalter zur Fortführung eines Rechtsstreits
executor, testamentary executor, ancillary executor
administrator cum testamento annexo
administrator ad colligendum
administrator ad litem
Vormund m, Vormundin f, Vormündin f jur.
Vormunde pl, Vormundinnen pl, Vormündinnen pl
einen Vormund bestellen
Vormund m, Verfahrenspfleger m jur.
guardian, custodian
guardians, custodians
to appoint a guardian
Guardian ad litem (GAL)
Nachlassverwalter m; Nachlassverwalterin f jur.
Nachlassverwalter anstelle eines Testamentsvollstreckers
Nachlassverwalter zur Einziehung von Auslandsvermögen
Nachlassverwalter zur Fortführung eines Rechtsstreits
executor; testamentary executor; ancillary executor
administrator cum testamento annexo
administrator ad colligendum
administrator ad litem
Unterhaltspfleger m jur.
einen Unterhaltspfleger bestellen m jur.
guardian at litem for a minor in maintenance Br. support Am. proceedings
to appoint a guardian at litem for a maintenance application Br. a support petition Am.
Vormund m; Vormundin f; Vormündin f jur.
Vormunde pl; Vormundinnen pl; Vormündinnen pl
einen Vormund bestellen
Vormund m; Verfahrenspfleger m jur.
guardian; custodian
guardians; custodians
to appoint a guardian
Guardian ad litem GAL
Unterhaltspfleger m jur.
einen Unterhaltspfleger bestellen m jur.
guardian at litem for a minor in maintenance Br. support Am. proceedings
to appoint a guardian at litem for a maintenance application Br. a support petition Am.
Verfahrensbeistand m; Verfahrenspfleger m
Verfahrensbeistand m; Verfahrenspfleger m für Minderjährige in Familiensachen
representative ad litem
guardian ad litem GAL ; attorney for the child AFC Am.; court appointed special advocate CASA Am.
Liter m
Liter pl
(etwa) halber Liter
litre, liter Am.
litres, liters Am.
Millimoläquivalent n (pro l)
millimol equivalent (per liter), meq
Fläschchen n; Kolben m chem.
Fläschchen pl; Kolben pl
Literkolben m
Kolben mit Ansatzrohr
liter flask
tubulated flask
Liter m
Liter pl
(etwa) halber Liter
litre; liter Am.
litres; liters Am.
Millimoläquivalent n (pro l)
millimol equivalent (per liter); meq l
literweise adv
literweise adv
literweise adv
by the litre {adv} Br.
by the liter {adv} Am.
by the gallon
Liter m l
Liter pl
Halbliter m; (etwa) halber Liter
litre; liter Am.
litres; liters Am.
Alphabetisierungskampagne f, Kampagne gegen das Analphabetentum
literacy campaign
Alphabetisierungsrate f
literacy rate
Analphabetenquote f, Alphabetisierungsgrad m
literacy rate
Bildung f, Gebildetsein n, Fähigkeit zu lesen und zu schreiben
EDV-Kenntnisse pl
computer literacy
Lese- und Schreibtest m
literacy test
Alphabetisierungskampagne f; Kampagne gegen das Analphabetentum
literacy campaign
Alphabetisierungsrate f; Alphabetisierungsgrad m
literacy rate
EDV-Kenntnisse pl comp.
computer skills; computer literacy
Lese- und Schreibkompetenz f; Lese- und Schreibfähigkeiten pl school
Informationskompetenz f
information literacy
Lese- und Schreibkompetenz f; Lese- und Schreibfähigkeiten pl school
Lesekompetenz f
reading literacy
integrativer Lese- und Schreibunterricht m school
balanced literacy
schriftlicher Beweis
literal proof
wörtliche Übertragung
literal interpretation
Auslegung f, Deutung f
wörtliche Auslegung
literal interpretation
Buchstabensymbol n
Wortsinn m
literal sense
wörtlich, buchstäblich adj
etw. wörtlich nehmen
to take sth. in literal sense
wortgetreu adj
am wortgetreusten
more literal
most literal
buchstaeblich, woertlich
literal sense
more literal
most literal
Adresse f comp.
absolute Adresse
absolute Adresse; Maschinenadresse
absolute Adresse; echte Adresse
absolute (wirkliche) Adresse
alphanumerische Adresse
explizite Adresse; ausdrückliche Adresse
implizite Adresse
physische Adresse
relative Adresse
symbolische Adresse
tatsächliche Adresse
unmittelbare Adresse
virtuelle (gedachte) Adresse
specific address
actual address
effective address
absolute address
alphanumeric address
explicit address
implicit address
physical address
symbolic address
real address
immediate address; literal address
virtual address
Adressierung f; Adressieren n comp.
abgekürzte Adressierung
absolute Adressierung
direkte Adressierung
indirekte Adressierung
indizierte Adressierung
relative Adressierung
symbolisches Adressieren
unmittelbare Adressierung
virtuelle Adressierung
Adressierung über Basisadresse
abbreviated addressing
absolute addressing
direct addressing
indirect addressing
indexed addressing
relative addressing
symbolic addressing
immediate addressing; literal addressing
virtual addressing
base displacement addressing
Auslegung f; Deutung f
wörtliche Auslegung
enge Auslegung
Auslegung von technischen Ausdrücken
literal interpretation
narrow interpretation
interpretation of technical terms
Bedeutung f; Sinn m ling.
im wahrsten Sinn des Wortes
in jeder Hinsicht einzigartig
im herkömmlichen Sinn
die konkrete oder übertragene Bedeutung einer Phrase
'Marketing' im eigentlichen Sinne
meaning; sense; signification
in the full sense of the word
unique in every sense of the word
in the usual sense of the term word phrase
the literal or figurative meaning of a phrase
'marketing' in the proper meaning of the word
Befehl m comp.
Befehle pl
Direktbefehl m
angewandter Befehl
privilegierter Befehl
einen Befehl abarbeiten
immediate instruction; literal instruction
applied instruction
privileged instruction
to process an instruction
Befehlskonstante f; Literalkonstante f; Literaloperand m; Literal n comp.
self-defining constant; literal constant; literal operand; literal
Buchstabenbezeichnung f
Buchstabenbezeichnungen pl
literal notation
literal notations
Druckfehler m print
Silbenstottern n med.
syllable stuttering stumbling; literal ataxia
Sinn m; Sinngehalt m; Bedeutung f (von etw.)
Sinne pl
Sinn ergeben; sinnvoll sein; vernünftig sein
in gewissem Sinne
im engeren Sinne
im guten wie im schlechten Sinn
im biblischen juristischen Sinn des Wortes
Ich habe die Wendung im wörtlichen übertragenen Sinn gebraucht.
Das Buch ist in jeder Hinsicht ein Klassiker.
Sie hat die Rede auswendig gelernt aber ihre Aussage überhaupt nicht verstanden.
Das ergibt keinen Sinn.; Das ist nicht sinnvoll.
Lies das und sag mir ob das Sinn ergibt.
Sein Benehmen ergibt hinten und vorne keinen Sinn.
sense (of sth.)
to make sense
in a sense; in a certain manner
in the a narrow(er) strict(er) sense
in the good and in the bad sense.
in the biblical legal sense of the word
I was using the phrase in its literal figurative sense.
The book is a classic in every sense of the word.
She learned the speech by heart but missed the sense entirely.
It makes no sense.; There is no rhyme or reason in this. fig.
Read this and tell me if it makes sense.
There seems to be no rhyme or reason in his behaviour.

Deutsche Litaneien Synonyme

Englische litanies Synonyme

lit  ablaze  afflicted  aglow  alight  bathed with light  bent  bespangled  boiled  bombed  boozy  brightened  candlelit  canned  cockeyed  cockeyed drunk  crocked  crocko  disguised  drunk  elevated  enlightened  firelit  fried  fuddled  gaslit  half-seas over  high  illuminated  in a blaze  inebriated  irradiate  irradiated  lamplit  lanternlit  lighted  lightened  lit up  loaded  lubricated  luminous  lushy  moonlit  muddled  muzzy  oiled  organized  pickled  pie-eyed  pissed  pissy-eyed  pixilated  plastered  polluted  potted  raddled  shellacked  skunk-drunk  smashed  soaked  soused  spangled  squiffy  star-spangled  star-studded  starlit  stewed  stinko  studded  sunlit  swacked  tanked  tight  tinseled  
litany  Angelus  Ave  Ave Maria  Hail Mary  Kyrie Eleison  Paternoster  Sefer Torah  Torah  Torah scroll  Virginal  agape  aid prayer  appeal  asperges  aspersion  auricular confession  bar mitzvah  bas mitzvah  beadroll  beads  beseechment  bidding prayer  breviary  canon  catalogue  cataloguing  celebration  chaplet  church book  circumcision  collect  communion  confession  confirmation  contemplation  devotions  entreaty  enumeration  euchologion  euchology  farse  formulary  grace  high celebration  impetration  imploration  incense  intercession  inventory  inventorying  invocation  invocation of saints  kiss of peace  lectionary  lesser litany  list  listing  love feast  lustration  machzor  manual  meditation  missal  obsecration  obtestation  ordinal  orison  pax  petition  pontifical  prayer  prayer book  prayer wheel  processional  recital  recitation  reciting the rosary  ritual  rituale  rogation  rosary  rubric  service book  siddur  silent prayer  suit  supplication  telling of beads  thanks  thanksgiving  the confessional  the confessionary  
literacy  bibliolatry  bibliomania  bluestockingism  book learning  book madness  bookiness  bookishness  booklore  classical scholarship  classicism  culture  donnishness  eruditeness  erudition  humanism  humanistic scholarship  intellectualism  intellectuality  learnedness  letters  pedantism  pedantry  reading  scholarship  
literal  Christian  abecedarian  accepted  allographic  alphabetic  approved  arid  authentic  authoritative  barren  basic  bona fide  boring  candid  canonical  capital  card-carrying  colorless  conventional  correct  customary  denotative  dictionary  dinkum  down-to-earth  dry  dull  earthbound  essential  etymological  evangelical  exact  faithful  firm  following the letter  genuine  good  graphemic  honest  honest-to-God  humdrum  ideographic  inartificial  infecund  infertile  lawful  legitimate  lettered  lexical  lexigraphic  lifelike  literatim  logogrammatic  logographic  lower-case  majuscule  matter-of-fact  minuscular  minuscule  mundane  natural  naturalistic  objective  of the faith  original  orthodox  orthodoxical  pictographic  precise  proper  prosaic  prosing  prosy  pure  real  realistic  received  right  rightful  scriptural  semantic  simon-pure  simple  simplistic  sincere  sound  staid  standard  sterling  stolid  strict  stuffy  sure-enough  tedious  textual  traditional  traditionalistic  transliterated  true  true to life  true to nature  true to reality  true-blue  unadulterated  unaffected  unassumed  unassuming  unbiased  uncial  uncolored  uncomplicated  unconcocted  uncopied  uncounterfeited  undisguised  undisguising  undistorted  unembellished  unexaggerated  unfabricated  unfanciful  unfeigned  unfeigning  unfictitious  unflattering  unideal  unimaginative  unimagined  unimitated  uninspired  uninvented  uninventive  unoriginal  unpoetic  unprejudiced  unpretended  unpretending  unqualified  unromantic  unromanticized  unsimulated  unspecious  unsynthetic  unvarnished  upper-case  verbal  verbatim  veridical  verisimilar  word-for-word  
literal meaning  affective meaning  bearing  coloring  connotation  consequence  denotation  drift  effect  essence  extension  force  gist  grammatical meaning  idea  impact  implication  import  intension  lexical meaning  meaning  overtone  pertinence  pith  point  practical consequence  purport  range of meaning  real meaning  reference  referent  relation  relevance  scope  semantic cluster  semantic field  sense  significance  signification  significatum  signifie  span of meaning  spirit  structural meaning  substance  sum  sum and substance  symbolic meaning  tenor  totality of associations  transferred meaning  unadorned meaning  undertone  value  
literal minded  arid  barren  dry  dull  earthbound  infecund  infertile  literal  mundane  prosaic  prosing  prosy  staid  stolid  stuffy  unfanciful  unideal  unimaginative  uninspired  uninventive  unoriginal  unpoetic  unromantic  unromanticized  
literally  absolutely  actually  closely  dead  definitely  direct  directly  even  exactly  expressly  faithfully  in all respects  in every respect  in fact  ipsissimis verbis  just  literatim  plumb  point-blank  positively  precisely  really  right  rigidly  rigorously  square  squarely  straight  strictly  to the letter  truly  undeviatingly  unerringly  verbally  verbatim  verbatim et litteratim  word by word  word for word  
literary  academic  belletristic  bibliophagic  bluestocking  book-fed  book-learned  book-loving  book-minded  book-read  book-wise  bookish  booky  classical  cultivated  cultured  donnish  educated  erudite  formal  inkhorn  learned  lettered  literate  pedantic  refined  scholarly  scholastic  well-read  written  
literary style  affectation  command of language  exaggeration  expression of ideas  fashion  feeling for words  form of speech  grace of expression  grandiloquence  inflation  manner  manner of speaking  mannerism  mode  mode of expression  peculiarity  personal style  rhetoric  sense of language  strain  style  stylistic analysis  stylistics  the grand style  the plain style  the sublime  trick  vein  way  
literate  Brahmin  abstruse  brainworker  civilized  cultivated  cultured  deep  educated  egghead  encyclopedic  erudite  highbrow  intellect  intellectual  intellectualist  learned  lettered  mandarin  pansophic  polyhistoric  polymath  polymathic  profound  scholarly  scholastic  studious  thinker  white-collar intellectual  wise  wise man  
literature  French literature  Renaissance literature  ancient literature  article  autograph  belles lettres  belles-lettres  bibliography  body of knowledge  body of learning  brainchild  brochures  circulars  classics  composition  computer printout  contemporary literature  copy  cyclopedia  data  document  draft  edited version  encyclopedia  engrossment  erotic literature  erotica  essay  facts  fair copy  fiction  final draft  finished version  first draft  flimsy  folk literature  holograph  humane letters  information  kitsch  leaflets  letter  letters  literae scriptae  literary artefact  literary production  lore  lucubration  manuscript  materials  matter  medieval literature  national literature  nonfiction  obscene literature  opus  original  pamphlets  paper  parchment  penscript  piece  piece of writing  play  poem  polite literature  pop literature  popular literature  pornographic literature  pornography  printed matter  printout  production  propaganda  pseudonymous literature  publications  publicity  reading matter  recension  republic of letters  scatological literature  screed  scrip  script  scrive  scroll  second draft  serious literature  store of knowledge  system of knowledge  the written word  transcript  transcription  travel literature  treasury of information  typescript  underground literature  version  wisdom literature  work  writing  writings  
lithe  adaptable  bendable  bending  compliant  ductile  elastic  extensible  extensile  fabricable  facile  fictile  flexible  flexile  flexuous  formable  formative  giving  impressible  impressionable  lean  like putty  limber  lissome  lithesome  malleable  moldable  plastic  pliable  pliant  receptive  responsive  sensitive  sequacious  shapable  slender  slight  slim  spare  springy  submissive  supple  susceptible  thin  tractable  tractile  whippy  willowy  yielding  
lithograph  aquatint  autolithograph  be a printmaker  block  block print  carve  character  chisel  chromolithograph  color print  copperplate  copperplate print  crayon engraving  crease  cribble  crosshatch  cut  enchase  engrave  engravement  engraving  etching  furrow  graphotype  grave  groove  hatch  impress  impression  imprint  incise  inscribe  line  linoleum-block print  make prints  mark  mezzotint  negative  print  rubber-block print  score  scrape  scratch  sculpture  stipple  tool  vignette  wood engraving  woodblock  woodcut  woodprint  xylograph  
lithographer  burinist  carver  cerographer  chalcographer  engraver  etcher  gem engraver  graphic artist  graver  inscriber  lapidary  line engraver  printmaker  pyrographer  serigrapher  silk-screen artist  wood engraver  xylopyrographer  
lithography  albertype  artist lithography  book printing  chromotypography  chromotypy  chromoxylography  collotype  color printing  coloration  coloring  dyeing  electronography  electrostatic printing  emblazonry  graphic arts  gravure  halftone engraving  history of printing  illumination  job printing  letterpress  letterpress photoengraving  line engraving  lithogravure  lithophotogravure  mimeograph  offset  offset lithography  onset  palaeotypography  photo-offset  photochemical process  photoengraving  photogelatin process  photographic reproduction  photography  photolithography  phototypography  phototypy  photozincography  pigmentation  planographic printing  planography  printing  printmaking  publication  publishing  relief printing  rotary photogravure  rotogravure  sheetwork  staining  stencil  three-color printing  tinction  tinging  tinting  two-color printing  typography  typolithography  wood-block printing  xerography  xeroprinting  xylotypography  zincography  
litigant  accessory  accused  actionable  appellant  appellee  bitter-ender  brawler  causidical  defendant  diehard  disputant  dissentient  dissident  intransigent  irreconcilable  last-ditcher  litigable  litigationist  litigator  litigatory  litigious  naysayer  negativist  noncooperator  objector  obstructionist  obstructive  opposer  oppositionist  panel  parties litigant  party  petitioner  plaintiff  protester  quarreler  resister  scrapper  suitor  witness  wrangler  
litigate  bring action against  bring into court  bring suit  bring to justice  bring to trial  drag into court  go into litigation  go to law  implead  law  prosecute  prosecute at law  put in suit  put on trial  seek in law  seek justice  sue  take to court  
litigation  Kilkenny cats  action  altercation  apologetics  apologia  apology  argument  argumentation  bicker  bickering  case  casuistry  cat-and-dog life  cause  cause in court  combat  conflict  contention  contentiousness  contest  contestation  controversy  cut and thrust  debate  defense  disputation  dispute  enmity  fighting  flyting  hassle  hostility  hubbub  judicial process  lawsuit  legal action  legal case  legal proceedings  legal process  legal remedy  logomachy  paper war  passage of arms  polemic  polemics  proceedings  prosecution  quarrel  quarreling  quarrelsomeness  rhubarb  scrapping  set-to  squabbling  strife  struggle  suit  suit at law  verbal engagement  war  war of words  warfare  words  wrangling  
litigious  actionable  aggressive  argumental  argumentative  bellicose  belligerent  bickering  cat-and-dog  cat-and-doggish  causidical  combative  contentious  controversial  dialectic  disputatious  divisive  eristic  factional  factious  ill-humored  irascible  irritable  litigable  litigant  litigatory  logomachic  partisan  pilpulistic  polarizing  polemic  polemical  pro and con  pugnacious  quarrelsome  scrappy  shrewish  wrangling  
litter  air mattress  arsy-varsiness  be confined  bear  bear a child  bear young  bed  bed down  bedding  bedstead  bier  bolster  brancard  break  bridle  brood  brush  bunk  cacolet  calve  camel litter  cast  clamjamfry  clutch  clutter  collateral  couch  curry  currycomb  cushion  dandy  debris  derange  disarrange  disarray  dishevel  dislocate  disorder  disorganize  dolly  doolie  doss  drench  drop  dust  farrago  farrow  fawn  feed  foal  fodder  fragments  fry  garbage  gentle  get  give birth  gocart  groom  gurney  handbarrow  handle  harness  hash  hatch  have  have a baby  have young  helter-skelter  higgledy-piggledy  hitch  hodgepodge  hysteron proteron  innerspring mattress  issue  jampan  jumble  jungle  junk  kelter  kip  kitten  labor  lamb  lie in  lumber  manage  mat  mattress  mess  mess up  milk  misarrange  mishmash  muddle  muss  muss up  nest  odds and ends  offal  offspring  pad  pallet  pillow  pup  raff  refuse  riffraff  rub down  rubbish  rubble  ruffle  rug  rummage  rumple  saddle  scatter  scramble  scrap  sedan  sedan chair  shoddy  sleeping bag  sofa  spat  spawn  springs  stretcher  strew  tame  tend  the hay  the sack  throw  topsy-turviness  topsy-turvydom  tousle  train  trash  travail  truck  tumble  turmoil  underbed  underbedding  unholy mess  waste  water  welter  whelp  yean  yoke  young  

lit Definition

lit Bedeutung

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