
literature Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Schrifttum n
Literaturwert m techn.
literature value
Chorliteratur f mus.
choir literature
world literature
Weltliteratur f
world literature
Kriminalliteratur f
crime literature
Verkaufsliteratur f
sales literature
Trivialliteratur f
cheap literature
LiteraturĂĽbersicht, LiteraturĂĽberblick
literature survey
Literaturstudie f
literature survey
Erinnerungsliteratur f lit.
memoir literature
trashy literature
LiteraturĂĽbersicht f
literature survey
Kolportageliteratur f
trashy literature
Dichtung f
literature; poetry
Schmutzliteratur f lit.
obscene literature
Dichtung f
literature, poetry
Literaturrecherche f
literature research
Literaturhaus n
house of literature
Heimatdichter m
regional literature
Computerliteratur f
computer literature
Forschungsliteratur f
research literature
Fachliteratur f
technical literature
technical literature
Sekundärliteratur f
secondary literature
Schrifttum n; Schriftgut n; Schriften pl
writings; literature
Kinderliteratur f lit.
children's literature
Literaturempfehlungen pl
recommended literature
Komparatistik f
comparative literature
informative literature
Gegenwartsliteratur f art
contemporary literature
Gegenwartsliteratur f
contemporary literature
Schundliteratur f
trashy literature, trash
beschreibende Literatur ĂĽber
descriptive literature on
Publikation auĂźerhalb des Buchhandels
non-conventional literature
Literaturquelle f
reference; literature source
Literaturwissenschaft f
literary studies; literature
Literaturwissenschaft f
literary studies, literature
Literaturquelle f
reference, literature source
Bakkalaureus m der Literatur(wissenschaft)
BLit : Bachelor of Literature
Literaturhinweise pl
literature review; references
Literaturhinweise pl
literature review, references
Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis m (frĂĽher: Deutscher Jugendbuchpreis) lit.
German Youth Literature Award
Literatur f
fantastische Literatur
fantasy literature
Mundartdichtung f
dialect poetry, dialect literature
Mundartdichtung f
dialect poetry; dialect literature
Sachliteratur f
non-fiction literature, nonfiction
Sachliteratur f
non-fiction literature; nonfiction
englischsprachig adj
englischsprachige Literatur f
English literature
eskapistisch adj geh.
Zerstreuungsliteratur f
escapist formal
escapist literature
eskapistisch adj geh.
Zerstreuungsliteratur f
escapist (formal)
escapist literature
Pornoliteratur f
pornographic literature; porn literature
Migrantenliteratur f; Migrationsliteratur f lit.
migrant literature; migration literature
Fachliteratur f
specialist literature; technical literature
ĂĽberraschende Wendung f; unerwartete Wendung f (Theater, Film, Literatur) art lit.
plot twist; twist (theatre, film, literature)
Romanistik f
(studies of) Romance languages and Literature
Doktor der Literaturwissenschaften
DLit : Doctor of Letters, Doctor of Literature
Literaturwissenschaft f (Studienfach) stud.
literary studies; literature (subject of study)
vergleichende Literaturarbeit f sci.
systematic literature review; systematic review
Anglistik f
English Studies, English language and literature
Philologie f
study of language and literature; philology Am.
postmodern adj
postmoderne Literatur
postmodern; postmodernist
postmodern literature
Philologie f
study of language and literature, philology Am.
Schundliteratur f lit.
trashy literature fiction; pulp literature fiction
Semesterapparat m (Bibliothek)
course reserve collection (books); course literature
Philologe m
teacher (scholar) of language and literature; philologist Am.
Philologe m
teacher (scholar) of language and literature, philologist Am.
Literatur f
Barockliteratur f; Literatur des Barocks
fantastische Literatur
Kriegslilteratur f
Baroque literature
fantasy literature
war literature
Jugendliteratur f lit.
youth literature; young adult literature YA ; literature for young readers
Themengebiet n; Themenbereich m; Themenkreis m
Themengebiete pl; Themenbereiche pl; Themenkreise pl
Literatur zum Thema Zuwanderung
topical area
topical areas
literature in the topical area of immigration
volkstümlich; volksnah; Volks…; Heimat… adj art arch. lit. mus.
volkstĂĽmliche Architektur
Heimatdichtung f
vernacular architecture
vernacular literature; vernacular poetry
Jugendliteratur f lit.
Jugendliteratur f
Jugendliteratur f
youth literature
young adult literature (abbr.: YA)
literature for young readers
eine Figur sterben lassen v (Literatur, Film usw.) lit.
in der letzten Folge sterben (mĂĽssen)
to kill off () a character (literature, film)
to be killed off in the final episode
Offenbarungs…; Erleuchtungs…; erleuchtend adj relig.
Offenbarungscharakter m
Offenbarungserlebnis n; Erleuchtungserfahrung f
Offenbarungsliteratur f
Offenbarungstext m
revelatory {adj}
revelatory character
revelatory experience
revelatory literature
revelatory text
erzählend; erzählerisch adj; Erzähl… lit.
erzählende Dichtung; Erzähldichtung; epische Dichtung
erzählerische Fähigkeiten
Erzählperspektive f
mündliche Erzähltraditionen
narrative literature; narrative
narrative skills
narrative perspective
oral narrative traditions; oral traditions of narrative
ungeeignet; unpassend; nicht der die das richtige adj
ein ungeeigneter Kandidat fĂĽr die Stelle
Sie haben an den unmöglichsten Orten Hotels gebaut.
Literatur und Technik passen nicht zusammen.
unlikely (only before noun)
an unlikely candidate for the position
They have built hotels in the most unlikely places.
Literature and technology are an unlikely couple.
ungeeignet; unpassend; unmöglich ugs.; nicht der die das richtige adj
ein ungeeigneter Kandidat fĂĽr die Stelle
Sie haben an den unmöglichsten Orten Hotels gebaut.
Literatur und Technik passen nicht zusammen.
unlikely (only before noun)
an unlikely candidate for the position
They have built hotels in the most unlikely places.
Literature and technology are an unlikely couple.
etw. bestätigen; etw. belegen (Sache); etw. bezeugen geh. v
bestätigend; belegend; bezeugend
bestätigt; belegt; bezeugt
Das kann ich bestätigen.; Das kann ich bezeugen.
Der Erfolg dieser Unternehmung wird durch zahlreiche neolithische Fundstätten bestätigt.
Diese Verwendung ist in der Literatur gut belegt.
to attest to sth.
I can attest to this.
The success of this undertaking is attested by numerous Neolithic sites.
This use is well-attested in the literature.
Romanist m, Romanistin f
Romanisten pl, Romanistinnen pl
teacher of Romance languages and Literature, researcher of Romance languages and Literature
teachers of Romance languages and Literature, researchers of Romance languages and Literature
Romanist m; Romanistin f
Romanisten pl; Romanistinnen pl
teacher of Romance languages and Literature; researcher of Romance languages and Literature
teachers of Romance languages and Literature; researchers of Romance languages and Literature
Quellenangabe f; Quellennachweis m; Literaturhinweis m sci.
Quellenangaben pl; Quellennachweise pl; Literaturhinweise pl
Quellenangaben zu einem Literaturverzeichnis zusammenstellen
reference source; source of reference; reference; literature source
reference sources; sources of reference; references; literature sources
to compile sources of reference into a bibliography
Nobelpreis m
Friedensnobelpreis m
Nobelpreis fĂĽr Chemie
Nobelpreis fĂĽr Literatur; Literaturnobelpreis m
Nobelpreis fĂĽr Physik
Nobelpreis fĂĽr Physiologie oder Medizin
1979 erhielt Mutter Teresa den Friedensnobelpreis.
Nobel Prize
Nobel Peace Prize
Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Nobel Prize in Literature
Nobel Prize in Physics
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
In 1979, Mother Teresa won the Nobel Peace Prize.
etw. erfordern; brauchen; in Anspruch nehmen v; dazu gehören v
erfordernd; brauchend; in Anspruch nehmend; dazu gehörend
erfordert; gebraucht; in Anspruch genommen; dazu gegehört
Das erfordert Mut.; Dazu gehört Mut.
Ich brauchte zwei Stunden dorthin.
Man braucht viel Zeit, um die deutsche Literatur zu studieren.
Die Planung der Expedition nahm drei Jahre in Anspruch.
Es gehört schon einiges dazu, etw. zu tun
to take sth.
It takes courage.
It took me two hours to get there.
German literature takes a long time to study.
The expedition took three years to plan.
It takes a lot fair bit to do sth.
etw. erfordern; brauchen; in Anspruch nehmen v; dazu gehören v
erfordernd; brauchend; in Anspruch nehmend; dazu gehörend
erfordert; gebraucht; in Anspruch genommen; dazu gegehört
Das erfordert Mut.; Dazu gehört Mut.
Ich brauchte zwei Stunden dorthin.
Man braucht viel Zeit um die deutsche Literatur zu studieren.
Die Planung der Expedition nahm drei Jahre in Anspruch.
Es gehört schon einiges dazu etw. zu tun
to take sth.
It takes courage.
It took me two hours to get there.
German literature takes a long time to study.
The expedition took three years to plan.
It takes a lot fair bit to do sth.
(einer Sache) angemessen; entsprechend adj
einer Sache entsprechen
Das Gehalt richtet sich nach Alter und Erfahrung.
Eine so hohe Verantwortung muss angemessen entlohnt werden.
Der Stichprobenumfang entspricht vergleichbaren Studien aus der Literatur.
commensurate (with sth.) formal
to be commensurate with sth.
Salary will be commensurate with age and experience.
Such heavy responsibility must receive commensurate remuneration.
The sample size is commensurate with related studies reported in the literature.
Vorlesungsverzeichnis n stud.
Vorlesungsverzeichnisse pl
Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis
course catalogue; university calendar; lecture timetable; university catalogue; student handbook
course catalogues; university calendars; lecture timetables; university catalogues
course catalogue with comments on the course content recommended literature assessment etc.
Vorlesungsverzeichnis n stud.
Vorlesungsverzeichnisse pl
Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis
course catalogue; university calendar; lecture timetable; university catalogue; student handbook
course catalogues; university calendars; lecture timetables; university catalogues
course catalogue with comments on the course content, recommended literature, assessment etc.
Bakkalaureus m; Bachelor m stud.
niedrigster akademischer Grad
Bakkalaureus der Philosophie
Bakkalaureus m der Theologie
Bakkalaureus m der Ingenieurwissenschaften
Bakkalaureus m des Rechts
Bakkalaureus m der Literatur(wissenschaft)
Bakkalaureus m der Literaturwissenschaft
Bakkalaureus m der Medizin
Bakkalaureus m der Naturwissenschaften
Bakkalaureus m der Chirurgie
Bakkalaureus m der Wirtschaftswissenschaften
bachelor of science B.Sc. ; bachelor of arts B.A.
Bachelor of Arts BA
Bachelor of Divinity BD
Bachelor of Engineering BEng
Bachelor of Law BL
Bachelor of Literature BLit
Bachelor of Letters BLitt
Bachelor of Medicine BM
Bachelor of Science Am. BS BSc
Bachelor of Surgery Br. BS
Bachelor of Economic Science BScEcon
Bakkalaureus m; Bachelor m stud.
niedrigster akademischer Grad
Bakkalaureus der Philosophie
Bakkalaureus m der Theologie
Bakkalaureus m der Ingenieurwissenschaften
Bakkalaureus m des Rechts
Bakkalaureus m der Literatur(wissenschaft)
Bakkalaureus m der Literaturwissenschaft
Bakkalaureus m der Medizin
Bakkalaureus m der Naturwissenschaften
Bakkalaureus m der Chirurgie
Bakkalaureus m der Wirtschaftswissenschaften
bachelor of science B.Sc. ; bachelor of arts B.A.
Bachelor of Arts BA
Bachelor of Divinity BD
Bachelor of Engineering BEng
Bachelor of Law BL
Bachelor of Literature BLit
Bachelor of Letters BLitt
Bachelor of Medicine BM
Bachelor of Science Am. BS BSc
Bachelor of Surgery Br. BS
Bachelor of Economic Science BScEcon
Doktor m Dr. ; Doktorin f
Doktoren pl; Doktorinnen pl
seinen Doktor machen
Doktor der Rechte Dr. jur.
Doktor der Medizin Dr. med.
Doktor der Philosophie Dr. phil.
Doktor der Naturwissenschaften Dr. rer.nat.
Doktor der Theologie Dr. theol.
Doktor der Zahnmedizin
Doktor des Zivilrechts Dr. jur.
Doktor beider Rechte
Doktor der Literaturwissenschaften
doctor Dr ; doc coll.
doctors; docs
to take one's doctor's degree; to take one's doctorate
Doctor of Laws LL.D; LL.D ; Doctor of Jurisprudence Am. J.D. ; legum doctor
Doctor of Medicine; medicinae doctor MD
Doctor of Philosophy DPhil; PhD; Ph.D; DPh
Doctor of Science DSc; ScD
Doctor of Divinity DD
Doctor of Dental Surgery DDS
Doctor of Civil Law DCL ; juris civilis doctor JCD
juris utriesque doctor JUD ; Doctor of Canon and Civil Law
Doctor of Letters Doctor of Literature DLit
Studium n (eines Fachgebiets); ...wissenschaften pl; ...kunde f; ...istik f; ...ologie f (Studienfach) stud.
Studium der Arktis
Amerikanistik f
Asianistik f
Orientalistik f
Osteuropawissenschaften pl; Osteuropakunde f
Anglistik f; Englische Philologie f
Germanistik f; Deutsche Philologie f
Romanistik f; Romanische Philologie f
Slawistik f; Slawische Philologie f
Japanistik f; Japanische Philologie f
Japanwissenschaften pl; Japankunde f; Japanologie f
Chinawissenschaften pl; Chinakunde f; Sinologie f
Studies (at a university)
Arctic Studies
American Studies
Asian Studies
Oriental Studies
East European Studies
English Studies; Language and Literary Studies of English; (Studies of) English language and literature; English philology
German Studies; Language and Literary Studies of German; (Studies of) German language and literature; German philology
Romance Studies; (Studies of) Romance languages and literature; Romance philology
Slavic Studies; Slavonic Studies; (Studies of) Slavic languages and literature; Slavic philology; Slavonic philology
Japanese Studies; Language and Literary Studies of Japanese; (Studies of) Japanese language and literature; Japanese philology
Japan Studies; japanology
Chinese Studies; sinology
Studium n (eines Fachgebiets); …wissenschaften pl; …kunde f; …istik f; …ologie f (Studienfach) stud.
Studium der Arktis
Altertumswissenschaften pl
Amerikanistik f
Asianistik f
Orientalistik f
Osteuropawissenschaften pl; Osteuropakunde f
Anglistik f; Englische Philologie f
Germanistik f; Deutsche Philologie f
Romanistik f; Romanische Philologie f
Slawistik f; Slawische Philologie f
Japanistik f; Japanische Philologie f
Japanwissenschaften pl; Japankunde f; Japanologie f
Chinawissenschaften pl; Chinakunde f; Sinologie f
Studies (at a university)
Arctic Studies
Ancient Studies
American Studies
Asian Studies
Oriental Studies
East European Studies
English Studies; Language and Literary Studies of English; (Studies of) English language and literature; English philology
German Studies; Language and Literary Studies of German; (Studies of) German language and literature; German philology
Romance Studies; (Studies of) Romance languages and literature; Romance philology
Slavic Studies; Slavonic Studies; (Studies of) Slavic languages and literature; Slavic philology; Slavonic philology
Japanese Studies; Language and Literary Studies of Japanese; (Studies of) Japanese language and literature; Japanese philology
Japan Studies; japanology
Chinese Studies; sinology

Deutsche Literatur Synonyme

Fachliteratur  Âwissenschaftliche  Literatur  
Literatur  ÂSchriftwerk  ÂText  
Belletristik  Âschöngeistige  Literatur  ÂUnterhaltungsliteratur  

Englische literature Synonyme

literature  French literature  Renaissance literature  ancient literature  article  autograph  belles lettres  belles-lettres  bibliography  body of knowledge  body of learning  brainchild  brochures  circulars  classics  composition  computer printout  contemporary literature  copy  cyclopedia  data  document  draft  edited version  encyclopedia  engrossment  erotic literature  erotica  essay  facts  fair copy  fiction  final draft  finished version  first draft  flimsy  folk literature  holograph  humane letters  information  kitsch  leaflets  letter  letters  literae scriptae  literary artefact  literary production  lore  lucubration  manuscript  materials  matter  medieval literature  national literature  nonfiction  obscene literature  opus  original  pamphlets  paper  parchment  penscript  piece  piece of writing  play  poem  polite literature  pop literature  popular literature  pornographic literature  pornography  printed matter  printout  production  propaganda  pseudonymous literature  publications  publicity  reading matter  recension  republic of letters  scatological literature  screed  scrip  script  scrive  scroll  second draft  serious literature  store of knowledge  system of knowledge  the written word  transcript  transcription  travel literature  treasury of information  typescript  underground literature  version  wisdom literature  work  writing  writings  

literature Definition

(n.) Learning
(n.) The collective body of literary productions, embracing the entire results of knowledge and fancy preserved in writing
(n.) The class of writings distinguished for beauty of style or expression, as poetry, essays, or history, in distinction from scientific treatises and works which contain positive knowledge
(n.) The occupation, profession, or business of doing literary work.

literature Bedeutung

literature the profession or art of a writer, her place in literature is secure
the humanistic study of a body of literature, he took a course in Russian lit
comparative literature study of literary works from different cultures (often in translation)
literature creative writing of recognized artistic value
literature published writings in a particular style on a particular subject, the technical literature, one aspect of Waterloo has not yet been treated in the literature
sapiential book
wisdom book
wisdom literature
any of the biblical books (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus) that are considered to contain wisdom
Talmudic literature (Judaism) ancient rabbinical writings
Sanskrit literature Hindu literature written in Sanskrit
Vedic literature
(from the Sanskrit word for `knowledge') any of the most ancient sacred writings of Hinduism written in early Sanskrit, traditionally believed to comprise the Samhitas, the Brahmanas, the Aranyakas, and the Upanishads
Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System
relational database of the United States National Library of Medicine for the storage and retrieval of bibliographical information concerning the biomedical literature
Bachelor of Literature
a bachelor's degree in literature
Master of Literature
a master's degree in literature
Ergebnisse der Bewertung:
107 Bewertungen 4


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Literature, in its broadest sense, is any single body of written works. More restrictively, it is writing considered as an art form, or any single writing deemed to have artistic or intellectual value, often due to deploying language in ways that differ from ordinary usage. Its Latin root literaturalitteratura was used to refer to all written accounts, though contemporary definitions extend the term to include texts that are spoken or sung . Literature can be classified according to whether it is fiction or non-fiction and whether it is poetry or prose; it can be further distinguished according to major forms such as the novel, short story or drama; and works are often categorized according to historical periods or their adherence to certain aesthetic features or expectations .

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