
live action Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Realverfilmung f (von)
live-action (film) version (of)
Realfilm m
Realfilme pl
live-action film
live-action films
action group
Anklage erheben
bring in an action
Antrag auf Erlass einer einstweiligen Verfügung
action for an injunction
das Handlungsvorgehen
the course of action
disciplinary action
Einstellung einer Klage
abandonment of an action
gemeinsame Handlung
joint action
gemeinsames Handeln
joint action
gemeinsames Handeln, gemeinsames Vorgehen
concerted action
gerade genug um zu leben
just enough to live
gerichtliches Vorgehen
legal action
im Klagewege, durch eine Klage
by way of action
im Zusammenhang mit irgendeiner Maßnahme
in connection with any action
Klage auf Tariferhöhung
industrial action
Klage auf Vertragserfüllung
action for breach of contract
Klage auf Zahlung
action for payment
Klage vor Gericht
legal action
Klage wegen Nichtzahlung
action for non-payment
Klage wegen Patentverletzung
action for infringement of a patent
Klage, Handlung
cause of action
right of action
abandonment of action
leben, wohnen, lebend
live birth
live births
positiv bejahende Handlung
affirmative action
Rücknahme einer Klage
waiver of an action
action for damages
Tat, Tätigkeit, Handlung
field of action
action for support
action for an injunction
action for injunction
Verkehrsunfallprozess, Prozess wegen Unfalls
accident action
action for slander
von Arbeitslosenunterstützung leben
live on unemployment benefits
action on a bill
wie Banken vorgehen sollten
the course of action banks should follow
civil action
Abrollbewegung f beim Gehen
flexing action during walking
Abscheren n
shearing, shearing action
Aktennotiz f mit Festlegung der Aktionspunkte
action memo
Aktion f, Handlung f, Wirkung f
Aktionen pl, Handlungen pl, Wirkungen pl
konzertierte Aktion
concerted action
Aktionsblock m
action block
Aktionsgemeinschaft f, Bürgerinitiative f
action group
Aktionsparameter m
action parameter
Aktionsmalerei f
action painting
Aktionsobjekt n
object of operation, object of action
Aktionsplanung f
planning of action
Aktionspotenzial n, Aktionspotential n alt
action potential
Aktionsprogramm n, Handlungsprogramm n
action program, action programme Br.
Aktionspunkte pl
action items
Aktionsradius m
radius, radius of action (ROA), sphere of action
Almosen n, pl, milde Gabe f
von Almosen leben
to live on charity
Amoklauf m
crazed action, killing spree
Anfechtungsklage f jur.
action for annulment
Annehmlichkeit f, Behaglichkeit f
Annehmlichkeiten pl, Behaglichkeiten pl
in angenehmen Verhältnissen leben
to live in comfort
Anpassungsfähigkeit f, Verhaltensflexibilität f
action flexibility
Arbeitskampf m
industrial action
Arbeitskampfmaßnahme f
form of industrial action
Australien n, Neuseeland n
in Australien
Neuseeland leben
down under coll.
to live down under
Bedienungsmaßnahme f
Belegzeit f, Funktionszeit f
action period
Beleidigungsklage f, Beleidigungsprozess m
Beleidigungsklage anstrengen
libel action, libel suit
to sue sb. for libel (slander)
Bewegungsfreiheit f
liberty of action
Bürgeraktion f
citizens' initiative, citizens' action group
Dachgeschoss n
im Dachgeschoss
im Dachgeschoss wohnen
top floor, loft, attic, attic storey
in the attic
to live under the roof
Diorama n, mit Figuren nachgestellte Szene (im Museum)
diorama, custom action figure scenery
Direktübertragung f
live broadcast
Disziplinarmaßnahme f
Disziplinarmaßnahmen pl
gegen jdn. Disziplinarmaßnahmen einleiten
disciplinary action
disciplinary actions
to take disciplinary action against sb.
Disziplinarverfahren n
Disziplinarverfahren pl
disciplinary action
disciplinary actions
Doppelfunktionstaste f
Doppelfunktionstasten pl
alternate action key
alternate action keies
Draht m, Kabel n, Leitung f, Drahtschlinge f
Drähte pl, Kabel pl, Leitungen pl
abgeschirmter Draht
elektrische Leitung
stromführender Draht
mit zwei Drähten
Abmanteln des Kabels
Drähte abisolieren
abisolierter Draht, abisolierte Leitung
dünne Leitungen
shielded wire
connecting wire
live wire
stripping of cable
to strip wires
stripped wire
wires with small insulation diameter
Druckpunkt m
Druckpunkte pl
pressure point, action point
pressure points, action points
Ehrenbeleidigungsklage f
action for libel, action for slander, libel action
Ehrverletzungsprozess m
action for libel, action for slander, libel action
Eigenleben n
ein Eigenleben haben, ein Eigenleben führen
one's own life, life of one's own
to live one's own life
Eigentumsklage f, Besitzstörungsklage f jur.
action of trespass
Einsatz m
action, operation
im Einsatz
in use, in action
zum Einsatz kommen
to go into action
Einsatzbefehl m
order to go into action
Einsatzkräfte pl
action force
Einsatzort m
Einsatzorte pl
place of action
places of action
Einsatzplan m
Einsatzpläne pl
plan of action
plans of action
Einstellung f jur.
Einstellung einer Klage
Einstellung des Verfahrens
abondonment, abatement
abandonment of an action
abatement of the action, closing of the proceedings
Einvernehmen n, Eintracht f, Harmonie f
in gutem Einvernehmen leben
to live in perfect harmony
Fördermaßnahmen pl zugunsten benachteiligter Gruppen
affirmative action
Frischdampf m mach. (Kessel)
main steam, live steam
Funktionsbezeichnung f
action designator
Funktionsdiagramm m
Funktionsdiagramme pl
action chart
action charts
Fuß m
Füße pl
zu Fuß gehen
jdm. auf den Fuß treten
auf eigenen Füßen stehen
auf großem Fuß leben
auf gutem Fuß stehen
auf schlechtem Fuß stehen
jdm. auf dem falschen Fuß erwischen übtr.
etw. auf dem Fuße folgen
etw. mit Füßen treten übtr.
festen Fuß fassen
kalte Füße bekommen
mit dem falschen Fuß aufstehen übtr.
to go on foot, to walk
to tread on sb.'s foot
to stand on one's own feet, to stand by oneself
to live like a lord, to live in style
to be on good terms
to be on bad terms
to catch sb. on the wrong foot
to be hot on the heels of sth., to follow hard on sth.
to trample all over so.
to gain a foothold
to get cold feet
to get up on the wrong side of bed fig.
Gang m, Arbeitsgang m
running, working, action, operation
Gefallene m f , Gefallener
Gefallenen pl, Gefallene
person killed in action
those killed in action
Gefechtsbereitschaft f
in Gefechtsbereitschaft
in Gefechtsbereitschaft versetzen
Gefechtsbereitschaft befehlen, Alarm auslösen
readiness for action, readiness for battle
fully operational
to alert
to give the alert
Gegenklage f, Gegenanklage f, Widerklage f jur.
Gegenklagen pl, Widerklagen pl
counterclaim, countercharge, cross action
cross actions
Gegenmaßnahmen pl
retaliatory action
in enger Gemeinschaft leben (mit)
to live in close companionship (with)
Handlung f
Handlungen pl
absichtliche Handlung
Handlung oder Unterlassung
action, act
actions, acts
deliberate act, intentional action
act or failure to act
Handlungsalternative f
action alternative
Handlungsbedarf m
need for action
Handlungsempfehlungen pl
recommendations for action
Handlungsfreiheit f
freedom of action, freedom to act
Handlungsspielraum m
scope (of action), freedom to act
Handreibahle f techn.
nachstellbare Handreibahle f
schnellverstellbare Handreibahle f
hand reamer
adjustable hand reamer
quick-action hand reamer
Hebelwirkung f
lever action
Herde f (Schafherde), Schar f
Herden pl
in der Herde leben
mit der Herde laufen
to live in herds
(just) follow the herd
Hilfsaktion f
relief action
Hilfsmaßnahmen pl, Abhilfemaßnahmen pl
remedial action, remedial measures
Kampfhandlung f, Kampf m mil.
im Kampf gefallen, im Kampf getötet
im Kampf vermisst
action, operation
killed in action (KIA)
missed in action (MIA)
Kampfmaßnahme f
Kampfmaßnahmen pl
military action
military actions
Keilschneidwerkzeuge pl
wedge-action cutting tools
Klage f jur.
Klage aus schuldrechtlichem Vertrag
Klage aus unerlaubter Handlung
Klage auf Herausgabe
Klage gegen Mitgliedsstaaten
action, lawsuit
action ex contractu
action ex delicto
action for restitution
action against member states
Klagegrund m
Klagegründe pl
cause of action
causes of action
Klagerecht n jur.
right of action
Klagerücknahme f
abandonment of action
Klageweg m
by entering an action
Kontakt m electr.
Kontakte pl
Kontakt herstellen
erweiterter Kontakt
federnder Kontakt
gedrehte Kontakte
geschützte Kontakte
gesteckter Kontakt, gewickelter Kontakt
konzentrischer Kontakt
männlicher Kontakt
potenzialfreier Kontakt
voreilender Kontakt
Kontakte strahlen
Ausbau der Kontakte
auswechselbare, lötfreie Kontakte
direkt geschalteter Kontakt
Bund des Kontaktes
Kontakt mit Anschlusshülse
Kontakte einschieben, Kontakte einbringen
to make contact
enlarged contact
resilient contact
machined contacts
shrouded contacts
wrapped connection
concentric contact
pin contact
dry contact
first-to-make last-to-break contact
to blast the contacts
removal of contacts
crimp snap-in contacts
slow action contact
connector shoulder
contact with conductor barrel
to insert contacts
Koordinierungsmaßnahme f
Koordinierungsmaßnahmen pl
coordination action
coordination actions
Korrekturmaßnahme f, Abhilfsmaßnahme f
corrective action
Lebendfutter n
live food
Lebensraum m
living space, space to live, lebensraum
Lebenswille f
zäher Lebenswille
will to live
tenacity of life
Lichteinwirkung f
action of light
Linearisierung f
linearization, linearizing action
Maßnahme f
spezifische Maßnahmen
direkte Maßnahme
indirekte Maßnahme
sich zu Maßnahmen gezwungen sehen
specific action
direct action
indirect action
to be forced to take action
Maßnahmeplanung f
action planning
Munition f
scharfe Munition
ammunition, ammo
live ammonition
Nichtigkeitsklage f jur.
action for annulment
Nullspannung f
live zero
Nutzlast f
live load, imposed load
Originalsendung f
live program, live programme Br.
Pedalbewegung f
pedalling action
Prozessfähigkeit f jur.
entitlement to take legal action
sehr lebhafter Mensch, Quirl m
live wire
Räumungsklage f jur.
Räumungsklagen pl
action for possession
actions for possession
Reaktion f, Gegenwirkung f
Reaktionen pl, Reaktionsfähigkeit f
Wirkung und Gegenwirkung
gefühlsmäßige Reaktion
action and reaction
gut reaction
Reaktion f chem.
chemische Reaktion
reaction, action
chemical reaction, chemical action
Rechnungslegung f fin.
Grundsätze der Rechnungslegung
Klage auf Rechnungslegung
allgemein anerkannte Grundsätze der Rechnungslegung
accounting, rendering of accounts, billing
accounting rules
action for accounting
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) Am.
Rechtsweg m
unter Ausschluss des Rechtsweges
den Rechtsweg beschreiten, den Rechtsweg einschlagen
auf dem Rechtsweg
legal action, legal process
without possibility of recourse to legal action
to have recourse to
by taking legal action, by recourse to legal action
Rettungsgerät n
live-saving equipment
Sammelklage f, Gemeinschaftsklage f jur.
Sammelklagen pl, Gemeinschaftsklagen pl
class action lawsuit, class-action suit
class action lawsuits, class-action suits
Sanierungsmaßnahme f
restoration, remedial action
Schadensersatzklage f, Schadenersatzklage f
action for damages
Schandtat f
infamous action
Scharfschießen n
live shooting
Schlacht f (bei), Gefecht n (um) mil.
Schlachten pl, Gefechte pl
im Gefecht mit
außer Gefecht setzen
die Schlacht bei Jena
battle (of) (for)
in battle with, engaged with, fighting with
to put out of action
the battle of Jena
Schlachtplan m
Schlachtpläne pl
plan of action
plans of action

Deutsche Realverfilmung {f} (von) Synonyme

Englische live-action version Synonyme

live action Definition

(n.) A process or condition of acting or moving, as opposed to rest
(n.) An act
(n.) The event or connected series of events, either real or imaginary, forming the subject of a play, poem, or other composition
(n.) Movement
(n.) Effective motion
(n.) Any one of the active processes going on in an organism
(n.) Gesticulation
(n.) The attitude or position of the several parts of the body as expressive of the sentiment or passion depicted.
(n.) A suit or process, by which a demand is made of a right in a court of justice
(n.) A right of action
(n.) A share in the capital stock of a joint-stock company, or in the public funds
(n.) An engagement between troops in war, whether on land or water
(n.) The mechanical contrivance by means of which the impulse of the player's finger is transmitted to the strings of a pianoforte or to the valve of an organ pipe.
(v. i.) To be alive
(v. i.) To pass one's time
(v. i.) To make one's abiding place or home
(v. i.) To be or continue in existence
(v. i.) To enjoy or make the most of life
(v. i.) To feed
(v. i.) To have a spiritual existence
(v. i.) To be maintained in life
(v. i.) To outlast danger
(v. t.) To spend, as one's life
(v. t.) To act habitually in conformity with
(a.) Having life
(a.) Being in a state of ignition
(a.) Full of earnestness
(a.) Vivid
(a.) Imparting power
(n.) Life.
(n.) A plant (Sedum Telephium) with fleshy leaves, which has extreme powers of resisting drought
(n.) Action by, or originating in, one's self or itself.

live action Bedeutung

human action
human activity
something that people do or cause to happen
action something done (usually as opposed to something said), there were stories of murders and other unnatural actions
course of action
a mode of action, if you persist in that course you will surely fail, once a nation is embarked on a course of action it becomes extremely difficult for any retraction to take place
maneuver manoeuvre evasive action an action aimed at evading an opponent
execution carrying out carrying into action
the act of performing, of doing something successfully, using knowledge as distinguished from merely possessing it, they criticised his performance as mayor, experience generally improves performance
action the most important or interesting work or activity in a specific area or field, the action is no longer in technology stocks but in municipal bonds, gawkers always try to get as close to the action as possible
reflex response
reflex action
instinctive reflex
innate reflex
inborn reflex
unconditioned reflex
physiological reaction
an automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus
military action
a military engagement, he saw action in Korea
police action a local military action without declaration of war, against violators of international peace and order
instant replay
action replay
the immediate rebroadcast of some action (especially sports action) that has been recorded on videotape
group action action taken by a group of people
direct action a protest action by labor or minority groups to obtain their demands
legal action
action action at law
a judicial proceeding brought by one party against another, one party prosecutes another for a wrong done or for protection of a right or for prevention of a wrong
action an act by a government body or supranational organization, recent federal action undermined the segregationist position, the United Nations must have the power to propose and organize action without being hobbled by irrelevant issues, the Union action of emancipating Southern slaves
class action
class-action suit
a lawsuit brought by a representative member of a large group of people on behalf of all members of the group
civil action legal action to protect a private civil right or to compel a civil remedy (as distinguished from criminal prosecution)
job action a temporary action by workers to protest management decision or to make demands
topminnow poeciliid fish
small usually brightlyolored viviparous surface-feeding fishes of fresh or brackish warm waters, often used in mosquito control
Abstract Expressionism
action painting
a New York school of painting characterized by freely created abstractions, the first important school of American painting to develop independently of European styles
action mechanism
the operating part that transmits power to a mechanism, the piano had a very stiff action
scene of action
a playing field where sports events take place
delayed action a mechanism that automatically delays the release of a camera shutter for a fixed period of time so that the photographer can appear in the picture
live axle
driving axle
the axle of a self-propelled vehicle that provides the driving power
live load
a variable load on a structure (e.g. a bridge) such as moving traffic
piano action action consisting of a system of levers that move a felt hammer to strike the strings when a key is depressed
pump action
slide action
action mechanism in a modern rifle or shotgun, a back and forward motion of a sliding lever ejects the empty shell case and cocks the firearm and loads a new round
Sabin vaccine
oral poliovirus vaccine
trivalent live oral poliomyelitis vaccine
an oral vaccine (containing live but weakened poliovirus) that is given to provide immunity to poliomyelitis
action the trait of being active and energetic and forceful, a man of action
right of action the legal right to sue
live body the body of a living animal or person
possibility possible action
a possible alternative, bankruptcy is always a possibility
impossible action
an alternative that is not available
law of mass action (chemistry) the law that states the following principle: the rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the molecular concentrations of the reacting substances
third law of motion
Newton's third law of motion
Newton's third law
law of action and reaction
action and reaction are equal and opposite
plan of action a plan for actively doing something
mass-action principle
mass action
(neurology) the principle that the cortex of the brain operates as a coordinated system with large masses of neural tissue involved in all complex functioning
action the series of events that form a plot, his novels always have a lot of action
social action a social policy of reform (especially socioeconomic reform)
affirmative action a policy designed to redress past discrimination against women and minority groups through measures to improve their economic and educational opportunities, affirmative action has been extremely controversial and was challenged in in the Bakke decision
cause of action a claim sufficient to demand judicial attention, the facts that give rise to right of action
action potential the local voltage change across the cell wall as a nerve impulse is transmitted
live birth the birth of a living fetus (regardless of the length of gestation)
Lautaro Youth Movement
Lautaro Faction of the United Popular Action Movement
Lautaro Popular Rebel Forces
a violent terrorist group organized in the s and advocating the overthrow of the Chilean military government, leaders are mainly criminals or impoverished youths
party to the action
party to the transaction
a party of people taking a role in legal proceedings
political action committee
committee formed by a special-interest group to raise money for their favorite political candidates
action officer the case officer designated to perform an act during a clandestine operation (especially in a hostile area)
eager beaver
busy bee
live wire
sharpie sharpy
an alert and energetic person
man of action
man of deeds
someone inclined to act first and think later
action spectrum the efficiency with which electromagnetic radiation produces a photochemical reaction plotted as a function of the wavelength of the radiation
capillary action
a phenomenon associated with surface tension and resulting in the elevation or depression of liquids in capillaries
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