
live belt Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

live belt
conveyor-belt production
conveyer belt
gerade genug um zu leben
just enough to live
leben, wohnen, lebend
live birth
live births
von Arbeitslosenunterstützung leben
live on unemployment benefits
Abzugsband n, Abzugsförderer m techn.
discharge belt, discharge conveyor
Almosen n, pl, milde Gabe f
von Almosen leben
to live on charity
Annehmlichkeit f, Behaglichkeit f
Annehmlichkeiten pl, Behaglichkeiten pl
in angenehmen Verhältnissen leben
to live in comfort
Antriebsriemen m techn.
Antriebsriemen pl
drivebelt, driving belt
drivebelts, driving belts
Aufrollvorrichtung f (für Gurte) auto
seat belt retractor
Australien n, Neuseeland n
in Australien
Neuseeland leben
down under coll.
to live down under
Band n (Förderband)
Bänder pl
Bandförderer m, Laufband n
ropebelt conveyor, belt conveyor
Bandkeil m
belt key
Bandschieflaufüberwachung f mach.
belt training
Bandschleifmaschine f techn.
Bandschleifmaschinen pl
belt sander
belt sanders
Bandschloss n
belt lock
Bandtragrolle f techn. (Förderer)
Bandtragrollen pl
belt idler
belt idlers
muldenförmige Bandtragrollenstation f (Förderer) mach.
belt troughingidler set (conveyor)
Bauchgurt m
Bauchgürte pl
abdominal belt
abdominal belts
Beförderungsband n
conveyor belt
Region f mit starker religiöser Prägung (insb. Südstaaten der USA)
Bible belt
Bodenfeuchtezone f
belt of soil moisture
Brennergürtelbelastung f mach.
burner-belt heat release (rate)
Brennergürtelhöhe f mach.
burner belt height
Dachgeschoss n
im Dachgeschoss
im Dachgeschoss wohnen
top floor, loft, attic, attic storey
in the attic
to live under the roof
Direktübertragung f
live broadcast
Draht m, Kabel n, Leitung f, Drahtschlinge f
Drähte pl, Kabel pl, Leitungen pl
abgeschirmter Draht
elektrische Leitung
stromführender Draht
mit zwei Drähten
Abmanteln des Kabels
Drähte abisolieren
abisolierter Draht, abisolierte Leitung
dünne Leitungen
shielded wire
connecting wire
live wire
stripping of cable
to strip wires
stripped wire
wires with small insulation diameter
Dreipunktgurt m auto
Dreipunktgurte pl
lap and diagonal seat belt
lap and diagonal seat belts
Dreipunktsicherheitsgurt m auto
Dreipunktsicherheitsgurte pl
three-point safety belt
three-point safety belts
Eigenleben n
ein Eigenleben haben, ein Eigenleben führen
one's own life, life of one's own
to live one's own life
Einvernehmen n, Eintracht f, Harmonie f
in gutem Einvernehmen leben
to live in perfect harmony
Einzugsgebiet n
commuter belt
Elektromagnetbandscheider m mach.
Elektromagnetbandscheider pl
electromagnetic belt separator
electromagnetic belt separators
Flachriemen m
Flachriemen pl
flat belt
flat belts
Flachriemenantrieb m mach.
Flachriemenantriebe pl
flat belt drive
flat belt drives
Fließbandfertigung f
assembly belt production
Förderband n
Förderbänder pl
conveyor belt, band conveyor, conveyer
conveyor belts, band conveyors, conveyers
Förderbandbrücke f mach.
Förderbandbrücken pl
belt conveyor gallery
belt conveyor galleries
Fördergurt m techn.
Fördergurte pl
belt of a conveyor
belts of a conveyor
Frischdampf m mach. (Kessel)
main steam, live steam
Fuß m
Füße pl
zu Fuß gehen
jdm. auf den Fuß treten
auf eigenen Füßen stehen
auf großem Fuß leben
auf gutem Fuß stehen
auf schlechtem Fuß stehen
jdm. auf dem falschen Fuß erwischen übtr.
etw. auf dem Fuße folgen
etw. mit Füßen treten übtr.
festen Fuß fassen
kalte Füße bekommen
mit dem falschen Fuß aufstehen übtr.
to go on foot, to walk
to tread on sb.'s foot
to stand on one's own feet, to stand by oneself
to live like a lord, to live in style
to be on good terms
to be on bad terms
to catch sb. on the wrong foot
to be hot on the heels of sth., to follow hard on sth.
to trample all over so.
to gain a foothold
to get cold feet
to get up on the wrong side of bed fig.
in enger Gemeinschaft leben (mit)
to live in close companionship (with)
Gepäckband n
luggage conveyor belt Br., baggage conveyor belt
Getreidegürtel m geogr.
Corn Belt (U.S.)
Gürtel m, Gurt m, Riemen m
Gürtel pl
den Gürtel enger schnallen übtr.
to tighten one's belt fig.
Gürtellinie f
Gürtellinien pl
ein Schlag unter die Gürtellinie
waistline, waist
a punch below the belt
Gürtelschnalle f
belt-buckle, belt loop
Gummigurtförderer m techn.
Gummigurtförderer pl
rubber belt conveyor
rubber belt conveyors
Gurtbandförderer m, Gurtförderer m, Riemenförderer m techn.
Gurtbandförderer pl, Gurtförderer pl, Riemenförderer pl
belt conveyor
belt conveyors
Gurtkräfte pl
belt forces
Gurtkraftbegrenzer m auto
belt force limiter
Gurtstraffer m auto
belt tensioner, pretensioner, seat belt pretensioner
Gurtzug m, Bandzug m
belt tension
Haltegummi m für einer Taucherbrille
goggle belt
Herde f (Schafherde), Schar f
Herden pl
in der Herde leben
mit der Herde laufen
to live in herds
(just) follow the herd
Hosenträgergurt m
shoulder belt, shoulder harness
Kalmengürtel m meteo.
calm belt
Keilriemen m mach.
Keilriemen pl
Keilriemenantrie m mach.
Keilriemenantrieben pl
V-belt drive
V-belt drives
Keilriemenscheibe f mach.
Keilriemenscheiben pl
V-belt pulley
V-belt pulleys
Keilrippenriemen m
Kettendrucker m
belt printer
Keuschheitsgürtel m
chastity belt
Koppel n mil.
waist belt, belt
Koppelschloss n mil.
belt buckle
Koppeltraggestell n mil.
belt support braces
Lebendfutter n
live food
Lebensraum m
living space, space to live, lebensraum
Lebenswille f
zäher Lebenswille
will to live
tenacity of life
Lüfterantriebsriemen m
fan belt
Munition f
scharfe Munition
ammunition, ammo
live ammonition
Munitionsgürtel m
Munitionsgürtel pl
ammunition belt
ammunition belts
Nullspannung f
live zero
Nutzlast f
live load, imposed load
Obergurt m
top chord, upper chord, upper belt, top boom
Originalsendung f
live program, live programme Br.
Plattenband n techn.
Plattenbänder pl
apron belt
apron belts
sehr lebhafter Mensch, Quirl m
live wire
Regenzone f
rain belt
Rettungsgerät n
live-saving equipment
Riemenantrieb m
belt drive
Riemenbreite f
belt width
Riemendurchbiegung f
belt bending force
Riemenfransung f
belt fraying
Riemenscheibe f
pulley, belt pulley
Riemenspannrolle f techn.
belt tightener
Riemenspannung f
belt tension
Riementrieb m
belt drive
Scharfschießen n
live shooting
Schleifband n
sanding belt
Schlosszunge f
belt tongue
Schwimmgürtel m
Schwimmgürtel pl
swimming belt
swimming belts
Seilreibung f
belt friction
Sicherheitsgurt m
Sicherheitsgurte pl
safety belt, seatbelt
safety belts, seatbelts
Sitzgurt m
lap belt
Sortierband n
segregation line, picking belt
Stadt f
Städte pl
in der Stadt
in der ganzen Stadt
in die Stadt gehen
in der Stadt wohnen
in town
all over the town
to go into town
to live in town
Stadtumgehung f
ring-road Br., beltway, belt highway Am.
Steuerriemen m techn.
gezahnter Steuerungsriemen
cam belt, timing belt
cogged timing belt
Straps m
suspender belt Br., garter belt Am.
Teil m, Stück n
Teile pl, Stücke pl
aktiver Teil
zum Teil, teilweise
zu gleichen Teilen
zum großen Teil
live part
in part, partly
in equal parts
in large part, for the most part, to a large extent
Test m, Überprüfung f
Tests pl, Überprüfungen pl
Test unter Einsatzbedingungen
live test
Tiefschlag m
Tiefschläge pl
Transportband n
Transportbänder pl
Treibriemen m
Treibriemen pl
driving belt, belt
driving belts, belts
Untergurt m
Untergurte pl
bottom chord, lower chord, lower belt, bottom boom
bottom chords, lower chords, lower belts, bottom booms
Ventilatorriemen m techn.
Ventilatorriemen pl
fan belt
fan belts
in guten Verhältnissen leben
to live at ease
Verkehrslasten pl constr.
live load
Vieh n, Nutztier n, Viehbestand m, Nutztierherde f agr.
livestock, live stock
Viehwagen m
live stock waggon
Zahnriemen m techn.
timing belt, toothed belt, tooth belt
Zone f
Zuführungsriemen m techn.
Zuführungsriemen pl
picker belt
picker belts
sich anschnallen, sich angurten
sich anschnallen, sich angurtend
sich angeschnallt, sich angegurtet
to belt up coll.
belting up
belted up
sich ausleben, das Leben genießen
to live the life to the full, to enjoy life to the full
außerhalb adv (von)
außerhalb von Leipzig wohnen
von außerhalb
outside (of), out (of)
to live outside Leipzig
from outside, from out of town
außerhalb wohnen
to live out of town
auswärts wohnen
to live out
durchleben v
to live through, to go through
living through, going through
lived through, gone through
etw. erfüllen v
to live up to sth.
to live to see
sich ernähren von, leben von
sich ernährend, lebend
sich ernährt, gelebt
von etw. leben
Wovon lebt sie?
to subsist on, to live on
subsisting, living
subsisted, lived
to subsist on sth.
What does she live on?
fort bestehen, fortbestehen alt, weiterleben
to continue to exist, to survive, to live on
fortleben v
lebt fort
lebte for
to live on, to survive
living on, surviving
lived on, survived
lives on: survives
lived on, survived
gefährlich leben
to live on the edge
hauen, schlagen
hauend, schlagend
gehauen, geschlagen
sie haut
sie haute, ich
sie hieb, ich
sie schlug
sie hat
hatte gehauen, er
sie hat
hatte geschlagen
to belt, to clobber, to hit {hit, hit}
belting, clobbering, hitting
belted, clobbered, hit
she belts
she belted
she has
had belted
du lebst
sie lebt
sie lebte
getrennt leben
in den Tag hinein leben
in Saus und Braus leben
to live
you live
she lives
she lived
to live apart
to live for the moment
to live on the fat of the land
leben (von)
to live (on)
naturverbunden sein, naturnah leben
to live in close touch with nature
to live extravagantly
rasen v
to belt along coll.
to live on others
schmettern, hämmern
to belt coll.
sorgenfrei adv
sorgenfrei leben
in a carefree manner
to live in a carefree manner
stromführendes Teil
live part
to live out Am.
wach werden v
wach werdend
wach geworden
to live up, to wake up, to become awake, to awaken
living up, waking up, becoming awake, awakening
lived up, woken up, become awake, awakened
weiterleben v
to continue to live
wie Gott in Frankreich leben, wie die Made im Speck leben übtr.
to live in clover, to be in clover, to live like a like a bee in clover, to live in the lap of luxury, to live off the fat of the land, to live the life of Riley fig.
wohnen, leben v (in)
ich wohne
du wohnst
sie wohnt
sie wohnte
sie hat
hatte gewohnt
to live (in)
I live
you live
she lives
she lived
she has
had lived
zehren von
to live on, to live off, to draw on
zusammen leben, zusammenleben
zusammen lebend, zusammenlebend
zusammen gelebt, zusammengelebt
to live together
living together
lived together
Gürtel m (radial)
belt (radial)

Deutsche Rettungsweste Synonyme

Englische live-belt Synonyme

live belt Definition

(n.) That which engirdles a person or thing
(n.) That which restrains or confines as a girdle.
(n.) Anything that resembles a belt, or that encircles or crosses like a belt
(n.) Same as Band, n., 2. A very broad band is more properly termed a belt.
(n.) One of certain girdles or zones on the surface of the planets Jupiter and Saturn, supposed to be of the nature of clouds.
(n.) A narrow passage or strait
(n.) A token or badge of knightly rank.
(n.) A band of leather, or other flexible substance, passing around two wheels, and communicating motion from one to the other.
(n.) A band or stripe, as of color, round any organ
(v. t.) To encircle with, or as with, a belt
(v. t.) To shear, as the buttocks and tails of sheep.
(v. i.) To be alive
(v. i.) To pass one's time
(v. i.) To make one's abiding place or home
(v. i.) To be or continue in existence
(v. i.) To enjoy or make the most of life
(v. i.) To feed
(v. i.) To have a spiritual existence
(v. i.) To be maintained in life
(v. i.) To outlast danger
(v. t.) To spend, as one's life
(v. t.) To act habitually in conformity with
(a.) Having life
(a.) Being in a state of ignition
(a.) Full of earnestness
(a.) Vivid
(a.) Imparting power
(n.) Life.
(n.) A plant (Sedum Telephium) with fleshy leaves, which has extreme powers of resisting drought

live belt Bedeutung

the act of hitting vigorously, he gave the table a whack
topminnow poeciliid fish
small usually brightlyolored viviparous surface-feeding fishes of fresh or brackish warm waters, often used in mosquito control
belt a band to tie or buckle around the body (usually at the waist)
belt endless loop of flexible material between two rotating shafts or pulleys
belt belt ammunition
belted ammunition
ammunition (usually of small caliber) loaded in flexible linked strips for use in a machine gun
belt buckle the buckle used to fasten a belt
cartridge belt a broad belt with loops or pockets for holding ammunition
conveyer belt
conveyor belt
a moving belt that transports objects (as in a factory)
driving belt a belt that carries motion from a motor to the machinery
fan belt a belt driven by the crankshaft that drives a fan that pulls air through the radiator
garter belt
suspender belt
a wide belt of elastic with straps hanging from it, worn by women to hold up stockings
life buoy
life belt
life ring
a life preserver in the form of a ring of buoyant material
live axle
driving axle
the axle of a self-propelled vehicle that provides the driving power
live load
a variable load on a structure (e.g. a bridge) such as moving traffic
money belt belt with a concealed section for holding money
Sabin vaccine
oral poliovirus vaccine
trivalent live oral poliomyelitis vaccine
an oral vaccine (containing live but weakened poliovirus) that is given to provide immunity to poliomyelitis
safety belt
life belt safety harness
belt attaching you to some object as a restraint in order to prevent you from getting hurt
Sam Browne belt leather belt supported by a strap over the right shoulder
seat belt
a safety belt used in a car or plane to hold you in your seat in case of an accident
waist pack
belt bag
a small pouch (usually with a zipper) that attaches to a belt and is worn around the waist
live body the body of a living animal or person
black belt a black sash worn to show expert standards in the martial arts (judo or karate)
live birth the birth of a living fetus (regardless of the length of gestation)
bang smash belt
a vigorous blow, the sudden knock floored him, he took a bash right in his face, he got a bang on the head
asteroid belt the region of interplanetary space between Mars and Jupiter where most asteroids are found
belt an elongated region where a specific condition or characteristic is found, a belt of high pressure
Bible Belt southern and midwestern United States where Protestant fundamentalism is dominant
Corn Belt the midwestern states where corn is grown, Iowa and Illinois are excellent for raising corn and corn-fed livestock
stockbroker belt a wealthy residential suburb
Van Allen belt a belt of charged particles (resulting from cosmic rays) above the Earth trapped by the Earth's magnetic field
borscht circuit
borsht circuit
borscht belt
borsht belt
(informal) a resort area in the Catskill Mountains of New York that was patronized primarily by Jewish guests, many comedians learned their trade playing the borscht circuit
Kuiper belt
Edgeworth-Kuiper belt
a disk-shaped region of minor planets outside the orbit of Neptune
Kuiper belt object
any of many minor planets in the Kuiper belt outside the orbit of Neptune at the edge of the solar system
a path or strip (as cut by one course of mowing)
belt maker a maker of belts
black belt a person who attained the rank of expert in the martial arts (judo or karate)
eager beaver
busy bee
live wire
sharpie sharpy
an alert and energetic person
sensitive plant touch-me-not shame plant
humble plant
action plant
Mimosa pudica
prostrate or semi-erect subshrub of tropical America, and Australia, heavily armed with recurved thorns and having sensitive soft grey-green leaflets that fold and droop at night or when touched or cooled
live oak any of several American evergreen oaks
coast live oak
California live oak
Quercus agrifolia
highly variable often shrubby evergreen oak of coastal zone of western North America having small thick usually spiny-toothed dark-green leaves
canyon oak
canyon live oak
maul oak
iron oak Quercus chrysolepis
medium-sized evergreen of southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico with oblong leathery often spiny-edged leaves
southern live oak
Quercus virginiana
medium-sized evergreen native to eastern North America to the east coast of Mexico, often cultivated as shade tree for it wide-spreading crown, extremely hard tough durable wood once used in shipbuilding
interior live oak
Quercus wislizenii
Quercus wizlizenii
a small shrubby evergreen tree of western North America similar to the coast live oak but occurring chiefly in foothills of mountain ranges removed from the coast, an important part of the chaparral
Sedum telephium
perennial northern temperate plant with toothed leaves and heads of small purplish-white flowers
live steam steam coming from a boiler at full pressure
know experience
have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations, I know the feeling!, have you ever known hunger?, I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict, The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare, I lived through two divorces
live over
experience again, often in the imagination, He relived the horrors of war
accept live with
tolerate or accommodate oneself to, I shall have to accept these unpleasant working conditions, I swallowed the insult, She has learned to live with her husband's little idiosyncrasies
close up
clam up
dummy up
shut up
belt up
button up
be quiet
keep mum
refuse to talk or stop talking, fall silent, The children shut up when their father approached
live in
sleep in
live in the house where one works, our babysitter lives in, as it is too far to commute for her
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