
liver Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Leberpastete f cook.
liver pùté
Schaumleber f med.
foamy liver
Leberkrebs m med.
liver cancer
Leberpastete f cook.
liver pùté
Dorschtran m; Kabeljau-Lebertran m
cod liver oil
liver sausage
Leberknödel f cook.
liver dumpling
Schrumpfleber f med.
cirrhotic liver
Leberleiden n med.
liver complaint
Leberlappen m anat.
lobe of the liver
Entenleber-Pastete f cook.
duck liver pùté
GĂ€nseleber-Pastete f; Gansleber-Pastete f cook.
goose liver pùté
Leberknödelsuppe f cook.
liver dumpling soup
Kalbsleberparfait n cook.
calf's liver parfait
Leber f cook.
Gehackte Leber (traditionelles jĂŒdisches Gericht)
chopped liver
Leber f anat. cook.
Gehackte Leber (traditionelles jĂŒdisches Gericht)
chopped liver
Beschwerden pl, Leiden n, Krankheit f med.
Leberbeschwerden pl, Leberleiden n
liver trouble
Leberfleck m, Pigmentfleck m
liver spot, mole (on skin)
Lebertran m
codliver oil, cod-liver oil
Lebertran m
codliver oil; cod-liver oil
Leberwurst f cook.
liver sausage; liverwurst Am.
Leber f anat.
es an mit der Leber haben
to have a liver problem
Leberwurst f cook.
liver sausage, liverwurst Am.
Entenleberpastete f cook.
duck liver pùté; pùté of duck liver
Hepatitis f, LeberentzĂŒndung f med.
hepatitis, inflammation of the liver
GĂ€nseleberpastete f; Gansleberpastete f cook.
goose liver pùté; pùté of goose liver
leberkrank adj med.
having liver disease; liverish dated
Leberlappen m anat.
Leberlappen pl
lobe of the liver
lobes of the liver
leberkrank adj med.
having liver disease; liverish (dated)
Stopfleber f cook.
oversized liver (from a force-fed goose)
Shunt m (Kurzschlussverbindung mit FlĂŒssigkeitsĂŒbertritt zwischen normalerweise getrennten GefĂ€ĂŸen) med.
Lebershunt m
liver shunt; portosystemic shunt PSS
Leber f anat.
Fettleber f med.
es an mit der Leber haben
fatty liver
to have a liver problem
Antiperniziosafaktor m; Zyanokobalamin n; Cyanocobalamin n biochem.
liver factor; cyanocobalamin; cyanocobalamine
Leberfleck m; Pigmentfleck m anat.
Leberflecken pl; Pigmentflecken pl
liver spot; mole (on skin)
liver spots; moles
jemand oder etwas, der
das ignoriert wird
He, warum werde ich ignoriert?
chopped liver fig. Am.
What am I, chopped liver?
jemand oder etwas, der die das ignoriert wird
He, warum werde ich ignoriert?
chopped liver fig. Am.
What am I, chopped liver?
jemand oder etwas der die das ignoriert wird
He warum werde ich ignoriert?
chopped liver fig. Am.
What am I chopped liver?
Leberversagen n med.
liver failure; hepatic failure; hepatic decompensation
Leberdystrophie f med.
akute gelbe Leberatrophie
hepatic dystrophy
acute yellow dystrophy of the liver
Geschlinge n (Hals Herz Lunge Leber von geschlachteten Tieren) cook.
pluck (throat; heart lungs liver of butchered animals)
Geschlinge n (Hals, Herz, Lunge, Leber von geschlachteten Tieren) cook.
pluck (throat; heart, lungs, liver of butchered animals)
Lebererkrankung f; Leberkrankheit f med.
Lebererkrankungen pl; Leberkrankheiten pl
liver disease; liver disorder
liver diseases; liver disorders
Leberzirrhose f, Leberschrumpfung f med.
alkoholische Leberzirrhose
biliÀre Leberzirrhose
cirrhosis of the liver
alcoholic cirrhosis
biliary cirrhosis
intralobulÀr; in einem LÀppchen (befindlich) adj anat.
Intralobular-Arterie f (Arteria intralobularis)
Leberzentralvene f
intralobular artery
intralobular vein of the liver
Pyrit n; Eisenkies m min.
Pyrite pl
goldhaltiger Pyrit
konkretionÀrer Pyrit
massiger Pyrit
iron pyrite; sulphur ore
auriferous pyrite
brass balls
liver pyrite
SpÀtzle pl cook.
LeberspÀtzle pl
spaetzle; spÀtzle (tiny dumplings of seasoned dough)
liver spaetzle; liver spÀtzle
Hepatitis f; LeberentzĂŒndung f med.
Hepatitis A
mĂŒtterliche und neonatale Hepatitis
hepatitis; inflammation of the liver
hepatitis A
hepatitis in pregnancy and newborn
Schlachtplatte f; Schlachteplatte f; SchlachtschĂŒssel f cook.
sausage and meat platter (blood sausage, liver sausage, and assorted meats, sometimes served on sauerkraut)
Streichwurst m; Aufstrichwurst f; Wurstaufstrich m cook.
Leberstreichwurst f; Streichleberwurst f; (streichfÀhige) Leberwurst f
meat spread; meat paste; sausage for spreading
liver sausage; liver pudding; liverwurst Am.; Braunschweiger; Brunswick sausage Am.
Beschwerden pl med.
Altersbeschwerden pl
Leberbeschwerden pl; Leberleiden n
aktuelle Beschwerden
orthostatische Beschwerden
zunehmende Beschwerden
complaints; afflictions; trouble; discomfort; molimina
afflictions of old age
liver trouble
current complaints
orthostatic complaints
progressive symptoms
Playboy m; Lebemann m; Bonvivant m veraltet; Salonheld m veraltet; Salonlöwe m veraltet; Libertin m geh. veraltet (leichtlebiger Mann)
Playboys pl; LebemÀnner pl; Bonvivante pl; Salonhelden pl; Salonlöwen pl; Libertine pl
playboy; loose-liver; debaucher; debauchee; profligate; rake dated; roué dated (dissolute man)
playboys; loose-livers; debauchers; debauchees; profligates; rakes; roués
Stopfleber f cook.
Entenstopfleber f
GĂ€nsestopfleber f
Stopfleberpastete f; Leberpastete f
Entenstopfleberpastete f; Entenleberpastete f
GĂ€nsestopfleberpastete; GĂ€nseleberpastete f
fattened liver; foie gras
fattened duck liver; foie gras of duck
fattened goose liver; foie gras of goose
pùté de foie gras; foie gras
(pùté de) foie gras of duck
(pùté de) foie gras of goose
VergrĂ¶ĂŸerung f; Ausdehnung f; Erweiterung f (um etw.)
VergrĂ¶ĂŸerungen pl; Ausdehnungen pl; Erweiterungen pl
die VergrĂ¶ĂŸerung der Leber med.
die Erweiterung des Herzens med.
die Schwellung der Lymphknoten med.
die VergrĂ¶ĂŸerung des Hotels
die Erweiterung der EU um zwei neue Mitglieder
enlargement (by sth.)
the enlargement of the liver
the enlargement of the heart
the enlargement of the lymph nodes.
the enlargement of the hotel
the enlargement of the EU by two new members
Gewebeprobenentnahme f; Entnahme f von Gewebe; Biopsie f med.
Gewebeprobenentnahmen pl; Entnahmen pl von Gewebe; Biopsien pl
Lebersaugbiopsie f; Leberaspirationsbiopsie f
Prostatabiopsie f
Saugbiopsie f; Aspirationsbiopsie f
Stanzbiopsie f
Biopsie mit feiner Nadel
ultraschallgefĂŒhrte Biopsie
exploratory excision; biopsy procedure; biopsy
exploratory excisions; biopsy procedures; biopsies
aspiration liver biopsy
prostate biopsy
suction biopsy; aspiration biopsy
punch biopsy; core needle biopsy
fine needle biopsy
sonographically guided biopsy
Leberschrumpfung f; Leberzirrhose f med.
alkoholische Leberzirrhose
atrophische Leberzirrhose
gallige Leberzirrhose; bilÀre Leberzirrhose
cholestatische Leberzirrhose
kapsulÀre Leberzirrhose
kardiale Leberzirrhose
portale Leberzirrhose
splenomegale Leberzirrhose
cirrhosis of the liver; hepatic liver cirrhosis; hepatic cirrhosis
alcoholic cirrhosis
atrophic cirrhosis; Laennec's cirrhosis
bilary cirrhosis; Charcot's cirrhosis
cholestatic cirrhosis
capsular cirrhosis
cardic cirrhosis; cardiocirrhosis
portal cirrhosis; chronic interstition hepatitis
Hannot's cirrhosis; Hanot's disease
Beschwerden pl med.
Altersbeschwerden pl
Begleitbeschwerden pl
Brustbeschwerden pl
Hauptbeschwerden pl
Herzbeschwerden pl
Kreislaufbeschwerden pl
Leberbeschwerden pl; Leberleiden n
Magenbeschwerden pl
RĂŒckenbeschwerden pl
Schwangerschaftsbeschwerden pl
Unterleibsbeschwerden pl
Verdauungsbeschwerden pl
aktuelle Beschwerden
orthostatische Beschwerden
zunehmende Beschwerden
Was fehlt Ihnen denn?; Was haben Sie denn fĂŒr Beschwerden? (beim Arzt)
complaints; afflictions; trouble; discomfort; molimina
complaints of old age
accompanying complaints; concomitant complaints
chest troubles
chief complaints
heart trouble
circulatory distress
liver trouble
stomach trouble
back complaints; back trouble
pregnancy compaints; pregnancy discomfort
pelvic complaints
digestive complaints
current complaints
orthostatic complaints
progressive symptoms
So what is your trouble? (at the doctor's)
Muttermal n; Geburtsmal n selten; Mal n; NĂ€vus m (Naevus) anat.
achromatischer NĂ€vus; amelanotischer NĂ€vus; hypomelanotischer Naevus; Ito-Syndrom (Naevus achromicus Naevus achromians Naevus depigmentosus)
Spinnenmal; SpinnwebennÀvus; SpinnennÀvus; (Naevus araneus Naevus arachnoideus Naevus stellatus)
Naevus comedonicus
Naevus lymphaticus
Naevus morus
Naevus osteohypertrophicus
Naevus papillomatosus
Naevus pigmentosus; Leberfleck
Naevus pilosus
Naevus sebaceus
Naevus spilus
Naevus spongiosus albus
Naevus stellaris
Naevus verrucosus
birthmark; mole; naevus; nevus Am.; spiloma (birth-mark) (birth mark)
achromic naevus; amelanotic naevus; Ito naevus
spider naevus; arachnoid naevus; spider angioma; stellate naevus
follicular naevus
lymphatic naevus
mulberry mark; strawberry mark
Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome; angioosteohypertrophy
naevus papillomatosus
pigmented mole naevus; liver spot
hairy naevus; pilose naevus
sebaceous naevus
naevus spilus
white sponge naevus of the mucosa; congential leucokeratosis mucosae oris
stellar naevus
verrucous epidermal linear naevus
Muttermal n; Geburtsmal n; Mal n; Naevus m; NĂ€vus m anat.
Naevus arachnoidus araneus
Naevus comedonicus
Naevus depigmentosus
Naevus flammeus vasculosus
Naevus lymphaticus
Naevus morus
Maevus osteohypertrophicus
Naevus papillomatosus
Naevus pigmentosus; Leberfleck
Naevus pilosus
Naevus sebaceus
Naevus spilus
Naevus spongiosus albus
Naevus stellaris
Naevus verrucosus
birth mark; mother's mark; mole; naevus; nevus Am.; spiloma
spider naevus; arachnoid naevus; spider angioma; stellate naevus
follicular naevus
amelanotic naevus
port wine mark navus stain; strawberry mark haemangioma
lymphatic naevus
mulberry mark; strawberry mark
Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome; angioosteohypertrophy
naevus papillomatosus
pigmented mole naevus; liver spot
hairy naevus; pilose naevus
sebaceous naevus
naevus spilus
white sponge naevus of the mucosa; congential leucokeratosis mucosae oris
stellar naevus
verrucous epidermal linear naevus
SchleimhautausstĂŒlpung f; Schleimhauttasche f; Divertikel n (AusstĂŒlpung eines Hohlorgans) anat. med.
SchleimhautausstĂŒlpungen pl; Schleimhauttaschen pl; Divertikel pl
allantoenterisches Divertikel
Blasendivertikel n
Blinddarmdivertikel n; Appendixdivertikel n
Dickdarmdivertikel n; Colondivertikel n
echtes falsches Divertikel
epiphrenisches Divertikel
Harnröhrendivertikel n; Urethra-Divertikel n
Killian'sches Divertikel
Kirchner'sches Divertikel
Leberdivertikel n
Magendivertikel n
Meckel'sches Divertikel
Nuck'sches Divertikel
pharyngo-ösophageales Divertikel; Zenker'sches Divertikel
Rokitansky'sches Divertikel
supradiaphragmatisches Divertikel
tracheobronchiales Divertikel
ventrikulÀres Divertikel
zervikales Divertikel
outpouching; pouch; diverticulum
outpouchings; pouches; diverticula
allanto-enteric diverticulum
diverticulum of the bladder; bladder diverticulum; vesical diverticulum
diverticulum of the appendix
diverticulum of the colon; colon diverticulum
true false diverticulum
epiphrenic diverticulum
urethral diverticulum
Killian's diverticulum
Kirchner's diverticulum
diverticulum of the liver; liver diverticulum; hepatic diverticulum
diverticulum of the stomach
Meckel's diverticulum
Nuck's diverticulum
pharyngo-oesophageal diverticulum; pharyngeal diverticulum; Zenker's pouch
Rokitansky's diverticulum
supradiaphragmatic diverticulum
tracheobronchial diverticulum
ventricular diverticulum
cervical diverticulum
Gewebsschwund m; Gewebsschrumpfung f; Schwund m; Schrumpfung f (in Zusammensetzungen); Atrophie f med.
akuter Schwund des Lebergewebes; akute gelbe Atrophie
arthritische Gewebsschrumpfung
blaue Atrophie
braune Atrophie
chronische spinale muskulÀre Atrophie
fazioskapulohumerale Atrophie
graue Atrophie
hemifaziale Atrophie
hemilinguale Atrophie
idiopathische muskulÀre Atrphie
interstitielle Atrophie
ischÀmische muskulÀre Atrophie
juvenile muskulÀre Atrophie
muskulÀrer Gewebsschwund
neuropathische Atrophie
neurotrophische Atrophie
olivopontozerebellare Atrophie
krankhafte Gewebsschrumpfung; pathologische Atrophie
physiologische Atrophie
progressive muskulÀre Atrophie
progressive spinale muskulÀre Atrophie
pseudohypertrophe muskulÀre Atrophie
rote Atrophie
Sudeck'sche Atrophie
Wurzelhautatrophie f; Gewebsschwund der Zahnwurzel
shrinking of tissue; tissue shrinking; atrophy
acute shrinking of the liver tissue; acute yellow atrophy
arthritic shrinking of tissue
blue atrophy
brown atrophy
chronic spinal muscular atrophy
facioscapulohumeral atrophy; Landouzy-DĂ©jerine dystrophy
grey atrophy
hemifacial atrophy
hemilingual atrophy
idiopathic muscular atrophy
interstitial atrophy
ischaemic muscular atrophy; Volkman's contracture
juvenile muscular atrophy; pseudohypertrophic muscular paralysis
muscular tissue shrinking
neural atrophy; neuropathic atrophy
neurotrophic atrophy; trophoneurotic atrophy
olivopontocerebellar atrophy
pathological shrinking of tissue Br.; pathologic atrophy Am.
physiological atrophy
progressive muscular atrophy; Cruveilhier's atrophy
progressive spinal muscular atrophy; Aran-Duchenne muscular atrophy; Aran-Duchenne myelopathic atrophy
pseudohypertophic muscular atrophy; pseudohypertophic muscular dystrophy
red atrophy
Sudeck's atrophy
periodontal tissue shrinking; periodontal atrophy

Deutsche Leber Synonyme

die  Leber  betreffend  Âhepatisch  (fachsprachlich)  
die  Leber  schĂ€digend  Âhepatotoxisch  (fachsprachlich)  
enterohepatisch  (fachsprachlich)  ÂLeber  und  Darm  betreffend  
hepatobiliĂ€r  (fachsprachlich)  ÂLeber  und  Galle  betreffend  
die Leber betreffend  hepatisch (fachsprachlich)  
die Leber schĂ€digend  hepatotoxisch (fachsprachlich)  

Englische liver Synonyme

liver  abatis  abdomen  absorption  anus  appendix  assimilation  bile  blind gut  bowels  brain  brains  cecum  chitterlings  cholangitis  cholecystitis  cirrhosis  cockscomb  colon  denizen  digestion  digestive system  duodenum  dweller  endocardium  entrails  foregut  gastric juice  gastrointestinal tract  giblets  gizzard  guts  haslet  heart  hepatitis  hepatoma  hindgut  icterus  infectious hepatitis  ingestion  innards  inner mechanism  insides  internals  intestinal juice  intestine  inwards  jaundice  jejunum  kidney  kidneys  kishkes  large intestine  liver and lights  lung  marrow  midgut  occupant  pancreas  pancreatic digestion  pancreatic juice  perineum  predigestion  pump  pylorus  rectum  resident  resider  saliva  salivary digestion  salivary glands  secondary digestion  serum hepatitis  small intestine  spleen  stomach  sweetbread  ticker  tongue  tripe  tripes  vermiform appendix  viscera  vitals  works  
liveried  appareled  arrayed  attired  bedecked  breeched  capped  chausse  clad  cloaked  clothed  coifed  costumed  decked  dight  disguised  dressed  endued  garbed  garmented  gowned  habilimented  habited  hooded  invested  mantled  pantalooned  raimented  rigged out  robed  shod  shoed  tired  togged  tricked out  trousered  vested  vestmented  
livery  accouterments  armory  badge  badge of office  badges  baton  blazonry  brassard  button  cap and gown  caparison  chain  chain of office  class ring  cockade  collar  cross  decoration  dress  eagle  emblems  ensigns  fasces  figurehead  fleur-de-lis  furnishings  getup  hammer and sickle  harness  heraldry  insignia  lapel pin  mace  mantle  markings  medal  mortarboard  old school tie  outfit  pin  regalia  rig  ring  rose  school ring  shamrock  sigillography  skull and crossbones  sphragistics  staff  swastika  tartan  things  thistle  tie  trappings  trousseau  turnout  uniform  verge  wand  wardrobe  

liver Definition

Cod liver
(n.) The liver of the common cod and allied species.
(n.) One who gratifies his appetites without stint
(n.) One who, or that which, lives.
(n.) A resident
(n.) One whose course of life has some marked characteristic (expressed by an adjective)
(n.) A very large glandular and vascular organ in the visceral cavity of all vertebrates.
(n.) The glossy ibis (Ibis falcinellus)
(a.) Having a color like liver
(a.) Having an enlarged liver.

liver Bedeutung

liver fluke
Fasciola hepatica
flatworm parasitic in liver and bile ducts of domestic animals and humans
liver-spotted dalmatian a brown-spotted dalmatian
liver chestnut a solid dark brown horse
liver spot a type of skin disease that causes brown spots on the skin
central veins of liver
venae centrales hepatis
terminal branches of the hepatic veins that lie in the hepatic lobules and receive blood from the liver sinusoids
liver large and complicated reddish-brown glandular organ located in the upper right portion of the abdominal cavity, secretes bile and functions in metabolism of protein and carbohydrate and fat, synthesizes substances involved in the clotting of the blood, synthesizes vitamin A, detoxifies poisonous substances and breaks down worn-out erythrocytes
liver liver of an animal used as meat
calves' liver
calf's liver
liver of a calf used as meat
chicken liver liver of a chicken used as meat
goose liver liver of a goose used as meat
liver pudding
liver sausage
sausage containing ground liver
free-liver someone who gratifies physical appetites (especially for food and drink) with more than the usual freedom
liver someone who lives in a place, a liver in cities
liver a person who has a special life style, a high liver
liver disease a disease affecting the liver
cirrhosis of the liver
a chronic disease interfering with the normal functioning of the liver, the major cause is chronic alcoholism
fatty liver yellow discoloration as a result of the accumulation of certain fats (triglycerides) in the liver, can be caused by alcoholic cirrhosis or pregnancy or exposure to certain toxins
liver cancer
cancer of the liver
malignant neoplastic disease of the liver usually occurring as a metastasis from another cancer, symptoms include loss of appetite and weakness and bloating and jaundice and upper abdominal discomfort
black disease
sheep rot
liver rot
a disease of the liver (especially in sheep and cattle) caused by liver flukes and their by-products
cod-liver oil
cod liver oil
an oil obtained from the livers of cod and similar fishes, taken orally as a source of vitamins A and D
fish-liver oil
fish oil
a fatty oil obtained from the livers of various fish
halibut-liver oil a fatty oil from halibut livers that is used as a source of vitamin A
shark oil
shark-liver oil
a fatty yellow to brown oil obtained from the livers of sharks, used for dressing leather and as a source of vitamin A
having a reddish-brown color
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The liver is a vital organ of vertebrates and some other animals. In the human, it is located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, below the diaphragm. The liver has a wide range of functions, including detoxification of various metabolites, protein synthesis, and the production of biochemicals necessary for digestion.