
major Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

größer, bedeutender
hauptsaechlich, Haupt.., Major
größte; wichtig adj
Hauptaufgabe, größere Aufgabe
major task
town major
Tamburmajor m
drum major
groß adj; Haupt-; bedeutend adj
major {adj}
größerer Fehler
major defect
Großkunde m, Großkundin f
major client
Mj. : Major m
Maj. : major
Hauptseptum n
major septum
Generalmajor m mil.
major general
surgeon major
wichtigere Probleme
major problems
Major m mil.
Majore pl
hauptsächlich adj, Haupt...
capital, major
Sergeant Major m (Abudefduf saxatilis) zool.
sergeant major
surgeons major
mächtiger Industriezweig
major industry
hauptsächlich adj; Haupt...
capital; major
hauptsächlich adj; Haupt…
capital; major
Vertragswerk n
major agreement
größere Schwierigkeit
major difficulty
Majortest m med.
major cross match
Hauptgemengteil n geol.
major constituent
ein Fach als Hauptfach studieren
major in a subject
kapital adj
major, exceedingly
ein wesentlicher Unterschied
a major difference
zwei Hauptdialekte
two major dialects
kapital adj
major; exceedingly
Sexte f mus.
große Sexte
major sixth
ein größerer Beitrag
a major contribution
Studienschwerpunkt, Hauptstudienfach
major field of study
Studienschwerpunkt m
major field of study
Studienschwerpunkt m stud.
major field of study
Major m Mj. mil.
Majore pl
major Maj.
wichtigere Warengruppen
major commodity groups
wichtige Gebrauchsgüter
major consumer durables
Kohlmeise f ornith.
Great Tit (Parus major)
Dur n (Tongeschlecht) mus.
Stück in F-Dur
piece in F major
Tonleiter f mus.
C-Dur-Tonleiter f
scale of C major
Großer Hund (Sternbild) astron.
Canis Major; greater dog
die gegenwärtige größere Problematik
the current major problem
als größerer Hersteller von
as a major manufacturer of
Großereignis n
Großereignisse pl
major event
major events
Oberliga f sport
first league; major league
Durtonleiter f mus.
Durtonleitern pl
major scale
major scales
Großkunde m; Großkundin f
Großkunden pl; Großkundinnen pl
major client
major clients
Regimentsfeldwebel m mil.
Regimental Sergeant Major RSM
eine zweite Säule des Gewerbes
a major aspect of the industry
Regimentsfeldwebel m mil.
Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM)
Regimentsfeldwebel m mil.
Regimental Sergeant Major RSM
Hauptmangel m
chief defect; major shortcoming
Hier sind wir stark gefordert.
This is a major challenge for us.
Terz f mus.
kleine Terz
große Terz
minor third
major third
Haupthindernis n
major impediment; main impediment
Dur n (Tongeschlecht) mus.
H-Dur n
Stück in F-Dur
B major
piece in F major
Großkonzern m econ.
Großkonzerne pl
major corporation
major corporations
Hauptwerke pl
major works (of a writer or an artist)
Gros n
major part, majority, greater part, bulk
Gros n
major part; majority; greater part; bulk
Hauptnährelement n biochem.
macroelement; macronutrient; major element
Haupthindernis n
major obstacle; main obstacle; main barrier
Hauptstudienfach n
Hauptstudienfächer pl
major field of study
major fields of study
Buntspecht m ornith.
Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major)
Studienschwerpunkt m stud.
Studienschwerpunkte pl
major field of study
major fields of study
Major m Maj. Dt.; Major m Mjr. Ös. Schw. (Dienstgrad) mil.
Majore pl
Major Maj. Br. Am. Can. (rank)
Hauptverkehrsweg m
Hauptverkehrswege pl
major traffic pathway
major traffic pathways
Spender m; Spenderin f; Beitragszahler m; Beitragszahlerin f
Spender pl; Spenderinnen pl; Beitragszahler pl; Beitragszahlerinnen pl
Großspender m
major contributor
Stabsarzt m, Stabsärztin f mil.
Stabsärzte pl
surgeon major, medical officer
surgeons major
Errungenschaft f; bedeutende Leistung f
Errungenschaften pl; bedeutende Leistungen
große Errungenschaften
major achievements
Stabsarzt m; Stabsärztin f mil.
Stabsärzte pl
surgeon major; medical officer
surgeons major
der Große Bär (Sternbild) astron.
the Great Bear; the Big Dipper Am.; Ursa Major
Generalmajor m GenMaj. Dt.; Generalmajor m GenMjr. Ös.; Divisionär m Schw. (Dienstgrad) mil.
Major General Maj.Gen. Br. Am. Can. (rank)
Sektion f (größte Organisationseinheit) adm.
Sektionen pl
division (major organizational unit)
Kostentreiber m; kostentreibender Faktor m; Kostenfaktor m
Hauptkostentreiber m; Hauptkostenfaktor m
cost driver
major cost driver; main cost driver
Keule f electr. (Antennencharakteristik)
Hauptkeule f
Nebenkeule f
main lobe; major lobe
minor lobe; side lobe
Tonleiter f mus.
C-Dur-Tonleiter f
Tonleitern üben
scale; gamut
scale of C major
to practise scales
Hauptarbeit f
Hauptarbeit f
the main part of the work
the major part of the work
Oberstabsfeldwebel m mil.
sergeant major Am., warrant officer class I (WO1) Br.
Oberstabsfeldwebel m mil.
warrant officer class I (WO1) Br.; sergeant major Am.
etw. mitprägen v
etw. entscheidend mitprägen
to help shape sth.
to play a major role in shaping sth.
Hauptaugenmerk m
sein Hauptaugenmerk richten auf
major interest; main focus
to focus (one's) attention on
A, Ais, As, Aisis, Ases mus.
A-Dur n
A, A sharp, A flat, A double sharp, A double flat
A major
A n; Ais n; As n; Aisis n; Ases n mus.
A-Dur n
A; A sharp; A flat; A double sharp; A double flat
A major
Hauptabnehmer m econ.
Hauptabnehmer pl
Er ist mein Hauptabnehmer.
major customer
major customers
He is my major customer.
Hauptelement n
Hauptelemente pl
major element; main element
major elements; main elements
Knotenpunkt m; Knoten m (in einem Netz) electr.
Knotenpunkte pl; Knoten pl
major node; junction (in a network)
major nodes; junctions
Großkunde m; Großkundin f
Großkunden pl; Großkundinnen pl
major client; large customer
major clients; large customers
Hauptaugenmerk m
sein Hauptaugenmerk auf etw. richten
major interest; main focus
to focus (your) attention on sth.
Hauptfach n stud.
Hauptfächer pl
main subject; major field of study; major Am.
main subjects
Unterschied m, Verschiedenheit f, Abweichung f
Unterschiede pl, Abweichungen pl
ein großer Unterschied
ein wesentlicher Unterschied
a wide difference
a major difference
... als Hauptfach studieren
als Hauptfach studierend
studierte als Hauptfach
Germanistik als Hauptfach studieren
to major in ...
to major in German studies
Hauptkategorie f
Hauptkategorien pl
main category; major category
main categories; major categories
Interpellation f; Anfrage f; Bitte f um Auskuft pol.
große kleine Anfrage
interpellation; parliamentary question
major minor interpellatio
Interpellation f; Anfrage f; Bitte f um Auskunft pol.
große kleine Anfrage
interpellation; parliamentary question
major minor interpellatio
Rautenhirnmuskel m anat.
großer Rautenhirnmuskel
kleiner Rautenhirnmuskel
rhomboid muscle
rhomboid major (muscle)
rhomboid minor (muscle)
der Großteil m (von etw.)
the major part; the large part; the bigger part; the bulk (of sth.)
Hauptanteil m (von etw. im Allg.)
Hauptanteil m (von Gewinn Beute)
major part; main part
major share; main share; lion's share fig.
Hauptanteil m (von etw. im Allg.)
Hauptanteil m (von Gewinn, Beute)
major part; main part
major share; main share; lion's share fig.
E, Eis, Es, Eisis, Eses mus.
E-Dur f
e-Moll n
E, E sharp, E flat, E double sharp, E double flat
E Major
E minor
Großteil m
zum Großteil
major part, large part, bigger part, bulk
mostly, for the most part
E n; Eis n; Es n; Eisis n; Eses n mus.
E-Dur n
e-Moll n
E; E sharp; E flat; E double sharp; E double flat
E Major
E minor
sich abzeichnen
Ein großer Durchbruch zeichnet sich ab.
to be on the horizon fig.
A major breakthrough is on the horizon.
sich abzeichnen v
Ein großer Durchbruch zeichnet sich ab.
to be on the horizon fig.
A major breakthrough is on the horizon.
Region f
Regionen pl
Großregion f
region; area; zone
regions; areas; zones
large region; major region
Agrippina die Ältere; Agrippina maior (Mutter des röm. Kaisers Caligula) hist.
Agrippina the Elder; Agrippina Major (mother of Roman emperor Caligula)
Schnitzer m, grober Fehler
Schnitzer pl, grobe Fehler
grober Schnitzer, schwerwiegender Fehler
boner, blooper, fuckup coll.
boners, bloopers, fuckups
major fuckup
zuletzt adv
Zuletzt lag sein Hauptaugenmerk auf der Erderwärmung.
most recently
Most recently his major interest has been global warming.
Bauprojekt n constr.
Bauprojekte pl
Baugroßprojekt n; Großbauprojekt n
construction project
construction projects
major construction project
Umbau m (eines Gebäudes zu etw.) constr.
Großumbau m
conversion; rebuilding; rebuild (of a building into sth.)
major rebuild
Großveranstaltung f
Großveranstaltungen pl
major event; mega event; mass rally
major events; mega events; mass rallies
Schnitzer m; grober Fehler
Schnitzer pl; grobe Fehler
grober Schnitzer; schwerwiegender Fehler
boner; blooper Am.; fuckup coll.
boners; bloopers; fuckups
major fuckup
der Große Hund; Canis Major (Sternbild) astron.
das Sternbild Großer Hund
the Great Dog; the Greater Dog; Canis Major
the constellation of the Great Dog
Strom m (breiter Fluss, der ins Meer mündet) geogr.
Ströme pl
large river; major river (which flows into the sea)
large rivers; major rivers
Kompaniefeldwebel m, Hauptfeldwebel m, Spieß m mil.
first sergeant Am., warrant officer class I Br., Company Sergeant Major (CSM)
Grundannahme f; Prämisse f; Vordersatz m (für eine logische Schlussfolgerung) phil.
Obersatz m
Untersatz m
premise; premiss Br. (for a logical conclusion)
major premise
minor premise
Muskel m anat.
Muskeln pl
großer Rundmuskel m
kleiner Rundmuskel m
innerhalb des Muskels (liegend gelegen) adj
teres major (muscle)
teres minor (muscle)
intramuscular i.m.
Schnellverkehrsstraße f; Schnellstraße f; Hochleistungsstraße f auto
Schnellstraße durch Grüngebiet
expressway Br.; major highway Am.; throughway Am.; thruway Am.
parkway Am.
Großstadt f
Großstädte pl
in Großstädten mit einer Einwohnerdichte von 1.000 und mehr
large city
large cities
in major cities with a population density of 1,000 and more
Tonart f mus.
Tonarten pl
Tonart Es-Dur
von Tonart C-Dur zu D-Dur transponieren
key of E-flat major
to transpose from the key of C major to the key of D major
bedeutend; wichtig; groß; größte adj
ein bedeutendes Ereignis
ein wichtiger bedeutender Beitrag
die größte Katastrophe des Jahrhunderts
großen Einfluss haben
a major event
a major contribution
the major disaster of the century
to be a major influence
Kompaniefeldwebel m; Staffelfeldwebel m; Batteriefeldwebel m; Inspektionsfeldwebel m; Hauptfeldwebel m; Spieß m ugs. mil.
warrant officer class I Br.; first sergeant Am.; Company Sergeant Major CSM ; first shirt Am. coll.
Kompaniefeldwebel m; Staffelfeldwebel m; Batteriefeldwebel m; Inspektionsfeldwebel m; Hauptfeldwebel m; Spieß m ugs. mil.
warrant officer class I Br.; first sergeant Am.; Company Sergeant Major CSM ; first shirt coll. Am.
zu etw. anwachsen; sich zu etw. auswachsen v
Das Geschäft wuchs zu einer Industrie an.
Der Fall wuchs sich zu einem handfesten Skandal aus.
to mushroom into sth.
The business mushroomed into an industry.
The case mushroomed into a major scandal.
Bär m zool.
Bären pl
der Große Bär astron.
der Kleine Bär astron.
the Great Bear, the Big Dipper Am., Ursa Major
the Little Bear, the Little Dipper Am., Ursa Minor
der Großteil m (von etw.)
zum Großteil
die meiste Arbeit
the major part; the large part; the bigger part; the bulk (of sth.)
mostly; for the most part
the bulk of the work
Kettenladen m; Kette f econ.
Kettenläden pl; Ketten pl
die großen Lebensmittelketten
multiple-shop Br.; multiple Br.; chain store Am.; chain Am.
multiple-shops; multiples; chain stores; chains
the major food multiples
Oberstabsfeldwebel m OStFw. Dt.; Vizeleutnant Vzlt. Ös.; Stabsadjutant m Schw.; Hauptadjutant m Schw.; Chefadjutant m Schw. (Dienstgrad) mil.
Warrant Officer Class 1 WO1 Br.; Sergeant Major SGM Am.; Sergeant Major of the Army SMA Am.; Command Sergeant Major CSM Am.; Chief Warrant Officer Can. (rank)
Nervendämpfungsmittel n; Neuroleptikum n; Antipsychotikum n pharm.
Nervendämpfungsmittel pl; Neuroleptika pl; Antipsychotika pl
neuroleptic drug; neuroleptic; antipsychotic drug; antipsychotic; major tranquilizer
neuroleptic drugs; neuroleptics; antipsychotic drugs; antipsychotics; major tranquilizers
modulieren v (kompositorisch oder improvisatorisch in eine andere Tonart übergehen) mus.
von c-Moll nach Es-Dur modulieren
bei der letzten Strophe in die nächsthöhere Tonart modulieren
to modulate (to change to another key in terms of composition or improvisation)
to modulate from C minor to E flat major
modulate to the next higher key on the final stanza
vom erwähnten …; davon
ein Originalbeleg oder eine beglaubigte Abschrift davon
Normen für Milchprodukte und deren Kennzeichnung
Geld bzw. der Mangel an Geld spielten eine große Rolle.
thereof; of the same …
an original receipt or a certified copy thereof
standards for dairy products and the labelling thereof
Money, or the lack thereof, played a major role.
vom erwähnten ....; davon
ein Originalbeleg oder eine beglaubigte Abschrift davon
Normen für Milchprodukte und deren Kennzeichnung
Geld bzw. der Mangel an Geld spielten eine große Rolle.
thereof; of the same ....
an original receipt or a certified copy thereof
standards for dairy products and the labelling thereof
Money or the lack thereof played a major role.
Rollhügel m; Trochanter m anat.
großer Rollhügel; Trochanter major
kleiner Rollhügel; Trochanter minor
unter dem Rollhügel (liegend gelegen) adj
innerhalb des Rollhügels (liegend gelegen) adj
greater tuberosity trochanter of the femur; trochanter major
lesser tuberosity trochanter of the femur; trochanter minor; trochantin
Großprojekt n
Großprojekte pl
kritische Faktoren in IT-Großprojekten
major project; large-scale project; jumbo project; big-ticket project
major projects; large-scale projects; jumbo projects; big-ticket projects
critical factors in large IT projects
Ereignis n; Geschehnis n
Ereignisse pl; Geschehnisse pl
bedeutendes Ereignis
freudiges Ereignis
gesellschaftliches Ereignis
zufälliges Ereignis
die bisherigen Ereignisse
die Geschehnisse der letzten Tage
die Geschehnisse der letzten Tage
major event; important event
happy event
social event
fortuitous event
events so far
the events of the past few days
what has been happening in the past few days
Kosten auf jdn. umlegen abwälzen v fin.
Das kann Zusatzkosten verursachen die die Betreiber auf ihre Fahrgäste umlegen werden.
Die Stromanbieter können einen Großteil der Kosten auf ihre Kunden abwälzen.
to pass on costs to sb.
It might mean increased costs which the operators will pass on to their passengers.
Generators are able to pass on the major part of the cost to their customers.
Kosten auf jdn. umlegen; auf jdn. abwälzen; auf jdn. überwälzen; jdm. weiterverrechnen v fin.
Das kann Zusatzkosten verursachen, die die Betreiber auf ihre Fahrgäste umlegen werden.
Die Stromanbieter können einen Großteil der Kosten auf ihre Kunden abwälzen.
to pass on costs to sb.
It might mean increased costs, which the operators will pass on to their passengers.
Generators are able to pass on the major part of the cost to their customers.
Muskel m anat.
Muskeln pl
Kennmuskel m
großer Rundmuskel m
kleiner Rundmuskel m
synergistischer Muskel; Synergist
innerhalb des Muskels (liegend gelegen) adj
seine Muskeln spielen lassen (auch übtr.)
key muscle; segment-indicating muscle
teres major (muscle)
teres minor (muscle)
synergist muscle; synergist
intramuscular i.m.
to flex your muscles (also fig.)
bei jdm. einen Vertrag unterzeichnen; bei jdm. unterschreiben; bei jdm. einsteigen v
einen Vertrag unterzeichnend; unterschreibend; einsteigend
einen Vertrag unterzeichnet; unterschrieben; eingestiegen
als Mitarbeiter Nummer sechs einsteigen
Sie hat bei einem großen Modehaus unterschrieben.
to sign; to sign up; to sign on Am. with sb.
signing; signing up; signing on
signed; signed up; signed on
to sign on as employee number six
She has signed to a major fashion house.
Tonart f mus.
Tonarten pl
Tonart Es-Dur
verwandte Tonart
Paralleltonart f (zu einer bestimmten Tonart)
Varianttonart f (zu einer bestimmten Tonart); Tonart mit gleichem Grundton
von (der Tonart) C-Dur nach D-Dur transponieren
key of E-flat major
related key
relative key (of a given key)
parallel key (of a given key); key having the same tonic note
to transpose from (the key of) C major to D major
Unterschied m (zu etw. zwischen); Verschiedenheit f
Unterschiede pl
ein großer Unterschied
ein wesentlicher Unterschied
als ob das irgendetwas ändern würde
Das ändert nichts.; Das macht keinen keinerlei Unterschied.; Das ist gehauen wie gestochen. übtr.
Reisen Weihnachten etc. einmal anders
difference (from sth. between)
a wide difference
a major difference
as if that would make any difference
That makes no difference.
Travel Christmas etc. with a difference
Hauptverkehrsader f; Verkehrsader f; Hauptverkehrsstraße f; Hauptdurchfahrtsstraße f; Hauptdurchgangsstraße f Dt.; Hauptdurchzugsstraße f Ös. auto
Hauptverkehrsadern pl; Verkehrsadern pl; Hauptverkehrsstraßen pl; Hauptdurchfahrtsstraßen pl; Hauptdurchgangsstraßen pl; Hauptdurchzugsstraßen pl
arterial road; arterial highway; traffic artery; artery; major road Br.; A-road Br.; major highway Am.
arterial roads; arterial highways; traffic arteries; arteries; major roads; A-roads; major highways
(moralische) Verurteilung f (von jdm. etw.)
Verurteilungen pl
Pauschalverurteilung f
Es gab bisher keine offizielle Verurteilung der militärischen Intervention.
Die Angriffe auf zivile Ziele wurden von mehreren Großmächten verurteilt.
condemnation (of sb. sth.)
sweeping condemnation
There's been no official condemnation of the military intervention.
The attacks on civilian targets have drawn condemnation from several major powers.
Unterschied m (zu etw. zwischen); Verschiedenheit f
Unterschiede pl
ein großer Unterschied
ein wesentlicher Unterschied
ein enormer Unterschied
als ob das irgendetwas ändern würde
Das ändert nichts.; Das macht keinen keinerlei Unterschied.; Das ist gehauen wie gestochen. übtr.
Reisen Weihnachten usw. einmal anders
difference (from sth. between)
a wide difference
a major difference
a whale of a difference coll.
as if that would make any difference
That makes no difference.
Travel Christmas etc. with a difference
Anstrengung f; Bemühung f; Bemühen n; (persönlicher) Einsatz m
Anstrengungen pl; Bemühungen pl
mit vereinten Kräften etw. tun
im Bemühen etw. zu tun
die bisherigen Bemühungen
nachhaltige Bemühungen
Wir haben große Anstrengungen unternommen um sicherzustellen dass ...
Es sollten noch mehr Anstrengungen unternommen werden damit ...
to pool combine unite your efforts to do sth.
in an effort to do sth.
the efforts undertaken to date
sustained efforts
We have made strong major significant efforts to ensure that ...
Efforts should be stepped up to ...
Anstrengung f; Bemühung f; Bemühen n; (persönlicher) Einsatz m
Anstrengungen pl; Bemühungen pl
mit vereinten Kräften etw. tun
im Bemühen, etw. zu tun
die bisherigen Bemühungen
ständige Bemühungen; fortgesetzte Anstrengungen um etw.
Wir haben große Anstrengungen unternommen, um sicherzustellen, dass …
Es sollten noch mehr Anstrengungen unternommen werden, damit …
to pool combine unite your efforts to do sth.
in an effort to do sth.
the efforts undertaken to date
sustained efforts for sth.
We have made strong major significant efforts to ensure that …
Efforts should be stepped up to …

Deutsche größer bedeutender Synonyme

>  ÂGrößer-als  ÂGrößer-als-Zeichen  Ârechte  spitze  Klammer  
größer  machen  Âsteigern  Âvergrößern  Âvermehren  Âzunehmen  (an)  
anschwellen  Âansteigen  Âanwachsen  Âemporsteigen  Âgrößer  werden  Âvermehren  Âzunehmen  
größer machen  steigern  vergrößern  vermehren  zunehmen (an)  

Englische major Synonyme

major  ADC  CO  OD  a cut above  above  academic specialty  adult  ahead  aide  aide-de-camp  area  ascendant  better  big  big-league  big-name  big-time  bigger  biggest  bigwig  bigwigged  brigadier  brigadier general  capital  capping  captain  chicken colonel  chief  chief of staff  chosen  classical education  cock  colonel  commandant  commander  commander in chief  commanding officer  commissioned officer  company officer  consequential  considerable  core curriculum  course  course of study  critical  crucial  curriculum  dangerous  discipline  distinguished  dominant  dominating  double-barreled  earthshaking  eclipsing  elder  eldest  elective  eminent  exceeding  excellent  excelling  exec  executive officer  extensive  fell  field  field marshal  field officer  finer  first lieutenant  first-born  firstling  five-star general  foremost  former  four-star general  general  general education  general officer  general studies  generalissimo  grand  grave  great  greater  grievous  grown man  grownup  heavyweight  hefty  high-powered  higher  humanities  important  in ascendancy  in the ascendant  jemadar  junior officer  key  key signature  keynote  large  large-scale  larger  legalis homo  liberal arts  lieutenant  lieutenant colonel  lieutenant general  main  major general  major key  man  marechal  marked  marshal  material  mature man  mediant  minor  momentous  name  no chicken  notable  noteworthy  of choice  officer  older  oldest  one up on  one-star general  orderly officer  outstanding  over  paramount  pedal point  predominant  preeminent  primary  prime  primogenitary  principal  proseminar  quadrivium  rare  refresher course  risaldar  rivaling  scientific education  self-important  seminar  senior  senior officer  serious  shavetail  significant  sirdar  sizable  specialty  staff officer  star  stellar  study  subahdar  subaltern  subdiscipline  subdominant  subject  sublieutenant  submediant  substantial  subtonic  super  superior  supertoni  
major league  big  big-league  big-name  big-time  bigwig  bigwigged  consequential  considerable  double-barreled  earthshaking  grand  great  heavyweight  high-powered  important  major  material  momentous  name  self-important  significant  substantial  superior  world-shaking  
majordomo  MC  attorney  bailiff  butler  chamberlain  croupier  curator  custodian  emcee  factor  guardian  house steward  housekeeper  landreeve  librarian  master of ceremonies  proctor  procurator  seneschal  steward  
majority  accomplishment  adulthood  adultness  age of consent  ascendancy  best part  better part  body  bulk  deanship  driving age  essence  excellence  favor  flower of age  full age  full bloom  full growth  fullgrownness  generality  gist  gravamen  greatness  grown-upness  incomparability  inimitability  lead  legal age  legalis homo  main body  major part  manhood  manlihood  mass  mature age  maturity  meat  more than half  most  one-upmanship  plurality  precedence  predominance  predomination  preeminence  preponderance  preponderancy  prepotence  prepotency  prerogative  prestige  prime  prime of life  priority  privilege  right-of-way  ripe age  riper years  seniority  skill  substance  success  superiority  the greatest number  thrust  toga virilis  transcendence  transcendency  virility  virtuosity  womanhood  womanlihood  years of discretion  
majority leader  MP  Member of Congress  Member of Parliament  alderman  assemblyman  chosen freeholder  city father  congressman  congresswoman  councilman  floor leader  lawgiver  lawmaker  legislator  minority leader  party whip  representative  senator  solon  state senator  whip  

major Definition

(n.) The adjutant of a regiment.
Drum major
() .
Drum major
() The chief or first drummer of a regiment
Drum major
() The marching leader of a military band.
Drum major
() A noisy gathering. [R.] See under Drum, n., 4.
Etat Major
() The staff of an army, including all officers above the rank of colonel, also, all adjutants, inspectors, quartermasters, commissaries, engineers, ordnance officers, paymasters, physicians, signal officers, judge advocates
(a.) Greater in number, quantity, or extent
(a.) Of greater dignity
(a.) Of full legal age.
(a.) Greater by a semitone, either in interval or in difference of pitch from another tone.
(a.) An officer next in rank above a captain and next below a lieutenant colonel
(a.) A person of full age.
(a.) That premise which contains the major term. It its the first proposition of a regular syllogism
(a.) A mayor.
(n.) A man who has authority to act, within certain limits, as master of the house
Major general
() An officer of the army holding a rank next above that of brigadier general and next below that of lieutenant general, and who usually commands a division or a corps.
(n.) See Tierce, 4.

major Bedeutung

major surgery any surgical procedure that involves anesthesia or respiratory assistance
variola major
variola major virus
a type of smallpox virus that has a fatality rate of up to percent
sergeant major
Abudefduf saxatilis
large blue-grey black-striped damselfish, nearly worldwide
major suit (bridge) a suit of superior scoring value, either spades or hearts
major tranquilizer
major tranquillizer
major tranquilliser
antipsychotic drug
antipsychotic agent
neuroleptic drug
neuroleptic agent
tranquilizer used to treat psychotic conditions when a calming effect is desired
pectoralis major
musculus pectoralis major
greater pectoral muscle
a skeletal muscle that adducts and rotates the arm
rhomboideus major muscle
greater rhomboid muscle
musculus rhomboideus major
rhomboid muscle that draws the scapula toward the spinal column
teres major
teres major muscle
musculus teres major
teres muscle that moves the arm and rotates it medially
major the principal field of study of a student at a university, her major is linguistics
major axis the longest axis of an ellipse or ellipsoid, passes through the two foci
major form class any of the major parts of speech of traditional grammar
major premise
major premiss
the premise of a syllogism that contains the major term (which is the predicate of the conclusion)
major term the term in a syllogism that is the predicate of the conclusion
major scale
major diatonic scale
a diatonic scale with notes separated by whole tones except for the rd and th and th and th
major key
major mode
a key whose harmony is based on the major scale
C major
C major scale
scale of C major
(music) the major scale having no sharps or flats
major lobe the maximum lobe in the radiation pattern which is intended to be along the forward axis and which gives the effect of a beam
act of God
force majeure
vis major
inevitable accident
unavoidable casualty
a natural and unavoidable catastrophe that interrupts the expected course of events, he discovered that his house was not insured against acts of God
major-league team
major-league club
a team that plays in a major league
world power
major power
great power
a state powerful enough to influence events throughout the world
major league
big league
the most important league in any sport (especially baseball)
Canis Major
Great Dog
a constellation to the southeast of Orion, contains Sirius
Great Bear
Ursa Major
a constellation outside the zodiac that rotates around the North Star
major planet
(astronomy) any of the nine large celestial bodies in the solar system that revolve around the sun and shine by reflected light, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in order of their proximity to the sun, viewed from the constellation Hercules, all the planets rotate around the sun in a counterclockwise direction
drum major the leader of a marching band or drum corps
major a commissioned military officer in the United States Army or Air Force or Marines, below lieutenant colonel and above captain
major a university student who is studying a particular field as the principal subject, she is a linguistics major
the chief steward or butler of a great household
major-general a general officer ranking above a brigadier general and below a lieutenant general
major leaguer
big leaguer
a member of a major-league baseball team
pipe major the chief piper in a band of bagpipes
sergeant major
command sergeant major
a noncommissioned officer serving as chief administrative officer of a headquarters unit of the Army
Major John Major
John R. Major
John Roy Major
British statesman who was prime minister fromuntil (born in )
Scipio Africanus
Scipio Africanus Major
Publius Cornelius Scipio
Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major
Scipio the Elder
Roman general who commanded the invasion of Carthage in the second Punic War and defeated Hannibal at Zama (circa - BC)
large periwinkle
Vinca major
plant having variegated foliage and used for window boxes
pitch apple
strangler fig Clusia rosea
Clusia major
a common tropical American clusia having solitary white or rose flowers
broad-leaved plantain common plantain
white-man's foot
whiteman's foot
cart-track plant
Plantago major
common European perennial naturalized worldwide, a troublesome weed
greater masterwort
Astrantia major
European herb with aromatic roots and leaves in a basal tuft and showy compound umbels of white to rosy flowers
grand mal
generalized seizure
epilepsia major
a seizure during which the patient becomes unconscious and has convulsions over the entire body
grand mal epilepsy
grand mal generalized epilepsy
epilepsia major
epilepsy in which the attacks involve loss of consciousness and tonic spasms of the musculature followed by generalized jerking
variola major
a highly contagious viral disease characterized by fever and weakness and skin eruption with pustules that form scabs that slough off leaving scars
Cooley's anemia
Cooley's anaemia
thalassemia major
thalassaemia major
a fatal form of homozygous thalassemia (inherited from both parents) in which there is no hemoglobin, skeletal deformations, heart and spleen and liver enlarged
affective disorder
major affective disorder
emotional disorder
emotional disturbance
any mental disorder not caused by detectable organic abnormalities of the brain and in which a major disturbance of emotions is predominant
major depressive episode (psychiatry) a state of depression with all the classic symptoms (anhedonia and lethargy and sleep disturbance and despondency and morbid thoughts and feelings of worthlessness and sometimes attempted suicide) but with no known organic dysfunction
major fast day one of two major fast days on the Jewish calendar
major have as one's principal field of study, She is majoring in linguistics
major greater in number or size or amount, a major portion (a majority) of the population, Ursa Major, a major portion of the winnings
major greater in scope or effect, a major contribution, a major improvement, a major break with tradition, a major misunderstanding
major of full legal age
major of a scale or mode, major scales, the key of D major
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Major is a military rank of commissioned officer status, with corresponding ranks existing in many military forces throughout the world. When used unhyphenated, in conjunction with no other indicators, Major is one rank senior to that of an army Captain, and one rank subordinate or below the rank of Lieutenant colonel. It is considered the most junior of the field officer ranks.