
marine Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

See-, Meeres-
marin adj
Meeresfauna und -flora
marine life
Meeresgebiet n
marine area
Meeresfauna und -flora f; Tier- und Pflanzenwelt des Meeres f biol.
marine life
Seeopal m
marine opal
Seegefahren, Seerisiko
marine peril
marine chart
Gefahren der See
marine perils
marine policy
Meerechse f (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) zool.
marine iguana
Schiffskessel m techn.
marine boiler
marine insurer
Meeresbiologie f
marine biology
Meereslebensraum n biol.
marine habitat
Marineglas n
marine glasses
Bootsbatterie f naut. mach.
marine battery
Meeresterrasse f geol.
marine terrace
merchant marine
Seegefahren, Seerisiko
marine adventure
marine transport
Seeversicherung, Seetransportversicherung
marine insurance
Marineinfanterist m mil.
Marineinfanteristen pl
Meeresbiologe m, Meeresbiologin f
marine biologist
Meeresverschmutzung f
marine pollution
Meeresressourcen pl envir. econ.
marine resources
Handelsmarine, Handelsflotte
mercantile marine
Chiffre f, Signal n, Flaggensignal n, Funksignal n
code, marine code
Handelsflotte f
mercantile marine
mercantile marine
Chiffre f; Signal n; Flaggensignal n; Funksignal n
code; marine code
Handelsflotte f naut.
mercantile marine
Schiffsmaschinenöl n
marine engine oil
meereswissenschaftlich adj
marine scientific
Meeresregression f; ZurĂĽckweichen n des Meeres; negative Strandverschiebung f geogr. envir.
marine regression
marine underwriter
marine underwriter
Meeresumwelt f envir.
marine environment
Schiffsmaschinenbau m
marine engineering
meerestechnologisch adj
marine technological
marine hull insurance
marine bill of lading
ocean marine insurance
Seeversicherung, Ăśberseetransportversicherung
ocean marine insurance
Schiffsregisterbehörde f adm.
marine registry office
Seetang m; Tang m; Seegras n (Meeresalgen) bot.
seaweed (marine algae)
inland marine insurance
inland marine insurance
inland marine insurance
marine insurance policy
marine liability insurance
Bootslack m naut. mach.
marine varnish; spar varnish
Seefunk m
maritime radio; marine radio
Handelsmarine f, Marine f
merchant navy, merchant marine
Meeressäugetier n, Meeressäuger m biol.
Meeressäugetiere pl, Meeressäuger pl
marine mammal
marine mammals
Seetier n zool.
Seetiere pl
Handelsmarine f; Marine f
merchant navy; merchant marine
Meeressäugetier n; Meeressäuger m zool.
Meeressäugetiere pl; Meeressäuger pl
marine mammal
marine mammals
Schiffsmaschine f mach.
Schiffsmaschinen pl
marine engine
marine engines
muĂź die Seeversicherung abschlieĂźen
has to procure marine insurance
(herumliegender) Abfall m; StraĂźenabfall m
Abfälle pl; Straßenabfälle pl
Abfälle im Meer
marine litter
Schiffsroutenberatung f naut.
marine maritime weather routing
Meeresablagerung f geol.
Meeresablagerungen pl
marine deposit
marine deposits
Seeverkehr m naut.
marine traffic; maritime traffic
bitte decken Sie die Seeversicherung
please cover the marine insurance
Meerestier n zool.
Meerestiere pl
marine creature
marine creatures
Schutz m, Bewahrung f
Schutz der Meere
marine conservation
Gegentönung f, Tarntönung f (von Meerestieren) zool.
countershading (of marine species)
Gegentönung f; Tarntönung f (von Meerestieren) zool.
countershading (of marine species)
Schiffsmaschineningenieur m; Schiffsmaschineningenieurin f
Schiffsmaschineningenieure pl; Schiffsmaschineningenieurinnen pl
marine engineer
marine engineers
Schutz m; Bewahrung f
Schutz der Meere
marine conservation
Meeresökologe m
Meeresökologen pl
marine ecologist
marine ecologists
Meeresbiologe m; Meeresbiologin f biol.
Meeresbiologen pl; Meeresbiologinnen pl
marine biologist
marine biologists
marine Dämmerlichtzone f; Mesopelagial n geogr.
marine twilight zone; mesopelagic zone
Schiffsgasturbine f mach.
Schiffsgasturbinen pl
marine gas turbine
marine gas turbines
Bryopsis-Meeralgen pl (Bryopsis) (biologische Gattung) biol.
bryopsis marine algae (biological genus)
Ă–kosystem n
Ă–kosysteme pl
marines Ă–kosystem
marine ecosystem
Seegräser pl (Zostera) (botanische Gattung) bot.
marine eelgrass; eelgrass (botanical genus)
Meeresbiologie f; biologische Meereskunde f biol.
marine biology; thalassography; thalassology
Gesellschaft zum Schutz der Meeressäugetiere
Society for the Conservation of Marine Mammals
Marineinfanterie f mil.
Britische Marineinfanterie
US Marine Corps USMC
Royal Marines
Meeresgebiet n geogr.
Meeresgebiete pl
sea area; marine area
sea areas; marine areas
Marineinfanterie f mil.
Britische Marineinfanterie
US Marine Corps (USMC)
Royal Marines
Marineinfanterie f mil.
Britische Marineinfanterie
US Marine Corps USMC
Royal Marines
Meeresschildkröten pl (Cheloniidae) (zoologische Überfamilie) zool.
sea turtles; marine turtles (zoological superfamily)
Meeresforschungsinstitut n
Meeresforschungsinstitute pl
marine research institute
marine research institutes
Meeresenergie f phys.
marine energy; marine power; ocean power; ocean energy
Schiffsroutenberater m naut.
Schiffsroutenberater pl
(marine maritime) weather routing expert
weather routing experts
Meeresschutzgebiet n
Meeresschutzgebiete pl
das größte Meeresschutzgebiet der Welt
marine reserve
marine reserves
the world 's biggest marine reserve
physikalische Meereskunde f; Meereswissenschaft f; Ozeanografie f; Ozeanologie f sci.
marine science; oceanography; oceanology; thalassography; thalassology
Meeresforschung f
wissenschaftliche Meeresforschung betreiben
marine research; ocean research
to conduct marine scientific research
Schifffahrtssachverständiger m; Schiffsbegutachter m
Schifffahrtssachverständigen pl; Schiffsbegutachter pl
marine surveyor; surveyor of ships
marine surveyors; surveyors of ships
Seeunfall m naut.
Seeunfälle pl
marine casualty; maritime casualty
marine casualties; maritime casualties
Vordringen n; Transgression f geol.
Vordringen des Meeres; marine Transgression
Vordringen von SĂĽmpfen; Versumpfung
encroachment; transgression
marine transgression
encroachment of swamps
Vordringen n; Transgression f geol.
Vordringen des Meeres; Meerestransgression; positive Strandverschiebung
Vordringen von SĂĽmpfen; Versumpfung
encroachment; transgression
marine transgression
encroachment of swamps
Seeunfalluntersuchung f naut.
Seeunfalluntersuchungen pl
marine maritime casualty investigation
marine maritime casualty investigations
Anwuchs m; unerwĂĽnschte Anlagerungen pl (an SchiffsrĂĽmpfen etc. im Meerwasser) envir.
biofouling; biological fouling; marine fouling; marine growth (on ships' hulls etc.)
Anwuchs m; unerwĂĽnschte Anlagerungen pl (an SchiffsrĂĽmpfen usw. im Meerwasser) envir.
biofouling; biological fouling; marine fouling; marine growth (on ships' hulls etc.)
KĂĽstenterrasse f geol.
coastal terrace shore terrae; beach terrace; face terrace; wave-cut platform; marine bench
Rhinella-Kröten pl (Rhinella) (zoologische Untergattung)
Riesenkröte f; Agakröte f (Rhinella marina)
beaked toads; Rio Viejo toads (zoological subgenus)
cane toad; marine toad; giant neotropical toad
Schiffstreibstoff m; Schiffsdiesel m
Marinedieselöl n
Schweröl n für Schiffe; marines Rückstandsöl n; Bunkertreibstoff m
marine diesel
marine diesel oil MDO
heavy fuel oil; marine (residual) fuel oil MFO ; bunker fuel
Seeunfall m naut.
Seeunfälle pl
marine casualty; maritime casualty; sea accident
marine casualties; maritime casualties; sea accidents
Seegräser pl (Zostera) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Echtes Seegras n; Gewöhnliches Seegras n; Gemeines Seegras n; Großes Seegras n (Zostera marina)
Zwergseegras n (Zostera noltii)
marine eelgrasses; eelgrasses (botanical genus)
common eelgrass; seawrack
dwarf eelgrass; dwarf grass-wrack
Säugetier n; Säuger m; Mammalier m zool.
Säugetiere pl; Säuger pl; Mammalier pl
Kleinsäuger pl
mittelgroße Säuger
Großsäuger pl
Meeressäugetiere pl; Meeressäuger pl
Klasse der Säugetiere
mammal; mammalian
mammals; mammalians
small mammals
medium-sized mammals
large mammals
marine mammals
Schiffsschraube f naut.
Schiffsschrauben pl
marine screw propeller; marine propeller screw; ship's propeller
marine screw propellers; marine propeller screws; ship's propellers
Meeresströmung f
Meeresströmungen pl
Meeresströmung an der Oberfläche
tiefe Meeresströmung
ocean current; sea current; marine current; drift
ocean currents; sea currents; marine currents; drifts
surface current
deep current
Sedimentablagerung f; Sedimentakkumulation f; Sedimentbildung f; Sedimentation f (Vorgang) geol.
Ablagerung in Meeren
Ablagerung von Sedimenten unter Landbedingungen
gleichzeitige Ablagerung von etw.
sedimentary deposition; sedimentary accumulation; sedimentation
marine sedimentation
terrestrian sedimentation
co-sedimentation of sth.
Seekarte f naut.
Seekarten pl
das Besteck machen; den Schiffsort bezeichnen
sea chart; nautical chart; marine chart; naval chart; hydrographic(al) map
sea charts; nautical charts; marine charts; naval charts; hydrographic(al) maps
to prick the chart
Lotse m; Lotsin f; Fluglotse m; Fluglotsin f aviat.
Lotsen pl; Lotsinnen pl; Fluglotsen pl; Fluglotsinnen pl
Schiffslotse m
ĂĽbergebender Lotse
air traffic controller; flight controller
air traffic controllers; flight controllers
marine pilot; maritime pilot; harbour pilot Br., harbor pilot Am.
transferring controller
Beutegreifer m; beutegreifendes Tier n; Raubtier n zool.
Beutegreifer pl; beutegreifende Tiere pl; Raubtiere pl
Anschleichjäger m
Landraubtier n
Seeraubtier n
Wasserraubtier n
predator; beast of prey
predators; beasts of prey
ambush predator
land predator carnivore; terrestrial predator carnivore
sea predator carnivore; marine predator carnivore
aquatic predator
Raubtier n zool.
Raubtiere pl
Anschleichjäger m zool.
Landraubtier n
Seeraubtier n
Wasserraubtier n
predator; beast of prey; carnivore
predators; beasts of prey; carnivores
ambush predator
land predator carnivore; terrestrial predator carnivore
sea predator carnivore; marine predator carnivore
aquatic predator
Umweltverschmutzung f; Verschmutzung f envir.
industrielle Verschmutzung
landwirtschaftliche Verschmutzung
Verschmutzung der Meere
Verschmutzung aus der oder durch die Luft
Verschmutzung vom Lande aus
pollution; environmental pollution; pollution of the environment
industrial pollution
agricultural pollution
pollution of the marine environment
pollution from or through the atmosphere
pollution from land-based sources
Klima n geogr.
gemäßigtes Klima
mildes Klima
raues Klima
äquatoriales Klima
arktisches Klima
nivales Klima
ozeanisches Klima
polares Klima
regionales Klima
tropisches Klima
moderate climate; temperate climate; equable climate
bland climate
tough climate
equatorial climate
arctic climate
nival climate
marine climate; oceanic climate
polar climate
regional climate; macroclimate
tropical climate
Klima n geogr.
gemäßigtes Klima
mildes Klima
raues Klima
äquatoriales Klima
arktisches Klima
nivales Klima
ozeanisches Klima
polares Klima
regionales Klima
Seeklima n
tropisches Klima
moderate climate; temperate climate; equable climate
bland climate
tough climate
equatorial climate
arctic climate
nival climate
marine climate; oceanic climate
polar climate
regional climate; macroclimate
maritime climate
tropical climate
Ă–kologie f envir.
angewandte Ă–kologie
aquatische Ă–kologie
chemische Ă–kologie
Humanökologie f
industrielle Ă–kologie
Meeresökologie f
terrestrische Ă–kologie
Verhaltensökologie f
Ă–kologie der Erde
Ă–kologie der Ă–kosysteme
Ă–kologie der Pflanzen
ecology; ecoscience
applied ecology
aquatic ecology
chemical ecology
human ecology
industrial ecology
marine ecology
terrestrial ecology
behavioural Br. behavioral Am. ecology
global ecology
ecosystem(s) ecology
plant ecology; vegetation ecology
Umweltverschmutzung f; Verschmutzung f der Umwelt; Umweltkontaminierung f; Umweltkontamination f envir.
akustische Umweltverschmutzung
industrielle Verschmutzung
Lichtverschmutzung f; Lichtsmog m
Umweltbelastung durch die Landwirtschaft
Verschmutzung der Meere
Verschmutzung aus der oder durch die Luft
Verschmutzung vom Lande aus
environmental pollution; pollution of the environment; pollution
sound pollution; acoustic pollution
industrial pollution
light pollution; light smog
agricultural pollution
pollution of the marine environment
pollution from or through the atmosphere
pollution from land-based sources
Umweltkunde f; Ă–kologie f envir.
angewandte Ă–kologie
aquatische Ă–kologie
chemische Ă–kologie
Humanökologie f
industrielle Ă–kologie
Meeresökologie f
terrestrische Ă–kologie
Verhaltensökologie f
Ă–kologie der Erde
Ă–kologie der Ă–kosysteme
Ă–kologie der Pflanzen
metabolische Theorie der Ă–kologie
ecology; ecoscience
applied ecology
aquatic ecology
chemical ecology
human ecology
industrial ecology
marine ecology
terrestrial ecology
behavioural Br. behavioral Am. ecology
global ecology
ecosystem(s) ecology
plant ecology; vegetation ecology
metabolic theory of ecology
Ă–kosystem n envir.
Ă–kosysteme pl
abhängiges Ökosystem
anthropogenes Ă–kosystem
aquatisches hydrisches Ă–kosystem
arides Ă–kosystem; Ă–kosystem der ariden Zone
empfindliches Ă–kosystem
forstliches Ă–kosystem
Ökosystem der gemäßigten Zone
globales Ă–kosystem
labiles Ă–kosystem
Ă–kosystem des Meeres; marines Ă–kosystem
natĂĽrliches Ă–kosystem
naturnahes Ă–kosystem
Ă–kosystem des offenen Ozeans
ozeanisches Ă–kosystem
städtisches urbanes Ökosystem; Ökosystem Stadt
terrestrisches Ă–kosystem
Ökosystem der stehenden Gewässer
Ă–kosystem der Tropenzone
dependent ecosystem
anthropogenic ecosystem
aquatic ecosystem
arid-zone ecosystem
fragile ecosystem
woodland forest ecosystem
temperate-zone ecosystem
global world ecosystem
non-equilibrium ecosystem
marine ecosystem
natural wild ecosystem
semi-natural ecosystem
open-ocean ecosystem
oceanic ecosystem
city urban ecosystem
terrestrial land ecosystem
standing-water ecosystem
tropical-zone ecosystem
Ă–kosystem n envir.
Ă–kosysteme pl
abhängiges Ökosystem
anthropogenes Ă–kosystem
aquatisches hydrisches Ă–kosystem
arides Ă–kosystem; Ă–kosystem der ariden Zone
empfindliches Ă–kosystem
forstliches Ă–kosystem
Ökosystem der gemäßigten Zone
globales Ă–kosystem
labiles Ă–kosystem
Ă–kosystem des Meeres; marines Ă–kosystem
natĂĽrliches Ă–kosystem
naturnahes Ă–kosystem
Ă–kosystem des offenen Ozeans
ozeanisches Ă–kosystem
städtisches urbanes Ökosystem; Ökosystem Stadt
terrestrisches Ă–kosystem
Ökosystem der stehenden Gewässer
Ă–kosystem der Tropenzone
Zustandswechsel eines Ă–kosystems
dependent ecosystem
anthropogenic ecosystem
aquatic ecosystem
arid-zone ecosystem
fragile ecosystem
woodland forest ecosystem
temperate-zone ecosystem
global world ecosystem
non-equilibrium ecosystem
marine ecosystem
natural wild ecosystem
semi-natural ecosystem
open-ocean ecosystem
oceanic ecosystem
city urban ecosystem
terrestrial land ecosystem
standing-water ecosystem
tropical-zone ecosystem
regime shift of an ecosystem
Seefrachtbrief m; Schiffsfrachtbrief m; Konnossement n transp. adm.
Seefrachtbriefe pl; Schiffsfrachtbriefe pl; Konnossemente pl
Seefrachtbrief in doppelter Ausfertigung
Binnenkonnossement; Flussladeschein; Ladeschein
Durchfrachtkonnossement; Durchkonnossement; durchgehendes Konnossement; Transitkonnossement
reiner Seefrachtbrief; Konnossment ohne einschränkenden Vermerk
unreiner Seefrachtbrief; Konnossement mit Vorbehalten
laut Schiffsfrachtbrief
einen Seefrachtbrief ausstellen
bill of lading B L
bills of lading
bill of lading drawn in two copies
inland waterway bill of lading
on-board bill of lading; shipped bill of lading
through bill of lading
port bill of lading
bill of lading to bearer
custody bill of lading
straight bill of lading Am.
order bill of lading; bill of lading (made out) to order
marine bill of lading; ocean bill of lading
received for shipment bill of lading
transhipment bill of lading; transshipment bill of lading
clean bill of lading
dirty foul claused bill of lading
as per bill of lading
to make out a bill of lading

Deutsche Marine Synonyme

Flotten...  ÂMarine...  Âvon  der  Marine  
Kriegsmarine  ÂMarine  ÂSeestreitkraft  
marine animal  Loch Ness monster  alevin  benthon  benthos  cetacean  crustacean  dolphin  dugong  fingerling  
marine  Naval Construction Battalion  Naval Reservist  RN  Royal Marine  Royal Navy  Seabee  Seabees  USN  United States Navy  
merchant marine  Naval Construction Battalion  RN  Royal Navy  Seabees  USN  United States Navy  argosy  armada  bottoms  

Englische marine Synonyme

marine  Naval Construction Battalion  Naval Reservist  RN  Royal Marine  Royal Navy  Seabee  Seabees  USN  United States Navy  abyssal  aquatic  argosy  armada  bathyal  bathybic  bathymetric  bathyorographical  bathysmal  benthic  bluejacket  boot  cadet  coast guard  deep-sea  division  escadrille  fleet  flotilla  fluvial  fluviatile  frogman  gob  horse marine  hydrographic  jolly  lacustrine  maritime  merchant fleet  merchant marine  merchant navy  midshipman  midshipmite  mosquito fleet  nautical  naval  naval cadet  naval forces  naval militia  naval reserve  navigational  navy  navy man  ocean-going  oceanic  oceanographic  pelagic  salty  sea  seafaring  seagoing  seamanlike  seamanly  squadron  swabbie  task force  task group  terriginous  thalassic  water-borne  
marine animal  Loch Ness monster  alevin  benthon  benthos  cetacean  crustacean  dolphin  dugong  fingerling  fish  fry  game fish  grilse  harbor seal  kipper  man-eater  man-eating shark  manatee  minnow  minny  nekton  octopus  panfish  plankton  porpoise  salmon  sea dog  sea lion  sea monster  sea pig  sea serpent  sea snake  sea urchin  seal  shark  shellfish  smolt  sponge  squid  tropical fish  walrus  whale  
mariner  adventurer  alpinist  astronaut  bluejacket  camper  climber  comers and goers  commuter  cosmopolite  cruiser  excursionist  explorer  fare  globe-girdler  globe-trotter  gob  goer  hajji  jack  jack-tar  jet set  jet-setter  journeyer  limey  mountaineer  old salt  palmer  passenger  passerby  pathfinder  pilgrim  pioneer  rating  rubberneck  rubbernecker  sailor  salt  sea dog  seaman  shellback  sightseer  straphanger  swab  swabbie  tar  tarpaulin  tourer  tourist  trailblazer  trailbreaker  transient  traveler  trekker  tripper  viator  visiting fireman  voortrekker  voyager  voyageur  wayfarer  world-traveler  

marine Definition

(a.) Formed by the joint action of a river and the sea, as deposits at the mouths of rivers.
(a.) Of or pertaining to the sea
(a.) Formed by the action of the currents or waves of the sea
(a.) A solider serving on shipboard
(a.) The sum of naval affairs
(a.) A picture representing some marine subject.

marine Bedeutung

marine animal
marine creature
sea animal
sea creature
any of numerous animals inhabiting the sea including e.g. fishes and molluscs and many mammals
sea turtle
marine turtle
any of various large turtles with limbs modified into flippers, widely distributed in warm seas
marine iguana
Amblyrhynchus cristatus
shore-dwelling seaweed-eating lizard of the Galapagos Islands
marine mussel
marine bivalve mollusk having a dark elongated shell, live attached to solid objects especially in intertidal zones
fish tank
marine museum
a tank or pool or bowl filled with water for keeping live fish and underwater animals
floating mine
marine mine
an explosive mine designed to destroy ships that bump into it
cargo ships
merchant marine
merchant vessels
conveyance provided by the ships belonging to one country or industry
marine archeology
marine archaeology
underwater archeology
underwater archaeology
the archeology of underwater sites
United States Marine Corps
United States Marines
Marine Corps
US Marine Corps
an amphibious division of the United States Navy
Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
an agency of the United States Marine Corps that provides responsive and broad intelligence support for the worldwide Marine Corps organization
merchant marine the crew of a merchant vessel
maritime law
marine law
admiralty law
the branch of international law that deals with territorial and international waters or with shipping or with ocean fishery etc.
devil dog
shipboard soldier
a member of the United States Marine Corps
marine a soldier who serves both on shipboard and on land
marine engineer
naval engineer
a naval officer responsible for the operation and maintenance of the ship's engines
marine glue glue that is not water soluble
marine native to or inhabiting the sea, marine plants and animals such as seaweed and whales
marine relating to or characteristic of or occurring on or in the sea
marine of or relating to the sea, marine explorations
marine of or relating to military personnel who serve both on land and at sea (specifically the U.S. Marine Corps), marine barracks
nautical maritime
relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or seamen, nautical charts, maritime law, marine insurance
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127 Bewertungen 4


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Marine is an adjective that means of, or pertaining to, the sea or ocean, such as marine biology, marine ecology and marine geology. In scientific contexts, marine almost always refers to seawater environments. In other contexts it may refer to any navigable body of water.

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