
mask Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Maske, maskieren
abdecken, Maske
Beatmungsmaske f
air mask
gas mask
Netzmaske f comp.
net mask
maskenartig adj
edit mask
Mundschutz m med.
face mask
death mask
Totenmaske f
death mask
oxygen mask
Gesichtsschutz m
safety mask
Ätzmaske f
etching mask
Maske f; feste Bitgruppe f comp.
Masken pl; feste Bitgruppen pl
Maske f, Gesichtsmaske f
Masken pl, Gesichtsmasken pl
Strumpfmaske f
stocking mask
maskengesteuert adj comp.
Atemschutzarbeiten pl techn.
air mask works
protective mask
maskenprogrammiert adj comp.
Fehlerreportmaske f
error report mask
error report mask
Berechtigungsmaske f
authorization mask
authorization mask
Lötstoppmaske f
solder resist mask
Netzmaske f telco. comp.
Netzmasken pl
net mask
net masks
Bitmaske f comp.
Bitmasken pl
bit mask
bit masks
Beatmungsmaske f
Beatmungsmasken pl
air mask
air masks
additional text mask
Zusatztextmaske f
additional text mask
Gasmaske f
Gasmasken pl
gas mask
gas masks
Mundschutz m med.
Mundschutze pl
face mask
face masks
Ausgabemaske f
Ausgabemasken pl
edit mask
edit masks
Staubschutzmaske f; Staubmaske f
Staubschutzmasken pl; Staubmasken pl
dust mask
dust masks
Schlafmaske f; Schlafbrille f; Nachtmaske f
Schlafmasken pl; Schlafbrillen pl; Nachtmasken pl
sleep mask
sleep masks
Totenmaske f
Totenmasken pl
death mask
death masks
abdecken; verbergen; maskieren; tarnen v
abdeckend; verbergend; maskierend; tarnend
abgedeckt; verborgen; maskiert; getarnt
to mask
Sauerstoffmaske f
Sauerstoffmasken pl
oxygen mask
oxygen masks
Sauerstoffvollmaske f; Sauerstoffmaske f
Sauerstoffvollmasken pl; Sauerstoffmasken pl
oxygen mask
oxygen masks
Lochmaske f
Lochmasken pl
shadow mask
shadow masks
Suchmaske f
Suchmasken pl
search mask
search masks
abdecken, verbergen, maskieren, tarnen
abdeckend, verbergend, maskierend, tarnend
abgedeckt, verborgen, maskiert, getarnt
to mask
Bildschirmmaske f comp.
Bildschirmmasken pl
screen mask
screen masks
Beatmungsbeutel m med.
bag valve mask resuscitator
Ätzmaske f
Ätzmasken pl
etching mask
etching masks
Strumpfmaske f
Strumpfmasken pl
stocking mask
stocking masks
Maskenlatz m (Fechten) sport
Maskenlatze pl
mask bib (fencing)
mask bibs
Schutzmaske f
Schutzmasken pl
protective mask
protective masks
Atemschutzmaske f, Atemmaske f
Atemschutzmasken pl, Atemmasken pl
respirator mask
respirator masks
Atemschutzmaske f; Atemmaske f
Atemschutzmasken pl; Atemmasken pl
respirator mask
respirator masks
Netzmaske f; Netzwerkmaske f; Subnetzmaske f comp.
network mask; netmask; subnet mask
Kopfmaske f; Sturmmaske f (aus Stoff)
balaclava helmet; balaclava; ski mask
Fehlerreportmaske f
Fehlerreportmasken pl
error report mask
error report masks
Fechtmaske f (Fechten) sport
Fechtmasken pl
fencing mask (fencing)
fencing masks
maskenartiges Gesicht n; Maskengesicht n
mask-like face; mask face; masked facies
Sehschlitz m (Maske, Rüstung)
Sehschlitze pl
eye-slit (mask, suit of armour)
Maske f; Gesichtsmaske f; Larve f
Masken pl; Gesichtsmasken pl; Larven pl
die Maske fallen lassen übtr.
to show one's true colours fig.
Eingabemaske f
Eingabemasken pl
entry form; input mask
entry forms; input masks
Eingabemaske f
Eingabemasken pl
entry form, input mask
entry forms, input masks
Brandfluchthaube f, Brandfluchtmaske f, Brandschutzhaube f, Brandschutzmaske f
(emergency escape) smoke hood, fire emergency mask
Larynxmaske f; Kehlkopfmaske f med.
Larynxmasken pl; Kehlkopfmasken pl
laryngeal mask airway LMA
laryngeal mask airways
Menümaske f; Menüanzeige f comp.
Menümasken pl; Menüanzeigen pl
menu mask; menu display
menu masks; menu displays
Larynxmaske f; Kehlkopfmaske f med.
Larynxmasken pl; Kehlkopfmasken pl
laryngeal mask airway LMA
laryngeal mask airway s
etw. freistellen v (Bildbearbeitung)
to cut out () sth.; to mask out () sth.; to isolate sth.
Atembeutelmaske f; Maskenatembeutel m; Ambu-Beutel m med.
Atembeutelmasken pl; Maskenatembeutel pl; Ambu-Beutel pl
bag valve mask resuscitator
bag valve mask resuscitators
Sauerstoffmaske f
Sauerstoffmasken pl
small oxygen mask; breathing mask
small oxygen masks; breathing masks
Gesichtsmaske f; Maske f; Larve f veraltet (Gesichtsnachbildung zur Verkleidung)
Gesichtsmasken pl; Masken pl; Larven pl
face mask; mask; false face (as a disguise)
face masks; masks; false faces
abkleben v
klebt ab
klebte ab
(vor dem Streichen) ein Fenster abkleben
to mask
to mask a window (before painting)
Sturmhaube f; Kopfmaske f; Sturmmaske f (aus Stoff) textil.
Sturmhauben pl; Kopfmasken pl; Sturmmasken pl
balaclava helmet; balaclava; ski mask
balaclava helmets; balaclavas; ski masks
Maske f; Gesichtsmaske f (zum Unkenntlichmachen des Gesichts)
Masken pl; Gesichtsmasken pl
Strumpfmaske f
mask; face mask (to make your face unrecognizable)
masks; face masks
stocking mask
Brandfluchthaube f; Brandfluchtmaske f; Brandschutzhaube f; Brandschutzmaske f
Brandfluchthauben pl; Brandfluchtmasken pl; Brandschutzhauben pl; Brandschutzmasken pl
(emergency escape) smoke hood; fire emergency mask
smoke hoods; fire emergency masks
Gesichtsmaske f; Gesichtspackung f (Kosmetik)
Gesichtsmasken pl; Gesichtspackungen pl
eine Gesichtsmaske auftragen
face mask; face pack Br. (cosmetics)
face masks; face packs
to apply a face mask pack
Sauerstoffmaske f
Sauerstoffmasken pl
Hochkonzentrationsmaske f
small oxygen mask; breathing mask
small oxygen masks; breathing masks
non-rebreather mask
Berechtigungsmaske f
Berechtigungsmasken pl
authorization mask eAm.; authorisation mask Br.
authorization masks; authorisation masks
Streifenmaske f
Streifenmasken pl
aperture grille; aperture grill; tension mask
aperture grilles; aperture grills; tension masks
Gesichtsmaske f; Maske f
Gesichtsmasken pl; Masken pl
Gesichtsschutzmaske f
über eine Gesichtsmaske Sauerstoff einatmen
face mask; mask
face masks; masks
protective face mask
to breathe oxygen through a face mask
Feuchtigkeitsmaske f (Kosmetik)
Feuchtigkeitsmasken pl
moisturising mask Br.; moisturizing mask Am. (cosmetic)
moisturising masks; moisturizing masks
Feuchtigkeitsmaske f (Kosmetik)
Feuchtigkeitsmasken pl
moisturising mask Br.; moisturizing mask Am. (cosmetics)
moisturising masks; moisturizing masks
Spuckschutzhaube f; Spuckhaube f; Spuckschutz m; Spuckmaske f (für spuckende Angreifer)
Spuckschutzhauben pl; Spuckhauben pl; Spuckschutze pl; Spuckmasken pl
spit hood; mesh hood; spit guard; spit mask (for spitting attackers)
spit hoods; mesh hoods; spit guards; spit masks
jds. Maske; jds. Fassade f (die das wahre Wesen von jdm. verdeckt) übtr.
seine die Maske fallenlassen
sb.'s mask; facade; false front; front (that covers the true nature of sb.) fig.
to drop your mask; to show your true colours
Eingabemaske f; Einstiegsmaske f; Datenerfassungsmaske f comp.
Eingabemasken pl; Einstiegsmasken pl; Datenerfassungsmasken pl
opening mask; input mask; data entry mask; entry mask; data entry form; entry form
opening masks; input masks; data entry masks; entry masks; data entry forms; entry forms
etw. ausblenden v electr.
to blind out; to mask out; to mask off; to mask; to strip sth.
blinding out; masking out; masking off; masking; striping
blinded out; masked out; masked off; masked; stripped
etw. ausblenden v electr.
to blind out; to mask out; to mask off; to mask; to strip sth.
blinding out; masking out; masking off; masking; stripping
blinded out; masked out; masked off; masked; stripped
Narkosemaske f med.
Narkosemasken pl
Schimmelbusch'sche Narkosemaske
face mask for anaesthesia Br. anesthesia Am.; anaesthetic mask Br.; anesthetic mask Am.
face masks for anaesthesia anesthesia; anaesthetic masks; anesthetic masks
Schimmelbusach's mask for anaesthesia anesthesia
Atemschutzmaske f; Atemmaske f
Atemschutzmasken pl; Atemmasken pl
Mund-Nase-Maske f; Mund-Nasenschutz m; OP-Gesichtsmaske f
Partikelfiltermaske f; partikelfilternde Halbmaske f; Feinstaubmaske f
breathing mask; respirator mask; respirator
breathing masks; respirator masks; respirators
medical mask; surgical mask; procedure mask
particle-filtering half mask; filtering facepiece mask; FFP mask; fine particle mask
Tragepflicht f
Helmtragepflicht f; Helmpflicht f
Maskentragepflicht f; Schutzmaskenpflicht f; Maskenpflicht f
wearing requirement; mandatory wearing of sth.; compulsory wearing of sth.
wearing requirement for helmets; helmet wearing requirement; mandatory wearing of helmets; mandatory helmet wearing; compulsory wearing of helmets
mask-wearing requirement; mandatory wearing of protective masks; compulsory mask wearing
über etw. hinwegtäuschen v (Sachverhalt)
Ihre Bemühungen können nicht über das eigentliche Problem hinwegtäuschen.
Diese Zahlen können nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, dass …
Das darf allerdings nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, dass …
to disguise; to obscure; to hide; to conceal; to mask sth. (facts)
disguising; obscuring; hiding; concealing; masking
disguised; obscured; hidden; concealed; masked
Her efforts cannot disguise the underlying problem.
These figures cannot disguise hide obscure the fact that …
Yet that should not be allowed to obscure mask the fact that
über etw. hinwegtäuschen v (Sachverhalt)
Ihre Bemühungen können nicht über das eigentliche Problem hinwegtäuschen.
Diese Zahlen können nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen dass ...
Das darf allerdings nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen dass ...
to disguise; to obscure; to hide; to conceal; to mask sth. (facts)
disguising; obscuring; hiding; concealing; masking
disguised; obscured; hidden; concealed; masked
Her efforts cannot disguise the underlying problem.
These figures cannot disguise hide obscure the fact that ...
Yet that should not be allowed to obscure mask the fact that
(inneres) Gefühl n; Empfinden n; Empfindung f geh. (jdm. gegenüber) psych.
Gefühle pl; Empfindungen pl
Einsamkeitsgefühle n
ein Gefühl der Verzweiflung
mit gemischten Gefühlen
jdm. gegenüber gemischte Gefühle haben
ein Gefühl hervorrufen
ein Gefühl erwidern v
seinen Gefühlen freien Lauf lassen
seine Gefühle ausdrücken
seine Gefühle unterdrücken
seine Gefühle verbergen
seine Gefühle zeigen
freundschaftliche Gefühle jdm. gegenüber hegen
innerste Gefühle
Ich werde das Gefühl nicht los, dass …
feeling (towards sb.)
feeling lonely; feelings of loneliness
a feeling of distress
with mixed feelings
to have mixed feelings about sb.
to arouse; to stir up a feeling
to reciprocate; return; requite formal a feeling
to give vent to one's feelings
to express; to vent your feelings
to bottle up repress suppress your feelings
to conceal hide mask your feelings
to show your feelings
to have harbour Br. harbor Am. warm feelings of friendship toward sb.
I can't escape the feeling that …
Festwertspeicher m; Festspeicher m; Dauerspeicher m; Permanentspeicher m; nichtflüchtiger Speicher m; nichtlöschbarer Speicher m comp.
abschmelzbarer Festwertspeicher
abschmelzbarer programmierbarer Festwertspeicher
einmal programmierbarer Festwertspeicher
elektrisch löschbarer Festwertspeicher
elektrisch löschbarer programmierbarer Festwertspeicher
elektrisch veränderbarer programmierbarer Festwertspeicher
löschbarer programmierbarer Festwertspeicher
maskenprogrammierbarer Festwertspeicher; maskenprogrammierter Festwertspeicher; Masken-ROM
programmierbarer Festwertspeicher
programmierbarer Urladefestspeicher
veränderbarer Festwertspeicher
read-only memory ROM ; RO memory; permament memory; non-volatile memory NVM ; non-erasable memory; read-only storage; RO storage; non-volatile storage; non-erasable storage
mapping programmable read-only memory; mapping PROM
fusable-link read-only memory FROM
fusible-link programmable ROM FPROM
one-time programmable non-volatile memory OTP NVM
electrically erasable read-only memory EEROM
electrically erasable programmable read-only memory EEPROM
electrically alterable programmable read-only memory EAPROM
erasable programmable read-only memory EPROM
mask-programmable read-only memory; mask-programmed ROM MROM
programmable read-only memory PROM
bootstrap PROM
alterable read-only memory AROM

Deutsche Maske maskieren Synonyme

kostümieren  Âmaskieren  Âverkleiden  
maskieren  Âunkenntlich  machen  Âverbergen  
Abbild  ÂAntlitz  ÂAussehen  ÂGesicht  ÂKonterfei  ÂMaske  ÂMiene  ÂMimik  ÂPhysiognomie  (fachsprachlich)  
camouflieren  Âden  Blicken  entziehen  Âkaschieren  Âmaskieren  Âtarnen  Âverbergen  Âverhehlen  Âverheimlichen  Âverstecken  
maskieren  unkenntlich machen  verbergen  

Englische mask Synonyme

mask  Kaffeeklatsch  aegis  affectation  air  alibi  anaglyph  apology  appearance  apply to  arm guard  aspect  backstop  bal  bal costume  bal masque  ball  barn dance  bas-relief  becloud  befog  belie  blanket  blind  block  blowout  blur  boss  buffer  bulwark  bumper  cameo  cameo glass  camouflage  canopy  cavo-rilievo  cloak  clothe  cloud  coat  cocktail party  coffee klatch  color  coloring  conceal  concealment  contraceptive  cope  copyright  costume party  country dance  cover  cover story  cover up  cover-up  coverage  covering  covert  coverture  cowl  cowling  crash helmet  curtain  cushion  cut glass  dance  dashboard  defend  device  dinner  dinner party  disguise  dissemble  dissembling  dissimulate  dissimulation  distort  distract attention from  dodger  domino  donation party  drape  drapery  dress up  eclipse  embellish  embossment  embroider  ensconce  enshroud  entertainment  envelop  excuse  facade  face  face mask  fakery  false colors  false face  false front  falsify  fancy-dress ball  feint  fender  festivity  film  finger guard  foot guard  front  fudge  fuse  garble  garden party  gild  gloss  gloss over  glyph  glyptograph  goggles  governor  guard  guardrail  guise  hand guard  handle  handrail  hanging  hard hat  helmet  hen party  hide  high relief  hood  hop  house party  house-raising  housewarming  housing  incognito  insulation  intaglio  intaglio rilevato  intaglio rilievo  interlock  keep under cover  knee guard  knuckle guard  lame excuse  laminated glass  lawn party  lay on  lay over  life preserver  lifeline  lightning conductor  lightning rod  locus standi  low relief  mantle  masked ball  masque  masquerade  masquerade ball  masquerade party  medal  medallion  miscite  miscolor  misquote  misreport  misrepresent  misstate  mixer  mudguard  muffle  muffler  mummery  nose guard  obduce  obfuscate  obscure  occult  ostensible motive  overlay  overspread  overstate  pad  padding  pall  palladium  party  patent  pervert  pil  
masked  armored  camouflaged  cased  ceiled  cloaked  clouded  coated  coped  covered  covert  cowled  curtained  disguised  eclipsed  encapsulated  encapsuled  encased  enveloped  enwrapped  filmed  floored  hooded  housed  in disguise  incog  incognito  loricate  loricated  mantled  masquerading  muffled  obscured  occulted  packaged  paved  roofed-in  screened  scummed  sheathed  shelled  shielded  shrouded  swathed  tented  under cover  veiled  walled  walled-in  wrapped  

mask Definition

(n.) An antimask.
(n.) A cover, or partial cover, for the face, used for disguise or protection
(n.) That which disguises
(n.) A festive entertainment of dancing or other diversions, where all wear masks
(n.) A dramatic performance, formerly in vogue, in which the actors wore masks and represented mythical or allegorical characters.
(n.) A grotesque head or face, used to adorn keystones and other prominent parts, to spout water in fountains, and the like
(n.) In a permanent fortification, a redoubt which protects the caponiere.
(n.) A screen for a battery.
(n.) The lower lip of the larva of a dragon fly, modified so as to form a prehensile organ.
(v. t.) To cover, as the face, by way of concealment or defense against injury
(v. t.) To disguise
(v. t.) To conceal
(v. t.) To cover or keep in check
(v. i.) To take part as a masker in a masquerade.
(v. i.) To wear a mask
Mask shell
() Any spiral marine shell of the genus Persona, having a curiously twisted aperture.

mask Bedeutung

mask activity that tries to conceal something, no mask could conceal his ignorance, they moved in under a mask of friendship
bar mask a catcher's mask with bars
birdcage mask a catcher's mask with a strong wire face
catcher's mask a mask to protect the face of the catcher in baseball
death mask a cast taken from the face of a dead person
domino half mask
eye mask
a mask covering the upper part of the face but with holes for the eyes
face mask mask that provides a protective covering for the face in such sports as baseball or football or hockey
fencing mask
fencer's mask
a face mask made of fine mesh that is worn over a fencer's face
life mask a cast taken from the face of a living person
mask a covering to disguise or conceal the face
mask a protective covering worn over the face
oxygen mask a breathing device that is placed over the mouth and nose, supplies oxygen from an attached storage tank
ski mask a woolen face mask to protect the face from cold while skiing on snow
welder's mask a mask that you wear for protection when doing welding
masquerade party
a party of guests wearing costumes and masks
mask of pregnancy
a tan discoloration of a woman's face that is associated with pregnancy or with the use of oral contraceptives
mask put a mask on or cover with a mask, Mask the children for Halloween
mask block out shield from light
mask cover with a sauce, mask the meat
hide under a false appearance, He masked his disappointment
make unrecognizable, The herb masks the garlic taste, We disguised our faces before robbing the bank
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